
I think we will all (hopefully) agree that Putin is a cunt, so this page has been set up to allow you to vent your feelings about the current invasion and occupation of Ukraine

3,719 thoughts on “Ukraine

  1. Another far right, fake news website gives their version:

    Incredibly, they’re even suggesting it might be Ukrainian Russians shooting their own liberators for propaganda purposes.
    How fucking callously desperate do you have to be to write that and how utterly moronic do you have to be to believe it?

  2. I’m not sure if it’s fake or not, but to be honest, if Ukrainian soldiers have done this, who could blame them?

    • I wonder what part of “get orf our land!” the Russians don’t understand?

      • I think it’s bizarre that someone can be obsessed by one incident which nobody knows what led up to it, yet not interested in the slightest of civilians indiscriminately shelled, hospitals flattened etc.
        Or, how about the video of the guy getting out of his car with his hands up being murdered by Russian soldiers and dumped by the roadside? Funny how that doesn’t warrant a mention?
        If you stumbled upon the French resistance beating to death a German officer with hammers it would look barbaric, but would it change your perspective if that officer was a member of the SS Das Reich division that had murdered its way through Normandy, and had just rounded up a whole village into the church and burned it down, with soldiers throwing grenades through the windows for fun, and anyone trying to escape was machine gunned?
        Perspective is everything.
        Or, they might be cunts, who knows? But, sure as shit, they wouldn’t have been there if Putin hadn’t invaded, end of.

      • The Azov arse holes are sequestered in urban,civilian areas.
        Using human shields in other words.
        Do you also need a “far right,fake news” link to support that?

      • Azov have been shelling civilians in Donbass since 2014. They’re also firing on civilian cars trying to flee current fighting according to footage.
        Make a fucking effort to keep up.

        As for footage, do you want to see the eye knifing video? Turn the sound up.

      • Has anyone else seen the videos of Roma people being cellophane-wrapped to trees and lamposts, trousers pulled down, beaten, God knows what else? The Roma (Gypsies) get treated like cockroaches in Ukraine, it seems, long history of this. And there Ukraine-born Roma men fighting the Russians, so it’s not like they are on the wrong side, many are patriots, one Roma man captured a Russian tank! Even before the invasion, Ukraine has not been a pretty place, it’s been brutal for many people, Roma, Russian, Ukrainian, it has routinely showed up near the top of ‘most corrupt’ countries by humanitarian institutes. After this war ends, the Ukraine government still has a lot of work to do for it’s people.

      • They are Roma.
        Draw your own conclusions.
        And, Through a Glass Darkly,
        See ya, wouldn’t want to be ya.

      • The fact that Ukraine is investigating this incident say a lot. Fat chance the Russians will investigate any of their atrocities.

      • They don’t have a choice now it’s gone viral. Can’t brush it under the carpet.
        Tough shit.
        When Russia commits atrocities It’s guaranteed there’ll be solid investigation, until then its just some quiet seething on t’net.
        It would seem that in some peoples world, well 4 people to be precise, 2 wrongs do make a right.
        It’s very odd, all four of you guys come flying in when something you don’t like gets published.
        Very odd indeed.

      • Ruff@

        Any chance you could get me any cool spy stuff from HQ?

        Poison tipped umbrellas, blowdart fountain pen,
        Bulletproof raincoat

        Only a matter of time till you all got rumbled agent Creampuff.

        *This message will self destruct in 5minutes

      • MNC – I think you’ll find Agent Creampuff is to busy with Ursula Andress at the moment.

        “ The names Ruff – Ruff Tuff Creampuff”.

      • You appear to forget that I’ve resigned.

        I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, labelled, numbered, or be ooh-eeh-oohed or somesuch!

        My life is my own. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha….

      • Put forward an opinion or a hypothesis that challenges another and get accused of being CIA? Easier than answering the questions that I asked.
        It’s the same story. Don’t agree with my way out theories or dispute the non evidence I provide for them? Must be because your are brainwashed by the MSM.
        I didn’t even dispute whether the torture videos were real, as I have no idea as I haven’t seen them, and have no desire to. All I did was try to add a bit of context.

      • “According to footage” isn’t good enough I’m afraid. Context is everything.

  3. Seek and ye shall find.
    There’s no lack of context.

    @GJ if you look back it’s 2900 who makes the CIA reference.
    Now keep up, There’s a good egg ? ?

    • Just because some of us are Mossad agents doesn’t mean our opinions arent valid.

    • No lack of context? Do you know any of the participants? Do you know what the circumstances of the people on both sides prior to the video being taken? Were you there? No context whatsoever.
      We know the answer to this, as you couldn’t even confirm if it was real or not.
      As I said, you lot don’t seem interested when the videos show Russians shooting motorists, or driving over pensioners in tracked vehicles.
      Two wrongs definitely don’t make a right, especially when the scale of the wrongs is incomparable.

      • What are you doing about it?
        Donated money?
        Collected supplies?
        Driven to deliver?
        Given a home to refugees?
        Me neither, but I don’t cack on about summat I know nowt about.
        I suggest you follow my lead.

  4. You’ll be able to get your 4th dose of serum soon enough, be brave ?.

    Turn the volume up and witter about context once you’ve watched it.
    No links to the eye stabbing, pity that, it would shake the core beliefs you so rigidly cling onto even if the above doesn’t.

    • YouTube have removed that video, it seems. What was the gist of it?

      • Crucifiying and immolation .
        That and the eyeball stabbing by those oppressed Nazis are bound to be on liveleak by now.
        Probably fake news but definitely far right.

  5. Just out of interest are there any far-left or just moderately left wing conspiracy sites?
    I expect someone will probably chime in and say the Guardian or the Beeb.

    • I always thought that when you go down the road of 9/11 truth, etc, then you end up seeing through the left/right facade. I think that when Trump came along, a lot of rednecks jumped onto the conspiracy sites, the bandwagon, when by 2014, most of those sites had become pretty apolitical or anti-political in the aftermath of Bush and Obama and all the exposés of how the world really works. The concept of left/right and liberal/conservative no longer means anything to those trying to understand this insane world.

      • When the world becomes confusing then people turn to mad conspiracy theories to try and understand it. The internet doesn’t help as well. There is a proliferation of fake news sites and conspiracy websites ready to snare the gullible.

        Once people are taken in nothing will shift them from their warped view of how the world operates – it’s all the fault of Freemasons, the Rothschild’s, the CIA, the West, Ukrainians, Jews or whatever bogeyman is the flavour of the day.

        A massive pile of cunt worthy of its own cunting. I may write it up.

      • Talking of Rothchilds, I saw one conspiracy theory that said they paid Darwin to fabricate the theory of evolution. Who would make up such a pathetic lie? Obviously religious cunts, who try to use western gullibility to restore their grip on society, just as Russia use it to undermine it for political advantage.
        Check out the Russian government twitter account, it looks like David Icke writes it for them.

      • It’s quite sad really. The West gives people intellectual freedom and the ability to pursue whatever lines of enquiry they wish. Freedom of thought and conscience. Yet many use that freedom to pervert their minds and the minds of others and turn them against the society that grants that freedom.

        I live in a part of the country that the Rothschild’s made their home – the Chiltern hills on the Herts/ Bucks border. Apart from releasing Glys Glys into the countryside by accident, they have done no harm. The second or third Baron Rothschild was a keen naturalist. He founded the magnificent natural history museum in Tring, still going strong.

      • It’s just that the official story of why World War 1 started makes no sense. People in 1914 were perplexed at why Britain was going to war with Germany. Even now most people will give the standard answers to why that bloodbath came about, most people won’t look deeper into the real causes.

        Then there’s the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin false flag that brought America in the Vietnam War. The JFK assassination is something that pretty much everyone will agree was a conspiracy involving many entities.

        The official story of 9/11 makes little sense. Even George Bush smirks when asked hard questions about it, he dummies up. I don’t think he was in on it, he reacted like a man caught off guard. It isn’t just Wally in his basement who has strove for the truth of why and how the 9/11 attacks happened, you have thousands of civil engineers, architects, physicists, etc.

        But of course, any alternative explanation for these tragic events can be dismissed with two words, coined by the CIA in the 1960s when people were questioning the Warren Commission Report on JFK: ‘conspiracy theories’ by ‘conspiracy theorists’. An ingenious way to shut down independent investigation among the public, it has to be said.

      • Conspiracy theorist
        Anti Semite

        3 common terms to call upon if ever you need help to win any argument or shut down any debate.

      • Strange how someone who looks at the other side of the story is a conspiracy theorist isn’t it? Someone doesn’t agree with the narrative so they’re automatically labelled a crank!

      • Wasting your time pal. This lot will never have the humility to admit our establishment are that evil and that the world view they hold is a manufactured illusion.

        They’re too invested in this ride. Maybe next time.

      • Fuck me, here we go!
        The only conspiracy theories are those you imagined in your dreaming.

      • Man – “You can have your own opinions, but you can’t have your own facts ”

        The Internet- “hold my beer….”

      • I’ve never heard of the Rothschilds being involved with Charles Darwin. Do you have a link for that Rothschild-Darwin connection?

        Alfred Russell Wallace, a polymath genius, was the real man behind the theory of evolution. It was a great theory in it’s day, but as it has never been proven, it remains a theory. The mysteries of biology, of life, are still to be fully understood. I don’t fully understand it all, that’s for sure!

      • It should be considered a first draft, not a final thesis.

        The main point of error is its association with DNA, specifically this hangover of Greek atomistic thinking that everything can be reduced to the molecular level to understand the whole, which is rubbish.

        Like many other grand theories it relies on an initial miracle to get off the ground. It requires DNA, yet there is nothing to be said on how DNA itself evolved. Random chance is the best explanation, which is ludicrously absurd.

      • The Rothschild/evolution connection comes from the fact that the second or third Baron Rothschild was a committed natural historian and zooologist and founded the fantastic Natural History Museum at Tring, near where I live. Another Rothschild was a professor of Zoology at Oxford.

      • Everything can be reduced to the molecular/atomistic level because particles are the building blocks of the Universe.

        How life started is of course a huge question and one no scientist can adequately answer at present. We can see how particles, atoms coalesced and came together to create biological life on its most basic level – but it does not account for consciousness, which is the biggest mystery of all. One thing that does seem necessary for life is water.

        The Theory of Evolution is beyond doubt in my view.

      • Good Morning MMCM.

        I seem to recall a few years back the neo Ottoman dictator Recep Tayip Erdogan removing Darwinism from the educational curriculum in Turkey.

      • Atomistic thinking can’t explain form and it can’t explain phenomena that are greater than the sum of its parts.

        On the biological level the greatest example is flying creatures. The buzz lightyear flying squirrel or cursorial theory are ridiculous attempts to explain a quantum leap in both behaviour and form simultaneously.

        Evolution works well at the micro level but falls apart at the macro level. It’s a good starting point, but the idea it is some sort of comprehensive proof is just arrogant nonsense.

        The rabid dogma surrounding it just reeks of insecurity, to concede that we don’t really know what the fuck is going on.

      • The theory of evolution, as a grand theory, doesn’t convince me. How did prokaryotes and eukaryotes come about 3.5 billion years ago when Earth was supposedly still molten? What did they evolve from? How did new species emerge after 95% of life was wiped out 65 million years ago? How did water arrive on Earth? There’s a lot of fundamental questions that we don’t have answers for. I get why people who hate organised religion and the idea of a Creator are attracted to the theory of evolution to explain the origin of species, but it doesn’t explain the origin of life in the Cosmos. It’s obvious to me that there is a creative force in the Cosmos, it isn’t random mutations in a nihilistic void. Most people think of Yahweh/Jehovah when they hear or read the word, ‘God’, a tall old man with a beard in the Middle East that moulded humans out of literal clay, but that’s not the only conception of God.

        Anyway, this is thread on Ukraine! What’s the latest from Putin, Zelenskyy and Biden?

      • Creepy Joe has just had his second booster injection live on TV.

        He’s eaten more jabs than Rocky Balboa.

      • Only his second, Herm.
        I’d have thunk he’d been on his 4th or 5th at least.
        Silly twat.
        Maybe his 3rd will be cyanide.

      • Good Morning Herman.

        Yes it would not surprise me if Edogan did that. Many deeply religious people challenge Darwin’s findings.

      • Hi TAGD – I don’t disagree that there might be a creative force in the Universe. The further you peer back in space and time the deeper the mystery becomes. Where did the Big Bang come from? We will probably never know. Some astrophysicists and cosmologists hold deeply metaphysical or spiritual views which, whilst not in the mould of traditional organised religion, are not incompatible with it. I’m of this opinion.

        When science can go no further metaphysical speculation takes over.

      • For some reason I am subscribed to Joe Biden’s official YouTube channel, it seems! Can’t recall doing that. He only has 700,000 subscribers, a bit shorter than his record-breaking 81 million voters. Up popped a video from Joe last night, him getting his second booster. Why do we need this theatre from the President? I was hoping Will Smith stormed in the frame! This video of Will slapping people is great…

      • I concede Chunky – as far as the cosmological origin of life is concerned we don’t know. There are plenty of theories but no proof.

        Water and life might have come to Earth via a comet. It’s a popular theory. But no proof.

    • The Canary gets short shrift from a lot of people across the spectrum. Similar story with Novara media. Both attack the BBC for being pro-Tory. The Canary once claimed Britain didn’t own its own nuclear warheads mistaking them for the Trident missile system.

      • As for those disputing evolution, there’s enough explanatory material out there to help you understand how it works.

        I managed to do so by the age of twelve.

    • The Rothschild family has produced many fine men and women. Even Jacob, the current co-head of the family with Evelyn seems like a decent chap, he seems more into priceless art than eating babies. Evelyn seems more ruthless, he sometimes pops up on TV to tell us about international banking. I like this photo of him with the future King and military commander of Britain…

      “Just you remember who is REALLY in power! I get first dibs on the baby blood, Big Ears!” 😉

  6. On topic, overnight some pranksters decided to cover a monument to WW2 Russian soldiers in Berlin with a Ukrainian flag.the large monument consists of a T34 tank on a pedestal and was completely covered by this flag. The Russian government complained about this disrespectful act and was told by the German government tat the T34 was developed at Kharkiv in Ukraine. ?
    What interests me is why would the Germans still have this monument so long after reunification? Ooh look, there’s a monument to the men who raped granny when she was a toddler.
    Two wrongs don’t make a right, remember?

  7. Fucking hell now praise for the Rothschild’s.
    In defence if ‘our way of life’ I suppose.
    This is super normie stuff.
    No abnormie.


    • I see the above discussion has combined Astronomy and the Rothschild family.

      I would like to do the same-Roger Penrose came up with a number on the chances that the universe was created by chance-

      ’10 to the power of 123 is so large that there is no name for it.’

      ’10 to the power of 123 is greater than the total number of atoms believed to exist in the entire universe.’

      The Rothschild Family owns 80% of the world’s wealth, with a net worth of $500 trillion. It is claimed.

      • So The Rothschild family is the wealthiest family in the entire universe.

        Unless there are aliens out there who have equally as much but in their own currency.

        Yes that would be funny. We find alien life on another planet and we get to know them. And it turns out that only one if tge alien families owned everything on their plznet. Now wouldnt we find that a bit funny?

        A bit abnormie..

        But its fair because of our ‘system’ they might say I suppose.

      • According to the reports I have seen the Rothschild family have a collective worth of $400-475 billion. An enormous sum but hardly 80% of the World’ s worth.

        Lord Jacob Rothschild, the head of the family in the UK, is worth a measly $5 billion in his own right – not even in the top 10 for the UK’s richest.

        By “aliens” Miles, I assume you mean Jews.

        A low shot, even by your standards. I thought that you were a follower of the Jewish Rabbi, Yeshua Ben Joseph (otherwise known as Jesus).

      • Those odds aren’t bad when you consider that the universe is infinite. Just think, somewhere there could even be a Miles Plastic who doesn’t spout rabid anti-Semitism at every opportunity!

      • Indeed MJB. If the Universe is infinite or there is an infinite number of universes ( a “ multiverse”), then all possibilities and combinations are infinitely enacted.

        That means that somewhere there is even a Jewish Miles.

      • No didnt make that connection. MMCM.

        At the time if writing I mean.

        Just about money I was thinking.

        Was it Mary Whitehouse who started everything with ‘Why, oh why must there be…’

        I have my own little private parlour game where I see the word Oligarch and I Wikipedia him.

        Invariably no. More often than not no. About 80% (in my research) of them were ‘born into a Jewish family.’

        Then I sigh. ‘Why oh why must there be so many Jewish Ologarchs…etc

        In the words of the Nina Simone song Jews have eyes and ears and the rest of it…the same as everybody else.

        Have they got a superhuman skill in business prowess? Different from other people. No.

        This statemeng makes me non- antisemitic. I dont believe that Jews run the world. As Belloc said ‘the world is far more complicated than that’

        But it sure looks bad to the ordinary Joe Bloggs that a lot do have of loads and loads of money. And loads…

      • We know what it is of course the pushy mother. Their expectations are very high. The bookish culture. The focus on education.

        Mind you Ambramovitch was an orphan it says.

      • My dear MMCM dont you ever ever get the teeniest weeniest bit uncomfortable when you read about the very many obscenely rich Jewish people in the world?

      • No. No more than I get uncomfortable reading about the considerably more very rich non-Jewish people in the world.

        It’s absurd to say that all Jews are rich or that the majority of the Worlds rich are Jews. For every Jewish millionaire you will probably find 1000 rich non-Jews and 20,000 Jews who are not rich at all but engaged in ordinary occupations.

        I don’t get uncomfortable reading about any rich person. Why should I? Perhaps they are enterprising and hard working, which is why they are rich. Perhaps they deserve to be rich.

        Get to the point, Miles. You drip anti-semitism from your pores.

      • Some reading for you Miles -

        PS – my Jewish grandfather was a waiter in a restaurant. He never had much money. He provided a reasonable living for his family by working all the hours god sends. He encouraged his children to become educated so they didn’t have to slave in a restaurant serving people, as he did.

      • My dear MP don’t you ever ever get the teeniest weeniest bit uncomfortable when you read about the very many obscenely rich Christian people in the world?
        Or Hindu people? Or Buddhist people (Chinese)? Or people with no religious affiliations? Or Putin and his oligarchs?

      • Something like 85 people own around a combined $110 trillion. That’s an old figure. Not all of them are Rothschilds. I’m sure they have a compassionate view of humanity, though. 😉

      • Most of them are North American and European Christians, Chinese, Indians, etc. Some are Jews.

      • Ok is there a disproportionate number of Oligarchs ‘born into a Jewish family’?

        Remember it is not just above board business dealings which gained them all this money. They *’exploited’ the situation after Soviet Union fell.

        You would see that as very clever I suppose. In your capitalist mindset.

        I mean you havent the slightest bit of disomfort that R Ambramovitch aquired enormous wealth from Russia’s resources and proceeded to leave the country buy a football club a superyatch and all rest when that money/wealth should have gone to lifting up the Russian people economically?

      • What has that got to do with him being Jewish?

        How many oligarchs are Jewish. I don’t know but I’m sure not the majority.

        The biggest Oligarch in Russia is Putin – your Christian saviour. Possibly one of the richest, if not the richest, man in the world.

      • I mean you havent the slightest bit of disomfort that V. Putin acquired enormous wealth ($200 billion) from the Russian people and proceeded to secrete it around the world, much of it via his oligarchs, when that money/wealth should have gone to lifting up the Russian people economically?

      • ‘Israel is grappling with a situation that involves dealing with dozens of Jewish Russian oligarchs as Western nations step up sanctions on businesspeople with ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

        A worried Israeli government has formed a high-level committee to see how the country can maintain its status as a haven for any Jew without running afoul of the biting sanctions targeting Putin’s inner circle.

        Several dozen Jewish tycoons from Russia are believed to have taken on Israeli citizenship or residency in recent years. Many have good working relations with the Kremlin, and at least four – Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramovich, Mikhail Fridman, Petr Aven and Viktor Vekselberg – have been sanctioned internationally because of their purported connections to Putin.’

      • ‘that V. Putin acquired enormous wealth ($200 billion) from the Russian people’

        At least he has stated the fucking country.

      • Fuck me Miles, you really are an irredeemable anti-semite. It’s worse than I thought. Ruff was write when he said it was a sick obsession.

      • @MP

        “At least he has stated the fucking country.”

        What is that supposed to mean?

      • ‘has stayed in the fuckjng country’

        Are you being thoroughly honest NMCM when you say that you didn’t know a lot if ghe Oligarchs are Jewish?


      • Funny how rat catchers hate the front wheelers, citing obscene amounts of money and power, then bow and scrape, and donate to an organisation that wears gold hats and sit in solid gold chairs, phenomenally rich from selling fuckwits a lie. Make a contribution and you’ll get a better seat upstairs. Then, when the boss isn’t shielding child molesters from prosecution, he’s telling his retard followers to cough up for the local church roof, and go and make more rat catchers, so this preposterous con can go on and on, and we’ll look after them as they are growing up.?
        I wonder if the anti Semitic religions would be less full of hate if they had stolen a different religion to base their con on? Probably too fucking thick to start one from scratch.
        Fucking hypocrites.

      • Putin may be still in the country (more’s the pity for the long suffering Russian people) but his wealth isn’t. And if it was it wouldn’t be working for the benefit of the Russian people. Only for Putin.

      • He just can’t stand the fact that Jews might be smarter than Catholics. Or maybe it’s the thought of Zelenski’s circumcised penis playing that piano – if only it had been an uncircumcised Catholic one !

    • Please don’t tell me you used the term ‘normie’ in a non-ironic way.

      What about the vast amounts of wealth that the Catholic church has Miles, but they always have their hand out for contributions.

      However much gold, property, and money they have It’s never quite enough is it?

      Acquiring many valuable assets. The church also seems to have a bit of a capitalist mindset wouldn’t you say?

      • I just read GJ’s post which was in a similar vain and realised he said pretty much the same thing.

        The Vatican City – a country within a country. Much like “The City” of London, be it’s own country within a country.

        The Swiss guard – a private militia if you will.
        One of the oldest libraries in history that few people are allowed to access.
        Sounds awfully like the sort of thing conspiracy stories are made of. Non?

      • Don’t forget DC.
        Vatican city- Religion
        City of London-Finance
        The unholy triumvirate of control.
        Ukraine is a hotbed of sex trafficking and money laundering.
        No wonder the West is fretting,who else has their grubby little paws in the cookie jar…..?
        BTW, kunty killary got away with a fine for the collusion bullshit, Kunter Biden is also embroiled with Chinese handouts as well as Ukrainian, its all coming out and fuck all outrage from the normies because it wasn’t on the BBC.

      • I dont think the Church has vasts amounts of wealth Harold. I head the other day the Pope donated an ambulance to Ukraine. One. Thats the kind of money has to splash about.

        Of course the artworks in the Vatican are priceless. But that’s just it they are beyond price so in a sense you cannot calculate it as wealth.

      • Lot’s of gold.
        Lot’s of property.

        I doubt they’re short of a few coins.

        The Vatican has their own private militia too.

        Sounds a bit like the stuff of conspiracy theories.


    We all know Putin is a cunt and if you fuck with him your probably going to end up with a Novichock cocktail, but if the above is really true all his minions are going to be safer defecting to the Ukraine when he realises what a total goat fuck this special military operation has become and his people are lying to him about where he really stands….

    • All Putin has to do is stop giving natural gas to Europe and USA. No need for any other strategies. He knows the climate change, anti-fossil fuel rhetoric is big among the leaders of Europe and America. And they have boycotted all things Russian anyway, so what cards do the western leaders have to play? War? No. Nukes? No. Rhetoric? That’s about it. Who will blink first? Can’t see Putin blinking. The Arabs must be laughing their asses off. Chinese too. Western leaders are so fucking dumb. Biden is the big dog?! Boris? What is he saying this week? He has this weird dent in his nose, what the fuck is that all about? Pics…

      Has he been wearing his leather gimp-mask too tight?

      • The only thing Putin has is nukes. Without them the Russia he has laid waste to economically would at best be an irrelevance.

      • Indeed, and if they are as shit as the rest of his equipment, they will fizz and pop like cheap Chinese fireworks.
        Half of them have probably been towed away by Ukrainian tractors anyway…?

  9. Fuck me I must be obsessed to have done this-

    Wikipedia pages for Russian Oligarchs

    The Yeltsin Era

    Boris Abramovich Berezovsky Jewish
    Anatoly Borisovich Chubais JewIsh mother
    Mikhail Fridman Jewish
    Vladimir Gusinsky doesnt seem to be
    Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky father Jewish
    Vladimir Potanin doesnt seem to be
    Petr Aven mother Jewish
    Vladimir Vinogradov doesnt seem to be
    Vitaly Borisovich Malkin doesnt seem to be looks dodgy though

    The Putin Era
    Roman Abramovich Jewish
    Alexander Abramov Jewish
    Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska Jewish
    Mikhail Prokhorov grandmother Jewish
    Alisher Usmanov muslim but married a Jew!
    German Khan ukranian Jewish parents it says
    Viktor Vekselberg jewish father
    Leonid Mikhelson doesnt seem to be
    Vagit Alekperov bloody hell sounds as if he orthodox christian
    Dmitry Rybolovlev doesnt seem to be
    Arkady Romanovich Rotenberg Jewish ancestory it says

    All I am trying to do is estsblish is a lot of Jews (as well as others) made a lot of money out of the ashes of the Soviet Union.

    Not exclusively Jewish but a lot.

    I mean it was a free for all but a lot of the winners were Jewish. And that looks bad for the Jews.

    • Those pesky Jews, eh Miles?

      Always making a success of themselves and doing better than those dumbass Christians.

      • You know Miles, my grandparents were born and raised in a grotty Jewish shtetl some 100 miles east of Moscow. They had a lean to and a shitty patch of land on which all they could grow was turnips and cabbages. They lived in fear of pogroms directed on the whim of the Czar because he wanted to show them the glory and power of Christian civilisation by using drunk thugs. After the Czar they continued to be harassed by thuggish communists who wanted to show them the glories of the new socialist paradise by stripping them of what little they owned.

        Fuck that. They came to the West and made a better life. That’s why a lot of Jews are determined to do well for themselves. They don’t want to go back to that life of being persecuted by small minded cunts and thugs, usually of the Christian persuasion.

        As for those Jews like the Rothschilds that went into banking, they did so because Catholics weren’t allowed to practice usury and it was therefore one of the few occupations available to Jews. Naturally their services were in demand from spendthrift princes that needed to finance their extravagant expenditure.

        You moan about Jews in banking and finance but they were created by your beloved Christian civilisation who needed someone to borrow money from and then declare a pogrom to wipe out their financiers when they didn’t want to repay.


      • I see MMCM you’ve not conceded a lot of Oligarchs are Jewish as I’ve shown from the Wikipedia list.

        So what do I say? Mmm… I know he’s jealous, he’s eaten up with envy. I’ll go on that tack. Good ol’ RT will come in and support me.

        I have no answer. Switch it to that.

      • Yes, a number of oligarchs are Jewish and a number are not. I never said that no oligarchs are Jewish. But I’d like to know what its meant to prove and what point you are making, because I’m still puzzled.

  10. Jesus was indeed a jew,
    Sometimes I forget.

    He worked with his stepdad in

    Joseph &sons
    Kosher furniture
    (Cash only no refunds)

    I have a side table he made.
    Its a sought after antique now.

    Shame he fell out with his stepdad,

    “When you gonna getta haircut?”

    “Oy, when you gonna shave?”

    ” you cant wear sandals in the workshop, health & safety ”

    He ended up wandering,
    Fell in with a bad crowd.
    Heard Judas had come into some money…..

    • Sure Jesus was Jewish. He went into his dad’s business and he thought his mother was a virgin.

  11. Indeed!
    Which is why I question the loaves and fishes story.

    No jew worth his salt would make fishfinger butties for 5000 people for free!

    • Q: How many Jews does it take to change a light bulb?
      A: 30. One to change the bulb & 29 to discuss it and give contradictory advice to the person changing the bulb.

  12. What the fuck is a normie? Is it a term used by the hard of thinking to belittle someone who doesn’t fall for the obvious nonsense that they do?
    I can’t keep up with these silly terms!

    • I think it would be respectful of the ‘Israelis’ for them (or just for politeness’ sake) to inform the Palestinian refugees that their land at least is being used for humanitarian reasons.

      Just not yours.

      • Rouble trouble.

        Vlads asking for his gas payments to be paid in roubles.

        Trying to add value and inflate the spiralling russian currency.

        Tell the potato head to fuck off.

        If Europe refused he’ll turn off supply.
        Let him call his bluff .

        Within a week his teenage conscripts will be without food or pay,
        Joe publicski will be fighting in the bread queue,
        He’ll bankrupt Russia .

      • Russia supplies China and India with gas, almost 3 billion people. Russia also has massive gold reserves, their national bank is a state-owned bank, not a private bank. The way things are going, prices will go up bigly, they are already. I’ve heard of people fighting in German supermarkets. I’ll keep joking about this situation, but I wonder for how long. If real world pain comes to Europe, Britain, USA, then God help us as most people today can’t cope with real world pain and sacrifice.

      • You will own nothing and be happy.

        This country is fucked, because people still refuse to believe catastrophes can’t happen to us.

      • Miles@

        Morning Miles, serious question.
        Would you of preferred it if Jesus wasnt a jew?

        Maybe if hed of been a European or even roman?
        Spaghetti for 5000.

        I cant condemn your antisemitism as im a right racist!!
        But ive never really had a problem with jews.

        Obviously I don’t trust them when it comes to money!!

        Thats not antiseptic.
        Just common sense ?

      • If the Bible is to be believed, then everyone is Jewish. After all, we are all descended from Adam and Eve and you can’t get more Jewish than that.

      • MJB@

        I am tight with money and like self deprecating humour.

      • Mornng Miserable

        ‘Would you of preferred it if Jesus wasnt a jew?’

        Oh no. Seems to me mysteriously appropriate Jesus was a Jew. And that ‘Salvation comes from the Jews’.

        What makes you and others (I think) believe I am antisemitic is really because I am candid. Namely I will mention ‘the Jews’ from time to time.

        I think if you look at my list of Noms I am interested in many other things.

        I am a born reactionary so if there’s too much about one thing ( say followers of Muhammad) then I tend to react in the opposite direction.

        If I do read ‘rabid’ antisemitism I have the feeling to counteract it.

        About the Jews running the world conspiracy theory bullshit.

        Funny, I am listening to Dusty Springfield at the moment on the CD player. My favourite of hers, her best stuff was written by Bacharach and David. I like those two Jews.

      • “This country is fucked, because people still refuse to believe catastrophes can’t happen to us.”

        Far from it. Our comfortable society is always close to collapse from a variety of threats. It’s inevitable at some point.
        The difference is I know that it will not be part of some plan when it happens, be it tinfoil new world order crap, or silly biblical crap.

    • Anyone arriving in (or leaving) an Israeli airport is treated like a cunt, done it, seen it ?

  13. I think Vlads dreams of the glory days of Russian empire are in tatters.

    Hes gotten his arse kicked by the Ukraine.
    Same as they did by Afghanistan.

    Russians are better poisoners than they are soldiers.

    He should withdraw his ragtag army and settle for peace.
    Hes made himself look foolish .

    • The Russians are allowing more people to leave Mariupol today, once all the civilians are out he flatten the place ensuring no one will come back and he will have his corridor from Donbas to the Crimea
      All the western ‘pundits’ think he is on the back foot but I wouldn’t write him off yet.

      • It’s typical Maskirovka, using peace overtures to reposition his forces and resupply and rearm them for an offensive elsewhere and to consolidate gains in the Donbas.
        Not one soldier has returned to Russian soil.

    • If the natural gas is only coming into Europe, Britain and North America in dribs and drabs, then 1973 will look like a picnic. Up until now, there has been no real world blow-back to the average person in Europe, Britain and North America, we’ve all just been pissing and moaning. But if the supermarkets, petrol stations and God knows what else become battlegrounds – and you see that on Black Friday over TVs – then that’s not going to be a joking matter. No one is prepared for that scenario and may not happen, but if it appears that will be the state of play, then the wise will stock up on essentials. It doesn’t hurt to have at least three months of nonperishable foods in the house.

      The time for politics is over, Biden actually said this yesterday. Forget about Biden, Putin, Boris, politics, it’s now time to be pragmatic, stoic and organised. It could be a tough 12-18 months. Civilisation is a razor-thin veneer. BAMEs will freak out most and honkies will too.

      Have a nice weekend!

  14. Ukraine crossed the border and 2 helos attacked an oil depot in Russia yesterday.

  15. Good for them!
    Start using terror tactics in Russia see how they like it.
    Give em some polonium laced chocolates too.

    Fuck Russia.

    • Not a military installation but definitely a legitimate target strategically. Far more than a hospital or residential areas.
      So much for Russian air early warning capabilities.
      Fuck Russia indeed.

    • I get the whole, “fuck Putin” schtick, but we are in a new phase of the fuckery now with the oil/gas supply. Like it or not, we need that oil/gas. Biden has ordered the use of America’s oil reserves which are meant for emergency use only, so is America in an undeclared state of emergency? Behind the scenes in the US gov must be pandemonium right now. Those emergency reserves only last 6 months max. Those sanctions cards were played too soon and were meaningless anyway, banning Russian composers? Putin won’t care, he has China, south-east Asia, India as customers.

      Trump was right, he said that he would have threatened Putin with nukes on day one of the invasion, showed true strength from the outset, even Rocket Ronnie in the 1980s knew that was how you play the Super Power game. Biden is clueless and weak, so is Boris, Macron, all of them. Putin is a legit badass, he’s hasn’t been going soft in the trousers like the western leaders have over the past twenty years. He laughed his ass off when he met Obama, so with Biden he knows he has nothing to fear. Biden won’t make a strong move on Russia, he’ll just jibber-jabber at the podium. Maybe Will Smith will slap Putin? Maybe chat-show hosts will make fun of him some more?

      But like I say, forget about politics, bulk-buy food, fill some Jerri-cans with petrol. It doesn’t hurt to overstock your kitchen. Nothing might happen, but I doubt it. The government and media won’t tell us to sensibly prepare, we’re on our own.

      • Trump changes his tune every ten minutes. On the day Russia invaded he was saying how smart Putin was and that he admires him. Then, after he realised that rather than make Biden look a cunt it made him look a treacherous cunt, he starts backpedaling. Now he’s saying he’d have threatened to nuke them from day one? Putin would probably have alley his bluff, then where would we be? Looking at the poor training, tactics and equipment the conscript Russian army has, there is no way they could win any conventional war against the west, so nuclear is their only option, and that would be the end of us all.
        Only a diplomatic solution should be sought, or everyone loses.

  16. Cooking oil and flour is being limited in Greece and I’ve seen a 5 litre bottle of veg oil priced at 55 euros in Germany.
    Panic buying or wise move?
    Theory or fact?

    • Dunno but the price of crockery has also gone up.
      The Greeks will regret all those plates they casually smashed.

      Why I only use paper plates.

    • We are in a pseudo-crisis that may develop into a genuine crisis. Either way, we should do a minimal prep of nonperishable food, ie. rice, pasta, canned food. Having 30 litres of petrol in your garage doesn’t hurt, either.

    • Been doing this for about a month.

      I had to clear a house last year for a relative that died and brought back a Fridge freezer.
      Originally I had planned to sell it at auction. Then thought I’d keep it in my garage as a back up.

      I haven’t been panic buying. Just been buying an extra loaf of bread or bagels and a few other things that will keep for 6 months or longer. Chicken breast, steaks, diced lamb, salmon fillets and some veggies.

      Quite handy actually.

      Thinking about setting aside some garden space to grow my own veg.

      My gate isn’t country cream though. ?
      It’s ash black.

  17. Prepping?
    I can see how thats a good idea if your not stockpiling things at the sufferance of others,
    Like the bogroll panic buyers were.

    Miserables tip for preppers

    1) honey.
    Honey never goes off.

    2) rain poncho
    Military spec are best
    Ive a few.

    3) entrenching tool
    Military spec again.
    Small folding shovel that can double as a terrific weapon or substitute for a axe..
    I’ve chopped logs with one.

    • Water filter contraption.
      Foil blanket.
      One awesome knife.
      Air rifle.
      Mein Kampf.

    • Lavrov – “all nations are equal and sovereign”.

      But clearly some are more equal and sovereign than others.

    • What I find troubling in Mearsheimer is that he dismisses the possibility that Ukrainians might choose democracy and seek membership in the NATO and EU on their own volition – not because of Western or US meddling but perhaps because they wanted to move away from Russia, with its long history of subversion of Ukraine.

      Mearsheimer just sees it all as power politics, forgetting that a country like Ukraine may have its own ambitions and goals to become closer to the West. As a sovereign country, they should be free to do what they wish, just as we were free to leave the EU.

      Mearsheimer also seeks to present Russia as a great power with a sphere of influence. It ceased being a great power when the Soviet Union collapsed. Its now a second tier power, lashing out at its neighbours in its death-throes.

      Mearsheimer still blames the West and its “liberal delusions” for the invasion of Ukraine. The argument doesn’t hold up – the most plausible explanation rests with Putin’s nationalist delusions.

      • Putting arguments aside he did predict exactly what has happened,
        ‘Ukraine will be wrecked’.

      • He did. Where I part company with him though is where he blames it on Western interference rather than Russian paranoia and weakness.

      • That resonated with me- ‘The West is luring Ukraine along the Primrose path’.

        I see from Wikipedia that he is a leading philosopher of the ‘realist school’.
        Putting all arguments aside again…wasn’t he just being realistic about what was going to happen if NATO continued with its ever-expanding policy?

        His prediction 7 years ago is exactly in line with what has happened.

      • ‘perhaps because they wanted to move away from Russia,’

        They cannot move away. Geographically.

        That’s not realistic.

      • Possibly, yes. But I still disagree with him on the causes. The net effect of his argument is that Ukraine is a legitimate Russian interest and should not therefore be free to pursue whatever path it choses. But a sovereign entity it is free to act in its interests not in the interests of Russia.

        The Uk has an interest in Ireland not being a member of the EU as it would remove the hated NI Protocol. Do we therefore have the right to invade Ireland?

      • Anyone could have predicted that Ukraine would be wrecked in a conflict with Russia. Its what they do. No Precision strikes on military or strategic targets, just bomb the shit out of everything.
        Doesn’t mean they are winning though, they did it in Afghanistan and it didn’t work there, just as bombing the shit out of North Vietnam didn’t work for America.

      • @MP @4:14pm

        “They cannot move away. Geographically.”

        Who said anything about moving away geographically? Are you deliberately trying to be obtuse or are you just plain thick? Genuine question.

      • I’ve no link but it would appear Russia has been doing the same in a place called Bucha. Talk of a massacre.

    • I watched it, blatantly Russian propaganda. All the civilians featured were all on message regarding the ‘Nazis’, and all seem to be pro Russian, one saying they were waiting for their liberation by Russian forces. Perhaps some of the incidents are true, as they are Russian separatists, and that battle, fuelled by Russian weapons and money has been going on for some time. I don’t think either side are going to give the Geneva convention much of a look in this war.
      As balance, I would post a link or two showing the civilians murdered by the Russians as they retreated from Kyiv, but I can only find MSM articles, and I know how touchy some are with these sources.
      As for the Nazis business, the German government responded to a tweet from the official Russian twitter account I posted above. It was the usual Ukraine is run by Nazis guff, and the Germans replied something like ‘we can see no real evidence to support the Russian claims, and regrettably, we are experts when it comes to Nazis’

    • I’ve never heard of a country refusing the help of the Red Cross. The way it seems to me is that there is no ‘good’ sides in this tragedy, both Russian government, military and Ukraine government, military are bad news and ordinary Ukrainians and Russians living in Ukraine have been suffering for many years. It’s a clusterfuck.

      • I think you’ll find it was the Russians, or rather Putin’s gangster state, who invaded Ukraine without provocation, not the other way round. Whatever clusterfuck that followed should be laid squarely at Putin’s door.

  18. Erm.
    I’ve about had it with derogatory remarks about being Jewish, being a Jew, and what it means.
    If anyone wants to meet a mean Jew, I’ll see you Saturday in front of the Sheffield Train Station, we’re you will learn what Krav Maga is.
    Otherwise, shut the fuck up. We are not the Devil!

      • A good old-fashioned straightener on the cobbles,eh?…been a while but I should warn you,J.P, I am a Grand Master Ninja Warrior in the ancient martial art of Ecky Thump…studied under Bill Oddie (mad little Cunt)…and I cannot be held responsible for my actions ( a Shrink gave me a certificate).

        Look out for a distinguished Gentleman in a cape,top-hat and riding boots brandishing a large black-pudding.

        Also,please be aware that I will be carrying no money so don’t bother picking my pocket when you’ve given this Cad a sound thrashing.

    • JP, this site is a fountain of cuntitude,nothing is sacred.
      Ethnicity,race,culture,sexual persuasion, you name it,it gets cunted.
      Why should you demand exception for one group ?

      Back on topic, no comment on the video clip I submitted?

      • I agree there can be a bit of a strange, almost sacrosanct vibe on this site with regards to criticism of anything Jewish.

        I have no axe to grind with Judaism, nor am I having a pop at anybody Jewish or with any Jewish heritage on here by the way – it’s just an observation.

      • People are free to say what they want. This site is about free speech, after all, and quite rightly so.

        But it cuts both ways and people are free to kick back and argue the opposite or defend a position, if they want.

        Just as cunters here, including myself, want to defend the values of English civilisation against the cunts that assail it and get rightly pissed when it’s attacked, so should those of us with Jewish blood also be allowed to defend our heritage.

        I’m not talking about all the usual jokes about Jews being tight ( not true), big noses, Goldstein the tailor, etc. That’s just banter and water of a ducks back.

        Shakespeare said it best –

        “I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.”

      • Chers for the supercilious remark, MC. As you full well know Shakespeare was as English as they come. But like most literary geniuses he could empathise and see into the souls of others. You seem to lack that quality. Perhaps you should read a bit more than conspiracy websites.

      • Being Jewish does not preclude one from being English. Or any other nationality for that matter.

      • I don’t think there is any censorship regarding the Jews, it’s mostly because the accusations against them are absolute bollocks. Take this thread for example, the forums leading anti Semite has repeatedly tried to make this about religion, and the fault lies with the Jews, all of which is nonsense.
        Yet his posts are there, so there’s hardly censorship. Just because his assertions are being ridiculed, doesn’t mean he is being censored. I fucking hate all religion, so if there was a shred of truth in these fantasies I would be first in with the elbow, but there isn’t.

      • ” so should those of us with Jewish blood also be allowed to defend our heritage.”… offering a “straightener” outside Sheffield train station ? 🙂 .

        Even when Capt.M. and I were at our worst,I don’t think either of us would have made such a bizarre suggestion.

        I enjoy JP’s posts…as I do most people’s…..but it should be accepted that there are various viewpoints and levels of seriousness….. it’s Admin’s job to tell people if a certain subject is off-limits or to “shut the fuck up”….not his.

      • But you have to view JP’s comments against the extreme provocation there has been in this particular thread, Dick. I’m not talking about the usual banter about Jews, which is mostly harmless. That’s the context of his remarks.

      • “the forums leading anti Semite has repeatedly tried to make this about religion”

        Indeed, even though Zelensky is a secular Jew. Oh the irony.

      • The incomparable Black & White Cunt has left us it seems. Maybe he got sick of the racism in the end.

        He would (very very occasionally) get really sick of it and comment.

        Funny the cunter who got his back up the most was ‘Krav’.
        That same word as mentioned above.

      • It was Krav’s vitriolic racist comments that did for him. Good riddance.

      • זאלן אלע דיינע ציין
        ארויספאלן נאר איינס אז
        דו זאלט ​​נאך באקומען

      • The incomparable Jeezum Priest has left us it seems (at least for today – I hope not permanantly). Maybe he got sick of the racism in the end.

        He would (very very occasionally) get really sick of it and comment.

        Funny the cunter who got his back up the most was ‘Miles Plastic’.
        Obviously then all Catholics are cunts.

        (C) MP.

    • Just heard on the radio new that a man named Shlomo Goldbergstein was found twisted up like a pretzel in the toilets of Sheffield Train Station around midnight. 5′ 1″ tall, big hooked schnoz, wearing an ill-fitting suit filed with gold ingots and figs. A bag of gefilte fish and an iPhone displaying a website called, was also found.

    • So the Ukraine government told the Red Cross to not help them? I don’t get that.

    • It’s still blatant Russian propaganda however many times you post it. Keep up, there’s a good egg.

      • “Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results”
        Albert Einstein – another of your despised Red Sea Pedestrians, MF.

    • I can’t find any information anywhere about the Red Cross help being refused by the Ukraine government. Can you help us out, Morello? Cheers.

      • Putin is a maniac, he’s no friend to the countries to the west of Russia. If the Ukrainian troops are committing crimes against humanity, then it should be reported by the mainstream media, just as the crimes of Russian troops should. You can’t dismiss everything as propaganda or conspiracy theories. It’s a war, there will be barbarity on both sides, there has been brutality in Ukraine for years. I don’t know what to “believe” at this point. I’m not “protecting” anyone, I have no dog in this race, I’m British and all I see happening is tough economic times ahead for Britain if we have no Russian gas. I’m done with politics, have been for years. You can only solve your own problems, not the world’s.

      • “Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.”

        (Winston Churchill, House of Commons, 1948)

    • If I remember rightly, the Ukrainians didn’t want the Red Cross to be involved with helping the Russians send Ukrainian civilians to Russia instead of helping them get to safer parts of Ukraine. Why would you be happy letting your enemy take your citizens in what is a blatant propaganda move, not a humanitarian one, with absolutely no guarantee of their long term safety.
      Still, its not the MSM so it must be true, comrade.

      • Ah right, so the Ukraine gov simply didn’t want the Red Cross helping it’s citizens fleeing to safety to Russia? But some ethnic Russians in Ukraine wanted to flee to Russia? And those Russians are saying they were fired upon by Ukrainian troops? Is that correct?

      • Dark glass:
        Yes. Ethnic Russians want to flee a war zone back to Russia but were attacked
        That’s it.

      • Why would Ukrainian civilians fleeing Russias murderous onslaught head for the safety of Russia?

      • Ethnic Ukrainians in Ukraine wouldn’t flee to Russia, but ethnic Russians in Ukraine would flee to Russia. If a Russian living in Ukraine was near the Russian border, he/she would flee to Russia, I would imagine. And the Russians in that video are saying they were fired upon by Ukrainian troops. Are they lying? Maybe, maybe not.

      • You believe what you want, it’s a free country, unlike the one you seem determined to protect from criticism.

  19. The language of Isac. I dont know but say 6 months ago if it was heard Ukrainians were entering Britan wouldn’t cunters be referring to them as ‘Eastern European trash’ or something like. How things change.

    • You may have called them ‘Eastern European trash’, but not me.

      For others I suspect it would have depended on their status, i.e. whether they were economic migrants or illegals, etc. Some on here are already unhappy about the measly number of refugees that have been granted visas to seek refuge here.

    • I’ve seen a few on here who say fuck Ukraine and don’t want their refugees here, so you’re not on your own.
      I think you’re on to a loser with this, as you’re having a pop at some of the least racist posters on the forum.

      • There have been Ukrainians coming to Britain for ages. 37,530 by March 2021 to be precise, according to this government page…

        I’ve never heard of anti-Ukrainian sentiments in the UK. Not much anti-Russian sentiments, either. Anti-Putin/Kremlin, yes, but the Russians gave us wank-bank gold with tennis legend, Anna Kournikova!

        Anti-ethnicity/nationality/religion/ideology is dumb. All of the assholes I’ve personally met in my life have had white-skin. Of course, there are non-white assholes out there, but I’ve only ever been aware of them via the media. All the Africans, Muslims, Asians I’ve ever engaged with have been nice people. Online, of course, an anonymous person could be any ethnicity, religion, ideology. I don’t think that anyone here or outside Russia is sincerely pro-Putin, how could you be? He’s a strange man, hard to know what is thinking, as unlike western leaders, he hides his cards, whereas Joe Biden seems on the verge to give away the Coca-Cola secret recipe.

      • We have at least one here who is almost fanatically pro-Putin.

        As for it being hard to know what Putin is thinking, once you understand his psychopathy and take into account his murderous, kleptocratic actions over the past 20 years, I would say it’s comparatively easy to guess what he’s thinking.

      • I just wish that British leaders would speak less and fix the problems of Britain. They seem to be caught up in so much dumb shit that doesn’t affect the majority of Brits. We are out of the EU now, we are free from the constraints of the EU, yes Covid threw a wrench into machinery, but now is the time for the British government to improve society. Is Boris the man for the job? Probably not. May 5 will be interesting, pity it isn’t a General Election.

    • @Miles
      They have been coming for years, some legally and some not and many on ‘Polish’ passports.
      The government haven’t a fucking clue, estimate of 3.5 million EU citizens here turned out to be almost 6 million.

      All thanks to free movement.

      And fuck knows how many illegals from the rest of the planet, if the government estimate 1 million you can be sure it’s a lot more.

      Basically a few thousand Ukrainian refugees isn’t going to make any difference to out fucked up immigration system.

      • ‘Is Boris the man for the job?’

        Is he fuck. Hes putting our own population in jeopardy by sending these Sabre missiles. There are consequences to what he is doing.

      • On the contrary, he’d be putting our own population in jeopardy by not sending those Sabre weapons.

  20. Now we have seen the most horrific images of Russias invasion. Civilians with their hands tied behind their backs and executed. Entire families wiped out. The elderly, women and children executed for the crime of being Ukrainian civilians. The whole thing is reminiscent of the darkest days of WWII, or Bosnia or Rwanda.

    Surely Putin has condemned Russia to permanent exile from the World’s civilised nations, at least until he’s gone and Russia accepts responsibility and offers reparations, as well as handing war criminals to the Hague?

    Is it appropriate that a nation that conducts these barbarities sits on the UN Security Council?

    I can’t see how it can ever be business as normal for the current Russian regime.

    • The Kremlin is over in the eyes of the West. Unfortunately, China and Indian (3 billion people) are still in bed, nice and cosy with Russia, taking their oil, gas, etc. Not that India and China like each other! It could kick off there any day, too.

      • Without its nukes, Russia would be just another fourth rate power in the world.

        On the other hand, China and India….

      • No nukes, no oil makes a country rinky-dink. Who controls the internet is of fundamental importance now, too. If China were to buy Google, that would be a massive game-changer. We are in a worldwide information war, have been for about ten years, but the media won’t speak of it in those terms, but that is what we are in. And we are in a three-way ideology war: traditional western values v Islam v neo-Marxism, but again, the media can’t talk about that!

      • No. The West has more than enough nukes to obliterate Russia several times over.

        And Putin knows it, not that it would bother him, like Hitler he’d probably be happy to go with a Scorched Earth directive:

        “If the war is lost, the nation will also perish. This fate is inevitable. There is no necessity to take into consideration the basis which the people will need to continue a most primitive existence. On the contrary, it will be better to destroy things ourselves because this nation will have proved to be the weaker one and the future will belong solely to the stronger eastern nation. Besides, those who remain after the battle are only the inferior ones, for the good ones have been killed.”

        Following which Hitler then blew his brains out.

        Albert Speer, to whom the directive was entrusted to enact, wisely chose to ignore it.

      • Sorry – make that “No” at the beginning of my comment a “Yes”.

      • The fact that it is Joe Biden v Putin is all we need to know. I can’t see Biden ever making a strong move on Putin, he’ll just babble-rant at a podium this year and all the way to November 2024. Vice President Kamala Harris has the nuke codes too, of course!

      • Agreed. How many nuclear weapons do you need to wreak absolute destruction? There comes a point at which large numbers of nukes become superfluous. The UK alone has in the region of 400 nukes I believe. More than enough, I should think, to make Russia uninhabitable for a generation.

      • More than a generation, I would think MMCM. Each one is many times more destructive than the puny nukes used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Russia uninhabitable for ever, more like.

      • Taking out a country’s internet would be enough these days as we rely on it for almost everything.

      • If you had have watched it you would be informed that their nuclear weapons have a greater destructive power.
        Are more strategically accurate.

        What if Russia pressed the button. From the video it maybe could take out America’s nuclear weapons stored in silos. Then America is on the back foot. Its got the choice whether to go for Armageddon.
        Would the powers that be in America retaliate?
        I am not sure they would.

      • We have enough to destroy Russia (and any other belligerent) several times over, how much more destructive power does the West need?

        As with the people of Ukraine, I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees. Unlike yourself, it would seem. Why does that not surprise me?

    • That’s just it: “would USA launch nukes?”

      Having a weapon is one thing, using it is another. Biden is a weak, brainless clown more interested in BLM, LGBTQ+, banning fossil fuels. No way is he willing to go down as the guy who nuked a country, neither is Boris. Putin is psycho enough to launch, nukes, though. And he knows we need Russia’s gas and grains for food and fuel. That’s why we should prep in Britain – and being out of the EU won’t help. If the Channel got shut down, we’d be fucked. This year will be the toughest year since 1945 for Britain the way things are going.

      • The US also has Polaris stocked nuclear subs. As do we. Both nations nuclear subs are crucial to NATO’s deterrent. The advantage of nuclear subs is stealth and the fact that they obviously move and can be placed anywhere on the globe to strike back.

      • Ha ha – I wouldn’t even be willing to take in a Ukrainian refugee for Ukraine.

      • The USA has many, many weapons, but they also have Joe Biden. It all comes down to the Commander in Chief issue orders to use those weapons. Every day, Joe (and Kamala) are given the new biscuits (nickname for the Gold Codes printed onto plastic cards)…

        Military aide: Here are today’s biscuits, Mr President.

        Biden: Right, thanks. Goddamn, every day that kid brings me these biscuits. They’re inedible! I just throw ’em in the trash. And why do they give me a football in a briefcase? A football can’t fit in a briefcase! Must be a joke. Jill, I need to poop…

      • I repeat, Miles: those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

      • I know I’ll try MMCM —

        Are you willing to die for Ukraine in a nuclear holocaust?

      • No Miles. No one is willing to die in a nuclear holocaust. Let’s hope it does not come to that. I doubt it will. But fear of it should not deter us from opposing Russia.

      • Miles, why are you being so provocative regarding the nuclear issue? No one on this thread has advocated any military action against Russia, precisely because of their nuclear deterrent. The much vaunted missile in the video is untested, as are all of the current nuclear weapons, for obvious reasons. All its strike capabilities are theoretical, and I hope they fucking stay that way. Russia has been busy developing new nuclear weapons in contrast to the west, and I can only wonder why? Hardly the behaviour of a peace loving nation.
        Probably because as we have seen, their army isn’t the best, unless it’s executing unarmed civilians, and even those they have to tie up first.

      • ‘Ha ha – I wouldn’t even be willing to take in a Ukrainian refugee for Ukraine.’

        So you don’t really care about it as much as you make out

      • There are plenty of other things one can do to help the Ukrainian people without necessarily taking in a refugee.

      • But you don’t really really care really. What you care about/MNCM and Gutsuck is that NATO prevails no matter what the cost.

        Nato and the West stands for freedom and democracy and everybody else can go hang.

        We are morally superior. We have right on our side. Therefore we can go around the world telling everbody what to do How to beahave in a ‘civilised manner’.

        Regardless if we break the rules. Regardless if we break ‘international law.’

        This is our game not yours.

      • Freedom and democracy, Miles. What my English forbears fought and died for. Not yours, presumably. Ireland was neutral in WWII, wasn’t it? Until it became clear that Hitler wasn’t going to defeat the hated English.

      • I suppose it’s better than Vlad’s bare chested, horse riding saviour of Mother Russia look. Not much though.

      • Are you suggesting that Russia has right on its side Miles?

        Of course democracy and freedom should prevail. Do you really prefer the triumph of tyranny and oppression?

        You must do – otherwise I don’t know what point you are making.

      • The same “tyranny and oppression” the muggy cunts tolerated for the last two years because they were terrified of getting a bad cold with a 99% recovery rate?

        BTW it’s been 19 years since our sacred NATO bombed the fuck out of Baghdad, any flags flying ? Any wannabee Mother Theresa types ferrying socks across Europe?

      • The fucking Irish Tea Sock signed the book of condolences for Hitler in the German embassy in Ireland.
        Slimy cunt.
        Anyone who left Ireland to fight for the allies were treated like traitors on their return, only pardoned about ten years ago, after most had passed away.
        Slimy cunts.

      • Eamon DeValera. Truly a nasty cunt. Irish American of course – the most fanatical bigots on the planet.

      • Very witty MF. Still making dubious comparisons between a state which ties the hands of citizens before shooting them in the back of the neck and one that orders a public health lockdown, no matter how misguided.

        It must be curious living a life with no sense of perspective at all.

      • A) Would it make any difference if their hands weren’t bound?
        B) You know this to be absolute ? % truth?
        The first casualty of War etc etc etc.

      • @2900:
        What are the stats on suicides ,missed treatments mental elves and so forth?
        Based on a flawed computer model with a shitter than shit track record and implemented by clueless fuck-knuckles.

      • There is more than enough evidence but let’s see what the UN sanctioned International Criminal Investigation uncovers.

        Of course Russia and its apologists, such as yourself, deny it. But Russia has past form for this type of treatment. They did it Chechnya as well. Western intelligence warned they would do this to terrorise the local population.

        To compare this brutality to Covid inspired suicides is frankly crass.

      • I see Jeremy Corbyn has been posting again this morning (@6:38am). Or was it Piers? Probably both.

      • Russia invades Ukraine to “ de-Nazify” it. Whilst there they behave exactly as Nazis.

        Oh the irony !

      • Well spotted, Minge.

        MF is Jeremy Corbyn and you should claim your £5.


      • Would it make a difference if their hands weren’t tied behind their backs?
        Of course it would. By leaving the people they murdered in such a state leaves the others no doubt tat they were summarily executed, and not shot trying to escape.
        Russia does love its statement killings. They have successfully fooled the west for years that they have become a civilised nation.
        Pariah skum. And fuck their apologists.

  21. ‘@MP – What was it that first attracted you to the multi-billionaire kleptocrat Vladimir Putin?”

    Terrible ti say @mjb but the fact he wasn’t/isn’t Jewish.

    • I guess they have no choice when they rely on Russia for 85% of their energy needs. It’s going to take time to wean a number of countries off Russian gas. They were shortsighted in developing that reliance in the first place.

      • 35% of Europe’s gas comes from Russia. Britain’s gas supply from Russia is only 3%, but we rely on many imports from Europe and as we are no longer in the EU, that makes any supply-chain failures worrying for Britain. Like water, we take gas for granted.

      • Apart from the 3% from Russia, half of the UK’s gas comes from the North Sea, and a third from Norway. The rest is made up of imports of liquefied natural gas transported to the UK by sea from countries such as Qatar and the US.

    • We need nuclear. The Government say they are going to commission 20 new nuclear power stations. Won’t be completed until 2050 though. Wind power helps as well. We are also going to develop a huge windmill farm in the Irish Sea. That should please the Irish !

  22. Anyone with a hole in their arse knows ‘use the resources youve got ‘.

    Fracking, nuclear, off shore(Ireland’s ?) windfarms,
    North sea, open up coalmines,
    Stop importing shite as much as possible.
    Whether gay russian dictators oil or friendly allies,
    Try and be self reliant.

    This energy crisis has been pending for years!
    The politicians sat on their hands slackjawed.
    20years ago is when we should of been building up for nuclear power stations.

    Suppose we aren’t as unlucky as Germany who’s politicians got them almost completely reliant on russian oil.

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