I think we will all (hopefully) agree that Putin is a cunt, so this page has been set up to allow you to vent your feelings about the current invasion and occupation of Ukraine
3,719 thoughts on “Ukraine”
I’m Ukrainian, born here. I am applying for a passport and when I get it, I am going over to Ukraine. Those Russian bastards need stopping because the will carry on westwards under this cunt. I will be killed, but that is the way it is. Can you see the gay boys/illegal immigrants over here fighting for the UK? At 58 I’m a waste of time as a soldier but I reckon I can take some russian fucks out before I go. I’ll be proud to go as a soldier. Maybe I’ll get some virgins………..oh wait…….I’m not a coward.
I’m not Ukrainian, but if 30 years younger I’d join you over there like a shot.
I don’t blame the ordinary Russians, even the soldiers, they’re as much victim to Putin’s narcissistic kleptocratic psychopathy as everyone else. He’s spent the last 20 years plundering his own country, driving its economy ever further into the dirt, this is his final throw of the dice, he’s desperate to go down in history as something more than a grubby Poundshop Stalin – no chance! All that remains to be seen is how many innocent souls he takes with him before the generals pluck up the courage to put a bullet in his fucking head.
I respect you hugely for making a stand, Moggie. I’m half Russian from my mother’s family and my grandparents came to the UK from Russia in the 20’s. Putin does not represent ordinary Russians, most of whom are outraged by this war. He’s a cunt and I hope some one in Russia has the guts to put a bullet in his head before long.
Greetings RTC. –
I hope it comes to that. I really do. While the West’s heads of state tut and mumble under their breath, someone – for fuck’s sake – send in a crack elite squad of badass special ops – and take the cunt out. And I’m not suggesting for dinner, either.
No Moggie – the UK could no longer fight a war in that sense
The UK is far too fragmented thanks to a hedonistic, narcissistic and comfortable lifestyle for too many, mass uncontrolled immigration, nefarious NGOs promoting societal division and a media that borders on traitorous
At least the Ukrainian’s still have a proud identity and sense of common cause.
@moggie. You have my utmost respect, as do your Ukrainian brothers and sisters.
I have to say, I’ve found some of the footage coming out of Ukraine, very moving and a shining example of the human spirit.
Unarmed civilians, berating Russian troops and telling them to go home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L17Bi7zBJHI
That woman is something else.
The most upsetting footage is of women and kids.
Putin is a child killer and I hope he gets his in the nastiest way possible.
Best wishes moggie, and good luck.
Long live Ukraine !
Congrats to Admin for the header picture of Vlad the Megacunt.
Good to see a serious side to the site. Sometimes necessary to show exactly where you stand.
Harry & Megalodon, who work tirelessly in the name of world peace, have spoken out against the Ukraine invasion. Whilst accepting some shite award Harry said we “stand with the people of Ukraine”, albeit 6,000 miles away and short skip and a jump to their million dollar mansion (@Breitbart).
That’s nice of him.
The massive cunt!
Suing in court, funded by the British taxpayer, because of some perceived slight!
I hope the courts find his action frivolous and order him to pay all costs.
Chippy ginger cunt, ask your Dad to organize protection, he must have loads of pals from his Service days who’d be happy to oblige.
Looks like Putin is facing more resistance than he thought. The Ukrainians are fighting back and have anti- tank weapons thanks to the UK and the US. Also, the Russian soldiers don’t have their heart in the task, I think. The Russians no longer look invincible and Putin has egg on his face, the cunt. I really hope it’s the beginning of the end for that cunt in the Kremlin, whose as incompetent as the Romanov’s and making the same mistakes.
Hope those crazy decent Ukrainian lot get to play with some Javelin missiles…I would love to fire on of those beauties.
I honestly thought the will to defend your home country was now illegal under various racial, sexual and pro noun laws? Can you imagine the UK fighting a ground war? they would need their spectrum nails painted first and then get some rainbow BLM tanks going.
The west has enabled this by cosying up to a fucking commie throwback & ignoring his past misdemeanours. After Vlad made his nuclear retaliation threat, NATO should have said ‘OK, because of that, we’ve just given Ukraine membership & an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us, so do your worst you motherfucker, we’re coming for you! Want to play brinksmanship??’ & mobilised everything. He either backs down or pushes the button. If it’s the latter & Earth becomes a nuclear wasteland, so be it. Warmongering cunts need stopping & that means having a pair of bollocks. I notice the major powers weren’t quite so reticent when it came to stomping all over Saddam, Gaddafi & the Taliban, the hypocritical cunts.
Now that oily heap of shit puppet president of Belarus, all the sanctions and actions that have been imposed on Russia should apply to their little stooge too.
Another fucking shit-stain who continually corrupts the election process in his own favour. This cunt is dependant on Putin’s continued existence to stay in office. The arch megalomaniac has got him in his pocket & he knows it. I’d nuke the fucking lot of em.
He gives self-respecting turds everywhere a bad name. He spoke yesterday about sending in Belarus forces to turn Ukraine into ‘a meat grinder’.
If you’re there God, please help Ukraine.
There have been reports of Chechen ‘special forces’ going into Ukraine after the president, and getting a kicking for their trouble. Hope that’s correct.
According to news reports, the Ukraine took out 56 tanks and a senior Chechen army bloke.
They don’t fuck about, do they?
Jeepers help us if anyone invaded us just now.
I can see the Tarquins and Ruperts taking to the streets, probably waving daffodils and holding signs saying “This way to the Benefits Office”
Strange question but to stop this mad cunt could Nato “Sneak” in UK/US/Kraut special forces dressed as ukranian soldiers into Ukraine (so NATO are not “Oficallly” in Ukraine) to knock the serious side of these cunts back into yesterday (and take out any of the planned Nuke batteries going over to Belarus) ?
The Ukrainian president is demanding ‘immediate EU membership’ which is tragically ironic. Fighting for democracy on one front against Putin to join a suffocating anti-democratic mafia state on the other.
But has Ursula, & the rest of the rotten-to-the-core europhiles, got the bollocks? I think not – trite promises with no substance. They should bring Ukraine straight into the EU & NATO. Let Vlad know that it’s shit or bust now.
On the contrary LL, I’d subject her to some harsh discipline with my little whip, so that she knew her place. It’s a well known fact that the Krauts go in for that sort of thing.
In fairness the Icke alikes have been fairly quiet on this subject. There was a bit ‘smoke and mirrors’ distraction nonsense in the beginning, but I think it’s got too real.
What is there to say? It’s a horrible situation and I have relations in Lithuania and Poland, so I am personally affected y this chaos. So , there’s a war – what do you want, a gold star?
I can’t speak for Chunky, but I at first called Putin sabre rattling, but sadly, he is living up to name of psychopath I have called him before. I just want a peaceful century for once, a world party.
“In fairness the Icke alikes have been fairly quiet on this subject…”
Oh there is much yet unsaid Gutstick, keep reading and I’ll get to it.
” … think it’s got too real.”
Not yet, but soon. And you can’t deny it’s kicked covid right off the news rotations worldwide. Huhhh? Wassat? Covid??? Oh yeah… whatever…
“TBCC has been oddly quiet on this. Wasn’t he one of the pro-Putin brigade?”
Wouldn’t presume to speak for him but I’d wager Chunky’s assessments/appreciations of Putin would be based more on real politik than any actual ‘admiration’.
I’ve just received a holiday brochure through the door which offers a ‘grand tour’ of Russia’s capitals past and present.
I’m thinking of going for it; visit Russia before Russia visits us…
The wife was there when she was a student. She says she got the worst case of the shits she’s ever had; recurred for months. Something nasty in the water apparently.
When I was in Moscow as a student in ’81, I took several bottles of Kaolin & Morphine with me. Oddly, didn’t need it, but to lighten luggage before home flight, I gave it to our Dezhurnaya; she was most grateful.
The only laugh I’ve had about the whole sad, scary debacle.
So thanks, Ron.
The next time will be when I hear that Vladputin has mysteriously committed suicide, via a bullet in the back of his head, after attempting to poison, drown and strangle his self.
JP, that’s HBH”s prediction too. And a lying-in-state, with about half a dozen Boris and Nellies going round the coffin again and again, trying to look like millions of grieving Russians (not)…
The American people re-elected Donald Trump, and the Democrats and Globalists stole the election. The Democrats did it out of pure greed and desperation, and the Globalists did it because they hate everything Mr Trump stands for, not least their destruction.
The very same people who created the Covid nightmare, have created the conditions which allowed Putin to make his move. They also made sure that Putin had few options. Remember when Trump tried to meet Putin? They went apeshit!
As a lot of people on here quite rightly keep pointing out, “woke” has ruined our defences and there are none more “woke” than the Democrats and Globalists….. so they have wrecked our means of defence, while constantly provoking the Bear, who is now lashing out.
We now have this nightmare situation, where the very people who caused the situation, are expected to solve it!! I really don’t see how this is going to end happily…..
I second this, particularly the final sentence. Fucking Sleepy Joe at the helm – I doubt the dozy old cunt has the first idea of what to do. Useless cocksucker!
CMI@ – Yep – correct.
Stolen elections have consequences – Putin would have not dared do this if Trump had still been in The White House.
But, unfortunately there are still some in cloud cuckoo land who will still not accept the now mountains of evidence that Trump won in a historic landslide and was robbed by a communist coup.
I agree that there were irregularities with the last election and I don’t pretend to know what went on behind the scenes.
I do think the Trump camp underestimated the lengths the Demoncrats would go to in order to rig things. The Demons are not stupid and wouldn’t do anything so obviously blatant that they couldn’t hide it. What I do know is the MSM are in the Demoncrats corner and have no interest in exposing anything which seeks to discredit anything or anyone Demoncratic. That we know.
What I don’t understand is why none of the court cases that Trump’s camp filed ever succeeded. Not one. Nothing ever got over turned. There’s only one of two possibilities here. Either the evidence presented held no water so the cases could not prevail on their own merit. Or the courts/judges were biased and simply ruled against Trump irrespective of the evidence presented. That just seems very unlikely to me, but still possible. The MSM were against Trump from the start and championed the Russia investigation for which there was no evidence of any collusion as has now been proven. Funny how the MSM didn’t bother to take up the argument the election was rigged with the same gusto. Funny that.
Something underhand went down to get Biden into the WH. The fact the ‘establishment’ have taken the view ‘move along nothing to see here’ should be of huge concern to the US and the world. What also gets on my tits is know-it-alls having a pop at Trump when they don’t live in the US and don’t get to see what goes on here day to day. It’s easy to buy into the media’s narrative when that’s all you’ve got to go on. Fact is, Trump was fucking ace for America. You don’t even need to compare his achievements to the shit show we have now to know that. But it’s still fashionable to bash Trump. Ho hum.
Apparently the ‘talks’ are now in progress, with all the dick waving in the west the only solution will come from an agreement between Russia and Ukraine, allegedly Roman Abramovich is there.
I had a look at said Protect & Survive leaflet and am outraged. It’s clearly racist since all the people portrayed in it are white. Another example of institutional racism where black people are seen as expendable and only whites are worth saving. I am literally shaking. I need to steal several £M from the BLM coffers and start some riots and looting in peaceful protest at such blatant discrimination. 🙂
Well, radiation is probably fucking racist anyway, or at least that’s what Flabbot & Lammy will say when the Robinson Jam decorations start going down with radiation sickness…
Ceasefire for a few days.
Slight chance of peace until Biden calls Putrid a cunt or summary and it all goes tits up (Putin is an over sensitive drama queen).
Kicks off again.
Sanctions start to hit Russia hard. Really hard. Ruble becomes worthless. Run on banks. Starts to affect the rich.
Some cunt ‘close’ to the mad gaylord novichoks the cunt.
Given that Vlad loves his image as a bit of an “outdoorsman” perhaps his people could send him off for a nice, manly camping trip to cool off.
In the Dyatlov Pass…
Perhaps I’m missing something, but there appears to have been a deafning silence from the usual rent-a-mob SWP/Antifa/BLM suspects re. the Ukraine situation.
Perhaps like Bad Vlad, they have a nostalgiac longing for the good old days behind the wall before it came down?
Wouldn’t have happened under Trump?
Former Trump advisor Douglas MacGregor says we need to stop demonising Putin, lift all sanctions, stop providing weapons and aid, that it’s “hopeless” and just let Putin take whatever part of Ukraine he wants.
I’ve just been trying to remember this harridans name, but she is some republican cunt from Arkansas I think, and she said that Zelensky is the same as Macron and Trudeau, all children of Satan.
I’m sure Trump would have done a good deal, a very very good deal, for Putin at least, carried on whining about NATO and saying no more foreign wars. He was on a podcast this weekend, saying how much he respects Putin, and that he played a blinder by invading Ukraine.
When he was being accused of accepting Russian help in winning the presidency I thought what a load of wank. However, his words seem to suggest otherwise.
Where is all this evidence that the election was rigged in favour of Biden, a useless child sniffing cunt that the electorate thought would make a better president than that childish orange blob? It seems even in America, bitchute videos don’t count as evidence.
For whatever reason, it probably wouldn’t have happened under Donald Trump.
Whether you like him, or like a lot of people on the left or who claim to be “centrist”, resent everything the man stands for, he commanded at least 10 times the respect a jaded, incoherent Joe Biden does by comparison.
At least he can string a coherent sentence together which is something, sadly beyond the grasp of Joe Biden.
Strangely enough- the world was a slightly more peaceful place for most of the 4 years of “orange Satan’s” term when compared to the saviours of the world Obama and Biden.
Doesn’t particularly matter though does it because it’s all purely hypothetical.
For the record, I’m no fan of Trump, Biden, Putin or part time comedian and new hero of the west Volodymyr Zelenskyy either
I think they’re all cunts and the true victims of all this are the innocent working classes in each country.
Worldwide global pandemic to World War 3 in the space of a few weeks without a pause for breath and the people at the bottom suffer while the media et al have a long continuous collective orgasm over the detritus..
Evening HJ.
Trump had a pretty easy ride as far as foreign policy goes on his term. The Middle East and Afghanistan were winding down, Syria was a minor sideshow, and he didn’t give a fuck about Yemen and other conflict zones. His process of returning US forces from these costly and relatively pointless foreign adventures played well at home, as it should. Telling the world there will me no more foreign wars and berating NATO for relying on US military might as a peacekeeping force, quite rightly, played well at home, and around the world. However, this would definitely have emboldened anti western powers.
His comments praising Putin for his actions and his leadership over the weekend speaks volumes on his lack of moral compass, whether it was to upstage Biden or not.
I think Donald Trump is only interested in promoting Donald Trump.
As for Yemen and the long suffering innocents of that country – it must be the ultimate in marginalised yet very much ongoing conflicts/bombing campaigns.
Probably for no other reason than that he’s the latest darling of the western mainstream narrative and I’m just a cynical cunt.
Truth is, and I’m willing to admit, I’m perhaps being a tad hasty calling Zelenskyy a cunt and immediately lumping him in with the other aforementioned political personalities because that wouldn’t be fair at this point.
Maybe he’ll be a Churchill of our time or turn out to be just another Trudeau.
Unbelievable that you should think that showing such bravery in leadership, standing up against a murderous regime and fighting for his country would make him a cunt.
If you read what I said and you check what the name of this site is called.
I said I was a cynical cunt and I said I was perhaps hasty for lumping Zelenskyy in with the other lying corruption ridden political cunts, and I’ll hold my hands up to that.
Fuck!!!! …and so history repeats. Anyone recall the bogus ‘guarantee’ (that failed to materialise) of allied support to Poland of March ’39 that sent Poland “… arrogantly crashing up and down the European keyboard…” over Danzig? I’m hearing the same tune here.
I don’t know where all of this is heading, but I did look up a nuclear blast effects calculator. Turns out with the nearest viable target, i would probably get the equivalent of a bad sunburn from the initial blast. Not sure on the fallout as
it depends on wind direction.
What’s the point Putin nuking the UK when he’d get a payload in return. I know the UK has a much smaller stockpile but that’s academic. How many nukes does it take to lay Russia or even the planet uninhabitable for two generations and plunge the world into a new dark ages? Probably no more than a 150.
This country hasn’t even got the balls to take on the fucking BBC so there’d be no chance of a nuclear retaliation. I still think that Putin underestimated the Ukrainian response and overestimated the ‘people’s’ wish to be part of Russia. Whatever happens to Ukraine I suspect it will end badly for Putin personally.
Even Putin knows no one wins a nuclear war, the question is whether he’s prepared to start one if he can’t achieve his aims, thinks the rest of the world is trying to strangle Russia into submission & has nothing to lose.
Seems that Putin is ramping up the attack quite considerably, using cruise missiles, cluster bombs and vacuum bombs, along with an ocean of military convoys entering the country from all directions.
He knows he has controvined various Articles governed by the International Criminal Court, and as such faces war crimes (are you listening, Sir Tone?) But given his current mass invasion I don’t think he gives two shits about the ultimate consequences other than going down in the history books as some kind of Dr Strangelove martyr.
There are suggestions in some foreign journals that Putin might do a runner and claim political asylum in a safe house country.
Not sure if there’s any evidence on that claim but its an option I suppose, although it may mean him walking around wearing a false nose, specs and tash for the rest of his life.
Ideally it would be nice if he ended up like Nicolae Ceaușescu (firing squad) or Saddam Hussein (hung). But then I suppose some charity will suggest he claim political asylum in the UK and end up in a 4* hotel for the rest of his life.
When I lived in Switzerland, there were serious comments that he might buy a retirement pad on the shores of Lake Geneva. I suspect that if things continue as they are in Ukraine, he’d be lucky to get out alive.
There were reports a couple of years ago that Vlad was planning on stepping down as he has Parkinson’s. His family were apparently urging that he took this step. It seems instead he has decided to go out with a bang.
Experts in the disease watching Vlad’s latest mad ramblings say they can see signs of advanced Parkinson’s.
Very scary. To quote the US General in the Hunt for the Red October – “ All my god. They’ve got a madman on their hands”.
Glad will probably issue an adapted version of Hitler’s Scorched Earth Directive:
“If the war is lost, the nation will also perish. This fate is inevitable. There is no necessity to take into consideration the basis which the people will need to continue a most primitive existence. On the contrary, it will be better to destroy things ourselves because this nation will have proved to be the weaker one and the future will belong solely to the stronger eastern nation. Besides, those who remain after the battle are only the inferior ones, for the good ones have been killed.”
He then blew his brains out.
Albert Speer, to whom the directive was entrusted, chose to ignore it.
I never said it was a false flag and I’ve never professed love for the ruskie chubby chipmunk – the desperation on here is a great reflection of the situation generally.
I did say the situation is contrived. It’s so fucking contrived. None of our media is even bothering to go over less than 10 years of history, the last ten even. It’s wall to wall coverage of ‘Putin bad’, shitty propaganda pieces, and the establishment whipping everyone up for yet another war no one needs. They are trying to paint this as a Russian conquest by a psychopath for no reason other than his ego. Completely ignoring our meddling, arming, and funding.. “bUt MaH DeMoCRacY! FrEeDom!”.
It’s embarrassing. That’s why I’ve stayed away. Everyone is being played like a fiddle, from public to MPs – some cunt MP said we should send back Russians and a retired army cunt said our kids/grandkids might need to fight. Ridiculous. Pure hysteria.
Haven’t you people learned anything from the past decades of our own history? The last two years? It’s like critical thinking, and short-term memory, has no place in reality any more. TV has replaced both it seems.
The banning of Russia Today couldn’t make it any clearer that we’re being played (soon in the UK too). ‘Anonymous’ pops up and hacks state infrastructure.. lol.. GCHQ in disguise (no hacking of targets here, like say C. Whitty or Imperial College emails?)
Covid just evaporates and this happens. Yeah. Sure, ok then. I’m tuning out because everyone has lost their minds, not Vlad.
This is an ego thing though Chunky. Obviously our actions haven’t helped matters but Putin’s wanted Ukraine back ever since the collapse of the USSR, and he’s using NATO as an excuse to invade. Without all that he would’ve just found some other justification.
Does it? How do you know the truth. You don’t. This is my whole point, you need to stop taking shit at face value. TV is NOT reality, especially when it’s controlled and funded by cunts with ulterior motives.
We have had multiple propaganda items shown to be bullshit already. I’m not saying what you refer to specifically is or is not, I don’t know but neither do you.
There is also the possibility of actual falseflag events. From both sides. We know from history we’ve done it ourselves, to start a fucking war no less.
How many times are we going to fall for the same tricks. Turn off the TV.
If our establishment wanted peace they wouldn’t have spent the last decades arming, funding, surrounding with NATO, and doing everything possible to make an enemy out of Russia – meanwhile China and the Saudi’s are just A-OK ?✌
The cunt is a short-arsed psychopath. Ex KGB, brought in the days of the Warsaw Pact and a USSR he wants to be reformed. Ukraine was never supposed to leave and he’s doing his best to reverse that. However, I suspect that others in Russia aren’t as happy about his actions as he would like to believe.
Putin is a war criminal. NATO has taken no aggressive steps against Russia and its a defensive alliance. Why get upset about that unless your motives are offensive?
Nothing that has happened to Russia ( which is nothing, by the way) justifies a mad war against a peaceful nation and the bombing of civilians. In 20 years Putin has turned Russia into a kleptocracy specialising in bullying and cheating. Many Russians are ashamed. And they should be as Russia could be so much better than this.
“Have you actually bothered to look into the history?”
Cearly you haven’t.
History starts a little before 1991.
Kiyiv was a thriving city long before Russia even existed and Ukraine was originally known as Rus.
I am often on your side but in this argument you’re clearly an ignorant twat.
You figured that all out on your own? Why even bother replying with that.
The last 30 years of history post-USSR are the most important in the context of now, and not the centuries of complex evolution of that general locale.
I see you’re Ukrainian. You’re obviously in a hysterical state so there’s no point discussing anything further with you.
Yes, I’m so hysterical I’ve almost become a snowflake like you. Stop being a cunt and accept the fact that when it comes to Ukrainian history I am going to know more than you. Using your reasoning, there’s no such thing as Scotland or Wales, we should just invade the fuckers, kill as many as we want and fuck everything else?
Last thing I’m going to say to you because arguing with a idiot is self-defeating. And boy, have you come across as an idiot in my eyes today.
Kiev was a thriving city when Moscow was a forest. Yes I have looked into the history. Ukraine is not Russia. They are a separate nation entitled to national self determination.
I bet you extend the same philosophy to the Palestinian’s, no?
Arbitrary lines on a map are simple constructs. The history and demographics of regions are not. That is what it comes down to.
And guess which country specializes in reducing the complexity and human aspect in favour of arbitrary lines, and then supplying weapons at a price so both sides can destroy each other.
Yeah, that’s us. The British.
Keep on pretending we’re not completely full of shit and Putin is the new Hitler, if it helps you make sense of this clown planet.
OK. That’s enough. Fucking cool it Chunky or you’re heading for a ban – Admin
Let it go Admin, he really is showing himself for the ignorant, left wing twat he really is. His being here is a reminder why the right wing exist. Oh, did I say right wing? I meant moderate centrists.
I became a millionaire, then billionaire then TRILLIONAIRE thanks to my collection of Zimbabwe bank notes! Thank you, Dr Mugabe! I now live in utmost splendour!
When I went to Ukraine in 1992 $1 was worth 250 Hrywni at the airport. I know never to change at the airport so I went out into a street market where I immediately got 2500. Changing a £10 note was almost impossible as the cunts didn’t have enough local currency to do so.
I don’t believe a rouble was ever worth more than a cent. Certainly when my Ukrainian cousin’s husband (a thick as shit, committed Russophile) tried to change a 500 rouble note in Leicester back in 1990 he was stunned to find that not one of about 20 banks he went to would even look at it. I restrained myself from pissing myself, although the looks of astonishment from the bank staff, at the idea some twat would even try, was funny as fuck.
I’ve never been in the army but how difficult is it to hit a 40 mile long column of military hardware that the Russians are moving in on motorways? If they had 80 cruise missiles or even good old WW2 2000lb bombs they could blow up the whole lot by dropping on every half a mile along the route.
I guess Russia have air superiority and the US don’t want to get involved. Some F22s to take out the Migs and a squad of B52s dropping bombs with precision on that road 3 days ago would have fucked up Vlad. He’s just bent on wrecking the place and not even attempting a peaceful coup.
Ще не вмерла України ні слава, ні воля,
Ще нам, браття-українці, усміхнеться доля.
Згинуть наші вороженьки, як роса на сонці,
Запануємо ми, браття, у своїй сторонці.
Душу, тіло ми положим за нашу свободу
І покажем, що ми, браття, козацького роду.
Станем, браття, в бій кривавий від Сяну до Дону,
В ріднім краї панувати не дамо нікому.
Чорне море ще всміхнеться, дід Дніпро зрадіє.
Ще у нашій Україні доленька наспіє.
А завзяття, праця щира ще свого докаже,
Ще ся волі в Україні піснь гучна розляже,
За Карпати відіб’ється, згомонить степами,
України слава стане поміж народами.
Cossacks were Ukrainian, from around the Dnipro(river), they were around long before Russia. Russification was a long term goal of the USSR to make everything about them, much like the fucking BBC now.
Ukraine is not yet dead,
nor its glory and freedom,
Luck will still smile on us brother-Ukrainians.
Our enemies will die, as the dew does in the sunshine,
and we, too, brothers, we’ll live happily in our land.
We’ll not spare either our souls or bodies to get freedom
and we’ll prove that we brothers are of Kozak kin.
It’s not 100% but it’ll do, it gives people an idea that we’ll fight for our country, even if we don’t live there. I wouldn’t leave my family to get to this country, demand a house and money, then kill people and fuck young white girls. Racist? Fuck yes!
Oh how quickly the Facebook idiots change side, I just saw a post which had been shared around, the Ukrainians are now the evil ones and why might that be….
We have all probably seen the ‘evacuation’ of women and children and footage of the train stations with guards telling the crowds only women and children allowed.
So what has upset the poor Facebook dimwits, well the Ukrainians are racist because they are blocking black African males (students) from boarding trains ?
I’m Ukrainian, born here. I am applying for a passport and when I get it, I am going over to Ukraine. Those Russian bastards need stopping because the will carry on westwards under this cunt. I will be killed, but that is the way it is. Can you see the gay boys/illegal immigrants over here fighting for the UK? At 58 I’m a waste of time as a soldier but I reckon I can take some russian fucks out before I go. I’ll be proud to go as a soldier. Maybe I’ll get some virgins………..oh wait…….I’m not a coward.
I should point out that I am military trained, non vegan, not even vegetarian, or gay, ……………oh fuck, they may refuse me entry to the army!
Maximum respect, Moggie.
Saw a news item earlier. A former Miss Ukraine is locked and loaded and ready for action:
Amazing. That gal has balls.
I’m not Ukrainian, but if 30 years younger I’d join you over there like a shot.
I don’t blame the ordinary Russians, even the soldiers, they’re as much victim to Putin’s narcissistic kleptocratic psychopathy as everyone else. He’s spent the last 20 years plundering his own country, driving its economy ever further into the dirt, this is his final throw of the dice, he’s desperate to go down in history as something more than a grubby Poundshop Stalin – no chance! All that remains to be seen is how many innocent souls he takes with him before the generals pluck up the courage to put a bullet in his fucking head.
Be seeing you. ?
I respect you hugely for making a stand, Moggie. I’m half Russian from my mother’s family and my grandparents came to the UK from Russia in the 20’s. Putin does not represent ordinary Russians, most of whom are outraged by this war. He’s a cunt and I hope some one in Russia has the guts to put a bullet in his head before long.
Greetings RTC. –
I hope it comes to that. I really do. While the West’s heads of state tut and mumble under their breath, someone – for fuck’s sake – send in a crack elite squad of badass special ops – and take the cunt out. And I’m not suggesting for dinner, either.
Maybe he could be spared and sent to The Village.
No Moggie – the UK could no longer fight a war in that sense
The UK is far too fragmented thanks to a hedonistic, narcissistic and comfortable lifestyle for too many, mass uncontrolled immigration, nefarious NGOs promoting societal division and a media that borders on traitorous
At least the Ukrainian’s still have a proud identity and sense of common cause.
Good for you Moggie – I know I certainly wouldn’t have the guts to do it. Then again as an autistic cunt I’d be fuck all use to an army anyhow.
Moggie@ – Respect – you have got some fucking pair – but if you do go don’t do anything stupid like getting killed!
That would be thoroughly bad form.
Royally fucking things up is the story of my life.
@moggie. You have my utmost respect, as do your Ukrainian brothers and sisters.
I have to say, I’ve found some of the footage coming out of Ukraine, very moving and a shining example of the human spirit.
Unarmed civilians, berating Russian troops and telling them to go home.
That woman is something else.
The most upsetting footage is of women and kids.
Putin is a child killer and I hope he gets his in the nastiest way possible.
Best wishes moggie, and good luck.
Long live Ukraine !
A disturbing image.
Communism never fucking goes away……
That’s why I just can’t bring myself to trust Peter Hitchens…
Congrats to Admin for the header picture of Vlad the Megacunt.
Good to see a serious side to the site. Sometimes necessary to show exactly where you stand.
Well done…
Thank Ron Dio – it was his idea.
Well done Ron…
Harry & Megalodon, who work tirelessly in the name of world peace, have spoken out against the Ukraine invasion. Whilst accepting some shite award Harry said we “stand with the people of Ukraine”, albeit 6,000 miles away and short skip and a jump to their million dollar mansion (@Breitbart).
Well they would,wouldn’t they?
It takes the spotlight off 98% of Prince eunuchs charity income being spent on wages.
Sorry, off topic, back to Hunter Bidens cash converter.
That’s nice of him.
The massive cunt!
Suing in court, funded by the British taxpayer, because of some perceived slight!
I hope the courts find his action frivolous and order him to pay all costs.
Chippy ginger cunt, ask your Dad to organize protection, he must have loads of pals from his Service days who’d be happy to oblige.
A large freebie of Pravda/KGB knock-off Miss Dior is on its way to this week’s winner, Sparkle tits…
Looks like Putin is facing more resistance than he thought. The Ukrainians are fighting back and have anti- tank weapons thanks to the UK and the US. Also, the Russian soldiers don’t have their heart in the task, I think. The Russians no longer look invincible and Putin has egg on his face, the cunt. I really hope it’s the beginning of the end for that cunt in the Kremlin, whose as incompetent as the Romanov’s and making the same mistakes.
Hope those crazy decent Ukrainian lot get to play with some Javelin missiles…I would love to fire on of those beauties.
I honestly thought the will to defend your home country was now illegal under various racial, sexual and pro noun laws? Can you imagine the UK fighting a ground war? they would need their spectrum nails painted first and then get some rainbow BLM tanks going.
The west has enabled this by cosying up to a fucking commie throwback & ignoring his past misdemeanours. After Vlad made his nuclear retaliation threat, NATO should have said ‘OK, because of that, we’ve just given Ukraine membership & an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us, so do your worst you motherfucker, we’re coming for you! Want to play brinksmanship??’ & mobilised everything. He either backs down or pushes the button. If it’s the latter & Earth becomes a nuclear wasteland, so be it. Warmongering cunts need stopping & that means having a pair of bollocks. I notice the major powers weren’t quite so reticent when it came to stomping all over Saddam, Gaddafi & the Taliban, the hypocritical cunts.
Not just cosying up to this cunt and others but making our country partly dependant on them and selling off our national infrastructure.
All so they can line their already well lined trousers.
Greed is a terrible thing.
Now that oily heap of shit puppet president of Belarus, all the sanctions and actions that have been imposed on Russia should apply to their little stooge too.
Left out the part about them throwing their lot in with the Ivans.
Phone posting sucks.
Another fucking shit-stain who continually corrupts the election process in his own favour. This cunt is dependant on Putin’s continued existence to stay in office. The arch megalomaniac has got him in his pocket & he knows it. I’d nuke the fucking lot of em.
He gives self-respecting turds everywhere a bad name. He spoke yesterday about sending in Belarus forces to turn Ukraine into ‘a meat grinder’.
If you’re there God, please help Ukraine.
Chechnya can get fucked too. Putins pet peacefuls.
Not nice people.
There have been reports of Chechen ‘special forces’ going into Ukraine after the president, and getting a kicking for their trouble. Hope that’s correct.
According to news reports, the Ukraine took out 56 tanks and a senior Chechen army bloke.
They don’t fuck about, do they?
Jeepers help us if anyone invaded us just now.
I can see the Tarquins and Ruperts taking to the streets, probably waving daffodils and holding signs saying “This way to the Benefits Office”
Great news JP. Is the source reliable do you know?
It would appear so.
Strange question but to stop this mad cunt could Nato “Sneak” in UK/US/Kraut special forces dressed as ukranian soldiers into Ukraine (so NATO are not “Oficallly” in Ukraine) to knock the serious side of these cunts back into yesterday (and take out any of the planned Nuke batteries going over to Belarus) ?
Who is to say we are not doing that, but it will never be known. If it does happen you will only read it in a book in 30 years from now.
I like that, KC.
But I stand by my suggestion that we should invade Russia, while the army is busy elsewhere.
The Ukrainian president is demanding ‘immediate EU membership’ which is tragically ironic. Fighting for democracy on one front against Putin to join a suffocating anti-democratic mafia state on the other.
Yes I thought that, but I can see where he’s coming from in his position. It’s the ‘lesser of two evils’ argument.
Afternoon all.
But has Ursula, & the rest of the rotten-to-the-core europhiles, got the bollocks? I think not – trite promises with no substance. They should bring Ukraine straight into the EU & NATO. Let Vlad know that it’s shit or bust now.
Von de Leyen gives me the horn.
Fine looking woman for 60.
Gilf of the year.
I wouldn’t though. I doubt she’d juice up at her age, despite my ravishing good looks and huge penis.
Bloody hell Ron, she has 7 or 8 kids, fanny must be like a leaking bucket ?
Which is why she has a wrong ‘un, surely, SOI?
Ron your a cad and a bounder. Maybe you could woo her with some coffee and scones?
On the contrary LL, I’d subject her to some harsh discipline with my little whip, so that she knew her place. It’s a well known fact that the Krauts go in for that sort of thing.
And then she could whip you for voting for Brexit.
TBCC has been oddly quiet on this. Wasn’t he one of the pro-Putin brigade?
In fairness the Icke alikes have been fairly quiet on this subject. There was a bit ‘smoke and mirrors’ distraction nonsense in the beginning, but I think it’s got too real.
I’ll hold my hand up there.
What is there to say? It’s a horrible situation and I have relations in Lithuania and Poland, so I am personally affected y this chaos. So , there’s a war – what do you want, a gold star?
It’s just strange is all given how vocal he was at the beginning with the ‘false flag’ etc stuff
I can’t speak for Chunky, but I at first called Putin sabre rattling, but sadly, he is living up to name of psychopath I have called him before. I just want a peaceful century for once, a world party.
Rule of thumb: whatever we think, we’re being “played” by “the elite”. Unless we see things Chunky’s way.
At least Miles has the honesty to hold his hand up.
It’s quite fascistic on Chunky’s part really RTC.
“In fairness the Icke alikes have been fairly quiet on this subject…”
Oh there is much yet unsaid Gutstick, keep reading and I’ll get to it.
” … think it’s got too real.”
Not yet, but soon. And you can’t deny it’s kicked covid right off the news rotations worldwide. Huhhh? Wassat? Covid??? Oh yeah… whatever…
“TBCC has been oddly quiet on this. Wasn’t he one of the pro-Putin brigade?”
Wouldn’t presume to speak for him but I’d wager Chunky’s assessments/appreciations of Putin would be based more on real politik than any actual ‘admiration’.
I’ve just received a holiday brochure through the door which offers a ‘grand tour’ of Russia’s capitals past and present.
I’m thinking of going for it; visit Russia before Russia visits us…
That’s a good idea Ron, maybe just St Petersburg, nice and close to the border for a quick getaway
The wife was there when she was a student. She says she got the worst case of the shits she’s ever had; recurred for months. Something nasty in the water apparently.
When I was in Moscow as a student in ’81, I took several bottles of Kaolin & Morphine with me. Oddly, didn’t need it, but to lighten luggage before home flight, I gave it to our Dezhurnaya; she was most grateful.
Just seen a report that Zelenskyy wants immediate membership of the EU.
Yes Sick.
There’s a million peaceful males aged 18 – 40 years currently massed on the Ukraine border delighted at this news.
“Just seen a report that Zelenskyy wants immediate membership of the EU.”
Talk about ‘poking the bear’, this was one of the demarcated fucking trigger points. Jeezus he’s a fucking political moron!!!!!!
If it ain’t nailed down, knock it off.
Apparently it was found later, propped up on bricks with its wheels missing.
Ha ha true
The only laugh I’ve had about the whole sad, scary debacle.
So thanks, Ron.
The next time will be when I hear that Vladputin has mysteriously committed suicide, via a bullet in the back of his head, after attempting to poison, drown and strangle his self.
He strikes me as the type who might come to an end while in the throws of autoerotic asphyxiation. He’s got that sort of mad butch look about him.
PS yes it cheered me up as well JP
JP, that’s HBH”s prediction too. And a lying-in-state, with about half a dozen Boris and Nellies going round the coffin again and again, trying to look like millions of grieving Russians (not)…
The American people re-elected Donald Trump, and the Democrats and Globalists stole the election. The Democrats did it out of pure greed and desperation, and the Globalists did it because they hate everything Mr Trump stands for, not least their destruction.
The very same people who created the Covid nightmare, have created the conditions which allowed Putin to make his move. They also made sure that Putin had few options. Remember when Trump tried to meet Putin? They went apeshit!
As a lot of people on here quite rightly keep pointing out, “woke” has ruined our defences and there are none more “woke” than the Democrats and Globalists….. so they have wrecked our means of defence, while constantly provoking the Bear, who is now lashing out.
We now have this nightmare situation, where the very people who caused the situation, are expected to solve it!! I really don’t see how this is going to end happily…..
I second this, particularly the final sentence. Fucking Sleepy Joe at the helm – I doubt the dozy old cunt has the first idea of what to do. Useless cocksucker!
I should add, I’m not too sure about the dodgy election result comments, but the woke views have hamstrung us & gave Putin a big advantage
You do realise that trump is a globalist? You can’t have business and property around the world without being one.
CMI@ – Yep – correct.
Stolen elections have consequences – Putin would have not dared do this if Trump had still been in The White House.
But, unfortunately there are still some in cloud cuckoo land who will still not accept the now mountains of evidence that Trump won in a historic landslide and was robbed by a communist coup.
Hi Big Vern –
I agree that there were irregularities with the last election and I don’t pretend to know what went on behind the scenes.
I do think the Trump camp underestimated the lengths the Demoncrats would go to in order to rig things. The Demons are not stupid and wouldn’t do anything so obviously blatant that they couldn’t hide it. What I do know is the MSM are in the Demoncrats corner and have no interest in exposing anything which seeks to discredit anything or anyone Demoncratic. That we know.
What I don’t understand is why none of the court cases that Trump’s camp filed ever succeeded. Not one. Nothing ever got over turned. There’s only one of two possibilities here. Either the evidence presented held no water so the cases could not prevail on their own merit. Or the courts/judges were biased and simply ruled against Trump irrespective of the evidence presented. That just seems very unlikely to me, but still possible. The MSM were against Trump from the start and championed the Russia investigation for which there was no evidence of any collusion as has now been proven. Funny how the MSM didn’t bother to take up the argument the election was rigged with the same gusto. Funny that.
Something underhand went down to get Biden into the WH. The fact the ‘establishment’ have taken the view ‘move along nothing to see here’ should be of huge concern to the US and the world. What also gets on my tits is know-it-alls having a pop at Trump when they don’t live in the US and don’t get to see what goes on here day to day. It’s easy to buy into the media’s narrative when that’s all you’ve got to go on. Fact is, Trump was fucking ace for America. You don’t even need to compare his achievements to the shit show we have now to know that. But it’s still fashionable to bash Trump. Ho hum.
Now that’s a pretty fair ‘nutshelling’ of the immediate situation.
Just watched the BBC news, on the Polish border…. Refugees, Ukrainian women and children and men from Pakistan, Africa, Uzbekistan ?
Apparently the ‘talks’ are now in progress, with all the dick waving in the west the only solution will come from an agreement between Russia and Ukraine, allegedly Roman Abramovich is there.
Roman still has shit under his nails from the last fisting he gave Vlad, so I wouldn’t bank on him doing anything useful to stop the Russki bear.
With the number of Polish and Romanies living in my city can’t the people of Ukraine just move in because those countries must be empty by now?
I know how to solve the Ukraine crisis. Just put Harry Maguire at the head of Russia’s army – with him leading them they won’t get anywhere.
Just in case you need it, fellow cunters…
I had a look at said Protect & Survive leaflet and am outraged. It’s clearly racist since all the people portrayed in it are white. Another example of institutional racism where black people are seen as expendable and only whites are worth saving. I am literally shaking. I need to steal several £M from the BLM coffers and start some riots and looting in peaceful protest at such blatant discrimination. 🙂
Well, radiation is probably fucking racist anyway, or at least that’s what Flabbot & Lammy will say when the Robinson Jam decorations start going down with radiation sickness…
Sorry ‘Robertson’s Jam’
Here’s my prediction:
Ceasefire for a few days.
Slight chance of peace until Biden calls Putrid a cunt or summary and it all goes tits up (Putin is an over sensitive drama queen).
Kicks off again.
Sanctions start to hit Russia hard. Really hard. Ruble becomes worthless. Run on banks. Starts to affect the rich.
Some cunt ‘close’ to the mad gaylord novichoks the cunt.
‘or summat’
Mad Vlad may well even mysteriously die from a convenient suicide, in a manner similar to say, a Dr David Kelly or perhaps even a Jeffrey Epstein.
I can see certain elements in Russia starting to think that a ‘heart attack’ might be a very convenient out from this mess HJ.
Given that Vlad loves his image as a bit of an “outdoorsman” perhaps his people could send him off for a nice, manly camping trip to cool off.
In the Dyatlov Pass…
Perhaps I’m missing something, but there appears to have been a deafning silence from the usual rent-a-mob SWP/Antifa/BLM suspects re. the Ukraine situation.
Perhaps like Bad Vlad, they have a nostalgiac longing for the good old days behind the wall before it came down?
“a deafning silence from the usual rent-a-mob SWP/Antifa/BLM”
Probably because they too were/still are heavily funded by George (orange revolution) Soros.
Wouldn’t have happened under Trump?
Former Trump advisor Douglas MacGregor says we need to stop demonising Putin, lift all sanctions, stop providing weapons and aid, that it’s “hopeless” and just let Putin take whatever part of Ukraine he wants.
I’ve just been trying to remember this harridans name, but she is some republican cunt from Arkansas I think, and she said that Zelensky is the same as Macron and Trudeau, all children of Satan.
I’m sure Trump would have done a good deal, a very very good deal, for Putin at least, carried on whining about NATO and saying no more foreign wars. He was on a podcast this weekend, saying how much he respects Putin, and that he played a blinder by invading Ukraine.
When he was being accused of accepting Russian help in winning the presidency I thought what a load of wank. However, his words seem to suggest otherwise.
Where is all this evidence that the election was rigged in favour of Biden, a useless child sniffing cunt that the electorate thought would make a better president than that childish orange blob? It seems even in America, bitchute videos don’t count as evidence.
Good Evening GJ.
For whatever reason, it probably wouldn’t have happened under Donald Trump.
Whether you like him, or like a lot of people on the left or who claim to be “centrist”, resent everything the man stands for, he commanded at least 10 times the respect a jaded, incoherent Joe Biden does by comparison.
At least he can string a coherent sentence together which is something, sadly beyond the grasp of Joe Biden.
Strangely enough- the world was a slightly more peaceful place for most of the 4 years of “orange Satan’s” term when compared to the saviours of the world Obama and Biden.
Doesn’t particularly matter though does it because it’s all purely hypothetical.
For the record, I’m no fan of Trump, Biden, Putin or part time comedian and new hero of the west Volodymyr Zelenskyy either
I think they’re all cunts and the true victims of all this are the innocent working classes in each country.
Worldwide global pandemic to World War 3 in the space of a few weeks without a pause for breath and the people at the bottom suffer while the media et al have a long continuous collective orgasm over the detritus..
Evening HJ.
Trump had a pretty easy ride as far as foreign policy goes on his term. The Middle East and Afghanistan were winding down, Syria was a minor sideshow, and he didn’t give a fuck about Yemen and other conflict zones. His process of returning US forces from these costly and relatively pointless foreign adventures played well at home, as it should. Telling the world there will me no more foreign wars and berating NATO for relying on US military might as a peacekeeping force, quite rightly, played well at home, and around the world. However, this would definitely have emboldened anti western powers.
His comments praising Putin for his actions and his leadership over the weekend speaks volumes on his lack of moral compass, whether it was to upstage Biden or not.
@ GJ
I think Donald Trump is only interested in promoting Donald Trump.
As for Yemen and the long suffering innocents of that country – it must be the ultimate in marginalised yet very much ongoing conflicts/bombing campaigns.
@ HJ – what has Zelenskyy done to make him a cunt in your eyes?
Good evening Ruff.
Probably for no other reason than that he’s the latest darling of the western mainstream narrative and I’m just a cynical cunt.
Truth is, and I’m willing to admit, I’m perhaps being a tad hasty calling Zelenskyy a cunt and immediately lumping him in with the other aforementioned political personalities because that wouldn’t be fair at this point.
Maybe he’ll be a Churchill of our time or turn out to be just another Trudeau.
Unbelievable that you should think that showing such bravery in leadership, standing up against a murderous regime and fighting for his country would make him a cunt.
It’s not really unbelievable is it?
If you read what I said and you check what the name of this site is called.
I said I was a cynical cunt and I said I was perhaps hasty for lumping Zelenskyy in with the other lying corruption ridden political cunts, and I’ll hold my hands up to that.
“Maybe he’ll be a Churchill of our time…”
Fuck!!!! …and so history repeats. Anyone recall the bogus ‘guarantee’ (that failed to materialise) of allied support to Poland of March ’39 that sent Poland “… arrogantly crashing up and down the European keyboard…” over Danzig? I’m hearing the same tune here.
I don’t know where all of this is heading, but I did look up a nuclear blast effects calculator. Turns out with the nearest viable target, i would probably get the equivalent of a bad sunburn from the initial blast. Not sure on the fallout as
it depends on wind direction.
I don’t think Putin would nuke London anyway, one look at somewhere like Tower Hamlets or Brent and he would be thinking they have suffered enough.
@ LL
I don’t think he would either. The cunt probably owns half of it.
What’s the point Putin nuking the UK when he’d get a payload in return. I know the UK has a much smaller stockpile but that’s academic. How many nukes does it take to lay Russia or even the planet uninhabitable for two generations and plunge the world into a new dark ages? Probably no more than a 150.
This country hasn’t even got the balls to take on the fucking BBC so there’d be no chance of a nuclear retaliation. I still think that Putin underestimated the Ukrainian response and overestimated the ‘people’s’ wish to be part of Russia. Whatever happens to Ukraine I suspect it will end badly for Putin personally.
Even Putin knows no one wins a nuclear war, the question is whether he’s prepared to start one if he can’t achieve his aims, thinks the rest of the world is trying to strangle Russia into submission & has nothing to lose.
Seems that Putin is ramping up the attack quite considerably, using cruise missiles, cluster bombs and vacuum bombs, along with an ocean of military convoys entering the country from all directions.
He knows he has controvined various Articles governed by the International Criminal Court, and as such faces war crimes (are you listening, Sir Tone?) But given his current mass invasion I don’t think he gives two shits about the ultimate consequences other than going down in the history books as some kind of Dr Strangelove martyr.
There are suggestions in some foreign journals that Putin might do a runner and claim political asylum in a safe house country.
Not sure if there’s any evidence on that claim but its an option I suppose, although it may mean him walking around wearing a false nose, specs and tash for the rest of his life.
Ideally it would be nice if he ended up like Nicolae Ceaușescu (firing squad) or Saddam Hussein (hung). But then I suppose some charity will suggest he claim political asylum in the UK and end up in a 4* hotel for the rest of his life.
When I lived in Switzerland, there were serious comments that he might buy a retirement pad on the shores of Lake Geneva. I suspect that if things continue as they are in Ukraine, he’d be lucky to get out alive.
There were reports a couple of years ago that Vlad was planning on stepping down as he has Parkinson’s. His family were apparently urging that he took this step. It seems instead he has decided to go out with a bang.
Experts in the disease watching Vlad’s latest mad ramblings say they can see signs of advanced Parkinson’s.
Very scary. To quote the US General in the Hunt for the Red October – “ All my god. They’ve got a madman on their hands”.
Glad will probably issue an adapted version of Hitler’s Scorched Earth Directive:
“If the war is lost, the nation will also perish. This fate is inevitable. There is no necessity to take into consideration the basis which the people will need to continue a most primitive existence. On the contrary, it will be better to destroy things ourselves because this nation will have proved to be the weaker one and the future will belong solely to the stronger eastern nation. Besides, those who remain after the battle are only the inferior ones, for the good ones have been killed.”
He then blew his brains out.
Albert Speer, to whom the directive was entrusted, chose to ignore it.
In response to the nattering about me:
I never said it was a false flag and I’ve never professed love for the ruskie chubby chipmunk – the desperation on here is a great reflection of the situation generally.
I did say the situation is contrived. It’s so fucking contrived. None of our media is even bothering to go over less than 10 years of history, the last ten even. It’s wall to wall coverage of ‘Putin bad’, shitty propaganda pieces, and the establishment whipping everyone up for yet another war no one needs. They are trying to paint this as a Russian conquest by a psychopath for no reason other than his ego. Completely ignoring our meddling, arming, and funding.. “bUt MaH DeMoCRacY! FrEeDom!”.
It’s embarrassing. That’s why I’ve stayed away. Everyone is being played like a fiddle, from public to MPs – some cunt MP said we should send back Russians and a retired army cunt said our kids/grandkids might need to fight. Ridiculous. Pure hysteria.
Haven’t you people learned anything from the past decades of our own history? The last two years? It’s like critical thinking, and short-term memory, has no place in reality any more. TV has replaced both it seems.
The banning of Russia Today couldn’t make it any clearer that we’re being played (soon in the UK too). ‘Anonymous’ pops up and hacks state infrastructure.. lol.. GCHQ in disguise (no hacking of targets here, like say C. Whitty or Imperial College emails?)
Covid just evaporates and this happens. Yeah. Sure, ok then. I’m tuning out because everyone has lost their minds, not Vlad.
This is an ego thing though Chunky. Obviously our actions haven’t helped matters but Putin’s wanted Ukraine back ever since the collapse of the USSR, and he’s using NATO as an excuse to invade. Without all that he would’ve just found some other justification.
Yep, Putin is as daft as a box of frogs.
I’m nearly always with you Chunky but using artillery on civilian targets kid of speaks for itself doesn’t?
I put this into perspective by thinking of what the “coalition” did in their many wars of freedom (oil, money, greed etc)
Does it? How do you know the truth. You don’t. This is my whole point, you need to stop taking shit at face value. TV is NOT reality, especially when it’s controlled and funded by cunts with ulterior motives.
We have had multiple propaganda items shown to be bullshit already. I’m not saying what you refer to specifically is or is not, I don’t know but neither do you.
There is also the possibility of actual falseflag events. From both sides. We know from history we’ve done it ourselves, to start a fucking war no less.
How many times are we going to fall for the same tricks. Turn off the TV.
If our establishment wanted peace they wouldn’t have spent the last decades arming, funding, surrounding with NATO, and doing everything possible to make an enemy out of Russia – meanwhile China and the Saudi’s are just A-OK ?✌
The cunt is a short-arsed psychopath. Ex KGB, brought in the days of the Warsaw Pact and a USSR he wants to be reformed. Ukraine was never supposed to leave and he’s doing his best to reverse that. However, I suspect that others in Russia aren’t as happy about his actions as he would like to believe.
…..brought up…..
Lord Haw Haw eat yer heart out!
“Chunky calling, Chunky calling…” ?
Putin is a war criminal. NATO has taken no aggressive steps against Russia and its a defensive alliance. Why get upset about that unless your motives are offensive?
Nothing that has happened to Russia ( which is nothing, by the way) justifies a mad war against a peaceful nation and the bombing of civilians. In 20 years Putin has turned Russia into a kleptocracy specialising in bullying and cheating. Many Russians are ashamed. And they should be as Russia could be so much better than this.
“Nothing has happened.”
So you actually believe Putin just got bored one day and decided to invade another nation for no reason? Or fancied a European conquest?
Have you actually bothered to look into the history? Ukraine became sovereign in ’91 so it shouldn’t take you too long.
Do you mean real history or bitchute bullshit?
You should migrate to reddit. Much more your level.
“Have you actually bothered to look into the history?”
Cearly you haven’t.
History starts a little before 1991.
Kiyiv was a thriving city long before Russia even existed and Ukraine was originally known as Rus.
I am often on your side but in this argument you’re clearly an ignorant twat.
You figured that all out on your own? Why even bother replying with that.
The last 30 years of history post-USSR are the most important in the context of now, and not the centuries of complex evolution of that general locale.
I see you’re Ukrainian. You’re obviously in a hysterical state so there’s no point discussing anything further with you.
And Spivey yours.
Yes, I’m so hysterical I’ve almost become a snowflake like you. Stop being a cunt and accept the fact that when it comes to Ukrainian history I am going to know more than you. Using your reasoning, there’s no such thing as Scotland or Wales, we should just invade the fuckers, kill as many as we want and fuck everything else?
Last thing I’m going to say to you because arguing with a idiot is self-defeating. And boy, have you come across as an idiot in my eyes today.
Kiev was a thriving city when Moscow was a forest. Yes I have looked into the history. Ukraine is not Russia. They are a separate nation entitled to national self determination.
I bet you extend the same philosophy to the Palestinian’s, no?
Arbitrary lines on a map are simple constructs. The history and demographics of regions are not. That is what it comes down to.
And guess which country specializes in reducing the complexity and human aspect in favour of arbitrary lines, and then supplying weapons at a price so both sides can destroy each other.
Yeah, that’s us. The British.
Keep on pretending we’re not completely full of shit and Putin is the new Hitler, if it helps you make sense of this clown planet.
OK. That’s enough. Fucking cool it Chunky or you’re heading for a ban – Admin
Let it go Admin, he really is showing himself for the ignorant, left wing twat he really is. His being here is a reminder why the right wing exist. Oh, did I say right wing? I meant moderate centrists.
If it quacks like a duck…
A rouble is now worth 1 American cent.
What’s the betting it has further to fall?
I became a millionaire, then billionaire then TRILLIONAIRE thanks to my collection of Zimbabwe bank notes! Thank you, Dr Mugabe! I now live in utmost splendour!
The only man in Zimbabwe with 2L bottles of Um-Bongo.
When I went to Ukraine in 1992 $1 was worth 250 Hrywni at the airport. I know never to change at the airport so I went out into a street market where I immediately got 2500. Changing a £10 note was almost impossible as the cunts didn’t have enough local currency to do so.
I don’t believe a rouble was ever worth more than a cent. Certainly when my Ukrainian cousin’s husband (a thick as shit, committed Russophile) tried to change a 500 rouble note in Leicester back in 1990 he was stunned to find that not one of about 20 banks he went to would even look at it. I restrained myself from pissing myself, although the looks of astonishment from the bank staff, at the idea some twat would even try, was funny as fuck.
I once created a cocktail called The Mugabe and it did include um bongo.
I’ve never been in the army but how difficult is it to hit a 40 mile long column of military hardware that the Russians are moving in on motorways? If they had 80 cruise missiles or even good old WW2 2000lb bombs they could blow up the whole lot by dropping on every half a mile along the route.
Vlad needs a good fucking hiding.
I’ve guessing that the Ukrainians don’t have such ordnance or the means to deliver it. The US Mk 84 is about $16,000.
Any cruise missile capability seems to be the first thing Putin wanted destroyed.
I guess Russia have air superiority and the US don’t want to get involved. Some F22s to take out the Migs and a squad of B52s dropping bombs with precision on that road 3 days ago would have fucked up Vlad. He’s just bent on wrecking the place and not even attempting a peaceful coup.
For those that are interested:
Ще не вмерла України ні слава, ні воля,
Ще нам, браття-українці, усміхнеться доля.
Згинуть наші вороженьки, як роса на сонці,
Запануємо ми, браття, у своїй сторонці.
Душу, тіло ми положим за нашу свободу
І покажем, що ми, браття, козацького роду.
Станем, браття, в бій кривавий від Сяну до Дону,
В ріднім краї панувати не дамо нікому.
Чорне море ще всміхнеться, дід Дніпро зрадіє.
Ще у нашій Україні доленька наспіє.
А завзяття, праця щира ще свого докаже,
Ще ся волі в Україні піснь гучна розляже,
За Карпати відіб’ється, згомонить степами,
України слава стане поміж народами.
Classy – but what’s that in English?
You’d call it a national anthem, but ours is all about the country and not a putative royal. I can translate if you want?
Cossacks were Ukrainian, from around the Dnipro(river), they were around long before Russia. Russification was a long term goal of the USSR to make everything about them, much like the fucking BBC now.
Ukraine is not yet dead,
nor its glory and freedom,
Luck will still smile on us brother-Ukrainians.
Our enemies will die, as the dew does in the sunshine,
and we, too, brothers, we’ll live happily in our land.
We’ll not spare either our souls or bodies to get freedom
and we’ll prove that we brothers are of Kozak kin.
It’s not 100% but it’ll do, it gives people an idea that we’ll fight for our country, even if we don’t live there. I wouldn’t leave my family to get to this country, demand a house and money, then kill people and fuck young white girls. Racist? Fuck yes!
Oh how quickly the Facebook idiots change side, I just saw a post which had been shared around, the Ukrainians are now the evil ones and why might that be….
We have all probably seen the ‘evacuation’ of women and children and footage of the train stations with guards telling the crowds only women and children allowed.
So what has upset the poor Facebook dimwits, well the Ukrainians are racist because they are blocking black African males (students) from boarding trains ?
The Ukrainian flag has now been cancelled.
All a big virtue-signal for cunts like that.
‘And to think, I bought Harrods hampers for those white supremacist bastards!’