
I think we will all (hopefully) agree that Putin is a cunt, so this page has been set up to allow you to vent your feelings about the current invasion and occupation of Ukraine

3,719 thoughts on “Ukraine

  1. Afternoon MMCM

    Maybe going back on him. He’s certanly not hiding his Jewishness.

    But that brings me to his quote that his Jewishness is the 20th most important thing about him. Like saying that it has no relevance AT ALL.

    Well it seems it has suddenly gone up from the 20th most important thing about him to maybe the 8th or even the 5th most important thing about him-

      • There 41 million Ukranians. There are about 400,000 jews. What’s that as a percentage? Dunno. Small.

        The President and the previous Prime Minister are both Jews.

        That’s the equivalent of say tge British having Pakistanis in 2 or 3 of highest jobs in the government…

        Oh, wait a minute…

      • Putin scores a 1/12…

        Me? I would score a 0 for Jewish heritage (Protestant honkies all the way back to 1720)
        3 for Jewish looks.
        And a 5 for “kvell” (pride) as I love everything Jewy, except Israel, so maybe I’m a 4, so overall I’m a 7 or 8 on the Jew-scale, so I’m NOT a Jew, but am welcome among Jews. I’m happy with that.

        We’re all human, all have souls, all manifestations of the true God. YHWH was/is some sort of demi-god, gnostic demiurgos imperfect atomic/DNA engineer creator, Annunaki King or whatever the fuck he actually is, bearded old cunt anyway. He might show up soon, from beyond Antarctica to our part of the flat Earth! That would be great! Everything else weirder than weird has happened so far…

      • 400,000 Jews in Ukraine is quite a lot considering there are fewer than 300,000 in the UK.

    • Afternoon Miles.

      He’s just doing his job as President as best he can in extremely difficult circumstances. Those that elected him weren’t concerned about his Jewish background – clearly because they recognise him as a Ukrainian.

      • Until Zelensky the most famous Jewish Ukranian was Leon Trotsky. Trotsky was a fascinating and very talented man.

      • I wonder how many ordinary Ukrainians knew he was a bit Jewish, who knew that Trust me I’m Tony was a closet left footer ?

        Not suggesting that it would have made any difference to him get the presidency.

      • Let’s hope Zelensky don’t get an ice pick that makes his ears burn.

        A Stranglers reference. Well played, sir. – NA.

      • He would do if some people on this forum had their way. They would happily incite a pogrom against him.

  2. Can’t we parachute Butler, Abbott, Paulette Hamilton, Thornbury and Analeazy into the Kremlin and somehow smother & gangbang Putin as part of a black ops (ha!) plan?

    • Collectively they should be able to smother any radiation cloud and prevent another Chernobyl style meltdown.

    • You’ll need a Chinook for Abbott. That’s some serious tonnage!

    • Do we have to give them parachutes? or can we just push them out of the plane? Just trying to work out how big those parachutes may need to be

  3. Hillary Clinton wants to inflict, “economic pain” on the Russian people…

    (8 minutes)

    Nice Hillary, classy and compassionate as usual. Absolute Satanic slag who should have been fed to alligators years ago.

    Does seem harsh on innocent and defenceless alligators. You know crime and corruption wins when people like her and her sex pest husband are not rotting in jail. – NA.

  4. Wow. A couple of days ago this thread was reasonably quiet on the crackpot front, a respectful lull for a catastrophe of truly global consequences.
    That disappeared quickly. Now he’s a Jewish oligarch child molester with billions in the bank, hiding in a foreign country.
    Fucking loons. You need psychiatric help.

    • You’re just wrong, Gutstick, as usual. Go back to your Daily Mail and BBC pablum, there’s a good lad…

      • You knew fuck all about this last week, and after a week of trawling the shit end of the internet you still know fuck all.
        A useful idiot posting lies.

      • YOUR the idiot, mate. You’re a witless, clueless nasty killjoy on this site. Go to mumsnet, there’s a good wee boy. Or have a drink and get back to your coathanger-vagina fantasies, you creepy Sutcliffe-esque woman-hating weirdo.

        This will get me a warning from the owner, but fuck it, I’ve had enough of this bellend nagging nanny killjoy spastic.

      • Wrong again on all counts as usual. As I’ve told you previously, you are commenting on my posts, not the other way around. If people are going to post spite filled anti western propaganda and lies, I am going to comment on it, that’s the purpose of a forum like this. If it’s an echo chamber you are looking for, this will not be it. At the moment at least.
        I will look on your nasty little abuse as a badge of honour, as it’s ok to be hated by the right people.
        I have respectful debate here with people who have a completely opposite opinion to me without problem.
        Only the really unhinged have cancelled me.
        Again, not a problem, not for me at least.

      • “You’re just wrong, Gutstick, as usual. Go back to your Daily Mail and BBC pablum, there’s a good lad…”

        Err – no he isn’t. And your source is Veterans Today, a pro-Kremlin fake news website. Leagues below the Daily Mail.

        You really are dredging through the lowest dregs of the internet to shore up your false assertions.

      • It’s called confirmation bias.

        We all have it to a degree, but some will ‘google’ an opinion a trawl through pages of search results to find an opinion they want to be true.

        And these types are usually the ones to call others ‘sheep’ or ‘idiots’.

        They are fucking deranged.

      • You know they’ve lost whatever flimsy argument they imagined they might have when they resort to personal abuse.

        You will respect their authoritaaah!!!

      • All we want you to do Cunty is find one credible source for your arguments. Just one, that’s all. But you can’t do it can you?

        Fair point OC. And to the others in this thread, you’re sailing close to the wind. Disagree, debate, have a laugh but don’t stray into personal insult territory. The admins have a battery of bans on high alert. Don’t make us go DEFCON 1. – NA.

      • Definitely not.

        CS is the epitome of rationality and common sense by comparison.

      • You can usually identify CS by his use of footnotes in his cuntings.

        Haven’t seen him for a while.

  5. Oh no dancing in stilettos, ridiculing Russian and Ukranian Christian heroes from the past…what I suspected…

    As bad as the penis piano performance.

    Oh dear.

    • So what? He was an entertainer before he went into politics. Ronald Reagan acted the pratt in cowboy movies before he became president. As for allegedly ridiculing Ukraine “Christian heroes” it didn’t stop him getting 74% of the popular vote of ordinary, mostly Christian Ukranians.

      The turn against Zelazny in this forum is really distasteful with a stench of anti-semitism.

      • Agree MMCM, it’s most depressing, but mostly driven by one cunter’s obsession. I would expect no less.

      • I saw this post the other day saying ‘men, it’s a fact that your wives have a crush on Zelensky now’
        Jealousy, isn’t it regarded as a sin? ?

      • Its not really ‘acting the prat’ though is it. Ronald Reagan ‘win ine for the Gipper'(was innocent and wholesome.
        Zelensky pretending to play the piano with his penis or dressing up in bondage gear singing pro- gay lyrics, ridiculing the past, isnt quite what you would call very wholesome.

      • So what. He’s doing a good job now in very difficult circumstances. I don’t care what a man did in his past. It’s what he does now that counts.

      • He may have been ‘acting the prat’ but Ronald Reagan’s (‘win one for the Gipper’) films were innocent and wholesome.
        Zelensky pretending to play the piano with his penis or dressing up in bondage gear singing pro- gay lyrics, ridiculing the past, isnt quite what you would call innocent or wholesome.

      • “sick obsession”.

        I would say penis piano playing and dancing in stilettos wearing bondage were ‘sick’.

        See the song references the cossacks. From the link there were demonstrations against it by said people.

        They’ll be just a joke to Zelensky and his sophisticated Western minded followers.

    • Miles is going all Captain Ahab the Zelensky.

      “To the last, I grapple with thee; From Hell’s heart, I stab at thee; For hate’s sake, I spit my last breath at thee.”

      Whatever happened to all that tolerance, love and forgiveness?

  6. Well done Cunty Gordon. I think we have them on the defensive.

    Desperate stuff from Gutstick–that we’re jealous of him.

    I googled ‘Zelensky Panama Papers’. Many many reputable links. Seems common knowledge.

    Found out that Poroshenko that other pro Western ant-Russian politician over there mentioned in those paoers as well.

    No mention of Yanukovitch.

    • Desperate stuff from Gutstick–that we’re jealous of him. (Zelensky that is…his good looks).

      • I think zelensky is doing a admirable job for the people of Ukraine under incredibly hard circumstances.
        Yes, he was a comedian.
        Not a career politician like we get.
        To me thats even more impressive!

        Hes risen to the occasion.
        Doubt any of our leaders would do so?

        I didn’t know he was Jewish,
        And couldn’t give a fuck.
        He carries himself like a man.

        Unlike that beadyeyed gay nutcase Vlad.

      • Evening Miles,
        I think its more about patriotism.
        And survival.

        Zelensky and the people of Ukraine want to be Ukrainians.

        Vlad wants them to be russian.
        Theyre fighting to remain Ukrainians,
        I was a Ukrainian id do the same.
        Hes trying to defend his country.
        I understand that.

      • Hardly desperate. I’m not the one trawling the Internet fir any dirt you can find to try and excuse your wanton antisemitism.
        Ain’t no bigot like a religious bigot.?

      • Yes. “Tradition” is really what’s needed when your nation is invaded by a madman threatening nuclear annhilation !

    • Weird Al Yankovic Miles?

      Nooooo ? the fiend.
      And I just thought he was a funny comedian parodying people.

  7. I do not give a flying fuck what Zelensky has done to make a living previously. Only an apologist for the gratuitous invasion of a sovereign independent state would even consider this relevant.

    Miles, you are trying to divert us from the real issue at hand, which is that Russia is currently in the process of reducing Ukrainian cities to rubble, destroying their infrastructure and killing their civilians in the hopes of putting an unhinged wannabe Napoleon in charge of the region and providing a secure base for further unprovoked aggression.

    So why not come out with it? You want Putin’s crew of toadies – and please do check how many Russian oligarchs are Jewish, if that’s your gripe about Zelenskyy – to win, don’t you?

    What would Chesterton say? The Pope? Clue –

    • I’m not supportive of this carnage. I am to quote Chesterton trying to get to the ‘back of things’. Why is it happening?

      A news story arises and you try and find out about the situation.
      And if you find out new information to inform all well and good. You do that a lot. Isac at its best.

      No, I dont think he is as clear cut as you say. I don’t think he is an ‘unhinged Napoleon wannabe’.

      There’s an argumentum ad…the fallacy being that because you criticise one side you are automatically siding with the other. I’m not.

      Cunty Gordon finishes his posts wishing hostilities will cease as quickly as possible. Thats what I hope for too.

      • You have avoided the crucial question, Miles, as I would expect from a good Jesuit.Forget the pious wishes for peace for a second. When (if) the carnage ends (of completely innocent people who have been lied to, almost certainly by both sides…that’s politics) who would you like to have won?

        Can you supply ANY justification for Putin recovering Ukraine and submitting it to his autocracy?

      • ‘who would you like to have won?’

        I would like to see good Christian leaders in both countries.

        ‘Can you supply ANY justification for Putin recovering Ukraine and submitting it to his autocracy?’

        I dont know the history of that part of the world to say.

      • What if the Ukrainian (or the Russian) people don’t want a Christian leader? Seems to me its none of your fucking business who runs the Ukraine or what their religion is.

        Miles, you are a throwback to the 1380’s.

  8. Bit random but in that header picture, Putin puts me in mind of Dracula in the old black & white films

  9. Can I just say the sooner that Putin cunt gets offed the better.

    Thank you and good evening.

  10. Putin has his nuclear weapons. I have mine. And if you keep upsetting me I wil post it again.
    You know what it is. It involves a piano. Do you really want to see that again? Do you really want to subject yourselves to that? Remember I have my finger on the button.

    • Ah. I think I get it. You imagine that Putin is motivated by a desire for a return to pre-woke Christian values*. And that this justifies fucking up the Russian economy and causing the death and destruction of people- his brother Ortho and Catholic Slavs – who aren’t actually all that woke themselves. This article (linked from your own WaPo link) addresses that notion quite well.

      *Protestant values even. Lol. He isn’t. What motivates your man is an understandable wish not to end up hanging by his heels from a lamp post.

      • ‘You imagine that Putin is motivated by a desire for a return to pre-woke Christian values*.’


        ‘And that this justifies fucking up the Russian economy and causing the death and destruction of people- his brother Ortho and Catholic Slavs’


        I am as suprised as anyone at what he has done.

      • Anyone that think a “return to Christian values” justifies fucking up millions of people is a bona fide lunatic in my book.

        I don’t blame Jesus but the people who follow him and continually pervert his message and end in becoming exactly the sort of person he warned about.

        No man has been more consistently let down by his followers than Jesus.

  11. Apparently a row has erupted over a US senator talking sense – unusual as that is in America – saying Putin should be knocked off.
    Seems that Gerald Ford signed an executive order still in force banning political assassinations.

    Three attempts on Zelensky’s life would seem to suggest this is not reciprocated by Russia so the verbal protests from their Washington ambassador are at best hypocritical and should result in a great big fuck off.

    Having said that, I suspect Ford ordered this because he knew the CIA would botch the job anyway…

    • Political assassination in extreme circumstances such as this is justifiable. The unknown factor of course is who would replace the assassinated leader. It could be someone better. It might be someone worse. Nevertheless, the risk is worth taking.

  12. There seems to be one binding question with regards the current crisis in the Ukraine (there are many others of course). And that is, should NATO get involved by insisting with a NFZ over Ukraine?

    We know the Ukraine is not a NATO member, but many people have been pushing for NATO to intervene regardless, as well as contravening their very own Article 5. Most of the support for intervention being purely based on humanitarian grounds.

    Therefore, a quick “YES/NO” IsaC poll to “Should NATO Intervene?”

    I vote NO. If NATO steps over the line then it sets precedents and could make Putin even more unpredictable.

    • Absolutely not. It would constitute more or less an act of war and would make what we’re currently seeing look small by comparison.

    • Definitely not. I think Putain would love that, as he is almost trying play suicide by cop on a global scale.

    • I also vote no for the same reasons. Our best hope for the present lies in adopting a defensive posture, arming Ukraine and sanctions.

    • Not unless Putin invades a NATO country.

      Meanwhile turbocharge logistical support to Ukrainian armed forces and population.

      • Hey RT, MMCM,

        Wasnt there a tiny bit of you both surprised by Cunty Gordon’s revelation that Zelensky had money stashed away as revealed by the Panama paper’s leak?

        Wasnt there a tiny bit of you both that turned away in dusgust at his penis piano playing or the bondage gear video?

      • Everyone in any kind of position of power evades tax Miles. Let’s be honest, we’d all do it if we could – it ain’t like it’s ever spent properly.

      • I vot no.


        The little matter of Russia possessing 500 Nuclear Warheads and being prepared to use them.

      • The source Gordon provided was from a website that makes Chris Spivey look like a pulitzer prize winning journalist Miles.

        Pavlo Lazarenko – another former Ukranian Prime Minister also was implicated with the Panama papers.

        As was David Cameron’s father and numerous other politicians around the world.

        We’ve only heard about a few of them. Doubtless there will be lots more that we haven’t heard about and never will.

        Not really sure what your point is regarding that particular thing Miles… unless you’re trying to discredit him as someone who says one thing and does another.

        Are there any politicians who don’t?

      • Zelensky worked a number of years in television and entertainment. No doubt he earned a lot of money, as many slebs do. It appears that he has, with a number of his business partners, invested that money off-shore, as many wealthy people from all walks of life do (and who can blame them – I’d do it if I was sitting on a fortune).

        When questioned about this Zelensky did not deny it. He said he did this because in running for President he did not want his investments to influence his politics and vice-versa. This is the same thing that Trump did and for the same reason. Zelensky has stressed that his money was legally earned and that he has not money laundered.

        Zelensky was elected on a landslide vote – about 73%.

        The Ukrainian people have accepted this. Why can’t you?

      • BTW the reason I mention Pavlo Lazarenko Miles is that he had a lot to do with the Ukranian Orthodox Church ergo a Christian.

        He was alleged to have embezzled millions.

        But he doesn’t wear high heels or play a piano with his member, so that makes him then……..

      • I think the money aspect is a moot point at best, as the guy could have easily escaped to another country and done what others do and set up a government in exile, enjoy the trappings of his ill gotten gains and reaped the sympathy of his countrymen getting massacred.
        But he didn’t. He stayed, and stands alongside the people who voted for him, a decision that is probably going to get him and his family killed.
        Whether you believe the official narrative, or the pro Kremlin propaganda, you have to admit that he is behaving in a way many politicians would have you believe they would act in similar circumstances but you know they would be on the first bus out of dodge.
        Didn’t Trump buy his way out of going to Vietnam?

    • Thorny question. Putin’s unprovoked threat of nuclear retaliation should another nation intervene, is way beyond acceptable. To let it lie & not exact some sort of firm response is typical of the West.

      Meanwhile, Ukraine burns.

      And on the other subject that seems to be obsessing some on this thread, the Ukrainian president is one man, what about the millions of other poor bastards who don’t want to fall back under the Russians? Let’s be honest, whether any of ’em are Christians of whatever flavour or not, they don’t have a great track record when it comes to human rights.

    • Not a chance, but get the wet layabouts in Europe and our own parliament to start spending more on defence so we don’t have to rely on Brandon.
      We need a slow build up of armour and airpower in Poland, Turkey, Romania and the Baltic nations and an effective Navy. At the moment the RN has two carriers but very little in way of a battle group to defend them.
      The idea that Russia’s threat of nuclear weapons is unprecedented is false; they’ve threatened to use them in 1999 in Kosovo (using an EMP to disable NATO forces) and in 2008 against NATO if we helped Georgia.

      It’s the only thing they have that can realistically threaten the West. Their tank divisions are easily eradicated by modern anti-armour weapons.

  13. Morning everyone.

    I have given some thought overnight to my position. And I’m afraid to say that it has hardened. I now agree with Putin that the West is an ’empire of lies’.

    Enjoy your day.

    • You’re wasting your time, Miles. No one here is interested in anything deeper than surface level geopolitics, and you’ll never compete with information against the emotional stranglehold TV has on them.

      The west is most certainly an empire of lies, but no one wants to hear it.

      • Well, when your side is peddling Veterans Today as a source it is hard to take you seriously.

      • This is just it isn’t it. ‘Sides’. Until you realise we’re all being played nothing will ever really change.

        Some chump being interviewed on talkradio today was talking about propaganda, but then said “what we see are just images of people suffering”. As if OUR TV images just happened to get there on their own accord (and tell the whole story).

        Look at the BBC. Once again no real anslysis, just emotional hysteria. You’d have thought after Iraq people would be a bit more savvy about this sort of thing.

        We laugh with contempt at ISAC at the general stupidity of much of the public, but there’s a real blindspot many of you haven’t noticed.

      • On the contrary Chunky. I think many on ISAC are aware of Government bullshit and recognise it when they see it, as with COVID. It’s just that no one is seeing it in this Ukraine situation and no one is buying the deranged conspiracy theories, because there is none outside of the hyperactive imaginations of a few individuals.

        In many ways I envy you conspiracy theorists. You are so certain. Whether its saying the Earth is flat, the moon landings were faked, Ukraine is a western conspiracy to gang up on poor Russia, or Elvis is alive and well and working in Burger King in Penzance – you are all so certain.

      • LOL. I love the revisionist mindset, it’s fascinating. As if the majority here were always clued up to the covid bullshit the government were spinning. Get the fuck out they were.

        Don’t even fucking try to spin it like you all were hip to the bullshit. You weren’t – I was here arguing from early on and no one was having it.

        You bought it hook line and sinker. Just like you’re being snowed right now, and will undoubtedly try to claim the opposite in time.

        As for Ukraine, it’s OPEN INFORMATION about the dodgy dealings going on there, it’s not hidden. You’d have to be wilfully blind not to see the American meddling in their internal politics.

        Resorting to ‘conspiracy’, or ‘russian bots’ (that’s in vogue now), is nothing but desperation to hide the fact you know nothing.

      • Chunky – you appear to have conveniently forgotten that you bought hook line and sinker into the lie that, in your own words:

        “There is no fucking virus. It’s statistical manipulation, propaganda, and outright fraud.”

      • OK then Chunky, let’s have a few sources. And no, you can’t use Veterans Today I’m afraid.

    • I’m glad someone else on here can see through all the propaganda. The mad psychopaths who have controlled the USA for 150 years (none of whom are elected, all of whom are vastly wealthy) have wanted to destroy, balkanise and loot Russia since 1900.
      This is all about global hegemonic behaviour by psychopaths. It has fuck all to do with Russia or the Russian people.
      Putin just gave them the excuse they needed to try it on again.
      Unfortunately, this time they’re going to fail and the West is going to be forced to face up to the futility of its own manias. Russia will survive, the West will be cut off from Eurasia and Europe has just made the worst strategic mistake in centuries.

      • Thanks for the laughs, chaps.

        Always nice to have a bit of humour on a Saturday morning.

      • Laughs?!
        Don’t you think it’s possible that a bunch of malign billionaire Globalists could be trying to drag the West into a confrontation with Russia for ulterior motives??
        Isn’t it a strange coincidence that the “crying journalist” Who addressed Boris Johnson in Poland is Daria Kaleniuk, who is a World Economic Forum “young global leader” employed in a Kiev organisation, partly financed by George Soros???
        Isn’t it a strange coincidence that Zelensky is very closely connected to Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum????
        Isn’t it a strange coincidence that a serious war could ruin the global economy and help the World Economic Forum with their plans to introduce a global digital currency controlled by them and their proxies?????
        Propaganda, false flags and set-ups (the nuclear plant?) abound and I’m far from convinced that the “hero” Zelensky is genuine. The pictures of him rallying the troops were taken last year!!

      • Is that the best you can do? They’re using the same playbook they used with Covid : control the population through fear and poverty.
        The Globalist elites now in charge are Communists at heart and are ruling like Communists on a global scale.
        The punch through propaganda for both Ukraine and the Globalists has been fake. The bloody woman with the head bandage presented as a victim of Putin’s bombing was actually a victim from a gas explosion in 2018. The Russian soldier with the tea and sandwich captured by Ukrainians was about as convincing as an actor from Hollyoaks. It also transpired that his sister was playing the part of the sympathetic Ukrainian lending him her phone.
        I bet you still believe Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction that could be deployed in 45 minutes!

    • Miles, you have obviously though a lot about this situation, I not sure how it can be legitimate for Russia to invade Ukraine, the only situation where there could be a minuscule reason would be in the east where the situation in Donbas was just ridiculous, I watched a report on an old couple who had a house in the ‘no man’s land’ , completely isolated, all the neighbours had gone but they just got on with it.
      Zelenskyy is getting more and more desperate and is now condemning the west for not applying a no fly zone, he seems desperate to escalate the conflict.
      Everyone says how brave he is, that is true but he does have to option of negotiation, it seems that is what he wants and when you are facing a disaster it may be time suck it up and get a deal
      After almost 2 weeks the media have been talking about indiscriminate bombing but although there have been civilian casualties it’s not the sort of numbers you might expect.

      Zelenskyy, get a fucking deal ffs!

      • It depends what you mean by a deal?

        A ceasefire or tactical withdrawal, perhaps. But capitulation and surrender of sovereignty, I don’t think so.

        Zelensky has made it quite clear that he does not want a deal on those terms. The actions of the Ukrainian people indicate they do not want a deal on those terms. I think Zelensky would be lynched by his people if he negotiated a deal which formally surrendered an inch of territory.

        When your country is invaded with no cause and thousands of civilians killed, do you willingly surrender territory? No. Most countries would rather go down fighting (the exception being Vichy France, quelle surprise).

        You are right that Zelensky is desperate, but desperate for Western intervention, not a deal on any terms. He’s not Quisling.

      • @MMCM

        The official media are giving a figure of 336 civilians which was my point, I would have expected thousands but if they are correct that isn’t the case.
        My comment about a deal is that unless Russia just decide to leave at some point he will have to calculate if the destruction is worth the nations pride. ‘A man’s gotta know his limitations’
        Do it sooner rather than later, before we really do see thousands of civilians killed.

    • Miles now “now agree(s) with Putin that the West is an ’empire of lies’.”
      If we’re an empire of lies, Russia, inheriting its dialectic directly from the Soviets, is a universe of lies.

      Miles prefers the propaganda of a state which jails its opposition,and now criminalises free expression, to the propaganda of his own country. Which doesn’t, often to its own disadvantage. Show me an equivalent to ISAC in Russia, Miles. Meh.

      Just as well we’re not relying on Miles for our defence.

    • I agree with Putin that the west is an empire of lies and liberalism is dead, but then I don’t think he has the monopoly on truth and he shouldn’t be invading Ukraine.

  14. The description used to by one cunter to affectionately describe another cunter would well describe Putin

    ‘creepy Sutcliffe-esque woman-hating weirdo’

    Only on ISAC ???

    • The funny thing is I love women. I don’t even hate my ex wife, the person who caused me more pain that caused me more pain and suffering than any other.
      Hey, if you’re going in wrong, go in wrong big!?

      • Hehe, no defence required but I do wonder where his head was at when pulling that little phrase together ?

      • My ‘spider-sense’ is telling me that he’s Bad Lieutenant or Hero or some previous troll.

        There is of course a chance I might be wrong,

  15. ‘You imagine that Putin is motivated by a desire for a return to pre-woke Christian values*.’

    From Komodo above. That ‘pre woke’. I have suddenly got a sense of NOT how silly or luducrous ‘Woke’ is. But how DANGEROUS it is, how UNDERMINING it is to the very foundations of Christian civilisation. That’s a big part of this.

    Warning a loose reference to Judaism. About the Panama papers and Zelensky. I was just surprised that he was revealed to have ‘off shore’ accounts. Especially as he is being projected as some kind of ‘Superjew’ clean of all corruption.

    And of course…his ‘comedy’ shall we call it.

    I called him an uppity Jew. Rather lazy but we are on Isac. Just shorthand. (rich coming from me from Irish stock).

    My point. I don’t care for him not because hes a Jew but because he is an Upstart. A political ingenue. A disrespecter of Tradition, of the past. All that has happened to us in the West.

    People say he is being brave. Yes, he is certanly putting his life on the line. But I cant help feeling it is reckless* I have felt from the outset that his (and his followers) dismissal of Russia or not respecting Russia has been a factor in all tgat has happened. In their quest to become modern and Western.

    *witness his jokey-‘I’m an ordinary bloke’

    Wheres RT today?

    There was a democratic election and he was democratically elected and is therefore demonstrably, legitimately elected President of Ukraine democratically.

    But wasnt Yanukovitch democratically elected? And he was ousted

    • You say woke is undermining Christian values, Miles. I agree that woke ideas are a threat. But the values they threaten are primarily those of Western liberalism. Western liberalism grew up in the Christian west, true, but in antithesis to the established Christian churches which were hostile to the growth of scientific rationalism, free thought, democracy and liberty.

      Christianity, on the other hand, thrives on victimhood and is in many ways compatible with the woke mindset. Christianity grew in the Roman Empire initially on the back of its appeal to slaves, ex-slaves, the oppressed, the rebellious and the poor. It told them they were valued and if they suffered, they suffered for the glory of God and would be rewarded in the next life.

      Be a Christian, by all means. But what you should be defending is Western Liberalism, democracy and national self determination.

      • I should add to the above that, unfortunately, I don’t see any push back from the Christian churches against woke, and that includes my own Catholic church. On the contrary, many churches, particularly the CofE, have embraced it.

        The pushback is coming from traditional Western liberals versed in the principles of freedom of thought and expression which underpin the West and differentiate us from Russia and China.

      • It’s as if the Age of Enlightenment never happened for some cunters.

        Woke is an attack on Western culture in general. Religion has got off lightly compared to science.

    • “I don’t care for him not because hes a Jew…”

      Really? You could have fooled me! ?

  16. Chunky, CG, Miles etc – do any of you have ANYTHING from ANY credible source to back up your views?

  17. This country is going ‘down the shitter’. How many times do you read that on Isac? Or RTs @’this country is finished’. Or this country is fucked.
    Most right-minded people nowadays say that the Communist experiment ‘didnt work’. It has been tried but it didnt work.
    But maybe there will come a time when the same is said of Democracy? (Modern day technocratic Democracy) That it simply ‘hasn’t worked’. All it leads to is countries ‘going down the shitter’.
    When every institution, every organisation, the government, the media is all broken and the whole of ‘society’ is one huge tangle and mess with no foundations.
    Then maybe it is time to look for something else.

    • “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”


    • Politics & Religion – Keeping The People Down For Centuries.
      Neither will ever go away.

  18. Shares in BAE Systems are on the up as the West starts to re-arm itself with conventional weapons.

    There has never been a better time to be an arms and armaments manafacturer.

    Hurry, hurry, hurry while stocks last.

    • Exactly MMCM. Precisely why I suspect the US virtually encouraged Putin into doing this. Armaments have always been big business for Uncle Sam.

      • Forecasts predict armament sales to NATO members, from the USA to be 1.2 Trillion Dollars.
        Nice work if you get it, Mr Biden.

  19. I’ll start by saying, like I always have done, that anyone who squeals for war should go and try it for themselves. A good deal of the types getting off on this, not just on here but on various other forums and in the real world, talking tough and beating the war drum are the types (judging from their usual stances) who’d be the least able to handle the consequences of what a full blown war with Russia would bring us all.
    On top of that we’re not the same people as those who fought in previous wars. We’re so far from them in so many ways. For one, I personally feel no loyalty to a system full people who’ve decided that so many of us are in the way of their vision of the “new” Britain, and as an Englishman in their eyes I don’t exist anyway.
    My brother has a close online associate in Russia through an online business network. They buy and sell to each other, and the Russian has stated that he hopes this won’t affect all the good relations that have been built up on the network over the years. He has no control over what has happened. It’s a sad truth that politicians make decisions and ordinary people have to live with the consequences.
    All Putin has really done is give the moral high ground to a set of people who have absolutely no morals in their own actions and dealings whatsoever. Blair caused untold, death, destruction and chaos with consequences which are still being felt. None of it was necessary or even warranted. He and those around him, who rubbed their hands with glee at waging war, have been able to just shrug their shoulders and walk away. We had a limp inquiry into the invasion of Iraq and, it must be noted, many in the Conservative party didn’t really want it (the inquiry that is), yet he still struts around on the International stage as well as the domestic one.
    It only shows what a lot of short memories those calling for Putin’s head have. Maybe he should be tried for war crimes or crimes against humanity, but not by the hands of those who have done the same things and will do them again and again.
    I can’t even begin to describe how angry I am at those talking about “democracy and freedoms worth fighting for” being the very same people who have chipped away at our own. In this country you can now be arrested, have your livelihood ruined, your professional reputation destroyed, be persecuted and removed from all types of media just for having an opinion that goes against the new state religion of “Diversity”. All this screaming about the Russian free press being under attack by Putin is unbelievable, when our own press have been suppressing information and outright lying by omission for years.
    As for any Englishmen attacking Russians in the streets : Shame on you! I disown you!! I do, however, fully expect to see you down on the beaches of the South Coast, and putting up fights in certain areas of the country where your vulnerable young women are STILL being raped and tortured. No? Thought not!!
    The BBC are having such a field day with all of this this. Do I trust them?? That’s got to be the biggest joke of the year and a very sick one too!!!

    • The same politicians who are applauding the Russian’s peacefully protesting Putin have just voted through (after reinserting what the lords removed) the ‘police crimes sentencing bill’ that.. gives police unprecedented powers to deal with protest.

      The hypocrisy and double standards is incredible. You can only protest with the causes the establishment agrees with, is basically what this amounts to.

    • For me personally (& I have been on active military service), it’s not about warmongering but about the justness of the cause – Putin is out of line, just as much as Blair, Bush & every blood-hungry leader in history and just because they got away with it, should we idly stand by & watch?
      I agree with a lot of the points made here though.

  20. The Russian free press isn’t under attack, it has been wiped out. Internet access and social media have been heavily restricted. So, to compare it to Western media is a joke. The stuff people like yourself post every day is anti Western and freely available in the west, as it is to redistribute without fear of prosecution, regardless of how evil or inaccurate it is.
    There is also a propensity to highlight Western military misadventures over the last 20 years, but a complete failure of context regarding Russian martial action.
    It hasn’t got a particularly good relationship with its neighbours, having invaded Georgia, South Ossetia, Chechnya (twice) and Ukraine (twice). All former Soviet states, those successfully invaded turned into puppet states, as will be the destiny of Ukraine.
    As for the west’s military might? The UK armed forces are a fraction of what they were since the fall of the iron curtain, as peace has seen little need for rearmament, and we have very little offensive capability.
    Also, if the west was out to get Russia, would it have placed a massive proportion of its energy security with them?
    This is not msm parroted propaganda, these are indisputable facts and history.
    The first gulf War was a legitimate action, sanctioned by the UN security Council. The second, the invasion of Iraq was a travesty, and is widely regarded as such, and the invasion of Afghanistan was mission creep writ large, another widely regarded failure.
    Libya too. And, the same press that supported these actions are now condemning them.

    • Anti-Western? Don’t be ridiculous. I’m just pointing out hypocrisy and I personally (you’re free to make your own choice) do not believe, or have any loyalty to, those trying to make out that they’re, in any way, different to Putin.

  21. Zelensky is a degenerate. The whole of Ukraine is ran by degenerates, neo-Nazi losers who are drunk, drugged up all the time. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries on Earth. If you can’t see that, then you’re being wilfully ignorant. Nothing sad about their government being goosed. The ordinary people who suffer is horrible. I’m no fan of Putin, but put a gun to my head and say, “pick a leader” then I’ll pick Putin over the degenerates who run the big countries these days.

    If all you ever look at is the mainstream media, then you’ll be a spaz. You HAVE TO look at “dodgy” sources nowadays. I don’t like it, but it has to be done, to get a more complete picture of this fucked up world. But people love their TV pablum, what can you do? I have my own wacky worldview. Don’t like it? Suck ma helmet!

    Let’s end these week in harmony together. Take it away, Michael Jackson…

    • Neo Nazis? Zelensky’s a Jew. Have you been reading Veterans Today again?

    • “Suck ma helmet!”

      LOL. I’d rather not, thank you. But I appreciate the friendly gesture.

      • “Mudak” actually means “shit-head” but either way, nothing gives me the horn like dictator anus! Though they went to far when sodomising Gaddafi’s sandy starfish.

    • Well… yeah, it’s been scary since 9-11-2001. What is scary that people got woke up after 8/11, but then went back to the land of nod after Obama came in, then got riled up by Trump and now…? Biden? Biden leads the Free World? I bet he is sniffing kids right now and his creepy-ass Death Becomes Her wife will be on her third glass of baby blood.

      Just saw that Afghanistan is about to be in a famine. Wow. We bombed that country for almost 20 years, billions spent, billions made, death, destruction, Taliban took over, now a fucking famine. Send Bob Gelldof over! Not to help, just send him over and let him wander the mountains then be cannibalised. Send the whole cast of Live Aid, actually.

      • Biden isn’t leading anything. His puppet-masters rigged the election and are lurking in the shadows.

    • Just wait until digital currency comes crashing into normality. Then shit will legitimately be scary.

      Look at the companies pulling out of Russia, no access to cash for ordinary Russian’s. Trudeau freezing accounts over a peaceful protest. This is a glimpse of what’s coming.

      Your ability to function, or be cast out of society, at the click of a mouse button.

      • It is getting rare to see people paying with cash now, maybe for a packet of chewing gum or something, but generally, it is contactless cards. Most people won’t care when we enter a cashless society. And once we enter that arena, they’ll have us by the balls. Any naughtiness and ZAP! your locked out of your money and your social credit score lowered. They have this in China now and the leaders of other countries drool over the control China has over plebs. They have face-recognition cameras all over China that instantly tell the operator who is who and what their social credit score is. Scary. We could all be reduced to an algorithm this decade or next. Young people will shrug, I can see them shrugging at this, but we are about to enter a digital dystopia unless we tell the fake powers to suck our helmets.

      • “chewing gum…” ?

        Thanks for the reminder, I must nominate American Cultural Imperialism some time.

      • CG, I use cash all the time & some of the looks I get are fucking classic. The sheeple don’t realise what they’re getting into …until it’d too fucking late, paper money will be gone & then the Man will have the whip hand.
        It was ever the way.

  22. Putin is like Hitler in the sense he has a ‘thing’ about Britain. It was Truss’s visit that it is said to have provoked them switching their Nuclear readiness to ‘alert’.That fella Litvinshenko was poisined in London. The Scripals as well in Salisbury. Many of the Oligarchs are here. We are at tge bery top of the target list of things go bad for Putin.

    • You are right. Russia has always viewed the UK as one of its top, if not the top, historic enemy.

      Historically, there is a lot of bad blood. In the 19th Century Tsarist Russia saw the UK as trying to hem Russia in by keeping it out of Asia in the “Great Game”. In the 1920’a after the Communists came to power we launched an expedition into Russia in an attempt to help the White Russians and overthrow the Bolsheviks. We were, with the USA, a leading Cold War warrior nation, pushing back against Russian interests. More recently we became a depository for Russian wealth and harboured critics of Putin further worsening relations. For the past 20 years the two countries have barely talked to each other.

      Of course we were allies in WWII, but that was out of necessity. There was never full trust. I remember reading that Stalin was so infuriated that he could see the British flag flying on the British Embassy from his office window, that he changed offices to get away from it.

      Of course we have nukes so Putin will know that if he targets us he will get a payload in return. But if things go that far he might not care any more.

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