I think we will all (hopefully) agree that Putin is a cunt, so this page has been set up to allow you to vent your feelings about the current invasion and occupation of Ukraine
I think the ‘ Blitz Spirit ‘ of the Ukrainians is fucking amazing.
I wonder if we’ve still got it ?
Perhaps we’ll soon find out.
Vladimir Putin is currently appearing as Peter Sellers ( and going down a bomb ) at The Old Vic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIpTE-aHEZ0
Those fuckin cabbage munchers wouldn’t dare!!
He wouldn’t be in Ukraine if they still had nuclear weapons.
He needs careful handling certainly,
But like all nutters and bullies you have to be firm.
Take a stand.
Make your position clear.
Boris should meet Vlad and say how it is
Listen you bald little fag.
You treaten us we’ll retaliate.
You fuckin spudfaced commie cunts will be in a nuclear wasteland too.
So dont come the Billy big bollocks with us.
Now fuck off.
I think the most likely scenario in this is a Russian victory (at the cost of great losses and prestige for Russia’s military). The Ukraine Government will go into exile in Poland. Russia will then face a long guerrilla war in Ukraine which will ultimately succeed – in other words, just like the Soviet and later US/UK invasion of Afghanistan. At the end, Russia will be tired, poor, ostracised and humiliated or may even face a domestic popular uprising.
I don’t think either NATO or Russia will step on any red lines to provoke each other. There is too much at stake. The losers will be the ordinary people of Russia and Ukraine, sadly.
Agreed. Putin will ramp up the nuke threats/fear as much as he can, but short of him going totally bonkers and thumping the red button, I THINK we may be safe.
Is he totally bonkers, or just a bloody good actor??
Putin has been quoted as saying ‘What’s the point of a world with no Russia in it?’
I imagine the question is what his interpretation of ‘no Russia’ means. If it’s as MMCM describes, then we may well ultimately get to a nuclear exchange. Add to all that the Finnish are starting to get fidgety & want to join NATO, which will definitely crank him. He isn’t going to start a war with them like he has with Ukraine – they’re hard bastards when it comes to winter warfare, as that cunt Stalin discovered.
Old Vlad, the KGB throwback, might find himself disenfranchised, with trouble at home & abroad, then think ‘Well, what the fuck does it matter…’ & BOOM!
He’s bang on the money Dick. It doesn’t excuse Putin behaving like a commie dictator of old, but it does succinctly describe what a pile of shit the West has become.
Morning Dick.
Like everything, it’s various shades of grey on all sides.
I feel for the people though, especially now that Russia has fallen back on it’s predilection for pounding the shit out of the ‘enemy’ with artillery before attacking in force.
Hitchens has been pushing his anti western take for weeks now. That’s fine, it’s how he sees it, and it’s right that there should be people offering a different perspective. It’s the joy of a free press. I know there will be those that scoff at such a suggestion, but there is the proof. He, and a few others have put their points across which challenge the official narrative. I bet you won’t find anything of that kind in Russia.
However, what I find with Hitchens is, like others, is that their hatred of the western political system colours their opinion on the crisis, and that is why I refer to that stance as anti western rather than pro Russian. It doesn’t support what they are doing but gives them an excuse and some legitimacy.
I believe so. NATO broke its own rules and provoked eventual retaliation. Add to which the media propaganda machine is in overdrive in a manner not seen since the Trump administration.
Orange man bad.
Russki man bad.
PS: the landlord of a local boozer is organising a caravan to take sarnies and wooly jumpers out to the Polish/Ukraine border in a massive fit of virtue signalling.
Dumb motherfucker wants likes on social media and his narcissistic face in the local rag no doubt. Idiot.
Good article – certainly explain’s Putin’s motivation.
The world is full of dangerous cunts and Putin is one of them. Take Nelson Mandela – murdering terrorist in my view but that view is possibly not a popular one. Saddam Hussein – another murdering cunt loved by the Yanks to begin with but they changed their mind on that didn’t they?! The old adage “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” is bang on really.
Putin is worse than most because he has absolute control of an arsenal of 6,000 nukes. I don’t think he’ll actually want to use them (he’s by far the best poker player in all this) and the “West” will be careful not to provoke him too much in this area (even Johnson came up with the right answer about the “no fly zone”!)
Things are obviously not going as well for Putin as he hoped. But I doubt he’ll quit. Bloodshed means nothing to him. He’ll conscript and sent to slaughter every adult male in his country if he needs to (and then probably start on the children like Hitler did!).
Meanwhile, thanks to “Net Zero Bollox” and the “Sanctions” fuel and oil costs in the U.K. will start to fuck our own economy over (not as badly as Russia obviously). Heating oil went up 25% last Friday (five times the low price in 2020).
Interesting take of the other side of the coin in the Daily Fail today. However he does seem to bang in a bit about it given his previous articles so not sure how to take it…
Hitchens is always contrarian, but it’s a thought provoking piece.
There is no doubt in my mind that we have mishandled Russia since the 90’s and missed a golden opportunity to integrate it into the West. Not sure if it was Putin or Yeltsin, but at one point Russia asked to be admitted into NATO. President Clintstain rejected this and the West then set about enlarging NATO, which was provocative to Russia, considering their rejection by it.
We then embark on a series of agressive misadventures in Afghanistan, Iraq (which was a massive strategic blunder as Saddam was no jihadi and a sworn enemy to Iran) and Libya (bungled by us and the French). I think there were better ways we could have challenged Islamic terrorism without these misadventures, which have had the opposite to the desired effect. Pakistan was greater promoter of Islamic terrorism than Afghanistan, and yet we left them untouched.
Ukraine then antagonised its significant Russian minority. I understand why the Ukranians thought this necessary – they had suffered from years of Russian oppression and wanted to assert their statehood. But it was foolish and had a whiff of ethnic cleansing about it.
From the viewpoint of the Kremlin, which has always been paranoid and sensitive, one can now begin to understand their response. I don’t justify it but I understand it.
Russia and the UK have a lot in common. They have both been described as Europe’s “odd couple”. Both are located on the outer fringes of Europe and have never been fully integrated into it or identified themselves as truly belonging to it. Both were once huge empires and now, although both are still powerful and influential nations, they are a shadow of their former greatness.
When great powers are slighted they go on the offensive. It has happened with Russia and we see the consequences today. The EU since Brexit has slighted the UK and threatens to treat it as a strategic enemy. In doing so the EU will achieve what it fears – the UK will become a strategic enemy. Both the UK and Russia have great capacity for mischief making in Europe. This is not in Europe’s interest. However, and ironically, Putin’s war in the Ukraine might have awakened the EU’s understanding that they need the UK as a strategic and military partner.
When the chips are down, for all its faults, the West is far better than Russia. And Russia’s sense of encirclement does not justify its hideous attack on Ukraine. But at least we can put it in perspective. Let’s hope, if a next time comes, we can deal with Russia more sensitively.
I’m no stranger to Hitchins argument re Russia vs Ukraine, he’s been saying much the same thing for the last decade or so. For me though the key is Putin’s psychopathy and his declining health.
As you say, Hitchens likes to play the contrarian – with Brexit he believed in leaving the EU but abstained from voting in the referendum.
Putin has absolutely lost the plot and acted stupidly and irrationally. The Russians will undoubtedly get their butts painfully kicked out of Ukraine – now or, most likely, in the future after a painful guerrilla war. Let’s hope it’s the beginning of the end for Putin.
That’s the problem with authoritarian government. No checks and balances on the leader.
Great points by you both chaps, healthy debate is alive and well here.
I will add a few things that trouble me regarding the poking the bear narrative. Firstly, under Putin, who let’s remember has changed Russian constitution to become leader for life, Russia has done quite a bit of gangster shit over the past decade, political murders, both home and abroad, using particular nasty and signature methods like using polonium and novichok on British soil to murder critics of the Putin regime. A couple of invasions and the shooting down of a civilian aircraft, which was I think an accident, but never acknowledged. All these actions were given punitive sanctions in return, maybe expelling some minor diplomats, but nothing that actually mattered, or held them to account.
Secondly, if the West was hell bent on provoking Russia into some sort of conflict, or making it a world pariah, why would Europe trust a significant portion of its energy security to Russia?
But I don’t think the West was hellbent on making Russia into a pariah. They just mishandled Russia and that mishandling has inadvertently helped Russia along a wrong path.
I agree with you that Putin has created a gangster state run by kleptocrats. But I do wonder if we had been more alive to Russian sensitivities, the Russians might then have voted for a more liberal leader rather than an ex-KGB thug that promised to restore Russian greatness. National psychologies are important – big powers (like Russia and the UK, EU take note) don’t like being treated as enemies and this will always impact on voters and leaders. Of course, since coming to power Putin has stitched everything up and the Russians can’t ditch him even if they want to.
The problem with Putin is that his make Russia great again (oh dear) is that he wishes it was a superpower again, revered for its non nuclear military capabilities. This is explained by their disproportionate GDP expenditure on its military compared to far smaller European countries who spend a fraction of that on defence, and have larger economies.
With its vast size and population, and an abundance of natural resources, it could have become an economic superpower, in manufacturing, and pretty much anything you could imagine. Allowing that economic wealth to be distributed more fairly down to the general population would have given the average Russian a far deeper sense of pride than any martial victory.
Instead, a relative few have become obscenely rich as long as their allegiance was to Putin, and the rest can live marginally better than their soviet forebears.
However, a generation and a half have lived under some semblance of freedom and deep cutting sanctions, combined with a harsher grip on the people will push the population to demand reform and true democracy.
I hope if it comes it will be a bloodless coup, for the sake of the Russian people, and the rest of the world.
Yes – “Upper Volta with nukes”, was I think how the USSR was once described.
A vast country – mostly windy, cold, desolate, empty wastelands pockmarked with small towns that make Luton look like Mayfair. It’s quite instructive zooming in on Siberian towns with Google Earth. Not a pretty sight.
I was in Moscow a few years ago staying with relatives. Central Moscow, around the Kremlin, is swanky and quite impressive. Outside of that it’s mostly decaying Soviet era apartment blocks. The underground stations in Central Moscow though are like palaces – they were created as showpieces by the Soviets.
America looks like a shit-hole when you visit the small towns. Australia looks desolate. The wealth of nations, their power, is often not visible. Look at Britain. What are we? No longer an empire, no longer in Europe, we have schlubby leaders with no vision, our people are obese moaning cunts obsessed with sport and celebrities. Britain is no great shakes anymore. Russia is Russia, it’s an unconquerable land, China even more unconquerable. Meanwhile, Britain lets in the dregs of humanity to set up mobile phone fix-it shops, barbers and oh, Muslims who will take over by 2070.
Japan conquered the Chinese in no time and without the intelligence from The Enigma code being broken, I suspect Germany may have conquered the Soviets.
Russia has a very large Mudslime immigrant population. Mostly Kazaks and the like. Moscow is full of them – driving taxis, running crappy little kiosks and shops, going to Mosques. I have seen them.
Yeah, but the Muslims in Russia don’t seek political power, unlike they do in France and Britain. More and more you see Muslims standing in local election in England. And in their own words, they speak of infiltrating politics in Europe and America. There are three types of jihad and one of them is infiltrating politics, law, education systems. The KGB sought – and succeeded – to infiltrate European and America systems. It’s an omni-shit-show these days. Everyone who seeks power facing off against each other now, but there’s so much noise in the signal now, that it’s hard for most people to see what is going on – even the pawn politicians themselves, they all look as lost as the rest of us.
I think the very best the world can hope for is that Putin and Lavrov are d/w by pissed off Russian military, at which point we must allow them to grieve, and whether we like it or not, stand right back, and let the locals choose a new leader in what we pray will be clean and fair elections, leading to a more balanced Russian government. As a former university student of the language, about 4 decades ago, I have no problem with Russia as a whole, so long as the old Soviet Union remains a distant memory. I really don’t think Poland, E Germany, Czechs and Slovaks, Hungarians & c. want to wake up to Moscow’s tanks rolling down their streets. The last point might seem slightly hysterical, but I am really wondering about Vlad’s current line of thought..
Hitchen’s provides more geopolitical context in that one article than I’ve seen in 2 weeks from the entire MSM. He acknowledges the context post-2014 and the ‘revolution’ itself, which can’t be said of the MSM generally.
All that’s missing from his analysis is the deeper, murky context of powerful vested interests of the USA and UK abusing their power via intel to create this fuckup in the first place. Unfortunately Hitchen’s can never stray beyond the overton window of acceptability.
I don’t believe that Chunky. Western strategic short-sightedness has contributed to this situation in the way it handled Russia. But I can’t accept that the West has connived in this situation to deliberately create a war.
Once this is over will Vlad be open to westerners buying up cheap land in New Russia or even western removalmen putting in a bid for moving people into their new homes?
Why? Have the last 20 years not demonstrated to you that clearly there is something amiss with the west and who pulls strings and why?
Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan.
Then there’s the decades of regime changes in just about every South American country.
To even deny the possibility that maybe once again old uncle Sam, with oversight from vested interests here in London, has conspired to bolster arms sales and instigate wider geopolitical strategy objectives.
“Know them by their fruits”.
The west is full of shit and run by evil fucks. Sorry to break it to you.
Whether you are religious or not, you have to know that the so-called, “elite” use the Biblical prophesies, specifically the Book of Revelation as playbook. To “immanentize the eschaton”, the swiftly bring about the eschaton (“end times”) rather than wait for them happen through God;s ordinance. And many scholars have indentified Russia as part of the Gog and Magog lands of end-time warfare. Incidentally, Armageddon is a large area in Israel (Har Məgīddō in Hebrew). The Islamic Haddith also mentions this place as Al-Malhama Al-Kubra.
Again, whether you are a believer or not or whether the most powerful people of Earth are believers or not, or are Satanists doesn’t matter – they use religious texts are playbooks to bring about certain prophecies to make it seem like we are in the End Times. And maybe we are. It’s as more stagecraft than statecraft, with we the plebs caught in the crossfire. Putin is as much a puppet as Biden is, he’s just more convincing, more the classic villain. There are no “good guys” anymore. The world is ran by psychopaths, degenerates. The media is controlled. I think we actually are in the End Times so watch for signs and wonders in the sky…
Icke doesn’t do Judeo-Christian eschatology. I’m just presenting the way the “elite” – and the religious leaders are among them – view the 21st century. This is the problem with you atheists, you can’t figure out the plays in the game because you just handwave dismiss religion as if it plays to great role on politics. The Judeo-Christian-Islamic leaders are HEAVILY involved in the powerplays of our world. Ignore them at your peril. The politicians in their cheap suits are nothing compared to those men in otherworldly handmade silk gowns. Politics is low-level shit on the Power Pyramid. Higher up is where the real moves are made.
It always makes me laugh when people bring up David Icke as a way of dismissing things. Icke presents verifiable information that is shocking, but most naysayers of Icke just pick up on the “reptilian shape-shifting” stuff and he hasn’t spoken of that in a long time. If you can’t see the current world for what is by now, then you never will and the mainstream media pablum won’t help you. I think this site should stick to cunting Gary Lineker because anything truly heavy is too much for most here.
For what it’s worth, anyone can be a Freemason as long as you have a belief in God, whether you’re a Jesuit or a Rothschild. Freemasonry is not concerned with divisive organised religious affiliations, all it requires is that members have a belief in, for want of a better term, The Great Architect Of The Universe.
From the Masonic publication ‘The Builder’:
“Freemasonry offers no doctrine as to the nature and attributes of God. It has no theory to propound, no philosophy to promulgate, as to His relations to men and to the universe. The Craft assumes that God is a reality, a sacred and unquestioned reality, in the mind of every man, . . . and it leaves to that man the prerogative of fashioning his own theological and philosophical theories. A man may believe in the Trinity or deny the same; he may believe in the deity of Jesus or not; he may hold that God created the universe out of nothing or he may prefer to think that the universe is co-existent with God. . . . Masonry does not demand that we define, or accept any definitions of Him, but it does demand that He be real” (The Builder, June 1921, Volume VII, Number 6, Joseph Newton, ed.)
Freemasons are more often businessmen and people in influential positions.
Are there many wimminz in that organisation, or do they still have demonstrations on jam making, flower arranging and clitoral stimulation at the local W.I branches in the village hall?
The United Grand Lodge of England does not admit women. There are separate Masonic organisations for women, but its not Freemasonry power, just a Wimminz rip-of.
Has to be said, Freemasonry is somewhat class conscious: Lodges range from upper class to working class. Don’t think they have any chav class lodges though. Or woke class lodges for that matter.
Oh – sorry MNC. You said “old” not “odd”. That’s quite funny – because it is odd as well as old. I need new glasses.
We have a tradition that it goes back to the masons of King Solomon’s Temple. Really it grew out of Medieval craft guilds of masons that worked on cathedrals. These were highly skilled people that could earn a lot of money. Because it was such a desirable profession the Guilds developed secret grips and passwords to prevent others passing themselves of as Masons.
These were “operative masons”. Modern masons are “speculative masons” – we don’t work with our hands but use Masonic teachings as an aide to building a better, more moral person. Speculative freemasonry was really a product of the 18th century Enlightenment.
Freemasonry has fuck all roots beyond a few hundred years ago. Rome created it to capture a few more minds to its cause under the guise of ‘mysteries’ (upper class, and snoby brits especially, go weak for elite ideology) and as another way to inject its will into nations behind closed doors.
It’s incredible that in this day and age it can still fly under the radar. Secret societies have no place in free democracy.
All the guff about morality and charity means nothing when it has so many powerful people in its ranks. If there’s nothing to hide then make it completely transparent..
Black Lives Matter?
White man bad?
A man can have a cervix?
A woman can have a cock?
A hedonistic narcissistic selfish lifestyle?
Align this with the 21st century insinuation that everything and anything which dares to celebrate the more traditional once successful West is now deemed intolerant, racist or outdated then what the fuck is it we’re supposed to be upholding anymore.
For example – should it come to it – how many young to middle aged white males will feel enough sense of patriotism to defend a culture and society which has spent the last 10 years aggressivly marginalising them?
As much as I agree with most cunters on here and think Putin is one dangerous unpredictable cunt – I’d be willing to bet my house on the fact that he’s been feeling very much emboldened of late and the weakness of the West these last couple of decades will not have gone unnoticed.
By Putin, by Xi Ping Pong over in China or any mad mullahs in the Middle East for that matter as well.
I apologise if this sounds pessimistic but I think the Russians and Chinese could push us off the Eurasian peninsula if they so desire and I doubt we’d have the will or spirit to resist.
For the simple reason that we don’t know who the fuck we are or what it is we stand for anymore and are mainly governed by a senile dementia ridden career politician (Biden), spineless soyboys (Macron, Trudeau, Johnson etc) or barren females with no future pawns in the game (Sturgeon, Merkel)
Cunts that are more interested in behaving like poundshop tyrants over a rapidly diminishing and grossly over exaggerated virus who are too busy virtue signalling their arses off for the latest phoney woke cause to smell a genuine threat when it’s on their doorstep.
Or corrupt western politicians (Merkel) who have allowed the building up of huge energy dependancy on the very country who’s regime we’re all supposed to be so fundamentally opposed to.
We would probably light candles, wave Ukraine flags and sing Don’t Look Back in Anger, while Russian tanks were rolling through Western Europe or taking control of the Norwegian oil fields etc.
It’s a dreadful scenario to be honest and I find it as confusing as I do uncertain.
Sorry fellas I’m just feeling that way out this morning.
I agree with you, HJ. What does our society amount to now when both Christian and Enlightment values are undermined from the local school level to the PM and his wife?
The last couple of years have made me question our status as a liberal society in the old sense. Nowadays, ‘liberal’ is cover for corporatism and proto-fascism. ‘Enlightened liberals’ mouthing off about securing a no-fly zone over Ukraine. banning Russians with no link to Putin. People asking questions about 2014 called ‘anti-western’ as hysterically as those questioning vaccine mandates are called ‘anti-vaxxers’.
There’s a reason why Brexit happened, why Corbyn and Trump came to power and why this is happening; the failure of elitist Liberalism.
The west is now no longer truly liberal; it’s a circus of short-termist, globalist managerial politicians who don’t need the threat of Putin to coerce us into obedience. They’ve used COVID as a scapegoat to enforce ever-more totalitarian levels of control over our ‘liberal’ society.
We’re run by an unholy alliance of multiculti Marxists in our cultural institutions and corporatists in the economic sphere. Neither are interested in freedom, which is why Vlad is right when he said ‘liberalism is dead’.
There’s 4 choices for Europe now:
1) A reaffirming of real conservativism, national identity and borders with increased spending on defence. Effectively the end of the EU. We need a strong America for this though.
2) Letting Vlad bully us and beat up the gays.
3) Han Chinese supremacy
4) Islamic Caliphate
In only one scenario do the Globohomo crowd get to watch Ed Sheeran sing his mawkish tripe at Glastonbury.
Summed up my feelings too. We are faced with a stark choice now, either confront russian (and China who are behind this) either economically, or miltarily. Or hope that they stand down. They have been planning this for a few years, and pushing buttons all over the place. The Ukraine is the first domino, if that falls, China will take Taiwan, North Korea will attack Japan. Hungary will be annexed and Poland will be attacked because they looked at Putin funny. There will be big sacrifices, and there already have been. But we need to learn from WW2 is we cannot stand on the sidelines now while Russia invades the pitch. What is going on in the Ukraine is not a military operation, it is not a war either, it is terrorism on a state wide scale, with Russia attacking civilian targets to subjugate them, shutting down non state media. This is the marker in the ground, and if we stand by and do nothing, all the dominos will fall one by one
I read a comment in the Guardian this morning, and it was saying that once Putin has been toppled and a peaceful resolution has been found “The world will need to focus on pushing the net-zero targets forward from 2050 to 2030 as we can’t leave an empty vacuum between seeing off the end of fossil fuels and embracing renewables.”
Basically he was saying the emphasis on Russian oil underlines the need to get Europe fully onto renewables so we’re not dependent on “dirty oil and their dirty owners”
I notice Greta has been quiet since the conflict started, although I guess it won’t be long before she pipes up and moans about the pollution from the war and that despite millions of Ukrainians been displaced and thousands killed, she’ll ignore that and just say “my future is at risk if we don’t embrace net zero blah blah”
Will St Greta will appear on the Ukrainian front before long? Seeking to calm the situation with her holy presence. With any luck the mong will be blown to hits.
All of that, “we need to stop using fossil fuels” is pure pish. It would be like the jewellery industry saying, “we need to stop mining precious metals and stones and use clay”. Isn’t going to happen. Whenever has the business world – and “the world is a BUSINESS, Mr Beale!” – just fucking ABANDONED a commodity? I’ll give a few minutes. NEVER! The very idea that the greatest commodity on Earth – crude oil – is going to go back to it’s 18th century status of uselessness is absurd. It will be used FOREVER. Who opposes it? Greta? Middleclass yogurt-knitters?! Pffft!
This was reported three days ago. It’s a shit-show. Russian nutters v Ukraine nutters. Corrupt gov v corrupt gov. Media confusion, internet babble from you, me, everyone. Who knows what is really going on? Honestly, just delete this thread, it’s a dumpster fire and will get worse. This site is meant to be fun and it was until Covid came and now this Ukraine shit-how. We should stick to cunting stuff we have a grasp on – like BBC, woke shit, retard celebz, sport, dog shit on pavements, etc. This isn’t a political site and we end up at each other’s throats when divisive and complex shit like this is flung in our faces.
If the Ukraine war goes on for 10 years, as some are saying, then this thread will last as long until eventually it takes over ISAC. May as well rename the site PISAC – Putin Is A Cunt.
Yeah, I hate it when complex political shit comes crashing in on us and divides us. We aren’t Russians or Ukrainians – what do we know? It’s hard enough sifting through the puke, piss and poop of BRITISH politics without all the other clusterfucks overseas. If Sudan invaded Uganda would we care? Would we have a sub-forum for it? No. I say junk this thread and have no more sub-threads, just stick to the three daily cuntings of stuff we have a grasp on.
God, I’m so sick of reading or hearing the name “Hitler”. Hardly a day goes by without that loser creep being brought up either by pearl-clutchers or those Hitler apologists you get now, who give you those, “did you that Hitler had some POSITIVE qualities?” ugh, enough. History has been repeating itself for 10,000 years, because the format of “civilisation” doesn’t work, it eventually devolves, degenerates and that’s what’s happening now in Ukraine – a corrupt, smug, billy-badass puppet government is being cleaved away by a bigger dog. Russia is corrupt too, an oligarchy ran by a corrupt smug dictator. Boo hoo. Just deescalate the situation and move on, right? WRONG! The European leaders and media will derp dumb shit and enrage Putin even more and innocent people will suffer. And the internet will babble.
Like I said earlier, end this thread, we’ve all said our pieces and we all don’t know shit. It will just become horrible. Wait for the fallout that DIRECTLY affects you, like no petrol like in 1973 and people are slugging at the pumps for the last dribble of dinosaur juice.
@ CG – If you’re so bored with this thread and its subject matter, just stop reading the posts and commenting on it. Simple. Last time I looked ISAC was not here for your benefit alone.
As it says in Important Stuff: “If you’re not happy with this, then please feel free to fuck off somewhere else.”
MMCM keeps saying ‘we have mishandled the Russians’. I think that that is what they have had enough of. That’s what they are kicking against. In the Hitchens piece you get a sense of that. Also in Lavrov having enough of Truss.
They are sick of being ‘manouvered against’.They are sick to the back teeth of the ’empire of lies’ as they see it.
It could be just misunderstandings or misreadings on both sides…maybe.
After reading the Hitchen’s piece which I thought was very persuasive I clicked on an interview with Viktor Yushchenko. Very supportive of President Zelenskyy and the problem of Russian interference.. I like him. Very decent. So in two minds at the moment.
But then I come back to Lindsay Graham calling for Putin to be killed. The assumption we are in charge, we, America decide things.
The word ‘overreach’
being used a lot in connection with Russia. What about American overeach?
Most Americans – even politicians – don’t even seem to comprehend how America has meddled with and started wars in so many countries since the 1890s, all of that “manifest destiny” crap, all that gung ho John Wayne cowboy crap they see themselves as? Rambo in the 80s? Jesus, that was embarrassing, Sly Stallone is about as tough as Pee Wee Hermin, short-arsed over-inflated hammy douchebag. Americans come off as fannies to the world with their posturing. Putin was KGB and is a black belt in judo, he’s legit tough even at 70, he’d crush any other politician in a fight. But Putin is also a silly caricature. The really scary people in the world are the ones who can flip a nation via media. Media, digital media, the net is the great power now and who control the data controls the world now…
I’m fed up with the media going on about the poor dark keys and peacefuls in the Ukraine.
No matter where the fucking war is, it’s these cunts (males of course) pushing themselves to the front of the queue at the borders.
And every cunt is the media is losing their mind, over a few angry local Ukrainian fellas telling these chancers to fuck off and let the fucking UKRAINIAN women and children through.
I notice countries organised planes to take their citizens out of the country. It seems many of these whining cunts are Nigerian ‘students’ but are not bothered about getting on flights home given free by the Nigerian government.
They’re taking it as an opportunity to get into the UK no doubt.
I’ve seen interviews with Pakistani ‘students’ in the Ukraine, banging on about the UK needing to take them in because their uncle lives here.
So you’re a Pakistani student in the Ukraine, but all of a sudden you can’t be a Pakistani national anymore because of a war between Russia and the Ukraine?
Get fucked! Fuck off home you silly cunt!
They can all get fucked.
Get on the free planes home, or stay and get blown to shite would be my message to them.
Let’s not have any more talk of doing away with the thread. This I constantly evolving issue of global consequence, and being able to discuss and debate the issue here rather than derail the noms of the day, which tend to end up being the usual I hate foreigners and when I’m in charge which is quite frankly boring.
If you don’t like the thread, or have nothing to say on the matter, or you just want to mock people for the sake of it, just mosey on over to another topic and fill your boots.
Thanks in advance.
X2. And let the дневная смена reflect that dissenting from the State’s propaganda will now net them up to 15 years in rather inhumane confinement if they try it in Russia. There’s the rub.
The problem is he keeps commenting on my posts trying to provoke me into giving him a mouthful which will surely get me banned, yet I get personal insults from him all the time, the last being particularly offensive, yet day after day the same stuff. I steer clear of the stuff I don’t have an opinion on, or the race hate stuff, it’s easy. Why not do the same if you’re not just here to troll?
Ah well, it takes all sorts.
I think the old adage probably applies, GJ: don’t feed the trolls. Which I shall adopt from now on. This is systematic trolling, and relies, not on winning the argument, but on repeatedly posting the propaganda. That they can is the fundamental weakness of a liberal democracy; in Russia these cunts would be shut down instanter.
Indeed Komodo. When the insults start you know they are finished. I do my level best to avoid him, as I don’t understand half of what he says, it’s all gen z slang, and I’m not ‘down with the kidz’
But this thread sucks like so many threads suck, but the difference is that this sucky thread will go on and on with people posting the latest shitty third-hand intel or some jackass pundit’s take on the situation. That isn’t what this site is supposed to be, it’s supposed to be a funny place, not a political rage-a-thon. It was great that the Covid thread got mothballed and this one should be too. There are gazillions of outlets for Russia-Ukraine on da webz. This subject is pure dumpster-fire fodder for the pearl-clutchers. Spring is coming, enjoy life, fuck politics. You don’t want to spend your last good decade indoors this summer angrily derping about the Ukraine, Putin, etc. Fuck that.
For me it was always bit of both. A bit of poking fun at self important or idiot people and also discussing more important shit that is happening. This is a seperate thread for those who want to post about the “military exercise” in the Ukraine. There is still the main thread wher you can discuss Katy Price’s bankruptcy, or how untalented James Corden is, if you like that kind of thing 🙂 Feel free to go back there if you don’t like it here
I wish I had the time mate, and I think I would be a bit more harsh on those that constantly contravene the site rules.
Thanks for the vote of confidence though, it means a lot.
Oh look at Billy badass the keyboard warrior who would love to cancel people like a little party-pooper birthday girl, LOL! What a joke this site has become. It used to be slam-bam, everyone trashed each other and had a laugh, but it is slowly going the way of all web forums go where people get emotional, timed out, banned, etc. It’s just an anonymous forum, it’s not real life. I would post my thoughts I post here on Twitter but I’d get banned within three days. I bet very few people here would publish their thoughts in their own name, photo of them, with consequences online? Very few. I see the internet as a fun place not a serious place, that’s what the net used to be, now it sucks because pearl-clutching ninnies and nannies are now swarming out the people with wit and wackiness, being killjoys who run to the admin to ban people or whatever other pussyfart behaviours.
I’m not ‘running to admin’ and I don’t want him banned.
Read the rules about cunting the cunters.
And remember, if you’re posting ridiculous stuff on an open forum, especially without a shred of evidence, you might get ridiculed, which isn’t the same as being abused.
The abuse I get doesn’t bother me, I have broad shoulders, and it is just some random on the Internet after all.
Perhaps giving up weed and having an early night now and again might help??
You probably won’t remember this, Gutstick, but CG took you to task about 6 weeks ago for having the temerity to post a comment at…. One o’clock in the morning!
“You stayed up to 1am to post that? I was fucking sober and asleep at 11pm, man!”
Only another 4 hours and 21 minutes to bedtime then. ?
PS: your post inconveniently proved that the truckers freedom convoy had been reported on the MSM. For some reason that was a hurty thing to do – you upstart you!
Of course I remember it, I was pulling an all-nighter at the 78th brigade headquarters (78th brigade is like the 77th, but we keep that one proper secret?), and like all his comms it ends up in his dossier, which is HF/2903/666 Alpha. The HF prefix stands for harmless fantasist.
We had wondered if he was a problem, but after that night he put his personal details on here for some bizarre reason, we realised he was of no concern.
Be cool Cunty. People are right. If you don’t like the Ukraine forum don’t post on it. As for people posting “ hearsay”, well that’s what’s valuable in a discussion like this – hearsay, if that’s what it truly is, can be debunked.
Everyone is concerned about Ukraine. Whilst it can get a bit “ heavy” and “heated” at times, it’s right to discuss it.
Still, as one chap over on Deutche Welle said, the Russians have covered more ground in a few days than the Almighty US army did in 2 weeks in Iraq
Given the way our media has gaslit and lied to us over COVID and Brandon, I take the ‘Russians are shit’ narrative with a pinch of salt. They bound to big up the ‘mysterious fighter ace’ etc, even if it was/is all bollocks.
The distance comparison is bollocks, as the actual distance in miles is a fraction of the distance the US forces had to travel, and if they were equidistant, the US objective would have been reached in two days.
The poor performance of the Russian military invading Ukraine as been as surprising to the west has it has been to the Russians, as is the resolve and quality of Ukrainian forces.
On another note, it seems the king of the pea doughs (Pope) doesn’t share your overly skeptical views on the war the Russians are waging.
However, the Russian military action has the full backing of the Coptic Christian church.
The Russians are finding it tougher than they fought. The Ukraine fight back is stronger and more professional than they fought. Many Russian tanks have been destroyed. And that’s mainly due to the anti- tank missiles supplied by the UK. Whenever they are tied the Ukrainian soldiers apparently say “God save the Queen “. The Russians have bitten of more than they can easily chew.
The Coptic church has backed the Russian invasion.
Do you mean the Orthodox church?
The Copts are more Egyptian Christians aren’t they?
Unless they have gave backing to the invasion.
I don’t wish to sound pendantic and I’m far from a religious expert so I admit I may well be wrong here.
Apparently the anti tank missile success has a lot to do with equipment they already had such as updated RPGs and other Russian kit they use. Javelin and other systems have greatly enhanced this capability, and the columns of destroyed vehicles is testament to this.
There were pictures of a large support vehicle, either a command and control centre or air defence vehicle, bogged down and abandoned.
Someone commented on it saying it was probably old Soviet era tyres that failed it, but a tyre expert said they were cheap Chinese copies of an expensive Michelin tyre, which should never be considered for such a heavy, expensive, and critical vehicle.
Another analyst piped up then about staining emanating from the wheel hubs which were as a result of seal coverings rotting and failing.
Amazing what one picture can tell you.
No worries GJ. – I’m probably splitting hairs to be honest.
I’m only familiar with the Copts because they tend to be in the news due to sometimes being on the receiving end of the actions of terrorist cunts from another religion in Egypt.
I have read that it’s because they’ve attempted to use tactics similar to our battlegroups, but it turns out they’re shit at it & have readopted their old ‘hammer the living fuck out of ’em with arty’ tactic before launching an assault to finish things. If they do that wholesale, they’ll kill a lot of civvies & properly fuck the towns & cities up.
Which is what they are doing now. Artillery and air strikes on built up areas.
I remember watching a report on Russian action in Syria a few years ago, and it was footage of an aerial bombardment by SU25s. They were using ‘dumb bombs’ which are the sort of thing dropped during area bombing during WW2, and fucking barrel bombs, that don’t even have any fins to give it even a vague trajectory.
I wouldn’t want to call up those guys for close air support!
Worked for them in WW2, they went arty heavy against the Germans & they carried it through to the Cold War. I had the privilege of catching the back end of that in BAOR in the late 80’s & we knew if it kicked off they be shelling everything as they advanced, which is fine (sort of) against combatants. But against civvies it’s unforgiveable. Cunts.
You will know better than anyone about the current mindset with your background TSG.
On the subject of Ukraine anti tank capabilities, the German government gave them 2700 anti tank missiles last week, which seemed like a step in the right direction. However, when the missiles arrived, they turned out to be old Soviet supplied DDR weapons from before the cold War ended! These over 30 year old missiles were rusty in the crates, and when challenged, the Germans admitted that maybe a third may not work.
Imagine trusting your life on those odds!
I didn’t know that GJ. The whole point of western weapons is that, by & large, they are more advanced & can do damage. The Javelin is the dogs bollocks, especially after the improvements we made to it, but giving the Ukrainians Soviet era shit is a double insult. Fucking Germans & the EU, eh?
Western weapons tend to rely on precision strikes, as collateral damage and civilian casualties don’t win hearts and minds, and don’t play well at home either. Nobody wants to be connected to another Dresden regardless of legitimacy, and too fucking right! We have plenty of big bang stuff, but keep it for strictly military targets.
Russia as you well know, don’t care what happens on the battlefield, as no one at home will see it, and won’t be able to protest about it if they did.
Yes, they have mobile crematoriums. Also, if they ship the bodies of dead soldiers home they do so quietly, without fanfare and using a designated code so no one will no the plane is carrying bodies. No flag draped coffins such as we have. The life of a Russian soldier, to paraphrase Hobbes can be “nasty, brutish and short”.
Rather timely I think, but it seems old Blair has admitted he may have been wrong about sending British troops to invade Iraq back in 2003.
In an interview with the Archasshole of Cunterbury he confessed some of his belated errors of judgement (below is an extract from the Telegraph). Pity the cunt can’t still be put up against the ICC for War Crimes. Cunt!
“Whether you are right or not is another matter but in those really big decisions you don’t know what all the different component elements are. And you’ve got to follow in the end your own instinct.
“Post-9/11 for me, I decided we had to be with America in this moment, you know, the whole issue to do with the use of chemical, biological weapons, development of nuclear weapons, and so on. And we had to take a strong, strong stance on it.
“Now I may have been wrong but, taking those decisions, I had to do what I thought was the right thing. And I think that’s a very strong obligation on the prime minister in these situations. In the end, you just don’t know how things are going to unfold but it’s your job to take the decision.”
After the publication of the Chilcot report in 2016, he expressed “sorrow, regret and apology” but went on to reject most of the criticisms made and said he would “never agree that people made their sacrifices in vain”.
He had used a CNN interview the previous year to apologise for “the fact the intelligence we received was wrong”, but added: “I find it hard to apologise for removing Saddam.”
Tony Blair is a weapons grade cunt.
I support his imminent demise in a vat of boiling piss.
Thassa fak,Jack.
NB: WTF is it with Samsung predictive cunty text?
BLiar: “I had to do what I thought was the right thing” [ignoring the million odd plebs protesting against it and the Government employed expert on the matter and whose imminent demise was a pure coincidence.]
The Ukraine people should be applauded. What a fighr they have put up and given Russia a bloody nose & a black eye.
The west, and particularly America should hang their heads in shame. “Ukraine isn’t a member of Nato….we won’t enter into a direct conflict with Russia….we will not create a ‘no fly zone as it may expand the conflict” All very plausible excuses, but Ukraine need never have been invaded in the first place. If they still had nukes, Russia would have shouted and complained but not invaded.
The West convinced to Ukraine to give up their nuclear weapons with a promise of “we’ve got your back comerade” – well they haven’t and have royally fucked Ukraine over.
If I were Lithuania or Moldova, I’d be worried. Nato talks a big game but with Putin threatening all out nuclear war, I doubt they would rise to the rescue, guns blazing. They’ll do nothing that would risk a shooting war with Russia.
Churchill, Roosevelt, even Stalin – they took on Hitler and would not stop until the Nazis were totally defeated. The leaders of the modern world haven’t got the grit and backbone. Biden, Boris, Macron ; they’re all empty suits.
Zelensky has risen to the challenge and shocked everyone, but the guy’s outnumbered 100 to 1. Even if they hold the tanks back and bleed Russia severely, I fear Putin will start using chemical weapons. He’s used them before, and for all the sanctions and protests in the U.N, the West will not go to war with Russia. Putin has no limits.
It’s no good getting in a boxing ring saying “no kicking, no biting”, when the other guy already has a knife & broken bottle in hand, and a revolver tucked in his belt.
MI6 and the CIA have it all wrong. I bet they’re sweet talking some Russian General and trying to convince him to ‘off’ Putin.
They should get the Russian Mafia to take out Vlad. This has all got to be bad for business.
While they’re at it, get the Triads on board on to hack Ping’s pacemaker….
Not only is Germany finally going to ramp up its defence spending, as well as committing to the 2% of its national GDP towards NATO, but the return of conscription is being mooted by some opposition parties!
German military conscription was suspended in 2011, but could be reactivated should the country face conflict directly or indirection due to international tensions.
Prior to the 2011 suspension all adult German men were expected to do 1 year’s compulsory military service. But according to latest reports if conscription is reactivated then both men AND women will face the call-up.
Thd MSM again. What about the death and casualty figures? It was a nice round 10, 000 Russian troops killed. Just googled that and the figure seems to come from the Ukranian govrrnment.
And a nice round 2000 Ukranians killed.
And those were the figures (unchallenged) for at least 2 or 3 days last week.
How could you gather such figures in the chaos that is going on?
How many casualties do you need to categorise an atrocity? A war? Or genocide?
This is the sort of thing that holocaust deniers come out with, disputing the figures. It wasn’t six million it was only four. Ah OK, that’s not genocide then.
A lot of people are being killed. That should be enough. I’m sure both sides can estimate the casualties. We are also seeing atrocious photographs and footage every day.
MIles, you are pretending to be naive, in the interests of…well…Moscow. Here’s a little rule for casualties etc. in a war.
For EITHER side:
Divide what it publishes as its enemy’s deaths and losses by three,
Multiply what it publishes as its own deaths and losses by three.
If you apply this rule impartially to each side’s claims, you will often be surprised by their convergence.
Russia invaded the Ukraine, civilians are fleeing and also dying in attacks. Russians are bombing civilian targets. Doesn’t matter how many died on each side. A sky news correspondant was shot. How much do want to see. Do you want to count the dead bodies yourself?
Summed up my feelings too. We are faced with a stark choice now, either confront russian (and China who are behind this) either economically, or miltarily. Or hope that they stand down. They have been planning this for a few years, and pushing buttons all over the place. The Ukraine is the first domino, if that falls, China will take Taiwan, North Korea will attack Japan. Hungary will be annexed and Poland will be attacked because they looked at Putin funny. There will be big sacrifices, and there already have been. But we need to learn from WW2 is we cannot stand on the sidelines now while Russia invades the pitch. What is going on in the Ukraine is not a military operation, it is not a war either, it is terrorism on a state wide scale, with Russia attacking civilian targets to subjugate them, shutting down non state media. This is the marker in the ground, and if we stand by and do nothing, all the dominos will fall one by one
To hell with it. We’ll all be radioactive dust by Easter anyway.
Frankly I regard the demise of the human race as no great loss in the universal scale of things. If the sun exploded tomorrow it would be irrelevant on a galactic scale, never mind a universal one.
At the end of the day, humanity is a pretty despicable species. I seriously wonder if it deserves to survive what Asimov rightly described as “technological adolescence”. Nice turn of phrase thought I…
Nice quote Dioclese – although it was Carl Sagan, not Isaac Asimov.
Sagan’s quote relates to the Kardashev Scale, developed by Soviet astronomer, Nikolai Kardashev. A fascinating, but somewhat speculative concept, the Kardashev Scale was a means of measuring a civilisation’s technological prowess.
There are three scales –
Type I – a planetary civilisation, which can use and store all of the energy available on its planet.
Type II – a stellar civilisation, which can use and control energy at the scale of its planetary system.
Type III – a galactic civilisation, capable of controlling energy at the scale of its entire host galaxy.
Sagan said that humanity (or “oooommmmanittty” as he would have said) is currently going through a phase of technical adolescence, “typical of a civilization about to integrate the type I Kardashev scale.” In other words, we are quite low on the scale and risk blowing everything to smithereens before fully achieving Type I status.
A few years ago we found a signal from a star about 90 to 100 light years from Earth which looked as if it needed the power of a Type I or Type II civilisation to generate. Unfortunately, the signal came from a military satellite orbiting the Earth.
I apologise in advance whilst I like the fun side of Isac, can’t ignore what is happening there. What the Kardashians get up to, who Adele marries next (hopefully me) how professionnaly american James corden is, How many childlike footballers kick their cats, it disappears into insignficance now people die now. It is not sunis versus baath, it is not a third world country. This is Russia attacking someone. Very real very on our doorstep. I would get 15 years in prison in Russia for posting this. But if Adele was my cell mate not so bad 😀
He doesn’t have anything really to say about this issue, he’s just using it to be contrarian and inflammatory.
And to reaffirm his obvious hatred of the Jews.
It amazes me that some people on this site will come down like a ton of bricks on Israel but in the next breath excuse Putin’s war because they see it as being conducted in the name of “Christian civilisation”.
Get yer tin ‘ats on.
They’re on their way.
” Here we go again…..”
Maybe a tinfoil ‘at would be better protection?
Well, if you can spare it, Miles. ?
I think the ‘ Blitz Spirit ‘ of the Ukrainians is fucking amazing.
I wonder if we’ve still got it ?
Perhaps we’ll soon find out.
Vladimir Putin is currently appearing as Peter Sellers ( and going down a bomb ) at The Old Vic.
( and going down A Bomb )
memo to self…. proof read, you silly old cunt.
Those fuckin cabbage munchers wouldn’t dare!!
He wouldn’t be in Ukraine if they still had nuclear weapons.
He needs careful handling certainly,
But like all nutters and bullies you have to be firm.
Take a stand.
Make your position clear.
Boris should meet Vlad and say how it is
Listen you bald little fag.
You treaten us we’ll retaliate.
You fuckin spudfaced commie cunts will be in a nuclear wasteland too.
So dont come the Billy big bollocks with us.
Now fuck off.
Maybe backhand him?
Goss in his face?
And a short-arm jab to the belly. ?
Glad reminds me of Pillsbury the doughboy.
Tighten his tie up until he starts spluttering.
Piss in his briefcase ?
Evening, MNC / all.
Say ”
wheres that suit from?
Primark? Ya fuckin dosser!
Turn up to talk to a Englishman in your fuckin demob suit you cheeky little twat!”
Grab him by the scruff of the neck and boot him up the arse.
He’ll respect you.
Might nuke us, but definitely respect us.
Evening Jack ?
I think the most likely scenario in this is a Russian victory (at the cost of great losses and prestige for Russia’s military). The Ukraine Government will go into exile in Poland. Russia will then face a long guerrilla war in Ukraine which will ultimately succeed – in other words, just like the Soviet and later US/UK invasion of Afghanistan. At the end, Russia will be tired, poor, ostracised and humiliated or may even face a domestic popular uprising.
I don’t think either NATO or Russia will step on any red lines to provoke each other. There is too much at stake. The losers will be the ordinary people of Russia and Ukraine, sadly.
Agreed. Putin will ramp up the nuke threats/fear as much as he can, but short of him going totally bonkers and thumping the red button, I THINK we may be safe.
Is he totally bonkers, or just a bloody good actor??
He’s obviously a fan of Marlon Brando. Really overdid it here:
But maybe the scriptwriter had an off day.
Putin has been quoted as saying ‘What’s the point of a world with no Russia in it?’
I imagine the question is what his interpretation of ‘no Russia’ means. If it’s as MMCM describes, then we may well ultimately get to a nuclear exchange. Add to all that the Finnish are starting to get fidgety & want to join NATO, which will definitely crank him. He isn’t going to start a war with them like he has with Ukraine – they’re hard bastards when it comes to winter warfare, as that cunt Stalin discovered.
Old Vlad, the KGB throwback, might find himself disenfranchised, with trouble at home & abroad, then think ‘Well, what the fuck does it matter…’ & BOOM!
I would be saddened to have a world with no Russia, but I can certainly cope with a world minus KGB dinosaur relics.
‘Imagine there’s no Russia, it’s easy if you try’…
what was that flas…?
Wondered what people thought of this article….https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-10581335/PETER-HITCHENS-saw-coming-Thats-wont-join-carnival-hypocrisy.html
Is he correct?
He’s bang on the money Dick. It doesn’t excuse Putin behaving like a commie dictator of old, but it does succinctly describe what a pile of shit the West has become.
Odd that it should appear in The Mailicious…it’s certainly at odds with the official narrative.
I know fuck-all about Russia,Ukraine etc. but.if true,certainly paints a different picture.
Good Morning,TSG
Good Morning,All.
Morning Dick.
Like everything, it’s various shades of grey on all sides.
I feel for the people though, especially now that Russia has fallen back on it’s predilection for pounding the shit out of the ‘enemy’ with artillery before attacking in force.
Hitchens has been pushing his anti western take for weeks now. That’s fine, it’s how he sees it, and it’s right that there should be people offering a different perspective. It’s the joy of a free press. I know there will be those that scoff at such a suggestion, but there is the proof. He, and a few others have put their points across which challenge the official narrative. I bet you won’t find anything of that kind in Russia.
However, what I find with Hitchens is, like others, is that their hatred of the western political system colours their opinion on the crisis, and that is why I refer to that stance as anti western rather than pro Russian. It doesn’t support what they are doing but gives them an excuse and some legitimacy.
I believe so. NATO broke its own rules and provoked eventual retaliation. Add to which the media propaganda machine is in overdrive in a manner not seen since the Trump administration.
Orange man bad.
Russki man bad.
PS: the landlord of a local boozer is organising a caravan to take sarnies and wooly jumpers out to the Polish/Ukraine border in a massive fit of virtue signalling.
Dumb motherfucker wants likes on social media and his narcissistic face in the local rag no doubt. Idiot.
Good article – certainly explain’s Putin’s motivation.
The world is full of dangerous cunts and Putin is one of them. Take Nelson Mandela – murdering terrorist in my view but that view is possibly not a popular one. Saddam Hussein – another murdering cunt loved by the Yanks to begin with but they changed their mind on that didn’t they?! The old adage “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” is bang on really.
Putin is worse than most because he has absolute control of an arsenal of 6,000 nukes. I don’t think he’ll actually want to use them (he’s by far the best poker player in all this) and the “West” will be careful not to provoke him too much in this area (even Johnson came up with the right answer about the “no fly zone”!)
Things are obviously not going as well for Putin as he hoped. But I doubt he’ll quit. Bloodshed means nothing to him. He’ll conscript and sent to slaughter every adult male in his country if he needs to (and then probably start on the children like Hitler did!).
Meanwhile, thanks to “Net Zero Bollox” and the “Sanctions” fuel and oil costs in the U.K. will start to fuck our own economy over (not as badly as Russia obviously). Heating oil went up 25% last Friday (five times the low price in 2020).
Interesting take of the other side of the coin in the Daily Fail today. However he does seem to bang in a bit about it given his previous articles so not sure how to take it…
Of course, the Russians and Russia are not the problem. The problem is Putin…
This is the article Dick posted above, Diocese.
Hitchens is always contrarian, but it’s a thought provoking piece.
There is no doubt in my mind that we have mishandled Russia since the 90’s and missed a golden opportunity to integrate it into the West. Not sure if it was Putin or Yeltsin, but at one point Russia asked to be admitted into NATO. President Clintstain rejected this and the West then set about enlarging NATO, which was provocative to Russia, considering their rejection by it.
We then embark on a series of agressive misadventures in Afghanistan, Iraq (which was a massive strategic blunder as Saddam was no jihadi and a sworn enemy to Iran) and Libya (bungled by us and the French). I think there were better ways we could have challenged Islamic terrorism without these misadventures, which have had the opposite to the desired effect. Pakistan was greater promoter of Islamic terrorism than Afghanistan, and yet we left them untouched.
Ukraine then antagonised its significant Russian minority. I understand why the Ukranians thought this necessary – they had suffered from years of Russian oppression and wanted to assert their statehood. But it was foolish and had a whiff of ethnic cleansing about it.
From the viewpoint of the Kremlin, which has always been paranoid and sensitive, one can now begin to understand their response. I don’t justify it but I understand it.
Russia and the UK have a lot in common. They have both been described as Europe’s “odd couple”. Both are located on the outer fringes of Europe and have never been fully integrated into it or identified themselves as truly belonging to it. Both were once huge empires and now, although both are still powerful and influential nations, they are a shadow of their former greatness.
When great powers are slighted they go on the offensive. It has happened with Russia and we see the consequences today. The EU since Brexit has slighted the UK and threatens to treat it as a strategic enemy. In doing so the EU will achieve what it fears – the UK will become a strategic enemy. Both the UK and Russia have great capacity for mischief making in Europe. This is not in Europe’s interest. However, and ironically, Putin’s war in the Ukraine might have awakened the EU’s understanding that they need the UK as a strategic and military partner.
When the chips are down, for all its faults, the West is far better than Russia. And Russia’s sense of encirclement does not justify its hideous attack on Ukraine. But at least we can put it in perspective. Let’s hope, if a next time comes, we can deal with Russia more sensitively.
Still doesn’t justify Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and subsequent barbarity.
I did say that Ruff. You are of course correct. I’m just trying to understand it.
I’m no stranger to Hitchins argument re Russia vs Ukraine, he’s been saying much the same thing for the last decade or so. For me though the key is Putin’s psychopathy and his declining health.
As you say, Hitchens likes to play the contrarian – with Brexit he believed in leaving the EU but abstained from voting in the referendum.
Putin has absolutely lost the plot and acted stupidly and irrationally. The Russians will undoubtedly get their butts painfully kicked out of Ukraine – now or, most likely, in the future after a painful guerrilla war. Let’s hope it’s the beginning of the end for Putin.
That’s the problem with authoritarian government. No checks and balances on the leader.
Great points by you both chaps, healthy debate is alive and well here.
I will add a few things that trouble me regarding the poking the bear narrative. Firstly, under Putin, who let’s remember has changed Russian constitution to become leader for life, Russia has done quite a bit of gangster shit over the past decade, political murders, both home and abroad, using particular nasty and signature methods like using polonium and novichok on British soil to murder critics of the Putin regime. A couple of invasions and the shooting down of a civilian aircraft, which was I think an accident, but never acknowledged. All these actions were given punitive sanctions in return, maybe expelling some minor diplomats, but nothing that actually mattered, or held them to account.
Secondly, if the West was hell bent on provoking Russia into some sort of conflict, or making it a world pariah, why would Europe trust a significant portion of its energy security to Russia?
All good points, GJ.
But I don’t think the West was hellbent on making Russia into a pariah. They just mishandled Russia and that mishandling has inadvertently helped Russia along a wrong path.
I agree with you that Putin has created a gangster state run by kleptocrats. But I do wonder if we had been more alive to Russian sensitivities, the Russians might then have voted for a more liberal leader rather than an ex-KGB thug that promised to restore Russian greatness. National psychologies are important – big powers (like Russia and the UK, EU take note) don’t like being treated as enemies and this will always impact on voters and leaders. Of course, since coming to power Putin has stitched everything up and the Russians can’t ditch him even if they want to.
Just food for thought.
The problem with Putin is that his make Russia great again (oh dear) is that he wishes it was a superpower again, revered for its non nuclear military capabilities. This is explained by their disproportionate GDP expenditure on its military compared to far smaller European countries who spend a fraction of that on defence, and have larger economies.
With its vast size and population, and an abundance of natural resources, it could have become an economic superpower, in manufacturing, and pretty much anything you could imagine. Allowing that economic wealth to be distributed more fairly down to the general population would have given the average Russian a far deeper sense of pride than any martial victory.
Instead, a relative few have become obscenely rich as long as their allegiance was to Putin, and the rest can live marginally better than their soviet forebears.
However, a generation and a half have lived under some semblance of freedom and deep cutting sanctions, combined with a harsher grip on the people will push the population to demand reform and true democracy.
I hope if it comes it will be a bloodless coup, for the sake of the Russian people, and the rest of the world.
Yes – “Upper Volta with nukes”, was I think how the USSR was once described.
A vast country – mostly windy, cold, desolate, empty wastelands pockmarked with small towns that make Luton look like Mayfair. It’s quite instructive zooming in on Siberian towns with Google Earth. Not a pretty sight.
I was in Moscow a few years ago staying with relatives. Central Moscow, around the Kremlin, is swanky and quite impressive. Outside of that it’s mostly decaying Soviet era apartment blocks. The underground stations in Central Moscow though are like palaces – they were created as showpieces by the Soviets.
America looks like a shit-hole when you visit the small towns. Australia looks desolate. The wealth of nations, their power, is often not visible. Look at Britain. What are we? No longer an empire, no longer in Europe, we have schlubby leaders with no vision, our people are obese moaning cunts obsessed with sport and celebrities. Britain is no great shakes anymore. Russia is Russia, it’s an unconquerable land, China even more unconquerable. Meanwhile, Britain lets in the dregs of humanity to set up mobile phone fix-it shops, barbers and oh, Muslims who will take over by 2070.
Japan conquered the Chinese in no time and without the intelligence from The Enigma code being broken, I suspect Germany may have conquered the Soviets.
Russia has a very large Mudslime immigrant population. Mostly Kazaks and the like. Moscow is full of them – driving taxis, running crappy little kiosks and shops, going to Mosques. I have seen them.
Yeah, but the Muslims in Russia don’t seek political power, unlike they do in France and Britain. More and more you see Muslims standing in local election in England. And in their own words, they speak of infiltrating politics in Europe and America. There are three types of jihad and one of them is infiltrating politics, law, education systems. The KGB sought – and succeeded – to infiltrate European and America systems. It’s an omni-shit-show these days. Everyone who seeks power facing off against each other now, but there’s so much noise in the signal now, that it’s hard for most people to see what is going on – even the pawn politicians themselves, they all look as lost as the rest of us.
I think the very best the world can hope for is that Putin and Lavrov are d/w by pissed off Russian military, at which point we must allow them to grieve, and whether we like it or not, stand right back, and let the locals choose a new leader in what we pray will be clean and fair elections, leading to a more balanced Russian government. As a former university student of the language, about 4 decades ago, I have no problem with Russia as a whole, so long as the old Soviet Union remains a distant memory. I really don’t think Poland, E Germany, Czechs and Slovaks, Hungarians & c. want to wake up to Moscow’s tanks rolling down their streets. The last point might seem slightly hysterical, but I am really wondering about Vlad’s current line of thought..
Hitchen’s provides more geopolitical context in that one article than I’ve seen in 2 weeks from the entire MSM. He acknowledges the context post-2014 and the ‘revolution’ itself, which can’t be said of the MSM generally.
All that’s missing from his analysis is the deeper, murky context of powerful vested interests of the USA and UK abusing their power via intel to create this fuckup in the first place. Unfortunately Hitchen’s can never stray beyond the overton window of acceptability.
I don’t believe that Chunky. Western strategic short-sightedness has contributed to this situation in the way it handled Russia. But I can’t accept that the West has connived in this situation to deliberately create a war.
Once this is over will Vlad be open to westerners buying up cheap land in New Russia or even western removalmen putting in a bid for moving people into their new homes?
Ive heard property is cheap there?
10 wheelbarrows full of worthless rubles will buy you a nice bed sit in a concrete tower block right now probably…
Why? Have the last 20 years not demonstrated to you that clearly there is something amiss with the west and who pulls strings and why?
Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan.
Then there’s the decades of regime changes in just about every South American country.
To even deny the possibility that maybe once again old uncle Sam, with oversight from vested interests here in London, has conspired to bolster arms sales and instigate wider geopolitical strategy objectives.
“Know them by their fruits”.
The west is full of shit and run by evil fucks. Sorry to break it to you.
Whether you are religious or not, you have to know that the so-called, “elite” use the Biblical prophesies, specifically the Book of Revelation as playbook. To “immanentize the eschaton”, the swiftly bring about the eschaton (“end times”) rather than wait for them happen through God;s ordinance. And many scholars have indentified Russia as part of the Gog and Magog lands of end-time warfare. Incidentally, Armageddon is a large area in Israel (Har Məgīddō in Hebrew). The Islamic Haddith also mentions this place as Al-Malhama Al-Kubra.
Again, whether you are a believer or not or whether the most powerful people of Earth are believers or not, or are Satanists doesn’t matter – they use religious texts are playbooks to bring about certain prophecies to make it seem like we are in the End Times. And maybe we are. It’s as more stagecraft than statecraft, with we the plebs caught in the crossfire. Putin is as much a puppet as Biden is, he’s just more convincing, more the classic villain. There are no “good guys” anymore. The world is ran by psychopaths, degenerates. The media is controlled. I think we actually are in the End Times so watch for signs and wonders in the sky…
Theres a pidgeon on next doors roof if thats a sign or not?
Get you air gun out and shoot that feathery twat, Mis-then pluck out the white neck feathers and send them to Westminster ?
Good grief Cunty, I didn’t realise I’d wandered onto David Icke’s website
Icke doesn’t do Judeo-Christian eschatology. I’m just presenting the way the “elite” – and the religious leaders are among them – view the 21st century. This is the problem with you atheists, you can’t figure out the plays in the game because you just handwave dismiss religion as if it plays to great role on politics. The Judeo-Christian-Islamic leaders are HEAVILY involved in the powerplays of our world. Ignore them at your peril. The politicians in their cheap suits are nothing compared to those men in otherworldly handmade silk gowns. Politics is low-level shit on the Power Pyramid. Higher up is where the real moves are made.
Who or what are these shadowy leaders you talk of Cunty?
Icke seems almost rational by comparison.
It always makes me laugh when people bring up David Icke as a way of dismissing things. Icke presents verifiable information that is shocking, but most naysayers of Icke just pick up on the “reptilian shape-shifting” stuff and he hasn’t spoken of that in a long time. If you can’t see the current world for what is by now, then you never will and the mainstream media pablum won’t help you. I think this site should stick to cunting Gary Lineker because anything truly heavy is too much for most here.
If that is how you truly feel, don’t let the door smack your arse on the way out….
Feel free to leave then CG. We’re all quite sick of being talked down to.
@CuntyGordon Talking of Eschatology, have you seen the stuff about Bible verses changing? Bottles vs Wineskins stands out.
But who or what are they.
Let me guess – Freemasons, Jesuits and the Rothschilds !
There was a Fr Rothschild in Waugh’s ‘Vile Bodues’. Maybe he was a Freemason as well.
Certainly an unusual combination. ?
For what it’s worth, anyone can be a Freemason as long as you have a belief in God, whether you’re a Jesuit or a Rothschild. Freemasonry is not concerned with divisive organised religious affiliations, all it requires is that members have a belief in, for want of a better term, The Great Architect Of The Universe.
From the Masonic publication ‘The Builder’:
“Freemasonry offers no doctrine as to the nature and attributes of God. It has no theory to propound, no philosophy to promulgate, as to His relations to men and to the universe. The Craft assumes that God is a reality, a sacred and unquestioned reality, in the mind of every man, . . . and it leaves to that man the prerogative of fashioning his own theological and philosophical theories. A man may believe in the Trinity or deny the same; he may believe in the deity of Jesus or not; he may hold that God created the universe out of nothing or he may prefer to think that the universe is co-existent with God. . . . Masonry does not demand that we define, or accept any definitions of Him, but it does demand that He be real” (The Builder, June 1921, Volume VII, Number 6, Joseph Newton, ed.)
Btw, I’m not a Mason but my dad was.
Freemasons are more often businessmen and people in influential positions.
Are there many wimminz in that organisation, or do they still have demonstrations on jam making, flower arranging and clitoral stimulation at the local W.I branches in the village hall?
I’m a Freemason, MGB. My dad was as well. The idea that it’s some kind of world conspiracy is laughable.
Evening MMCM, are you really?
Thats interesting.
Few cunters are Freemasons,
BWC was a mason,
And one or two others but can’t remember who.
Ive never understood the conspiracy theorists fear of Freemasonry?
Its quite old isnt it ? Freemasonry.
The United Grand Lodge of England does not admit women. There are separate Masonic organisations for women, but its not Freemasonry power, just a Wimminz rip-of.
Thank you for the clarification ?
Freemasonry proper I meant, not “power”.
Has to be said, Freemasonry is somewhat class conscious: Lodges range from upper class to working class. Don’t think they have any chav class lodges though. Or woke class lodges for that matter.
Evening Miserable. Check it out:
Evening MNC. Yes, freemasonry is rather odd. We even describe it a “peculiar system of morality, veiled in allegory”.
I’ll say no more. Mums the word !
Oh – sorry MNC. You said “old” not “odd”. That’s quite funny – because it is odd as well as old. I need new glasses.
We have a tradition that it goes back to the masons of King Solomon’s Temple. Really it grew out of Medieval craft guilds of masons that worked on cathedrals. These were highly skilled people that could earn a lot of money. Because it was such a desirable profession the Guilds developed secret grips and passwords to prevent others passing themselves of as Masons.
These were “operative masons”. Modern masons are “speculative masons” – we don’t work with our hands but use Masonic teachings as an aide to building a better, more moral person. Speculative freemasonry was really a product of the 18th century Enlightenment.
Its a fascinating history.
Anyone is who a Freemason, what is the deal with the Egyptology stuff in the Freemason Bible? Alleged, I know nuthin.
Freemasonry has fuck all roots beyond a few hundred years ago. Rome created it to capture a few more minds to its cause under the guise of ‘mysteries’ (upper class, and snoby brits especially, go weak for elite ideology) and as another way to inject its will into nations behind closed doors.
It’s incredible that in this day and age it can still fly under the radar. Secret societies have no place in free democracy.
All the guff about morality and charity means nothing when it has so many powerful people in its ranks. If there’s nothing to hide then make it completely transparent..
What does the West actually stand for these days?
What is it to be a Westerner?
Black Lives Matter?
White man bad?
A man can have a cervix?
A woman can have a cock?
A hedonistic narcissistic selfish lifestyle?
Align this with the 21st century insinuation that everything and anything which dares to celebrate the more traditional once successful West is now deemed intolerant, racist or outdated then what the fuck is it we’re supposed to be upholding anymore.
For example – should it come to it – how many young to middle aged white males will feel enough sense of patriotism to defend a culture and society which has spent the last 10 years aggressivly marginalising them?
As much as I agree with most cunters on here and think Putin is one dangerous unpredictable cunt – I’d be willing to bet my house on the fact that he’s been feeling very much emboldened of late and the weakness of the West these last couple of decades will not have gone unnoticed.
By Putin, by Xi Ping Pong over in China or any mad mullahs in the Middle East for that matter as well.
I apologise if this sounds pessimistic but I think the Russians and Chinese could push us off the Eurasian peninsula if they so desire and I doubt we’d have the will or spirit to resist.
For the simple reason that we don’t know who the fuck we are or what it is we stand for anymore and are mainly governed by a senile dementia ridden career politician (Biden), spineless soyboys (Macron, Trudeau, Johnson etc) or barren females with no future pawns in the game (Sturgeon, Merkel)
Cunts that are more interested in behaving like poundshop tyrants over a rapidly diminishing and grossly over exaggerated virus who are too busy virtue signalling their arses off for the latest phoney woke cause to smell a genuine threat when it’s on their doorstep.
Or corrupt western politicians (Merkel) who have allowed the building up of huge energy dependancy on the very country who’s regime we’re all supposed to be so fundamentally opposed to.
We would probably light candles, wave Ukraine flags and sing Don’t Look Back in Anger, while Russian tanks were rolling through Western Europe or taking control of the Norwegian oil fields etc.
It’s a dreadful scenario to be honest and I find it as confusing as I do uncertain.
Sorry fellas I’m just feeling that way out this morning.
Excellent post.
Evening Miles ?
I agree with you, HJ. What does our society amount to now when both Christian and Enlightment values are undermined from the local school level to the PM and his wife?
The last couple of years have made me question our status as a liberal society in the old sense. Nowadays, ‘liberal’ is cover for corporatism and proto-fascism. ‘Enlightened liberals’ mouthing off about securing a no-fly zone over Ukraine. banning Russians with no link to Putin. People asking questions about 2014 called ‘anti-western’ as hysterically as those questioning vaccine mandates are called ‘anti-vaxxers’.
There’s a reason why Brexit happened, why Corbyn and Trump came to power and why this is happening; the failure of elitist Liberalism.
The west is now no longer truly liberal; it’s a circus of short-termist, globalist managerial politicians who don’t need the threat of Putin to coerce us into obedience. They’ve used COVID as a scapegoat to enforce ever-more totalitarian levels of control over our ‘liberal’ society.
We’re run by an unholy alliance of multiculti Marxists in our cultural institutions and corporatists in the economic sphere. Neither are interested in freedom, which is why Vlad is right when he said ‘liberalism is dead’.
There’s 4 choices for Europe now:
1) A reaffirming of real conservativism, national identity and borders with increased spending on defence. Effectively the end of the EU. We need a strong America for this though.
2) Letting Vlad bully us and beat up the gays.
3) Han Chinese supremacy
4) Islamic Caliphate
In only one scenario do the Globohomo crowd get to watch Ed Sheeran sing his mawkish tripe at Glastonbury.
Summed up my feelings too. We are faced with a stark choice now, either confront russian (and China who are behind this) either economically, or miltarily. Or hope that they stand down. They have been planning this for a few years, and pushing buttons all over the place. The Ukraine is the first domino, if that falls, China will take Taiwan, North Korea will attack Japan. Hungary will be annexed and Poland will be attacked because they looked at Putin funny. There will be big sacrifices, and there already have been. But we need to learn from WW2 is we cannot stand on the sidelines now while Russia invades the pitch. What is going on in the Ukraine is not a military operation, it is not a war either, it is terrorism on a state wide scale, with Russia attacking civilian targets to subjugate them, shutting down non state media. This is the marker in the ground, and if we stand by and do nothing, all the dominos will fall one by one
You can’t make this shit up. While Ukraine burns Vlad is away judging “The Lovely Girls Competition” at an Aeroflot Air Hostess Training Centre:
If it’s the Daily Mail…
Vlad puts in a lot of effort to portray a strong, red blooded heterosexual image.
The nasty little shit stabber.
I read a comment in the Guardian this morning, and it was saying that once Putin has been toppled and a peaceful resolution has been found “The world will need to focus on pushing the net-zero targets forward from 2050 to 2030 as we can’t leave an empty vacuum between seeing off the end of fossil fuels and embracing renewables.”
Basically he was saying the emphasis on Russian oil underlines the need to get Europe fully onto renewables so we’re not dependent on “dirty oil and their dirty owners”
I notice Greta has been quiet since the conflict started, although I guess it won’t be long before she pipes up and moans about the pollution from the war and that despite millions of Ukrainians been displaced and thousands killed, she’ll ignore that and just say “my future is at risk if we don’t embrace net zero blah blah”
Stupid little cunt – her future is more at risk from a nuclear apocalypse!
Will St Greta will appear on the Ukrainian front before long? Seeking to calm the situation with her holy presence. With any luck the mong will be blown to hits.
All of that, “we need to stop using fossil fuels” is pure pish. It would be like the jewellery industry saying, “we need to stop mining precious metals and stones and use clay”. Isn’t going to happen. Whenever has the business world – and “the world is a BUSINESS, Mr Beale!” – just fucking ABANDONED a commodity? I’ll give a few minutes. NEVER! The very idea that the greatest commodity on Earth – crude oil – is going to go back to it’s 18th century status of uselessness is absurd. It will be used FOREVER. Who opposes it? Greta? Middleclass yogurt-knitters?! Pffft!
Well you’re right, even if we replace every power source with fusion/antimatter etc, we’ll need plastic.
As George Carlin said ‘this planet only created humans because it needed us to produce plastic’.
Plus those paper straws are shite.
According to reports in Bloomberg Russia is planning public executions in Ukraine to break morale. Just like Nazi Germany.
Utterly barbaric if true.
This was reported three days ago. It’s a shit-show. Russian nutters v Ukraine nutters. Corrupt gov v corrupt gov. Media confusion, internet babble from you, me, everyone. Who knows what is really going on? Honestly, just delete this thread, it’s a dumpster fire and will get worse. This site is meant to be fun and it was until Covid came and now this Ukraine shit-how. We should stick to cunting stuff we have a grasp on – like BBC, woke shit, retard celebz, sport, dog shit on pavements, etc. This isn’t a political site and we end up at each other’s throats when divisive and complex shit like this is flung in our faces.
? There is some truth in what you say.
If the Ukraine war goes on for 10 years, as some are saying, then this thread will last as long until eventually it takes over ISAC. May as well rename the site PISAC – Putin Is A Cunt.
Yeah, I hate it when complex political shit comes crashing in on us and divides us. We aren’t Russians or Ukrainians – what do we know? It’s hard enough sifting through the puke, piss and poop of BRITISH politics without all the other clusterfucks overseas. If Sudan invaded Uganda would we care? Would we have a sub-forum for it? No. I say junk this thread and have no more sub-threads, just stick to the three daily cuntings of stuff we have a grasp on.
People said the same thing after Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia…
Great, let’s throw in the classic “Hitler” reference to make things less heated! LOL!
Quite so, MJB.
As Churchill said in the House of Common Cunts in 1948:
“Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.”
Classic Godwin’s Law in action by ISACers yet again…
God, I’m so sick of reading or hearing the name “Hitler”. Hardly a day goes by without that loser creep being brought up either by pearl-clutchers or those Hitler apologists you get now, who give you those, “did you that Hitler had some POSITIVE qualities?” ugh, enough. History has been repeating itself for 10,000 years, because the format of “civilisation” doesn’t work, it eventually devolves, degenerates and that’s what’s happening now in Ukraine – a corrupt, smug, billy-badass puppet government is being cleaved away by a bigger dog. Russia is corrupt too, an oligarchy ran by a corrupt smug dictator. Boo hoo. Just deescalate the situation and move on, right? WRONG! The European leaders and media will derp dumb shit and enrage Putin even more and innocent people will suffer. And the internet will babble.
Like I said earlier, end this thread, we’ve all said our pieces and we all don’t know shit. It will just become horrible. Wait for the fallout that DIRECTLY affects you, like no petrol like in 1973 and people are slugging at the pumps for the last dribble of dinosaur juice.
@ CG – If you’re so bored with this thread and its subject matter, just stop reading the posts and commenting on it. Simple. Last time I looked ISAC was not here for your benefit alone.
As it says in Important Stuff: “If you’re not happy with this, then please feel free to fuck off somewhere else.”
‘it’s a dumpster fire and will get worse. This site is meant to be fun’
I’m sorry CG but i heartily disagree. This thread is hilarious and needs to stay until we’re sucking on irradiated ash.
Afternoon all
MMCM keeps saying ‘we have mishandled the Russians’. I think that that is what they have had enough of. That’s what they are kicking against. In the Hitchens piece you get a sense of that. Also in Lavrov having enough of Truss.
They are sick of being ‘manouvered against’.They are sick to the back teeth of the ’empire of lies’ as they see it.
It could be just misunderstandings or misreadings on both sides…maybe.
After reading the Hitchen’s piece which I thought was very persuasive I clicked on an interview with Viktor Yushchenko. Very supportive of President Zelenskyy and the problem of Russian interference.. I like him. Very decent. So in two minds at the moment.
But then I come back to Lindsay Graham calling for Putin to be killed. The assumption we are in charge, we, America decide things.
The word ‘overreach’
being used a lot in connection with Russia. What about American overeach?
What about American overreach….we’ve had for years and years.
Most Americans – even politicians – don’t even seem to comprehend how America has meddled with and started wars in so many countries since the 1890s, all of that “manifest destiny” crap, all that gung ho John Wayne cowboy crap they see themselves as? Rambo in the 80s? Jesus, that was embarrassing, Sly Stallone is about as tough as Pee Wee Hermin, short-arsed over-inflated hammy douchebag. Americans come off as fannies to the world with their posturing. Putin was KGB and is a black belt in judo, he’s legit tough even at 70, he’d crush any other politician in a fight. But Putin is also a silly caricature. The really scary people in the world are the ones who can flip a nation via media. Media, digital media, the net is the great power now and who control the data controls the world now…
I see the дневная смена is on overtime.
I’m sure the sweat is dripping off him! LOL!
I’m fed up with the media going on about the poor dark keys and peacefuls in the Ukraine.
No matter where the fucking war is, it’s these cunts (males of course) pushing themselves to the front of the queue at the borders.
And every cunt is the media is losing their mind, over a few angry local Ukrainian fellas telling these chancers to fuck off and let the fucking UKRAINIAN women and children through.
I notice countries organised planes to take their citizens out of the country. It seems many of these whining cunts are Nigerian ‘students’ but are not bothered about getting on flights home given free by the Nigerian government.
They’re taking it as an opportunity to get into the UK no doubt.
I’ve seen interviews with Pakistani ‘students’ in the Ukraine, banging on about the UK needing to take them in because their uncle lives here.
So you’re a Pakistani student in the Ukraine, but all of a sudden you can’t be a Pakistani national anymore because of a war between Russia and the Ukraine?
Get fucked! Fuck off home you silly cunt!
They can all get fucked.
Get on the free planes home, or stay and get blown to shite would be my message to them.
There was a Canon Paul Fenneau in A Dance to the Music of Time; a very interesting character, too. Excellently played by Colin Baker.
Let’s not have any more talk of doing away with the thread. This I constantly evolving issue of global consequence, and being able to discuss and debate the issue here rather than derail the noms of the day, which tend to end up being the usual I hate foreigners and when I’m in charge which is quite frankly boring.
If you don’t like the thread, or have nothing to say on the matter, or you just want to mock people for the sake of it, just mosey on over to another topic and fill your boots.
Thanks in advance.
X2. And let the дневная смена reflect that dissenting from the State’s propaganda will now net them up to 15 years in rather inhumane confinement if they try it in Russia. There’s the rub.
The problem is he keeps commenting on my posts trying to provoke me into giving him a mouthful which will surely get me banned, yet I get personal insults from him all the time, the last being particularly offensive, yet day after day the same stuff. I steer clear of the stuff I don’t have an opinion on, or the race hate stuff, it’s easy. Why not do the same if you’re not just here to troll?
Ah well, it takes all sorts.
I think the old adage probably applies, GJ: don’t feed the trolls. Which I shall adopt from now on. This is systematic trolling, and relies, not on winning the argument, but on repeatedly posting the propaganda. That they can is the fundamental weakness of a liberal democracy; in Russia these cunts would be shut down instanter.
Excuse the ignorance but what’s the Russian writing? Is it a reference to a certain cunter with the initials CG by any chance?
Indeed Komodo. When the insults start you know they are finished. I do my level best to avoid him, as I don’t understand half of what he says, it’s all gen z slang, and I’m not ‘down with the kidz’
But this thread sucks like so many threads suck, but the difference is that this sucky thread will go on and on with people posting the latest shitty third-hand intel or some jackass pundit’s take on the situation. That isn’t what this site is supposed to be, it’s supposed to be a funny place, not a political rage-a-thon. It was great that the Covid thread got mothballed and this one should be too. There are gazillions of outlets for Russia-Ukraine on da webz. This subject is pure dumpster-fire fodder for the pearl-clutchers. Spring is coming, enjoy life, fuck politics. You don’t want to spend your last good decade indoors this summer angrily derping about the Ukraine, Putin, etc. Fuck that.
” this sucky thread will go on and on with people posting the latest shitty third-hand intel or some jackass pundit’s take on the situation. ”
“O, wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as others see us!
It wad frae monie a blunder free us,
An’ foolish notion.”
Now, in line with Moscow’s playbook, you turn that round and pretend it’s about me, don’t you? Well done. Allow me to respond in kind:
“You don’t want to spend your last good decade indoors this summer angrily derping about the Ukraine, Putin, etc. Fuck that.”
The solution is in your hands, too.
Stop posting here then, snowflake.
For me it was always bit of both. A bit of poking fun at self important or idiot people and also discussing more important shit that is happening. This is a seperate thread for those who want to post about the “military exercise” in the Ukraine. There is still the main thread wher you can discuss Katy Price’s bankruptcy, or how untalented James Corden is, if you like that kind of thing 🙂 Feel free to go back there if you don’t like it here
You interested in becoming an admin GJ? Reckon you’d be quite good at it.
I wish I had the time mate, and I think I would be a bit more harsh on those that constantly contravene the site rules.
Thanks for the vote of confidence though, it means a lot.
Oh look at Billy badass the keyboard warrior who would love to cancel people like a little party-pooper birthday girl, LOL! What a joke this site has become. It used to be slam-bam, everyone trashed each other and had a laugh, but it is slowly going the way of all web forums go where people get emotional, timed out, banned, etc. It’s just an anonymous forum, it’s not real life. I would post my thoughts I post here on Twitter but I’d get banned within three days. I bet very few people here would publish their thoughts in their own name, photo of them, with consequences online? Very few. I see the internet as a fun place not a serious place, that’s what the net used to be, now it sucks because pearl-clutching ninnies and nannies are now swarming out the people with wit and wackiness, being killjoys who run to the admin to ban people or whatever other pussyfart behaviours.
The problem is CG that you and especially Chunky do seem to be goading Gutstick and a few others. That isn’t banter.
I’m not ‘running to admin’ and I don’t want him banned.
Read the rules about cunting the cunters.
And remember, if you’re posting ridiculous stuff on an open forum, especially without a shred of evidence, you might get ridiculed, which isn’t the same as being abused.
The abuse I get doesn’t bother me, I have broad shoulders, and it is just some random on the Internet after all.
Perhaps giving up weed and having an early night now and again might help??
You probably won’t remember this, Gutstick, but CG took you to task about 6 weeks ago for having the temerity to post a comment at…. One o’clock in the morning!
“You stayed up to 1am to post that? I was fucking sober and asleep at 11pm, man!”
Only another 4 hours and 21 minutes to bedtime then. ?
PS: your post inconveniently proved that the truckers freedom convoy had been reported on the MSM. For some reason that was a hurty thing to do – you upstart you!
Of course I remember it, I was pulling an all-nighter at the 78th brigade headquarters (78th brigade is like the 77th, but we keep that one proper secret?), and like all his comms it ends up in his dossier, which is HF/2903/666 Alpha. The HF prefix stands for harmless fantasist.
We had wondered if he was a problem, but after that night he put his personal details on here for some bizarre reason, we realised he was of no concern.
CG, you’re getting too upset by this guff.
Be cool Cunty. People are right. If you don’t like the Ukraine forum don’t post on it. As for people posting “ hearsay”, well that’s what’s valuable in a discussion like this – hearsay, if that’s what it truly is, can be debunked.
Everyone is concerned about Ukraine. Whilst it can get a bit “ heavy” and “heated” at times, it’s right to discuss it.
In the words of Lionel Hutz, hearsay and conjecture ARE kinds of evidence
Anyone suspicious of the MSM’s rubbishing the Russian military?
It seemed that was the ‘narrative’ chosen from the get-go.
It was bogged dogged’, mired’ seemingly from day 1.
the performance of the russian military
It was ‘bogged down’, ‘mired’ from day 1.
I am. Token mishaps.
Still, as one chap over on Deutche Welle said, the Russians have covered more ground in a few days than the Almighty US army did in 2 weeks in Iraq
Given the way our media has gaslit and lied to us over COVID and Brandon, I take the ‘Russians are shit’ narrative with a pinch of salt. They bound to big up the ‘mysterious fighter ace’ etc, even if it was/is all bollocks.
The distance comparison is bollocks, as the actual distance in miles is a fraction of the distance the US forces had to travel, and if they were equidistant, the US objective would have been reached in two days.
Evening HJ, I think you may well be right, and I stand corrected. Us atheists tend to lump them in together, like hobbits and jedis.?
The poor performance of the Russian military invading Ukraine as been as surprising to the west has it has been to the Russians, as is the resolve and quality of Ukrainian forces.
On another note, it seems the king of the pea doughs (Pope) doesn’t share your overly skeptical views on the war the Russians are waging.
However, the Russian military action has the full backing of the Coptic Christian church.
The Russians are finding it tougher than they fought. The Ukraine fight back is stronger and more professional than they fought. Many Russian tanks have been destroyed. And that’s mainly due to the anti- tank missiles supplied by the UK. Whenever they are tied the Ukrainian soldiers apparently say “God save the Queen “. The Russians have bitten of more than they can easily chew.
Thought not fought.
Theres footage just released of a Russian helicopter downed by Ukrainian troops.
Itll be a high price Russia pays to gain Ukraine.
Both financially and in human life.
Thort not Fort.
Evening GJ
The Coptic church has backed the Russian invasion.
Do you mean the Orthodox church?
The Copts are more Egyptian Christians aren’t they?
Unless they have gave backing to the invasion.
I don’t wish to sound pendantic and I’m far from a religious expert so I admit I may well be wrong here.
Apparently the anti tank missile success has a lot to do with equipment they already had such as updated RPGs and other Russian kit they use. Javelin and other systems have greatly enhanced this capability, and the columns of destroyed vehicles is testament to this.
There were pictures of a large support vehicle, either a command and control centre or air defence vehicle, bogged down and abandoned.
Someone commented on it saying it was probably old Soviet era tyres that failed it, but a tyre expert said they were cheap Chinese copies of an expensive Michelin tyre, which should never be considered for such a heavy, expensive, and critical vehicle.
Another analyst piped up then about staining emanating from the wheel hubs which were as a result of seal coverings rotting and failing.
Amazing what one picture can tell you.
Outdated Soviet equipment then combined with replacement counterfeit Chinese tat. Not a good combination.
If any of the Ruskie military equipment was made in China then I’m surprised it managed to get as far as the Ukrainian border in the first place.
See misplaced reply above, HJ.?♂️
No worries GJ. – I’m probably splitting hairs to be honest.
I’m only familiar with the Copts because they tend to be in the news due to sometimes being on the receiving end of the actions of terrorist cunts from another religion in Egypt.
I have read that it’s because they’ve attempted to use tactics similar to our battlegroups, but it turns out they’re shit at it & have readopted their old ‘hammer the living fuck out of ’em with arty’ tactic before launching an assault to finish things. If they do that wholesale, they’ll kill a lot of civvies & properly fuck the towns & cities up.
No man has greater love than Vladimir Putin for his Ukrainian brothers.
Which is what they are doing now. Artillery and air strikes on built up areas.
I remember watching a report on Russian action in Syria a few years ago, and it was footage of an aerial bombardment by SU25s. They were using ‘dumb bombs’ which are the sort of thing dropped during area bombing during WW2, and fucking barrel bombs, that don’t even have any fins to give it even a vague trajectory.
I wouldn’t want to call up those guys for close air support!
Worked for them in WW2, they went arty heavy against the Germans & they carried it through to the Cold War. I had the privilege of catching the back end of that in BAOR in the late 80’s & we knew if it kicked off they be shelling everything as they advanced, which is fine (sort of) against combatants. But against civvies it’s unforgiveable. Cunts.
You will know better than anyone about the current mindset with your background TSG.
On the subject of Ukraine anti tank capabilities, the German government gave them 2700 anti tank missiles last week, which seemed like a step in the right direction. However, when the missiles arrived, they turned out to be old Soviet supplied DDR weapons from before the cold War ended! These over 30 year old missiles were rusty in the crates, and when challenged, the Germans admitted that maybe a third may not work.
Imagine trusting your life on those odds!
I didn’t know that GJ. The whole point of western weapons is that, by & large, they are more advanced & can do damage. The Javelin is the dogs bollocks, especially after the improvements we made to it, but giving the Ukrainians Soviet era shit is a double insult. Fucking Germans & the EU, eh?
Western weapons tend to rely on precision strikes, as collateral damage and civilian casualties don’t win hearts and minds, and don’t play well at home either. Nobody wants to be connected to another Dresden regardless of legitimacy, and too fucking right! We have plenty of big bang stuff, but keep it for strictly military targets.
Russia as you well know, don’t care what happens on the battlefield, as no one at home will see it, and won’t be able to protest about it if they did.
The Russians have form in utilising mobile crematoriums on the battlefield to avoid the inconvenient sight of body bags returning home, don’t they?
Yes, they have mobile crematoriums. Also, if they ship the bodies of dead soldiers home they do so quietly, without fanfare and using a designated code so no one will no the plane is carrying bodies. No flag draped coffins such as we have. The life of a Russian soldier, to paraphrase Hobbes can be “nasty, brutish and short”.
I’m sure their nearest and dearest are suitably understanding…
In Putin’s Russia they have no choice. They have to suck it up.
Rather timely I think, but it seems old Blair has admitted he may have been wrong about sending British troops to invade Iraq back in 2003.
In an interview with the Archasshole of Cunterbury he confessed some of his belated errors of judgement (below is an extract from the Telegraph). Pity the cunt can’t still be put up against the ICC for War Crimes. Cunt!
“Whether you are right or not is another matter but in those really big decisions you don’t know what all the different component elements are. And you’ve got to follow in the end your own instinct.
“Post-9/11 for me, I decided we had to be with America in this moment, you know, the whole issue to do with the use of chemical, biological weapons, development of nuclear weapons, and so on. And we had to take a strong, strong stance on it.
“Now I may have been wrong but, taking those decisions, I had to do what I thought was the right thing. And I think that’s a very strong obligation on the prime minister in these situations. In the end, you just don’t know how things are going to unfold but it’s your job to take the decision.”
After the publication of the Chilcot report in 2016, he expressed “sorrow, regret and apology” but went on to reject most of the criticisms made and said he would “never agree that people made their sacrifices in vain”.
He had used a CNN interview the previous year to apologise for “the fact the intelligence we received was wrong”, but added: “I find it hard to apologise for removing Saddam.”
Tony Blair is a weapons grade cunt.
I support his imminent demise in a vat of boiling piss.
Thassa fak,Jack.
NB: WTF is it with Samsung predictive cunty text?
BLiar: “I had to do what I thought was the right thing” [ignoring the million odd plebs protesting against it and the Government employed expert on the matter and whose imminent demise was a pure coincidence.]
Bit of context added there?
The Ukraine people should be applauded. What a fighr they have put up and given Russia a bloody nose & a black eye.
The west, and particularly America should hang their heads in shame. “Ukraine isn’t a member of Nato….we won’t enter into a direct conflict with Russia….we will not create a ‘no fly zone as it may expand the conflict” All very plausible excuses, but Ukraine need never have been invaded in the first place. If they still had nukes, Russia would have shouted and complained but not invaded.
The West convinced to Ukraine to give up their nuclear weapons with a promise of “we’ve got your back comerade” – well they haven’t and have royally fucked Ukraine over.
If I were Lithuania or Moldova, I’d be worried. Nato talks a big game but with Putin threatening all out nuclear war, I doubt they would rise to the rescue, guns blazing. They’ll do nothing that would risk a shooting war with Russia.
Churchill, Roosevelt, even Stalin – they took on Hitler and would not stop until the Nazis were totally defeated. The leaders of the modern world haven’t got the grit and backbone. Biden, Boris, Macron ; they’re all empty suits.
Zelensky has risen to the challenge and shocked everyone, but the guy’s outnumbered 100 to 1. Even if they hold the tanks back and bleed Russia severely, I fear Putin will start using chemical weapons. He’s used them before, and for all the sanctions and protests in the U.N, the West will not go to war with Russia. Putin has no limits.
It’s no good getting in a boxing ring saying “no kicking, no biting”, when the other guy already has a knife & broken bottle in hand, and a revolver tucked in his belt.
‘The West convinced to Ukraine to give up their nuclear weapons with a promise of “we’ve got your back comerade”
That is very ttue. That’s what’s happened with loads of countries over the years.
The Kurds come to mind. They rise up but then America doesn’t want to know.
MI6 and the CIA have it all wrong. I bet they’re sweet talking some Russian General and trying to convince him to ‘off’ Putin.
They should get the Russian Mafia to take out Vlad. This has all got to be bad for business.
While they’re at it, get the Triads on board on to hack Ping’s pacemaker….
Not only is Germany finally going to ramp up its defence spending, as well as committing to the 2% of its national GDP towards NATO, but the return of conscription is being mooted by some opposition parties!
German military conscription was suspended in 2011, but could be reactivated should the country face conflict directly or indirection due to international tensions.
Prior to the 2011 suspension all adult German men were expected to do 1 year’s compulsory military service. But according to latest reports if conscription is reactivated then both men AND women will face the call-up.
However, it is unlikely to happen anytime soon.
Stating “men and women” is both binary and offensive, please attend a correctional facility.
Germany ramping up defence spending simply means that they will be ordering new broomsticks but this time with the brushes on the end.
Take that, Putin !
Thd MSM again. What about the death and casualty figures? It was a nice round 10, 000 Russian troops killed. Just googled that and the figure seems to come from the Ukranian govrrnment.
And a nice round 2000 Ukranians killed.
And those were the figures (unchallenged) for at least 2 or 3 days last week.
How could you gather such figures in the chaos that is going on?
Veterans Today…
How many casualties do you need to categorise an atrocity? A war? Or genocide?
This is the sort of thing that holocaust deniers come out with, disputing the figures. It wasn’t six million it was only four. Ah OK, that’s not genocide then.
A lot of people are being killed. That should be enough. I’m sure both sides can estimate the casualties. We are also seeing atrocious photographs and footage every day.
MIles, you are pretending to be naive, in the interests of…well…Moscow. Here’s a little rule for casualties etc. in a war.
For EITHER side:
Divide what it publishes as its enemy’s deaths and losses by three,
Multiply what it publishes as its own deaths and losses by three.
If you apply this rule impartially to each side’s claims, you will often be surprised by their convergence.
What’s that you say? Спасибо?
Not at all. A pleasure.
Russia invaded the Ukraine, civilians are fleeing and also dying in attacks. Russians are bombing civilian targets. Doesn’t matter how many died on each side. A sky news correspondant was shot. How much do want to see. Do you want to count the dead bodies yourself?
Summed up my feelings too. We are faced with a stark choice now, either confront russian (and China who are behind this) either economically, or miltarily. Or hope that they stand down. They have been planning this for a few years, and pushing buttons all over the place. The Ukraine is the first domino, if that falls, China will take Taiwan, North Korea will attack Japan. Hungary will be annexed and Poland will be attacked because they looked at Putin funny. There will be big sacrifices, and there already have been. But we need to learn from WW2 is we cannot stand on the sidelines now while Russia invades the pitch. What is going on in the Ukraine is not a military operation, it is not a war either, it is terrorism on a state wide scale, with Russia attacking civilian targets to subjugate them, shutting down non state media. This is the marker in the ground, and if we stand by and do nothing, all the dominos will fall one by one
Peace on earth.
Is it the role of Nato to secure peace on earth?
No – just Europe. But if we don’t make a stand on our own doorstep it will act as a green light to other aggressors, particularly China.
To hell with it. We’ll all be radioactive dust by Easter anyway.
Frankly I regard the demise of the human race as no great loss in the universal scale of things. If the sun exploded tomorrow it would be irrelevant on a galactic scale, never mind a universal one.
At the end of the day, humanity is a pretty despicable species. I seriously wonder if it deserves to survive what Asimov rightly described as “technological adolescence”. Nice turn of phrase thought I…
Nice quote Dioclese – although it was Carl Sagan, not Isaac Asimov.
Sagan’s quote relates to the Kardashev Scale, developed by Soviet astronomer, Nikolai Kardashev. A fascinating, but somewhat speculative concept, the Kardashev Scale was a means of measuring a civilisation’s technological prowess.
There are three scales –
Type I – a planetary civilisation, which can use and store all of the energy available on its planet.
Type II – a stellar civilisation, which can use and control energy at the scale of its planetary system.
Type III – a galactic civilisation, capable of controlling energy at the scale of its entire host galaxy.
Sagan said that humanity (or “oooommmmanittty” as he would have said) is currently going through a phase of technical adolescence, “typical of a civilization about to integrate the type I Kardashev scale.” In other words, we are quite low on the scale and risk blowing everything to smithereens before fully achieving Type I status.
A few years ago we found a signal from a star about 90 to 100 light years from Earth which looked as if it needed the power of a Type I or Type II civilisation to generate. Unfortunately, the signal came from a military satellite orbiting the Earth.
Anyway, back to Earth.
I apologise in advance whilst I like the fun side of Isac, can’t ignore what is happening there. What the Kardashians get up to, who Adele marries next (hopefully me) how professionnaly american James corden is, How many childlike footballers kick their cats, it disappears into insignficance now people die now. It is not sunis versus baath, it is not a third world country. This is Russia attacking someone. Very real very on our doorstep. I would get 15 years in prison in Russia for posting this. But if Adele was my cell mate not so bad 😀
I see what you’re saying fart, but could you put up with her singing?
President Zelenskyy-
‘God will not forgive. Not today. Not tomorrow. Never.’
That’s the Jewish conception of God. An eye for an eye. The Christian God always forgives, if forgiveness is sought.
It’s why it’s the child rapists and murderers religion of choice.
Its the Old Testament conception of God. Modern rabbinical Judaism is a little more sophisticated than your representation.
He doesn’t have anything really to say about this issue, he’s just using it to be contrarian and inflammatory.
And to reaffirm his obvious hatred of the Jews.
So what? He’s angry about what Putin is doing to his country. Get over it.
Veterans Today…
LOL. This is going to become our standard answer to some of the nuttier posts on this thread. “Say no more” in the words of Monty Python.
It amazes me that some people on this site will come down like a ton of bricks on Israel but in the next breath excuse Putin’s war because they see it as being conducted in the name of “Christian civilisation”.
I can already feel it becoming an ISAC meme, for lack of a better word.
I used to be good mates with a Russian fella.
He had a thing for fizzy drinks though and unfortunately got sent down a couple of years back for raiding a lemonade warehouse near me.
His name was Nikacrater Popov.
I’ll get me Kaftan.