Krishnan guru murthy annoys me so much I can’t put use any other word to describe him by OTHER THAN ‘cunt’
He hates white people soooooooo much he is possibly even more racist than Dianne abbot [black shrek in a wig ]. He makes spiteful anti-white anti-secular anti-democratic statements every time he constructs a sentence – accusing all and sundry of being racist or islam-phobic every fucking time he is on the ch4 news.
Apparently all brexiters are xenophobes and all trump voters are racist and all UKIP voters are racist etc etc. It is endless and he gets away with this – he is the perfect example of the sort of immigrant that does nothing to enrich or help the UK -just fuel anger hate lies and elitist political correctness.
I say in fact he is the worst form of this on mainstream UK TV.
Krishnan guru-murthy should fuck off to where others share his extremist views IMHO
Nominated by: Steve Cook
This cunt is so very typical of the lefty cunts he appeals to. He does not have any arguments of his own and so is incapable of countering anybody elses. So he plays the man instead of the ball, calls people racist or sexist or islamophobic as if that was an argument. In his tiny mind and those of his audience that counts as a win. If you want to get fancy this type of argument is called “argumentum ad hominem” . Next time some cunt calls you racist for presenting a fact, such as “Black Americans account for 13% of the population but commit almost half of the violent crime” hit them straight back with “argumentum ad hominem” Instant win. Not that it would shut a cunt like KGM up as logic and facts mean fuck all to the cunt.
Seen this cunt around the area once before. Definitely a smug cunt. The cunt.
I always thought he was a cunt before he proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that he was a cunt. The first time I saw him, it took 9.57 seconds, which is faster than Usain Bolt, from when Channel 4 news music started until he opened his mouth. There was no possibility that he was anything other than a cunt and he’s increased his cuntitude with every breath. Totally tropical cunt, to paraphrase an old advert.
Should go and do a permanent 69 with Martin Bashir.
Is ‘Guru’ a name or a title? He’s unknown to me. I am guessing he’s an Indian cunt. Why didn’t he just go with The Guru Bagwash?
If a indian can sneak a yogi, guru, or any other mystical sounding bullshit into their name then its easy to swindle and fool people… like this cunt.
Ad hominem attacks are the norm today, it’s the only way that regressive lefties can win an argument, it’s all they’ve got. They’re pathetic, debate-stifling, first class cunts.
Lefty argument boils down to “We iz gudz, yooz iz badz” It is more religion than political theory, all beliefs and feels. Expect ad hominem, straw men, no true scotsman, moral equivalents and chronological snobbery. Kick them in the plums with a barage of facts and watch them go crying to their safe spaces. Cunts.
Not even brexit will offer protection of these cunts
Does anyone watch channel four? Cunt TV.
Guru Murthy is indeed a cunt, have you seen his fucking fat whore of a wife?
race means nothing to C4 NEWS. they are sooooooooo PC its feckin embarassing .that could be why they have a farcically out of proportion number of ethnic minority presenters. i am only surprised they haven’t yet taken on someone wearing a full face veil.