Romany Blythe, a 45 year drama teaching cunt, used FarceBook to co-ordinate street parties to celebrate Thatcher’s death.
What does this teach her pupils? Well, that she’s a tasteless brain dead, lefty cunt of the first order for a start. Even Sex Pistol, Johnny Rotten, was appalled FFS!
The bitch should be sacked. You can’t have cunts like this teaching your kids.
Nominated by : Dioclese
Failed actress lefty cunt all very well and a bit mutton dressed as but is the filly fuckable? Personal opinion it would be a public service to move her cunt over to the right. Not sure if the plastic tits would stand up to it. Only one way to find out.
Point is can the filly take a Stoke poke or would the silicon tits explode?
point is.. in your back.. and your poor education put it there. I love you xx
what a well educated and intelligent lot you are
Fucking dumb arsed cunt waving the Red Flag of doom.
Fact: Stalin killed more people under that heathen rag than Hitler, why is it acceptable to fly the fucking thing? Does this dumbcunt understand that tens of millions of people were murdered, worked to death, starved etc under that communist shit stain of a flag?
If a drama teacher was pictured waving a Nazi flag would she not be fired? What’s the difference? Both flags represent variant forms of ‘socialism’, the one this cunthead is waving killed millions more.
I nominate all the middle-class Che Guvera shirt wearing clowns who fly the Red Flag as outright utter cunts.
And nobody was EVER murdered or enslaved under the butchers apron were they? Cunt.
if it annoys people like you “alfred garnet” then it is worth the effort comrade
Frankly, I would do her- I’ve done at lot worse, on many occasions (I’m a bit of a corset man myself). But ultimately, it is in the name. In my considered opinion: Romany equals Gypo. Uusually they fuck us….
This dumb fucking bitch brings cuntishness to a new level. She obviously needs a good fucking, by somebody wearing a Thatcher mask. I wouldn’t have this CUNT teach my kids.
You have kids? Were they born human?
The fact that there were parties says she wasn’t alone in celebrating. I did too. If that makes me a cunt, then I’m proud to be one. And it’s MR cunt to you fucking deadbeat untermensch.
Thatcher’s death was a wonderful excuse for a party. I hear that they’re gonna be running Grave Pissing day excursions next year.. so save up all that morning wee!
They had to keep the old cunts final position secret. She was so well loved it would have become a shrine. Waaaaaahaha, course not. Its secret because she was so hated. Even her kids hated her and the feeling was mutual. Thatcher is sucking satans cock now. Cunt
“Give us our thumbs.. give us our thumbs!”
Go on, I dare you!
And BTW. Lydon? Sell out, uncle Tom cunt who would sell his bondage trousers for a fucking knighthood. Sid was the star and Lydon only had McLaren’s hand up his arse like the fucking puppet he still is. Cunt
This site is a collection of cunts.
Nice tits though! And a lefty I`d love to fuck!
I hop she wins the lottery just to piss you all right off. Cunts
Hope that is. Still cunts
Thatcher dying was the best thing ever. Am still loving it!