So, the knob-end that is Brand Beckham has decided to hang up his boots! Hoodey-fucking-ray-ray!!
Gives the cunt more time to hang around the gym perfecting his perfect figure so he looks good in his underwear ads with a sock stuffed down his shorts.
Please, Becks, PLEASE just fuck off and be a cunt somewhere nice and remote and quiet so we never hear about you ever ever again, you cunt!
Nominated by : Dioclese
Good riddance to the lisping caponised cunt. We hope. In my day – heavy leather balls, no shin pads ect – by God they knew how to put it about a bit. Tom Finney, Sir Stanley, they knew how to play and punch. Right up to ‘wait till I take me teeth out Bobby Stiles’ and ‘bites yer legs Norman Hunter’. Never see their like again. Bunch of overpaid pansy cunts now.
What is he retiring from? the cunts done fuck all for years.
To really impress, the only thing he should retire from is being a cunt. But that will never happen,
Take him out-and cunt punch his wife on the way
Yes, that is right but also cunt punch that cunting cunt himself.