@TBCC Yeah he’s a reformed, former Islamist who participated in an attempted Islamist takeover of Egypt and spent 5 years in an Egyptian prison for his troubles.
He’s been interviewed by Sargon of Akkad on one of his channels and I think that was one of his most open ones…. although I may be wrong; he’s been interviewed by lots of Youtubers. Very intelligent and insightful bloke nonetheless.
How dare you insinuate the HRH would be complicit in fake news, report to the nearest police station and insist they take you down the cells for a damned good thrashing ?
She is fully jabbed so will be fine, I am sure they would have given her the real vaccine rather than just salt water that the rest of us poor plebs were given.
She has to survive there is a 4 day weekend riding on it.
Soi@ – And the Queen was “vaccinated”
Fucking cracking “vaccine” that is..
BTW Sick it’s a total fib – just seen Liz brawling with three retired miners outside me local – she was winning so I left her to it!
Ask anyone.
Ottawa “police” now tear gassing and firing point blank baton rounds at peaceful protesters – but it’s all about “protecting the people from a virus”..
Not according to the reports I have seen, it’s pepper spray and stun grenades, I hope our police are watching so they will know how to deal with Roger Hallam and his mates.
Best to edge your bets and tap a brass on the head with a claw hammer Foxy.
Its trucker etiquette.
Then enjoy the delicious chocolate of the open road!!
In the old Army ration packs, there were “Yorkie” bars made especially for Army ratpacks and underneath the word Yorkie t said “IT’S NOT FOR CIVVIES”.
I can tell you for nowt that the only thing Yorkie about those things was the fucking name because they tasted like what I imagine 100 year old chocolate bars from a WW1 museum to taste like.
What is the criteria for the pandemic officially being announced as over? Epidemic and pandemics are always declared over at some point and this one has gone for two fucking years, folks, it’s time to move on, treat Covid as just another of the ‘on-going’ health crises.
Anyone have a clue on what the criteria is for the pandemic ending? It’s basically over now, it needs to end officially. Spring is coming and we don’t want to see another bummer of a summer.
I believe the criteria for a pandemic-free society are:
– Everybody is “vaccinated”
– Everybody who is “vaccinated” is free
– Everybody who is not “vaccinated” is not free
– Therefore, everybody who is not “vaccinated” is sent to a gulag and everybody who remains in society is “vaccinated”, therefore “vaccinated”, therefore pandemic-free.
So eloquent in it’s simplicity……. kind of like a democracy-free, one party system of government…. quick and easy like.
Farking hell, unWhitty currently droning on telly with the same old mantra – continue to be afraid, continue to be very afraid.
Vallance: “there could be more variants and we expect them to be more severe.” ?
UnWhitty: “Hospitals are still under considerable pressure due to Omicron.” ?
I remember when this shit first kicked off back in the first half of 2020. I walked down into the living room to find my housemate sitting in front of the TV and that creature Chris Whitty was on the telly giving a public service announcement.
He was like some kind of creepy, pervy uncle to the whole of the UK – softly spoken like he was saying “SSSHHHH!!! It’ll be OUR little secret” with his beady fucking eyes which seemed to stare right through the TV screen and right through your soul (and I don’t even believe in a soul).
I love how the government and media can predict so many things, but not others. It’s always something negative they is predicted. They could at least say, “okay to boost the economy, we’ll lower VAT to 15% or even lower and enjoy your spring/summer jollies”.
Well today all Covid and indeed any other news can take a back seat, time to put the Covid thread into the archives and create a Ukraine-Russia thread.
From the news so far it looks like Putin has moved from both north and south, fires in Mariupol.
I couldn’t give a fuck. The CIA and MI6 were dicking around in Ukraine over the past 10, so we have no business whining about the situation we fucking created (yet again).
Yup. I was praying that Russia would just see the insanity of invading their neighbours, but here we go, another clusterfuck unfolding. Many people in Kiev are now fleeing for safety. Cheers, Putin, you creepy isolationist goblin. I have family in Lithuania and Poland and they are worried about what is coming their way. Anyone else have loved ones over there?
All a game. All the top brass, west or east, are singing from the same hymn sheet. The people get caught up in their bullshit drama. No one wants it, except the top brass.
Some retired army cunt in the UK said children and grandchildren might have to go fight Russia LOL. Get to fuck. I think humanity has had enough pointless wars just to make the establishment richer and more powerful. They can all fuck off.
Neither of our societies are worth sacrificing your life for when the elites create the mess. Let them fight it out and leave the rest of us in peace.
Fight Russia over what? Ideology? Oil and gas? Caviar? I think that most people have a pathological dislike of Russia and want to see a war kick-off, but those people would soiling their scants if you said, “here’s your rifle, the Russian army is over the horizon… by the way, you’re holding the rifle the wrong way round, Elmer Fudd.”
Pathological is the right word. The TV told them Russia is the wicked witch in the east and must be feared!
It’s amazing how much damage that fucking idiot lantern does. Pipes shit right into your lobes.
None of the politicians or generals will ever leave the comfort of their country estates. Just send the plebs off to die, and watch their weapons manufacturers share holdings rocket! Just like the ‘pandemic’. Amazing people can’t see it.
You, Ruff, and half this country have no short-term memory I swear.
The ‘revolution’ in 2014 was in direct response to the democratically elected PM not wanting political association with the EU. It is OBVIOUS the CIA and MI6 were funding and arming the opposition, because they want Ukraine in the fold (and Russia obviously does not.)
We do this repeatedly, dicking around in the internal politics of sovereign nations and then justifying our subsequent military involvement down the line.
We did it in Syria. Libya. Iran. Half a dozen south American countries.
Putin’s popularity plummeted further in the western media when the Russians went into Syria and sorted out once and for all, the western funded “moderate rebels” (moderate Islamists – oh the fucking irony)
This whole sorry debacle which is unfolding is a consequence of the EU/US/NATO and whoever the fuck else meddling in countries they know fuck all about and have no business in.
The west is a fucking joke. Far too obsessed with social justice, pronouns and the globo homo philosophy to fight any more wars and will sit back and fund a proxy war which will see the Ukraine either partitioned or occupied.
In this country for example – we can’t even defend our children from multicultural rape gangs so who are we to meddle in Russia – Ukraine affairs.
Meanwhile we in the west will “hit them hard” with sanctions while the Russians turn off the gas.
I’d like to add that although I think Putin is undoubtedly a massive cunt, I’d also add that he’s in good company when it comes to the cunt political leaders in the west.
The recent and ongoing (especially if you’re a Canadian or Austrian etc etc) covid shit show has proved that the west is morally bankrupt.
Ever hear of US Marine Corp. Major-General Smedley Butler? He was the guy who organised the American invasions of central American countries from the 1890s to when he blew the whistle on the scam wars to make mega-bucks for the USA. He wrote a book, “War is a Racket” in the early 1930s and he tried to warn Americans about all these fake wars that were all about controlling those countries economies.
So the cat was out of the bag before World War 2, but few listened and since then, the American government has been invading foreign soils all in the name of greed – err, I mean, freedom.
Mnc@ – I think we’re all right – Uncle Vlad says we are welcome for pie and peas night at the Kremlin any time (but baffled as to why we have to pack cowboy outfits and rubber shorts ?♂️) – but not sure aboutski some of the rest on here! ?
I saw a post on Cunt book, some twat seems to think there hasn’t been any conflict in Europe since 1945, well I guess there hasn’t been much since the birth of Facebook, perhaps a day trip to Sarajevo would give him a different view if he visits the museum with all the photos of the mass graves.
Yeah, I saw a clip of Vice President (LOL!) Kamala Harris say that! What an clueless spaz-cunt. No wonder Putin is so brazen when featherheads like than are driving the US bus.
I watched the BBC news at 1, the reporter from Moscow came out with a real peach ‘those Russians who get the news from state TV think that Ukraine is the aggressor, the ones who get it from the internet have a different view, but don’t want to voice it for fear of arrest’ , well there you go when the BBC want to reverse the argument to suit it is fine ?
One thing for sure the news media are having the biggest orgasm since Brexit.
Yeah, like I have said before a few times, the media have a gleefulness when mega-doom unfolds, viewership goes up and all the “experts” get rolled out to steer our minds in the “right” direction.
There was a meme going around yesterday, and it said,
I’m done being a vaccine expert
This week I’m a foreign policy specialist.
One look on this thread shows the target of such satire.
In other news, Farage and orange cunt Trump have both come out praising Putin.
Strange as both deny Russian involvement in their campaigns.
I can’t make my mind up whether you are really one of those self radicalised fifth wits that genuinely believe the absolute nonsense you shovel hourly, shit that you have dredged from the drains of the internet, or if you are a troll who fakes this hippy truther persona to hoodwink real conspritards, and annoy those with an ounce of common sense.
Ultimately, who gives a fuck either way.?
Pfffft! Calm down, like you say, this is supposed to be a bastion of free speech in the woke age. I obviously get under your skin, but that’s not my intention, I just use this site as a place to sharpen my schtick and slag off the cunts of the world. But you are the one who is all over place and has no real points to make. I often wonder why you come here as you seem to get nothing out of it. It was quite nice when you and your pal took a break from this site and not having two nagging nannies derping on the threads with your conformist rhetoric.
So there it is, I’ve told you before, don’t make your wee dog whistles about me on this site. Honestly, you need to go to another forum if you don’t like the points of view here. This site isn’t about getting to the truth, it’s about slagging off cunts for a laugh, but I’ll put forth my crazy ideas as that makes me laugh too!
Again, I’m responding to a comment you made on my post, not the other way around. Unlike the tards, I don’t get upset and cancel people like I’ve been by a couple here for asking questions about the content they post.
I used to be more prolific with my posting, but that was before it became it became a hotbed of racism and conspiracy shit.
It’s not that I’m particularly annoyed by either, it’s just boring. Who can say the p word first, gas someone, and party political broadcasts on behalf of the lonely misfit party.
So, ignore me, cancel me, do what you will. There are still good posters left, and while they are here, so will I.
If you don’t like you crackpot views questioned, perhaps you should shuffle off to pastures Green, where you can babble on with like minded er, people.
I hear Spivey.com are always looking for fresh meat….
Oh, I’m not going anywhere. I love it here, it’s a great laugh and helps me keep my finger on the pulse of middle-aged men in Blighty.
I just don’t trust the governments and medias of this world. I don’t trust NASA and I am 100% certain that Earth is not a spheroid hurtling through infinite space at millions of miles an hour. So just from that foundation, I question everything that isn put on table or TV, internet. I’m some fucking n00b who is new to all this, I’ve trying to figure out what the fuck this world is all my life. The official story is bullshit.
But, I get why people want to maintain the illusions pumped into them about the truly monumental mysteries of like what the Earth really, where we humans came from, where we fit, are there higher powers than man – yes – and many other mysteries. It’s waaaaaay more fun to approach life like this as the alternative is just swallow the pablum and parrot the answers from the Experts of Life raking in the money to fool us century after century.
So, here we are. More insanity is unfolding on Earth, so maybe that will dominate this site for months. I hope not. I hope it all ends next week.
PS: I don’t know that site – http://www.spivey.com is it some poop-porn site you were banned from for being to gaseous!? I’ll give it a miss!
May God bless you from His Firmament above us! LOL! 🙂 🙂 🙂
That site you mentioned is some email address company? D’oh! What was the point supposed to mean, anyway!? Pfffttt. You need to get more witticisms and big dose of chill-pills.
Putin is the new P word, Gas him, steal his money, he has gone full Tonto.
Vlad the Invader.
I can’t believe what he has done, I expected an incursion into Eastern Ukraine but I guess you don’t put troops around the entire border for nothing.
The next few days and weeks will be dark days for sure.
Evening sicky. Thanks to the Russian doctrine of Maskirovka, it was difficult to judge wether Putin was planning a full on invasion or just grandstanding for his fans, both home and abroad. My fear was that he had painted himself into a corner and war seemed inevitable. I hate being right about shit like this.
My hope is that those in Russia that oppose this outrage will lead to the orc looking evil cunt getting deposed.
Let’s all hope it gets resolved before China are emboldened enough to invade Taiwan, as then it definitely will be a global war.
I think there’s next to zero chance of Putin being deposed by his own countrymen but I think there’s every chance the Chinese will take Taiwan.
Unfortunately the west is an almost pitiful shadow of it’s former self, racked with various internal strife, blighted by weak leadership and I somehow doubt this weakness has gone unnoticed world-wide. (See Afghanistan/Taliban for recent evidence)
Perhaps if Xi or Putin accidentally misgender a member of the US military personnel or vandalise a George Floyd mural, then maybe that’ll provoke a stronger reaction from the west.
I’m far from an expert on geo-politics.
I’m just a middle aged bloke from blighty posting my opinion on an open forum.
Evening HJ. I know it’s wishful thinking regarding the deposing of Putin, but there is a small possibility of it, so I wouldn’t right it off completely just yet. Many Russians have become westernised to a degree, and would rather enjoy a peaceful relationship with the west. It’s definitely good for business too, so financially it makes sense too. Who knows if there are enough to tip the balance? Let’s hope so.
No one in the west wants a war. We can’t afford it, morally or financially, geopolitics in disarray, and it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
Fucking commies.
I would imagine too many of the general population over there would be genuinely apprehensive about speaking out or protesting too openly about the part time topless model Putin or the Russian state.
And probably with good reason.
I don’t live in Russia and don’t know any Russian people but that’s the impression I’ve always had.
You’re not wrong HJ, you can guarantee that for anyone who speaks up against the government there will be hundreds who share those thoughts, but are too scared to voice them, as you say with good reason.
Dangerous times.
Jacinda Ardern is cunt! She is still over reaching with her covid restrictions despite omicron being a mild variant. After locking New Zealand down for 1 case, she has since segregated society, lost hundreds of thousands their jobs with her no jab no job policy, citizens stranded abroad all while the rest of the world is moving on from covid. This woman is a right cunt
My missus is ill in bed at the moment with this imaginary ailment.
Weak, fatigued and a hacking cough.
Told her its all in her mind and a government hoax,
But she won’t have it.
GJ :-There’s quite a few people I know who have had it recently Mis, some rough as fuck, some with absolutely fuck all. Here’s to a speedy recovery.
Define ‘have had it’ (had what)
Define ‘ absolutely fuck all’.
What you’re saying is, adults took a test with absolutely no symptoms to prove they didn’t have a virus?
Hilarious ?
Amazing how many funerals I see now. Before all the bollocks I used to see maybe one every fortnight.
Now I see them three days a week. I thought I was having some kind of mushroom flashback, but no.
I was talking to a friend yesterday and he noticed the same thing.
I’m a little bit confused here.
Is there something I’m missing here why people are dropping dead?
Is it just me? Seems that the media and government are quick to spout stats showing reduced numbers of infections, but surely if you only do half as many tests you’re only going to get half as many reported infections?
The whole thing has always been a numbers game, Dio.
During the original outbreak, we recorded around 3000 cases, with 43 people dying with Covid. Not of, but with (the media have always maintained that stance) So approximately 1.5% mortality rate.
During Delta, around 14000 cases were reported, with (wait for it!) 9 deaths. Slightly less than 0.1% mortality with that particular strain.
During Omicron, there have been, to date, 680 000 cases reported, with around 300 deaths. Less than 0.05% mortality rate.
While the number of cases has rocketed, the deaths haven’t. Up until 2 weeks ago, the death toll was sat at 64. Ardern and Co realized that number wasn’t good enough and decided to “change how Covid deaths are recorded”. Her words. No details given, just a blanket statement and designed to bump the numbers.
Currently, we have had 703 000 cases with 363 dead. Approximately 0.05% mortality.
I’m not a maths genius, but even I can see whatever the fuck this Covid thing is, it’s not an extinction level event. Sure, I might feel differently if I knew someone that had caught it or died with it. But I don’t. In fact I don’t know anyone that knows anyone who’s had it, let alone karked it.
My 96 year old grandfather just recovered from Covid. Yeah, I’ll take my chances in future when the govern-cunt announces a health crisis. Life if for living not being housebound with fake fear for a year.
I know easily-suggestible people who thought they had it back in early 2020 without the “benefit” of a positive test but they never even considered the possibility that it could have been the flu.
I also know people who know people who allegedly died from it.
I myself haven’t had cold or flu-like symptoms since January 2018 when I had the Australian Flu – that put me on my back for 5 days, quite nasty.
If the Coof is so contagious then I’m puzzled as to how I haven’t had it.
Infection rates are whatever the establishments want them to be at any given time.
If government-appointed health “professionals” put out statements of a new variant or the suspicion of impending high infection rates, the media, like good lapdogs will do their job and sensationalise it, employers nationwide will start surge-testing (appropriately named) and then we’ll see a surge in infections.
Most people are asymptomatic (that means they don’t have it but had a false-positive PCR test) so if you scare everyone into mass-testing with the hugely unreliable PCR test it will inflate the figures. There are ways that the establishment have overinflated the death figures but that’s a story for another day.
And now I read that the latest variant, XE or some such nonsense, is 10x more contagious than Moronic and the World Health Organization (cunts) are closely monitoring the situation.
Hoo-fucking-ray! More lockdowns and fear mongering to look forward to in the near future.
Is what the vast majority of people would like to see happen. Will Government oblige them? Highly doubtful at this stage, in my opinion. Ardern, Johnson, Biden, the whole fucking lot , are all way too invested in the “stay home, save lives” lockdown bullshit.
Project fear will periodically ramp up just to keep us in our place.
Covid has a weird “it’s over!” / “it’s NOT over!” feel to it now. Which is it? Has Ukraine superseded it? The media can’t push both narratives and if some other mega event occurs (which it will) then what? This decade ain’t been boring, that’s for sure!
We now play spot the cunt in a face nappy. It’s abbreviated to spot the cunt of course.
1 point for a standard in shop wearing cunt
2 points for a car park wearing cunt
3 points for an in car wearing cunt
5 points for a fresh air walking cunt
All scores doubled for a couple of cunts
I can’t seem them ever putting this back into Pandora’s box. Look at China, they are in super-lockdowns, people jumping from windows in despair, empty streets. The Covid hysteria is still alive. Still plenty more billions to be made from the snake-oil, too.
An obvious power-grab from the start and I said so to my then workmates back in March of 2020, to which I received eye-rolling glares.
Some times, when it comes to those who hold the levers of power, a healthy dose of suspicion, cynicism and a memory longer than that of a goldfish can be useful tools when determining what’s what.
I just spoke today to my cousin (who I haven’t spoken to for years) and she told me that she and her fella don’t know a single person who has died from the coof.
I thought it was just me because I’m an unsociable recluse but it turns out that my very popular, sociable cousin who spends her days painting other women’s finger nails doesn’t know a single person who has fallen due to the dreaded 0.5%er.
I guess she’s just one of those lucky ones and the 6 degrees of separation rule just over-looked her.
Yeah, I live in a big UK city and I don’t know any cunt who has died from it. My grandad had it, he’s 96, he was fine, he recovered within a week. No one he knows around his age has died from it. Bag of shite. Read my post below…
UK Government refuses to publish further COVID-19 Data because it suggests the Triple Vaccinated are developing AIDS & the Double Vaccinated are suffering ADE
From 1 April 2022, the UK Government will no longer provide free universal COVID-19 testing for the general public in England, as set out in the plan for living with COVID-19. Such changes in testing policies affect the ability to robustly monitor COVID-19 cases by vaccination status, therefore, from the week 14 report onwards this section of the report will no longer be published. Updates to vaccine effectiveness data will continue to be published elsewhere in this report.
Joe Rogan #1780 Maajid Nawaz
Apparently this episode has been held back by Spotify for 3 weeks. Very interesting as to why.
Great conversation too.
? Maajid Nawaz rocks!
It’s refreshing to hear someone in the MSM actually call things out. Which is probably why he’s no longer in the MSM! Nick Ferrari should take note.
Didn’t know he’d been tortured in Egypt by their internal security. Damn.
RTC@ – Maajid Nawaz had a very interesting interview with Joe Rogan – worth a look.
@TBCC Yeah he’s a reformed, former Islamist who participated in an attempted Islamist takeover of Egypt and spent 5 years in an Egyptian prison for his troubles.
He’s been interviewed by Sargon of Akkad on one of his channels and I think that was one of his most open ones…. although I may be wrong; he’s been interviewed by lots of Youtubers. Very intelligent and insightful bloke nonetheless.
The queen has tested positive for Covid.
Anyone who denies Covid exists will now be guilty of treason!
Off with their heads ?
So her much publicised jab didn’t work then…..
Fake news, she’s prolly got the clap from a footman.
How dare you insinuate the HRH would be complicit in fake news, report to the nearest police station and insist they take you down the cells for a damned good thrashing ?
Experiencing “mild, cold-like symptoms” ?
Bet Charlie boy gave it to her hoping to bag himself an early ascension to the throne.
She is fully jabbed so will be fine, I am sure they would have given her the real vaccine rather than just salt water that the rest of us poor plebs were given.
She has to survive there is a 4 day weekend riding on it.
I am reliably informed by Bitchute that she was injected with a mixture of Dubonnet and gin.
We don’t want old big ears and the rottweiler lording over us
Soi@ – And the Queen was “vaccinated”
Fucking cracking “vaccine” that is..
BTW Sick it’s a total fib – just seen Liz brawling with three retired miners outside me local – she was winning so I left her to it!
Ask anyone.
At age 95, without the vaccine there’s a good chance she would have snuffed it.
Much to Big Ears annoyance, no doubt. ?
Soi@ – “The Queen has a cold”..
That’s it, get to the tower, prepare to meet the executioner, when the Queen has been confirmed as having Covid it cannot be challenged.
Ottawa “police” now tear gassing and firing point blank baton rounds at peaceful protesters – but it’s all about “protecting the people from a virus”..
Not according to the reports I have seen, it’s pepper spray and stun grenades, I hope our police are watching so they will know how to deal with Roger Hallam and his mates.
Soi@ – No – methinks approaching waving a can of deodorant – that will sort the smelly buggers!
Definitely tear gas and baton rounds being used.
Why dont the Ottawa police just leave a box of Yorkie bars on the state line?
Lure them away.
No trucker can resist a Yorkie bar.
Or a claw hammer and prostitute.
No trucker can resist killing a soft skulled whore.
I have noticed all these ‘truckers’ have beards, it must be compulsory, no beard no fucking truck!
Girlie truckers have to wear false beards.
Mnc@ – Can anyone have these Yorkie bars? – I like Yorkie bars!
Or do I have to kill a hooker first? ?
Best to edge your bets and tap a brass on the head with a claw hammer Foxy.
Its trucker etiquette.
Then enjoy the delicious chocolate of the open road!!
@Vernon Fox
In the old Army ration packs, there were “Yorkie” bars made especially for Army ratpacks and underneath the word Yorkie t said “IT’S NOT FOR CIVVIES”.
I can tell you for nowt that the only thing Yorkie about those things was the fucking name because they tasted like what I imagine 100 year old chocolate bars from a WW1 museum to taste like.
What is the criteria for the pandemic officially being announced as over? Epidemic and pandemics are always declared over at some point and this one has gone for two fucking years, folks, it’s time to move on, treat Covid as just another of the ‘on-going’ health crises.
Anyone have a clue on what the criteria is for the pandemic ending? It’s basically over now, it needs to end officially. Spring is coming and we don’t want to see another bummer of a summer.
I believe the criteria for a pandemic-free society are:
– Everybody is “vaccinated”
– Everybody who is “vaccinated” is free
– Everybody who is not “vaccinated” is not free
– Therefore, everybody who is not “vaccinated” is sent to a gulag and everybody who remains in society is “vaccinated”, therefore “vaccinated”, therefore pandemic-free.
So eloquent in it’s simplicity……. kind of like a democracy-free, one party system of government…. quick and easy like.
Farking hell, unWhitty currently droning on telly with the same old mantra – continue to be afraid, continue to be very afraid.
Vallance: “there could be more variants and we expect them to be more severe.” ?
UnWhitty: “Hospitals are still under considerable pressure due to Omicron.” ?
Evidence came there none.
Boil them in horse piss
I remember when this shit first kicked off back in the first half of 2020. I walked down into the living room to find my housemate sitting in front of the TV and that creature Chris Whitty was on the telly giving a public service announcement.
He was like some kind of creepy, pervy uncle to the whole of the UK – softly spoken like he was saying “SSSHHHH!!! It’ll be OUR little secret” with his beady fucking eyes which seemed to stare right through the TV screen and right through your soul (and I don’t even believe in a soul).
He is not of our planet.An evil reptile
I saw this on playback earlier, he was waffling and no real data or evidence to back up his claims was provided.
Fucking turtle headed alien lookalike really needs to crawl back under his desk now he has his knighthood and 15seconds of fame.
Fucking miserable doom mongering freak.
I love how the government and media can predict so many things, but not others. It’s always something negative they is predicted. They could at least say, “okay to boost the economy, we’ll lower VAT to 15% or even lower and enjoy your spring/summer jollies”.
Here’s Trudeau in 2015 saying, “Canadians are be encouraged to be fearful of each other…”
(1-minute clip)
His moral compass swung the other way in 2021-22, didn’t it? Satanic cunt.
Italians burning their vaccine passports…
(30 second video)
Yes! On ya go, brothers and sisters!
Trudeau backs down and ends the state of emergency…
Check out this monumental mongoloid…
Well today all Covid and indeed any other news can take a back seat, time to put the Covid thread into the archives and create a Ukraine-Russia thread.
From the news so far it looks like Putin has moved from both north and south, fires in Mariupol.
This thread is only getting started!
It’s all part of the plan.
If you listen to the conspritards.
I couldn’t give a fuck. The CIA and MI6 were dicking around in Ukraine over the past 10, so we have no business whining about the situation we fucking created (yet again).
Don’t people ever notice the pattern?
Yup. I was praying that Russia would just see the insanity of invading their neighbours, but here we go, another clusterfuck unfolding. Many people in Kiev are now fleeing for safety. Cheers, Putin, you creepy isolationist goblin. I have family in Lithuania and Poland and they are worried about what is coming their way. Anyone else have loved ones over there?
All a game. All the top brass, west or east, are singing from the same hymn sheet. The people get caught up in their bullshit drama. No one wants it, except the top brass.
Some retired army cunt in the UK said children and grandchildren might have to go fight Russia LOL. Get to fuck. I think humanity has had enough pointless wars just to make the establishment richer and more powerful. They can all fuck off.
Neither of our societies are worth sacrificing your life for when the elites create the mess. Let them fight it out and leave the rest of us in peace.
Fight Russia over what? Ideology? Oil and gas? Caviar? I think that most people have a pathological dislike of Russia and want to see a war kick-off, but those people would soiling their scants if you said, “here’s your rifle, the Russian army is over the horizon… by the way, you’re holding the rifle the wrong way round, Elmer Fudd.”
Pathological is the right word. The TV told them Russia is the wicked witch in the east and must be feared!
It’s amazing how much damage that fucking idiot lantern does. Pipes shit right into your lobes.
None of the politicians or generals will ever leave the comfort of their country estates. Just send the plebs off to die, and watch their weapons manufacturers share holdings rocket! Just like the ‘pandemic’. Amazing people can’t see it.
Ah bless….
Fucking hilarious isn’t it. ???
You, Ruff, and half this country have no short-term memory I swear.
The ‘revolution’ in 2014 was in direct response to the democratically elected PM not wanting political association with the EU. It is OBVIOUS the CIA and MI6 were funding and arming the opposition, because they want Ukraine in the fold (and Russia obviously does not.)
We do this repeatedly, dicking around in the internal politics of sovereign nations and then justifying our subsequent military involvement down the line.
We did it in Syria. Libya. Iran. Half a dozen south American countries.
Pay attention boys. Christ sake.
@ Chunky
Correct Sir.
Putin’s popularity plummeted further in the western media when the Russians went into Syria and sorted out once and for all, the western funded “moderate rebels” (moderate Islamists – oh the fucking irony)
This whole sorry debacle which is unfolding is a consequence of the EU/US/NATO and whoever the fuck else meddling in countries they know fuck all about and have no business in.
The west is a fucking joke. Far too obsessed with social justice, pronouns and the globo homo philosophy to fight any more wars and will sit back and fund a proxy war which will see the Ukraine either partitioned or occupied.
In this country for example – we can’t even defend our children from multicultural rape gangs so who are we to meddle in Russia – Ukraine affairs.
Meanwhile we in the west will “hit them hard” with sanctions while the Russians turn off the gas.
Happy fucking days and what a shit show.
I’d like to add that although I think Putin is undoubtedly a massive cunt, I’d also add that he’s in good company when it comes to the cunt political leaders in the west.
The recent and ongoing (especially if you’re a Canadian or Austrian etc etc) covid shit show has proved that the west is morally bankrupt.
Ever hear of US Marine Corp. Major-General Smedley Butler? He was the guy who organised the American invasions of central American countries from the 1890s to when he blew the whistle on the scam wars to make mega-bucks for the USA. He wrote a book, “War is a Racket” in the early 1930s and he tried to warn Americans about all these fake wars that were all about controlling those countries economies.
War is a Racket 1-hour audio-book:
So the cat was out of the bag before World War 2, but few listened and since then, the American government has been invading foreign soils all in the name of greed – err, I mean, freedom.
Ive always said Vlad’s a decent bloke and nothing gay about him.
And I want this taken into account when we get rounded up in a gulag.
Yes, he and Peter Tatchell are secret lovers who meet on Elk Island for romantic Russian romps!
Vlad’s known as Glad to his twinks.
Mnc@ – I think we’re all right – Uncle Vlad says we are welcome for pie and peas night at the Kremlin any time (but baffled as to why we have to pack cowboy outfits and rubber shorts ?♂️) – but not sure aboutski some of the rest on here! ?
I saw a post on Cunt book, some twat seems to think there hasn’t been any conflict in Europe since 1945, well I guess there hasn’t been much since the birth of Facebook, perhaps a day trip to Sarajevo would give him a different view if he visits the museum with all the photos of the mass graves.
Yeah, I saw a clip of Vice President (LOL!) Kamala Harris say that! What an clueless spaz-cunt. No wonder Putin is so brazen when featherheads like than are driving the US bus.
Soi@ – “No conflict in Europe since 1945”? – They should try a Friday night where I live!
Despicable ruffians..
I watched the BBC news at 1, the reporter from Moscow came out with a real peach ‘those Russians who get the news from state TV think that Ukraine is the aggressor, the ones who get it from the internet have a different view, but don’t want to voice it for fear of arrest’ , well there you go when the BBC want to reverse the argument to suit it is fine ?
One thing for sure the news media are having the biggest orgasm since Brexit.
Fuuny how they’re all so eager to stoke the hysteria. Almost.. as if.. they’re conditioning the public to accept a predetermined conclusion.
None of these cunts would send their own children off to die. It will be ours.
Yeah, like I have said before a few times, the media have a gleefulness when mega-doom unfolds, viewership goes up and all the “experts” get rolled out to steer our minds in the “right” direction.
Some fucking retired army colonel in his countryside estate saying we might have to send kids and grandkids off to fight. LOL.
The comments on that article were great. Basically “send yer own fackin kids ya cunt!” and “get facked cunt!” ?
There was a meme going around yesterday, and it said,
I’m done being a vaccine expert
This week I’m a foreign policy specialist.
One look on this thread shows the target of such satire.
In other news, Farage and orange cunt Trump have both come out praising Putin.
Strange as both deny Russian involvement in their campaigns.
Well, you know what to do if you find anonymous internet forums bothersome, brother! 🙂
I can’t make my mind up whether you are really one of those self radicalised fifth wits that genuinely believe the absolute nonsense you shovel hourly, shit that you have dredged from the drains of the internet, or if you are a troll who fakes this hippy truther persona to hoodwink real conspritards, and annoy those with an ounce of common sense.
Ultimately, who gives a fuck either way.?
Pfffft! Calm down, like you say, this is supposed to be a bastion of free speech in the woke age. I obviously get under your skin, but that’s not my intention, I just use this site as a place to sharpen my schtick and slag off the cunts of the world. But you are the one who is all over place and has no real points to make. I often wonder why you come here as you seem to get nothing out of it. It was quite nice when you and your pal took a break from this site and not having two nagging nannies derping on the threads with your conformist rhetoric.
So there it is, I’ve told you before, don’t make your wee dog whistles about me on this site. Honestly, you need to go to another forum if you don’t like the points of view here. This site isn’t about getting to the truth, it’s about slagging off cunts for a laugh, but I’ll put forth my crazy ideas as that makes me laugh too!
Peace, love, namaste!
Im not one to stir the pot but,
I think the unvaccinated should be forcibly conscripted to fight in western countries.
Those that took the vaccine bravely and selflessly have done their civic duty now its the turn of vaccine dodgers.
Straight into basic training then onto the front line.
If they show bravery while serving they could be awarded the ‘tinfoil star” medal!?
Dispatch the unvaccinated to the Ukraine front line, that’ll make men of them!
Again, I’m responding to a comment you made on my post, not the other way around. Unlike the tards, I don’t get upset and cancel people like I’ve been by a couple here for asking questions about the content they post.
I used to be more prolific with my posting, but that was before it became it became a hotbed of racism and conspiracy shit.
It’s not that I’m particularly annoyed by either, it’s just boring. Who can say the p word first, gas someone, and party political broadcasts on behalf of the lonely misfit party.
So, ignore me, cancel me, do what you will. There are still good posters left, and while they are here, so will I.
If you don’t like you crackpot views questioned, perhaps you should shuffle off to pastures Green, where you can babble on with like minded er, people.
I hear Spivey.com are always looking for fresh meat….
Oh, I’m not going anywhere. I love it here, it’s a great laugh and helps me keep my finger on the pulse of middle-aged men in Blighty.
I just don’t trust the governments and medias of this world. I don’t trust NASA and I am 100% certain that Earth is not a spheroid hurtling through infinite space at millions of miles an hour. So just from that foundation, I question everything that isn put on table or TV, internet. I’m some fucking n00b who is new to all this, I’ve trying to figure out what the fuck this world is all my life. The official story is bullshit.
But, I get why people want to maintain the illusions pumped into them about the truly monumental mysteries of like what the Earth really, where we humans came from, where we fit, are there higher powers than man – yes – and many other mysteries. It’s waaaaaay more fun to approach life like this as the alternative is just swallow the pablum and parrot the answers from the Experts of Life raking in the money to fool us century after century.
So, here we are. More insanity is unfolding on Earth, so maybe that will dominate this site for months. I hope not. I hope it all ends next week.
PS: I don’t know that site – http://www.spivey.com is it some poop-porn site you were banned from for being to gaseous!? I’ll give it a miss!
May God bless you from His Firmament above us! LOL! 🙂 🙂 🙂
That site you mentioned is some email address company? D’oh! What was the point supposed to mean, anyway!? Pfffttt. You need to get more witticisms and big dose of chill-pills.
Putin is the new P word, Gas him, steal his money, he has gone full Tonto.
Vlad the Invader.
I can’t believe what he has done, I expected an incursion into Eastern Ukraine but I guess you don’t put troops around the entire border for nothing.
The next few days and weeks will be dark days for sure.
Evening sicky. Thanks to the Russian doctrine of Maskirovka, it was difficult to judge wether Putin was planning a full on invasion or just grandstanding for his fans, both home and abroad. My fear was that he had painted himself into a corner and war seemed inevitable. I hate being right about shit like this.
My hope is that those in Russia that oppose this outrage will lead to the orc looking evil cunt getting deposed.
Let’s all hope it gets resolved before China are emboldened enough to invade Taiwan, as then it definitely will be a global war.
Evening GJ
I think there’s next to zero chance of Putin being deposed by his own countrymen but I think there’s every chance the Chinese will take Taiwan.
Unfortunately the west is an almost pitiful shadow of it’s former self, racked with various internal strife, blighted by weak leadership and I somehow doubt this weakness has gone unnoticed world-wide. (See Afghanistan/Taliban for recent evidence)
Perhaps if Xi or Putin accidentally misgender a member of the US military personnel or vandalise a George Floyd mural, then maybe that’ll provoke a stronger reaction from the west.
I’m far from an expert on geo-politics.
I’m just a middle aged bloke from blighty posting my opinion on an open forum.
I hope you don’t genuinely think that MNC.
Naw Opey,
Just teasing.
@CG would I be right in thinking that you’re under the age of 30?
Would I also be correct in thinking you may have been on here previously?
Perhaps under a different name?
Evening HJ. I know it’s wishful thinking regarding the deposing of Putin, but there is a small possibility of it, so I wouldn’t right it off completely just yet. Many Russians have become westernised to a degree, and would rather enjoy a peaceful relationship with the west. It’s definitely good for business too, so financially it makes sense too. Who knows if there are enough to tip the balance? Let’s hope so.
No one in the west wants a war. We can’t afford it, morally or financially, geopolitics in disarray, and it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
Fucking commies.
I would imagine too many of the general population over there would be genuinely apprehensive about speaking out or protesting too openly about the part time topless model Putin or the Russian state.
And probably with good reason.
I don’t live in Russia and don’t know any Russian people but that’s the impression I’ve always had.
You’re not wrong HJ, you can guarantee that for anyone who speaks up against the government there will be hundreds who share those thoughts, but are too scared to voice them, as you say with good reason.
Dangerous times.
I see the Laurel and Hardy road show trundles on ad infinitum/nauseum.
Cognitive dissonance writ large.
Yeah,tin foil, flat earth, yawns.
What’s your point, exactly? Am I the fat one – Ollie? LOL!
No. Reference to an earlier post of mine regarding the cognitive dissonance troupe.
Okay, Sir Henry of Rawlinson End!
I am Sir Hugh Blairt and I’m also a magistrate.
Are they any nice caravan parks in Wales. Anyone?
Oh hey, this page is still here
I suspect that we are supposed to move on to Russia-UKkraine. I like this meme… https://i.imgur.com/egP7qDK.jpeg
Alot of funerals in my area now.
Here it comes.
What did they die of? I’m presuming mostly heart-related causes.
Jacinda Ardern is cunt! She is still over reaching with her covid restrictions despite omicron being a mild variant. After locking New Zealand down for 1 case, she has since segregated society, lost hundreds of thousands their jobs with her no jab no job policy, citizens stranded abroad all while the rest of the world is moving on from covid. This woman is a right cunt
Fucking too right she is.
She’s certainly Klaus Schwab’s girl.
I know this is a Coronaviral-shit page but I think this deserves it’s own nomination.
My missus is ill in bed at the moment with this imaginary ailment.
Weak, fatigued and a hacking cough.
Told her its all in her mind and a government hoax,
But she won’t have it.
“There is no fucking virus…” ?
Hope you get well soon Mrs Miserable.
Cheers Ruff?
There’s quite a few people I know who have had it recently Mis, some rough as fuck, some with absolutely fuck all. Here’s to a speedy recovery.
GJ :-There’s quite a few people I know who have had it recently Mis, some rough as fuck, some with absolutely fuck all. Here’s to a speedy recovery.
Define ‘have had it’ (had what)
Define ‘ absolutely fuck all’.
What you’re saying is, adults took a test with absolutely no symptoms to prove they didn’t have a virus?
Hilarious ?
Amazing how many funerals I see now. Before all the bollocks I used to see maybe one every fortnight.
Now I see them three days a week. I thought I was having some kind of mushroom flashback, but no.
I was talking to a friend yesterday and he noticed the same thing.
I’m a little bit confused here.
Is there something I’m missing here why people are dropping dead?
“conspiracy theorist”
No comment
Very interesting mate. I have come to the point of zero sympathy for anyone who believed the lies.
Fuck them all. Thick cunts.
Is it just me? Seems that the media and government are quick to spout stats showing reduced numbers of infections, but surely if you only do half as many tests you’re only going to get half as many reported infections?
Simple math so why can’t everyone see it?..
The whole thing has always been a numbers game, Dio.
During the original outbreak, we recorded around 3000 cases, with 43 people dying with Covid. Not of, but with (the media have always maintained that stance) So approximately 1.5% mortality rate.
During Delta, around 14000 cases were reported, with (wait for it!) 9 deaths. Slightly less than 0.1% mortality with that particular strain.
During Omicron, there have been, to date, 680 000 cases reported, with around 300 deaths. Less than 0.05% mortality rate.
While the number of cases has rocketed, the deaths haven’t. Up until 2 weeks ago, the death toll was sat at 64. Ardern and Co realized that number wasn’t good enough and decided to “change how Covid deaths are recorded”. Her words. No details given, just a blanket statement and designed to bump the numbers.
Currently, we have had 703 000 cases with 363 dead. Approximately 0.05% mortality.
I’m not a maths genius, but even I can see whatever the fuck this Covid thing is, it’s not an extinction level event. Sure, I might feel differently if I knew someone that had caught it or died with it. But I don’t. In fact I don’t know anyone that knows anyone who’s had it, let alone karked it.
My 96 year old grandfather just recovered from Covid. Yeah, I’ll take my chances in future when the govern-cunt announces a health crisis. Life if for living not being housebound with fake fear for a year.
I know easily-suggestible people who thought they had it back in early 2020 without the “benefit” of a positive test but they never even considered the possibility that it could have been the flu.
I also know people who know people who allegedly died from it.
I myself haven’t had cold or flu-like symptoms since January 2018 when I had the Australian Flu – that put me on my back for 5 days, quite nasty.
If the Coof is so contagious then I’m puzzled as to how I haven’t had it.
Australian Flu! Did it come from a dodgy market selling dodgy kangaroo meat?
What’s the point of reporting the infection rate for a dominant mild variant in a largely vaxxed society?
Death stats and hospital admissions + cause on entry and discharge – them’s the areas of importance.
Infection rates are whatever the establishments want them to be at any given time.
If government-appointed health “professionals” put out statements of a new variant or the suspicion of impending high infection rates, the media, like good lapdogs will do their job and sensationalise it, employers nationwide will start surge-testing (appropriately named) and then we’ll see a surge in infections.
Most people are asymptomatic (that means they don’t have it but had a false-positive PCR test) so if you scare everyone into mass-testing with the hugely unreliable PCR test it will inflate the figures. There are ways that the establishment have overinflated the death figures but that’s a story for another day.
And now I read that the latest variant, XE or some such nonsense, is 10x more contagious than Moronic and the World Health Organization (cunts) are closely monitoring the situation.
Hoo-fucking-ray! More lockdowns and fear mongering to look forward to in the near future.
Pfft and fuck off.
More contagious yet weaker,isn’t that how these things work?
Get on with it and stop fretting,immortality is a myth.
“Get on with it and stop fretting”…..
Is what the vast majority of people would like to see happen. Will Government oblige them? Highly doubtful at this stage, in my opinion. Ardern, Johnson, Biden, the whole fucking lot , are all way too invested in the “stay home, save lives” lockdown bullshit.
Project fear will periodically ramp up just to keep us in our place.
You knows it, very effective too judging by the fearful little rabbits still driving their own cars with a face nappy on.
Pffft indeed.
Covid has a weird “it’s over!” / “it’s NOT over!” feel to it now. Which is it? Has Ukraine superseded it? The media can’t push both narratives and if some other mega event occurs (which it will) then what? This decade ain’t been boring, that’s for sure!
We now play spot the cunt in a face nappy. It’s abbreviated to spot the cunt of course.
1 point for a standard in shop wearing cunt
2 points for a car park wearing cunt
3 points for an in car wearing cunt
5 points for a fresh air walking cunt
All scores doubled for a couple of cunts
A new TV Game Show beckons
About time we shut the door on this.
I bet Boris now wishes we do.
I can’t seem them ever putting this back into Pandora’s box. Look at China, they are in super-lockdowns, people jumping from windows in despair, empty streets. The Covid hysteria is still alive. Still plenty more billions to be made from the snake-oil, too.
An obvious power-grab from the start and I said so to my then workmates back in March of 2020, to which I received eye-rolling glares.
Some times, when it comes to those who hold the levers of power, a healthy dose of suspicion, cynicism and a memory longer than that of a goldfish can be useful tools when determining what’s what.
I just spoke today to my cousin (who I haven’t spoken to for years) and she told me that she and her fella don’t know a single person who has died from the coof.
I thought it was just me because I’m an unsociable recluse but it turns out that my very popular, sociable cousin who spends her days painting other women’s finger nails doesn’t know a single person who has fallen due to the dreaded 0.5%er.
I guess she’s just one of those lucky ones and the 6 degrees of separation rule just over-looked her.
Load of fucking bollocks.
Yeah, I live in a big UK city and I don’t know any cunt who has died from it. My grandad had it, he’s 96, he was fine, he recovered within a week. No one he knows around his age has died from it. Bag of shite. Read my post below…
UK Government refuses to publish further COVID-19 Data because it suggests the Triple Vaccinated are developing AIDS & the Double Vaccinated are suffering ADE
From 1 April 2022, the UK Government will no longer provide free universal COVID-19 testing for the general public in England, as set out in the plan for living with COVID-19. Such changes in testing policies affect the ability to robustly monitor COVID-19 cases by vaccination status, therefore, from the week 14 report onwards this section of the report will no longer be published. Updates to vaccine effectiveness data will continue to be published elsewhere in this report.
Go to page 37:
People aren’t getting AIDS, are they?
Covid positive tests:
” la la la I can’t hear you “