I think we will all (hopefully) agree that Putin is a cunt, so this page has been set up to allow you to vent your feelings about the current invasion and occupation of Ukraine
3,719 thoughts on “Ukraine”
1200+ people, mostly civilians, have been killed in Mariupol. So many bodies that volunteers have had to dig mass graves/trenches to bury the dead without ceremony.
What did they ever do to deserve that?
Meanwhile MSN happily tells us that Holly Willoughby has a new spring blouse collection that everyone is raving about.
Oh, and some good news (if you’re Ben van Beurden). Shell has seen its profits surge 14 times since 2021, chiefly due to the rise in oil and gas prices.
As a consequence, Ben took home a rather nice £6.3m salary, up almost a million on the previous year. And that doesn’t factor in the current surge in oil prices!
However, a Shell spokesperson said that despite the profits, Shell was not in a commercial position to reduce its prices to the domestic market (no explanation as to why was given)
I suspect other fuel and domestic energy suppliers will announce similar profits over the next few months (Don’t forget Centrica made almost a £1bn in profits for 2021, and forecasters expect this may double or even triple this year due to the current crisis in Russia/Ukraine)
Arch cunt and Putin enabler Lavarov says Russia has no plans to invade other countries, and in fact hasn’t invaded Ukraine. Fake news apparently.
Que quisling apologist rhetoric in 3…2….1…
Kamletoe Harris has provided her in- depth analysis of the situation-
‘Ukraine is a country in Europe’ …..it exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong, and it goes against everything that we stand for’.
I’m not getting bored of watching Ukrainian farmers making off with Russian armour.
Unfortunately the rest is so unthinkable it’s grim.
And, I bet the Ukrainians would love to be bored of watching it happening to someone else, instead of hiding in basements with no food water or electricity.
Or lying dead in the streets.
First World problems eh?
The coverage is the replacement for Covid….after that debacle you have to have a huge story to continue with your wall to wall doom.
The alternatives are global warming (boring) Boris and his parties (even more boring) Covid (old news) or the nation’s best parasites, the Royal family (tedious)
The world has become very depressing since 2020 and I find myself retreating further every day away from people and things….
The age of complacency is over. By all means ignore the horrible stuff on the screens but, sadly, none of its going away. The world is indeed depressing.
Ruff, I couldn’t give a shit about Putin, Boris, Ukrainian Bloke or that guy in the US…they can all eat shit and die for all I care.
Human beings are just nasty cunts in general…nothing like the innocent people caught up in this are suffering but you can see what shits people are in general without having to look.
Sometimes I think an atom bomb would be best and leave the world for the birds and the animals.
I doubt the birds and our fellow animals would thank you for dropping that atom bomb Spanky. They are mortal too, you know. Besides, one atom bomb wouldn’t do jack shit to eradicate the human race, ask the Japanese.
The way I see things the only options are:
1. Putin is assassinated, commits suicide or dies of natural causes,
2. If Putin dies another warmonger is appointed meaning years of protracted guerrilla fighting on their own doorstep,
3. If Putin dies a good man is appointed, Russia withdraws and peace is restored (with reparations paid).
No NATO country is going to get involved because of the escalation risk but they can supply them with arms possibly through another non-NATO country and/or with “modifications” to the ordnance.
Does anybody think that the oligarchs and Russian diplomats should be taken out and shot by firing squad to show Putin we’re not fucking about?
One every half hour between Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway should do the trick.
Ant: We’ll execute one Oligarch or Diplomat every ‘alf ‘our until Putin announces a ceasefire and withdraws ‘is troops. Please make sure you ‘ave the billpayer’s permission when you phone to select your favourite for the firing squad.
Dec: Make sure the kids are in bed or out of the room. We ‘ad a lot of complaints when Roman Abramovich fell all bloodied and ‘urt ‘is ‘ead.
Ant: He lost ‘is ‘ead.
Dec: He really did lose ‘is ‘ead.
That should see their ratings go through the roof!
Just put into the search at the top. ‘Russian OIligarchs’. Came back with nothing. So these rich Russians who have been here for years who came here with their dubious wealth have never been cunted by anyone.
Mmm….I wonder why?
I am not watching the footage because I dont watch telly anymore. So mabe this sounds a little heartless.
Am interested in the reasons behind this.
Reading a piece by Buchanan who is a right wing speechwriter. Anyways after detaling the moral decline of the West. Asked (if there was a war)(this was before the War) ‘Whose side would God be on?’
Good question.
Got me thinking-you could see what is happening as a new Christian Crusade. Yes Putin a new Richard the Lionheart.
Komodo that Putin is a ‘Naoplen wannabe’. But how long has Putin been in power? Over 20 years. I think Napoleon got going with his military adventures pretty sharpish.
Been looking at Putin’s religiosity. I’ll put the link up. Think he is a believer. Dont think he wants more that what he’s saying he wants.
That Putin is the leader of the Christian right in the world now? Discuss.
The Chechen cunts didn’t get far. Belarus might pop in for a fight, and apparently Syrians sent by Assad as thanks for dropping sarin, chlorine, and barrel bombs on its citizens.
It’s going to get medieval there shortly, and there are still people defending Putin.
Apparently snipers play a large part in modern conflicts including this one.
Chechnya has the best in the world according to some military expert on tv.
Theyre renowned.
Quite a few Russian generals have croaked,
So maybe Ukrainian snipers are pretty good too?
There’s never just one side to any story no matter how partisan one may feel over the narrative.
There’s more likely to be two, three or four sides to it.
Especially where there are war mongering vpoliticians, politics and money etc.
One thing you can be certain of though – it’s always the innocents that suffer and not the perpetrators.
Most Putin critics do not consider him to be a madman.
Just a dangerous psychopath who is desperate to go down in history as something more than the grubby murderous kleptocrat he is, an ex KGB man who has ground the Russian economy into the dirt over the last 22 years. Russia is not even one of the top 10 of World economies, ffs, its GDP is now smaller than that of Italy or South Korea!
And anyone who considers Putin a Christian really needs their fucking head examining.
I personally don’t consider Putin a madman. He’s in with gangsters and too many of his critics have ended up dead in suspicious circumstances for them to be a chain of coincidences.
A caricature of an action film baddie perhaps, eh Meesterrr Bond?
With regards to the Christian question – The West has long since abandoned it’s Christian God, has instead embraced hedonism and atheism while cuckolding to the religion of peace.
A sure fire recipe for disaster.
Russia by comparison appears to have rediscovered and embraced it’s Orthodox heritage.
And I do emphasise ‘appears’ because I don’t live in Russia.
Putin being the new leader of the Christian right is stretching it a tad but it’s an interesting viewpoint all the same which in my opinion, you’re fully entitled to.
The Napoleon remark was a casual throwaway. Glad it annoyed you, but, although Napoleon also had “little man syndrome”…no. More of a wannabe Catherine the Great, I think. With bears rather than horses, perhaps.
Religious? Defender of Christian values? Piss off. Lying murdering cunt. Formalised the doctrine of “escalate to de-escalate” IOW escalate indefinitely until it all goes nuclear. Morally on a par with Tony Fucking Blair, another pious shit with a messiah complex. What would the sky fairy say? Maybe it’d do what it did in WW2 and permit the murder of six million of its chosen people (and ten million Russians, but let’s not complicate your simplistic ethics)
And yes, there are US rightwingers who ejaculate in synchronism with the likes of Putin, one, notably, being the disgusting cunt Trump. Putin represents a dream that is discouraged in democracies, of one man wielding unchecked power at the expense of a servile population. And of using force to suppress any other points of view. They give less than a flying fuck about the “freedom” they bellow about when they posture for their adoring redneck audiences. As, I imagine, do you.
Your average Russian is no more religious than your average Western European (ie: not much). There are deeply religious people in Russia – but the majority are not and only go through the religious motions when its expected of them (marriages, christenings, etc). Same as here.
Putin’s Christianity is a pose designed to distinguish himself as some ancient embodiment of historic Russian values.
Miles… in response to your link.
“In the new war of beliefs, Putin is saying, it is Russia that is on God’s side. The West is Gomorrah.”
No, this is part of the tactical conquest by division of Edom into warring factions, BOTH are considered by the hassidic rabbis to be Amalek. And what do the mitzvahs say about Amalek?
Christianity was/is the jew’s cuckolded continuum, a Trojan horse/device/psy-op by which they have embedded the elements of their own insane abrahamic ‘end times’ messianic beliefs into Western modernity.
As Komodo says…
“And yes, there are US rightwingers who ejaculate in synchronism with the likes of Putin, one, notably, being the disgusting cunt Trump.”
Christian zionism is THE default belief system in the U.S. but Donald (FID DEF) Trump’s son in law Kushner has donated $250,000 to Chabad, an organisation which openly calls for and desires nothing other than the utter destruction of Edom (christianity) and indeed ALL goyim (non jews)… you want links? I got ’em starting with Chabad UK .org, they don’t even hide it anymore.
Amalek is no longer regarded as a nation or a physical enemy as it was in biblical times. The Chabad website says Amalek no longer exists physically.
From the Chabad website –
“No longer a foreign nation, today’s Amalek is an internal enemy. We each have an Amalekite lurking within our very self. The inner Amalek is unholy cynicism. That little voice inside each of us that derides, belittles and attacks truth and goodness; our irrational tendency to mock people who act morally, to be cynical when we see altruism, to doubt our own or other’s sincerity – these are the modern day Amalekites. They wage a lethal war with our soul. If we let it, cynicism can kill our every attempt to improve ourselves and smother any move towards refining our character and expressing our soul.”
When they talk of killing Amalek they mean killing spiritual negativity within.
I read a good article earlier about Russian fake news. It showed some of the footage that had been doing the rounds, happily spread by the conspiritards. One picture showed a makeup artist applying blood and facial injuries to an actor, and it was pushed as evidence that the war in Ukraine was fake. However, the picture was from Ukraine, but was from a television drama filmed in 2019.
Another clip showed a large crowd of people in a city street, patiently waiting until the word action was shouted, with that the whole crowd started screaming and running in terror past the camera. This again was given as evidence that the whole Ukraine under attack fake. Again, this was from a film about aliens invading, as was filmed in fucking Birmingham!
What wasn’t mentioned in the article, but I found interesting was that these clips and stories don’t look or feel like they come from Russia, which is intentional, as perhaps some might think them suspect. I’m pretty sure at least one, if not both were posted here by a crank, as evidence of western lies. They’ve been so used to sharing the anti covid crap, the stolen election crap, the elites narrative, that it’s a knee jerk reaction to believe and share.
What do they always say? Do your research!
Putin a Christian?
Well I know nowt about Christianity,
But I wouldn’t be so quick to claim a man responsible for children trapped under rubble,
For babies without a mother or father.
For kids wounded in a conflict that was nothing to do with them.
‘It seems to me that in the present phase of European history the essential issue is no longer between Catholicism, on one side, and Protestantism, on the other, but between Christianity and Chaos…’
Christianity has played no part in politics since the 17th century. The Thirty Years War was the last religious war. And even that was about the power of princes and their territorial ambitions dressed as religion.
Evelyn Waugh was a devoted Catholic and a bit eccentric. A fantastic novelist as well. Black Mischief and Scoop is very funny and the Sword of Honour one of the finest WWII novels ever. But he was a crank and a bit of a pretentious throwback to the 14th century.
Hitchens takes a perverse pleasure in saying the opposite to everyone else. Sometimes he’s right, or he at least makes you think. Sometimes he gets it disastrously wrong, as with Bercow.
The atmosphere’s strange
Out on the town
Music for pleasure
It’s not music no more
Music to dance to
Music to move
This is music to march to
Do a war dance
A war dance!
Look at graffiti
Scrawled on the wall
You know the reason
Outside the door
You got something
Nasty in your mind
Trying to get out
Do a war dance
A war dance!
You’ve opened the pit
Honesty is sick
You try to be honest
Look what you get
The food runs short
And then the money talks
One way out
Your premonition is correct
‘If I were you, I would think about the lives of my people and take the offer,” Bennett told Zelensky during a phone call on Tuesday, according to the Ukrainian official, who spoke to Walla and Haaretz on condition of anonymity.’
I can just see the Israelis following their own advice and surrendering in similar circumstances, can’t you? Moshe Dayan’s ‘mad dog’ strategy is pretty close to Putin’s ‘escalate to de-escalate’ wheeze, too. Lot of shared ideas, there, and a lot of shared people, too.
Vasily (or lying bastard as most people know him) led the UN Security Council down a twisty road of falsehoods, fantasy and the downright bizzare. His ‘Walter Mitty’ like theories and accusations included :-
1. The USA having built a bioweapons research lab inside Ukraine, located near the Russian border which their troops were shocked go find
2. The pregnant Ukranian woman, stretchered out a bombed maternity hospital was in fact an actress wearing make-up. She also pretended to be several other pregant weapon, a doctor and 2 nurses.
3. Pictures of residential apartment buildings turned to rubble of being derelict unoccupied buildings.
4. Pictures of destroyed bridges, bombed childcare centres and devestated town and cities having been ‘photo-shopped’ or “not even pictures of Ukraine’
After Teddy’s performance, I hope Hollywood will reward him with a ‘science FICTION series’ or maybe he can get a gig on “whose LIE is it anyway”
‘The Western secular imagination doesn’t get this. It looks at Putin’s speech the other evening, and it describes him as mad — which is another way of saying we do not understand what is going on. And we show how little we understand by thinking that a bunch of sanctions is going to make a blind bit of difference. They won’t. “Ukraine is an inalienable part of our own history, culture and spiritual space” Putin said. That’s what this is all about, “spiritual space” — a terrifying phrase steeped in over a thousand years of Russian religious history.’
I agree. And if Putin is motivated by some misguided spiritual quest that’s even more reprehensible. Nothing is more dangerous, savage or inhumane than a religious nutcase.
What is fucking bizarre is that religious loons are usually deniers of faith being the cause, or the enabler of wars, usually referring to Hitler (brought up as a Catholic) and Stalin (brought up an orthodox Christian, one destined for the clergy) as atheists.
Make your minds up.
Never thought of Putain as mad. A psychopathic criminal despot gangster yes, but mad? There again, I do tend to think religious folk are gullible at best and mental at worst, so perhaps he is.
Going off track….I’ve just been catching up on this thread and saw that Cunty Gordon has got the push.
What I’m wondering is…he said that he wanted to go back to “cunting” people like we did “pre-covid”…just wondering what name he used if he was “cunting” back then?…as he got more excited,he seemed to get more Americanised…”dude,deerp etc.” but he certainly wrote very well,never as much as a comma out of place…just like the General.
I wonder if he was General Cuntster?….I know it seems unlikely….he was a Trump obsessive,so can’t imagine what interest he’s have in Ukraine….but,there’s just that inkling…can’t see why he was so desperate to get rid of the Ukraine thread.
I think there was more to Cunty than meets the eye, Dick. I believe he said he was Scottish? He certainly didn’t sound Scottish in his posts. Will we ever fathom the mystery that was Cunty Gordon?
I have reason to believe Cunty Gordon was Marco from Tropoja (Bryan Mills’ nemesis from Taken). He had clearly been hiding out in California since his staged electrocution in the 2008 film, hence the slew of grating Americanisms and his slavish belief in “alternative narratives”.
If General Cuntster was Cunty Gordon then he must have fried his brains with acid or magic mushrooms since he last posted here and went on to storm the Capitol building in Washington.
For what it’s worth, I don’t think CG is the General. My impression of CG was that he’s a millenial, the General is a boomer.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
I think the question is not who he was before, but who he will come back as. There is at least one former banned bellend with more than one account here, and he was obsessive, so it won’t be long.
I got the impression he is on the younger side rather than older, he may be Scottish and seem to remember him saying he was up in the land of the ginger.
He had a bee in his bonnet about casual racism and used the word crass on many occasions, not happy with the use of things like sooty and so on.
I tried to avoid news this week, the endless reports on Ukraine are just too much, fuck knows what these ‘reporters on the ground’ actually know, the Russian forces have been on the outskirts of Kyiv for 2 weeks, looks like they must be camped out there.
The city of Lviv seems to be the only place that hasn’t been attacked (yet)
I know most people are supporting Zelenskyy and of course he is ‘in the right’ but his country is being destroyed, he has to negotiate and give ground, there has to be a point at which the losses are not worth the flag.
I know this may be sound harsh but Ukraine would have been better off with a pro Russian leader, it’s all great having a pro western leader but not of the doorstep of the bear.
Zelenskyy maybe the darling of the west but where the fuck is his “bravery” going to get his beloved Ukrainian brethren?
He’s been sold a puppy by the west who will happily fund yet another proxy war but have no intention of getting involved because it’s a lose lose situation.
Probably a very unpopular opinion on this most partisan of Isac threads but I can’t see any other outcome except the prolonged suffering of the Ukrainian people.
No, you’ve definitely got a point. Question is, where does appeasement stop?
The Russian playbook lacks originality, and its intentions seem clear. As in Georgia, as in Transnistria, as in Crimea, so in Donetsk. Stir up the separatists, clandestinely at first and later overtly, arm them, then bite off a chunk of the target’s territory. If the target objects, walk in in force, happily breaching treaties, obligations and international law on the way. Rinse and repeat. Ukraine under Russian control is a splendid springboard for Poland, Hungary, Romania and even the Czech splinters and Bulgaria. Ivan has no intention of ignoring Georgia, either. Two hundred years on, this is still the Great Game….”The Bear shall not have Constantinople?” Without NATO resistance, it’s, goodbye the Baltics, too and isn’t that Finland I see on the new border?
Putin’s very loud about defending World Russia from NATO’s eastward advance, but NATO has not used force to achieve its increased influence. Russia moving West has, and will continue to do so. Stop it? Or bow to the inevitability of being ruled badly by an unelected cunt in a police state?
I’ve never been within 50 miles of a shot fired in anger (ok, maybe the odd pigeon) and I don’t want to come across as a keyboard commando, but I’m enough of a patriot to suss that Putin is an unscrupulous and vicious cunt in charge of a large and lethal military which threatens my freedoms.
I don’t rate Ukrainians as anything special. Both Nazi and Soviet Ukranians had records as filthy as any Russian or German, last century. This proxy war doesn’t benefit anyone except the arms industry. Our standard of living as well as Russia’s will suffer severely, and Ukraine’s catastrophically. Sure. I get it.
But the Ukrainian-speaking Ukranians don’t want their world to be run by Russians. Neither do I. And I support that.
‘Kirill’s voice matters as the head of Russia’s largest religious body – which claims Ukraine as its “canonical territory” – an which is deeply-intertwined with agenda of Vladimir Putin and that of his regime.’
Oh why do drag religion into everything? Because it is important.
That’s all I’m saying.
You could say the head of the Russian Orthodox church has given Putin his ‘spiritual blessing’ for this campaign.
I think it was CS being very careful. Especially saying that stuff about this site being just a forum for a bit of fun.
You take it all so seriously.
Also the stuff about this (war) being not the only news in the world.
It wasn’t his bonkers opinions or world view that was the problem, it was his persistent trolling and personal abuse of fellow cunters that did for him.
What about the bio labs? Is there any evidence whatsoever that is in any way connected to biological warfare, even if there are dangerous substances there. I’ve worked at a facility that contained extremely hazardous chemicals, one with the explosive power of TNT. Definitely wouldn’t want that hair care manufacturing plant falling under soviet control.
Interesting that you seem to forget, or disregard that fact that Russian agents have used novichok on British soil, which is a chemical weapon, responsible for innocent civilian casualties, as well as Polonium, a highly dangerous radioactive isotope to murder Putains critics abroad.
If they are for the reduction of bio weapons. That’s a dangerous carry on.
Why the fuck are they situated in the Ukraine I mean. Near the Russian border…
These labs are for military research. Ukraine is not a member of NATO. So the Alliance us using a non Nato member….
So this research into very dangerous ‘bio materials’ is being conducted (and has been for 17 years) not in Texas or area 51 or the nevada desert but right up arsehole near the border of russia in the ukraine.
This morning I received a brief from G-2 section. It simply said my name was mentioned in regards to a banned IsaC Cunt.
I was not banned. I left for reasons of my own. And let me assure you cunters, I am not Cunty Gordon. I have never been Cunty Gordon. I have no desire to ever be Cunty Gordon.
Furthermore, if I have something to say I will say it as myself.
Good morning Dick. I hope this posting finds you well. Contrary to your assertion, I have an extreme interest in the the events transpiring in the Ukraine.
I did indeed fry my brain on acid and mushrooms as well as peyote. But that was way back in the last century.
For the record…the world is round. (Or at least vaguely spherical.)
Another famous American General made the phrase “I have returned” famous. As this is a single retort, I’m not sure it applies to me. But nonetheless, your point is well taken.
Fraudulent elections have catastrophic consequences.
I am genuinely pleased to hear from you and hope that you are keeping well. I think it was more Cunty Gordon’s writing style that set me to wondering if it could be you rather than the actual content.
Anyhow… don’t be a stranger….I know a lot of people enjoyed your ” Letters from America” and in these confusing times it would be interesting to hear your trenchant take on events.
For the record, I did not storm the capital…and neither did anyone else. However, as you believe it was stormed, I have a Reichstag burned by the communists that I’d like to sell you.
I imagined you were that wild looking fella wearing warpaint and the furry hat with horns, bravely storming the Capitol building… I daren’t tell Lady Creampuff it was all fake news, she’ll be gutted!
Btw, how much are you asking for that burned down Reichstag building? I think a colleague of mine who is currently taking time off to learn to play the piano with his penis might be interested.
I find being responsible for your the cruel disillusion of your warped reality strangely rewarding.
But being responsible for the gutting of the lovely and charming Lady Creampuff…the living embodiment of the fairer sex…the very essence of the feminine ideal…the soft and soothing yin to your (and indeed my own) brutal and savage yang is more than I can bear!
Government coups have disastrous consequences.
By the way…I think I know the pianist of whom you speak. I believe I saw a video of him on Youtube. He was deliberately and rather laboriously tinkling on his Bosendorfer.
It appears you slightly misunderstood the last paragraph of my comment, poor phrasing on my part being to blame, no doubt.
Anyway, it was not the pianist himself to whom I was referring, but one of our highly esteemed fellow cunters (a colleague) who recently got “angry” and wisely decided to take “time out” from this Ukraine thread. I know from his previous posts that he was greatly inspired by that video of the pianist playing piano with his knob.
I expect even as I type, the aforementioned highly esteemed cunter is earnestly learning how to bang out ‘Chopsticks’ with his penis.
This may be of interest in the light of another poster urging Ukraine to capitulate.
Israel has denied allegations it urged Kyiv to accept Moscow-proposed terms as part of mediation efforts to end the conflict in Ukraine.
Israeli media reported that a senior Ukrainian official had accused Prime Minister Naftali Bennett of acting as a mailbox for Russian demands.
According to the Haaretz newspaper, the unidentified official said Mr Bennett urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to “accept the Russian stance” and surrender.
“This report isn’t just inaccurate but patently false,” a senior official in Mr Bennett’s office said in a statement on Saturday.
“At no point did PM Bennett advise President Zelensky to take a deal from Putin – because no such deal was offered to Israel for us to be able to do so,” the official added.
“Bennett has at no point told Zelensky how to act nor does he have any intention to.”
It’s a lie, perpetrated by the usual suspects. Along with most Ukrainian men aged between 18 and 60, Jewish men are being conscripted and are barred from leaving the country.
Waste of time trying to reason with him to be honest. If he does bother to answer it’s just a twisted retort without any substance, and confirmation bias that befits of a repressed catholic upbringing. I asked him the other day what he thought of the Popes admiration for Zelensky but didn’t get a reply.
A few thoughts on the bio labs that are having one or two with knots in their knickers.
Firstly, the article is by pro Trump, anti Democratic broadcaster. This is important because it frames the agenda that the article wishes the reader/watcher to walk away with, namely the ‘Putain has reason to invade, and Biden is a cunt’ narrative.
The hard of thinking, through confirmation bias, equate bio labs with bio weapons, even there is no proof whatsoever, in the article or elsewhere.
Secondly, how naive, or stupid, do you have to be to think that the US, or anyone else, including the Ukrainians would site a biological weapon research facility near the Russian border? Especially the US, with Russian sympathisers in Ukraine having the possibility of access to these sites? Makes absolutely no sense.
Unless you are thick, or looking to appease an invading force.
The Kremlin has lied and lied from the beginning, only military exercises, removing the Nazis from power, then it was the Ukrainians were developing nuclear weapons, now is biological weapons. Honestly, like a child trying different excuses until one sticks.
One thing that is mightily pissing off the Kremlin is this is the first war fought through the lens of social media. It’s impossible for Putain to stem the flow of information from the country his forces are indiscriminately destroying. Yes, there will be propaganda from Ukraine, but only because for some people seeing dead kids isn’t enough.
Fucking Hell, this site needs a strimmer taken to it!
Brian Reade in today’s Mirror.
Sorry, sorry.
Mason de la Poutine has received threats.
A post says,
Stop confusing Putin and poutine.
One is a dangerous mix of greasy, lumpy, congealed ingredients.
The other is delicious food.
This is on the level of people who confuse paediatrician with Peter file.
Cunts, muppets.
At least there is some actual debate here. The noms these days are just ‘I hate (insert race or sexuality) and vote for me I’ll kill them all.
I was going to do a nom on depression, as I seem to have won my battle with the fucking thing but it would probably end up getting hijacked so I thought fuck it, I’ll save it for when/if there is a return to some sort of decency.
Morning HJ, and thanks. I’d suspected for years that I had some form of depression or could have been a miserable cunt by nature, wasn’t sure. Then last year after a near nervous breakdown I did what I thought weak people did, and sought help, or a diagnosis at least. I wasn’t living, just existing, either unhappy, or not unhappy, which is a world away from happy. Seems I suffer from clinical depression, and have done for thirty years. I even worked out the period when it started, and the consequences of it.
Thanks to mild medication which hasn’t turned me into an unfeeling zombie like I feared it would, I am the happiest I’ve been since my mid twenties. I think of all the things that could have gone differently if I had tackled it sooner, although I’m careful to remember I could have and was an arsehole anyway in some situations, so I can’t put all my sins down to depression.
I tend to view what is happening in the Ukraine as I view everything nowadays. Another function of the Great Reset.
First the drug overdose of George Floyd morphs into a murder, that is indicative of a racist system of policing, that hunts down and kills innocent black folk. It sparks world wide violence and discontent.
Then a harmless animal virus, in a Chinese wet market, jumps from bats to humans, and morphs into a world wide Yellow plague. It kills millions (?) and leads to a world wide lock down.
Now a Russian madman, invades his peace loving neighbor, provokes fears of Word War III and the (very real) possibility of a global holocaust (nuclear or otherwise).
Putin is a cunt. And the poor (regular) people of the Ukraine are suffering. But this is just another in a series crises brought about to hasten the onset of the Great Reset.
Stolen elections have dangerous consequences.
(I wrote a much longer explanation but when I tried to post it, it disappeared. Perhaps in the bin. Nonetheless, this is a much shorter and oversimplified explanation.)
PS Look for the confirmation of US funded bio/chemical weapon labs in the Ukraine. Coming soon to a disaster near you.
Unsurprising there’s connections to Nazi business dealings in his family.
Now we’re in the stage of normalizing the state confiscating assets (oligarchs) on a whim and shutting people out of life (ordinary Russian’s) at the click of a button. No trial. No evidence. Just point, hysterical screech, terminate.
I don’t remember Blair or Bush having assets confiscated. Or our nations being shut off economically.
People here will still be denying there’s anything going until the bitter end.
It’s not so much your views Chunky, more your complete inability to acknowledge the possibility that you might be wrong. In your mind you’re right all the time and that’s the end of it.
There just comes a point when it is so overwhelmingly obvious the public is being taken for mugs.
After all the other noms and subjects we cover here about how fucked up our country is, I’m surprised that it’s still seen as some great paranoid leap to suggest that there may in fact be something more coordinated and nefarious going on.
As if the Iraq lies wasn’t enough. Or the other conflicts. Or covid.
Who’s really the one with inability to admit they may be wrong here..
I admit to when I’m wrong quite often, I don’t see being wrong as a bad thing as long as you accept when you are, even when it’s an uncomfortable truth.
I base my opinions on the best information available, and as more information comes to light, it will either change my opinion, or embolden it. I have no time for belief, that’s for fools, either I have an opinion, or I don’t.
If someone can show me any incontrovertible truth on any of the issues that regularly get put forward here, I’m all ears.
And, I will issue a grovelling apology too.
I can understand you point of view, public being played, taken for mugs but as RTC mentioned way back in the early days of Covid, different societies, governments and religions who have different world views would buy into the same ideology.
The Iraq war was a con, I think most here agree but I cannot see how this invasion of Ukraine can be linked to some sort scheme unless it’s the ‘Vlad takes over the world’ scheme.
You say we are being ‘played’, yes we are every fucking day and it doesn’t have to be a coordinated world event, it’s called governments, democracy, dictatorships, Islamic states and all have different views and objectives.
The global green agenda is part of a world view plan but based on climate change not some knights Templar society.
CG, do you have any proof of these bio labs being used for the development of weapons? I asked a few questions about this in a post above and would love to hear some answers to them.
Also, do you have any proof of the election being stolen? I’m sure that the extremely rich Trump should have had the resources to gather any concrete evidence and take it to the courts, the press, even his beloved twitter.
I see similar accusations daily here, but never get any real proof that in any way backs up these allegations.
And in proof, I mean verifiable proof, not bitchute/brandnewtube disinformation and lies.
Thanks in advance.
That question is addressed to CG. But as it is in response to something I wrote I assume it’s meant for GC.
This is footage from a US Senate hearing where Florida Senator Marco Rubio asks Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland if Ukraine has biological weapons…not labs…weapons.
Nuland answers and volunteers that Ukraine does indeed have labs…she doesn’t mention weapons…but focuses on labs…and goes on to state that the US is working with Ukraine to insure these labs do not fall into Russian hands.
While this doesn’t confirm that the US funded these labs, it does confirm that such labs exist and implies that the US has some involvement in/with them.
Sorry…that is a clip from Tucker Carlson on FOX News where he shows the exchange and makes the case for US funding. Ignoring Tucker’s commentary and simply viewing the exchange can be seen here:
Tucker Carlson has become a bit of a Lord Haw Haw figure, or Axis Sally to the septics. Except he’s broadcasting from home soil rather than on enemy territory.
That’s the difference when you live in an actual democracy, unlike Russia, where you can get arrested for holding up a blank sign.
He kept referring to these facilities as ‘secret labs’ but they never were. They have been operating since 2005, and even appear on the US embassy website.
Did that woman admit they were bio weapon facilities like Carlson said? No she plainly didn’t.
So, as these facilities have been general knowledge since 2005, did Trump ever address this issue when in office?
Let’s not forget he is well aware of Ukraine, having tried to blackmail them by holding aid and defence equipment until they found evidence that the Biden family had committed crimes in their country? All so that he could this information to, how can I put it, steal the 2020 election?
I have absolutely no love for that cunt Biden, or his family, so please don’t think I’m an apologist for his administration.
As I’ve said before, 300 million people and that’s the best they could come up with as Presidential candidates, a weirdo crook and a weirdo crook?
I will add that this bio weapon story is being given legs, in the press and no doubt on the quisling websites by those bastions of freedom, both of the individual and the press, China, Iran, and Syria.
The world is long due a reset. Only I had hoped it would be brought about peacefully and not through the combined agencies of racial hysteria, plague and war.
As the ancient Chinese curse said – “ may you live in interesting times”.
Meanwhile the disintegration of Russian civic society continues apace. A protestor was arrested yesterday for displaying a blank piece of paper with nothing written on it. Another was arrested for posting “Z stands for asshole” on social media.
The sanctions are biting and Russia stands isolated from much of the world. But it’s fair to say I think that the majority of the population, particularly outside the big cities and the educated elite, support him.
Around the world ex-pat Russians report they are being shunned and even spat at. Even Dostoyevski and Tchaikovsky has been banned in some quarters.
I find it funny that those that continually bleat about ‘stolen elections’ in the US never comment on the validity of Russian elections. The last one Vlad the arse impaler won was by something stupid like 99.7%. That’s not even pretending they aren’t fixed.
But we’re all being played, so it’s probably the NWO feeding us lies.
1200+ people, mostly civilians, have been killed in Mariupol. So many bodies that volunteers have had to dig mass graves/trenches to bury the dead without ceremony.
What did they ever do to deserve that?
Meanwhile MSN happily tells us that Holly Willoughby has a new spring blouse collection that everyone is raving about.
Says who the same cunts who reported on contrick1984
Oh, and some good news (if you’re Ben van Beurden). Shell has seen its profits surge 14 times since 2021, chiefly due to the rise in oil and gas prices.
As a consequence, Ben took home a rather nice £6.3m salary, up almost a million on the previous year. And that doesn’t factor in the current surge in oil prices!
However, a Shell spokesperson said that despite the profits, Shell was not in a commercial position to reduce its prices to the domestic market (no explanation as to why was given)
I suspect other fuel and domestic energy suppliers will announce similar profits over the next few months (Don’t forget Centrica made almost a £1bn in profits for 2021, and forecasters expect this may double or even triple this year due to the current crisis in Russia/Ukraine)
It’s just a ploy to make us use less ?
Arch cunt and Putin enabler Lavarov says Russia has no plans to invade other countries, and in fact hasn’t invaded Ukraine. Fake news apparently.
Que quisling apologist rhetoric in 3…2….1…
I’m expecting Chunky to pop back up any moment.
I hear Lavatoryov is going to set up a charm school after the war.
Gormless berk.
Kamletoe Harris has provided her in- depth analysis of the situation-
‘Ukraine is a country in Europe’ …..it exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong, and it goes against everything that we stand for’.
The deputy leader of the free world. I want to get off now.
The eloquence of the VC. Warms your heart she could be in power within a year.
The media coverage of the conflict is just disaster porn. Frankly I’m bored of it.
I’m not getting bored of watching Ukrainian farmers making off with Russian armour.
Unfortunately the rest is so unthinkable it’s grim.
And, I bet the Ukrainians would love to be bored of watching it happening to someone else, instead of hiding in basements with no food water or electricity.
Or lying dead in the streets.
First World problems eh?
The coverage is the replacement for Covid….after that debacle you have to have a huge story to continue with your wall to wall doom.
The alternatives are global warming (boring) Boris and his parties (even more boring) Covid (old news) or the nation’s best parasites, the Royal family (tedious)
The world has become very depressing since 2020 and I find myself retreating further every day away from people and things….
Fear is opium for the masses.
Indeed, ignore it and all the problems will go away.
The age of complacency is over. By all means ignore the horrible stuff on the screens but, sadly, none of its going away. The world is indeed depressing.
Putin might be a cunt but he must deserve at least some international recognition as the man who made Covid disappear.
Perhaps a Nobel prize of some kind?
** Tongue in cheek comment just in case I’m roundly condemned **
Music to Putin’s ears.
Ruff, I couldn’t give a shit about Putin, Boris, Ukrainian Bloke or that guy in the US…they can all eat shit and die for all I care.
Human beings are just nasty cunts in general…nothing like the innocent people caught up in this are suffering but you can see what shits people are in general without having to look.
Sometimes I think an atom bomb would be best and leave the world for the birds and the animals.
I doubt the birds and our fellow animals would thank you for dropping that atom bomb Spanky. They are mortal too, you know. Besides, one atom bomb wouldn’t do jack shit to eradicate the human race, ask the Japanese.
The way I see things the only options are:
1. Putin is assassinated, commits suicide or dies of natural causes,
2. If Putin dies another warmonger is appointed meaning years of protracted guerrilla fighting on their own doorstep,
3. If Putin dies a good man is appointed, Russia withdraws and peace is restored (with reparations paid).
No NATO country is going to get involved because of the escalation risk but they can supply them with arms possibly through another non-NATO country and/or with “modifications” to the ordnance.
Does anybody think that the oligarchs and Russian diplomats should be taken out and shot by firing squad to show Putin we’re not fucking about?
One every half hour between Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway should do the trick.
Ant: We’ll execute one Oligarch or Diplomat every ‘alf ‘our until Putin announces a ceasefire and withdraws ‘is troops. Please make sure you ‘ave the billpayer’s permission when you phone to select your favourite for the firing squad.
Dec: Make sure the kids are in bed or out of the room. We ‘ad a lot of complaints when Roman Abramovich fell all bloodied and ‘urt ‘is ‘ead.
Ant: He lost ‘is ‘ead.
Dec: He really did lose ‘is ‘ead.
That should see their ratings go through the roof!
Accidentally shoot ant and dec as well
More propaganda shit. He said / She said crap
Any particular aspect, or do you mean the whole thing?
Get the debate going again. There’s only me left.
Just put into the search at the top. ‘Russian OIligarchs’. Came back with nothing. So these rich Russians who have been here for years who came here with their dubious wealth have never been cunted by anyone.
Mmm….I wonder why?
I am not watching the footage because I dont watch telly anymore. So mabe this sounds a little heartless.
Am interested in the reasons behind this.
Reading a piece by Buchanan who is a right wing speechwriter. Anyways after detaling the moral decline of the West. Asked (if there was a war)(this was before the War) ‘Whose side would God be on?’
Good question.
Got me thinking-you could see what is happening as a new Christian Crusade. Yes Putin a new Richard the Lionheart.
Komodo that Putin is a ‘Naoplen wannabe’. But how long has Putin been in power? Over 20 years. I think Napoleon got going with his military adventures pretty sharpish.
Been looking at Putin’s religiosity. I’ll put the link up. Think he is a believer. Dont think he wants more that what he’s saying he wants.
That Putin is the leader of the Christian right in the world now? Discuss.
Ukraine issues warning that Belarus could invade tonight.
Sly cunts.
Hope they get shot to bits
Putins lapdogs.
The Chechen cunts didn’t get far. Belarus might pop in for a fight, and apparently Syrians sent by Assad as thanks for dropping sarin, chlorine, and barrel bombs on its citizens.
It’s going to get medieval there shortly, and there are still people defending Putin.
Apparently snipers play a large part in modern conflicts including this one.
Chechnya has the best in the world according to some military expert on tv.
Theyre renowned.
Quite a few Russian generals have croaked,
So maybe Ukrainian snipers are pretty good too?
The Oliver Stone documentary ‘Ukraine on Fire’ is a decent watch.
I hear YouTube and the ministry of the one version of truth are suddenly not happy with it.
A bit like how they weren’t happy with any criticism of a certain virus and its cure.
Been watching ‘The Putin Interviews’ HJ. Certainly doesnt come across as a madman.
There’s never just one side to any story no matter how partisan one may feel over the narrative.
There’s more likely to be two, three or four sides to it.
Especially where there are war mongering vpoliticians, politics and money etc.
One thing you can be certain of though – it’s always the innocents that suffer and not the perpetrators.
Most Putin critics do not consider him to be a madman.
Just a dangerous psychopath who is desperate to go down in history as something more than the grubby murderous kleptocrat he is, an ex KGB man who has ground the Russian economy into the dirt over the last 22 years. Russia is not even one of the top 10 of World economies, ffs, its GDP is now smaller than that of Italy or South Korea!
And anyone who considers Putin a Christian really needs their fucking head examining.
I agree with HJ.
Common consensus is that there are two sides to every story.
Usually there are more like 3 or more.
As for Miles comment that there are no nominations about Oligarchs. I wouldn’t object if there were.
In 2021 (over a year ago now) I mentioned this in a comment on one of the many nominations about London.
I personally don’t consider Putin a madman. He’s in with gangsters and too many of his critics have ended up dead in suspicious circumstances for them to be a chain of coincidences.
A caricature of an action film baddie perhaps, eh Meesterrr Bond?
@ Miles
With regards to the Christian question – The West has long since abandoned it’s Christian God, has instead embraced hedonism and atheism while cuckolding to the religion of peace.
A sure fire recipe for disaster.
Russia by comparison appears to have rediscovered and embraced it’s Orthodox heritage.
And I do emphasise ‘appears’ because I don’t live in Russia.
Putin being the new leader of the Christian right is stretching it a tad but it’s an interesting viewpoint all the same which in my opinion, you’re fully entitled to.
That’s what I love about this site.
The Napoleon remark was a casual throwaway. Glad it annoyed you, but, although Napoleon also had “little man syndrome”…no. More of a wannabe Catherine the Great, I think. With bears rather than horses, perhaps.
Religious? Defender of Christian values? Piss off. Lying murdering cunt. Formalised the doctrine of “escalate to de-escalate” IOW escalate indefinitely until it all goes nuclear. Morally on a par with Tony Fucking Blair, another pious shit with a messiah complex. What would the sky fairy say? Maybe it’d do what it did in WW2 and permit the murder of six million of its chosen people (and ten million Russians, but let’s not complicate your simplistic ethics)
And yes, there are US rightwingers who ejaculate in synchronism with the likes of Putin, one, notably, being the disgusting cunt Trump. Putin represents a dream that is discouraged in democracies, of one man wielding unchecked power at the expense of a servile population. And of using force to suppress any other points of view. They give less than a flying fuck about the “freedom” they bellow about when they posture for their adoring redneck audiences. As, I imagine, do you.
I’m desperately trying to work out what the fuck religion has to do with this?
Has about as much relevance as football.
To the sane at least.
@ MP – Would I be correct in thinking you were born yesterday?
Thank you for confirming what I thought.
How naive.
Your average Russian is no more religious than your average Western European (ie: not much). There are deeply religious people in Russia – but the majority are not and only go through the religious motions when its expected of them (marriages, christenings, etc). Same as here.
Putin’s Christianity is a pose designed to distinguish himself as some ancient embodiment of historic Russian values.
Miles… in response to your link.
“In the new war of beliefs, Putin is saying, it is Russia that is on God’s side. The West is Gomorrah.”
No, this is part of the tactical conquest by division of Edom into warring factions, BOTH are considered by the hassidic rabbis to be Amalek. And what do the mitzvahs say about Amalek?
Christianity was/is the jew’s cuckolded continuum, a Trojan horse/device/psy-op by which they have embedded the elements of their own insane abrahamic ‘end times’ messianic beliefs into Western modernity.
As Komodo says…
“And yes, there are US rightwingers who ejaculate in synchronism with the likes of Putin, one, notably, being the disgusting cunt Trump.”
Christian zionism is THE default belief system in the U.S. but Donald (FID DEF) Trump’s son in law Kushner has donated $250,000 to Chabad, an organisation which openly calls for and desires nothing other than the utter destruction of Edom (christianity) and indeed ALL goyim (non jews)… you want links? I got ’em starting with Chabad UK .org, they don’t even hide it anymore.
Amalek is no longer regarded as a nation or a physical enemy as it was in biblical times. The Chabad website says Amalek no longer exists physically.
From the Chabad website –
“No longer a foreign nation, today’s Amalek is an internal enemy. We each have an Amalekite lurking within our very self. The inner Amalek is unholy cynicism. That little voice inside each of us that derides, belittles and attacks truth and goodness; our irrational tendency to mock people who act morally, to be cynical when we see altruism, to doubt our own or other’s sincerity – these are the modern day Amalekites. They wage a lethal war with our soul. If we let it, cynicism can kill our every attempt to improve ourselves and smother any move towards refining our character and expressing our soul.”
When they talk of killing Amalek they mean killing spiritual negativity within.
I read a good article earlier about Russian fake news. It showed some of the footage that had been doing the rounds, happily spread by the conspiritards. One picture showed a makeup artist applying blood and facial injuries to an actor, and it was pushed as evidence that the war in Ukraine was fake. However, the picture was from Ukraine, but was from a television drama filmed in 2019.
Another clip showed a large crowd of people in a city street, patiently waiting until the word action was shouted, with that the whole crowd started screaming and running in terror past the camera. This again was given as evidence that the whole Ukraine under attack fake. Again, this was from a film about aliens invading, as was filmed in fucking Birmingham!
What wasn’t mentioned in the article, but I found interesting was that these clips and stories don’t look or feel like they come from Russia, which is intentional, as perhaps some might think them suspect. I’m pretty sure at least one, if not both were posted here by a crank, as evidence of western lies. They’ve been so used to sharing the anti covid crap, the stolen election crap, the elites narrative, that it’s a knee jerk reaction to believe and share.
What do they always say? Do your research!
Do you know what the aliens in Brum film was called?
I know it’s a BBC link, but it doesn’t mean the content isn’t true.
Putin a Christian?
Well I know nowt about Christianity,
But I wouldn’t be so quick to claim a man responsible for children trapped under rubble,
For babies without a mother or father.
For kids wounded in a conflict that was nothing to do with them.
Yes hes a shoe in for sainthood.
??Fuck me.
‘It seems to me that in the present phase of European history the essential issue is no longer between Catholicism, on one side, and Protestantism, on the other, but between Christianity and Chaos…’
Evelyn Waugh 10th if October 1930.
Well he got that wrong, didn’t he? Turned out to be Totalitarianism vs Democracy. How embarrassing.
“Democracy” being that formulation where the voice of one wise man is drowned by that of two idiots,
The choice is between chaos dressed as Christianity (or Islam, or pick your sky fairy) and rationality.
Christianity has played no part in politics since the 17th century. The Thirty Years War was the last religious war. And even that was about the power of princes and their territorial ambitions dressed as religion.
Evelyn Waugh was a devoted Catholic and a bit eccentric. A fantastic novelist as well. Black Mischief and Scoop is very funny and the Sword of Honour one of the finest WWII novels ever. But he was a crank and a bit of a pretentious throwback to the 14th century.
Decline and Fall is my favourite Waugh novel, followed by The Loved One.
“Christianity has played no part in politics since the 17th century.”
Tell that to the voters of the American mid-west and ‘bible belt’ states!
Peter Hitchens on GB News today defending John Bercow… ?
Defender? He’s crap in goal, anyway 🙂
I bet he’s still better than Kepa Arrizabalaga.
Hitchens takes a perverse pleasure in saying the opposite to everyone else. Sometimes he’s right, or he at least makes you think. Sometimes he gets it disastrously wrong, as with Bercow.
Hitchens seems a bit of a bellend to me?
Im not very educated though,
Maybe hes a genius and im not seeing it?
But seems a bit of a daft cunt in my humble onion.
Mean opinion.
Odd chap Hitchens.
He professed to be in favour of leaving the EU, but abstained from voting in the referendum. ?
His brother Christopher was by far the greater intellect, shame he had to die at such a young age.
If you çant stand the heat
Get out of the Hitchen.
In times like these, the best thing we can do is to just go to the Winchester, have a pint and wait for it all to blow over. No point worrying.
“What, me worry?”
(Alfred E Neuman, 1962)
“Winchester” – Robyn Hitchcock & The Soft Boys
This song seems quite fitting in a way:
Especially the verse about “and the paper today, tells of war and of waste, but you turn right over to the TV page”.
Wardance – Killing Joke (1980)
The atmosphere’s strange
Out on the town
Music for pleasure
It’s not music no more
Music to dance to
Music to move
This is music to march to
Do a war dance
A war dance!
Look at graffiti
Scrawled on the wall
You know the reason
Outside the door
You got something
Nasty in your mind
Trying to get out
Do a war dance
A war dance!
You’ve opened the pit
Honesty is sick
You try to be honest
Look what you get
The food runs short
And then the money talks
One way out
Your premonition is correct
A war dance!
‘If I were you, I would think about the lives of my people and take the offer,” Bennett told Zelensky during a phone call on Tuesday, according to the Ukrainian official, who spoke to Walla and Haaretz on condition of anonymity.’
How fluid things have become. Me agreeing with the Israelis.
I can just see the Israelis following their own advice and surrendering in similar circumstances, can’t you? Moshe Dayan’s ‘mad dog’ strategy is pretty close to Putin’s ‘escalate to de-escalate’ wheeze, too. Lot of shared ideas, there, and a lot of shared people, too.
Vasily Nebenzya
Representative of Russia to the United Nations and Teddy Hoffman lookalike (anyone remember Murder One ?)
Pic : https://gumlet.assettype.com/freepressjournal/2022-02/551bb226-c181-46e4-b30c-c7f6615cb77d/27222_VasilyNebenzya1_1518126565206.jpg?format=webp&w=400&dpr=2.6
story : https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/03/11/un-council-ukraine-russia-chemical-weapons-zelensky/
Vasily (or lying bastard as most people know him) led the UN Security Council down a twisty road of falsehoods, fantasy and the downright bizzare. His ‘Walter Mitty’ like theories and accusations included :-
1. The USA having built a bioweapons research lab inside Ukraine, located near the Russian border which their troops were shocked go find
2. The pregnant Ukranian woman, stretchered out a bombed maternity hospital was in fact an actress wearing make-up. She also pretended to be several other pregant weapon, a doctor and 2 nurses.
3. Pictures of residential apartment buildings turned to rubble of being derelict unoccupied buildings.
4. Pictures of destroyed bridges, bombed childcare centres and devestated town and cities having been ‘photo-shopped’ or “not even pictures of Ukraine’
After Teddy’s performance, I hope Hollywood will reward him with a ‘science FICTION series’ or maybe he can get a gig on “whose LIE is it anyway”
Probably been talking to Prince Andrew.
“Just say the picture is made up yah, don’t remember it and it never happened. Can I have my 7 million pounds consultancy fee now?”
@ minge juice bottler, gustick japseye,
‘The Western secular imagination doesn’t get this. It looks at Putin’s speech the other evening, and it describes him as mad — which is another way of saying we do not understand what is going on. And we show how little we understand by thinking that a bunch of sanctions is going to make a blind bit of difference. They won’t. “Ukraine is an inalienable part of our own history, culture and spiritual space” Putin said. That’s what this is all about, “spiritual space” — a terrifying phrase steeped in over a thousand years of Russian religious history.’
Mad or Bad, does it matter?
Fact is Putin has invaded an independent sovereign country and is bombing innocent civilians out of their homes, and worse.
That is all that matters, or should matter to any civilised person.
I agree. And if Putin is motivated by some misguided spiritual quest that’s even more reprehensible. Nothing is more dangerous, savage or inhumane than a religious nutcase.
What is fucking bizarre is that religious loons are usually deniers of faith being the cause, or the enabler of wars, usually referring to Hitler (brought up as a Catholic) and Stalin (brought up an orthodox Christian, one destined for the clergy) as atheists.
Make your minds up.
Never thought of Putain as mad. A psychopathic criminal despot gangster yes, but mad? There again, I do tend to think religious folk are gullible at best and mental at worst, so perhaps he is.
I am just saying religion is a very important part of Putin’s thinking.
That’s all.
If that’s the case I’d have thought you’d want to keep quiet about it. Doesn’t exactly show religion in a good light, does it?
Going off track….I’ve just been catching up on this thread and saw that Cunty Gordon has got the push.
What I’m wondering is…he said that he wanted to go back to “cunting” people like we did “pre-covid”…just wondering what name he used if he was “cunting” back then?…as he got more excited,he seemed to get more Americanised…”dude,deerp etc.” but he certainly wrote very well,never as much as a comma out of place…just like the General.
I wonder if he was General Cuntster?….I know it seems unlikely….he was a Trump obsessive,so can’t imagine what interest he’s have in Ukraine….but,there’s just that inkling…can’t see why he was so desperate to get rid of the Ukraine thread.
Just musing….certainly not important,I know.
I think there was more to Cunty than meets the eye, Dick. I believe he said he was Scottish? He certainly didn’t sound Scottish in his posts. Will we ever fathom the mystery that was Cunty Gordon?
I have reason to believe Cunty Gordon was Marco from Tropoja (Bryan Mills’ nemesis from Taken). He had clearly been hiding out in California since his staged electrocution in the 2008 film, hence the slew of grating Americanisms and his slavish belief in “alternative narratives”.
Morning Dick.
If General Cuntster was Cunty Gordon then he must have fried his brains with acid or magic mushrooms since he last posted here and went on to storm the Capitol building in Washington.
For what it’s worth, I don’t think CG is the General. My impression of CG was that he’s a millenial, the General is a boomer.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Not really Cunty Gordon’s style, is it.
If General Cunster believed the Earth was flat, that would clinch it.
I think the question is not who he was before, but who he will come back as. There is at least one former banned bellend with more than one account here, and he was obsessive, so it won’t be long.
The loonies always return.
I got the impression he is on the younger side rather than older, he may be Scottish and seem to remember him saying he was up in the land of the ginger.
He had a bee in his bonnet about casual racism and used the word crass on many occasions, not happy with the use of things like sooty and so on.
‘Fire in a Dumpster’ ?
It’s a fucking Skip!!
I tried to avoid news this week, the endless reports on Ukraine are just too much, fuck knows what these ‘reporters on the ground’ actually know, the Russian forces have been on the outskirts of Kyiv for 2 weeks, looks like they must be camped out there.
The city of Lviv seems to be the only place that hasn’t been attacked (yet)
I know most people are supporting Zelenskyy and of course he is ‘in the right’ but his country is being destroyed, he has to negotiate and give ground, there has to be a point at which the losses are not worth the flag.
I know this may be sound harsh but Ukraine would have been better off with a pro Russian leader, it’s all great having a pro western leader but not of the doorstep of the bear.
Couldn’t agree more.
Zelenskyy maybe the darling of the west but where the fuck is his “bravery” going to get his beloved Ukrainian brethren?
He’s been sold a puppy by the west who will happily fund yet another proxy war but have no intention of getting involved because it’s a lose lose situation.
Probably a very unpopular opinion on this most partisan of Isac threads but I can’t see any other outcome except the prolonged suffering of the Ukrainian people.
Appeasement never works.
No, you’ve definitely got a point. Question is, where does appeasement stop?
The Russian playbook lacks originality, and its intentions seem clear. As in Georgia, as in Transnistria, as in Crimea, so in Donetsk. Stir up the separatists, clandestinely at first and later overtly, arm them, then bite off a chunk of the target’s territory. If the target objects, walk in in force, happily breaching treaties, obligations and international law on the way. Rinse and repeat. Ukraine under Russian control is a splendid springboard for Poland, Hungary, Romania and even the Czech splinters and Bulgaria. Ivan has no intention of ignoring Georgia, either. Two hundred years on, this is still the Great Game….”The Bear shall not have Constantinople?” Without NATO resistance, it’s, goodbye the Baltics, too and isn’t that Finland I see on the new border?
Putin’s very loud about defending World Russia from NATO’s eastward advance, but NATO has not used force to achieve its increased influence. Russia moving West has, and will continue to do so. Stop it? Or bow to the inevitability of being ruled badly by an unelected cunt in a police state?
I’ve never been within 50 miles of a shot fired in anger (ok, maybe the odd pigeon) and I don’t want to come across as a keyboard commando, but I’m enough of a patriot to suss that Putin is an unscrupulous and vicious cunt in charge of a large and lethal military which threatens my freedoms.
I don’t rate Ukrainians as anything special. Both Nazi and Soviet Ukranians had records as filthy as any Russian or German, last century. This proxy war doesn’t benefit anyone except the arms industry. Our standard of living as well as Russia’s will suffer severely, and Ukraine’s catastrophically. Sure. I get it.
But the Ukrainian-speaking Ukranians don’t want their world to be run by Russians. Neither do I. And I support that.
Oh there are American biolabs in Ukraine. Right up almost on the Russian border.
‘Kirill’s voice matters as the head of Russia’s largest religious body – which claims Ukraine as its “canonical territory” – an which is deeply-intertwined with agenda of Vladimir Putin and that of his regime.’
Oh why do drag religion into everything? Because it is important.
That’s all I’m saying.
You could say the head of the Russian Orthodox church has given Putin his ‘spiritual blessing’ for this campaign.
I think it was CS being very careful. Especially saying that stuff about this site being just a forum for a bit of fun.
You take it all so seriously.
Also the stuff about this (war) being not the only news in the world.
Also he was after Komodo his ling time nemesis.
But then would he put in the Americanisms….
You could say all sorts of things, none of which will make Putin’s invasion of Ukraine right.
Cunty Gordon was nothing like CS. By comparison, CS was the very epitome of rationality and common sense.
Chunky Garden was Scottish,
He liked American hippy speak,
And saw himself as a maverick laidback free thinking dude✌️
CS sees himself as a intellectual.
A man of taste and insight.
He’s beyond us simpletons.
I don’t think for a minute they are the same person.
No fuckin way would CS say he thought the earth was flat?
I quite enjoyed both of them to be honest ,
Different opinions an all that.
It wasn’t his bonkers opinions or world view that was the problem, it was his persistent trolling and personal abuse of fellow cunters that did for him.
I never got to ask him about the loch Ness monster.
Or if yetis can slip through dimensions.☹️
So long Chinky Garden
You made me think.
I miss CG. It was fun trolling him.
CS often said things to be provocative. But he never would have said the Earth was flat. And Cunty genuinely believed this.
Also note the tickie fairy went with him.
Gorden wasn’t the tickie fairy.
I know who that is, another cunter.
Everyones Colombo on here!?
Er…what about the biolabs?
‘You could say all sorts of things, none of which will make Putin’s invasion of Ukraine right.’
Thanks RT for once again encouraging debate.
Heres another one-
‘And some on here will continue sucking on Putin’s ding-dong.’
How grateful we all are to you for opening different avenues of inquiry.
‘Putin is an evil cunt however you slice it’
We really should be grateful for the many possibilities of thought that such a post generates.
What about the bio labs? Is there any evidence whatsoever that is in any way connected to biological warfare, even if there are dangerous substances there. I’ve worked at a facility that contained extremely hazardous chemicals, one with the explosive power of TNT. Definitely wouldn’t want that hair care manufacturing plant falling under soviet control.
Interesting that you seem to forget, or disregard that fact that Russian agents have used novichok on British soil, which is a chemical weapon, responsible for innocent civilian casualties, as well as Polonium, a highly dangerous radioactive isotope to murder Putains critics abroad.
If you recall Putin’s agents carelessly left Novichok in a park ready to kill any harmless passerby. Which it did in fact do.
Hardly a “beacon of Christianity”.
Faux News. Second only to Veterans Today.
Please explain Komodo.
So we’re accusing Russia of preparing a chemical attack while America has these secret biolabs there.
‘If you recall Putin’s agents carelessly left Novichok in a park ready to kill any harmless passerby. Which it did in fact do.’
Well we better get into Ukraine and protect these facilities before the Russians get their hands on these lethal ‘materials’.
Which we have helped to produce..
So reckless of the West.
If they are for the reduction of bio weapons. That’s a dangerous carry on.
Why the fuck are they situated in the Ukraine I mean. Near the Russian border…
These labs are for military research. Ukraine is not a member of NATO. So the Alliance us using a non Nato member….
So this research into very dangerous ‘bio materials’ is being conducted (and has been for 17 years) not in Texas or area 51 or the nevada desert but right up arsehole near the border of russia in the ukraine.
To: IsaC
From: Resistance Central
This morning I received a brief from G-2 section. It simply said my name was mentioned in regards to a banned IsaC Cunt.
I was not banned. I left for reasons of my own. And let me assure you cunters, I am not Cunty Gordon. I have never been Cunty Gordon. I have no desire to ever be Cunty Gordon.
Furthermore, if I have something to say I will say it as myself.
Good morning Dick. I hope this posting finds you well. Contrary to your assertion, I have an extreme interest in the the events transpiring in the Ukraine.
I did indeed fry my brain on acid and mushrooms as well as peyote. But that was way back in the last century.
For the record…the world is round. (Or at least vaguely spherical.)
Another famous American General made the phrase “I have returned” famous. As this is a single retort, I’m not sure it applies to me. But nonetheless, your point is well taken.
Fraudulent elections have catastrophic consequences.
Greetings and salutations, General. – NA.
Good Evening General
Good evening Herr Jelmet
Thank you for clarifying General
You are quite welcome MMCM. We need more clarity in these trying times.
I am genuinely pleased to hear from you and hope that you are keeping well. I think it was more Cunty Gordon’s writing style that set me to wondering if it could be you rather than the actual content.
Anyhow… don’t be a stranger….I know a lot of people enjoyed your ” Letters from America” and in these confusing times it would be interesting to hear your trenchant take on events.
Thanks Dick. That’s more than gracious of you.
Howdy General, good to know you’re still alive and kicking! ?
Hello Old Friend.
Apparently, we’re both still alive and kicking.
For the record, I did not storm the capital…and neither did anyone else. However, as you believe it was stormed, I have a Reichstag burned by the communists that I’d like to sell you.
Stolen elections have totalitarian consequences.
You have left me cruelly disillusioned, General.
I imagined you were that wild looking fella wearing warpaint and the furry hat with horns, bravely storming the Capitol building… I daren’t tell Lady Creampuff it was all fake news, she’ll be gutted!
Btw, how much are you asking for that burned down Reichstag building? I think a colleague of mine who is currently taking time off to learn to play the piano with his penis might be interested.
I find being responsible for your the cruel disillusion of your warped reality strangely rewarding.
But being responsible for the gutting of the lovely and charming Lady Creampuff…the living embodiment of the fairer sex…the very essence of the feminine ideal…the soft and soothing yin to your (and indeed my own) brutal and savage yang is more than I can bear!
Government coups have disastrous consequences.
By the way…I think I know the pianist of whom you speak. I believe I saw a video of him on Youtube. He was deliberately and rather laboriously tinkling on his Bosendorfer.
Afternoon General, me old mucker.
It appears you slightly misunderstood the last paragraph of my comment, poor phrasing on my part being to blame, no doubt.
Anyway, it was not the pianist himself to whom I was referring, but one of our highly esteemed fellow cunters (a colleague) who recently got “angry” and wisely decided to take “time out” from this Ukraine thread. I know from his previous posts that he was greatly inspired by that video of the pianist playing piano with his knob.
I expect even as I type, the aforementioned highly esteemed cunter is earnestly learning how to bang out ‘Chopsticks’ with his penis.
Hey Ruff,
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I have only read select comments in this thread and had no idea you were referring to an esteemed comrade.
Another “mucker” no doubt.
He’ll have a very mucky keyboard by now, I’ll be bound! ?
Hey Night Admin.
Greetings and salutations to you.
This may be of interest in the light of another poster urging Ukraine to capitulate.
Israel has denied allegations it urged Kyiv to accept Moscow-proposed terms as part of mediation efforts to end the conflict in Ukraine.
Israeli media reported that a senior Ukrainian official had accused Prime Minister Naftali Bennett of acting as a mailbox for Russian demands.
According to the Haaretz newspaper, the unidentified official said Mr Bennett urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to “accept the Russian stance” and surrender.
“This report isn’t just inaccurate but patently false,” a senior official in Mr Bennett’s office said in a statement on Saturday.
“At no point did PM Bennett advise President Zelensky to take a deal from Putin – because no such deal was offered to Israel for us to be able to do so,” the official added.
“Bennett has at no point told Zelensky how to act nor does he have any intention to.”
@3.38 pm today.
I see the Israelis have welcomed many Ukranian refugees.
Refugees that come from the Ukraine.
They look like Ukranians.
But there are loads and loads of refugees in that area.
They never take them in.
They must have be some deeper connection to these people.
Can’t think what it is…
Is it true that Ukraine evacuated it’s Jewish population and has pretty much called upon the Christian population to defend the country?
I’m not attempting to bait anybody here – I’m sure I heard or read that somewhere so it’s a genuine question.
And if it’s true then why?
It’s a lie, perpetrated by the usual suspects. Along with most Ukrainian men aged between 18 and 60, Jewish men are being conscripted and are barred from leaving the country.
Waste of time trying to reason with him to be honest. If he does bother to answer it’s just a twisted retort without any substance, and confirmation bias that befits of a repressed catholic upbringing. I asked him the other day what he thought of the Popes admiration for Zelensky but didn’t get a reply.
Yes. Like it or loathe it, Israel would be the last country to urge an ally to capitulate in the face of aggression.
A few thoughts on the bio labs that are having one or two with knots in their knickers.
Firstly, the article is by pro Trump, anti Democratic broadcaster. This is important because it frames the agenda that the article wishes the reader/watcher to walk away with, namely the ‘Putain has reason to invade, and Biden is a cunt’ narrative.
The hard of thinking, through confirmation bias, equate bio labs with bio weapons, even there is no proof whatsoever, in the article or elsewhere.
Secondly, how naive, or stupid, do you have to be to think that the US, or anyone else, including the Ukrainians would site a biological weapon research facility near the Russian border? Especially the US, with Russian sympathisers in Ukraine having the possibility of access to these sites? Makes absolutely no sense.
Unless you are thick, or looking to appease an invading force.
The Kremlin has lied and lied from the beginning, only military exercises, removing the Nazis from power, then it was the Ukrainians were developing nuclear weapons, now is biological weapons. Honestly, like a child trying different excuses until one sticks.
One thing that is mightily pissing off the Kremlin is this is the first war fought through the lens of social media. It’s impossible for Putain to stem the flow of information from the country his forces are indiscriminately destroying. Yes, there will be propaganda from Ukraine, but only because for some people seeing dead kids isn’t enough.
Covid is on the rise (keep it under your hat)
That’s where its always been, SOI.
When I tip my hat……
‘It doesn’t go well with my disposition’. In other words I am getting angry too much.
So I am calling time out on myself on this thread for a while.
Fucking Hell, this site needs a strimmer taken to it!
Brian Reade in today’s Mirror.
Sorry, sorry.
Mason de la Poutine has received threats.
A post says,
Stop confusing Putin and poutine.
One is a dangerous mix of greasy, lumpy, congealed ingredients.
The other is delicious food.
This is on the level of people who confuse paediatrician with Peter file.
Cunts, muppets.
At least there is some actual debate here. The noms these days are just ‘I hate (insert race or sexuality) and vote for me I’ll kill them all.
I was going to do a nom on depression, as I seem to have won my battle with the fucking thing but it would probably end up getting hijacked so I thought fuck it, I’ll save it for when/if there is a return to some sort of decency.
Good Morning GJ.
Glad to hear you’ve conquered it.
Depression is a indeed a colossal cunt which can ruin lives and families.
I think you should do the nom regardless.
Morning HJ, and thanks. I’d suspected for years that I had some form of depression or could have been a miserable cunt by nature, wasn’t sure. Then last year after a near nervous breakdown I did what I thought weak people did, and sought help, or a diagnosis at least. I wasn’t living, just existing, either unhappy, or not unhappy, which is a world away from happy. Seems I suffer from clinical depression, and have done for thirty years. I even worked out the period when it started, and the consequences of it.
Thanks to mild medication which hasn’t turned me into an unfeeling zombie like I feared it would, I am the happiest I’ve been since my mid twenties. I think of all the things that could have gone differently if I had tackled it sooner, although I’m careful to remember I could have and was an arsehole anyway in some situations, so I can’t put all my sins down to depression.
Why has the Russian embassy not been cleansed of the filth that currently inhabit it and the cunts sent packing ?
Fucked if I know.
I tend to view what is happening in the Ukraine as I view everything nowadays. Another function of the Great Reset.
First the drug overdose of George Floyd morphs into a murder, that is indicative of a racist system of policing, that hunts down and kills innocent black folk. It sparks world wide violence and discontent.
Then a harmless animal virus, in a Chinese wet market, jumps from bats to humans, and morphs into a world wide Yellow plague. It kills millions (?) and leads to a world wide lock down.
Now a Russian madman, invades his peace loving neighbor, provokes fears of Word War III and the (very real) possibility of a global holocaust (nuclear or otherwise).
Putin is a cunt. And the poor (regular) people of the Ukraine are suffering. But this is just another in a series crises brought about to hasten the onset of the Great Reset.
Stolen elections have dangerous consequences.
(I wrote a much longer explanation but when I tried to post it, it disappeared. Perhaps in the bin. Nonetheless, this is a much shorter and oversimplified explanation.)
PS Look for the confirmation of US funded bio/chemical weapon labs in the Ukraine. Coming soon to a disaster near you.
Who is Klaus Schwab?
Unsurprising there’s connections to Nazi business dealings in his family.
Now we’re in the stage of normalizing the state confiscating assets (oligarchs) on a whim and shutting people out of life (ordinary Russian’s) at the click of a button. No trial. No evidence. Just point, hysterical screech, terminate.
I don’t remember Blair or Bush having assets confiscated. Or our nations being shut off economically.
People here will still be denying there’s anything going until the bitter end.
“The pandemic is not over.”
“Careful about inviting people over”
“Invite Ukrainians into your home”. Only 35% vaccination rate in Ukraine.
People really are fucking mongs. It’s so obvious what’s going on at this point.
Oh, hello Chunky’. We’ve missed laughing at you.
You were conned by propaganda during covid. You are being conned now.
Keep laughing. You’re wrong.
Afternoon Chunky.
The hysteria being directed at absolutely anything and everything Russian is indeed fucking ridiculous.
It’s not so much your views Chunky, more your complete inability to acknowledge the possibility that you might be wrong. In your mind you’re right all the time and that’s the end of it.
There just comes a point when it is so overwhelmingly obvious the public is being taken for mugs.
After all the other noms and subjects we cover here about how fucked up our country is, I’m surprised that it’s still seen as some great paranoid leap to suggest that there may in fact be something more coordinated and nefarious going on.
As if the Iraq lies wasn’t enough. Or the other conflicts. Or covid.
Who’s really the one with inability to admit they may be wrong here..
I admit to when I’m wrong quite often, I don’t see being wrong as a bad thing as long as you accept when you are, even when it’s an uncomfortable truth.
I base my opinions on the best information available, and as more information comes to light, it will either change my opinion, or embolden it. I have no time for belief, that’s for fools, either I have an opinion, or I don’t.
If someone can show me any incontrovertible truth on any of the issues that regularly get put forward here, I’m all ears.
And, I will issue a grovelling apology too.
I can understand you point of view, public being played, taken for mugs but as RTC mentioned way back in the early days of Covid, different societies, governments and religions who have different world views would buy into the same ideology.
The Iraq war was a con, I think most here agree but I cannot see how this invasion of Ukraine can be linked to some sort scheme unless it’s the ‘Vlad takes over the world’ scheme.
You say we are being ‘played’, yes we are every fucking day and it doesn’t have to be a coordinated world event, it’s called governments, democracy, dictatorships, Islamic states and all have different views and objectives.
The global green agenda is part of a world view plan but based on climate change not some knights Templar society.
You were wrong about nearly everything Covid related, not least in early 2021 when you posted:
“There is no fucking virus. It’s statistical manipulation, propaganda, and outright fraud.”
Fuck knows why you’d expect anyone to take you seriously after that.
I do it when required Chunky. It’s just too much of a leap to believe that something this big could possibly be faked.
CG, do you have any proof of these bio labs being used for the development of weapons? I asked a few questions about this in a post above and would love to hear some answers to them.
Also, do you have any proof of the election being stolen? I’m sure that the extremely rich Trump should have had the resources to gather any concrete evidence and take it to the courts, the press, even his beloved twitter.
I see similar accusations daily here, but never get any real proof that in any way backs up these allegations.
And in proof, I mean verifiable proof, not bitchute/brandnewtube disinformation and lies.
Thanks in advance.
That question is addressed to CG. But as it is in response to something I wrote I assume it’s meant for GC.
This is footage from a US Senate hearing where Florida Senator Marco Rubio asks Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland if Ukraine has biological weapons…not labs…weapons.
Nuland answers and volunteers that Ukraine does indeed have labs…she doesn’t mention weapons…but focuses on labs…and goes on to state that the US is working with Ukraine to insure these labs do not fall into Russian hands.
While this doesn’t confirm that the US funded these labs, it does confirm that such labs exist and implies that the US has some involvement in/with them.
Sorry…that is a clip from Tucker Carlson on FOX News where he shows the exchange and makes the case for US funding. Ignoring Tucker’s commentary and simply viewing the exchange can be seen here:
Tucker Carlson has become a bit of a Lord Haw Haw figure, or Axis Sally to the septics. Except he’s broadcasting from home soil rather than on enemy territory.
That’s the difference when you live in an actual democracy, unlike Russia, where you can get arrested for holding up a blank sign.
He kept referring to these facilities as ‘secret labs’ but they never were. They have been operating since 2005, and even appear on the US embassy website.
Did that woman admit they were bio weapon facilities like Carlson said? No she plainly didn’t.
So, as these facilities have been general knowledge since 2005, did Trump ever address this issue when in office?
Let’s not forget he is well aware of Ukraine, having tried to blackmail them by holding aid and defence equipment until they found evidence that the Biden family had committed crimes in their country? All so that he could this information to, how can I put it, steal the 2020 election?
I have absolutely no love for that cunt Biden, or his family, so please don’t think I’m an apologist for his administration.
As I’ve said before, 300 million people and that’s the best they could come up with as Presidential candidates, a weirdo crook and a weirdo crook?
I will add that this bio weapon story is being given legs, in the press and no doubt on the quisling websites by those bastions of freedom, both of the individual and the press, China, Iran, and Syria.
Sorry, tried to post something about bio labs and it just disappeared… we had one at our school, I’ll say no more than that.
The world is long due a reset. Only I had hoped it would be brought about peacefully and not through the combined agencies of racial hysteria, plague and war.
As the ancient Chinese curse said – “ may you live in interesting times”.
Meanwhile the disintegration of Russian civic society continues apace. A protestor was arrested yesterday for displaying a blank piece of paper with nothing written on it. Another was arrested for posting “Z stands for asshole” on social media.
The sanctions are biting and Russia stands isolated from much of the world. But it’s fair to say I think that the majority of the population, particularly outside the big cities and the educated elite, support him.
Around the world ex-pat Russians report they are being shunned and even spat at. Even Dostoyevski and Tchaikovsky has been banned in some quarters.
How long can this mad state of affairs last?
I find it funny that those that continually bleat about ‘stolen elections’ in the US never comment on the validity of Russian elections. The last one Vlad the arse impaler won was by something stupid like 99.7%. That’s not even pretending they aren’t fixed.
But we’re all being played, so it’s probably the NWO feeding us lies.
Chunky’is probably celebrating as we speak