Marc Marquez


I’d like to cunt motorcycle racer Marc Marquez, now this guy guy being a 4 time world champion is obviously very good but at times and on several occasions this year he’s displayed that he has the brain of a hummingbird.

On 3 occasions this year he has ended up picking gravel out of his arse after attempting boneheaded moves and seems to have trouble accepting he can’t ride through other riders on circuit.

The little cunt needs a ban before he kills somebody.

Nominated by: Mr Cunty Pants

23 thoughts on “Marc Marquez

  1. It’s fucking Chico time all over again. To be honest, I’ve never heard of this guy. But he looks a cunt.

    • There have been a lot of crashes at this year’s Tour De France… Are they down to this gurning cunt?

  2. Am I the only one massively relieved at the near miss we all had today?

    In Zurich earlier, Sepp Blatter and Simon Brodkin came within feet of one another. If they had come into contact it most likely would have caused a tear between dimension and time, causing a black hole to envelope us all within an instant. Like two enormous cunt magnets of negative and….um…negative.

    Two people of that monstrous cuntitude being in that close proximity to each other was an extinction event waiting to happen.

  3. I liked to cunt Skrillex the fucking phony cunt for infecting people with his robotic diarrhea music devoid of any real talent it’s a good thing all his fan fags are too high on ecstasy or on methamphetmine to realize how shitte his music is. I dislike skrillex for multiple reasons mostly why his fabled “drops” sound like a down syndrome android taking a dump through a vocoder how that is genuis I will never know I don’t hate all edm but most of it is shite . No dubstep or brostep song that was made will be remembered or of serious quality in 20 years. Especially from this skrillex cunt it will be a fad that will die ,hopefully sooner than later . Ultimately, it will be remembered as a particularly embarrassing fad that testifies to the fail of cunts who are failed musicians . I’m also pretty sure this bellend gets fake views on youtube because I have no clue how 200,000,000 people think this is good music .Also to note is how he has stolen off most of the founders of dubstep, brostep, EDM and other shite masquerading as music.

    • If he has, as you say, no musical ability whatsoever then you can be rest assured he will be headlining the main stage at Glastonbury next year.

  4. Blatter getting any sort of stick is amusing, I agree… But ‘Lee Nelson’ is a cunt… In fact all ‘online pranksters’ are cunts…. No comedic talent, no talent whatsoever… So these knobs just do stupid stunts… It’s just Jeremy Beadle with Youtube…

    • Jeremy Beedle should have been arrested on numerous occasions for impersonating a police officer. Member of the Chelsea lodge I am informed.

  5. Skrillex is indeed a whopper of a cunt, TitSlapper…. How this ‘Der-Chik-A-Der’ shite or ‘Dalek Music’ (ie: it sounds like a Dalek after a bad curry!) is actually enjoyed or listened to I will never know…. Other offenders are The Prodigy…. Twenty plus years later, and their latest album is just like the same old gurn-bang shite they put out every other time… The Chemical Brothers are also cunts…. They can no longer rely on the ‘hip at the time guest stars’ (like that Gallagher cunt and other boring Britpop bellends!), so their latest album is also the same old bleeps, buzzes, and farts twaddle… Only without the ‘celebrity guest’ squawking…

    And that talentless cunt from The Prodigy (the grown man with bits of cabbage stuck to his head) is a prize cunt….

      • They thought they were being dead controversial and daring with ‘Smack My Bitch Up’…. When it was just the usual combination of crap drum machines, wonky air raid sirens, and all the other bog standard ‘Prodigy sounds’, only with a dirty video…

        The only imaginative thing they ever did was sample the Public Information Films cat, Charly… But they even overused that….

      • Smack my bitch haha I remember that shite. Then again it’s kinda hard to forget when they repeat it 300 times in the song same with Firestarter . I usually like nostalgia but
        not that kind .

      • I can tolerate a bit of 808 State , but all that boom boom ear shredding Prodigy shite is a no-no… And that spazzed out cunt from the Prodigy (the one that looks like a cross between the bald one from The Grumbleweeds and Alice Cooper) makes Bez look like Jimi Hendrix….

        And Underworld were cunts too… Prodigy-like crap with a brain dead ‘Shouting Lager! Lager! Lager!’ refrain that became an anthem for every moron in Britian in the 90s…

      • I recently heard Prodigy getting interviewed and it soon became apparent that they are public schoolboys with all the nonce baggage that comes with that. Posh fucking cunts masquerading as Joe public. I suspect their Parents were in Sique Sique Sputnick.

  6. Rita Ora is a cunt… This tuneless bint is basically (like Rihanna. Cyrus, Perry, Minaj etc) another slag masquerading as a singer…. She will do any old crap if the money is right (how else can you explain appearing on both The Voice and The X-Factor?)… Ora is another one who flashes the lot and does suggestive videos, then complains about the press not respecting her or her privacy… Then there’s the whole Cara-Delevingn (another cunt!) being her ‘Wifey’ and other such cod-chav bullshit…. Not to mention her seeing off more blokes than World War I (That Calvin Harris would shag anything, and he does!)… I remember when female singers and musicians had a bit of brains and substance (Laura Nyro, Kate Bush, Joan Armatrading being some of them)… Now female popular music is just one big peep show with a very crap soundtrack, thanks to the likes of Ora and all those other twerking tarts….

    And she looks (and sounds) like Sy Snootles from Jabba The Hutt’s house band….

    • Minaj has recently been photographed with her hands suggestively parting the cheeks of her arse as if to say, buy me dlink and you can look right up my shithole. Did the record companies deep freeze those whores infesting Siagon around 1975 just before the helicopter fucked off in order to launch them as idols via the Disney club ?

      • Nicki Minaj is a stupid stunned cunt with no talent and a fake arse the only reason she got a record contract is because she probably blew 20 guys probably executives and managers so she could infect shite music to the masses I assure you her Muzak propaganda is worse than opium . But Supposedly her music sounds really good on MDMA though, just joking it still sounds like shite .

  7. Rossi’s only mistake was leaving it to near the end of the season to boot the little twat off the track, should have done much earlier !

  8. Guys come oooon. Have some decency he might have been immature and irresponsible but let’s get over it now. He won the championship and he really deserved it throughout the whole 2016. He has shown some class , consistency and the point that he worked so hard for this makes me love him even more. He is simply the best there’s no doubt about that. For some of us his riding style may seem aggressive but it is still gonna get him to be winning more and more races. A round of applause for this for me he’s just a one of a kind and he deserves some love and support. Love this gorgeous man so muuuuch ??????

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