The swivel eyed loons in the SAGE and Onion party are screaming “too soon”,”too soon”.Twats.Boil them all in horse piss.2 years.2 bleeding years you chumps.Enough.
I’ll make it brief if you can’t be arsed to go through all the numbers.
Deaths within 28 days of a test including suicide, car crash, cancer, heart attack etc. 158000
Deaths of only covid 6183
Vaccinations 138299206
Side effects from vaccination 418017 (ranging from a pain in the arse to death).
Thrombosis cases 431. Deaths 78
Serious Heart problems 1880
There is the official stats boys.
Take them as you want.
Please consider the 50000 (allegedly) deaths from missed cancer treatment, and also consider numerous untreated heart attacks, strokes and other illnesses.
Please also consider the effects of mental health on the people who have subsequently lost businesses, people who have turned to alcohol, and the demoralising effect in general.
I like you Dude. You say it like it (possibly) is.
I already had serious mental health and alcohol-dependency issues before the plandemic but the plandemic made the drinking worse and certainly wasn’t helped by the government’s abusive “non-pharmaceutical interventions”.
I am a sceptic by both nature and definition so I’ll take those figures of yours under advisement (basically when I can be bothered to look at the sources).
Either way, I didn’t trust government or the main stream media before March 2020 and neither did most people considering the prior 4 years of elitist, globalist douchebags pissing in people’s faces and telling them “Hey, this isn’t rain….. I’m pissing in your face because you’re a fucking pleb!”.
So it strikes me as odd that all that was required for many people to do a cognitive 180 was for 18-24 months of constant propaganda/conditioning from those aforementioned entities.
The most perturbing thing for me is that I consider myself something of a rationalist (when I’m sober) so it concerns me when TPTB keep proving nutters like Alex Jones right. If Alex Jones is so wrong……….. STOP DOING EVERYTHING HE SAYS IS GOING TO HAPPEN YOU PRICKS!!!!
FUCK! I don’t even like Alex Jones. I think he’s a cunt, a liar and a con man…. yet he keeps being proven right time and time again.
You’d think after Iraq, Libya, Syria, and all the constant domestic lies and bullshit, that people would be more cynical and critical. It seems the majority have a masochistic fetish for being told what to think by our media and leaders. An addiction to drama too.
If someone shouts ‘Fire!’ in a cinema, ok, you take it seriously. You get outside. But when it becomes apparent there is no fire, you accept it was a mistake and go back. Instead we have the same cunt continually shouting ‘Fire!’ and everyone is still cowering when they should be beating that fucking cunt into pulp.
It should have been over by May 2020. The ONS stats prove it. But they also beg the question, what did kill all those people in Mar/Apr if it wasn’t a virus.
Matt Hancock and his midazolam receipts might have something to do with it.
I’ve also looked into the stockpiling of Midazolam before the planned attack. Again we see conflict of interest with that cunt who didn’t stage his early departure from government at all.
I firmly believe it is war against the general public, and fucking thick cunts suck it up.
I appreciate your reply TITS. I was wondering when someone would reply to the official numbers.
It seems like nobody wants to debate the situation anymore.
What I find most interesting is the lying cunts on TV are not saying much about it.
Funny how it has sort of evaporated. Now it’s Russia and a cat kicking footballer.
We’ll just skip the fact that a super deadly virus just sort of stopped one day lol.
No one wants to debate the actual figures because it shows clearly, as I have maintained, there is no virus. All they did was use propaganda and statistical trickery via their bullshit testing.
How many billion have we borrowed though. Lol. That’s one number we can’t ignore, and the reality of it will fuck everyone right up in the coming months and years.
People are fucking dumb. No short term memory, critical thinking ability, or foresight.
What killed these people is pneumonia, which has a plethora of different causes. There’s no clinically unique symptoms of covid, it all hinges on the tests for diagnosis.
If you are saying ‘these people died of pneumonia’ was it bacterial or viral, ‘there are no clinically unique symptoms of Covid’ so loss of taste is common to all viral infections.
To argue something exists and doesn’t exist at the same time is mind boggling. Regardless of the name (which seems to be an issue) do you at least acknowledge that there has been a global pandemic.
No, I don’t acknowledge that. Pandemic of fear perhaps, but nothing unusual.
0.2% mortality is statistically insignificant. And when you dissect it further you find it has literally no basis in reality at all. Clever accounting, that’s all it is.
Sense of taste is subjective. You can hypnotise people into distorting subjective experience. No objective action is provided, just anecdotal experience – not saying they didn’t experience it. Using that one symptom as a diagnosis is ludicrous.
As for influenza, same shit. Attributed to a virus but in reality they don’t know what really causes it. Historical example shows it spread faster than the fastest means of travel which means it’s not an airborne pathogen but something else. Another topic entirely but interesting to examine.
Not duped at all but I have difficulty in understanding your stance in the face of all the evidence, an inability to believe that something exists simply because it doesn’t fit with your world view is delusional
However I concede that you are entitled to believe whatever you like
Isn’t anyone going to register in their brain that it was only 3000 ish deaths per year which is let’s say to support the cunts 10 deaths per day. You’ve got more chance of being assassinated by the Clinton’s
Virus, bacteria, disease, it doesnt matter. Climate change is our real worry. Its about time the governments stopped lying to us with this talk of ‘slowing’ or ‘stopping’ it, and focus on ways we can SURVIVE it.
ELDiablo666@ “Climate change is a naturally occurring cyclical event which has been happening since the creation of planet earth.
The Co2 output of humankind has had zero effect on the atmosphere and we are being lied to by people who think screaming like lunatics makes them “experts” – Greta Chunderberg for one – puppets for some truly evil people.
“Hole in the ozone layer” – debunked – “rising sea levels” – debunked.
“Greenhouse gases” – debunked, so they go with “global warming” because they know they do not have to produce a shred of evidence or proof.
FUCK them.
Nice to find someone else who knows that this shit will happen no matter what we do. Oh, lets all go vegan, use renewable energy sources and drive electric cars to prevent climate change. Bullshit.
Ensuring energy self-sufficiency should have been a priority for our government twenty years ago. We now urgently need to build new nuclear power stations – and get fucking fracking, ffs!
PFFFFT! Whaaaat? And I just saw this video from Australia about how 50 million vaccines are to be destroyed as they were triggering false-positive results. For Covid? No… HIV…
Old news, it was one of the trial vaccines that was scrapped because of the false HIV positive
Don’t need a YouTube video, the BBC, amongst others reported this but as it was abandoned the story died with it
Cunty Gordon@ – French virologist Luc Montagnier, PhD, who shared the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work in isolating the human immunodeficiency virus stated, just before his “unforeseen death” last Thursday that anyone who has had three “vaccines” should book an AIDS test and see what the result is.
Mr Montagnier is currently unavailable for comment on account of being dead..
Never heard that such a preeminent doctor and Nobel winning person had died. That’s fucking terrifying to hear someone of that stature say that, this isn’t Alex Jones or David Icke, is it?
I knew from the beginning that Covid was not what they said it was. My distrust of the most powerful people in the world made me, well… not trust these cunts, so I’m glad I won’t have to eat humble pie when the truth about this deception comes out for all to see. A lot of “crazy nonsense” is going to be revealed to be true this decade. I’m glad I’m on the higher elevations as when the flood comes, a lot of smug cunts are going to drown.
I recall reading that Luc Montagnier was one of the people who first sequenced HIV and said that when he first looked at the structure/coding of SARScoV2 that he found sequences from HIV that could not have gotten there by naturalistic means. That’s certainly very surprising and worrying.
What’s not really very surprising or worrying is that an 89 year old man died. People die. Only pro-lockdown, pro-vax mandate nutters think that we can stop people dying.
I meant them not you. I wasnt having a go at your grammar. From/of is what THEY should have said. Dying WITH covid could be anything, ‘He has it but was hit by a car.’
Fuck me. Did I go through all the gov data and freedom of information data for fuck all ?
You’ve been conned. Fucking get over it.
Just get ready for the next one.
Soi@ – How do Squire – yes, the artificial, man made bioweapon created and developed in a Wuhan lab under the direction of Anthony Fauci did kill some people – a tiny minority.
All the other alleged “covid19” deaths are seasonal cold and flu viruses.
All information pertaining to Montaigners comments with regard to the “vaccines” and HIV are freely available on
But try find a word about it on Google – crickets ans alleged “fact checkers” (AKA “paid liars”).
Is nobody concerned that experts in medicine with legitimate and qualified opinions are being prevented from sharing their information and findings?
Is that the actions of honest people with nothing to hide?
@Mr Fox. It just goes to show how incompetent these cunts like Faucci are. He’s a lazy old grifting cunt who propably shouts at his scientists when they fail to achieve making a bioweapon specific for his genocidal goals.
On the other side of the coin, I reckon he’s very good at hedge betting with the elitists and media on his side creating Bullshit to coerce people into taking the real virus.
All smoke and mirrors to attain the eventual goal.
Good afternoon Vern, I had a brief look at Gab and even watched the video by beachmilk…..
Hilarious, it should be on prime time TV, best laugh I have had in ages ?
However your theory about the origins of Covid are quite valid, it certainly could have been developed or manipulated in Wuhan. The only issue I have is that you concede that it killed a tiny minority but then somehow make the claim that the rest were colds and flu.
I would hope that a bio weapon would do a better job that killing a tiny minority.
“…but then somehow make the claim that the rest were colds and flu.”
Seasonal influenza can and does account for half a million deaths worldwide!
“I would hope that a bio weapon would do a better job that killing a tiny minority.”
It’s the ‘vaccine’ that is the real weapon! The engineered ‘virus’ was just the hook they could hang it on. Fauci and his cohorts are actively seeking to replace accepted medicants with genetically based products. They’ve openly admitted this.
Details are all in The Fauci Dossier I linked to a few pages back.
Cuntflu@ – Check out the comments on the “vaccines” and HIV made by Luc Montaigner, Nobel prize winning scientist who jointly discovered HIV – very interesting and VERY worrying.
Quick addendum – my older Brother, former Army Officer, fit to the point, never had a day of illness in his life was admitted to A&E recently with a heart attack – Cardiothoracic surgeons official report?
“Myocarditis due to unknown causes”.
Never had a heart problem in his life, got the death shots a few months ago, went over in the gym.
I still don’t know anybody who has died with or of Covid but lately I seem to be hearing about otherwise healthy people dying out of the blue.
My cousin’s step sister (maybe 30 at most) died last month unexpectedly…… I haven’t asked about the cause of death because I don’t really speak to her.
There was a Youtuber I subscribe to called Schrodinger’s Cat who died in a hotel room on a work trip at the age of 46 last month……. cause of death unknown.
Matt Dillahunty of The Atheist Experience podcast had an angiogram and open heart surgery to have a stent put in his heart less than 6 months after he got the poke although I guess that could just be a congenital heart disorder as the guy is in his early 50’s and a fat knacker.
Then there are all the athletes keeling over and dying and comedians as well.
‘There was a Youtuber I subscribe to called Schrodinger’s Cat who died in a hotel room on a work trip at the age of 46 last month……. cause of death unknown’
If no one had opened the hotel room door he would still be alive
Soi@ – Apologies, couldn’t post on your earlier post – Gab is fulled with freaks, nutters, tinfoil hatters and just generally dumb weirdos, but is also an invaluable source of (very occasionally) good credible info which checks out under scrutiny, but by jingo does it take some digging through the insanity to get there! ?
The “covid19” and “vaccines” increasingly seem to have been designed deliberately to work together as a bioweapon.
And I am concerned what will happen to the people who were either trusting (which I am not in any way criticising) or were coerced into having the jabs in the future – I hope nothing, but from rather unpleasant personal recent experience I am worried.
In fact, very worried – all of my Family except for me have been jabbed (all healthy and in good nick) and from just them there have been three serious reactions and very nearly one coronary.
Not good, not at all.
I know people have had concerns about the vaccine, it’s only natural, but I am firmly on the side of the MHRA, I have no reason whatsoever to believe that they are complicit in any kind of conspiracy.
For all the criticisms of Sage and the rest I have no doubt that if the MHRA picked up data which was outside of what is normal in terms of vaccine reactions they would have called a halt.
It is unfortunate that some people suffered with vaccine and even some could have died because of it but that happens with many medications, treatments and operations.
All the talk about things like myocarditis is just scaremongering, people have suffered and died from myocarditis (all ages) before covid and the vaccines existed.
No one has been held down and forced to have the vaccine in UK, it has been voluntary, personal choice.
I don’t know anyone who has had anything other than headache or fever from the vaccine, I posted on here that I have a shit fever and headache with my first AZ jab, I do know that one of my friends partner died from Covid, completely unnecessarily because he didn’t take the vaccine. The problem here is that denial can cost lives, but it’s a personal choice to take the risk.
No-one in my circle of friends or acquaintances (which is fairly extensive) had a seriously adverse reaction to any of the Covid vaccines.
But five had a serious bout of the virus itself, one nearly died, a couple continue to have ongoing problems.
Me and the wife had the AZ first plus Pfizer boosters. Didn’t notice any side effects with AZ, but I was a bit fluey for 24 hours after the Pfizer. The wife was fine. One of our neighbours had the Moderna booster and felt a bit weird and dehydrated throughout the night, but back to normal by the following afternoon.
I agree with you SOI. Freedom of choice. But when any debate or free speech is entirely shut down by all main stream media, there should be questions asked.
Soi@ – Forcible coercion by intimidation, lies, fear of poverty and hunger if you do not line up and do as you are ordered and Stalin level propaganda is not free choice.
Denial can cost lives? – buying a 500 quid runabout car? – Do some checks, ask some questions.
Buying a hundred quid garden shed? – Do some checks, ask some questions.
Being ordered to take medical experimentation which may kill you?
Don’t ask a single question, just trust Dr Pfizer the magic pharma salesman..?♂️
Truth will out, and it will be horrific.
But I have done the best I can to warn people of the dangers and been laughed at, abused and called a tinfoil hatter etc so as far as I am now concerned people can choose to believe whatever the fuck they want.
I tried my hardest, and my conscience is clear.
Many questions have been asked and there has been plenty of debate however it seems that anything that is pro vaccine is automatically dismissed as being funded by Bill Gates or Big Pharma or anything that is printed in MSM whereas some knob on YouTube is suddenly an expert or selectively misinterprets something that has been said by ‘leading’ scientist.
The estimates are that the vaccine roll out in Europe has saved almost 500,000 lives, now you can believe that figure or not but it is clear and absolutely undeniable that the vaccine reduces risk, of infection, severe illness and death.
@SOI When testing a new medication, long term studies are key because large scale side effects may not become apparent until years after the fact.
The statistically low number or deaths from the vax within the first 2 years of rollout pales in significance when weighed against potential long term risks.
Prime example if the artificial oestrogen Diethylstilbestrol which was given to pregnant women but caused an increase in vaginal and cervical cancer in them and their daughters which only became apparent decades later.
Luckily though, in this large scale clinical trial we have a control group……….. the dirty unvaxxed untermensch like myself.
Invoking the Emergencies Act, walking out of parliament during questions, hiding away whilst pretending his family had covid.
What a gutless fağgot. I hope the federal police and military hang him out to dry instead of turning on their citizens.
The Aussie federal police used an LRAD on protesters the other day. Chief couldn’t even admit it despite being caught on camera and all the police wearing earplugs.. cunts!
Yeah, but dig this: he asked the Canadian army to disperse the people a few week ago and they said, “suck a giant bag of AIDS dicks” (actual quote) so he is no getting the USA ARMY to do the dirty work…
Regardless of pro or anti, whatever, mandated vaccine or if you think Trudeau is a cunt, if you lived in Ottawa you would be pissed off with the truck invasion.
Fucking up peoples lives like the insulation mob in the uk isn’t acceptable, how many on here would support this action in Canada if it was an XR protest.
This is a whole other ballgame. If this was happening in Glasgow, I’d be there right now dressed as a giant haggis blocking the entrance to Hollyrood and playing, “Scotland the Brave” on a ghetto-blaster while surrounded by people doing the Conga!
Blocking Holyrood is fine or the house of cunts in London, trouble is the MSP and MP cunts could just go on zoom, but the police would move in because it’s fine to fuck up peoples lives in general but ‘an attack on Parliament is an attack on democracy’
It’s not happening here because there isn’t mandatory vaccinations, at least someone high up is showing some common sense.
He was quick to smear them with ‘fringe minority’ then pretty quickly the ‘far right’ mentioned and of course ‘racism’.
No sense of ‘listening to their concerns’ or ‘how can we lessen tensions’
Some issues are bigger than local residents having to be put out. I think I read that a) the truckers allowed a gap in the road for ambulances and the like and b)the truckers have recently agreed to move out of residential streets and concentrate on the parliament building – I think they’re legal representative Tweeted about that and said it was not the convoy’s intention to be a nuisance (not sure what word she used) to residents. On that basis, they’re not as bad as Insulate Britain/X Rebellion twats.
Trudeau doesn’t have to mandate vaccines, so what’s his problem? 90% have been jabbed and Omicron is the dominant mild variant. Now he wants to put people in jail, fine them 100k, freeze their bank accounts and put the army on them. Has he forgotten that Canada is not in China?
The XR lot would argue that there is nothing more important than climate change.
Residents are pissed off, it’s not only the trucks blocking everything but the convoy demonstration has attracted others with a axe to grind.
Some residents have been harassed and they complain about the constant noise, nothing wrong with protesting but it has to proportionate and target the right people.
Well it would all stop if there was no mandate; that’s the point of the protests.
Apologists for Trudeau that I’ve watched on CBC don’t talk about that, instead they focus the legality of invoking the Emergency Act, the impact on the economy and residents.
Cuntologist@ – I have quite a bit of contact with the freedom convoy representatives in Canada – they are angry, there are more of them every day and they have clearly stated they will stay until the mandates are gone, permanently.
Little Justine Castro has made the politically fatal mistake of turning on his own people, and they want him gone.
They will not stop now.
Despite “Ottawa residents” (didn’t know BLM and Antifa has an Ottawa branch but there you go) whining about lorries tooting their horns the massive majority of Canadians are with the truckers.
I think the professional complainers would have been also complaining about the noisy wheels on the trains they had just helped to load a few years ago..
@Vernon Fox interesting that you are in touch with members of the Freedom Convoy. I’m with their protest 100% and thrilled that millions of Canadians are supporting them.
So creating a two-tier society based on vax status and shutting down peoples lives for the past two years is.. what exactly to you?
Freedoms are sort of important to.. free societies. Protests are meant to be inconvenient, that’s the whole fucking point mate. If you are relegated to a time and place where you don’t inconvenience anyone then no one is going to pay any fucking attention are they.
I think you’re more interested in defending your (failing) belief that this pandemic is legitimate and not just an authoritarian power grab.
Fuck the residents. Thousands died in the mud for these freedoms they are willing to just toss away. It’s fucking pathetic. Anyone with morals would be in firm support of the truckers, not nittpicking it.
I am not on the side of anyone who advocates forcing people to have the vaccine, never have been, never will be.
The truckers don’t want the vaccine, fair enough don’t have it, do a Djokovic and say fuck off.
Yes Trudy has got it wrong but I don’t live in Canada and thankfully not in Ottawa, you talk about freedom, what can’t you do in the UK, vaccinated or not, that you couldn’t do in 2019…. Answer, nothing.
My belief in a virus that killed millions and would have been worse without vaccines has no bearing on my comments about the protests in Ottawa, all I was doing was pointing out was the effect on residents.
Trying to make more out of my comment is pure desperation.
I am with the truckers 99% – but I disagree with delaying emergency service vehicles which has apparently happened. In my view, anybody protesting who delays an emergency service vehicle getting to it’s destination should have their heads stoved in.
I’m not a truck driver nor do I live in Ottawa, but if I did, I’d be alongside the truckers because it’s about standing up to authoritarianism. Nimbyism and feeling empathy for the people whose lives are being negatively impacted by the protest is all well and good but just because the authoritarian overreach of the Canadian government doesn’t affect them now, that doesn’t mean that it won’t in the future.
In this instance I don’t actually give a fuck so long as they do their best to get out the way (if they can).
Why? Because the government with its draconian bullshit has effectively murdered X amount of people already via suicide, health impact, economics, etc, etc.
If the government is allowed to continue on its current trajectory it will murder even more people with its bullshit policies. The same for Italy, Greece, Oz, Nz, etc.
The greater good is actually applicable here. It is justified, to pre-emptively stop more needless suffering and death at the hands of these globalist cunts.
TiTS@ – I have a lot of contact with the organisers of the convoys – a lane was kept open for emergency vehicles and I have seen no evidence to support this allegation – the MSM are not telling the truth.
Also, shitloads of weapons have been intercepted which were headed that way and tow truck owners who refuse to assist in the attempted towing away of vehicles have been threatened with arrest, as have anyone contributing financially and, quite seriously, anyone who stands at the side of the road in support – the justification is “causing mischief under the criminal code” – Little Castro is just making things up as he goes along now.
Trudeau has gone full psycho communist dictator, is becoming more desperate and threatening by the day and has now instructed banks to freeze the accounts of supporters.
As well as stealing over 9 million Dollars from GiveSendGo (GoFundMe refused to accept payments for the freedom convoys but had no problem providing a funding platform for BLM and Antifa) which was meant to buy food, fuel etc for truckers who are receiving no wages – the dirty thieving little bastard, so I have been in contact with the various freedom convoy reps and asked them to pass the message on to all supporters – take all except one Dollar out of your account and keep it out until the banks back down.
This fucker is going DOWN!
To be fair, my “reports of truckers blocking emergency vehicle” is actually from one anecdotal report from a Youtuber who makes vids discrediting dipshit SovCits.
The fact that most people who do videos ragging on SovCits are lefty arseholes who like big statism and hate freedom, I wouldn’t be surprised if his anecdotal report was fabricated as lefties tend to have a fair weather relationship with the truth (or “THEIR” truth as they like to put it).
Soi@ – If I lived in Ottawa I would be shouting from the rooftops for the people who want freedom and have the guts to risk everything to get it.
And the quite a few “familiar looking” “Ottawa residents”, somewhat strangely, have not been seen in Ottawa until a couple of weeks ago.
Strange one, that.
Anyone spotted Ray Epps yet?
Yes, I saw that. The police denied that they used them, the lying cunts, but they had to admit they did, the snivelling we shitbags. But that uber-gimp in Canada is still trying to act tough like his is in a Police Academy movie or something, but he just comes across as tough as the concierge trying to throw out the Blues Brothers…
The ridiculous thing is that they’ll deny they used them, deny they even exist, then the mainstream media will back them up by saying they don’t exist, social media will do the same and before you know it, LRAD weapons are some kind of “far right” conspiracy theory.
Funny that……. I was taught about them in the Army back in 2009/2010 in an EWF (Electronic Warfare) module as part of my phase II Signals trade training course and was also told that the same weapons were used in a clandestine fashion against protesters/rioters in Ulster back in the 80’s/90’s and that some of those people died as a result.
BUT THEY DEFINITELY DON’T EXIST!!!……… just trust the “experts”……… cunts.
All directed energy weapons should have a global moratorium. The police certainly should not have access to them. The military has sound, heat (microwave), light (laser), and probably others.
We don’t know the true effects and dangers. No one can see the damage being inflicted either.. invisible and silent. Ripe for abuse.
There were reports in Iraq that the US experimented with the microwave system, going full hog and melting cars and incinerating people.
But seriously… dafuq is going on in Kanada? Will it turn into a sort of PG-13 civil war? Is this how WW3 starts, not Russia-Ukraine?! A foppish preppy lavender-scented Cabbage Patch Soll kicks off Armageddon?! LOL!
Justine Castreau is going. He’ll cave in or go full Stalin and be ousted.
He’s finished, once he goes, Jason Ardern Crazy horse will be next. Dan Andrews will stand down with a retirement bonus. Fuck it, they’ll all get ovations and tax funded renumeration.
Game over.
A frightful shower of cunts.
My gut thinks Turdeau, Crazy horse and Micron are on borrowed time. They were chosen for their youth and supposed connectivity and liberalism while at the same time presiding over total mismanagement and heavy handed policies. The peasants are revolting and these creeps resort to even heavier handed tactics. The WEF don’t want this sort of negative publicity, they will be replaced.
They’re amateurs at the end of the day, too young and green in the machiavellian arts.
Heads on spikes, bodies in the oven, Terence ! Your services are required.
Adolf Trudeau now instructing Canadian banks to freeze the accounts of the freedom convoy supporters.
So I have advised them all to pull all except one Dollar out of their accounts (quite legal) – this will seriously compromise the banks day to day liquidity and will cost them a fortune in lost profit.
Reports now coming in that people are doing exactly that, and the banks are now very worried there will be a run on them due to this – and there now is.
Fuck around and find out Justine!
Tick Tock, Adolf..
Because when Trudeau is brought down (which I have every intention of doing) the rest of the dominoes will fall one by one – “Macho and totally heterosexual Ladies man” Turdeau is the darling of Schwab, Soros and the NWO – when he falls the rest will follow.
Bring it on.
Even dictatorial Drakeford and his cunt government has announced the end of requirement of a covid passport or negative test for entrance into nightclubs, sports and concert venues.
Thank fuck for that.
So much for the NWO.
It’s a shame that Mr Drakeford is such a crap dictator really.
When I look at him, I feel the need to pinch one of his generous jowls and wiggle it back and forth in a playful manner whilst saying “who’s a silly naughty boy”
“SAGE doom-mongers claim next Covid variant could kill a THIRD of infected people: Advisers warn Boris his bonfire of final pandemic rules next week may trigger ‘rapid’ rise in cases and spawn lethal mutation”
There’s no denying the myocarditis. The clots, period disruption, etc. Clearly there’s something fucked with the concoction, despite the continued denials from the establishment. Intentional or not, who knows.
I’m trying not to think about it tbh. I’m unjabbed so it’s not for me to worry.
TITS@ – Dr Robert Malone, co-inventor of MRNA technology (even though the MSM deny it), has stated that it would be a good idea for anyone who has had three death shots to take a HIV test – concerning.
And, despite the now overwhelming evidence of the harm the death shots do and the fact they are being used as an excuse, along with the China created plandemic, for a NWO takeover there are still some spiteful, deluded people who will not accept the facts, evidence and truth and are bitter and ashamed they did not have the guts to stand when they should have and so they throw their vile venom and malicious barbs at people who do.
At some point these fools will have to own their cowardice and denial.
Everything I have seen, heard and know reinforces my opinion that I was right to refuse any medical experimentation, and I would like nothing more than to be wrong because a lot of people I know and care about have been fooled/coerced/ conned into taking them and I do not want them to suffer any of the horrific side effects.
But I am not.
From what I understand, he was part of a team which had some patents for mRNA technology back in the late 80’s early 90’s but the patents expired for one reason or another.
It turns out that as far back as 1978, scientists had used fatty membrane liposomes to transport mRNA into mouse and human cells to induce protein expression so in a way the fact checkers are right.
MRNA gene therapy tech has been the product of the collective efforts of multiple teams, for multiple decade before and after Malone so it’s hardly fair to call him the soul inventor, especially when the patents which bore his name expired.
From what I’ve read, Robert Malone has a long, varied and interrupted career on account of his personality: apparently he’s an argumentative, belligerent prick who’s difficult to work with so I tend to take what his says with a pinch of salt like I do with that unhinged, SovCit nutter Prof Dolores Cahill.
On the other hand though, there are medical experts like Dr Peter McCullough who speak a lot of sense.
TBCC@ – “SAGE doom-mongers see the gravy train ending and go into invention mode”.
When a supposed body of “medical experts” has more behaviourists and psychologists (as well as the odd art qualification) than epidemiologists and virologists that is telling.
Ottawa police now forcibly removing children from the freedom convoys and taking them to “a place of safety”.
But it’s all about protecting them from a virus..
Australian pig filth bastards now using sub-sonic acoustic weapons to debilitate and severely injured unarmed, peaceful demonstrators.
But it’s all about protecting people’s health.
TiTS@ – Apologies, couldn’t add to your earlier post – Robert Malone does have a reputation for being a prick and his involvement in the development of mRNA technology is hotly debated but I imagine he was in good company, shall we say – from the medical professionals I know it seems arrogance and pompousness are the first lessons taught in a lot of cases.
But when Malone, Mike Yeadon, Satoshi Omura and a plethora of other experts in the relevant fields are silenced, ridiculed, defunded, ridiculed and demonised it makes me wonder why they are so afraid of these people.
And, if there was nothing to hide and everything was above board I wonder why the MSM will not allow any of these recognised experts to debate with “the established narrative”.
I am deeply suspicious of anyone who tries to force people into silence.
And Leprechauns – they are up to no good! ?
Shifty no good fkin Leprechauns..
I get what you’re saying and I agree that a lot of people in the medical field are arrogant, lefty, boot-licking twats – I almost went on a date with a female, Irish medical Doctor a few years back and although very well-read and quite attractive, she was stuck up, referred to herself as a “pinko” without any shame or self-awareness and mocked me for referring to myself as a libertarian (because those people who want individual rights and freedoms for themselves AND others are the dangerous ones).
I also agree that accredited medical experts have been ignored by the establishment, silenced the MSM/social media and ridiculed by their peers and that proves to me that government is corrupt (duh), information is controlled (duh) and the medical/scientific establishment has been compromised, politicised and weaponised.
I try to look at both sides of the argument but just because lots of people in the medical profession have been lambasted and denounced, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some bad apples in that basket (like the aforementioned Prof Cahill and possibly Dr Malone).
Like I say, I like to see both sides of an argument which is why I force myself to suffer the shrieking and howling of shrill arseholes like Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer but unfortunately most people are complacent, lazy normies who just eat up what’s put in front of them.
In years gone-by during times of peace/non-emergency, science could go at a natural snail’s pace and fringe idiots with bad ideas and methodologies like Young Earth Creatards could be largely ignored or ridiculed by mainstream science and rightly-so.
In a time when “protecting people’s health” is so fundamentally important, you’d think that the scientific community would be free from idealogical bias and open to alternative ideas but we aren’t being told the whole truth, we’re being told as much as we are allowed to be told. Luckily we have people like Joe Rogan and Jimmy Dore who are willing to platform people from “the other side” (what ever the fuck that means).
It’s a pretty sad state of affairs when the only people willing to listen to alternative scientific opinions are a couple of internet podcast hosts/comedians.
SHB@ – It seems to be the case, yes.
I can understand it with little Hewitt though – that skank he is married to has had more pricks than a pub dartboard.
Another sign of a return to some form of reality. I had a text from the local health authority earlier, saying there was a vaccine available for me at my local surgery. This isn’t the first time I’ve had one, the last I phoned to say I wouldn’t be attending and was unlikely to require one in future. However, today’s message includes the option to opt out of program, something that wasn’t offered before.
As I’ve said many times, I’m pro choice, and anti vaccine passports and coercion to people who don’t want the vaccine for whatever reason, and will never treat someone differently based on if they have been vaccinated or not. I wish no harm on anyone who doesn’t want a vaccine, and would like to be treated the same in reciprocation, for the sake of human decency.
For some though, that isn’t enough.
If you dare question the validity of the statements of the anti mob, or ask for evidence of their outrageous claims, you are frequently faced with hostility or ridicule, even though what these people are saying is beyond the pale.
Violence and intimidation are the argument of the idiot, someone you can’t reason with because they can never be proven wrong, regardless of what empirical evidence you offer. They would rather parrot the same lies, myths and absolute bullshit to the bitter end. I truly feel sorry for them, be it low IQ, paranoia through mental illness or weed smoking, as these are definitely factors in the people I personally know who have these views, as I have no idea of the lifestyles and mental health of internet dwellers.
Life is to short to be bitter.
I agree with you although I think what you described are mentally-blinkered idiots from both sides of the fence.
I honestly couldn’t tell at one point if you were referring to violent, anti-vax, SovCit, conspiratard brainlets who invade vaccine centres or self-righteous, coercive, collectivist, coronatarian bullies who wish persecution and death on the unvaxxed.
Funny how there’s such a fine line between extremists and extremists.
Both are cunts in my opinion. There has to be freedom of choice, and fuck anyone thinks otherwise. I despise smoking, fucking disgusting habit, and one that has killed a few people I know, but as long as I don’t have to breathe that carcinogenic filth, crack on.
This should be no different.
I have to take issue with your clumsy comparison between smokers and the vaccine-free. From the start of this rant to the end, I may or will digress so I apologise in advance for the expected tangent.
“I despise smoking, fucking disgusting habit, and one that has killed a few people I know, but as long as I don’t have to breathe that carcinogenic filth, crack on.
This should be no different.”
I’m not sure of the statistics on smoking, or indeed, passive smoking but the stats on the coof seem to indicate that the hospitalisation rate is sub 1% and the mortality rate is approx 0.4%…… hardly the Black Death.
I know that a lot of people make a lazy comparison to annual Flu deaths but that point aside, the reason for the higher rates of mortality from the get-go were due to the virus being novel (literally meaning new)….. there was no immunity to it.
As many people like the the epidemiologist Professor Sunetra Gupta from the University of Oxford pointed out from the very beginning, in order to reduce the overall lethality of a viral pathogen, it has to burn it’s way through the healthy population in order to achieve herd immunity (which was Epidemiology 101 until 2020).
As soon as the UK government turned on a penny over a weekend from a herd immunity strategy to an untested population lockdown strategy (of the healthy), people like Professor Gupta were lambasted and ridiculed by their own colleagues as fringe lunatics and idiots for even suggesting such a strategy that they themselves would have agreed with only a year prior.
She and the Great Barrington Declaration were smeared by the MSM in a coordinated attack which has been confirmed by a FOI request showing emails between Anthony Fauci and another high ranking official (if you cared to edify yourself).
Then there is the fact that quality of life has always been held to be more sacrosanct than quantity of life (by quantity I mean number of years, not number of people).
But all of a sudden in 2020, a virus with an averaged mortality age equalling the population’s average mortality age somehow requires:
– locking people in their own homes at risk of fines or arrest,
– preventing socialising,
– preventing travel,
– ruining careers,
– destroying businesses,
– causing excess deaths from suicide, alcoholism and drug overdose,
– causing excess deaths from missed appointments for otherwise treatable diseases.
I just ran out of things to type……… for the moment. I’ll leave it at that for now.
As I’ve posted on several occasions, I am pro-vaccine for all those who need or want it. Against all other measures, especially lockdowns, mask mandates and mass testing.
I used smoking as an example of choice. It’s something I deeply disapprove of, especially after watching my mate fade away from lung cancer two years ago. Yet I accept that it’s a personal choice, even to put that known poison into your body, and support the individual freedom use this drug. All I ask for in return for this support is to respect my desire not to inhale the stuff.
The vaccines it should be the same, have it, don’t have it, but respect the other’s opinion.
Smoking also has elements that mirror the marketing of the current vaccines. Mass advertising, peer pressure, coercion through popular media. Where they differ is that vaccines, regardless of what some believe, are meant to save lives, where using tobacco as the manufacturer intended will result in the opposite.
All about health, follow the science.
Just what benefit do tobacco products have and why are they still for sale.
Health right ? Bollocks.
Money. Early treatment with established medicines? No. Take the serum and be the test subject.
“Where they differ is that vaccines, regardless of what some believe, are meant to save lives, where using tobacco as the manufacturer intended will result in the opposite.”
So you admit that there are those who choose, rightly or wrongly, to remain vaccine-free because they believe them to be detrimental to human health and longevity?
There are those in the anti-vax community who not only refuse to even touch a vaxxed person due to supposed “vaccine shedding”, but who also believe that government and MSM promotion of mRNA vaccines are a fully-known, pre-meditated attempt at sterilising/harming/killing large numbers of people.
I may not agree with their beliefs, but please tell me how their views differ in any significant way from your smoking analogy because I fail to see any distinction seeing as how smoking was once marketed in days-of-yore as a kind of cough remedy.
I know I was a bit drunk when I made my original post but I didn’t think it was that incoherent and clumsy.
I was comparing the freedom of choice to having the vaccine to the freedom of choice of smoking. Both entail putting chemicals into your body, only the vaccine is meant to save lives, unlike smoking, which even the packaging tells you it will kill you.
I was defending the right to not have the vaccine, as I thought I’d made clear in my original post.
I used smoking as an analogy because I’m defending the right for the individual to partake in something that is inherently dangerous, so the issue of whether to risk a bad reaction to the vaccine, or to risk hospitalisation by not having one is a similar situation in my opinion. Both include choice and risk.
As for those cunts who believe in vaccine shedding and other likewise crap, only another mong would entertain their drivel.
As I said in my original post, for the rabid anti vaxxers, freedom of choice is not enough, you’re either 100 percent behind their beliefs, or you’re against them. So fuck them.
Also, disappointed no one was interested in the reason for the post, that being it is now acceptable to opt out of the vaccine program. To me, this shows unequivocally that there can be little need for a vaccine passport if there is no longer a need to show it. And, no segregation for those unvaccinated.
Also, it looks like most of the remaining edicts, such as self isolation, are to be removed this week, as part of the living with covid strategy.
I know it’s a lot worse in New Zealand, Australia and Canada (why all ex colonies?) whose approaches all differ to ours, and each other’s, and I hope things improve there, but it does put to bed any suggestions that the whole world is in unison regarding the covid response, as this has been apparent from day one to those steer clear of bitchute and gab. Don’t forget, the same people who said the world was marching in ‘lockstep’ towards a NWO were also championing Florida for carrying on as normal.
Sorry for the belated response but I get 2 day hangovers and the beer fear.
“I was comparing the freedom of choice to having the vaccine to the freedom of choice of smoking. Both entail putting chemicals into your body, only the vaccine is meant to save lives, unlike smoking, which even the packaging tells you it will kill you.”
Yes, people KNOW the risks of smoking but do it anyway and that’s THEIR choice (plus it’s addictive).
“only the vaccine is meant to save lives”
Only allegedly (at risk of sounding like a tin foil mad-hatter). Plus, even with such a huge multi-demographic sample pool, the short term aggregated data can’t be weighted in any significant way against the potential longer term effects. I point to Diethylstilbestrol as an example of a widely used, trusted “safe” pharmaceutical which was discontinued after decades once deleterious side effects became apparent.
“I was defending the right to not have the vaccine, as I thought I’d made clear in my original post.
I used smoking as an analogy because I’m defending the right for the individual to partake in something that is inherently dangerous”
But the dangers of smoking are well known from decades of study and statistics… the same cannot be said about these vaccines which, and I’m sorry to have to flog-the-dead-horse, are largely experimental and haven’t had the same level of time, scrutiny or analysis so your comparison still remains clunky and imprecise.
“so the issue of whether to risk a bad reaction to the vaccine, or to risk hospitalisation by not having one is a similar situation in my opinion. Both include choice and risk.”
When weighing up risks of a dichotomous situation, one has to weigh up the evidence as it’s presented (or not presented in many cases regarding both the origins of the virus, the massaged death stats and the vaccine efficacy stats).
That’s a terrible analogy when one considers that many of the reported Covid cases are based on the hugely unreliable PCR test, known for producing false positives, and that the political and medical establishments of numerous Western nations have now finally come out and admitted to huge inaccuracies in the reporting data of Covid deaths.
It’s certainly not hard to think that anything which logically follows from the conclusions given by the political, medical and pharmaceutical establishments might not be 100% trust-worthy – especially considering the risks of adverse side effects in certain demographics which are equal to, if not worse than, the risks of the virus itself… a virus with less than a 0.5% mortality rate.
“As for those cunts who believe in vaccine shedding and other likewise crap, only another mong would entertain their drivel.”
I agree with this point. Vaccine-shedding sounds like the sort of unscientific bollocks that Alex Jones would, and does, perpetuate.
“As I said in my original post, for the rabid anti-vaxxers, freedom of choice is not enough, you’re either 100 percent behind their beliefs, or you’re against them. So fuck them.”
I agree wholeheartedly. Anti-vaxxers are largely a bunch of small-minded, knuckle-dragging reactionary, violent thugs with no consideration for the freedom and personal, bodily autonomy of others … rather like the coercive, collectivist, coronatarian bullies who wish death, persecution or 2nd class citizenship upon the unvaxxed.
“Also, disappointed no one was interested in the reason for the post, that being it is now acceptable to opt out of the vaccine program. To me, this shows unequivocally that there can be little need for a vaccine passport if there is no longer a need to show it. And, no segregation for those unvaccinated.
Also, it looks like most of the remaining edicts, such as self isolation, are to be removed this week, as part of the living with Covid strategy.”
Yes because I’m sure that this will definitely be the last of this kind of authoritarian nonsense (obvious sarcastic tone is obvious). I don’t mean to be rude but if you think that, then I really don’t think there’s much hope for you.
I make a point of forming my opinions based on multiple sources which are often diametrically-opposed; that is the best way to remain as objective, informed and as open-minded as possible. I may find the likes of Alex Jones repugnant but he makes predictions and then the same people about whom he makes those predictions prove him right time and time again and it annoys me. He is like a stopped clock… I’m sure you know the adage.
You talk a big game about conspiratards and what they peddle but I highly doubt you’ve actually thought to go down that rabbit hole… well I have, and although I don’t buy into all of it hook, line and sinker, there are many things down that rabbit hole which have teeth… BIG teeth.
“I know it’s a lot worse in New Zealand, Australia and Canada (why all ex colonies?) whose approaches all differ to ours, and each other’s, and I hope things improve there, but it does put to bed any suggestions that the whole world is in unison regarding the Covid response”
Just because they are referred to, and refer to themselves as elites, that doesn’t mean they (and I regret using the term “they”) are in any way, shape or form “elite”….. they are mostly useless, chinless, incompetent fuckers who only got to positions of power, money and influence through privileged nepotism.
“as this has been apparent from day one to those steer clear of Bitchute and gab.”
I agree with this regarding Bitchute as far too many of the content creators and almost all of the commentors are window-licking conspiratards with little-to-no critical thinking skills.
“Don’t forget, the same people who said the world was marching in ‘lock step’ towards a NWO”
As per my above comment regard the incompetence of the “elite”. Interestingly enough though, they mostly seem to have dropped the lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates and other measures in, what what was the term you used? …. oh yes… lock step.
“were also championing Florida for carrying on as normal.”
I don’t quite understand this comment. I’m confused that you’re confused that freedom-lovers worldwide would admire based-Florida man for loving freedom.
@RTC The word hesitancy in that phrase is somewhat presumptuous and condescending as it implies a momentary pause before acting… I’m not hesitant: I’m sceptical and not taking the damned thing. There’s a very distinct difference.
I thought that WWIII was due to start on Wednesday!!??
Well, it’s Saturday night (I feel the air is getting hot ?) and it’s all quiet on the Western front.
Any fire poi dancing, uni-cycle riding, wicca, anti-vaxx, albino dreadlocked sovereign citizens on here able to offer an explanation?
I have read that Russia won’t kick off until the Olympics is finished, so mot to piss off China,
I hope this brinkmanship comes to fuck all, but Ukraine are up for it, unlike the west, who are trying their best to show out without actually committing themselves.
Petrol went up regardless. Profiteering cunts.
Joe Biden has an important message for the truckers:
Subscribe to that channel, btw – KYLE DUNNIGAN. Hilarious guy, his Sly Stallone deep-fake is insane!
That is fucking funny CG. I am busy looking at other stuff of his.
6183 . Hmmm. Not the modelling predicted 2000 per day. What a load of cunt.
Great band:
The swivel eyed loons in the SAGE and Onion party are screaming “too soon”,”too soon”.Twats.Boil them all in horse piss.2 years.2 bleeding years you chumps.Enough.
I’ll make it brief if you can’t be arsed to go through all the numbers.
Deaths within 28 days of a test including suicide, car crash, cancer, heart attack etc. 158000
Deaths of only covid 6183
Vaccinations 138299206
Side effects from vaccination 418017 (ranging from a pain in the arse to death).
Thrombosis cases 431. Deaths 78
Serious Heart problems 1880
There is the official stats boys.
Take them as you want.
Please consider the 50000 (allegedly) deaths from missed cancer treatment, and also consider numerous untreated heart attacks, strokes and other illnesses.
Please also consider the effects of mental health on the people who have subsequently lost businesses, people who have turned to alcohol, and the demoralising effect in general.
Do you still think there is a virus?
I like you Dude. You say it like it (possibly) is.
I already had serious mental health and alcohol-dependency issues before the plandemic but the plandemic made the drinking worse and certainly wasn’t helped by the government’s abusive “non-pharmaceutical interventions”.
I am a sceptic by both nature and definition so I’ll take those figures of yours under advisement (basically when I can be bothered to look at the sources).
Either way, I didn’t trust government or the main stream media before March 2020 and neither did most people considering the prior 4 years of elitist, globalist douchebags pissing in people’s faces and telling them “Hey, this isn’t rain….. I’m pissing in your face because you’re a fucking pleb!”.
So it strikes me as odd that all that was required for many people to do a cognitive 180 was for 18-24 months of constant propaganda/conditioning from those aforementioned entities.
The most perturbing thing for me is that I consider myself something of a rationalist (when I’m sober) so it concerns me when TPTB keep proving nutters like Alex Jones right. If Alex Jones is so wrong……….. STOP DOING EVERYTHING HE SAYS IS GOING TO HAPPEN YOU PRICKS!!!!
FUCK! I don’t even like Alex Jones. I think he’s a cunt, a liar and a con man…. yet he keeps being proven right time and time again.
Striking, worrying and WTFing …quite simply.
Additional, the bit about:
“4 years of elitist, globalist douchebags pissing in people’s faces”
was in relation to the one-sided, biased, coordinated attack by the establishment and the MSM against Brexit. (in case it wasn’t obvious).
Great post, Stink.
You’d think after Iraq, Libya, Syria, and all the constant domestic lies and bullshit, that people would be more cynical and critical. It seems the majority have a masochistic fetish for being told what to think by our media and leaders. An addiction to drama too.
If someone shouts ‘Fire!’ in a cinema, ok, you take it seriously. You get outside. But when it becomes apparent there is no fire, you accept it was a mistake and go back. Instead we have the same cunt continually shouting ‘Fire!’ and everyone is still cowering when they should be beating that fucking cunt into pulp.
It should have been over by May 2020. The ONS stats prove it. But they also beg the question, what did kill all those people in Mar/Apr if it wasn’t a virus.
Matt Hancock and his midazolam receipts might have something to do with it.
I’ve also looked into the stockpiling of Midazolam before the planned attack. Again we see conflict of interest with that cunt who didn’t stage his early departure from government at all.
I firmly believe it is war against the general public, and fucking thick cunts suck it up.
TiTS@ – Good to see you back and chipper! ??
A little late but it’s nice to have you back TITS. Hope you’re holding up well. Also, haha, Tits – I never spotted that until now lol.
Infections and parasite disease is interesting. Does that include watching politicians on the BB fucking C.
I appreciate your reply TITS. I was wondering when someone would reply to the official numbers.
It seems like nobody wants to debate the situation anymore.
What I find most interesting is the lying cunts on TV are not saying much about it.
Funny how it has sort of evaporated. Now it’s Russia and a cat kicking footballer.
We’ll just skip the fact that a super deadly virus just sort of stopped one day lol.
No one wants to debate the actual figures because it shows clearly, as I have maintained, there is no virus. All they did was use propaganda and statistical trickery via their bullshit testing.
How many billion have we borrowed though. Lol. That’s one number we can’t ignore, and the reality of it will fuck everyone right up in the coming months and years.
People are fucking dumb. No short term memory, critical thinking ability, or foresight.
‘It shows clearly there is no virus’
Except for the 6000 who died of Covid (using the figures provided by cuntflu)
Nope. Act of definition.
What killed these people is pneumonia, which has a plethora of different causes. There’s no clinically unique symptoms of covid, it all hinges on the tests for diagnosis.
In another year they would be influenza deaths.
So it is a virus, you just don’t like the name
‘In any other year it would be influenza’
If you are saying ‘these people died of pneumonia’ was it bacterial or viral, ‘there are no clinically unique symptoms of Covid’ so loss of taste is common to all viral infections.
To argue something exists and doesn’t exist at the same time is mind boggling. Regardless of the name (which seems to be an issue) do you at least acknowledge that there has been a global pandemic.
I agree there has been something global happening.
But it’s not a virus.
No, I don’t acknowledge that. Pandemic of fear perhaps, but nothing unusual.
0.2% mortality is statistically insignificant. And when you dissect it further you find it has literally no basis in reality at all. Clever accounting, that’s all it is.
Sense of taste is subjective. You can hypnotise people into distorting subjective experience. No objective action is provided, just anecdotal experience – not saying they didn’t experience it. Using that one symptom as a diagnosis is ludicrous.
As for influenza, same shit. Attributed to a virus but in reality they don’t know what really causes it. Historical example shows it spread faster than the fastest means of travel which means it’s not an airborne pathogen but something else. Another topic entirely but interesting to examine.
Ah, that’s the end of subject I guess, Covid never existed so the last two years has been a massive global conspiracy.
That’s exactly what it is. People died, they tell you because it was X reason, you accept their propaganda.
Not duped at all but I have difficulty in understanding your stance in the face of all the evidence, an inability to believe that something exists simply because it doesn’t fit with your world view is delusional
However I concede that you are entitled to believe whatever you like
Cuntflu@ – Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO: “We didn’t study the “real” virus, but a virus that we built in the lab”.
From his own mouth – CNBC interview.
Isn’t anyone going to register in their brain that it was only 3000 ish deaths per year which is let’s say to support the cunts 10 deaths per day. You’ve got more chance of being assassinated by the Clinton’s
Virus, bacteria, disease, it doesnt matter. Climate change is our real worry. Its about time the governments stopped lying to us with this talk of ‘slowing’ or ‘stopping’ it, and focus on ways we can SURVIVE it.
ELDiablo666@ “Climate change is a naturally occurring cyclical event which has been happening since the creation of planet earth.
The Co2 output of humankind has had zero effect on the atmosphere and we are being lied to by people who think screaming like lunatics makes them “experts” – Greta Chunderberg for one – puppets for some truly evil people.
“Hole in the ozone layer” – debunked – “rising sea levels” – debunked.
“Greenhouse gases” – debunked, so they go with “global warming” because they know they do not have to produce a shred of evidence or proof.
FUCK them.
Nice to find someone else who knows that this shit will happen no matter what we do. Oh, lets all go vegan, use renewable energy sources and drive electric cars to prevent climate change. Bullshit.
Ensuring energy self-sufficiency should have been a priority for our government twenty years ago. We now urgently need to build new nuclear power stations – and get fucking fracking, ffs!
Doesnt really matter either way.
“The stars are matter, we are matter, but it doesn’t matter.”
Can’t remember who said that, something I remember from my callous youth.
Mind over matter. What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Nevermind. – Homer Simpson
Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO: “We didn’t study the “real” virus, but a virus that we built in the lab”.
From his own mouth – CNBC interview.
Did they make the right virus? Otherwise the vaccine is useless.
ELDiablo666@ – The “vaccine” was created (and provably patented) before the “virus” was introduced.
Yeah. Otherwise the vaccine came out a bit too fast to have been properly tested. I wonder what long term side effects there are.
PFFFFT! Whaaaat? And I just saw this video from Australia about how 50 million vaccines are to be destroyed as they were triggering false-positive results. For Covid? No… HIV…
WTF? Does that mean that HIV was in those vaccines?
Everything about HIV and AIDS is strange when you look deeply into that shit.
CG@ – This is what is now being revealed.
Old news, it was one of the trial vaccines that was scrapped because of the false HIV positive
Don’t need a YouTube video, the BBC, amongst others reported this but as it was abandoned the story died with it
Cunty Gordon@ – French virologist Luc Montagnier, PhD, who shared the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work in isolating the human immunodeficiency virus stated, just before his “unforeseen death” last Thursday that anyone who has had three “vaccines” should book an AIDS test and see what the result is.
Mr Montagnier is currently unavailable for comment on account of being dead..
Never heard that such a preeminent doctor and Nobel winning person had died. That’s fucking terrifying to hear someone of that stature say that, this isn’t Alex Jones or David Icke, is it?
I knew from the beginning that Covid was not what they said it was. My distrust of the most powerful people in the world made me, well… not trust these cunts, so I’m glad I won’t have to eat humble pie when the truth about this deception comes out for all to see. A lot of “crazy nonsense” is going to be revealed to be true this decade. I’m glad I’m on the higher elevations as when the flood comes, a lot of smug cunts are going to drown.
@Vern, where is the quote from Luc, do you have a link to his direct quote. To whom was he speaking when he uttered these words.
@Vernon Fox
I recall reading that Luc Montagnier was one of the people who first sequenced HIV and said that when he first looked at the structure/coding of SARScoV2 that he found sequences from HIV that could not have gotten there by naturalistic means. That’s certainly very surprising and worrying.
What’s not really very surprising or worrying is that an 89 year old man died. People die. Only pro-lockdown, pro-vax mandate nutters think that we can stop people dying.
The problem with virologists is that they are working on a scale so small they can’t do it directly. It’s all indirect methods.
Take their words with massive salt.
Luc built his reputation on HIV. He’ll never embrace the possibility he was entirely wrong about it.
Read the chapter in RFKs Fauci book about HIV AIDs. There’s clear evidence it’s a fucking con job just like SARSCOV2.
HIV has never been scientifically demonstrated to cause AIDS. That’s a fact.
TiTS@ – A quick correction – Montaigner said get tested for HIV, not AIDS.
And I think his death was natural as opposed to “suspicious” as it were.
Sounds like the government played it down. To stop a panic?
As usual, it’s “died with” coronavirus, not “died from”.
Hmm, surely that should be died OF?
As usual, it’s “died with” coronavirus, not “died of”.
I meant them not you. I wasnt having a go at your grammar. From/of is what THEY should have said. Dying WITH covid could be anything, ‘He has it but was hit by a car.’
Which was my original point. If they had stipulated “died of” Covid, the figure quoted would have been considerably fewer than 1000 deaths.
Fuck me. Did I go through all the gov data and freedom of information data for fuck all ?
You’ve been conned. Fucking get over it.
Just get ready for the next one.
Government data is available to all, I am sure anyone who is interested will have gone though the data.
Covid wasn’t a con, it killed millions either directly or indirectly, why do you keep looking for some kind of approval.
The only real arguments are about the responses of various governments and the mandating of vaccines.
Whether there was or wasn’t a virus or is irrelevant to me. To me it’s the response of governments which is the ONLY thing that matters.
Soi@ – How do Squire – yes, the artificial, man made bioweapon created and developed in a Wuhan lab under the direction of Anthony Fauci did kill some people – a tiny minority.
All the other alleged “covid19” deaths are seasonal cold and flu viruses.
All information pertaining to Montaigners comments with regard to the “vaccines” and HIV are freely available on
But try find a word about it on Google – crickets ans alleged “fact checkers” (AKA “paid liars”).
Is nobody concerned that experts in medicine with legitimate and qualified opinions are being prevented from sharing their information and findings?
Is that the actions of honest people with nothing to hide?
@Mr Fox. It just goes to show how incompetent these cunts like Faucci are. He’s a lazy old grifting cunt who propably shouts at his scientists when they fail to achieve making a bioweapon specific for his genocidal goals.
On the other side of the coin, I reckon he’s very good at hedge betting with the elitists and media on his side creating Bullshit to coerce people into taking the real virus.
All smoke and mirrors to attain the eventual goal.
Good afternoon Vern, I had a brief look at Gab and even watched the video by beachmilk…..
Hilarious, it should be on prime time TV, best laugh I have had in ages ?
However your theory about the origins of Covid are quite valid, it certainly could have been developed or manipulated in Wuhan. The only issue I have is that you concede that it killed a tiny minority but then somehow make the claim that the rest were colds and flu.
I would hope that a bio weapon would do a better job that killing a tiny minority.
“…but then somehow make the claim that the rest were colds and flu.”
Seasonal influenza can and does account for half a million deaths worldwide!
“I would hope that a bio weapon would do a better job that killing a tiny minority.”
It’s the ‘vaccine’ that is the real weapon! The engineered ‘virus’ was just the hook they could hang it on. Fauci and his cohorts are actively seeking to replace accepted medicants with genetically based products. They’ve openly admitted this.
Details are all in The Fauci Dossier I linked to a few pages back.
Cuntflu@ – Check out the comments on the “vaccines” and HIV made by Luc Montaigner, Nobel prize winning scientist who jointly discovered HIV – very interesting and VERY worrying.
Quick addendum – my older Brother, former Army Officer, fit to the point, never had a day of illness in his life was admitted to A&E recently with a heart attack – Cardiothoracic surgeons official report?
“Myocarditis due to unknown causes”.
Never had a heart problem in his life, got the death shots a few months ago, went over in the gym.
Got all fingers crossed for him Vernon, damn these bastards to hell!!!!
I still don’t know anybody who has died with or of Covid but lately I seem to be hearing about otherwise healthy people dying out of the blue.
My cousin’s step sister (maybe 30 at most) died last month unexpectedly…… I haven’t asked about the cause of death because I don’t really speak to her.
There was a Youtuber I subscribe to called Schrodinger’s Cat who died in a hotel room on a work trip at the age of 46 last month……. cause of death unknown.
Matt Dillahunty of The Atheist Experience podcast had an angiogram and open heart surgery to have a stent put in his heart less than 6 months after he got the poke although I guess that could just be a congenital heart disorder as the guy is in his early 50’s and a fat knacker.
Then there are all the athletes keeling over and dying and comedians as well.
Definitely all just coincidences though.
‘There was a Youtuber I subscribe to called Schrodinger’s Cat who died in a hotel room on a work trip at the age of 46 last month……. cause of death unknown’
If no one had opened the hotel room door he would still be alive
@SOI Bravo Sir, bravo. I didn’t even see that one coming.
Soi@ – Apologies, couldn’t post on your earlier post – Gab is fulled with freaks, nutters, tinfoil hatters and just generally dumb weirdos, but is also an invaluable source of (very occasionally) good credible info which checks out under scrutiny, but by jingo does it take some digging through the insanity to get there! ?
The “covid19” and “vaccines” increasingly seem to have been designed deliberately to work together as a bioweapon.
And I am concerned what will happen to the people who were either trusting (which I am not in any way criticising) or were coerced into having the jabs in the future – I hope nothing, but from rather unpleasant personal recent experience I am worried.
In fact, very worried – all of my Family except for me have been jabbed (all healthy and in good nick) and from just them there have been three serious reactions and very nearly one coronary.
Not good, not at all.
I know people have had concerns about the vaccine, it’s only natural, but I am firmly on the side of the MHRA, I have no reason whatsoever to believe that they are complicit in any kind of conspiracy.
For all the criticisms of Sage and the rest I have no doubt that if the MHRA picked up data which was outside of what is normal in terms of vaccine reactions they would have called a halt.
It is unfortunate that some people suffered with vaccine and even some could have died because of it but that happens with many medications, treatments and operations.
All the talk about things like myocarditis is just scaremongering, people have suffered and died from myocarditis (all ages) before covid and the vaccines existed.
No one has been held down and forced to have the vaccine in UK, it has been voluntary, personal choice.
I don’t know anyone who has had anything other than headache or fever from the vaccine, I posted on here that I have a shit fever and headache with my first AZ jab, I do know that one of my friends partner died from Covid, completely unnecessarily because he didn’t take the vaccine. The problem here is that denial can cost lives, but it’s a personal choice to take the risk.
No-one in my circle of friends or acquaintances (which is fairly extensive) had a seriously adverse reaction to any of the Covid vaccines.
But five had a serious bout of the virus itself, one nearly died, a couple continue to have ongoing problems.
Me and the wife had the AZ first plus Pfizer boosters. Didn’t notice any side effects with AZ, but I was a bit fluey for 24 hours after the Pfizer. The wife was fine. One of our neighbours had the Moderna booster and felt a bit weird and dehydrated throughout the night, but back to normal by the following afternoon.
I agree with you SOI. Freedom of choice. But when any debate or free speech is entirely shut down by all main stream media, there should be questions asked.
Soi@ – Forcible coercion by intimidation, lies, fear of poverty and hunger if you do not line up and do as you are ordered and Stalin level propaganda is not free choice.
Denial can cost lives? – buying a 500 quid runabout car? – Do some checks, ask some questions.
Buying a hundred quid garden shed? – Do some checks, ask some questions.
Being ordered to take medical experimentation which may kill you?
Don’t ask a single question, just trust Dr Pfizer the magic pharma salesman..?♂️
Truth will out, and it will be horrific.
But I have done the best I can to warn people of the dangers and been laughed at, abused and called a tinfoil hatter etc so as far as I am now concerned people can choose to believe whatever the fuck they want.
I tried my hardest, and my conscience is clear.
@vern, freedom of choice is fundamental, I agree.
Many questions have been asked and there has been plenty of debate however it seems that anything that is pro vaccine is automatically dismissed as being funded by Bill Gates or Big Pharma or anything that is printed in MSM whereas some knob on YouTube is suddenly an expert or selectively misinterprets something that has been said by ‘leading’ scientist.
The estimates are that the vaccine roll out in Europe has saved almost 500,000 lives, now you can believe that figure or not but it is clear and absolutely undeniable that the vaccine reduces risk, of infection, severe illness and death.
@SOI When testing a new medication, long term studies are key because large scale side effects may not become apparent until years after the fact.
The statistically low number or deaths from the vax within the first 2 years of rollout pales in significance when weighed against potential long term risks.
Prime example if the artificial oestrogen Diethylstilbestrol which was given to pregnant women but caused an increase in vaginal and cervical cancer in them and their daughters which only became apparent decades later.
Luckily though, in this large scale clinical trial we have a control group……….. the dirty unvaxxed untermensch like myself.
I Just posted 2 minutes ago pretty much the same Mr Fox.
I’d rather we were all slagging off uber-cunt Trudeau.
I wonder if Ladbrokes will take a bet that he will be shot within the next month if he doesn’t back down?
Isnt that a wannabe gangster telling you something is correct? ‘Thats Trudeau’
Invoking the Emergencies Act, walking out of parliament during questions, hiding away whilst pretending his family had covid.
What a gutless fağgot. I hope the federal police and military hang him out to dry instead of turning on their citizens.
The Aussie federal police used an LRAD on protesters the other day. Chief couldn’t even admit it despite being caught on camera and all the police wearing earplugs.. cunts!
Yeah, but dig this: he asked the Canadian army to disperse the people a few week ago and they said, “suck a giant bag of AIDS dicks” (actual quote) so he is no getting the USA ARMY to do the dirty work…
Stand strong, Canada and don’t yield to this unctuous pussyfart ass-clown shit-dick elitist mega-cunt long streak of paralysed piss.
The Canadian Ice Hockey League will be using his bones for goals and his shrivelled man-ovaries for pucks.
Regardless of pro or anti, whatever, mandated vaccine or if you think Trudeau is a cunt, if you lived in Ottawa you would be pissed off with the truck invasion.
Fucking up peoples lives like the insulation mob in the uk isn’t acceptable, how many on here would support this action in Canada if it was an XR protest.
This is a whole other ballgame. If this was happening in Glasgow, I’d be there right now dressed as a giant haggis blocking the entrance to Hollyrood and playing, “Scotland the Brave” on a ghetto-blaster while surrounded by people doing the Conga!
Blocking Holyrood is fine or the house of cunts in London, trouble is the MSP and MP cunts could just go on zoom, but the police would move in because it’s fine to fuck up peoples lives in general but ‘an attack on Parliament is an attack on democracy’
It’s not happening here because there isn’t mandatory vaccinations, at least someone high up is showing some common sense.
He was quick to smear them with ‘fringe minority’ then pretty quickly the ‘far right’ mentioned and of course ‘racism’.
No sense of ‘listening to their concerns’ or ‘how can we lessen tensions’
Some issues are bigger than local residents having to be put out. I think I read that a) the truckers allowed a gap in the road for ambulances and the like and b)the truckers have recently agreed to move out of residential streets and concentrate on the parliament building – I think they’re legal representative Tweeted about that and said it was not the convoy’s intention to be a nuisance (not sure what word she used) to residents. On that basis, they’re not as bad as Insulate Britain/X Rebellion twats.
Trudeau doesn’t have to mandate vaccines, so what’s his problem? 90% have been jabbed and Omicron is the dominant mild variant. Now he wants to put people in jail, fine them 100k, freeze their bank accounts and put the army on them. Has he forgotten that Canada is not in China?
their legal representative, ffs!
The XR lot would argue that there is nothing more important than climate change.
Residents are pissed off, it’s not only the trucks blocking everything but the convoy demonstration has attracted others with a axe to grind.
Some residents have been harassed and they complain about the constant noise, nothing wrong with protesting but it has to proportionate and target the right people.
Well it would all stop if there was no mandate; that’s the point of the protests.
Apologists for Trudeau that I’ve watched on CBC don’t talk about that, instead they focus the legality of invoking the Emergency Act, the impact on the economy and residents.
Cuntologist@ – I have quite a bit of contact with the freedom convoy representatives in Canada – they are angry, there are more of them every day and they have clearly stated they will stay until the mandates are gone, permanently.
Little Justine Castro has made the politically fatal mistake of turning on his own people, and they want him gone.
They will not stop now.
Despite “Ottawa residents” (didn’t know BLM and Antifa has an Ottawa branch but there you go) whining about lorries tooting their horns the massive majority of Canadians are with the truckers.
I think the professional complainers would have been also complaining about the noisy wheels on the trains they had just helped to load a few years ago..
@Vernon Fox interesting that you are in touch with members of the Freedom Convoy. I’m with their protest 100% and thrilled that millions of Canadians are supporting them.
So creating a two-tier society based on vax status and shutting down peoples lives for the past two years is.. what exactly to you?
Freedoms are sort of important to.. free societies. Protests are meant to be inconvenient, that’s the whole fucking point mate. If you are relegated to a time and place where you don’t inconvenience anyone then no one is going to pay any fucking attention are they.
I think you’re more interested in defending your (failing) belief that this pandemic is legitimate and not just an authoritarian power grab.
Fuck the residents. Thousands died in the mud for these freedoms they are willing to just toss away. It’s fucking pathetic. Anyone with morals would be in firm support of the truckers, not nittpicking it.
‘Thousands died in the mud’
I am not on the side of anyone who advocates forcing people to have the vaccine, never have been, never will be.
The truckers don’t want the vaccine, fair enough don’t have it, do a Djokovic and say fuck off.
Yes Trudy has got it wrong but I don’t live in Canada and thankfully not in Ottawa, you talk about freedom, what can’t you do in the UK, vaccinated or not, that you couldn’t do in 2019…. Answer, nothing.
My belief in a virus that killed millions and would have been worse without vaccines has no bearing on my comments about the protests in Ottawa, all I was doing was pointing out was the effect on residents.
Trying to make more out of my comment is pure desperation.
Great retort, Mr Sick. ?
I am with the truckers 99% – but I disagree with delaying emergency service vehicles which has apparently happened. In my view, anybody protesting who delays an emergency service vehicle getting to it’s destination should have their heads stoved in.
I’m not a truck driver nor do I live in Ottawa, but if I did, I’d be alongside the truckers because it’s about standing up to authoritarianism. Nimbyism and feeling empathy for the people whose lives are being negatively impacted by the protest is all well and good but just because the authoritarian overreach of the Canadian government doesn’t affect them now, that doesn’t mean that it won’t in the future.
Foresight is key and empathy is a two-way street.
In this instance I don’t actually give a fuck so long as they do their best to get out the way (if they can).
Why? Because the government with its draconian bullshit has effectively murdered X amount of people already via suicide, health impact, economics, etc, etc.
If the government is allowed to continue on its current trajectory it will murder even more people with its bullshit policies. The same for Italy, Greece, Oz, Nz, etc.
The greater good is actually applicable here. It is justified, to pre-emptively stop more needless suffering and death at the hands of these globalist cunts.
TiTS@ – I have a lot of contact with the organisers of the convoys – a lane was kept open for emergency vehicles and I have seen no evidence to support this allegation – the MSM are not telling the truth.
Also, shitloads of weapons have been intercepted which were headed that way and tow truck owners who refuse to assist in the attempted towing away of vehicles have been threatened with arrest, as have anyone contributing financially and, quite seriously, anyone who stands at the side of the road in support – the justification is “causing mischief under the criminal code” – Little Castro is just making things up as he goes along now.
Trudeau has gone full psycho communist dictator, is becoming more desperate and threatening by the day and has now instructed banks to freeze the accounts of supporters.
As well as stealing over 9 million Dollars from GiveSendGo (GoFundMe refused to accept payments for the freedom convoys but had no problem providing a funding platform for BLM and Antifa) which was meant to buy food, fuel etc for truckers who are receiving no wages – the dirty thieving little bastard, so I have been in contact with the various freedom convoy reps and asked them to pass the message on to all supporters – take all except one Dollar out of your account and keep it out until the banks back down.
This fucker is going DOWN!
@Vernon Fox
To be fair, my “reports of truckers blocking emergency vehicle” is actually from one anecdotal report from a Youtuber who makes vids discrediting dipshit SovCits.
The fact that most people who do videos ragging on SovCits are lefty arseholes who like big statism and hate freedom, I wouldn’t be surprised if his anecdotal report was fabricated as lefties tend to have a fair weather relationship with the truth (or “THEIR” truth as they like to put it).
Soi@ – If I lived in Ottawa I would be shouting from the rooftops for the people who want freedom and have the guts to risk everything to get it.
And the quite a few “familiar looking” “Ottawa residents”, somewhat strangely, have not been seen in Ottawa until a couple of weeks ago.
Strange one, that.
Anyone spotted Ray Epps yet?
Australian police using LRAD weapons against people legally protesting.
But it’s all about protecting peoples health..
Yes, I saw that. The police denied that they used them, the lying cunts, but they had to admit they did, the snivelling we shitbags. But that uber-gimp in Canada is still trying to act tough like his is in a Police Academy movie or something, but he just comes across as tough as the concierge trying to throw out the Blues Brothers…
(4 mins)
The ridiculous thing is that they’ll deny they used them, deny they even exist, then the mainstream media will back them up by saying they don’t exist, social media will do the same and before you know it, LRAD weapons are some kind of “far right” conspiracy theory.
Funny that……. I was taught about them in the Army back in 2009/2010 in an EWF (Electronic Warfare) module as part of my phase II Signals trade training course and was also told that the same weapons were used in a clandestine fashion against protesters/rioters in Ulster back in the 80’s/90’s and that some of those people died as a result.
BUT THEY DEFINITELY DON’T EXIST!!!……… just trust the “experts”……… cunts.
All directed energy weapons should have a global moratorium. The police certainly should not have access to them. The military has sound, heat (microwave), light (laser), and probably others.
We don’t know the true effects and dangers. No one can see the damage being inflicted either.. invisible and silent. Ripe for abuse.
There were reports in Iraq that the US experimented with the microwave system, going full hog and melting cars and incinerating people.
Trudeau makes, “standing with those who wave swastika flags” to his fellow MPs and gets castigated… but doesn’t apologise, dig this…
(1 minute video)
Fuck me, this cunt is mental.
I love the Adam Sandler meme at the end there.
The guy who makes those videos knows his shit!
But seriously… dafuq is going on in Kanada? Will it turn into a sort of PG-13 civil war? Is this how WW3 starts, not Russia-Ukraine?! A foppish preppy lavender-scented Cabbage Patch Soll kicks off Armageddon?! LOL!
Justine Castreau is going. He’ll cave in or go full Stalin and be ousted.
He’s finished, once he goes, Jason Ardern Crazy horse will be next. Dan Andrews will stand down with a retirement bonus. Fuck it, they’ll all get ovations and tax funded renumeration.
Game over.
A frightful shower of cunts.
All bets are off with what is going on in Canada – and the world, really. This year will be the year that dictates the next 50 years, I reckon.
My gut thinks Turdeau, Crazy horse and Micron are on borrowed time. They were chosen for their youth and supposed connectivity and liberalism while at the same time presiding over total mismanagement and heavy handed policies. The peasants are revolting and these creeps resort to even heavier handed tactics. The WEF don’t want this sort of negative publicity, they will be replaced.
They’re amateurs at the end of the day, too young and green in the machiavellian arts.
Heads on spikes, bodies in the oven, Terence ! Your services are required.
Adolf Trudeau now instructing Canadian banks to freeze the accounts of the freedom convoy supporters.
So I have advised them all to pull all except one Dollar out of their accounts (quite legal) – this will seriously compromise the banks day to day liquidity and will cost them a fortune in lost profit.
Reports now coming in that people are doing exactly that, and the banks are now very worried there will be a run on them due to this – and there now is.
Fuck around and find out Justine!
Tick Tock, Adolf..
Because when Trudeau is brought down (which I have every intention of doing) the rest of the dominoes will fall one by one – “Macho and totally heterosexual Ladies man” Turdeau is the darling of Schwab, Soros and the NWO – when he falls the rest will follow.
Bring it on.
Even dictatorial Drakeford and his cunt government has announced the end of requirement of a covid passport or negative test for entrance into nightclubs, sports and concert venues.
Thank fuck for that.
So much for the NWO.
It’s a shame that Mr Drakeford is such a crap dictator really.
When I look at him, I feel the need to pinch one of his generous jowls and wiggle it back and forth in a playful manner whilst saying “who’s a silly naughty boy”
Personally I’d like to grab said jowls and use them to steady his face so I could repeatedly ram my knee into his Marxist face.
Not a fan.?
“SAGE doom-mongers claim next Covid variant could kill a THIRD of infected people: Advisers warn Boris his bonfire of final pandemic rules next week may trigger ‘rapid’ rise in cases and spawn lethal mutation”
SAGE are as useful than an ashtray on a motorbike.
Remember that crazed communist tart who advised us last year that we could all be “wearing masks forever
I was bereft of ribs with laughing out of disbelief after hearing that nonsense.
The last couple of years has exposed some of these people for the absolute pissed with power cunts that they are.
Oven the fucking lot of the bastards.
Whose arse did they pull that prediction out of? Neil Ferguson?
Hey Big Chunky Cunty, what do you think about all this Antibody Dependent Enhancement/VAIDS stuff? I’m not sure what to make of it personally.
There’s no denying the myocarditis. The clots, period disruption, etc. Clearly there’s something fucked with the concoction, despite the continued denials from the establishment. Intentional or not, who knows.
I’m trying not to think about it tbh. I’m unjabbed so it’s not for me to worry.
There’s also been a huge uptick in stillborns too.
TITS@ – Dr Robert Malone, co-inventor of MRNA technology (even though the MSM deny it), has stated that it would be a good idea for anyone who has had three death shots to take a HIV test – concerning.
And, despite the now overwhelming evidence of the harm the death shots do and the fact they are being used as an excuse, along with the China created plandemic, for a NWO takeover there are still some spiteful, deluded people who will not accept the facts, evidence and truth and are bitter and ashamed they did not have the guts to stand when they should have and so they throw their vile venom and malicious barbs at people who do.
At some point these fools will have to own their cowardice and denial.
Everything I have seen, heard and know reinforces my opinion that I was right to refuse any medical experimentation, and I would like nothing more than to be wrong because a lot of people I know and care about have been fooled/coerced/ conned into taking them and I do not want them to suffer any of the horrific side effects.
But I am not.
@Vern, what is the scientific basis for taking an HIV test.
@Vernon Fox
From what I understand, he was part of a team which had some patents for mRNA technology back in the late 80’s early 90’s but the patents expired for one reason or another.
It turns out that as far back as 1978, scientists had used fatty membrane liposomes to transport mRNA into mouse and human cells to induce protein expression so in a way the fact checkers are right.
MRNA gene therapy tech has been the product of the collective efforts of multiple teams, for multiple decade before and after Malone so it’s hardly fair to call him the soul inventor, especially when the patents which bore his name expired.
From what I’ve read, Robert Malone has a long, varied and interrupted career on account of his personality: apparently he’s an argumentative, belligerent prick who’s difficult to work with so I tend to take what his says with a pinch of salt like I do with that unhinged, SovCit nutter Prof Dolores Cahill.
On the other hand though, there are medical experts like Dr Peter McCullough who speak a lot of sense.
TBCC@ – “SAGE doom-mongers see the gravy train ending and go into invention mode”.
When a supposed body of “medical experts” has more behaviourists and psychologists (as well as the odd art qualification) than epidemiologists and virologists that is telling.
All a bunch of swivel eyed loons frothing at their mouths.Send them all to Unkle Terry’s oven.
Ottawa police now forcibly removing children from the freedom convoys and taking them to “a place of safety”.
But it’s all about protecting them from a virus..
Ottawa pig filth bastards now using horses to trample Women laid on the floor.
But it’s all about protecting the public from a virus..
Australian pig filth bastards now using sub-sonic acoustic weapons to debilitate and severely injured unarmed, peaceful demonstrators.
But it’s all about protecting people’s health.
Luc Montagnier and little Prince Hazza also advised testing for HIV. Is there something we should know, like, are immune systems compromised now?
I wish the TPTB would stop proving Infowars’ predictions right.
TiTS@ – Apologies, couldn’t add to your earlier post – Robert Malone does have a reputation for being a prick and his involvement in the development of mRNA technology is hotly debated but I imagine he was in good company, shall we say – from the medical professionals I know it seems arrogance and pompousness are the first lessons taught in a lot of cases.
But when Malone, Mike Yeadon, Satoshi Omura and a plethora of other experts in the relevant fields are silenced, ridiculed, defunded, ridiculed and demonised it makes me wonder why they are so afraid of these people.
And, if there was nothing to hide and everything was above board I wonder why the MSM will not allow any of these recognised experts to debate with “the established narrative”.
I am deeply suspicious of anyone who tries to force people into silence.
And Leprechauns – they are up to no good! ?
Shifty no good fkin Leprechauns..
@Vernon Fox
I get what you’re saying and I agree that a lot of people in the medical field are arrogant, lefty, boot-licking twats – I almost went on a date with a female, Irish medical Doctor a few years back and although very well-read and quite attractive, she was stuck up, referred to herself as a “pinko” without any shame or self-awareness and mocked me for referring to myself as a libertarian (because those people who want individual rights and freedoms for themselves AND others are the dangerous ones).
I also agree that accredited medical experts have been ignored by the establishment, silenced the MSM/social media and ridiculed by their peers and that proves to me that government is corrupt (duh), information is controlled (duh) and the medical/scientific establishment has been compromised, politicised and weaponised.
I try to look at both sides of the argument but just because lots of people in the medical profession have been lambasted and denounced, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some bad apples in that basket (like the aforementioned Prof Cahill and possibly Dr Malone).
Like I say, I like to see both sides of an argument which is why I force myself to suffer the shrieking and howling of shrill arseholes like Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer but unfortunately most people are complacent, lazy normies who just eat up what’s put in front of them.
In years gone-by during times of peace/non-emergency, science could go at a natural snail’s pace and fringe idiots with bad ideas and methodologies like Young Earth Creatards could be largely ignored or ridiculed by mainstream science and rightly-so.
In a time when “protecting people’s health” is so fundamentally important, you’d think that the scientific community would be free from idealogical bias and open to alternative ideas but we aren’t being told the whole truth, we’re being told as much as we are allowed to be told. Luckily we have people like Joe Rogan and Jimmy Dore who are willing to platform people from “the other side” (what ever the fuck that means).
It’s a pretty sad state of affairs when the only people willing to listen to alternative scientific opinions are a couple of internet podcast hosts/comedians.
SHB@ – It seems to be the case, yes.
I can understand it with little Hewitt though – that skank he is married to has had more pricks than a pub dartboard.
Another sign of a return to some form of reality. I had a text from the local health authority earlier, saying there was a vaccine available for me at my local surgery. This isn’t the first time I’ve had one, the last I phoned to say I wouldn’t be attending and was unlikely to require one in future. However, today’s message includes the option to opt out of program, something that wasn’t offered before.
As I’ve said many times, I’m pro choice, and anti vaccine passports and coercion to people who don’t want the vaccine for whatever reason, and will never treat someone differently based on if they have been vaccinated or not. I wish no harm on anyone who doesn’t want a vaccine, and would like to be treated the same in reciprocation, for the sake of human decency.
For some though, that isn’t enough.
If you dare question the validity of the statements of the anti mob, or ask for evidence of their outrageous claims, you are frequently faced with hostility or ridicule, even though what these people are saying is beyond the pale.
Violence and intimidation are the argument of the idiot, someone you can’t reason with because they can never be proven wrong, regardless of what empirical evidence you offer. They would rather parrot the same lies, myths and absolute bullshit to the bitter end. I truly feel sorry for them, be it low IQ, paranoia through mental illness or weed smoking, as these are definitely factors in the people I personally know who have these views, as I have no idea of the lifestyles and mental health of internet dwellers.
Life is to short to be bitter.
I agree with you although I think what you described are mentally-blinkered idiots from both sides of the fence.
I honestly couldn’t tell at one point if you were referring to violent, anti-vax, SovCit, conspiratard brainlets who invade vaccine centres or self-righteous, coercive, collectivist, coronatarian bullies who wish persecution and death on the unvaxxed.
Funny how there’s such a fine line between extremists and extremists.
Both are cunts in my opinion. There has to be freedom of choice, and fuck anyone thinks otherwise. I despise smoking, fucking disgusting habit, and one that has killed a few people I know, but as long as I don’t have to breathe that carcinogenic filth, crack on.
This should be no different.
@Gutstick Japseye
I have to take issue with your clumsy comparison between smokers and the vaccine-free. From the start of this rant to the end, I may or will digress so I apologise in advance for the expected tangent.
“I despise smoking, fucking disgusting habit, and one that has killed a few people I know, but as long as I don’t have to breathe that carcinogenic filth, crack on.
This should be no different.”
I’m not sure of the statistics on smoking, or indeed, passive smoking but the stats on the coof seem to indicate that the hospitalisation rate is sub 1% and the mortality rate is approx 0.4%…… hardly the Black Death.
I know that a lot of people make a lazy comparison to annual Flu deaths but that point aside, the reason for the higher rates of mortality from the get-go were due to the virus being novel (literally meaning new)….. there was no immunity to it.
As many people like the the epidemiologist Professor Sunetra Gupta from the University of Oxford pointed out from the very beginning, in order to reduce the overall lethality of a viral pathogen, it has to burn it’s way through the healthy population in order to achieve herd immunity (which was Epidemiology 101 until 2020).
As soon as the UK government turned on a penny over a weekend from a herd immunity strategy to an untested population lockdown strategy (of the healthy), people like Professor Gupta were lambasted and ridiculed by their own colleagues as fringe lunatics and idiots for even suggesting such a strategy that they themselves would have agreed with only a year prior.
She and the Great Barrington Declaration were smeared by the MSM in a coordinated attack which has been confirmed by a FOI request showing emails between Anthony Fauci and another high ranking official (if you cared to edify yourself).
Then there is the fact that quality of life has always been held to be more sacrosanct than quantity of life (by quantity I mean number of years, not number of people).
But all of a sudden in 2020, a virus with an averaged mortality age equalling the population’s average mortality age somehow requires:
– locking people in their own homes at risk of fines or arrest,
– preventing socialising,
– preventing travel,
– ruining careers,
– destroying businesses,
– causing excess deaths from suicide, alcoholism and drug overdose,
– causing excess deaths from missed appointments for otherwise treatable diseases.
I just ran out of things to type……… for the moment. I’ll leave it at that for now.
As I’ve posted on several occasions, I am pro-vaccine for all those who need or want it. Against all other measures, especially lockdowns, mask mandates and mass testing.
I used smoking as an example of choice. It’s something I deeply disapprove of, especially after watching my mate fade away from lung cancer two years ago. Yet I accept that it’s a personal choice, even to put that known poison into your body, and support the individual freedom use this drug. All I ask for in return for this support is to respect my desire not to inhale the stuff.
The vaccines it should be the same, have it, don’t have it, but respect the other’s opinion.
Smoking also has elements that mirror the marketing of the current vaccines. Mass advertising, peer pressure, coercion through popular media. Where they differ is that vaccines, regardless of what some believe, are meant to save lives, where using tobacco as the manufacturer intended will result in the opposite.
All about health, follow the science.
Just what benefit do tobacco products have and why are they still for sale.
Health right ? Bollocks.
Money. Early treatment with established medicines? No. Take the serum and be the test subject.
@Gutstick Japseye
“Where they differ is that vaccines, regardless of what some believe, are meant to save lives, where using tobacco as the manufacturer intended will result in the opposite.”
So you admit that there are those who choose, rightly or wrongly, to remain vaccine-free because they believe them to be detrimental to human health and longevity?
There are those in the anti-vax community who not only refuse to even touch a vaxxed person due to supposed “vaccine shedding”, but who also believe that government and MSM promotion of mRNA vaccines are a fully-known, pre-meditated attempt at sterilising/harming/killing large numbers of people.
I may not agree with their beliefs, but please tell me how their views differ in any significant way from your smoking analogy because I fail to see any distinction seeing as how smoking was once marketed in days-of-yore as a kind of cough remedy.
I know I was a bit drunk when I made my original post but I didn’t think it was that incoherent and clumsy.
I was comparing the freedom of choice to having the vaccine to the freedom of choice of smoking. Both entail putting chemicals into your body, only the vaccine is meant to save lives, unlike smoking, which even the packaging tells you it will kill you.
I was defending the right to not have the vaccine, as I thought I’d made clear in my original post.
I used smoking as an analogy because I’m defending the right for the individual to partake in something that is inherently dangerous, so the issue of whether to risk a bad reaction to the vaccine, or to risk hospitalisation by not having one is a similar situation in my opinion. Both include choice and risk.
As for those cunts who believe in vaccine shedding and other likewise crap, only another mong would entertain their drivel.
As I said in my original post, for the rabid anti vaxxers, freedom of choice is not enough, you’re either 100 percent behind their beliefs, or you’re against them. So fuck them.
Also, disappointed no one was interested in the reason for the post, that being it is now acceptable to opt out of the vaccine program. To me, this shows unequivocally that there can be little need for a vaccine passport if there is no longer a need to show it. And, no segregation for those unvaccinated.
Also, it looks like most of the remaining edicts, such as self isolation, are to be removed this week, as part of the living with covid strategy.
I know it’s a lot worse in New Zealand, Australia and Canada (why all ex colonies?) whose approaches all differ to ours, and each other’s, and I hope things improve there, but it does put to bed any suggestions that the whole world is in unison regarding the covid response, as this has been apparent from day one to those steer clear of bitchute and gab. Don’t forget, the same people who said the world was marching in ‘lockstep’ towards a NWO were also championing Florida for carrying on as normal.
@Gutstick Japseye
Sorry for the belated response but I get 2 day hangovers and the beer fear.
“I was comparing the freedom of choice to having the vaccine to the freedom of choice of smoking. Both entail putting chemicals into your body, only the vaccine is meant to save lives, unlike smoking, which even the packaging tells you it will kill you.”
Yes, people KNOW the risks of smoking but do it anyway and that’s THEIR choice (plus it’s addictive).
“only the vaccine is meant to save lives”
Only allegedly (at risk of sounding like a tin foil mad-hatter). Plus, even with such a huge multi-demographic sample pool, the short term aggregated data can’t be weighted in any significant way against the potential longer term effects. I point to Diethylstilbestrol as an example of a widely used, trusted “safe” pharmaceutical which was discontinued after decades once deleterious side effects became apparent.
“I was defending the right to not have the vaccine, as I thought I’d made clear in my original post.
I used smoking as an analogy because I’m defending the right for the individual to partake in something that is inherently dangerous”
But the dangers of smoking are well known from decades of study and statistics… the same cannot be said about these vaccines which, and I’m sorry to have to flog-the-dead-horse, are largely experimental and haven’t had the same level of time, scrutiny or analysis so your comparison still remains clunky and imprecise.
“so the issue of whether to risk a bad reaction to the vaccine, or to risk hospitalisation by not having one is a similar situation in my opinion. Both include choice and risk.”
When weighing up risks of a dichotomous situation, one has to weigh up the evidence as it’s presented (or not presented in many cases regarding both the origins of the virus, the massaged death stats and the vaccine efficacy stats).
That’s a terrible analogy when one considers that many of the reported Covid cases are based on the hugely unreliable PCR test, known for producing false positives, and that the political and medical establishments of numerous Western nations have now finally come out and admitted to huge inaccuracies in the reporting data of Covid deaths.
It’s certainly not hard to think that anything which logically follows from the conclusions given by the political, medical and pharmaceutical establishments might not be 100% trust-worthy – especially considering the risks of adverse side effects in certain demographics which are equal to, if not worse than, the risks of the virus itself… a virus with less than a 0.5% mortality rate.
“As for those cunts who believe in vaccine shedding and other likewise crap, only another mong would entertain their drivel.”
I agree with this point. Vaccine-shedding sounds like the sort of unscientific bollocks that Alex Jones would, and does, perpetuate.
“As I said in my original post, for the rabid anti-vaxxers, freedom of choice is not enough, you’re either 100 percent behind their beliefs, or you’re against them. So fuck them.”
I agree wholeheartedly. Anti-vaxxers are largely a bunch of small-minded, knuckle-dragging reactionary, violent thugs with no consideration for the freedom and personal, bodily autonomy of others … rather like the coercive, collectivist, coronatarian bullies who wish death, persecution or 2nd class citizenship upon the unvaxxed.
“Also, disappointed no one was interested in the reason for the post, that being it is now acceptable to opt out of the vaccine program. To me, this shows unequivocally that there can be little need for a vaccine passport if there is no longer a need to show it. And, no segregation for those unvaccinated.
Also, it looks like most of the remaining edicts, such as self isolation, are to be removed this week, as part of the living with Covid strategy.”
Yes because I’m sure that this will definitely be the last of this kind of authoritarian nonsense (obvious sarcastic tone is obvious). I don’t mean to be rude but if you think that, then I really don’t think there’s much hope for you.
I make a point of forming my opinions based on multiple sources which are often diametrically-opposed; that is the best way to remain as objective, informed and as open-minded as possible. I may find the likes of Alex Jones repugnant but he makes predictions and then the same people about whom he makes those predictions prove him right time and time again and it annoys me. He is like a stopped clock… I’m sure you know the adage.
You talk a big game about conspiratards and what they peddle but I highly doubt you’ve actually thought to go down that rabbit hole… well I have, and although I don’t buy into all of it hook, line and sinker, there are many things down that rabbit hole which have teeth… BIG teeth.
“I know it’s a lot worse in New Zealand, Australia and Canada (why all ex colonies?) whose approaches all differ to ours, and each other’s, and I hope things improve there, but it does put to bed any suggestions that the whole world is in unison regarding the Covid response”
Just because they are referred to, and refer to themselves as elites, that doesn’t mean they (and I regret using the term “they”) are in any way, shape or form “elite”….. they are mostly useless, chinless, incompetent fuckers who only got to positions of power, money and influence through privileged nepotism.
“as this has been apparent from day one to those steer clear of Bitchute and gab.”
I agree with this regarding Bitchute as far too many of the content creators and almost all of the commentors are window-licking conspiratards with little-to-no critical thinking skills.
“Don’t forget, the same people who said the world was marching in ‘lock step’ towards a NWO”
As per my above comment regard the incompetence of the “elite”. Interestingly enough though, they mostly seem to have dropped the lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates and other measures in, what what was the term you used? …. oh yes… lock step.
“were also championing Florida for carrying on as normal.”
I don’t quite understand this comment. I’m confused that you’re confused that freedom-lovers worldwide would admire based-Florida man for loving freedom.
Life is too short, indeed. Waste of time arguing with anti-vaxxers*.
* Vaccine hesitancy is a completely different matter.
Indeed RTC that’s a rational normal way to think. It’s when you start blathering about NWO, plandemic and that kind of guff I have little time for.
@RTC The word hesitancy in that phrase is somewhat presumptuous and condescending as it implies a momentary pause before acting… I’m not hesitant: I’m sceptical and not taking the damned thing. There’s a very distinct difference.
Agree, TITS. Vaccine scepticism is also completely different from anti-vaxx.
@RTC Sorry, I misinterpreted what you meant.
I thought that WWIII was due to start on Wednesday!!??
Well, it’s Saturday night (I feel the air is getting hot ?) and it’s all quiet on the Western front.
Any fire poi dancing, uni-cycle riding, wicca, anti-vaxx, albino dreadlocked sovereign citizens on here able to offer an explanation?
I have read that Russia won’t kick off until the Olympics is finished, so mot to piss off China,
I hope this brinkmanship comes to fuck all, but Ukraine are up for it, unlike the west, who are trying their best to show out without actually committing themselves.
Petrol went up regardless. Profiteering cunts.