I think we will all (hopefully) agree that Putin is a cunt, so this page has been set up to allow you to vent your feelings about the current invasion and occupation of Ukraine
3,719 thoughts on “Ukraine”
Slightly off topic but as conspiracies have been mentioned…
The pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the economy, immigration, sky high prices and taxes, the climate, men in skirts and men in female sport and children told they are racist and/or should change gender. We lurch from one crisis to another and fifty shades of versions of truth and lies are everywhere you look. If there is something nefarious going on, or whatever you think is going on, there’s nothing we can do about it anyway. Even the Bible says there will a great ‘pharmakeia’ deception, then a tribulation, Mark of the Beast system and all that in the last days. So it is written in the stars then; nuffink we can do. Wasn’t there a post about looking after your own ‘garden’ a while back? Might as well, its a nightmare out there.
The conspiracy people tell me to look forward to a microchip in the arm/Mark of the Beast, social credit score, digital currency, universal income and stuck in the MetaVerse all day with breaks to munch on Soylent Green, I mean plant burgers. Does it really sound that bad?
Agree that the last few years have been an eye opener.
Covid, it’s hard to place it on a conspiracy list, if it was it was a bad idea.
I would stay that the EU formally the common market has been an ongoing conspiracy ‘the United sates of Europe’, that is why they were so pissed off that we left.
The war in Ukraine, the bear is hungry and making a fucking big breakfast.
Where will it all end, just waiting for a few missiles to land in Poland, by mistake obviously ….. WWIII
I think if there was a global conspiracy to control us, World War would be a good platform, a brave new world for whoever is left at the end of it.
Having to cope with the fall out (no pun intended) of the Ukraine situation following on the heels of the bloody Covid is indeed galling.
The world is lacking in strong leadership. I believe that’s at the heart of what is going on. If Covid taught us anything, it’s that our so called leaders and experts do not have all the answers and make it up as they go along. Getting elected to high political office does not bestow upon you hyper intelligence, problem solving skills the like of which you’ve never known before or divine wisdom to know what the solution is to navigate out of any given problem situation. Bottom line, they’re no better than your average joe. And yet the masses hang on their words and wait to be told what to do.
If the world was so concerned about Ukraine, it would have helped it stock pile huge weapons caches in response to the Russian military build up on the border. Basically sending a message to the Ivans – step foot on our property and we’ll unleash this lot on you and that won’t end well – oh yes, see those big shiny missiles over there with the glowing war heads? – Yeah, they’re aimed at Moscow – now fuck off.
Instead, the world waited for the inevitable to happen and are now all ‘shock and horror’ and ‘we can’t believe it’.
Then we have that cunt Gove pledging £10K per Ukrainian refugee. Where’s that money coming from? Funny how masses amounts of cash can be found when it suits, but at the same time ignore NHS waiting lists, the homeless, repairing infrastructure, etc.
And have those sanctions stopped the Russian war machine yet? It’s all bollocks. The bully in the playground does what he likes and the rest of us tut and mumble under our breath. Same old same old. As Blur once said, Modern Life is Rubbish.
Up to you of course,O.C …and I’m all too aware that I’m possibly the last person who should be warning anyone about “goading”… personally I enjoy a right good set-to..but be aware that it’s difficult to complain about personal attacks if they are being deliberately provoked.
Future 1:
Boris rolls out the new biosecurity state where you can’t go anywhere or do anything unless you let Bill Gates and Pfizer inject you with their latest warp speed vaccine.
Watch as your homeland turns into a massive refugee camp.
Enjoy the sights and sounds of Islamic rape gangs and terror cells doing their thing with increasing frequency.
Get used to freezing your tits off because Boris says affordable heating is a crime against net zero.
Watch as the price of everything skyrockets thanks to government looting.
Trans everything.
See just how thick your own people are as they vote Tory/Labour again.
Future 2:
A bloody great big flash of light and then it’s done.
It may seem this a bit far afield of the topic, but I feel compelled to respond to Gutstick’s earlier post.
Far from being the traitorous, propagandist GJ claims he, Tucker Carlson is the most watched cable news host in America. This is a statement of fact as supported by TVNewser…an impartial website that tracks Cable Television viewer ratings in America.
There are at least 3 stories from last week on this page that confirms that fact.
Because he refuses to go along with their story lines, and calls them out on their false narratives, he is reviled and vilified by the liberal media, the progressive elites and the establishment government types.
If you pommies chose to view him through the prism of BBC and the Guardian misinformation, then perhaps you no more enlightened than the ill informed septics you look down on with such disdain.
The reality is millions of Americans watch him for his insightful viewpoints and not because he is a traitor.
Too be honest we need a few more Tucker Carlson’s in the UK – someone who will push against the stifling woke agenda of the BBC and other news outlets. GB News has a few candidates and I suppose the closest we have is Nigel Farage.
The closest we have is Carl Benjamin and associates on YouTube’s “The podcast of the Lotus Eaters”.
I watch Tucker Carlson most days-remember he used to be very Pro -Democrat in his politics-then he saw what was really happening in American/global politics/geopolitics.
That link takes us to a subscription page and a 2005 headline. All I can do in support of my point is suggest you “google” Tucker Carlson ratings and read it for yourself.
I think you are confusing popular with factual. Popular means nothing. Old Adolf was pretty popular, and before someone wets themselves I’m not comparing Carlson with Hitler.
I have no idea what the BBC or other news organisations think of him. I’ve watched a few of his videos and he seemed a reasonable enough guy, but lately he’s been commenting on things and I think he’s completely wrong in his assumptions and he is expressing them as facts.
This is not the same as liking someone until they piss you off then call them cunts. This is seeing someone push supposition at best and lies at worst as fact. And that is wrong regardless of what I think of them.
I think you have me wrong. I said to me he comes across as a Lord Haw Haw, or as Americans will remember Axis Sally, who was the American version of William Joyce. It wasn’t anything to do with popularity, it was to do with a home citizen broadcasting enemy propaganda.
Perhaps I do have you wrong. I know your opinion is sincere and please accept my apology.
I think part of this is a misunderstanding that has to do with our characterizations of Tucker’s comments. Obviously, you see them as enemy propaganda. And you have that right. And you may be correct.
I see them as the dissent from the officially sanctioned Government truth. And if you dissent from the official government truth, then you are an enemy subversive and must be destroyed.
In short it comes down to this…I just don’t see Tucker as a Putin stooge. But in point of fact…I’ve been wrong before and I’ll be wrong again.
No problem GC, no offence meant and none taken. Nothing better than a civilised debate. I could be wrong too, and will definitely apologise if that’s the case.
Sometimes I ask people for evidence of the things that they post, some because the stuff is so outlandish and ridiculous I fancy a laugh, and even then I genuinely want to see what that person considers evidence enough to base their opinions on.
Other times, like your post, I was intrigued and wanted to see for myself what the story was, and thank you for the reply.
I will always be respectful of people’s opinions if they are respectful of mine. Some people take offence if you ask them for proof, and I’m glad you’re not one of them.
I tend not to worry about stuff beyond my control. This may because I’m a sociopath, and owt that isn’t about me is irrelevant.
But to be serious, if I worried about everything that might go wrong, I’d go insane.
I can’t stop the inevitable, like dying, I just hope it doesn’t hurt. I’d like to cuddle my great grandchild, but if the gradly lass don’t want kids, tough but I’ll live.
I hope the invasion of the Ukraine ends soon, but if Putin goes totally tonto and presses the red button…
Bye world. It’s been a riot!
Perhaps Boris’s decision to increase our stockpile of nuclear warheads was prescient?
Seriously, I think Vlad the Invader would be mad to push the world to the brink of nuclear war. He knows Russia would get a payload in return. I don’t think he’s that insane.
If not mad, he’s certainly bad enough. He’s the type of dangerous cunt who if they can’t get their way will be more than happy to destroy the rest of the world with himself.
Let’s hope someone in the Kremlin grows a spine and gives him the bullet.
Apparently he has 100billion in the bank why would he blow up the world and be a ruler of dust and dirt with nothing to spend it on.
Anyway if it does go down I’m going out Pacino/scarface style.
Say hello to my little friend sniiiiiiiiiiiif!!!!!!!!!!
If he got anywhere near the red button – and, I’m not convinced, even in Putin’s Russia, that he can “go it alone”, I am pd certain that any launch is up to military top-brass, with Putin’s permission. If P ORDERS, and the military disagree, I don’t think we will go nuclear.
?? The men in white coats may well come for him, hee-hee, ha-ha.
Thank you, Komodo.
That’s exactly it.
I do hope I live long enough for my life to “flash” before death, but only the good bits.
Images of me vomiting into someone’s shrubbery at 17 are not flattering!
You are very wise not to worry about stuff beyond your control, it’s nothing to do with being a sociopath, which I am quite sure you are not. Sociopaths are unable feel empathy, your recent post where you wept at the sight of the little Ukranian girl singing to the refugees in the subway spoke volumes of your ability to experience empathy. I used to be in the business of trick cycling, some common traits of a sociopath include:
Lack of empathy for others
Impulsive behavior
Absence of feelings of guilt
Not understanding the difference between right and wrong.
Constant lying or deception.
Violating the rights of others through dishonest actions.
Superficial charm, used to manipulate others
Not learning from mistakes or punishment
Generally have superficial relationships
Not really. Sociopaths and psychopaths are notoriously lacking in self awareness. You are clearly interested in what makes you tick, sociopaths are only interested in what furthers their selfish ends. Most hardcore conspiracy theorists are sociopaths in my opinion.
Aspergers and autism are a whole different kettle of fish, although some traits may overlap.
I think my problem, then, is I lack imagination.
I refuse to terrify myself by thinking about stuff that may never happen.
I just want to live my remaining years NOT in a home, die painlessly and hope my daughters obey the will.
I’ve had it re done. The gradly lass gets the lot, apart from 10k to each of those lacking twits.
Have to admit one of my greatest fears is ending up in an old people’s home. I would sooner top myself (I’ve made plans for that contingency) than allow that to happen. I am fortunate in that my missus is 14 years my junior and in good health, mind you when I’m gone there’ll be no-one to look after her cos we have no children (by choice). That said, she’ll probably be alright because she’s a lot more easy going about cunts than I am…
One of my grandmas, with Alzheimer’s, had to go into a home. During a lucid moment when my sister was visiting, she was asked if she’d like anything…
“A length of rope, so I can hang myself.”
Truly tragic.
I don’t think us ‘pommies’ (or did you mean, ‘limeys’?) pay a lot of attention to Fox. Speaking personally, I’d say it’s as much a comforting echo chamber for yourTrumpist Right as the BBC is for our Islington Left, and requires as much scepticism. In the interest of balance, allow me to offer:
At which point the discussion predictably descends into abuse of our disparate news sources.
Mediabiasfactcheck.com has for Fox:
“We rate Fox News strongly Right-Biased due to editorial positions and story selection that favors the right. We also rate them Mixed factually and borderline Questionable based on poor sourcing and the spreading of conspiracy theories.”
While for Mother Jones, the source of the above link, it has:
“Overall, we rate Mother Jones strongly Left-Center biased based on story selection that moderately favors the left and High for factual reporting due to thorough sourcing and a clean fact check record.”
Regardless of my politics, where should I go for facts? Mmm?
No I meant Pommies. (My dad’s generation used Limey.) An Australian friend of mine taught me that word. He claimed all the sheep shaggers were tagged with the handle P.O.M.E.(Prisoner of Mother England) while in transit to the penal colonies. (I’d never heard this before).
In some warped sort of way this morphed into Pommy as slang for an English person.
I really don’t get it but I like how it sounds. Besides it is commonly used by the Aussies, the Kiwis and in other parts of the Commonwealth.
The fact that Tucker Carlson pointed out the inherent dangers of a misguided and dangerous US foreign policy is not traitorous. The fact that his valid points were picked up by the Russians does not mean he is subversive a tool of Putin.
We live in an era when any opinion that deviates from the government narrative…no mater how truthful that opinion may be…is deemed subversive misinformation.
It is his opinion that his country’s policy is dangerous and misguided. This echoes Trump’s own opinion that the US would be better out of NATO. I can see why he believes this, although splendid isolation is not the recipe for Making America Great Again, and the Chinese will be pissing themselves laughing at this.
But as the only credible defender of my personal safety from maniacs like Putin is NATO – with half a dozen nukes and microscopic army, we can’t do it on our own – I am obliged to disagree.
This threat is a whole lot closer for me than you. Even now I would rather my country’s policy were tied to America’s than Russia’s. Though if Trump manages to reinstall himself (don’t expect anyone else to get in afterwards) I might well have to change my mind.
This thread is supposed to be about Ukraine. I think some veering off topic is natural. Due to the nature of human discourse, I think some is unavoidable. And despite the serious nature of this thread some is necessary as a lighthearted way to ease the tension (in a gallows humor sort of way).
Sources are important when it comes to determining credibility. However, you seem determined to argue meaningless minutiae in an attempt to undermine my credibility.
If you must:
I said very clearly that I had never heard the Prisoner of Mother England explanation of Pommy before. It came from an Australian friend of mine.
And yes I would consider Merriam Webster an authority…even here in the Colonial backwater that is the United States.
But there can be other authoritarian sources as well.
From Dictionary.com:
The Acronyms Dictionary section details the following:
What does POMS mean?
POMS is an acronym standing for for prisoners of mother England…it’s what Australians sometimes call the British.
It’s also a sports team dance squad that carries pom-poms.
There! Now we each have an authoritarian source. It only remains for us to argue over which source is more authoritarian.
We can do that while the Ukrainians continue to die.
Despite our difference of opinions I would not like to see anything happen to you or any other English cunter at the hands of the Russian Boogeyman.
There are of course exceptions; Fat Diane Abbott, Lord Queer, the London Khan, most of the Labor party, gangs of “effnick” groomers and indeed assorted members of the Royal family.
But in the opinion of many of us septics…it is long past time for us to revisit the relevance of the NATO alliance. This was Trump’ss point.
However, in the context of this thread and the discussion of Tucker Carlson’s opinion, it is important that we stay focused on Mr. Carlson’s opinion and not on some vague policy.
Tucker’s opinion was that the constant talk of including Ukraine in NATO was dangerous and irresponsible. He reasoned that a gigacunt like Putin would never stand for (a perceived) enemy troop presence…including nuclear weapons…on his doorstep.
He likened it to the Soviet / Cuban alliance that led to the Cuban missile crisis of the early 60’s. He reasoned that if that happened, a paranoid, immoral, power mad cunt like Putin would react just like that the American politicians did 9inference intended) and when threatened would bring the world to the brink of nuclear war (just like the American politicians did).
And despite common agreement that Putin is an evil Cunt…he (Carlson) maintained that Mad Vlad’s insistence that Ukraine never be admitted to NATO and the demand for a guarantee of said condition was in fact actually reasonable.
The US refused (rightly or wrongly) to give such a guarantee. They continued to keep that issue open and on the table even though no US politician seriously advocated for Ukraine’s admission to NATO.
Playing politics with that issue along with said refusal helped fuel Putz-in’s paranoia and in some way contributed to his decision to invade Ukraine.
In no way shape or form does this justify Vlad the Invader’s move into Ukraine. It simply illustrates the dangers and consequences of playing politics with a misguided, flawed and reckless policy. Especially, when dealing with evil cunts like Putin.
I hope this explanation brings this discussion back around to the topic.
The word you’re looking for is “authoritative”, not “authoritarian”. It wasn’t a typo; you made the same mistake three times. Perhaps you should pay closer attention next time you look at your Merriam Webster or indeed any other of your dictionary dotcoms.
I’d say that undermines your credibility pretty severely. This is not some arcane nicety of the ontology of semantics but a howling schoolboy error which a well-educated fifteen year-old should be ashamed of.
I appreciate the word but I’m afraid the implied characterization of me as wise is something some cunters will not agree with.
Actually, I knew that but it was a pure reflex to characterize him that way. I’m afraid in my old age the senior moments come more frequently and my vulgar reflexes are more difficult to control.
If I may borrow a quote you will recognize;
“…Asinine reflex. Idiotic. It won’t happen again. Endless apologies.”
As to the assertion that President Trump tried to blackmail Ukrainian President Zelensky, that lie has been told so many times it is now accepted and unchallenged as truth.
In point of fact, President Zelensky said it didn’t happen:
That the hero/savior of Democracy disputed the MSM propaganda has not stopped the ill informed mindless minions and their evil Progressive masters from saying it over and over and over and over again until they themselves believe it.
The transcript of Trump’s call to Zelensky is widely available to anyone who wants to read it. Basically, he asked the Ukrainians to cooperate with the US criminal investigation into the Bidens nefarious dealings in the Ukraine. (Not entirely unlike what the US did with your own government when investigating Randy Andy Windsor.)
Be that as it may, this is another falsehood put forth by the ill informed zombies of the hateful left.
Sure. US politicians telling grubby lies about each other are par for the course these days. Your democratic process is even dirtier than ours. Even the BBC agrees with the NYP’s story. No bother. How about Manafort’s pleasant and lucrative relations with Ukraine’s Party of Regions ? Not quite so easily dismissed, I think.
The Biden Crime family ties to the Ukraine are deep and wide. Aside from Hunter there is James and Sara Biden who received a mortgage loan from Ukrainian power broker, John Hynansky.
Most of us get mortgage loans through the bank. We use our credit history and the home value as collateral. Not James and Sarah Biden! They turn to political donors.
Politico is a notoriously left wing web site and even before the 2020 election they too were asking questions about the Biden family’s unseemly dealings in the Ukraine.
I’ll bet your lovable Auntie Beeb didn’t tell you about this beddie-bye story.
Your point is what exactly? Even if it happened, what does it prove, and does it give Russia the right to invade Ukraine. Even if a Ukrainian source did lend the money, it doesn’t seem to be helping them now, with the US remaining distant from the conflict, as usual (unless oil is involved)
In the limited context of this conversation, my point is…it did happened. The Biden family is corrupt. Ukraine was corrupt. The Biden family cashed on on Ukraine’s corruption.
The closeness of the Biden’s and the Ukrainian oligarchs…brought on by that corruption…and fueled by the US’s idiotic and disastrous foreign policy (vis a vis admitting Ukraine into NATO) contributed to Mad Vlad’s paranoia and may…I said MAY…have played a part in his decision to invade Ukraine.
This is in no way shape or form a justification for Putin’s invasion. It’s a condemnation of our idiot politicians, their misguided policies and their dangerous money making shenanigans.
By the way your remark about oil is sooooooooo pre-Great Reset. The Obamunists running the Biden Puppetcy want to do away with the consumption of oil. They’d be real happy if the supply of world wide oil dried up.
I am well aware that Ukraine was not admitted to NATO but perhaps I wasn’t clear.
The idiotic US policy was to use the admission of Ukraine into NATO as a bargaining position. In terms of Ukraine, it was…behave and we will admit you into NATO
With Russia it was used a club held over Putin;s head…behave or we will admit Ukraine into NATO.
No serious US politician ever considered admitting Ukraine into NATO. Nonetheless, those twin policies were fundamental talking points when dealing with both Ukraine and Russia.
(mediabiasfctcheck.com: – “We also rate them Mostly Factual in reporting, rather than High, due to not always aligning with the consensus of science when it comes to GMOs.”
Still, better than Fox. And thank you for pointing me in that direction. No wonder Putin loves Trump.
Viktor Shokin was the Prosecutor General of Ukraine. He was investigating charges of money laundering and corruption at the Ukrainian energy company Bursima. Hunter Biden served on the board of Burisma.
Obviously, this was a threat to the Biden Crime Family. So Biden did what any self respecting head of a criminal organization would do; he threatened and then bribed the Ukrainian government. Subsequently, Shokin was fired.
Here’s Joe bragging about extorting and then bribing the Ukrainian government…with US tax dollars.
Good evening GC, I believe there are other Demonrats’ children involved in Ukraine energy directorships. Namely Pelosi, Romney and some other cunt,(Kerry?), do you know if this is true?
I will answer this but let us remember this is a thread about that Giga cunt Putin and the violence in Ukraine.
Chris Heinze is John Kerry’s step son. He was involved with Hunter Biden and Burisma dealings.
According to the Washington Examiner (and other news sources) he was so disturbed by Hunters actions and dealings with Burisma in Ukraine that he dissolved his partnership with Hunter and refused to participate further.
According to many news sources…including your own Daily Mail and metro.co.uk Paul Pelosi is associated with no less than 5 different companies that are under investigation by the US government for bribery and fraud.
I don’t know the facts surrounding the Romney kids involvement. It has been alleged and denied and there seems to be little factual support for either side.
Russia says its unacceptable to have NATO on its border. Russia invades Ukraine, and gets closer to NATO.
Comrades, please ventilate the head of that plastic faced dictator you have fucking up your country, and the rest of the planet, and we can all breathe a little easier.
I think Zelenskyy will be hoping to get his hands on some Russian missile launchers, he seems desperate for some bombs to fall on NATO territory – ‘it’s only a matter of time’ ?
I could fit four 4man tents in my back garden,
At £350 a head times 16 thats £5600.?
But if ive got to feed them as well, thats a sack of Bartlett spuds a week and a few heads of cabbage,
Suppose id have to hire a portaloo?
Cuts into any profit.
Im all about helping till it hits my pockets!
Some of the women look absolute crackers but I think they all stayed to fight the Russians! Only sent us the kids and old people. I filled in a form for Fiddler, generously letting out the spare rooms of Fiddler Towers, I wonder if you can get Ukrainian subtitles on Talking Pictures for those afternoon Terry-Thomas film marathons?
Anyone strong enough to consider the possibility of reality differing from their cosy little information bubble – either side’s – might care to try The Conversation:
(mediabiasfactcheck.com) ” rates The Conversation Least Biased based on covering both the right-center and left-center politically, as well as covering evidence-based topics. We also rate them Very High for factual reporting due to excellent sourcing of information and a clean fact check record. In fact, The Conversation is an IFCN fact-checker.”
I await the assurance by the cunter who maintained Russia never invaded anywhere (gave me a big cunty chuckle, that did) that Russia never uses chemical or biological weapons. That should work!
She has already been carted off to a police station. A brave girl. She says that she is now ashamed for having spouted Pukin’s lies for the past ten years.
I may be being stupid but Ukraine have access to MiG-29 aircraft. Russia might have air superiority but surely they can get a few up and flying into Russia?
The MiG-29 range is 1,430 km (888.6 miles). The middle of Ukraine to Moscow is 723 miles. If unhindered they could bomb the shit out of the Kremlin complex in Moscow. It would be a one way trip for the pilot but surely they could eject out or something. Hopefully the Russians would be so drunk they wouldn’t recognise the plane from one of their own.
The aircraft can carry up to two R-27 air-to-air medium-range missiles; six R-73 and R-60 air-to-air short range missiles; four pods of S-5, S-8, S-24 unguided rockets; air bombs weighing up to 3,000kg; and 30mm built-in aircraft gun with 150 rounds of ammunition.
“Russia might have air superiority but surely they can get a few up and flying into Russia?”
They’d be targetted the moment they left the ground… and the S400 system can engage at 400km! The S500 (capable of hypersonic interception) is scheduled for deployment in 2024.
Fact checkers? I second RTC (King of patisseries) that one’s own bullshit detector, back in my garage, (for those who know) works better than these so-called fact checkers.
Who da fook came up with fact checker in the first place? Its a stooge thing,here’s a snippet about fact checkers, pertaining to Zuckerborg/blandpastywheyfacedshitcunt fact checker shills.
It’s all a massive fucking lie, wake the fuck up and acknowledge. https://nypost.com/2021/12/14/facebook-admits-the-truth-fact-checks-are-really-just-lefty-opinion/
Aha! I found it. Here it is in all it’s beautiful glory – NA.
Nice to see you and the NYP (prop, Rupert Murdoch, no axes to grind there ) take Facebook as your authority,
Still, some here might want to read an alternative narrative to the one emanating from Moscow’s principled and not at all murderous truthsayers. The ones who brought us Poms some Novichok…Here ya go:
Komodo, I don’t use Wankerbook for information, Zuckerbergs minions capitulated in court ,admitting it was not a fact check but an opinion.
They are losers. Liars. Wrong.
This sites algorithms need a fucking good cunting, my beautifully worded response died a death. It’s anybody else’s fault but mine.
Fuck off.
What algorithms would they be then? Not seen your “beautifully worded response” in the moderated queue. You’re not being automatically binned either. As Toyah once said, “It’s a Mystery” – NA.
In an earlier post I advised members of this august body that evidence of US funded bio labs would surface. I was asked to provide proof of that statement (Japseye Gutstick). I showed a clip of US Senator Marco Rubio questioning Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland and a clip of Tucker Carlson making his case for said bio labs.
For many that “evidence” was less than convincing.
Tulsi Gabbard is a former member of the US House of Representatives from Hawaii. She is a Democrat who ran in the primary for President. She is a former member of the US National guard who served 2 tours of duty…one in Iraq and another in Kuwait…and is currently a Lt. Col. in the US Army Reserve.
After viewing this video Republican US Senator (Utah) and failed Presidential candidate Mitt Romney labeled her post traitorous. Some US television pundits have called for her to be prosecuted for treason for repeating Russian talking points.
I leave it you Pommy cunters to decide for yourselves if (a) this is proof of the aforementioned bio labs and (b) if this is indeed treason.
Apparently, YouTube will not allow that video to be shared. If you go to YouTube and search “Tulsi Gabbard biolabs” I think you can find it.
If you are on Face Book I think you can still see it there.
In the meantime I had some trouble finding an objective link that would show the text of what she said. I don’t know this site but it shows some of the relevant text without much editorial content.
Dear NA, I’d like to think all my posts are beautifully worded but it’s all subjective. It just depends who Mr Benn is coping with on the day.
I do wonder why, after 2 years of incompetence and bullshit ,folks still lap up the narrative.
Yes,civilians are dying, where was the virtue signalling for Libyans, Iraqis, Yemenis etc,is it because they’re further away and no nukes to threaten our docile,soft, existence?
People,common people suffer and we wring our hands and fret about our selfish needs.
Load of mawkish,pansy wank.
If I’m totally honest, the main reason I voted for Brexit is because lots of the towns and cities I grew up around have become infested with Eastern Euro Trash.
I’m not saying the people fleeing are bad though and my heart goes out to the innocents caught up in this..
As for all the politicians and other excrement, they can all suck a disk for all I care…ALL of them.
That’s the issue, all these do gooders who want to bring thousands, even hundreds of thousands seem to forget we have 6 million EU citizens here with the vast majority from the very countries bordering Ukraine. Almost double the government estimate when they introduced registration to remain after Brexit, they don’t mention Poland’s population dropping by a million, and that’s just the ones here, you can bet there will be a lot in Germany as well.
Just wait for the overseas aid budget shooting back up to 0.7%, some labour effnick more on the box today ‘the vast majority of the British public support restoring the 0.7%’, yes I am fucking sure they do with rising fuel and food prices, fuck that!
Slightly off topic but as conspiracies have been mentioned…
The pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the economy, immigration, sky high prices and taxes, the climate, men in skirts and men in female sport and children told they are racist and/or should change gender. We lurch from one crisis to another and fifty shades of versions of truth and lies are everywhere you look. If there is something nefarious going on, or whatever you think is going on, there’s nothing we can do about it anyway. Even the Bible says there will a great ‘pharmakeia’ deception, then a tribulation, Mark of the Beast system and all that in the last days. So it is written in the stars then; nuffink we can do. Wasn’t there a post about looking after your own ‘garden’ a while back? Might as well, its a nightmare out there.
The conspiracy people tell me to look forward to a microchip in the arm/Mark of the Beast, social credit score, digital currency, universal income and stuck in the MetaVerse all day with breaks to munch on Soylent Green, I mean plant burgers. Does it really sound that bad?
No.The great re set is in 8 years.I despair
Agree that the last few years have been an eye opener.
Covid, it’s hard to place it on a conspiracy list, if it was it was a bad idea.
I would stay that the EU formally the common market has been an ongoing conspiracy ‘the United sates of Europe’, that is why they were so pissed off that we left.
The war in Ukraine, the bear is hungry and making a fucking big breakfast.
Where will it all end, just waiting for a few missiles to land in Poland, by mistake obviously ….. WWIII
I think if there was a global conspiracy to control us, World War would be a good platform, a brave new world for whoever is left at the end of it.
All good points, Cuntologist.
Having to cope with the fall out (no pun intended) of the Ukraine situation following on the heels of the bloody Covid is indeed galling.
The world is lacking in strong leadership. I believe that’s at the heart of what is going on. If Covid taught us anything, it’s that our so called leaders and experts do not have all the answers and make it up as they go along. Getting elected to high political office does not bestow upon you hyper intelligence, problem solving skills the like of which you’ve never known before or divine wisdom to know what the solution is to navigate out of any given problem situation. Bottom line, they’re no better than your average joe. And yet the masses hang on their words and wait to be told what to do.
If the world was so concerned about Ukraine, it would have helped it stock pile huge weapons caches in response to the Russian military build up on the border. Basically sending a message to the Ivans – step foot on our property and we’ll unleash this lot on you and that won’t end well – oh yes, see those big shiny missiles over there with the glowing war heads? – Yeah, they’re aimed at Moscow – now fuck off.
Instead, the world waited for the inevitable to happen and are now all ‘shock and horror’ and ‘we can’t believe it’.
Then we have that cunt Gove pledging £10K per Ukrainian refugee. Where’s that money coming from? Funny how masses amounts of cash can be found when it suits, but at the same time ignore NHS waiting lists, the homeless, repairing infrastructure, etc.
And have those sanctions stopped the Russian war machine yet? It’s all bollocks. The bully in the playground does what he likes and the rest of us tut and mumble under our breath. Same old same old. As Blur once said, Modern Life is Rubbish.
It’s great for those at the top of the pyramid.
Choose, Miles.
Miles = soldier?
Plastic = Czech Semtex?
I wonder.
I think he has banned himself from this thread for fear of loosing his sanity
Not a believer in sky fairies myself, but I do wish the Pope would shut the fuck up.
Given what his church has been guilty of, he’s in no position to mouth off about anything.
Maybe Chunky should start his own band. Chunky and the Icke Alikes has a good ring to it.
Goading people can be a risky business,O.C…just saying.
Eh, he’s earned it given the number of times he’s crossed the line before.
Up to you of course,O.C …and I’m all too aware that I’m possibly the last person who should be warning anyone about “goading”… personally I enjoy a right good set-to..but be aware that it’s difficult to complain about personal attacks if they are being deliberately provoked.
Is Chunky another Flat Earther?
Future 1:
Boris rolls out the new biosecurity state where you can’t go anywhere or do anything unless you let Bill Gates and Pfizer inject you with their latest warp speed vaccine.
Watch as your homeland turns into a massive refugee camp.
Enjoy the sights and sounds of Islamic rape gangs and terror cells doing their thing with increasing frequency.
Get used to freezing your tits off because Boris says affordable heating is a crime against net zero.
Watch as the price of everything skyrockets thanks to government looting.
Trans everything.
See just how thick your own people are as they vote Tory/Labour again.
Future 2:
A bloody great big flash of light and then it’s done.
I’m going to have to give it some thought……
‘affordable heating is a crime against net zero’
It may seem this a bit far afield of the topic, but I feel compelled to respond to Gutstick’s earlier post.
Far from being the traitorous, propagandist GJ claims he, Tucker Carlson is the most watched cable news host in America. This is a statement of fact as supported by TVNewser…an impartial website that tracks Cable Television viewer ratings in America.
There are at least 3 stories from last week on this page that confirms that fact.
Because he refuses to go along with their story lines, and calls them out on their false narratives, he is reviled and vilified by the liberal media, the progressive elites and the establishment government types.
If you pommies chose to view him through the prism of BBC and the Guardian misinformation, then perhaps you no more enlightened than the ill informed septics you look down on with such disdain.
The reality is millions of Americans watch him for his insightful viewpoints and not because he is a traitor.
Tucker Jenkins?
Too be honest we need a few more Tucker Carlson’s in the UK – someone who will push against the stifling woke agenda of the BBC and other news outlets. GB News has a few candidates and I suppose the closest we have is Nigel Farage.
The closest we have is Carl Benjamin and associates on YouTube’s “The podcast of the Lotus Eaters”.
I watch Tucker Carlson most days-remember he used to be very Pro -Democrat in his politics-then he saw what was really happening in American/global politics/geopolitics.
Well shit!
That link takes us to a subscription page and a 2005 headline. All I can do in support of my point is suggest you “google” Tucker Carlson ratings and read it for yourself.
I think you are confusing popular with factual. Popular means nothing. Old Adolf was pretty popular, and before someone wets themselves I’m not comparing Carlson with Hitler.
I have no idea what the BBC or other news organisations think of him. I’ve watched a few of his videos and he seemed a reasonable enough guy, but lately he’s been commenting on things and I think he’s completely wrong in his assumptions and he is expressing them as facts.
This is not the same as liking someone until they piss you off then call them cunts. This is seeing someone push supposition at best and lies at worst as fact. And that is wrong regardless of what I think of them.
I’m not confusing anything. You stated that many “septics” view Carlson as a Lord Haw Haw type.
I’m merely pointing out that your statement is manifestly false on it’s face and supporting it with viewer data.
I think you have me wrong. I said to me he comes across as a Lord Haw Haw, or as Americans will remember Axis Sally, who was the American version of William Joyce. It wasn’t anything to do with popularity, it was to do with a home citizen broadcasting enemy propaganda.
Hey Gutstick,
Perhaps I do have you wrong. I know your opinion is sincere and please accept my apology.
I think part of this is a misunderstanding that has to do with our characterizations of Tucker’s comments. Obviously, you see them as enemy propaganda. And you have that right. And you may be correct.
I see them as the dissent from the officially sanctioned Government truth. And if you dissent from the official government truth, then you are an enemy subversive and must be destroyed.
In short it comes down to this…I just don’t see Tucker as a Putin stooge. But in point of fact…I’ve been wrong before and I’ll be wrong again.
No problem GC, no offence meant and none taken. Nothing better than a civilised debate. I could be wrong too, and will definitely apologise if that’s the case.
Sometimes I ask people for evidence of the things that they post, some because the stuff is so outlandish and ridiculous I fancy a laugh, and even then I genuinely want to see what that person considers evidence enough to base their opinions on.
Other times, like your post, I was intrigued and wanted to see for myself what the story was, and thank you for the reply.
I will always be respectful of people’s opinions if they are respectful of mine. Some people take offence if you ask them for proof, and I’m glad you’re not one of them.
I tend not to worry about stuff beyond my control. This may because I’m a sociopath, and owt that isn’t about me is irrelevant.
But to be serious, if I worried about everything that might go wrong, I’d go insane.
I can’t stop the inevitable, like dying, I just hope it doesn’t hurt. I’d like to cuddle my great grandchild, but if the gradly lass don’t want kids, tough but I’ll live.
I hope the invasion of the Ukraine ends soon, but if Putin goes totally tonto and presses the red button…
Bye world. It’s been a riot!
Perhaps Boris’s decision to increase our stockpile of nuclear warheads was prescient?
Seriously, I think Vlad the Invader would be mad to push the world to the brink of nuclear war. He knows Russia would get a payload in return. I don’t think he’s that insane.
I think he is.
If not mad, he’s certainly bad enough. He’s the type of dangerous cunt who if they can’t get their way will be more than happy to destroy the rest of the world with himself.
Let’s hope someone in the Kremlin grows a spine and gives him the bullet.
Apparently he has 100billion in the bank why would he blow up the world and be a ruler of dust and dirt with nothing to spend it on.
Anyway if it does go down I’m going out Pacino/scarface style.
Say hello to my little friend sniiiiiiiiiiiif!!!!!!!!!!
$200billion, actually.
If he got anywhere near the red button – and, I’m not convinced, even in Putin’s Russia, that he can “go it alone”, I am pd certain that any launch is up to military top-brass, with Putin’s permission. If P ORDERS, and the military disagree, I don’t think we will go nuclear.
?? The men in white coats may well come for him, hee-hee, ha-ha.
I do see your POV, Jeezum. This was made for you, I think –
Thank you.
Thank you, Komodo.
That’s exactly it.
I do hope I live long enough for my life to “flash” before death, but only the good bits.
Images of me vomiting into someone’s shrubbery at 17 are not flattering!
Evening Jeezum.
You are very wise not to worry about stuff beyond your control, it’s nothing to do with being a sociopath, which I am quite sure you are not. Sociopaths are unable feel empathy, your recent post where you wept at the sight of the little Ukranian girl singing to the refugees in the subway spoke volumes of your ability to experience empathy. I used to be in the business of trick cycling, some common traits of a sociopath include:
Lack of empathy for others
Impulsive behavior
Absence of feelings of guilt
Not understanding the difference between right and wrong.
Constant lying or deception.
Violating the rights of others through dishonest actions.
Superficial charm, used to manipulate others
Not learning from mistakes or punishment
Generally have superficial relationships
Deffo not me, but can you be a partial sociopath?
Maybe I’m a bit on “the spectrum”?
You know, Aspergers or sumat?
And Ta, Ruff.
Good evening to you.
Hahahaha ?
That made me laugh JP!
Not really. Sociopaths and psychopaths are notoriously lacking in self awareness. You are clearly interested in what makes you tick, sociopaths are only interested in what furthers their selfish ends. Most hardcore conspiracy theorists are sociopaths in my opinion.
Aspergers and autism are a whole different kettle of fish, although some traits may overlap.
I think my problem, then, is I lack imagination.
I refuse to terrify myself by thinking about stuff that may never happen.
I just want to live my remaining years NOT in a home, die painlessly and hope my daughters obey the will.
I’ve had it re done. The gradly lass gets the lot, apart from 10k to each of those lacking twits.
Meghan Markle, in other words.
PS: Of course, it is right to be aware of stuff happening beyond our control, but a complete waste of emotional energy worrying about it.
Vital that we conserve our energy for things we actually can do something about.
Bang on target.
I worry about fuck all JP.
If something is out of your control and nowt you can do about it, why fret?
Its wasted energy.
Things have a way of working themselves out without me meddling.
Have to admit one of my greatest fears is ending up in an old people’s home. I would sooner top myself (I’ve made plans for that contingency) than allow that to happen. I am fortunate in that my missus is 14 years my junior and in good health, mind you when I’m gone there’ll be no-one to look after her cos we have no children (by choice). That said, she’ll probably be alright because she’s a lot more easy going about cunts than I am…
One of my grandmas, with Alzheimer’s, had to go into a home. During a lucid moment when my sister was visiting, she was asked if she’d like anything…
“A length of rope, so I can hang myself.”
Truly tragic.
I don’t think us ‘pommies’ (or did you mean, ‘limeys’?) pay a lot of attention to Fox. Speaking personally, I’d say it’s as much a comforting echo chamber for yourTrumpist Right as the BBC is for our Islington Left, and requires as much scepticism. In the interest of balance, allow me to offer:
At which point the discussion predictably descends into abuse of our disparate news sources.
Mediabiasfactcheck.com has for Fox:
“We rate Fox News strongly Right-Biased due to editorial positions and story selection that favors the right. We also rate them Mixed factually and borderline Questionable based on poor sourcing and the spreading of conspiracy theories.”
While for Mother Jones, the source of the above link, it has:
“Overall, we rate Mother Jones strongly Left-Center biased based on story selection that moderately favors the left and High for factual reporting due to thorough sourcing and a clean fact check record.”
Regardless of my politics, where should I go for facts? Mmm?
No I meant Pommies. (My dad’s generation used Limey.) An Australian friend of mine taught me that word. He claimed all the sheep shaggers were tagged with the handle P.O.M.E.(Prisoner of Mother England) while in transit to the penal colonies. (I’d never heard this before).
In some warped sort of way this morphed into Pommy as slang for an English person.
I really don’t get it but I like how it sounds. Besides it is commonly used by the Aussies, the Kiwis and in other parts of the Commonwealth.
The fact that Tucker Carlson pointed out the inherent dangers of a misguided and dangerous US foreign policy is not traitorous. The fact that his valid points were picked up by the Russians does not mean he is subversive a tool of Putin.
We live in an era when any opinion that deviates from the government narrative…no mater how truthful that opinion may be…is deemed subversive misinformation.
It is his opinion that his country’s policy is dangerous and misguided. This echoes Trump’s own opinion that the US would be better out of NATO. I can see why he believes this, although splendid isolation is not the recipe for Making America Great Again, and the Chinese will be pissing themselves laughing at this.
But as the only credible defender of my personal safety from maniacs like Putin is NATO – with half a dozen nukes and microscopic army, we can’t do it on our own – I am obliged to disagree.
This threat is a whole lot closer for me than you. Even now I would rather my country’s policy were tied to America’s than Russia’s. Though if Trump manages to reinstall himself (don’t expect anyone else to get in afterwards) I might well have to change my mind.
Allegedly – According to Merriam Webster (I’m assuming that qualifies as the authority in the US)
“History and Etymology for Pommy
by shortening & alteration from pomegranate, alteration of Jimmy Grant, rhyming slang for immigrant”
Not a lot of people know that….
Hello Komodo,
This thread is supposed to be about Ukraine. I think some veering off topic is natural. Due to the nature of human discourse, I think some is unavoidable. And despite the serious nature of this thread some is necessary as a lighthearted way to ease the tension (in a gallows humor sort of way).
Sources are important when it comes to determining credibility. However, you seem determined to argue meaningless minutiae in an attempt to undermine my credibility.
If you must:
I said very clearly that I had never heard the Prisoner of Mother England explanation of Pommy before. It came from an Australian friend of mine.
And yes I would consider Merriam Webster an authority…even here in the Colonial backwater that is the United States.
But there can be other authoritarian sources as well.
From Dictionary.com:
The Acronyms Dictionary section details the following:
What does POMS mean?
POMS is an acronym standing for for prisoners of mother England…it’s what Australians sometimes call the British.
It’s also a sports team dance squad that carries pom-poms.
There! Now we each have an authoritarian source. It only remains for us to argue over which source is more authoritarian.
We can do that while the Ukrainians continue to die.
Hello again Komodo,
Despite our difference of opinions I would not like to see anything happen to you or any other English cunter at the hands of the Russian Boogeyman.
There are of course exceptions; Fat Diane Abbott, Lord Queer, the London Khan, most of the Labor party, gangs of “effnick” groomers and indeed assorted members of the Royal family.
But in the opinion of many of us septics…it is long past time for us to revisit the relevance of the NATO alliance. This was Trump’ss point.
However, in the context of this thread and the discussion of Tucker Carlson’s opinion, it is important that we stay focused on Mr. Carlson’s opinion and not on some vague policy.
Tucker’s opinion was that the constant talk of including Ukraine in NATO was dangerous and irresponsible. He reasoned that a gigacunt like Putin would never stand for (a perceived) enemy troop presence…including nuclear weapons…on his doorstep.
He likened it to the Soviet / Cuban alliance that led to the Cuban missile crisis of the early 60’s. He reasoned that if that happened, a paranoid, immoral, power mad cunt like Putin would react just like that the American politicians did 9inference intended) and when threatened would bring the world to the brink of nuclear war (just like the American politicians did).
And despite common agreement that Putin is an evil Cunt…he (Carlson) maintained that Mad Vlad’s insistence that Ukraine never be admitted to NATO and the demand for a guarantee of said condition was in fact actually reasonable.
The US refused (rightly or wrongly) to give such a guarantee. They continued to keep that issue open and on the table even though no US politician seriously advocated for Ukraine’s admission to NATO.
Playing politics with that issue along with said refusal helped fuel Putz-in’s paranoia and in some way contributed to his decision to invade Ukraine.
In no way shape or form does this justify Vlad the Invader’s move into Ukraine. It simply illustrates the dangers and consequences of playing politics with a misguided, flawed and reckless policy. Especially, when dealing with evil cunts like Putin.
I hope this explanation brings this discussion back around to the topic.
My other response is in moderation.
The word you’re looking for is “authoritative”, not “authoritarian”. It wasn’t a typo; you made the same mistake three times. Perhaps you should pay closer attention next time you look at your Merriam Webster or indeed any other of your dictionary dotcoms.
I’d say that undermines your credibility pretty severely. This is not some arcane nicety of the ontology of semantics but a howling schoolboy error which a well-educated fifteen year-old should be ashamed of.
Hello Ewan,
Thanks for your input. Your remarks prove the old adage;
“If you can’t win the argument, correct their grammar instead.”
I’m flattered and I appreciate your validation.
Evening General. A word to the wise:
Qüeer is a moderation trigger word.
Hey Ruff,
I appreciate the word but I’m afraid the implied characterization of me as wise is something some cunters will not agree with.
Actually, I knew that but it was a pure reflex to characterize him that way. I’m afraid in my old age the senior moments come more frequently and my vulgar reflexes are more difficult to control.
If I may borrow a quote you will recognize;
“…Asinine reflex. Idiotic. It won’t happen again. Endless apologies.”
Nice one General. I remember it well. Filmed during one of my brief sojourns from the Village, when Nigel Stock stood in for me.
Be seeing you. ?
As to the assertion that President Trump tried to blackmail Ukrainian President Zelensky, that lie has been told so many times it is now accepted and unchallenged as truth.
In point of fact, President Zelensky said it didn’t happen:
That the hero/savior of Democracy disputed the MSM propaganda has not stopped the ill informed mindless minions and their evil Progressive masters from saying it over and over and over and over again until they themselves believe it.
The transcript of Trump’s call to Zelensky is widely available to anyone who wants to read it. Basically, he asked the Ukrainians to cooperate with the US criminal investigation into the Bidens nefarious dealings in the Ukraine. (Not entirely unlike what the US did with your own government when investigating Randy Andy Windsor.)
Be that as it may, this is another falsehood put forth by the ill informed zombies of the hateful left.
Sure. US politicians telling grubby lies about each other are par for the course these days. Your democratic process is even dirtier than ours. Even the BBC agrees with the NYP’s story. No bother. How about Manafort’s pleasant and lucrative relations with Ukraine’s Party of Regions ? Not quite so easily dismissed, I think.
The Biden Crime family ties to the Ukraine are deep and wide. Aside from Hunter there is James and Sara Biden who received a mortgage loan from Ukrainian power broker, John Hynansky.
Most of us get mortgage loans through the bank. We use our credit history and the home value as collateral. Not James and Sarah Biden! They turn to political donors.
Politico is a notoriously left wing web site and even before the 2020 election they too were asking questions about the Biden family’s unseemly dealings in the Ukraine.
I’ll bet your lovable Auntie Beeb didn’t tell you about this beddie-bye story.
Your point is what exactly? Even if it happened, what does it prove, and does it give Russia the right to invade Ukraine. Even if a Ukrainian source did lend the money, it doesn’t seem to be helping them now, with the US remaining distant from the conflict, as usual (unless oil is involved)
In the limited context of this conversation, my point is…it did happened. The Biden family is corrupt. Ukraine was corrupt. The Biden family cashed on on Ukraine’s corruption.
The closeness of the Biden’s and the Ukrainian oligarchs…brought on by that corruption…and fueled by the US’s idiotic and disastrous foreign policy (vis a vis admitting Ukraine into NATO) contributed to Mad Vlad’s paranoia and may…I said MAY…have played a part in his decision to invade Ukraine.
This is in no way shape or form a justification for Putin’s invasion. It’s a condemnation of our idiot politicians, their misguided policies and their dangerous money making shenanigans.
By the way your remark about oil is sooooooooo pre-Great Reset. The Obamunists running the Biden Puppetcy want to do away with the consumption of oil. They’d be real happy if the supply of world wide oil dried up.
“the US’s idiotic and disastrous foreign policy (vis a vis admitting Ukraine into NATO)”
Ukraine has not been admitted into NATO.
Good morning.
More’s the pity for Ukraine and the rest of Europe, and possibly the world.
Good morning Minge,
I am well aware that Ukraine was not admitted to NATO but perhaps I wasn’t clear.
The idiotic US policy was to use the admission of Ukraine into NATO as a bargaining position. In terms of Ukraine, it was…behave and we will admit you into NATO
With Russia it was used a club held over Putin;s head…behave or we will admit Ukraine into NATO.
No serious US politician ever considered admitting Ukraine into NATO. Nonetheless, those twin policies were fundamental talking points when dealing with both Ukraine and Russia.
Thank you for the clarification.
Oh dear. Thought we were talking about Ukraine, not your domestic problems. Your reticence re. fraudster Paul Manafort is telling.
Maybe you’ve forgotten:
(mediabiasfctcheck.com: – “We also rate them Mostly Factual in reporting, rather than High, due to not always aligning with the consensus of science when it comes to GMOs.”
Still, better than Fox. And thank you for pointing me in that direction. No wonder Putin loves Trump.
In my experience, as long as you have a well honed Crap Detector you won’t go too far wrong.
Words of wisdom from the Lord of Pastries.
Evening General, welcome back to the madhouse.
Thanks. I’ve only posted for a couple of days in this one thread…but I do seem to have “stepped in it” as it were.
Like Covid there are strong opinions on a multitude of different fronts General.
Viktor Shokin was the Prosecutor General of Ukraine. He was investigating charges of money laundering and corruption at the Ukrainian energy company Bursima. Hunter Biden served on the board of Burisma.
Obviously, this was a threat to the Biden Crime Family. So Biden did what any self respecting head of a criminal organization would do; he threatened and then bribed the Ukrainian government. Subsequently, Shokin was fired.
Here’s Joe bragging about extorting and then bribing the Ukrainian government…with US tax dollars.
This video has been taken down. What a surprise.
I think its still available to view on YouTube, but you really have to search hard.
Maybe our good friend Techno will help?
Which would be kind.
Oy vey…!
Not a problem though, as I’ve posted in every Biden cunting it’s all recorded for posterity in…
CORNPOP’S REVENGE – The Biden Crime Family (42mins)
“Cornpop was a bad dude!…” ????
I’ve got the link to the full N.A.B.U. audios somewhere (6 fucking hours of it)
Good evening GC, I believe there are other Demonrats’ children involved in Ukraine energy directorships. Namely Pelosi, Romney and some other cunt,(Kerry?), do you know if this is true?
Good evening Morello,
I will answer this but let us remember this is a thread about that Giga cunt Putin and the violence in Ukraine.
Chris Heinze is John Kerry’s step son. He was involved with Hunter Biden and Burisma dealings.
According to the Washington Examiner (and other news sources) he was so disturbed by Hunters actions and dealings with Burisma in Ukraine that he dissolved his partnership with Hunter and refused to participate further.
According to many news sources…including your own Daily Mail and metro.co.uk Paul Pelosi is associated with no less than 5 different companies that are under investigation by the US government for bribery and fraud.
I don’t know the facts surrounding the Romney kids involvement. It has been alleged and denied and there seems to be little factual support for either side.
Let us be complete and factual when citing our sources:
Nation of Change’s tag line is; “Progressive News and Activism.”
And the complete media accuracy assessment (which is from October 2020) rates them as far left bias:
But, as I clearly indicated before, much more factual than Faux News. (low bar)
I happily accept rightwing sites with good ratings for factuality. But Trump’s toadies don’t generally qualify.
Oh yeah!
Well my conservative news network, can kick your liberal’s news network’s namby pamby, fake news ass any day!
So there!
Russia says its unacceptable to have NATO on its border. Russia invades Ukraine, and gets closer to NATO.
Comrades, please ventilate the head of that plastic faced dictator you have fucking up your country, and the rest of the planet, and we can all breathe a little easier.
The West appased Russia by refusing to admit Ukraine into NATO. That worked out well, didn’t it?
Someone in the West didn’t get the message: Appeasement never works.
The West appeased… ?
I think Zelenskyy will be hoping to get his hands on some Russian missile launchers, he seems desperate for some bombs to fall on NATO territory – ‘it’s only a matter of time’ ?
Has anyone put their name in the pot to host a Ukrainian refugee, I don’t my specifications for ‘a guest’ will get through the vetting process ?
don’t think
Is it £350 a head?
Or per family?
And is it self catering?
I barely feed my kids so im not spending a bundle on bloody pickled cabbage and vodka for some fuckin foreigners!!*
*No matter how deserving
No problem, MNC, if there’s still a Polski shop in your neighbourhood. It’s essentially the same peasant trough.
Though the pork products may be better.
Not sure, £350 a month would be ok for one but not a family of 3 or 4 ?
I could fit four 4man tents in my back garden,
At £350 a head times 16 thats £5600.?
But if ive got to feed them as well, thats a sack of Bartlett spuds a week and a few heads of cabbage,
Suppose id have to hire a portaloo?
Cuts into any profit.
Im all about helping till it hits my pockets!
Some of the women look absolute crackers but I think they all stayed to fight the Russians! Only sent us the kids and old people. I filled in a form for Fiddler, generously letting out the spare rooms of Fiddler Towers, I wonder if you can get Ukrainian subtitles on Talking Pictures for those afternoon Terry-Thomas film marathons?
On BBC today “How to spot false posts from Ukraine”:
Why waste a whole page on reporting this the answer is simple: If the website had “BBC” in the address its fake news!
Anyone strong enough to consider the possibility of reality differing from their cosy little information bubble – either side’s – might care to try The Conversation:
(mediabiasfactcheck.com) ” rates The Conversation Least Biased based on covering both the right-center and left-center politically, as well as covering evidence-based topics. We also rate them Very High for factual reporting due to excellent sourcing of information and a clean fact check record. In fact, The Conversation is an IFCN fact-checker.”
I await the assurance by the cunter who maintained Russia never invaded anywhere (gave me a big cunty chuckle, that did) that Russia never uses chemical or biological weapons. That should work!
This august body spends a lot of time identifying someone Is a Cunt. Can we depart from the norm and recognize someone who Is NOT a Cunt.
A Russian protester crashed a state run news program to denounce the war in Ukraine. I believe her name is Marina Ovsyannikova.
Here’s the story;
Sometimes someone does something to restore my faith in humanity.
Bra-fucking-vo! You got some serious ovaries girl!
She has already been carted off to a police station. A brave girl. She says that she is now ashamed for having spouted Pukin’s lies for the past ten years.
…would have had even more coverage if she’d have whipped her norks out!
I may be being stupid but Ukraine have access to MiG-29 aircraft. Russia might have air superiority but surely they can get a few up and flying into Russia?
The MiG-29 range is 1,430 km (888.6 miles). The middle of Ukraine to Moscow is 723 miles. If unhindered they could bomb the shit out of the Kremlin complex in Moscow. It would be a one way trip for the pilot but surely they could eject out or something. Hopefully the Russians would be so drunk they wouldn’t recognise the plane from one of their own.
The aircraft can carry up to two R-27 air-to-air medium-range missiles; six R-73 and R-60 air-to-air short range missiles; four pods of S-5, S-8, S-24 unguided rockets; air bombs weighing up to 3,000kg; and 30mm built-in aircraft gun with 150 rounds of ammunition.
“Russia might have air superiority but surely they can get a few up and flying into Russia?”
They’d be targetted the moment they left the ground… and the S400 system can engage at 400km! The S500 (capable of hypersonic interception) is scheduled for deployment in 2024.
Fact checkers? I second RTC (King of patisseries) that one’s own bullshit detector, back in my garage, (for those who know) works better than these so-called fact checkers.
Who da fook came up with fact checker in the first place? Its a stooge thing,here’s a snippet about fact checkers, pertaining to Zuckerborg/blandpastywheyfacedshitcunt fact checker shills.
It’s all a massive fucking lie, wake the fuck up and acknowledge.
Aha! I found it. Here it is in all it’s beautiful glory – NA.
Nice to see you and the NYP (prop, Rupert Murdoch, no axes to grind there ) take Facebook as your authority,
Still, some here might want to read an alternative narrative to the one emanating from Moscow’s principled and not at all murderous truthsayers. The ones who brought us Poms some Novichok…Here ya go:
You don’t like the BBC? I don’t like the NYP. The one deserves the other.
Komodo, I don’t use Wankerbook for information, Zuckerbergs minions capitulated in court ,admitting it was not a fact check but an opinion.
They are losers. Liars. Wrong.
This sites algorithms need a fucking good cunting, my beautifully worded response died a death. It’s anybody else’s fault but mine.
Fuck off.
What algorithms would they be then? Not seen your “beautifully worded response” in the moderated queue. You’re not being automatically binned either. As Toyah once said, “It’s a Mystery” – NA.
Christ, ISAC must have gone high tech since my day…
In an earlier post I advised members of this august body that evidence of US funded bio labs would surface. I was asked to provide proof of that statement (Japseye Gutstick). I showed a clip of US Senator Marco Rubio questioning Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland and a clip of Tucker Carlson making his case for said bio labs.
For many that “evidence” was less than convincing.
Tulsi Gabbard is a former member of the US House of Representatives from Hawaii. She is a Democrat who ran in the primary for President. She is a former member of the US National guard who served 2 tours of duty…one in Iraq and another in Kuwait…and is currently a Lt. Col. in the US Army Reserve.
This video was posted today.
After viewing this video Republican US Senator (Utah) and failed Presidential candidate Mitt Romney labeled her post traitorous. Some US television pundits have called for her to be prosecuted for treason for repeating Russian talking points.
I leave it you Pommy cunters to decide for yourselves if (a) this is proof of the aforementioned bio labs and (b) if this is indeed treason.
Apparently, YouTube will not allow that video to be shared. If you go to YouTube and search “Tulsi Gabbard biolabs” I think you can find it.
If you are on Face Book I think you can still see it there.
In the meantime I had some trouble finding an objective link that would show the text of what she said. I don’t know this site but it shows some of the relevant text without much editorial content.
You can in fact see the video on this website.
Dear NA, I’d like to think all my posts are beautifully worded but it’s all subjective. It just depends who Mr Benn is coping with on the day.
I do wonder why, after 2 years of incompetence and bullshit ,folks still lap up the narrative.
Yes,civilians are dying, where was the virtue signalling for Libyans, Iraqis, Yemenis etc,is it because they’re further away and no nukes to threaten our docile,soft, existence?
People,common people suffer and we wring our hands and fret about our selfish needs.
Load of mawkish,pansy wank.
I can only imagine some of the homes that are signing up for this £350 to house a Pavel scheme.
Sorry Boris, with massive increases in fuel, heating, NI, Food and all the tax you take off me per year you can go fuck yourself.
In all honesty, I’m less than interested even though I have two spare bedrooms.
Plus don’t forget the cost of upping your insurance cover in case a fire accidentally breaks out:
I would lose my 25% reduction on council tax, so unless they can offer me a fit 25 year old who is gagging for it….
If I’m totally honest, the main reason I voted for Brexit is because lots of the towns and cities I grew up around have become infested with Eastern Euro Trash.
I’m not saying the people fleeing are bad though and my heart goes out to the innocents caught up in this..
As for all the politicians and other excrement, they can all suck a disk for all I care…ALL of them.
That’s the issue, all these do gooders who want to bring thousands, even hundreds of thousands seem to forget we have 6 million EU citizens here with the vast majority from the very countries bordering Ukraine. Almost double the government estimate when they introduced registration to remain after Brexit, they don’t mention Poland’s population dropping by a million, and that’s just the ones here, you can bet there will be a lot in Germany as well.
Just wait for the overseas aid budget shooting back up to 0.7%, some labour effnick more on the box today ‘the vast majority of the British public support restoring the 0.7%’, yes I am fucking sure they do with rising fuel and food prices, fuck that!
We are all screwed
Apparently this has started happening
Who’d have thought eh?
Simple test : talk to the cunts in Ukrainian and see how they answer. It ain’t rocket science…
Send all of those spongers back
Is the thermonuclear exchange still on? I have placed several bets on the severity and possible targets.
I’ll be OK – there’s two US Air bases with ten miles of where I live so I don’t need to worry about surviving. Far as I’m concerned that’s a blessing…
They are talking again, any bets on a deal by the weekend.
Oil and Gas prices dropping a bit, do the markets know something