Coronoviral Shit

We all agree that it’s a bit of a cunt – even more so because it’s clogging up the site.

In future you can fill her boots here and if you post anywhere else then guess what? Yep, it’s binned.

3,639 thoughts on “Coronoviral Shit

  1. I just find it fucking hilarious now. The end of freedom is upon us. You will bow down to the utter bullshiiiiiiiiiiit and be happy. To be honest, I really don’t know what the future for the vaccinated is. Maybe the predicted deaths will be real, will it be the compliant or the people who didn’t fancy the new regime and be forced into the trains to face an equal form of genocide ? Either way, they fucked up when they thought cheap labour could be imported and still pay tax. But, maybe they don’t need a tax system anymore ? They are all rich as fuck anyway. Hmmmmm.

      • A victory for common sense RTC, with ramifications that undermine any plans to implement anything similar in other settings.

      • What difference would that make to the terminally petrified? That didn’t answer my (rhetorical) question.

      • I guess it would be someone who wanted to cut his /her /they’s /its (please insert preferred pronoun) chance of contracting Covid to a minimum.

      • Best they stay hiding under their beds and continue thumb sucking as a prophylactic then.

      • What if he /her /they /it (please insert preferred pronoun here) had been rushed by ambulance to hospital in the middle of the night with acute appendicitis and was recovering in a ward after being operated on but was unable to go home to hide under his /her /they’s /its (please insert preferred pronoun here) bed to continue thumb sucking as a prophylactic, what fucking then?

      • Not possible. Have you ever tried getting out of bed after coming round from an appendectomy? No, I thought not.

      • Have you, bro ?
        I guess you failed.. ?
        Default position, “burrowed under the duvet with teddy”.
        Back to the original question, how many folks will ask to be treated by staff who have already been jabbed to “lessen the risk” I wonder ?

      • I think only an irrational, brainwashed cunt would refuse to be treated by an unvaccinated health care professional at this point in this whole rotten sorry saga.

      • Look Sir Hugh (is that a real knighthood or is that a Sears knighthood? – Ed.), I’ve answered your question, you didn’t like the answer, I get it. But that’s too bad. You’ll have to learn to live with it. Suck it up, as our American cousins would say.

        We’re off on holiday now, be seeing you on returning*.

        * Wire, from the album ‘154’ (1979)

      • “Ask a silly question….”

        ….get Laurel and Hardy gurning in unison by reply.

        @ I should have know better. Rufftuff Gotobed. ?

      • SHB @ 7:58am re “Back to the original question, how many folks will ask to be treated by staff who have already been jabbed to “lessen the risk” I wonder ?”

        That wasn’t the original question. The original question was:

        “Who’s going to insist on being treated by a fully jabbed nurse in the event of hospitalisation I wonder?”

        No mention of “how many folks”.

        Anyway your original question has been answered so just rejoice at that news and congratulate our forces and the marines.

        PS: currently stopped at a motorway cafe on our way to Northumberland, this could be my last post for awhile.

      • And the latest missive from our IsAC hair splitting pedant is……
        Hope the wheels don’t fall off your caravan, have a nice rock cake with your milky tea.

  2. The media now. I have been trying to find out how long the ‘Freedom Convoy’ is. How many trucks. I think the msm have settled on thousands not tens of thousands. While other less ‘legitimate’ outlets say it is in the tens of thousands. It is just an example of where we are now at trying to get to the truth of something. The last thing I watched was a I think from a drone flying over it. And there were many many trucks. But I couldn’t be absolutely sure if it was thousands or tens of thousands.

    • There’s no way the MSM of a nation will ever accurately report the size of anti-government demonstrations. They will always undersell it, for obvious security reasons.

      I want to know where that blek face gimp is. HONNNNNNK!!!

      • TBCC@ – A demonstration in London had over 200,000 people there – the Met Police verified this from the copter filming and monitoring the crowd and all the MSM had to do was ask the Met – but they did not, so Channel 4 reported “several hundreds” and the BBC reported ” a few thousand”.
        When the evidence is there, proven, easily accessible and irrefutable but MSM still blatantly lie this should tell people WITH a functioning brain a lot.

    • MP@ – Reports of the freedom convoy (credible) put the number of vehicles at 50,000+ and supporters approaching half a million – currently camped in or making their way to Ottawa and in “somewhat combative mood” after the Ottawa police have been assaulting, intimidation and spraying completely innocent people exercising their LEGAL RIGHT to peaceful protest.

    • I’ve watched that interview twice now. That snow is fake as fuck. What an absolute lying fucking snake of a cunt. Is this thing close to human ? The thing that winds me up most is the fact that these vile freak cunts use public money to surround themselves with security guards to protect them from axe wielding tax payers.

    • Just when you thought Trudeau couldn’t possibly be a bigger puppet cunt than he was already.

      We then get that sorry arsed shite of a speech.

      How much they paying you Justin?

      • Cunty Gordon got it right saying he looks like a Cabbage Patch Doll. But after watching that fucking slimey treaclky speech…well a CP doll has much more fucking inner integrity.

        And we thought Obama was the visionary supremo.
        He puts Obama to shame

        ‘We Canadians are not like that’ oh fuck off.

  3. Dont see Chris Whitty on telly anymore do you?
    Or that Johnny van Tam.

    Had their 15 minutes

    Yesterday’s chip wrappers☹️

    Wonder if theyll be on ‘where are they now?’ tv shows in 10 years?

    Maybe second billing in Blackpool with Bernie Clifton?

      • Zorro was Mexican and fond of masks,
        And mexicans love masked wrestling!
        Covid wouldn’t of made any difference, they were masked up beforehand.

        Mucho Libre!

      • Mexicans are great people, they must loathe how the USA media portrays them. 95% of Mexico’s wealth is owned by less than 1% of the population, much like all of central and south America and USA is heading that way.

      • Yep, Zorro, Speedy Gonzalez,
        “I don need no stinkin badges”
        Bandits, etc.

        My favourite Mexs are
        Salma Hayek ??
        And manuel padillo jr.

  4. We are down to fucking “sub-variants” now, the BBC are now in orgasms of pleasure and fury reporting it.

    Could it lead to another lockdown they are asking?

    • “The world’s first Covid “challenge trial” – which deliberately infected people with the virus – has given a unique view on the early stages of the disease.

      Thirty-six young and healthy volunteers all had an identical dose of Covid squirted up their nose in a hospital in London.

      Of those, only 18 became infected. What protected the other 16 will be the focus of future studies to understand our inherent protection against Covid.”. BBC

      So only half got infected with covid deliberately jammed up their noz.. and they had mild symptoms too. It was the original virus strain too.

      What a fucking joke.

      • So basically, Covid is just slightly worse than the ordinary flu that has been floating around for aeons? But we locked down the Cosmos – including Las Vegas – for it? What a bag of shite. Enjoy your windfalls, Big Pharma investors.

  5. I went to my local Co op Thursday last week. I was the only person not wearing a fucking mask!
    Fucks sake, stop it folks.

    • Johns Hopkins is a medical institute in America, I should add. Wonder if THIS will make it onto CNN? Washington Post have acknowledged it.

    • Probably the fact that the biggest scam of all time contracts are coming to an end. Any sensible person would understand that contracts have specific time constraints for example hmmm let’s say 2 years? In my opinion, any bonus of the contracts is people are so fucking ridiculously blindly brainwashed to carry on without compliance. People do after all = shit.

      • Word on the street is that Boris made his moves because there have been tons of people lawyering-up to sue the NHS over their damaged health from vaccines. Money talks and bullshit walks in politics and business.

      • You have to question the validity of the videos released. Yes there is video evidence but why ? The Mat hancunt video was obviously a setup to end his part of the scam. But the party video release is only now? Come on, someone call a bit of shenanigans on the timing. That’s why I believe that it’s all been a contract between the massive cunts.

      • Matt Handicap’s departure was TOTAL fabrication, the only thing unclear was what the real reason was, not some hanky panky.

      • I’ve heard those rumbles but nothing tangible. Then again,since when did any of these duplicitous fuckers ever ‘fess up?
        Mark Sexton, Hammersmith old bill. Who knows, somebody does.

      • … and that’s a good thing because… not only did they get a burger they got a healthy side order of natural immunity.

  6. And while I’m still here. What sort of cunt takes a rigged test when they feel fucking great ? Today I feel so fucking healthy, I know what I’ll do, I’ll take a test just to make sure it’s safe for me to lead a normal life. Oh shit, I’m positive from a rebranded common cold that no normal healthy person ever died from. No more cancer, no more strokes, no more heart disease, no more depression, no more alcoholism, illegal immigrants not a problem, hate speech ? Arrest these nasty people who say bad words. Only fear porn to put us utter cunts in our place. Rant over.

    • Why do you say its a rigged test? I’ve had to take them as a requirement of entry to my dad’s care home, and I’ve never had a positive test.
      The only people I know who have tested positive were ill already and tested themselves as they had the symptoms associated with covid.
      Others with similar symptoms to them tested negative.
      I wouldn’t take a test for no reason, and then it would only be to protect my mother, who is the only elderly person I come into contact with.
      If you have any real information that more than suggests that they are rigged I would read it.

      • Why? I’ve only given my experience of these tests, nothing more. I’ve only had them because I had to, as I said a requirement of seeing my dad. Would you refuse the only opportunity to see your father because of that?
        The only time I’ve used one besides was before going to see my mother, and only because I’d been in a room at work with someone who was coughing his tripe out for two days, then tested positive. Would you take that chance of passing it on to your mother, who is someone who might suffer badly from it?

      • I agree with you GJ. But I also disagree with the guilt/fear trip they are feeding you. I posted a while back on this thread about me being a carer for my mother, at the time my question was if she dies from the stroke she suffered 5 years ago would I be accused of murder because I’m not vaccinated. Or would my sister and her family who 5 out of 7 have been vaccinated ( 4 vaccinated tested positive) would also be accused of the same (potential) murder ? A bit of a rhetorical question but all the same a valid one.
        I must add that my sister’s family collect my mother for a couple of hours daily for dinner.

      • It’s not really a fear or guilt trip, I’m just not a betting man, especially when it could be potentially fatal, as my mother isn’t in the best of health.
        With everything else, I was ready to get back to normal last March, never mind the rest of it. No more testing and vaccines should only be for those who possibly need it, like the flu vaccine, which I’ve never had or saw the need for.
        By the way, thank you for a conversation rather than a lecture. It’s nice to know there is still room for level headed, if a bit heated some times, debate.

    • The bacon Variant where you eat nothing but pork products?

      The Lego variant which comes in a box and you have to make it up as you go along?

      The Pandora variant which compels you to buy cheap tacky jewellery?

      I too am bored with Scam-nicron

    • Omicron? Who names this shit? Just call it covid-19 B, or mutated covid. I crossed it with MRSA and TB using my chemistry set, i call my variant Covid-19 Charlie Uniform November Tango.

    • Not quite as entertaining as the pro-vax zealots with huge twitter feeds that die shortly after their second or third jab.

      At least they died covid secure though ?

      • Just randomers, like in these clickbait news articles you link. There’s been numerous that I’ve seen over the last year, where they post their jab success followed by a relative not too long after saying they’ve passed away.

        Can’t find them now though. Search results are curated by the fine cunts at google.

      • How convenient. I suppose we’ll have to leave it at verifiable clickbait then. ?

      • You don’t know how tough it is for me, having to base my opinions on facts. It’s a right pain in the arse, especially when the facts disagree with my world view and I have to change my opinion.

      • As TBCC so correctly points out, every argument against the Bullshit has been removed from pretty much the entire internet. Now please correct me if I’m a little sceptical about total shutdown of any debate on the matter in question. As you point out GJ , alternative websites like Bitchute etc can be a bit far fetched sometimes, but when breaking down the investment involved in main stream media propaganda against the investment of some random bloke with a different view , it’s a drop in the ocean.

      • Perhaps save your sympathy for anyone who followed his advice on the embryo nonsense and might have joined him on his dirt nap.
        Sorry, Ruff is on holiday, so I have to stick up for myself.

      • Forgive me if I’m wrong, but that article suggests getting a patient to make their own foetal haemoglobin rather than harvesting it from a foetus.

      • Hard to find anything on the internet nowadays mate. I was just having a quick search for something I know used to be common knowledge. I’m not a doctor….
        But neither are 98% of the cunts spreading shit on t.v.

        I know for a fact I’m as qualified as Gyles fucking Brandreth on the subject.

      • It’s one of those things that has pissed me off since the beginning, that anything other than the official line is dismissed out of hand. Because there has been no engagement with actual professionals who have conflicting views, the vacuum has been filled with all manner of lies, misinformation and just plain crazy ness that drowns out any real fact based opposition.

  7. Aborted fetusus, feti ? Fuck knows the correct wording have been used in the past to treat diseases. I’m not agreeing with the dead god botherers assumption that the shake and Vax contains what the crackpot was rattling on about, but I don’t agree with his belief in some higher being. He more than likely died while accidentally cutting his own head off whilst shaving with his arms typed behind his back.

    • Well, there’s mention of not using “pharmakeia” (potions, poisons, sorcery, etc) in the Bible and I’ve heard about how the so-called, “elite” have used the Book of Revelation as a playbook in the past 150 years, self-fulfilling the prophecies therein. Who knows? John of Patmos might have be higher than giraffe-pussy when he wrote that bracing finale to the Holy Book!

  8. You know what I think Godper? I think that we’re all in our private traps, clamped in them, and none of us can ever get out. We scratch and we claw, but only at the air, only at each other, and for all of it, we never budge an inch.

    Norman Stanley Fletcher – Porridge.

  9. Can’t complain that the BBC don’t give a platform to Anti Vax, there were a few in the QT audience last night.
    One guy clutching a handful of notes looked like he had been snorting or popping something went into full ramble mode, he didn’t really have much chance against the professor on the panel.
    His final shot was ‘Robert Malone’ invented mRNA vaccines’, looking nervous shuffling his papers.

    At least it was entertaining for once.

    • Some twats are complaining that they were allowed on TV, but this should have been done from the start, perhaps then half of the bullshit that spatters around now would have been stemmed before it became popular.
      Obviously there are those that will never believe otherwise regardless of whatever facts you give them, but at least those undecided could make better choices.

    • Question time is the equivalent of American wrestling. All fucking staged Bullshit. The baying (selected) mob always clap like fucking seals when the paid shill spouts some ‘believe the science’ rabid nonsense. You know in your own mind they fucking love it when they get some freak opposed to the mob rule. If ever possible there would be a similar debate show where there is no bias to promote the ongoing propaganda with an audience of equal sides of the argument, I would stake my bollocks on the covid cultists would just not show up.

    • Oh yes, it certainly is a shit show, and has become even shittier since Lawrence Fox said bollocks to ‘White Privilege’

      There was a sooty on this week who is something in the health service, usual drivel ‘effnicks aren’t get the jab because it’s whiteys fault’, well why not everything else is whiteys fault.

      • Biting a pillow somewhere in a secret location near the Washington DC area while Kamala Harris bums him with a BLM emblazoned 12″ strap on.


      • Trudeau is a cowardly cunt, Go Fund Me are Cunts. Go truckers, eh!

        (p.s. the protests are aboot wanting to get rid of passports and mandates, quite right too)

      • Trucker protest communities are growing in Switzerland and… HERE! Oh man, you don’t want to have the truckers against you. Aren’t there truckers here on ISAC? I’m sure I’ve read some of the prolific posters here mention trucker-related stuff or said they are truckers? Wonder what they think of this? Anyone?

      • @Cunty Gordon

        From what I recall from previous discussion relating to lorry drivers on motorways, I believe there is at least one trucker who frequents this forum but can’t remember who.

        Apparently the truckers have been joined by farmers in their tractors so if a similar thing happens in the UK, Mr Fiddler could join them (although it’d be a bit of a trip for him to get to London from the North East).

      • There’s definitely two regular cunters who are truckers, I recall them mentioning it a lot when I first came here last year, though they don’t mention it now. It would be great to get their input on the truckers v governments showdown!

    • Rachel Schraer is a paid liar. Pants on fire. A BBC ‘Fact-checker’ who claims to have contacted retired nurse Dr John Campbell to clarify his position on the FOI request on COVID deaths, but he claims he’s had nobody from the beeb trying to contact him.

      ‘Fact-checkers’ who keep getting debunked. Time to call it a day.

    • “…There have also been reports of racial attacks. ”

      Ah… so all that footage of whites and sooties bopping away in the streets was imagined? What fucking bollocks, if there were they were either set ups or some trucker cracking the coconut of some spook caught nicking his stuff.

    • Reminds me of some rough nightclubs I used to go to. 2am, spotlights on, COME ON NOW, FUCK OFF HOME. People trying to finish drinks having them tipped over their heads ?

      • Good analogy, brother! What shit-show this world now is. We seem to be an an apex of arrogance and injustice and I think people will snap this summer if any fresh shit comes down on them.

      • The thing that first reminded me about the nightclub chucking out time analogy was the first lockdown when the shops had big black puddings doing security. Fucking security in the co-op?
        They were all obviously bouncers from clubs. Very pleasant when you walk in and I’m sure very aggressive if you didn’t follow the ‘rules’.
        Forward this to when the security stopped being on the door and it was left to some o.a.p’s and fat fucking women demanding you wear a mask and sanitise your hands.
        The baton was passed from polite professional security of whom you didn’t know, to grumpy old Fred blogs who has been begging for power after his 50 years mundane button pressing job and Karen the permanently opinionated fucking nightmare of current society. I genuinely felt sorry for the old guy when he realised that I was going to fill the cunt in and Karen had to protect him.

      • It never ever promoted a bunch of pissed up aggravated cunts all either fighting in the kebab House or at the taxi rank. Never ever.

      • Lockdown brought out the worst in people – cowardice and bullying. If that ever happens again, I will get medieval on people in public. I hope that well all learned how act in the future when the government fucks with us.

  10. I’ve been sat here thinking. Smoking a bit of something.
    We are all getting older.
    Time is changing brothers and we can’t change it.
    I’m afraid our time has gone, and you know your grandfather probability right. Don’t fight it because it’s not worth bothering about.

    • Yep. Just enjoy life and look after yourself and loved ones and try and not be a dick. And look into what the Earth-Cosmos REALLY is, because NASA and others are full of shit. I might cunt NASA’s model of the Cosmos in a few weeks.

  11. Some thoughts from New Zealand.

    The “Camps” as you like to call them. Anyone looked to see what they actually are? 3 and 4* hotels for the most part.
    During the first wave, people contracting Covid were sent to them, as they couldn’t be trusted to self isolate. No big deal, imo, when considering many of the early posts in this thread advocated shooting those who disregarded self isolation in your country. We put them in hotels, you want to shoot them. ?
    The “Camps” are now used exclusively for overseas arrivals at the airports. Something many on this thread wanted Boris to implement.

    The first lockdown was when that was deemed the preferred method of controlling Covid, as did every country on Earth, bar Sweden.

    Lockdown #2 wasn’t the entire country, as has been generally bandied around on here. It was imposed on Auckland, although it was indeed for a single case. Which eventually turned into just under 11000, but whatever.

    Lockdown #3 (where we are now). It’s pretty much open season, albeit with numbers restricted in certain environments.

    I’m not a Jacinda apologist, just clearing up some popular myths on here.
    For the record, I think she’s tipped over the edge and is in full megalomania mode. The smoking thing? Massive overreach, but as an ex-smoker, I couldn’t give a fuck. People want to smoke, they’ll find a way, just won’t be able to buy tobacco from Ramjet at the corner store. She’s rammed through many more sinister laws than that one, trust me.

    Back to Covid… wife and I are both double injected, not because we give/gave a fuck about catching it (0.3% chance) but she wanted to fly up your side and visit her dying sister. Your lot imposed rules that an entry requirement was two injections, so she had them. I had them as well in a misguided act of solidarity with her. Both injections for both of us… side affects.

    Mandatory injections are bollocks. They are in force here for certain sectors, although there has been, and is an ongoing, pushback to them.

    The Covid Passport is bollocks. It creates a 2 tier system and is grossly unfair. I have one by virtue of being double injected. If/when it becomes necessary to have a booster to maintain the passport, I’ll let it lapse. The injections will keep coming from now until Doomsday and I can’t be arsed.

    As I’ve only read up to roughly post #2000 of this thread, apologies if I’ve repeated anyone else.

    • KC@ – Forcing innocent people into involuntary incarceration is WRONG AND ILLEGAL, irregardless of whether the concentration camp has nice wallpaper or not.
      And that dirty thief election rigging crackhead commie cunt Ardern needs to be publicly hanged.

      • @Vernon……

        And I agree. Just because it’s a swanky 4* hotel the concept of forced isolation is wrong.

        My point was that it was claimed we’d purpose built camps, which clearly isn’t the case.

        As I clearly stated, I had no intention of having the injections, but my wife found herself in an impossible situation as she simply couldn’t travel without the damn things, so I had them done with her. Hopefully that doesn’t make us complicit in the great reset/scam/fraud/whatever.
        If anyone considers us/me a sellout? I couldn’t give a toss.

        And a closing thought. I hold no candle for Arden and she can go fuck herself everyday of the week as far as I’m concerned, and take the spineless Government with her. But do you know how she/Labour won the G.E. first time around.

        Plot spoiler: It wasn’t stolen.

        You post some excellent comments Vern, but at times you’re way off.

        P.S. To date, there have been approximately 20000 cases here….and 52 dead. The Great Plague this certainly isn’t. ?

  12. While I’m at it……

    Anyone think any of the epidemiologist cunts will ever apologise for their wildly inflammatory claims?
    One particularly berserk “expert” over here named Rod Jackson has come out with, amongst other things, these 2 prime examples:

    Regarding Delta….”when Delta hits the public domain, if you’re not vaccinated, you will catch it and you’ll probably die”. Stupid cunt. Roughly 11000 cases out of 100s thousands un-jabbed at that time, 10 deaths.

    Regarding Moronic….”this is a virus of the un-vaccinated. When it hits the public domain we’ll see 20000 cases a day by the end of the second week and 1000 dead a day”. Stupid cunt. 2 weeks into Moroninc and we’re up to 200 cases a day! Fucking wow. And no one is dead of it yet.

    Scaremonger twat and his ilk are as much to blame for this as the governments are, imo. Cunts that have been shunned by their peers all their professional lives finally have a platform from which to spout off.

    Fuck them.

      • Yeah. My wife has family up there and they keep her up to date. Tbh, some of them have had the injections, some haven’t, but they all agree it’s way past time to just say fuck it and move forward.
        Sad but true, suppressing the virus only gets us so far. It won’t go away, it’ll always be waiting to rear its ugly head again.

        P.s. It’s hot as a bastard over here with humidity running at 100%. Your winter actually sounds quite appealing.

      • ELDIABLO666@ – If they try it we bring the “Government” down.
        Sow the wind, reap the fucking whirlwind.

    • KC@ – The “election” wasn’t stolen?
      On that one we shall have to agree to disagree.
      And, can you contact Jacinda Ardern and ask her to explain how her personal wealth has gone from $800,000 to $25 million in 18 months?
      And remember New Zealanders – “From now on the Government will be your only source of truth”..

      • @Vern.

        How her wealth grew? Easy. Large brown envelopes stuffed with money in exchange for her rabid promotion of the Pfizer concoction. Plus her mincing around the world on the speaking circuit (no isolating required for our Dear Leader)
        Remember, she is more popular in other countries than she is here (an honorary doctorate from Harvard coming up in the near future) and they pay handsomely for her to turn up and spout drivel.
        She’s been promoting “brand Jacinda” globally since her first day in office, while kicking the guts out of ordinary Kiwis.
        The woman is power mad and has tipped completely over the edge, imo.
        There are protests up and down the country at her Covid policies, which she continues to denounce as “fringe lunatics”.
        Hopefully one will get near enough to punch her in her smug, tooth filled, smirking face.
        Her comment about the “truth” as she called it? Gained her nothing but derision from media and public alike.
        As I said, she’s tipped completely over the edge. A sinister, hyperbolic cunt.

        Quick note on the election:
        Winston fucking Peters was the catalyst for her “win”. She never actually rigged or stole the thing, she didn’t need to, National fucked itself by telling Peters to shove it up his arse.
        Proportional Representation is a cunt and worthy of a nomination of its own.

    • Hey CF, how you going?

      I live in Auckland, for my sins. Humid as all fuck 90% of the year, the other 10% is freezing cold. Other that, it’s all good ? ?

      Latest scaremongeing here…..there isn’t, not at the moment anyway. Even the news has stopped the daily propaganda and has started reporting things worth listening to, such is the lack of interest in all things Covid.

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