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That’s right. It goes in the πŸ—‘οΈ.


6 thoughts on “Nominations


    fat cunt woman wants tax payer to fund move to larger home as she’s fat and because she’s now fat she has medical issues, which means she can’t walk, shits herself, etc etc.

    oh, snd they own the flat outright they are currently in. editorial is fucking confusing.

    anyhow…..feckless overweight slob now too ill to live in current home. love, the home hasn’t changed….you have. its you that’s the issue. lose some weight and stop blaming the world fir your issues. when you realise your gob hole is bigger than your arsehole the penny may drop.

  2. The Coffee Shop Workplace.

    I go in at 9.30 for a coffee and a breakfast. Its only a small venue of 9 tables with 4 seats at each. Each table is occupied by one person, a laptop, files, papers and documents. The essential phone is open, and there is the empty mug of coffee that was purchased some hours ago.

    I return to the Coffee shop much later. The same people at the same tables.

    I have given up!

    I have visited Starbucks, and even Greggs in Huntingdon. Still the laptop people are spread out just like their spreadsheets.

    I wonder? How can a business sustain such capacity on the cost of 12 coffees a day ?

    BRW, same on the fucking train !!

  3. Johannah King-Slutzky

    *Deadline 1st May 2024, NYC’s Columbia University*

    As the legendary philosopher Austen Warhol once said, ‘it is a truth universally acknowledged that any cunt can be famous for fifteen minutes’. Step forward one Johannah King-Slutzky, who recently gloried in her fifteen minutes in the spotlight.

    Okay I hear you saying; ‘Johannah Kunt-Slutty who, and what’s her claim to fame?’

    Well, cunters will be aware that a bunch of scruffy pro-Hamas types recently ‘liberated’ Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall from reactionary forces, and began an occupation for Palestine. Step forward Johannah ‘Keffiyeh Karen’ King-Slutzky, a PhD student who is studying poetry ‘through a Marxist lens’. As you do.

    Anyway, after this occupation began, gobshite King-Slutsky had the unmitigated cheek to demand a commitment from the university that this motley crew of campus guerrillas would receive food and drink as they struggled for the cause. Here she is, pontificating self-importantly before the cameras;

    If you listen very carefully, you’ll just be able to make out the sound of the protesters chanting in the background; ‘from the river to the sea! Now bring us some rooibos tea! From the sea to the river! KFC must now deliver!’ **

    Lenin and Mao would be weeping tears of admiration if they were still around to see this. Whatever your views on the situation in the Middle East, you can only admire those who are prepared to make any sacrifice for their cause, just as long as it doesn’t actually put them to any inconvenience.

  4. Gillian Burke, and she sure is..

    This springwatch presenter finds its jarring to call African animals by their english names.
    She much prefers the swahili names..

    Problem being miss burke, you work for the British broadcasting corporation, and the language spoken in Britain is English.

    Born in Kenya but brought up in Vienna, this pseudo african can always fuck off back to Africa and work for the umbongo broadcasting company..

    Where she can talk swahili to her hearts content.

    Until then gillian you are a complete kuma.

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