
I think we will all (hopefully) agree that Putin is a cunt, so this page has been set up to allow you to vent your feelings about the current invasion and occupation of Ukraine

3,719 thoughts on “Ukraine

  1. The West is seen as a fucking joke by Putin and the Chinese.
    All those tossers going to Moscow to lick arse. Biden & co. Obsessions with race, trannies, Empire, slavery, gayness and fuck knows what else.

    Putin knows we are fucked up by woke bullshit and the Ukrainians are paying the price.

  2. The west have really given Putin a kick the balls, Champions League Final moved from St Petersburg to Paris, nice win for the Granny shagger in his election year

  3. China Joe’s pathetic little sanctions don’t mean shit to Putin. A real response would be to once again make the US an exporter of oil instead of being Russias customer. We were an exporter under Trump.
    I hope this reality check wakes up some cunts and “climate change” is seen as the bullshit scam that it is.

  4. Putin is an evil, closet gay, short arsed, psychopathic CUNT. He should never have been sucked up to by psychophantic Western “leaders”. His equally deranged counterpart, Winnie the Pooh will use Putin’s war to divert attention when he invades Taiwan in the very near future. Why can’t politicians see what is blatantly obvious to everyone else? CUNTS have sucked the world into a disastrous destructive, pointless conflict.

  5. Russian troops are almost at Kiev. Civilians have been killed. This is such a horrifying insult to freedom after two years of anti-freedom where many people have suffered greatly. God only knows where this lead us. I hope it just lasts a few weeks and the Russians in Ukraine quietly rejoin their motherland. I hope Putin, Boris, Biden, etc don’t talk us into a major war, as few people these days are mentally equipped for that.

  6. Mad Bad Vlad the Gay Hussar finally strikes then.

    ‘A cunt’s a cunt, fae a’ that’.
    R. Burns.

    Morning all, but not a good ‘un.

  7. I see that Labour’s usual suspects are queueing up to say that Putin’s bloodthirsty action is all our own fault. We incited him apparently.

    I was very heartened to see that Meagain and Dimwit have announced their solidarity with the people of Ukraine tho. Vlad the Impaler will be shitting his kecks now I imagine.

    • Russia, be it Tsarist, Soviet, or Russian Federation, have always had their own way of dealing with problems. I should NOT like to be in Putin’s shoes right now. I believe he has more to fear from his own people than from the West (wouldn’t be difficult…).
      I hope I am right. The average Ivan or Lyuba doesn’t want WWIII any more than we do.
      China is a cunt, too.

      • Good angle, brother. Yes, what if Russians turn on Poo-bin like the Romanians did with Ceaucescu?

  8. What was Trumps response? Putin plays a blinder, and it of course wouldn’t have happened if I was in charge. Fucking delusional cunt.

      • And the fanboys here. ‘Funny it didn’t happen while Trump was President’ Perhaps they didn’t want to embarrass their stooge. I can’t stand Biden, and can’t wait to see the back of him, but the catastrophic pull out from Afghanistan was orchestrated by Trump during his presidency, a fact that his fanboys always neglect to mention.
        Stolen election? You could have put catshit in a carrier bag and it would have won the popular vote, something he never achieved.

  9. We would have once stood firm on this – shoulder to shoulder.
    Too many people in our society expect others to do the fighting for them and protect their way of life.
    Can’t see anyone associated with BBC3 taking up arms
    Even Naga M was really cross about Putin. Naughty step for him and even unfriended too.
    I more concerned with our own borders being invaded

  10. It cannot be a coincidence that Vlad the Heterosexual’s favourite sport is wrestling on the floor with another man wearing pyjamas.

    Being serious for a moment, what is foreign policy for? Is it for mindless posturing and embarrassing, sub-Churchillian rhetoric designed to appeal to people with the IQ of a house plant? Or is it to protect the interests of the nation? The UK cannot police the world. Lord Palmerston died a long time ago. No-one is going to support boots on the ground to protect Ukraine. Not after Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc. How many of the slack-jawed chavs watching Love Island could find Ukraine on a map? I fear a new Iron Curtain, a bit further east than the one that existed in my youth. It is regrettable for the people of Ukraine that they will be on the wrong side of the dividing line but…what? Nuclear war?

    I see no happy ending to this situation. Least of all for the Ukrainian people.

    • The Ukrainian people will suffer, but Russia too. Finland battered them in 1941, so don’t rule out the underdog. In contrast to Middle East conflicts, the refugees from this war will be women and children, as the men stand and die for their homelands. So far they have given a good account of themselves, and any gains Russia has have been paid for heavily in blood and material. Credible reports show some Russian forces hesitant to fight, as they don’t believe it’s legal or logical.
      Maybe when enough of the Russian dead are repatriated that can’t hide the scale of the losses the people will emboldened enough to overthrow the cunt. That and his rich mates watching their fortunes and opportunities evaporating before their eyes.

  11. ?Gonna buy a dinghy
    And cal her dignity..?

    I’m humming Deacon Blue down here in the coal bunker to pass the time. Please someone post when it’s all over.

    • Ooh there’s ‘orrible creepy- crawlies down here.

      Anyway while I’m hiding down here I will give you my thoughts for the Duration.

      Yes ‘Dignity’. No not the song. The ‘Revolution of Dignity’ in 2014 in Ukraine. It, in essence, was an anti -Russian Revolution. Supported by the West.Yanokovich was toppled.
      Fair enough. The people wanted to be closer to the West. Up to them.
      But I repeat it was anti-Russian.
      And that leaves the Dignity of Russia. It is a big country and demands respect. It doesnt want to be a part of NATO.
      But NATO wants to enlarge and enlarge (shades of the EU here). Right up to Russia’s doorstep.
      Cut to it-not appeasement but we havent ‘allowed’ for the dignity of Russia.
      There is a massive residual anti-Russian mindset in America still. All these years after the Cold War. (Shades of having a bogey man to hate, the Enemy) keeps the war machine nicely greased as well.

      Only that point. It isn’t just about the freedom of Ukraine. It is (in the minds of Russians) keeping pressure on them

      What the fuck was that! A huge great daddy long legs. My nerves are going already.

      • You can be pro west without being anti Russian. However, if the Ukrainian people are anti Russia, perhaps they may have reasons. Maybe living half a century under their jackboot could explain some reticence on their part.
        The usual suspects here point to an ‘EU backed’ revolution to unseat the elected government. Was it? Recognised after the fact, but backed? Proof please.
        Perhaps the elected government was a Russian puppet government, installed through election fraud. Or does that only happen in the west, after people can’t accept the particular loon of choice didn’t make it?
        Just thoughts, devils advocate and stuff. Look at actual evidence and make your own mind up. Or don’t, no one gives a fuck either way. Especially the poor Ukrainians who are getting killed, as they have reality to deal with.

      • These anti-West fucktards would be saying the same thing about Germany back in 1939 if they were around then. It would all be the “Dignity of Germany”, “UK to blame” and all that bullshit.

        The West is not anti Russia, but it is rightly anti Putin, there’s a big difference.

        And Russia may be a big country geographically, but it’s very small beer economically, smaller than Italy or South Korea for instance. Doesn’t even figure in the top 10 world economies, ffs!

        And why shouldn’t Ukraine join NATO (or even the EU) if it so chooses? It’s a sovereign independent nation, a democracy, just as we are in the UK. Ukraine is no threat to Putin and his gangster regime.

        I suppose he’ll have to invade Poland next, after he’s got through plundering Ukraine for all it’s worth, like he’s done to his own country, grinding the economy into the dirt, stealing from it people, enriching himself to an estimated tune of £200 billion.

        It boggles my mind that we have so many apologists in this country for the murderous, kleptocrat dictator Putin is – useful idiots one and all.

      • In a dark, dark town there was a dark, dark street
        and in the dark, dark street there was a dark, dark house,
        and in the dark, dark house there were some dark, dark stairs
        and down the dark, dark stairs there was a dark, dark cellar
        and in the dark dark cellar….

        sits Miles Plastic (and perhaps 3 skeletons too).

        (Allan Ahlberg,1980)

    • @Ruff Tuff Creampuff

      Democracy is nothing more than mob rule. As for why, ​Bush promise that NATO wouldn’t move East and under Obama, the US helped to orchestrate a coup against the Ukrainian government. Not long after, far-right nationalists took up a number of posts from deputy PM to head of defence. Also, (rather conveniently) ‘they’ wanted to join NATO. If the Ukrainian (puppet) government did join they would potentially be a threat to the Russian government (think of Ukraine as acting like a buffer).

      On top of that, both Crimea and the Donbas Region (both pro-Russian) voted to leave Ukraine.

      • Ruff Tuff Creampuff

        If (Someone talks about the role US foreign policy plays)
        Output (”Putin apologist”).

        Loading comeback response….
        ”Russian bot”

        Loading… Loading….

      • So are you saying you support the Russian invasion of Ukraine, or are you blaming the west for forcing Russia to invade?
        Does that include threatening other countries from supporting Ukraine, or other countries from contemplating joining NATO?
        Having an anti western opinion is ok most of the time, no doubt honed on websites that require a minimum of real facts or a grip on reality to enjoy.
        But not tonight. People are actually dying.

      • Just before I hunker down for the night.

        Good points.
        ‘under Obama, the US helped to orchestrate a coup against the Ukrainian government.’
        I forgot about that. That female American ambassador was caught saying something.
        Anyway i think that’s true.

        ‘both Crimea and the Donbas Region (both pro-Russian) voted to leave Ukraine.’
        Oh well the apologists for Democracy just forget about that.

        Can you be pro-Western and pro -Russian at the same time? Really?

        Of course partial but I did see a programme about the how the Russian minority is treated there. Not very kindly to say the least.

        There is someghing else. The star abive the hillside America lighting the way and yhat sort of tslk. And a lot of countries follow MISTAKENLY thinking America is going to support them militarily. And they get into trouble jn their own region. Or something.

        So we have on the news that the Ukranians are fighting heroically and all that. But in my view I just see them in trouble with their much larger stronger neighbour.

        This is what destabilises the world. America unreal ideal.

        You know I cant get comfy down here.

      • Gutstick, ”So are you saying you support the Russian invasion of Ukraine”

        No more than I supported the invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan (the latter for different reasons, such as the country’s history, rather I supported precision operations to try and capture high-ranked terrorists, including bin Laden).

        ”or are you blaming the west for forcing Russia to invade?”

        If you agitate the bear, don’t be surprised when it strikes out.

        ”Does that include threatening other countries from supporting Ukraine, or other countries from contemplating joining NATO?”

        No, but of course Putin doesn’t, he wants a number of buffer states. It doesn’t help with a walking corpse in the White House.

        Having an anti western opinion is ok most of the time, no doubt honed on websites that require a minimum of real facts or a grip on reality to enjoy.

        Oh, (slow) clap, clap, clap!

        ”But not tonight. People are actually dying.”

        Really?! You don’t say! Welcome to reality. You get dragged from nothing, dumped into a meat suit, suffer and die.

  12. Meanwhile, chat show airhead wimminz bemoans the threat to her upcoming Italian holiday.
    Never mind the war,, never mind the bollocks, my entitlement is under threat.
    She deserves a cunting herself. The vacuous cunt.


  13. I´ve always been skeptical about the story that Putin single-handedly fended off a mob of East German demonstrators attacking the KGB building in Dresden in 1989. Some accounts say he came out with a machinegun and threatened to open fire on thousands of furious locals. Others say he had a pistol and others that he intimidated them by his mere presence and personality. Putin has gone along with this myth. Here is a more factual account.

    Showdown In Dresden: The Stasi Occupation And The Putin Myth (

  14. So all this shit is down to western provocation. Dear, dear me. Poor old mother Russia.

    Reminds me of a trip once to the old East Germany where the tour guide said the historic buildings had to be restored after the Raf bombed them after STARTING the second world War.

    I’ve been to Russia a few times. Moscow, St Peteresberg are the usual suspect. But I’ve also vistted Uglich, Yaroslavl, Petropavlovsk and several other places. The Russian people are hospitable and friendly and generally a pleasure to be with. They don’t really relate to what’s happening in Moscow.

    Hardly surprising when you think that the world’s longest internal flight is from Petropavlovsk to Moscow and takes around 12 hours. It’s a fucking enormous country…

    …nearly as big as Putin’s ego or bank balance, but not quite!

    • Bald and bankrupt is a Russian speaking English guy who’s videos make interesting viewing but as it’s on YouTube probably whacky conspiracy theory…. ?

      • Agreed Gordon. KK in particular is highly intelligent, very well informed and extremely articulate.

        If he doesn’t feel sufficiently well qualified to comment on a particular subject, he doesn’t. This gives his other pronouncements and opinions much more gravitas.

  15. Would the invasion had happened it Trump was President?….I don’t think so.
    Trump hated paying the lions share towards Nato and would have demanded serious changes if he had not had the election stolen from him.

    • Trump was and still is, a buffoon. He was fun to watch, but he soon revealed himself to not have a fucking clue about politics. There’s more to being a leader than trash-talking oaf who picks fights with people just to get the buzz and applause and “USA! USA! USA!” rah-rah. And his fake Chri$$$tianity evangelism made me puke as he has framed art of Apollo in his penthouse in Trump Tower, not a single Jesus Christ inside. Dude is a total phoney who divided America just as all these pawns in the game do.

  16. Our government has degraded our own military to joke levels while watching our ex-servicemen sleep in the gutter and commit suicide.

    They have also lined their own pockets with more money than they could ever spend while selling our national infrastructure to foreign crooks and making us dependant on imports of energy.

    Money is wasted on things like the woke agenda, climate propaganda, sex changes and other assorted deviant behaviour while cosy relationships between ex politicians and military contractors mean we do not get value for money.

    Boris and his sanctions make me sick to the core of my stomach.

      • In a military sense, we can do nothing at all.

        It just makes me sick when we see our politicians banning “dirty” money in the UK when most of them are up to their necks in it.

      • The lack of response to your post speaks volumes.
        There are none so blind. These are decisive times, shout or surrender.
        But, you know , its a theory.

  17. I notice China is sitting on the fence. Depending which way the wind blows they will either invade somewhere or finally condemn Putin.
    I feel sorry for all those involved, whatever their nationality.
    I can imagine the conversation.
    ” Remind me, Gregori, why are we fighting?”
    “Fucked if I know, Iliya. Duck!”

    • I think they will invade Taiwan at some point. Much like Russia with Ukraine they don’t want a western democracy on their doorstep.

      • Apparently, Australia had a submarine standing by to provide aid. Taiwan said ” Thanks, but no thanks. We can sort ourselves out”
        A submarine! Fuck me, that’ll put the fear of Dog into anyone. Unless it was big enough to evacuate the entire population, what the use is it?

      • A submarine sent to the Falklands stopped the Argentines invading it in 1979. It was reluctance to do it openly in 1982 helped the case for invasion.
        Never underestimate the power of a submarine, especially one armed with the big stuff.

      • Russia has now been thrown out of Eurovision. You pushed the west to this Putin, and now you have to live with the consequences.

      • I wonder if the Chinks build military vehicles and equipment to a better standard than they build motorcycles and scooters.
        I’ve consigned Chinese bikes to the skip before they were due the first MOT…

  18. Ginger and Sparkletits say Putins out of order. He must be shitting himself and preparing to withdraw his troops.

    Why do these two cunts think anyone gives a toss about what they think?

    • With any luck she’ll get a free bottle of Miss Dior through the letterbox, courtesy of Readers’ Digest/Pravda.

  19. The problem about getting rid of Putin, is who will replace him? What we don’t want is some kind of Matryoshka Doll – get rid of one mad dictator to be replaced by another and so on.

    I don’t know what info our security services have on the old politburo, and what kind of deputies Putin has working below him. It would be nice to think that the Kremlin hierarchy fear Putin and would love to see him “offed” so that they can embrace pragmatism & enlightenment with the West once again.

    That’s the best scenario. The worst would be for another Putin, and then what the fuck do we do?

    • If Putin was in the matrioshka doll he would be the smallest one.

      I wonder how long before Twitter wants them banned?

      • They openly sell those in Moscow and Putin is the minuscule one in the very middle (with earlier Soviet leaders on the outside). Made me wonder at the time how popular he really is with the Russian proles (not very I suspect).

  20. Vlad invaded the Ukraine to take the heat off Boris and covid n sheet.

    Wake up sheeple!


  21. Interesting how the EU has suddenly fragmented from a so-called single voice to self interest, especially Germany and Italy, both of whom seem very reluctant to go ahead and push Russia from the SWIFT payment system.

    Moreover, Nord Stream 2 pipeline straight into Germany was/is another example of self-interest, with Germany again hugely reluctant to kill the project. And even though it has “put it on hold for now”, what is the betting it will be back on the front burner when this Russian shit is done with.

    One only has to look at Germany’s influence over the Euro and the EU generally to know that they don’t believe in any of it if it means coming into conflict with their own self-interest. But by the same token are quick enough to hand out the diktats to member states that don’t tow the same line – i.e., the UK/Brexit; and PIIGS.

    EU president and former German Defence Minister, Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, was quick enough to deride Britain leaving the EU, and still takes pot shots. But she’s suddenly gone very quiet over Nord 2 and SWIFT.

    Plus, why wasn’t she negotiating with Putin prior to the conflict? Why leave it with Macron to do the talking and ultimately fuck it up? She’s the fucking president of the EU, not a state representative.

    Bloody Germans!

  22. Ukraine getting the shit kicked out of them, reports from a Telegram channel.
    Prolly tinfoil conspiracy. Fucking yawns.

  23. This weekend’s viewing on IsACTV gold;
    Tonight; Dr Sttrangelove
    Saturday AM; When the Wind Blows
    Saturday PM; The Day After followed by By Dawns Early Light
    Sunday; Threads marathon

  24. Speaking to friends earlier who live in Sweden and there is trepidation there after Putin threatens both Sweden and Finland against any thought of joining NATO now, or in the future, or there would be military consequences. Of course this wouldn’t have happened if Trump was President.?

    In other news on the conflict, a Ukrainian Air Force pilot as become an ace in a day, after downing five aircraft. Ground forces have made a good account of themselves again today, inflicting losses against troops and armoured vehicles. If Ukraine are auditioning for NATO we should snap them up, based on their performance.
    Poland has opened its borders to Ukraine and will welcome any refugees with minimal checks on the border, even pets are welcome.

  25. There does appear to be odd chink (no pun intended) developing between China and Russia. Seems that the economic sanctions placed on Russia by Europe and North America are upsetting China’s state-owned banks which will be reducing financing for Russian commodity purchases. In other words some of these banks are putting Russia are credit stop!

    Despite close relations China makes most of its money from Western trade and finance markets. But with economic sanctions hitting Russia hard there is speculation that China will also suffer massive loses in loans and commodity prices around the Western world.

    China is a major player on the financial world stage these last couple of decades, and it would seem it is stuck between a rock (harking back to the bad old days of a rigid Communist ideology) and a hard place (partially embracing capitalist markets through trade and finance)

    Obviously China isn’t publicly talking about any possible rift with Russia, but it does seem to be wanting a swift (ha!) resolution to the current conflict, more out of self interest than truly supporting Russia.

    • I think if Russia, China and the other militarised despot ruled communist countries got their act together, they’d steamroller the West in about 15 minutes flat.
      While we have all been sat around making sure we are all wearing masks and not saying hurty words, Putin is first out the blocks and has decided to test the waters.
      Sanctions against Russia won’t bite for a few months, so the usual rhetoric from USA etc means fuck all, at the moment.

      But, but…..American military power!

      IF things get severely out of control, the Yanks will do fuck all, unless it is directed straight at them or they see money in it long term.
      Hopefully Vlad the Heterosexual will pull his neck back in, but it’s his decision alone. I really don’t think he gives a fuck what anyone else says/does.

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