
I think we will all (hopefully) agree that Putin is a cunt, so this page has been set up to allow you to vent your feelings about the current invasion and occupation of Ukraine

3,719 thoughts on “Ukraine

  1. See what did Rees Mogg say about the EU? That it was a ‘bloc’ of old fasioned ’19th Century’ thinking or something.
    Same with Nato.

    The EU is ever expanding isnt it? Towards the East.
    Same with NATO.
    It must be a part of ‘bloc’ thinking. To be constantly expanding.

    The biggest bloc ever was the Soviet Bloc.
    The Russkies were thoroughly sick of the bloc by the end.
    Maybe they know something we don’t know.

    • Ghengis Khan had a bigger empire than Russia and he was a mongol, so it can’t be that hard.

  2. Ghengis Khan had a bigger empire than Russia and he was a mongol, so it can’t be that hard.

  3. According to the Torygraph, Putin has today “cancelled” the UK. In a speech he compared the “cancelling” of the UK to the cancellation of JK Rowling.

    He said the West is trying to cancel Russia and cites episodes like the banning of works by Tchaikovsky (which, to be fair, is a thoroughly idiotic thing to do – what have Tchaikovsky or Dostoyevsky to do with the Russian invasion of the Ukraine?).

    JK Rowling said -“Critiques of Western cancel culture are possibly not best made by those currently slaughtering civilians for the crime of resistance, or who jail and poison their critics. #IStandWithUkraine.” Well said.

  4. I’ve often wondered what goes through the mind of the quisling. How someone in even the most clean cut battle between freedom and tyranny like World War Two could even conceive working for the enemy. It could mean political support like that scumbag Mosely, propagandising like that cunt Joyce, or spying, which was a far bigger problem during the old war. Ireland has a particularly shameful history when it comes to Hitler, only condemning him when it became obvious that the hated ‘brits’ were going to win. The cunts.
    Then there is the aforementioned Cold War spy cunts like Philby and his mob of traitors who should have had the short rope long drop treatment.
    I get it that people loathe and despise the political classes, and the ‘elites’, I’m no fan myself, but the actions of the traitors, the quislings, and the propagandists harm the people in society, not necessary the people in charge.
    Propagandists. People who unwittingly or willingly post material that could be helpful to Putins’ cause. The cunts moan about eroding freedom on an unregulated internet while Putin shuts down theirs. Putain kills his whistle blowers and political opponents, even by chemical attack in a foreign country while a western equivalent like Bradley Manning gets a pardon and a sex change.
    Let’s face it, you have to do some serious ‘mental gymnastics’ to explain how this isn’t freedom. That cunt Snowden is only safe in Russia while he’s hating the USA, let’s see how long he would last if he criticises Putin. He’ll be out of a window and decorating the pavement with his brains in no time.
    As for the cowardly lot, don’t worry. For every late night keyboard warrior, there are ten or more people who will fight and give their lives so you cunts can whine about the Jews/Freemasons/Elites, or whatever internet bollocks that caught your interest that week.

    • Spot on, spot on, spot on Gutstick. A brilliant summary of the sort of shite we’ve recently been and elsewhere. Come the real reckoning, these cunts will wish they had thought twice.

      • Surely it is not against the rules to express dislike or to criticise certain posts and opinions read on here, is it?

      • @rufftuff “Surely it is not against the rules to express dislike or to criticise certain posts and opinions read on here, is it?”

        Exactly. This forum is surely about debate. Cunters that spout bollox should be challenged. In any case, Gutstick is I believe referring to this particular thread, which is a serious one and not a light hearted comedy one, and where there has been a good deal of crap from conspiracy theorists and haters of the West.

      • Dio, I fail to see how my post in any way contravenes the site rules. I am not attacking the site, or the content, or any specific cunter. I am commenting on a phenomenon that I see daily, not so much here, but social media and some press even. I could have made it a separate cunting, but because it pertains to the conflict in Ukraine, I thought it better here.
        I know I am far from popular on this forum, but I hadn’t realised how unpopular I was, or my opinions at least.

      • Seconded.
        You say what you want GJ,
        If anyone doesn’t like it?

        Tough shit.

        Everyone has a opinion, and this is where we express it.

        Free speech is in short supply elsewhere.?

      • I would also like to register my admiration for Gutstick Japseye’s contribution to this site. As you might know I’ve only been posting for a few months but have been following this site on and off for a couple of years now.
        Equally I appreciate the input of MMCM and Ruff Tuff Creampuff, and also Miserable Northern Cunt is a great wit – his comments rarely fail to leave me (and my wife) in fits!

      • Thank you MNC and MJB. I know its not a popularity contest, nor should it be. I don’t take it personal, nor give it such. I’ve been called a fool, an idiot, a sheep, a spastic and been told to fuck off several times, but it doesn’t matter.

      • GJ@

        Ive had noms written about me,
        Called a prick, a tramp, a troll etc.

        I enjoy it!!?

        I prevail.

    • Seconded. People in the West don’t understand or appreciate the freedoms we have. Ironically, with every line they post, they make the case for the West – because in Russia or China they couldn’t post it.

    • Thanks guys. Freedom is relative, as unlimited freedom is anarchy, and who the fuck wants that.
      Freedom isn’t free either. The unfortunate thing is humanity forgets the price paid for it, and has to be reminded, usually with great loss in life and property. I fear there is another lesson to be learned, let’s hope it’s not going to be any harder than it is already.

      • Trust a religious zealot to pick totalitarianism over liberty.
        How do you square that circle with the Pope giving his blessings to Zelensky?
        I asked you before but you didn’t have an answer.
        Not that I give a fuck either way.

      • Well he hasnt technically come down on the side of Zelensky. It is the policy not to condemn one side or the other so that the Vatican can play a role in peace negotiations if asked.

        Anyway Gutstick maybe it has been remiss of me not to condemn Russia more in what I’ve written. For the record I condemn the invasion unreservedly.

        All I was ever trying to do was provide some ‘background’.

      • Solzhenitsyn.
        The only good Russian?

        No not just background but trying to see it from their point of view.

    • Kenny was a genius, great satirist. That sketch is how most people in Britain view the US government and military. We should never have followed America into their overseas adventures of the past thirty years. The Ukraine-Russia crisis is a sorrowful saga, it cannot be satirised. There seems to be no solution at present. All this talk of World War 3 and nukes is very depressing as if the past two years weren’t depressing enough. Whatever means it takes for peace should be sought, but it doesn’t seem like we are heading in that direction.

  5. The irony of bringing up Snowden to make a point about freedom. You obviously do not understand the gravity of his revelations about 5 eyes.

    The last 2 years should have made it quite clear. We don’t have freedom, only temporary privileges. Freedom isn’t freedom if it can be taken away under the guise of an emergency that the state defines.

    You live under this illusion that the west fought for freedom. You don’t fight for freedom..

    • If you weed in Russia or China you could not post this. You would no nothing of Snowden or his revelations because he would have been killed or jailed. No one would be debating Snowden because they would fear meeting the same fate.

      That’s freedom.

      • If Snowden were in the West he would be imprisoned or killed. You make a non-point.

        Putin’s bullshit is out front and centre. Ours is sneaky, duplicitous by nature, but it’s there.

        Our ‘freedom’ is only tolerated inside the bounds of what the establishment requires to further its objectives.

        The west is so unbelievably free that many high ranking Nazis ended up in the USA under Operation Paperclip, got high ranking roles in NATO, the EU, etc..

      • It’s OK when we do it.
        Fucks sake.
        I agree chunky, we live in an illusion fuelled by lemming behaviour because “it’s the right thing”
        Some folks just want to be instructed how to behave and respond.
        RIP thought process.

      • But Snowden was not killed. Neither have any Western agents tracked him down and sneakily assassinated him with a poisonous or radioactive substance which they then carelessly discarded in a park or children’s playground.

        He might have gone to jail for treason. Perhaps material would be redacted or censored on grounds of national security.

        One thing is for sure – you would not be debating his revelations on the internet or anywhere else.

      • Unlike you chaps that have been instructed by conspiracy websites and Veterans Today.


      • You should thank your lucky stars you were born in the West, Chunky. In Putin’s Russia or China ISAC wouldn’t last 5 minutes. You’re so out of touch with real world I almost feel sorry for you.

      • YOU are out of touch. You are the ones playing this stupid false dichotomy game of ‘west good’ vs ‘Russia/China etc bad’. All I’ve done is highlight how absurd that dichotomy is and why we’re full of shit.

        I’ve made it clear numerous times I think they’re all cunts. Putin, Zel, and our lot.

        All this western sanctimonious self congratulatory wankery is garbage. You wouldn’t last 5 minutes in those countries either. That’s not the point.

        What it ultimately boils down to is you lot are heavily emotionally invested in our setup. You might as well loosen up, because it’s going to get ripped out from all of us in short order anyway. Then your precious ‘freedom’ will be little more than a pleasant reminiscent.

      • Juliet Samuel in today’s Telegraph –

        “The truth is that we live in a free society with a flawed, but free media. That is why you are allowed to watch videos of John Mearsheimer, an American professor of international relations, blaming the US and Nato expansion for the war, and weigh up his arguments. That is also why you can march in protest against the Government or call Boris Johnson a liar without being imprisoned or fined. That is why you can get constantly irritated by the BBC or encounter offensive, sloppy, controversial journalism and opinions on your phone any day of the week. Like any society or class, our citizens and media are susceptible to groupthink, bias, mob frenzies or botched legislation. And thanks to the internet, more people than ever can scrutinise the media, expose its flaws or compete with it.

        But there is one salient feature of the media in the free world that is absent in most of the rest: we do not throw people in jail simply for denouncing the king or saying what they think. I dread to think what fate would otherwise await Dominic Cummings.

        It is worth pondering this, because Russia’s war in Ukraine is not just a territorial battle. It is an ideological war. Across the world, the West and its ideas are widely seen to be in decline. Plenty of people abroad – and even here – blame Nato for the war and see Kyiv as a failing puppet of Western “globalism”. The Syrian “red line” debacle, the Afghan retreat, the poor handling of Covid, the culture wars, our economic stagnation and our decadence and weakness have sent the message out that the empire of liberalism is crumbling – and good riddance too.

        Rival centres of power, whether in Moscow or Beijing, are selling the world on the idea that the West’s notions of freedom, truth and human rights are nothing but hypocrisy and propaganda. This is how Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov can claim with a straight face that the US is planning to drop chemical weapons on Ukraine. He represents a system where it would be impossible for a Russian newspaper to expose, as The New York Times did in Afghanistan, that his own government mistakenly murdered an innocent family of civilians due to botched intelligence. When Moscow does such things, just as when it sends thousands of its own troops recklessly to their deaths, most Russians never even hear about it.

        But just as with the protesters in Hong Kong waving British and American flags, it is left to outsiders to remind the free world what it stands for. We can look to Marina Ovsyannikova, the Russian TV producer who staged an anti-war protest live on air before being bundled into a police car, taken away and fined. We can watch Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky dismissively turn down the US offer of an evacuation and prepared to die defending his country. We can witness Russia’s anti-war protesters or soft-spoken critics like Ioann Burdin, a priest fined for calling the invasion a war that is “unacceptable”, rather than referring to a “special operation” as Russian law now requires.”

      • Two points to pick up on. Post WW2 nazis attaining Haigh ranking positions in NATO and the EU. They also had more than a handful in creating the post war German armed forces. The reasons are twofold. Germany was regarded as essential to keep Russia from taking even more of Europe, and a process of ‘de-nazification’ was undertaken, where German atrocities were attributed to the SS and gestapo, and the ordinary German, both military and civilian, were deemed to be caught up in it all. Also, it was thought Germany’s experience in fighting Russia would be invaluable to the allies. The ‘clean wermacht’ myth has been exposed for some years now, and the reasons for it well documented.

        Snowden. If anyone was genuinely surprised by any of his revelations then they are naive at best. What was outrageous about his treachery is that assets in positions in countries that had colluded with the US, for fair means and foul, would be in danger of getting killed.
        He wasn’t pursued, and hasn’t been subject to any attempts on his life or his liberty. If he goes back to face justice it will be custodial and not the death penalty.
        So, no polonium, no novichok, no car accident, no falling out of windows. Nothing.

  6. A Russian soldier, dismayed by the high level of Russian deaths (12,000 I believe), has turned on his commander and run him over with a tank. The commander died from his injuries.

    The Russian army has always suffered from a high level of mutinies. It was a feature in the Russo-Japanese war and in WW1. Russian soldiers are frequently conscripts. They are often badly treated by their superiors. Life in the Russian forces is often brutal.

    Russian soldiers are also not trained to use their initiative but instead to blindly rely on the chain of command. Consequently, when the chain of command breaks, soldiers are left standing like rabbits in the headlights, unsure what to do next.

    Has this war broken the myth of the invincibility of the Russian army?

    • Putin had declared that the first stage of his ‘special operation’ has concluded successfully, and his forces are now concentrating on the liberation of the Donbas region. Or, how to attempt to polish a turd, and have no access to glitter to roll it in.
      Absolutely nobody believes this to be true. The Russian army has tried and failed to achieve objectives that were way beyond a realistic area of exploitation, by having a very poor logistical regime, and by how strong and effective the Ukrainian resistance has been.
      These factors have come as a surprise to both the Russians and the west. Putin is now consolidating his forces in a region which was under de facto Russian influence anyway, and the question is will this be dressed up as total victory and the war goes cold, or will it become another invasion attempt after his poorly trained conscript army has rearmed and refitted?

      • Most certainly a face saving exercise. I don’t believe Putin will attempt another invasion. It can only go worse for him as Ukraine will be armed to the teeth again with British, American and Western armaments. Or perhaps that’s wishful thinking on my part?

      • He’s losing the war most definitely. A time for celebration? A time for the utmost caution. The most dangerous moment of the conflict.

      • I agree. It’s the most likely time Putin will look at chemical or even tactical nuclear weapons. A wounded animal is even more dangerous.

      • Yes the whole idea from the start was to ‘liberate’ the Donbas region. So that forty-mile convoy which was heading toward Kyiv was just a diversionary tactic. Who would have guessed? So clever, these Russians.

  7. As an aside, if anyone thinks ‘our’ spooks are there to protect us over the vested interests of the ruling class…..

    • The ghost of kyiv video was denounced in the press within hours of it first being reported. As I’ve said before, most of what is reported usually comes with the caveat ‘government sources say’ or ‘unconfirmed reports suggest’, which I consider responsible reporting, as it lets you know what is being said, but it’s not necessarily true.
      I’ve seen many clips however that are true, helicopters getting shot down, tanks getting smashed by shoulder launched missiles. No matter how good their armour, any tank is vulnerable without infantry support.
      Interestingly, one of the Russian APCs that was captured recently had explosive reactive armour, which is fine on MBTs because of the thickness of their armour, but counterproductive on APCs as their armour isn’t thick enough to withstand the blast projected from the reactive armour detonation.

      I used to think PJW was ok, not often agreed with him, but always gave him a listen. What put me off was his friendship and reverence for Alex Jones, who is a massive window licking cunt.
      Now, he’s just another propagandist, and for my opinions on those treacherous cunts, see my post above.?

    • Your point being?

      That the Russian invasion is faked or the attacks we’ve seen news footage of are faked?

      Your link is to the site of Paul Joseph Watson, a noted conspiracy theorist.

      • It seems everybody and everything is a conspiracy theorist or a conspiracy theory these days doesn’t it.

        I personally don’t give two hoots about Paul Joseph Watson or wish to be drawn into whether this or that or whatever else, is a hoax.

        I just thought it was a vaguely interesting piece to share on this thread.

        After being lied to by our media for over 2 years solid – and I do mean lied to then why the hell would anybody with any sane person believe absolutely everything on offer from the same media now, over a conflict many miles away from any of us just because of the acceptable foaming of the mouth rabid hatred of Hollywood super villain – Putin and idolisation of new found cross dressing Marvel superhero meets Rambo – Zelenskyy.

        As I say – I have no pawn in this game and believe there are many sides to a story.
        Not just one – which seems to be common consensus people’s emotions get the better of them and anything else slightly alternative of the narrative is either conspiracy theory or Putin sympathiser.

        My point basically being – I don’t believe everything I’m being fed from afar by notorious liars who don’t have and have never had yours or my best interests at heart.

      • Just to add – the same media who are currently telling us that Nigerians, Somali’s and Afghans etc are born and bred legit Ukrainian refugees all of them under the ages of 18 and over the ages of 60.

        That point is not racist one either – it’s pointing out some of the obvious bullshit that we’re being fed.

        These people are economic migrant opportunists – not Ukrainian refugees.

      • You’re wasting your time with the terminally broken.
        Their choice after all.

      • Ukrainian forces are gaining ground if MSNM is to be believed (I do)

        Gaining over 30mile in territory previously taken by Russian forces .

        Whatever Vlad thought this invasion was going to achieve he must be bitterly disappointed?

        Hes posturing on the world stage and getting his arse handed him.
        For a megalomaniac theres nothing worse than embarrassment.

        Dangerous times….

      • It’s a real shit show Mis.

        Probably a lose lose situation for all the innocent people caught up amongst it.

        We can only hope this can be somehow resolved sensibly without any cunt (Putin/Biden) doing anything stupid.

      • Agree Herman,

        The innocent and unwary are always the first casualties in the wars of lunatics.

        Vlads playing a dangerous game hinting about nuclear weapons.
        No winners in a nuclear war.

      • ‘I just thought it was a vaguely interesting piece to share on this thread.’

        I’m sorry HJ but you are required after such a post to give a flow-up post to state that you are against Russia unequivocally and that the freedoms guaranteed by Western Democracies are worth dying for.

      • MNC @ 1:09pm

        “Whatever Vlad thought this invasion was going to achieve he must be bitterly disappointed?
        Hes posturing on the world stage and getting his arse handed him.”

        Apparently not, Miserable. CG posted on Monday:

        “This fight was a TKO* weeks ago, but it rages on due to narcissism by Zelenskyy and hubris by the western governments who are not talking him into surrendering for fear of being called Putin sympathisers or whatnot.”

        *Total Knock Out

        Bless…. ?

      • With respect to Gordon Ruff,
        I doubt anyone including Vlad and the russian generals would agree with that.

        Seems rushed, unplanned?
        Id of thought if your planning (key word!) on invading a neighbouring country youd do a bit of research?
        Maybe form some sort of strategic plan?
        With options if this fails?

        Apparently not.?

      • Tell us about how you’re not being ripped off by your caring sharing, slippery bunch of self-serving spivs in parliament.
        While you’re at it you can regale us with stories of how evil Putin allows the systematic rape of Russian children and opens his borders to hordes of sub Saharan wasters bent on joining in the party at your expense.

  8. Very worrying. I see people are taking to the streets. Very worrying indeed. Must be the threat of imminent nuclear war. Very worrying as I say.

  9. Seriously, how fucking stupid is Joe Biden? By referring to Putin as “a butcher” and stating “he cannot remain in power”, what reaction is he hoping to get? That Putin mulls these comments over and thinks ” Yeah. Old Joe is onto something there and I best step down”. Or that Mad Vlad feels fully boxed into a corner and goes completely apeshit with his nuclear weapons?

    Now, Biden’s comments aren’t particularly new or relevatory and most right minded people would agree with them in private, but to say them at a press conference knowing they’ll be broadcast across the world media? That seems, to me anyway, a stupid fucking thing to do.

    Note how the White House staff are now furiously back pedaling, saying Dopey Joe isn’t agitating for a regime change in Russia.

    It reads exactly like that, you stupid cunts. It also puts the Yanks on a collision course into this conflict, in my opinion.

    • Biden is so painfully out of his depth that nobody in the Kremlin or anywhere else in the world for that matter, takes a single sentence that dribbles out of that clowns mouth seriously.

      Weekend at Bernie’s always springs to mind when I see Biden out and about attempting to play the statesman.

  10. They could stop this war right now if they wanted to but they wont.
    To be honest, after years of interfering with Ukrainian politics, overthrowing elected presidents, turning a blind eye to the breaking of the Minsk accord, flirting with Ukraine, tempting them with the possibility of NATO membership and generally poking the bear, I’d say this is a war that the elites who currently control the West actually want.
    They *want* continued chaos, economies crashing, shifting hordes of refugees and they *want* shortages. They’ve been doing this on a much smaller scale for years by allowing uncontrolled immigration, transgender story hour and creating an entitled, lazy society where ambition, success and self-reliance/self-control have become dirty words. They’ve overseen the splitting apart of communities, and fermenting resentment, not only by using immigration but by creating resentment between generations, the sexes, races and now between the dirty unvaxed and the virtuous vaxed, even managing to split families apart as well as communities, and destroying the very moral and social fabric of what once held our society together.
    They’ve created a weak, divided, frightened society with millions now conditioned to believe and devour whatever bullshit the deceitful politicians and their “advisers” decide to throw our way via the equally corrupt and disgusting MSM.
    And now “after” covid, almost seamlessly, we have a war in Ukraine. Who wants to bet that they’ll keep this going as long as possible? They’ll keep feeding the conflict with weapons while uttering the same mealy mouths words of “peace and reconciliation”. We saw it before in the Middle East.
    And if we start getting serious shortages, partly as a result of this policy (forgetting the crazy green economic policies), who wants to bet that we’ll need to have some sort of “digital identification” to access scarce resources and prevent fraud and hacking?
    I think we’ve been here before. I cant quite remember what the last reason was, but what I know for sure is, at least in the long term, it will be all for our own “safety” and wellbeing.

    • CMI, you succinctly described the culmination of the Western world’s decline.
      It’s a theatre, all manufactured, all deliberate subversion.
      All together now:
      “I support the current thing !”

    • How could the West stop the war – the one that Putin wants and started? Only by throwing Ukraine under a bus. And if the West did that, how long do you think it will be before Putin turns his attention to Georgia or the Baltic States – NATO members, an attack on whom would certainly trigger all out war with the West. Appeasement doesn’t work.

      I know there is a tendency to disguise appeasement as realpolitik and to blame the West for “poking the Russian bear”. One wonders why the spread of Western liberalism and the idea of national self determination by Ukraine constitutes an “existential threat” to Russia. Does anyone seriously think Ukraine would be tempted to invade Russia? The only thing that becomes more difficult for Russia in Ukraine being embraced by the West is that Ukraine becomes more difficult to invade for the autocratic predatory state on its Eastern border.

      Blaming the West and its elites for this war and saying they want it is moral self-deception.

      • NATO, through the Democrats, gave the Ukrainians some false promises about becoming part of NATO, when the real intent was to use them as bait to get Putin to react, especially when they started piling up all the troops in the eastern European states. They’d started this tactic towards the end of 2016, but then they didn’t win the election and hence all the “Russia Russia Russia” nonsense because they really wanted that war. The fake dossier was their infamous “insurance policy” in case Trump won. The fact that all the top Democrats and also some RINOs (Mitt Romney) are neck deep in Ukraine corruption are not unrelated.
        So this is where we are now, with that senile Joe Biden continuing to offer inflammatory random statements every day, regime change being the latest one. All their previous regime change tactics in other countries worked so well, didn’t they?! Bear in mind the Hungarian palindrome was issuing statements a week or two back about how Putin and Xi must be removed, so basically these random statements are still the wishes of the detestable untouchable globalists.

      • I’m no lover of the global elites but I don’t buy into the premise that they have created this war.

        The fact that some Western elites may or may not have their hands in the Ukrainian pie is no evidence of a conspiracy to create war. Western elites are mired in many developing and Third World countries.

        Ukraine and NATO have flirted with each other for many years and Ukraine has still not been admitted to NATO. Russia’s aggression makes that more likely, not less.

        Given that joining NATO or the EU poses no threat to Russia as a country, it’s wrong to say that the west has deliberately cornered Russia. This argument simply caters to the needs of the Putin regime – a regime which has been forced on the long-suffering Russian people.

        There should be no doubt about who the aggressor is here and where the blame falls.

      • I’m pleased you said you’re not a lover of the global elites. As I’ve said on here before, anyone who bangs the drum for war should be prepared to try it themselves. Just to clarify, I don’t stand with Ukraine. I don’t stand with Russia. I don’t stand with the UN or NATO. I stand with the civilians in each country who will lose everything and be displaced, while politicians and their media play their war and propaganda games. I’m not sure why you find that offensive.

      • But it’s a false dichotomy, Miles.

        Why should being in NATO threaten Russia? Only if Russia already harbours predatory ambitions against those prospective members of NATO.

        It turns out that Ukrainian fears about Russia, which prompted it to seek NATO membership, were accurate and justified. Despite this the West has not admitted Ukraine into NATO – out of deference to Russian sensibilities. How well did that work out?

      • Also I would like Admin to pronounce on nauseating mutual compliments by certain Cunters.

        Things like –

        ‘Stop being rational, MMCM.’
        ‘Can’t help it Ruff. It’sh a habit.’

        To pharaphrase Churchill –
        This is the sort of ingratiating arselicking up with which we will not put.

        I await your decision Admin.

      • Forgive my little joke mmcm.

        ‘Why should being in NATO threaten Russia?’

        Which country is NATO providing protection from?

      • You mean like “very well put” and “succinctly described”.

        People always compliment the views of those they agree with. It’s nothing to get hot under the collar about.

        If you have another point of view, debate it.

      • It provides protection against any aggressor, Miles. But it’s a fact of life that in Europe the only potential aggressor is Russia. But it’s a defensive alliance not an offensive one.

      • @ MMCM
        You have the patience of a saint, sir. I would be inclined to heed the words of fellow cunter Jeezum Priest: “don’t feed the trolls.”

      • NATO was very defensive in the old Yugoslavia and even more so in Libya Just saying.

  11. Something Chunky said a bit back. That the goverment is just attacking people financially without due process.
    I am thinking of the Russian Oligarchs. A very hard group of people to sympathise with but nevertheless it is their wealth they are having taken away however dodgy we now feel it to be. Their superyachts taken, their football clubs, their properties in London confiscated. All it seems to me at the whim of the government.
    Don’t know anyone of these oligarchs that have actually said they support the invasion. Not that that should matter either. It should simply be a legal matter shouldnt it?
    If it was ‘dirty money’ the whole time why were they allowed to operate here for so many years? is my question.

    • It shows us that all you have to be is labelled as something negative by the government and the government can cancel you in ways Twitter can only dream of. That’s what life in China and North Korea is like and where the world is heading. Nicola Sturgeon is pushing for that with her “hate speech” laws.

      Judge: “You once said the N-word seven times in a May 17, 2011 Twitter post.”
      Wee Willy: “I was quoting a Richard Pryor routine!”
      Judge: “Well, he’s dead, so I can’t give him the two years in the re-education camp I’m giving you.”
      Wee Willy: “Did I mention I’m transgender, your honour?”

    • It is a bit disconcerting to see the government sequestering private property. And it’s a fair point that we put up with this alleged dirty money for years and did nothing about it. The argument is that these oligarchs support Putin and sanctioning them will help shorten the war. There is also an argument that they may hold some of their assets on Putin’s behalf. I don’t know the truth of it – but if it helps shorten the war then its justified. I suppose after the war the assets will be returned? They are not confiscated – just frozen.

    • There’s no way we can verify that photo though is there?

      Pictures could be from anywhere and might have been taken years ago in a different country.

      Do you know what Russian Army BDU looks like?
      I don’t.

      It’s difficult to get any context from a photograph. It’s a snapshot of a particular moment in time.
      We don’t know what happened before, what led up to it.

      We don’t know the source of the photo.

      Incidentally, I don’t have a dog in this fight. I’m more interested in the truth.
      Whatever it is.
      I might not like the truth, but I’d rather know it that be fed sugar-coated lies.

      • You’re right to be sceptical, Harold.

        Gateway Pundit is an American far-right fake news website known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.

        About as reliable as Veterans Today.

      • MMCM – thanks. I’m sceptical of most things.

        Whenever I view a source posted on here. I find myself asking questions along the lines of who, where, what, why?

        Something that was instilled in me back in the student days.

        I do the same with the MSM as well. I try to look at everything objectively.

        The page selling t-shirts and merchandise amused me.

  12. So NATO is a ‘defensive’ alliance. Even though if Ukraine had joined it would have buttressed right up Russia’s butt. As it were.

    On the defensive.

    That would mean in a football match the defenders are the forwards as well as the forwards.

    The balance of power in the world is lopsided.

    NATO has involved itself in other conflicts that werent threatening NATO countries. That is against its own rules.

    Is the sole purpose of NATO to ‘contain’ Russia? Depending where you stand or are that could been seen and felt as an aggressive, ‘offensive’ position.

    Couldn’t you blame it for as it were making nations militaristic? Say if peace- loving Finnland joins then it becomes a part of a military alliance. It will ‘border’ the enemy.

    It changes the relationship with countries I mean. Upsetting the balance in a region.

    I believe it has oulasted its usefulness. It had a crucial role during the Cold War but the Cold War has ended. As George W repeated.

    • Like your encroaching ‘on our manor’ is how they see it. Especially as they have ‘blood ties’ with them.
      All very human.

      • Putin has made it very clear that he wants to re-create the empire of the Soviet Union. Russia may regard Ukraine and the Baltic states as being “kin” but those countries clearly have different views – not to mention different languages, cultures and histories.

        This is akin to the UK saying it wants to recreate the British Empire – starting with the Republic of Ireland, after all they are “family”. The Irish would clearly have different views.

        The only reason Russia hates NATO is that NATO stand in its way. And a good job too.

      • On the human level again. Its like the West -‘Come over here with us…youll be part of the In-Crowd…we’ve all the latest fashions (in thought) all the latest gadgets (military gear)…you can get drunk on freedom…do whatever you want… you dont want to be attached to those cabbage- faced peasants do you?’ ‘Ok theyre your brothers…that was ages ago…’THEYRE SO UNCOOL’
        ‘Come over here with us.’

      • Cripes! I doubt Jeremy Corbyn and Putin combined could hate the West as much as you do MP.

  13. You guys are right of course, there is no definitive proof, right or wrong.
    Have you seen the live footage though?
    It’s not taken from a computer game, unlike the ‘ghost of Kiev’ or the 4 Ka 52 choppers shot down. Or the Snake island bollocks, or the holocaust memorial being bombed.
    Maybe, rather than just post opinion you can provide your own “fake news” narrative that debunks what I posted?

  14. For what it’s worth, I’m not anti-west, I’m not a quisling, just somebody wading through a tide of shit questioning the two sides of propaganda.
    After two years of convid bollocks from our own team (that is now unravelling) I’m not convinced any of these fuckers are representing truth.
    So I presented footage.
    It’s not as if the wrongdoers are going to admit their duplicity, from either side.
    I’m not presenting anything that claims it’s 100% stone cold truth, just an attempt to highlight criminality. OK, you say it’s not necessarily from this conflict, perhaps not, can you doubters prove that or does it take a donations page to nullify the claims ?
    Yes, its early hours, my sleep patterns are erratic and the reasons are no fuckers business except mine, however, I’m sure some pedantic cunt will want to pull me up on that. Crack on.
    Put your own links down to refute what you disagree with, I’ll read,I’ll listen but I won’t be disparaging just because it doesn’t fit with my outlook.

    • You seem a little agitated MF.

      For the record I don’t think there are many on here who are enamoured with MSM. The BBC, Guardian, Sky News, Daily Bile, etc. regularly come under fire.

      • Not at all Harold, I try to post what I think might be relevant.
        My thoughts and opinions included , that’s all.

      • Sorry MF. I am mistaken.
        I welcome an alternative view.

        It’s increasingly difficult to find a reliable source that presents a balanced view of things.

        Years ago I would have said that the i-Paper was reliable. It used to just present facts with no real bias one way or the other. It’s gone the same way as the rest.

      • Thanks Harold. Appreciate your reply.
        It’s a fucking tragedy and as usual, civvies bear the brunt.
        It looks very likely (to me) these atrocities are true in which case, this is very likely to escalate badly in response.
        Both leaders need to reign in their psycho element but that’s never going to happen.
        The Azov and others of the same ilk are ultra violent killers who (again from what I’ve seen/read) have been using human shields in Mariapol (sp).
        I think it’s in the end game now, I hope soon.
        Fuck Joe Biden.

      • I haven’t watched the footage, I just read the comments.
        That was enough but I’m sure it can be found on Liveleak or Bestgore et al.

  15. There was an interview with Trump on the weekend, and he was asked what would he do differently over Ukraine if he hadn’t lost the presidency. Among the vague and nonsensical drivel he came out with as an answer, he mocked Russias airforce by saying “we don’t have 40 year old planes…’
    Really? The F15, F16, F18 and the B1 are all been in service since the 70s, the C130 since the 60s, along with the UH1 Huey, and the grand daddy of them of them all, the B52 is of 50s vintage. The clue is in the name!
    All the above have been upgraded, avionics, powerplants etc but are still vintage designs and are still potent and relevant.
    The Russian kit is still relevant too, even if it’s a bit valve and bakelite made.
    Biden is quite rightly getting roasted over his comments on the weekend, but can you imagine the shit that Trump would be spouting?
    They should have just made Morgan Freeman president, he seems like a nice chap…..?

    • Both as bad as each other. Trump would say the wrong thing because he’s a mouthy hothead. Biden says the wrong thing because he’s senile.

      • 300 million people and those two cunts are the best they can field as candidates!
        We can’t do any better though.

  16. Peace talks in Turkey, is it the beginning of the end.

    I can see a situation where Zelenskyy will give ground on not being part of NATO but will he concede Crimea and Donbas.

    • He has also said he will accept his country having neutral status, another Russian requirement.
      There are many of the ingredients of a ceasefire and the possibility of a peace agreement.
      Will Putin agree. I truly hope so, but who knows what is going on in that evil little head?

      • Neutrality and staying out of NATO was inevitable. Ukraine would dearly love to be in NATO, but probably realise it won’t happen due to NATO’s fear of poking the Russian bear again.

        Far harder to accept will be secession of Donbas or a land corridor to Crimea.

      • Why can’t Ukraine adopt the position that Finland does to Russia? Finland is not in NATO, despite numerous invitations from NATO, which I don’t see the point in. Having said that, Russians in Finland (30,000-88,000 people depending on definition) experience intolerance, harassment, crime. Intolerance towards Russian people is just as abhorrent as any other intolerance, hatred, but it seems like it is not seen that way around the world.

        It seems like open season on everything Russian. Over the years Putin’s popularity in Russia has hovered between 65-80%, at the start of this year, it was 71%, but it’s hard to see him being popular these days. Are any leaders of countries popular these days? Grim times, but you’ve got to keep your pecker up!

      • A neutral Ukraine that stands as a buffer state between Russia and the West would be a good thing – as long as Putin respects that neutrality.

      • Perhaps Finland isn’t the best analogy in this case seeing their complex history.
        Finland beat of one Russian invasion then has been under threat of the same during the cold War.
        Only recently Russia threatened Finland, along with Sweden that any thought of joining NATO will bring about serious military consequences. Nice.
        The only consequence of any country joining NATO to te Russians is that thy wouldn’t be able to invade it without starting a global conflict.

      • I just don’t see why Ukraine should pick sides against Russia and/or side with the EU. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan aren’t asked to do this or seek this status, why Ukraine? Indeed, surely the most sensible position for Ukraine is neutrality and to cede Donbas and Crimea to Russia and live and let live. The alternative(s) aren’t too appealing.

        I think that Putin needs to step down. Not right now, but before the G20 in October. He should maintain some sort of advisory position in the Kremlin, but he’s 70 in October, surely he has driving the bus long enough? “President for life” never works out, ask Mugabe. Putin can’t show up at the G20 in October and go, “wazzup, bitches?!” can he?

      • Why is it picking a side? It’s about self determination and the freedom to forge partnerships with whoever they like, and that doesn’t mean military. Ukraine and NATO are no threat to Russia, even though the Russian bear has been doing plenty of poking of its own, a fact that those who try to excuse Russian aggression because of NATO expansion always seem to ignore.
        Half a century of living under the Soviet jackboot was enough for them too. Who I their right mind would want a return to that.
        Russia will never settle for the Donbas, that’s just a slippery slope.

      • I just don’t get why Ukraine wants to be in NATO in 2022, over thirty years after the fall of the Soviet Union, especially if it causes bad relations with Russia. If Finland joined NATO, it would cause enrage with Russia. If Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Georgia joined NATO, it would enrage Russia.

        It just seems to me that the Ukraine government have fostered bad relations with Russia over the past ten years. Why can’t there be good relations between European countries – including Ukraine – and Russia? What would facilitate that? Like I say, Putin should step down in a few months, his presence on the world stage has came to an end, he must know this. It’s time for a new leader and new era of Russia and rest of the world relations.

      • You don’t understand why Ukraine would want to join NATO?

        Er, have you seen the news? If they had been a member of NATO that wouldn’t have happened. They asked to join NATO and were turned down, until such time the could sort out the corruption in their government, so there was no short to medium term chance of them joining anyway, so Russian arguments for this are a bit premature to say the least.
        Why would any country that borders Russia want to join NATO? So it doesn’t get invaded by Russia, as there is absolutely no threat of the opposite happening.

      • I don’t get why anyone fails to get why Ukraine wants to be in NATO in 2022. One word: Putin.

        The West has much to answer for its policy of appeasing Putin and not accepting Ukraine into NATO.

      • I’m just trying to look at it from both points of view. NATO was essential during the Cold War, but why did it continue to exist after 1991? In fact, it expanded and seeks to expand further. Was Russia still a threat in the post-Cold War era after glasnost? Wouldn’t a good solution be to ask Russia to join NATO and sign non-aggression treaties?

        Boris Yeltsin was liked because he was old and weak and wanted a cushy retirement. Putin was not weak, not compliant to the USA, Europe, NATO. He wanted and still wants Russia to be Russia, not a part of Europe. Russia is a unique land of the world, it borders European countries and is a huge part of Asia. It has relationships with China and India to maintain. Russia can’t be subsumed into the postmodern western world, just as China can’t and India can’t. Ukraine wants to join the club and that’s fine. There’s a way of the world working with each nation being sovereign and not under the unwanted influence of outside government or institutions.

        Like I say, my hope is that we see peace soon and Putin stepping down before October. He can enjoy his $1 billion mansion with his family. Or he can go down in history as the white Mugabe. But the other major powers of the world don’t look in great shape either. American is presided over by babbling corrupt fossils, the UK by people who brazenly partied during lockdown while we all lived in fearful isolation, who seem unconcerned with the major problems of Britain and are walking us into a pretty grim future.

      • NATO was relevant after the fall of the Soviet Union because there were and still are threats that could effect those countries who have membership. China and North Korea are two that pop into my head.
        For years, the peace dividend has meant that most countries armed forces have been scaled back enormously, which in light of the last few years has been a mistake.
        If you want peace, prepare for war.

  17. Just read that Abrahamovich and two Ukrainian officials have suffered a suspected poisoning attempt at Ukraine peace talks – allegedly carried out by hard line Russian officials to undermine the negotiations.

    • CFC have stated that Abramovich has been sanctioned by the UK government. Pass the tinfoil.

      • As far as sanctioned oligarchs go, who can tell who is pro-Putin or not? I have no doubt that most are deeply tied to him in some way, including Abramovich. Some have also criticised him. Abramovich seeks to present himself as an honest broker and Zelensky trusts him.

        The oligarchs are a mysterious lot. Putin, on the other hand is not mysterious in the least. He’s been saying for years what he wants to do and now he’s doing it.

    • I have no doubt that if this isn’t true, there will be instances where it will happen. I have always wondered how soldiers who have just seen their mates killed in battle accept the surrender of the very people who just killed them. But, sometimes they don’t. There was a big tit for tat POW killings between the German and Canadian forces in Normandy, after the SS murdered some Canadian troops after they had surrendered. That went on for some time, and I have no sympathy for the SS, who murdered their way across Europe.
      The Russians were more than happy to murder their own people, so they were in their element when it came to invading Germany, and thoroughly enjoyed giving them payback for Barbarossa, by raping females from children to grandmothers, those that survived the ordeal had the prospect of follow up troops doing it again, and many took their own lives.
      What about the Katyn massacre, where Russians murdered thousands of Polish officers and when the mass grave was found tried to blame it on the Germans?
      So, back to the Ukraine. I can’t imagine what I would do if I was in a situation where I had access to POWs that had been responsible for invading my country, shelled my home to rubble, killed my family, my pets, taken away my normal life and everything that goes with it. Can you? Who knows if these are regular soldiers who would be more disciplined, or locals fighting for their homes, who might be more liable to act on emotion.

      It’s being reported that Russian troops are committing rapes and sexual assaults as they take ground. Whether that is truth or propaganda is hard to tell at this stage, but, they have form, and rape is a pretty effective terror weapon as they, and the Japanese found out in WW2.

  18. See that’s old-fashioned thinking as well. That Russia is ‘predatory’. Yes Russia was predatory during the Soviet period. They had to be that was part of the Communist belief system. That was part of the Marxist-Leninist creed. To go out and spread the ‘good news’ of Communism. And a duty to do it by force of arms. That’s what they were all taught.
    But Putin is not like that. He’s always on about the tragedy of the ‘Bolshevik era’. I am positive he is not looking to empire build again.
    If he was why has he waited so long?

    • Putin has publicly stated that the fall of the Soviet Union was a catastrophe. He wants to recreate the Soviet Union but without the Marxism-Lenninism – perhaps it would be more accurate to say that he wants to re-create the Czarist Empire, of which the Soviet Union was a continum.

      Look again at his ultra-Nationalist speech before he invaded Ukraine -‘On the Historical Unity of the Russians and Ukrainians’,in which he argued that Ukrainian independence was an unsustainable historical anomaly.

      Putin wants more than the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk in invading Ukraine. Those provinces are already Kremlin proxies in any case.

      Putin sees himself as the new Peter the Great – a statuette of whom he keeps in his office. He’s certainly a threat and an empire builder. If he gets away with Ukraine the Baltic States will be next.

      These arguments about Putin only going into “his backyard” have a similar ring to them. I’m reminded of the 30’s when Hitlers friends dismissed his invasion of Sudetenland in those terms and let him get away with it. The result was that Hitler invaded Poland.

      God save the West with Biden at the helm.

      • Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart.
        Whoever wants it back has no brain.

        Vladimir Putin… apparently.

      • “Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart.
        Whoever wants it back has no brain.”

        Yes, I’ve read that quote many times. You could say the same about the British Empire. It was a vast, grand adventure, much blood, much beauty, but we can’t go down that road again. We’re about to enter a new epoch of humanity and it’s hard to say what it will be or who will be shaping it: China, Islam, Big Tech, some other entity or system? Normally when we are at such points in history, it gets settled by war. This decade and century won’t be like any in history, anything could happen.

    • Anyway Miles, I hope you are right and my doom-laden view is wrong. I just find it difficult to be sanguine about the whole thing. Wish I could.

  19. I would prefer more confirmed factual information than this constant soft pro-Ukranian propaganda we are seeing in the media about Russian losses, generals being killed, troops deserting etc. For example, this is from an American site US News “A Large Russian infantry platoon destroyed by Ukrainian elite forces in Mariupol!” Yet there is nothing in any of the accompanying video to confirm the commentary.

    BTW I am not pro-Russia or anti-Ukraine, just a former journalist who takes a different view of how a war should be covered.

    A Large Russian infantry platoon destroyed by Ukrainian elite forces in Mariupol! – YouTube

  20. Ive heard Vlad is having a form of ‘super covid’ manufactered in his secret labs.

    Much deadlier than all the other strains,
    He plans to release it into the West via infecting a Ukrainian refugee!

    Now some of you dont believe in covid, or even that Russia has bad intentions,
    Theyve gone to Ukraine on some sort of peacekeeping mission,
    Spreading Christianity and slavic brotherhood.
    But im telling you,

    Once a commie always a commie.

    Cant trust a Russian.
    All the same,
    Furry hatted poisoners.
    Anyway, I think we should have another lockdown.

      • I mean his sense of history is Christian and he wants to go back to those traditional values.

        I admit though he is going about it in a very non-Christian way.

        But Christianity has not always been spread by love. It has to fight like any other belief system sometimes.

      • Anyone who seriously thinks Putin is a Christian needs their head examining.
        And if he were a Christian, what a terrible indictment of the Christian religion that would be!

      • @MP
        You’re in good company:

        “Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate its adversaries in the name of love.” (Adolf Hitler)

      • So Putin wants to spread Christianity by……. invading a fellow Christian country ?

        Something wrong there.

      • No politician has ever struck me as truly spiritual. Their gods are money, power and most of all, themselves. Trump’s penthouse is – or was – filled with pagan deities like Apollo and Psyche. Book of Revelations identifies Apollo with Satan or an underling of Satan. Putin knows that he needs to keep Christians onside in his country. Only 45% of Russians are Christian these days, Muslims about 7% and rising. Islam is the main religion in the southern lands to Russia, Kazakhstan, etc. Russia’s main allies, China and India are not Christian lands by a long shot, obviously. There seems to have been a seeking of harmony in recent years between the Russian Orthodox Church, the Vatican and Islam, the Pope met with the head of the Russian Church a few years ago, the first time those figureheads have met in centuries. Not sure if they kissed each other rings.

        As for Putin, his mother had him baptised in secret in the early 1950s and obviously he never practised his faith when in the KGB. Only in the past few years has he been seen dunking himself in Holy water, awkwardly singing hymns, etc. I’m not convinced he is a spiritual man, a pious man.

      • Miles @2:46pm – I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more perfect example of what Chunky would call ‘mental gymnastics’.

        My heartfelt congratulations.


      • Some stats –

        Russia -41.1% of the population are believers in the Russian Orthodox Church.

        Ukraine -67.3% of the population declared adherence to one or another strand of Orthodox Christianity.

        Seems the Ukranians should be crusading against Russia, not vice versa.

        Nearly 200 Russian Orthodox priests have also signed a petition condemning the invasion of Ukraine.

        Putin is now slaughtering Ukrainian Christians. In reading the Bible, Putin seems to have skipped the passage which says “blessed are the peacemakers”.

        Putins only vision is naked power. In his perverse mind he might seek to justify it with mumbo jumbo about Christian values. Its nonsense – just like his claim that Ukraine has been infiltrated by Nazis.

        The Bible has a word to describe leaders who use religion to justify violence and annihilation – evil. False prophet fits as well.

      • Miles Plastic on March 29, 2022 at 2:46 pm said:

        “But Christianity has not always been spread by love. It has to fight like any other belief system sometimes.”

        Oh well that’s alright then. Glad we got that sorted.

        I’m loathe to use the phrase mental gymnastics but this is the equivalent of a Gold Medal winning routine at the Olympics.

      • I am thinking maybe years into the future this might be seen as some sort of Christian fightback.

        I just don’t think he’s doing it for any other reason.

        He’s not some Hitler or Napoleon who wants to self- aggrandize himself with the conquering of others’ lands.

        That’s why he calls it a ‘special military operation’.

        I do loathe thd decadent West. Witness the degradation at the fucking Oscars.

        But maybe my mind is too much coloured by things like that.

      • Remember I am the ‘ideas man’ on here. So I am not condoning what is going on just speculating on his motives.

      • Oo-ee-oo!!! ?

        Read any good books lately, Miles? One I can wholeheartedly recommend is ‘Russia’s Lost Literature of the Absurd’ by Daniil Kharms and Alexander Vvedensky.

      • Funny how all these ‘ideas’ paint the Russians as good and the Ukrainians as bad.
        That’s not ideas, that’s either propaganda or wishful thinking. Or naive stupidity.

      • Does that post @6:40pm actually exist? Feels like I’ve stepped into the Twilight Zone…

  21. Russia now says they are going to reduce combat operations around Kyiv and Chernihiv ‘in order to improve mutual trust’. Translated this means “we are getting our arses kicked and we’re reduced to shelling these places from a safe distance.”
    I wouldn’t trust the Russians as far as I could spurt semen into the air. They’ve either got a great sense of humour or they think everyone else is thick, I suspect it’s the latter.

    • I think it’s the latter Allan. As so many comments on this thread show, there are many happy to be taken in and fooled by Putin, so deep is their loathing of the West.

    • The Russians lie, and they keep on lying, they know no different.
      Remember only a month ago, when he was massing his army on the Ukrainian border, saying ‘I’m not going to invade honestly’ and some dumb windowlickers believed it. Then the ‘special operation’ that sounds more like the we’re bringing fibre optic broadband to Ukraine. Now, after realising that the country overwhelmingly doesn’t want to be a part of his Warsaw Pact tribute act, Putain is redeploying his forces to areas where there have been gains to consolidate them until can continue the offensive, all under the guise of a cease fire in those vacated areas. Meanwhile Turkey sucks itself off telling the world it has prevented WW3.

      Yesterday I read a statement tweeted by Russian government sources and fuck me, it was like reading one of the crackers posts you see on here. It was all about ‘the degenerate West’ and the break up of family values, all that kind of shit, and fair play, you had to be educationally subnormal not to see where half these crackpot conspiracy theories come from, at least if you didn’t already know.
      Ever thought you were being played? ???

      • The idea that Putin, a man who has carried out a decades-long campaign of assassination against his critics, is somehow an astute critic of the West, is an absurdity.

        I’m a critic of cancel culture but the idea that Putin has the answer is lunacy. Putin has a history of canceling his critics literally, with Polonium, nerve gas and bullets.

        Just as crazy is the idea that Russia is some sort of utopia of Christian culture and moral values, a fantasy projected by some Christian conservatives onto a much uglier reality. That reality being that Russia is a thuggish kleptocracy.

        But the reality docent matter to some – only the fantasy of Putin as some Fairy Godmother misunderstood and mistreated by the “decadent West”, ganging up on him and telling nasty tales about what he’s doing in the Ukraine. I’m sick of it.

        How can a man who bombs maternity hospitals and theatres claim any kind of moral high ground? Every day that Ukraine holds out exposes the weakness of Putin’s model of governance. Perhaps Western liberalism is the better and stronger system after all.

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