One the subject of Cats
Something interesting about how quickly molecules move or are detected, if I open a tin of Tuna and my cat is asleep upstairs he is down to the kitchen within about 10 seconds.
How the fuck does he smell it so fast ?
Fauci is full of shit, he and the eco health alliance which was originally an animal charity started by Gerald Durrell in the early ’70’s before morphing into an animal human viral transmission study outfit whose boss hog, Peter Daczic, was hanging out in wuhan.
Drink your kool aid folks, nothing to see here.
Celebrate, have a piece of cake! Have a beer, have a party
Today is freedom day, no requirement to wear a mask (unless you are travelling on one of Suckdicks busses)
No passport needed to go for a bop.
Go to work (you lazy homeworking bastards)
We are free!!
Covid is on the run, it was so scared it tried to mutate but couldn’t hack it!
Still have to wear a mask in Scotland, brother. “Mammy” Sturgeon (she actually calls herself, “Mammy” as she sees herself as the mother of Scotland, despite not having kids herself, wtf?) is still pretty much on board with the bullshit. She has wrecked Scotland in her pursuit of power and fantasy of a sovereign nation in league with Europe. Another mentalist that is trusted by 70% of the people for some unknown reason.
She must be gagging for a referendum, with Boris digging deeper and deeper there probably won’t be a better time for Nicola to become Queen of Scotland
Neils a fuckin hippy name and hes a Cunuck ,
So bound to be a bedwetter.
Think hed be happy he gets to eat werthers original out of Darryl Hannah’s fish taco,
But no.
His music was ace but what a fuckin pearl fondler.
Seems you’ve changed your tune chunky, as you posted the link to the Rogan/Malone Spotify podcast a couple of weeks ago, saying it was of some consequence. It was the one where Malone overplayed his involvement in mRNA research.
Rogan is a likeable fellah, his stand ups are great, and his shows can have some great candid moments with some very interesting people. The show he did with the guy from Metabunk about debunking conspiracy theories was great.
As long as people remember that Rogan isn’t an investigative journalist, but a good interviewer who does tend to take what he’s being told as correct, there isn’t a problem.
Neil Young has fucked himself up the dungbox for doing this, but he didn’t like Spotify before, over the piss poor amount of dues they pay to artists who submit their music to the platform, but it seems more like self interest to a man who recently sold half of his catalogue for $150 million.
His acoustic stuff is ok, but his electric stuff is fucking terrible. The solos for rocking in the free world(how apt!) and like a hurricane are torturous drivel.
That’s my tuppence worth.
He also didn’t like Spotify before for it’s piss poor sound quality (compression). Can’t be arsed with acoustic stuff, much prefer his electric outings turned up to 11. That’s my tuppence licking worth.
Evening RTC. Horses for courses eh?
I get most if not all my music from Spotify these days. I like the convenience, and the access to stuff I’m unfamiliar with. I also don’t have much of a problem with the quality or compression issue, and I record and master my own music so I know a little bit about it, but I also know my 55 year old ears don’t have the ability to hear certain frequencies, so super duper equipment is wasted on me, and probably my mixes are shit these days!
Neil won’t give a fuck, he’s never given a fuck, not when he left Buffalo Springfield, not when he walked away from millions of dollars with the CSN circus, not when David Geffen tried to sue him in the 80s, not when… anything. Nothing stops him. Nothing. He’s like Frank Zappa, Prince, he just writes, records, gigs and buys old cars and he co-created Farm Aid to help struggling farmers, the Bridge School to help handicapped children (he has two kids with cerebral palsy) and loads of other stuff. He hated Nixon but he said positive things about President Reagan in the 80s and got slaughtered for it and he has said all kinds of forthright stuff, but he rolls with it all. I wish he would shut the fuck up and just enjoy his life – and he is! But he just derped-out in public something he should have kept quiet. Cautionary tale, folks!
Evening Gutstick. Quite so. I am blessed with a vast collection of CDs and vintage vinyl, so lucky no to have any need of Spotify or any other online music outlets. That said, my hearing is pretty much shot to bits, but glad to say I’ve enjoyed 60 years of the most sublime listening experiences in the history of the world ever!
Yeah, I’ve been a massive fan of Neil’s music for over 20 years, but he has been making an ass of himself in the past few years with his statements. I think he is very frustrated at not being able to tour with Crazy Horse and play his new songs. He hates the highly-compressed Spotify audio anyway, as do I, so he won’t give a fuck. He is worth $300 million, has a great life and family, so he won’t be weeping into his spliffs.
Justin Trudeau, puppet leader of the great land of Canada, has went into isolation after being in contact with someone with Covid. Yeah, right, Boris tried that trick after Partygate. Trudeau asked the military to stop the truck convoy protest heading him, but the army told him no! People are saying that he has fled to Costa Rica, there’s this…
Fidel Trudeau Jr is nothing but a smarmy, pandering cunt.
If he isn’t blacking up then he’s busy wanting to appear as an uber liberal, super tolerant, diversity championing wokey cock sucker.
If he’s not busy doing that, then he’s naturally of course, helping his country to “Build Back Better” just like a lot of his wokey comrade WEF leaders from around the western world are.
The man is basically a complete cunt who probably doesn’t even know what day it is unless his paymasters actually tell him what day it should be.
For the love of “people-kind”
A lamppost and a rope please for this tosser.
True-dolt reeks of puppetry. There’s a story from 1972 of his parents at some political shindig and he is there as a baby and this President Richard Nixon (puppet) says, “we have with us the future leader of Canada!” and he’s referring to Trudeau.
They groom the leaders of the major countries for a long time. Blair? Who was he? A lonely loser who wanted to be a rock star and twenty years later he was leader of Labour then a 43.2% winning Prime Minister! WTF? Then he was told to help Bush sell the murder of Iraqi kids. The game is rigged and is ran will evil schlubby little shitbags.
If he has actually fled the country that would be amazing ?
Forced to live in a jungle hut in the middle of a tropical rainforest. I’m sure the high humidity will make using his jumbo butt plug collection a bit easier than in the artic climate of Canuck.
TBCC@ – 45 mile long (world record) convoy headed into Ottawa, City currently blockaded and the truckers are saying they will stay until Trudeau meets their demands.
I went to Lidl and Tesco today and noticed 50% of people still wearing masks. I’m guessing these people have had at least two jabs so why are they still in the dark when all restrictions have been fucked off ? A genuine question from me to the vaccinated on here is are they mental or just so used to the routine ? Is it possible that they are still scared of death from an absolute pile of bollocks ? Do they watch the BBC ? I feel a slight amount of pity for these poor misled drones, but not much.
As a double vaccinated cunt, not triple, they can keep the rest and shove them up their arseholes, I think anyone wearing a mask who doesn’t have to by law is crackers. There are quite a few folk that are going to need psychiatric treatment to deal with the real world in the near future. It might give them a false sense of security at the moment, but it’s not doing them any good in the long run.
Those masks do fuck all to stop a virus molecule getting in to your body, it says so on the packaging. You’d need a Hazmat suit to block a virus and even then…
The masks were purely a tool of compliance and maintaining the fear narrative.
L. Dodsworth has it in her book, ‘State of Fear’. She interviewed some insiders, one on SPI-B and the other in whitehall if I remember correctly, both admitting it had no basis in science what so ever.
Hence why real world data shows masks have made fuck all difference e.g. Scotland vs England.
Yeah I’ve seen a few folk around today who are still wearing them.
Vulnerability and a genuine fear? Respect for others? Victims of a 2 year media gaslighting campaign?
Lord knows.
I think we’ve been dug into an almighty hole and nobody is sure now how to get back out of it.
As long as the restrictions are dropped though, personally I couldn’t give a toss what people wear or how they choose to look after themselves.
If someone chooses to wear a mask then as long as it’s a free choice then that’ll do for me.
HJ, I completely agree with any person’s free will to do what they want. I also agree with the absolute Bullshit the cunts have created without any sensible way out. I also believe the fucking wankers in power have only done this dropping of restrictions as a political stand. There’s some highly suspicious gaslighting that’s been pushed globally using every possible means with sinister undertones ( or overtones?) of shutting any debate down by controlling all media.
Just read point 3 if you can be arsed. These cunts are openly admitting the Vax does absolutely fuck all against what it was intended for. So it goes back to the question of what is the vaccines intended purpose ?
Yup. It does nothing. They were mostly just water, I reckon. The pharma corporations got MEGA MEGA profits. Was there something more sinister afoot? Maybe. Time will tell. This year will be mental.
Most of them probably were. To give the killer jab to every recipient would immediately blow the plan but if you have 90% reporting no side effects then what you then have is a caucus of ready made advocates saying “Of course it’s safe you tinfoiler twat, I had it and nothing happened so you should too!” Then another 10% get hit from the 2nd round… then the booster… and before you know it you’ve boiled yer frogs. Simples…
The problem of course is that saline/placebo shots wouldn’t fell 500 hyper-fit profesional and semi-pro athletes in the last 10 months.
There an interesting piece of work that a statistician undertook which clearly correlates the batch numbers with wildly varying degrees of lethality.
The microscopy and blood serology analyses on spiked patients is fucking shocking stuff.
I wonder how the statistician that you talk about was able to get the batch numbers that correlated to any death that was even remotely connected with a vaccine? Or did he make it up for a bitchute video?
I saw a quote the other day and it went,
People used to base their opinions on fact.
Now they base facts on their opinions.
The first thing that came to mind was this thread….
And they then carry on to say you should get vaccinated. Now please explain to me which one is it ? Hopefully people will start to notice double speak.
I think when you’re a grifter like that fucking odd faced cunt, you say what you want to sell shit to fucking fools. I don’t trust that cunt Russell bland for the exact same reason.
Yeah, he says a lot of odd-as-fuck things for a man who runs billion $ companies and is himself worth $150 billion himself yet live in a $50,000 house at present. There are great videos on YT that expose him as a fraud. His space mission are so fake. He thinks we will be on Mars in twenty years?! LOL! How? How the fuck is that possible? Mars is 34 million miles away. How much fuel would that? In tonnes. The “planets” used to be called “wandering stars” and they aren’t rocky spheres. Who the fuck knows what they are, NASA don’t, they brainwashed us with stupid images since 1976. I know people here trust NA$$SA, some love it, so sorry to enrage you. I love the Cosmos, but not that fake as fuck Cosmos that NA$$$A has sold us for 60 years. Peace!
You should look into plasma cosmology. There’s a lot to be gained by not acknowledging the role electricity plays in space. It would challenge a lot, to say the least!
The thing that fucks me off with the masks is the psychological damage we’ve now done to infants and small kids – I’d be more annoyed if we had the mentalist enforcement of say France or Spain though
The government used masks as a deliberate political tool without giving a single fuck about the collateral damage. The psychologists said fuck all either.
But also the adults who allowed it, consenting to it, which includes the vast majority of the public. They are culpable too, for not bothering to challenge the absurdity of it.
Everyone sold out.
I’m really glad I don’t have kids. What a fucking mess.
“…The thing that fucks me off with the masks is the psychological damage we’ve now done to infants and small kids”
You said it Chunks ? – don’t know if I’ve posted this one yet but fuck me when I saw this poor little child’s dilema I nearly fucking wept and I’m a hard hearted cunt at the best of times and it takes a lot to raise a tear… this did it…
… and then you hear the parents (a gross misappropriation of the word and the very concept in their case) …laughing… at their own baby girl…!!! I just wanted to make two hammers meet in the middle of their vacant skulls!
Soooo all you fucking masktards whaddaya think… yeah YOU did this to her… great innit … happy now?
Quick question, are crash helmets still not allowed in banks or did that one get hidden under the invite cunts in agenda to protect the downtrodden refugees.
I’d say death is the probably the most serious consequence. Either by Covid or suicide.
Then there’s the untold damage done to the economy, plus that done to a whole generation of children deprived of their education and the ability to learn through natural socialisation.
I wont put put links up but I have watched a lot of people interviewed who say they have Long Covid.
It interests me this because as you know my sister has what a lot of people (including family members, friends) a ‘made up’ disease called Fibromyalgia. And I can state unequivocally that it is not made up at all. From witnessing her in severe pain and her deterioration.
You simply cannot fake it.
The same with Long Covid. You can hear it in their weary voices they are very sick. See it in their tired eyes.
Once again you’re thrown back on Conspiracy if it is not a real thing. And have to believe there are many many thousands (I dont know the figures) of people pretending to be ill. Is that plausable?
I didn’t say people were pretending. Some could be of course.
It’s all about definitions. This label has been created and applied to all these people, and the proof of it is they have lung issues. That is a circular argument.
It is quite possible they are suffering because of other conditions, but because they tested positive it goes down as long covid.
The same thing happened with HIV/AIDS. They created a label and a test, and people get lumped into it. It’s an umbrella that covers existing known conditions e.g. PCP.
This long covid bullshit came out before even a year elapsed. It is clearly there to terrify people. Like the BBC article, it is very loose but they report it anyway.
Conspiracy? Quite possibly, spur of the moment deal. Or it could easily be the result of panic leading to more panic. But given the known abuse of ‘nudge’ and psychological manipulation, I would not be surprised if it was intentional.
‘These people are likely suffering from another known cause of lung damage and being falsely ascribed a covid diagnosis based on these shitty tests.’
It says ‘doctors’ have looked at this evidence but I am sure they mean ‘Specialists’ in the field of respiratory diseases have looked at these new findings.
You are really saying that the Specialists, the experts in this field cannot properly identify what the respiratory problem is.; be it acute bronchitis or emphysema or any other respiratory disease.
So you are saying they are either incompetent or complicit in a conspiracy?
(once again this sounds more aggressive than I intend)
These sick people talk of ‘there was nothing wrong with me until I got Covid’. So it cant be that they had previous respiratory problems.
Or maybe we are to believe that they had but it had been missed. Is that plausible?
‘falsely ascribed a covid diagnosis based on these shitty tests.’
I mean that is a serious charge Chunky to the integrity of the medical profession. Not only are the doctors so incompetent they are guilty of mass misdiagnosis.
But you hang out in the middle if I may say so. Is it incompetence or deliberate conspiracy?
Human physiology is complicated, Miles. Conditions can have more than one cause, small issues can overlap to cause a bigger issue, plus individual variation, and the fact we don’t understand it all anyway.
Someone puts the seed out there, intentionally or otherwise, and quickly doctors gravitate to it as a probable explanation. It seems to fit, it stays, it grows, and a dogma may even form around it. That doesn’t make the doctors incompetent necessarily, it just betrays how much we humans blag and wing shit. Especially in times of fear and panic.
We’re talking about pneumonia here, inflammation of the lungs. There are so many possible causes for it.
I’ve mentioned it before about Wuhan and Lombardy in Italy, the two epicentres. Both have some of the highest air pollution levels of their respective regions. Look it up. High air pollution can cause pneumonia.
I do wonder how many people who reported Long Covid were actually hoping for a government hand out? Considering the government were spending money like water e.g. 37 billion on Track and Trick, eat out to help out, Nightingale elephants etc, it would be tempting wouldn’t it.
Whilst there are probably genuine cases, there are also just as likely fraudulent ones and hypochondriacs to boot. We know that some companies falsely claimed furlough money and certain slebs, like Steve Coogan, had enough money to bank roll their staff anyway, cunts.
I’m not writing off Long Covid as entirely false, just making a small point about it. Plus the ONS data I just glanced at on this subject looked to me like most Long Covid victims were ok after 12 weeks.
Cuntologist@ – I wonder how many people have worked out that the symptoms of “long covid” are very similar to fibromyalgia?
They have put a lot of thought and planning into this evil.
Yes, fibromyalgia has fucked my sisters life up. She was no wallflower, worked in Germany, Iraq and Afghanistan for the army, until that shit hit her hard. Most days she wishes she doesn’t wake up the next.
And no, it’s fuck all like long covid.
“As well as widespread pain, people with fibromyalgia may also have:
increased sensitivity to pain
extreme tiredness (fatigue)
muscle stiffness
difficulty sleeping
problems with mental processes (known as “fibro-fog”), such as problems with memory and concentration”.
Dr Janet Diaz
“So, some of the most common symptoms of post COVID-19 condition or as you said, long COVID, include shortness of breath, cognitive dysfunction, which people call brain fog, as well as fatigue. Those are the three most common”.
I think I may have fibromyalgia based on that list of symptoms. Developed all sorts of problems following aggressive treatment for a medical complaint 25 years ago. Post viral fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, glandular fever, Lymes disease and even gulf war syndrome can have similar profiles. Things that fuck with your immune system can have long lasting consequences. Had booster a few months ago and associate that with a significant deterioration in my condition which is now slowly improving again. Several medical interventions over the years have also instigated marked relapses. Gave up trying to get help from the NHS many years ago as only suggestions were see a shrink and mindfulness, which are both a pile of wank. One doctor wondered aloud if homeopathy might be useful, but told her that was my last resort if the voodoo didn’t help. As usual not sure what my point is, but if you ever get a chronic debillitating illness don’t expect much help from anyone. Luckily I can self medicate with large volumes of beer which keeps me going through the show.
The headline story in the a Daily Mail. Notice how they don’t call them antivaxxers in the headline or the header of the article, usually where the agenda for the given outlet is placed, as they know people rarely read an article to the end, where they put a fact or two. They refer to them as truckers against vaccine passport mandate.
You stayed up to 1am to post that? I was fucking sober and asleep at 11pm, man!
Yeah, it’s getting token coverage, like many things get these days. The Epstein-Maxwell horror got near-token coverage for something of that magnitude.
It’s the WAY events and people are presented in media that I detest. It’s the effect that media has on the mind that is troubling. People’s minds get shaped by media too much now. So, posting links to media websites isn’t a good thing to start with. I prefer to go to the people and I’m 100% with the truckers of Canada and of the world, they the veins of the world and I’d never piss of them off! But Trudeau now the little gimp is covering in a basement of a igloo, the snivelling wee shit-bag.
Stayed up to post that? No, I was up late enjoying my Saturday evening as some of us lesser orders are allowed to do, sorry if you find this unusual.
I thought it being the headline article, and it being reasonably covered, with pictures of normal people protesting instead of lingering on the scruffy tattoed crusties that are usually dominant at events like this. There was no criticism of the protestors, or the reason they are protesting, and I thought (wrongly as usual) that people might see some encouragement that the media they hate so much was actually reporting, and giving headline space for a cause they feel deeply for.
As usual, confirmation bias has either stopped some reading it, or on reading it, they have decided it’s not vitriolic enough in its condemnation so it’s proof of their paranoia.
As for posting links, perhaps you ought to reconsider that yourself, as you are quite prolific in posting links, but mostly to bullshit conspiracy crap.
Never mind, you lot carry on posting lies, unverifiable lies, unconvincing lies, whatever.
I get tired after being awake for 16 hours, weird that, isn’t it? Fuck knows why I would up at 1am on this site posting mainstream media links. Maybe the “I HATE STRAWS!!!” thread got you guys fired up!
I just it weird on this site that you guys fucking HATE the BBC, but I see links of the BBC all the time! Eh? And yeah, I have a bias against news media, it’s well-founded. No fucking way I’d lean into that shit now. Let’s just sit back and see what happens in Canada this week.
Oh aye, Gutstick, there you go with the “conspiracy theorist” label, You’re getting braver, buster, eh? Don’t like my posts? Then don’t read them like you are now! 95% of time I scroll past you, pal, find you boring, a conformist, a fence-sitter. Not sure why you come here to be honest, you don’t seem to “get” the point of this site! It’s for ranting, it isn’t the Oxford Union Debates with both sides going tit-for-tat on who can defend the status quo the best. Whoever owns this site clearly doesn’t give a fuck and must piss themselves at the bitchy mother’s meetings we have!
I fucking LOVE my sleep, best aspect of reality, an 8-hour break from the shit-show! But then it’s back into it, seeing how what’s the next act in the freakshow.
I’m not angry at Gutstick, just sticking up for myself, pal. If he’s going to through out, “conspiracy theory” like it’s an insult then I’ll take it as a throw-down. I did the same with that snivelling wee ambulance driver who used to come here and he’s been absent for ages. What a thrilling spectacle he was! I hope that Gutstick doesn’t do the same, he’s alright, he’s a good guy, he just sides with the status quo and I find that bizarre these days, especially on a site like this! No hard feelings to Gutstick or anyone else here, we are all just cunts cunting the cuntitude of cunts.
Ottawa currently surrounded and blockaded by trucks, Adolf Trudeau nowhere to be seen, Canadian MSM using old footage of Ottawa after turning the cameras off.
When Trudeau is brought down they are heading to DC.
Truck convoys rolling all over the world now, not a word from the MSM.
Momentum finally building.
It’s time.
No one knows where Trudeau is. He is in a “secret location” initially thought to be Cost Rica but that may have been a red herring. He’s the fucking LEADER (!) of Canada. What a shitshow.
So who’s in charge of things in Canada right now? The ghost of Ron Ford, the crack-smoking Major of Toronto? Send the Mounties to find Turd-D’oh! They, “always get their man,” right? What a shit-show! The media are trying to paint an image of anarchy and potential violence as usual when “certain” protests take place, unlike Ex-stink-shun Plebellion or LGBT stuff. Boycott the mainstream media, they insult your intelligence and worse, they are humourless killjoy kunts.
Whether the MSM is covering it or not the news that Trudeau has fled fills me with absolute delight. Oh the shock, the humiliation of it. And it couldn’t happen to a more nauseating privileged sanctimonious Liberal than Justin Trudeau. He’s had it all his own way his whole lifetime. (The Trudeaus are like the Kennedys) He has bestrid the world stage with the most insane Woke agenda. And now he has been literally driven out of town
I hope its a learning moment for him but I doubt it.
I wasn’t following what was going on in Canada years ago, then the name Trudeau kept coming up and I looked him up to see who he was and it was one of those moments of, “oh no! Oh no no no! THIS is leader of Canada? Oh fuck me, Canada is FUCKED.” And lo and behold, Covid comes along and this Cabbage Patch doll dipped in lavender oil went balls deep on the draconian rules, laws and media mind-moulding. He gave a scripted speech last year and I sweat he had a gun pointing at him in what looked like a broom cupboard with flag in the background. I was so bizarre.
And I just saw a video of Trump pushing the “vaccine” HARD, I mean he was spunking all over himself about how, “very, very good,” it was his own micro-brew beer:
What a freakshow. So that’s the fake hero, Trump now hated, right? No! His fans are making all kinds of excuses, derping away. Can’t people see that there are no more POWERFUL good guys in government-media-showbiz? It’s just us “minority” now. Oh, wait, we are 7.8 BILLION v their 50,000 tops! Bring it on, “elites”!
Well, you shouldn’t judge people by appearance, but by how many kids they have raped and whether they killed the kids afterwards! No, Trudeau, all those rich families who run all the major countries of the world are the same. I mean, it’s not a hard conspiracy theory to say that south America countries like say, Peru are ran by 30 (I am told) families and in Peru they were ahead of Covid, as they had and still have enforced abortions, sterilisation of women. Now, you’ll say, “Peru? Pffft!” but Peru is a fucking WEALTHY country, folks. SUPER WEALTHY, but 99.9% of the people are poor, so poor that Posh Becks had to go and have photos with them years back.
It’s the same all over, even in Britain. Wealthy families, bloodlines going back centuries, some say to ancient Egyptian pharaohs, that’s a rabbit hole! Not so sure how legit that is, but Prince Charles seemed happy when he was told (he probably already knew) that he was a direct descendant of Vlad the Impaler. Our family trees go back to around the 1700s, the stuff that’s on record, anyway, some people’s ancestry is traced to the Domesday Book, opened the first Greggs.
But the powerful living families of Italy especially go back to Charlemagne, and probably further. The French familes, too and thats’ where the Trudeaus came from. But they picked a weak-ass snivelling wee shit-bag Cabbage Patch Doll dipped in lavender oil and now he’s soiled his scants. I feel sorry for Canadians though, they hate conflict the Canucks, mellow people. But this is what happens when you tolerate the psychopaths. I sincerely hope it ends well for out cousins.
And yes, where is the rolling live video of this? Next to nothing. Imagine of this was England? BBC covering a gnome being stolen while a Birnam Wood of trucks come to Dunsinane to face a Macbeth-like leader? Fuck. This is a huge as fuck event. Being the Canadian leader is one of the easier gigs in western world politics, but it looks like this shit-dick Just-us Turd-oh will be the first western world leader to be ousted by a pissed-off public since…? Nicolae Ceaușescu in Christmas 1989? Franco in 1975? Crazy times, but the governments and media are frantically trying to present a facade of, “ALL IS WELL! ALL IS WELL!” Pffft, fuck me.
Russia-Ukraine is the new fear being pushed. “Russia is going to invade Ukraine,” was actually just said on BBC News, I have it one right now. Er, no, Russia aren’t, “invading” Ukraine. Just turned the sound off BBC News, it’s fucking ear/mind-rape with that thudding music they play followed by the screechy, whiny voices taking utter pish and shite. National Insurance rise, fuck me, have these cunts got it so utterly fucking wrong. People are going to get very, very pissed off this year.
“What’s that? Public hatred for us is at an all-time high? Fuck ’em, raise National Insurance! What about banning crisps and leather goods as well? Oxygen tax?”
The ideas that flow out of these spastics is astounding. New central heating systems are to be banned in 2035. Jesus Fucking Christ. They’ll ban petrol and diesel and only upper-middle-income folk will be able to afford a electric car, that’s why it’s barely being invested in, no plans for the infrastructure of the charge-up points. The 2030s will be like a shit version of Logan’s Run, just watch.
Like he didn’t take over the Crimea. All the thousands of troops so close to the border is them just enjoying a holiday with heavy artillery.
Useful idiots and that.
They are putting pressure on Ukraine. Not saying Russia are in the right, or are good guys all of a sudden, I hate all governments, they brainwash us, scam us and dis-empower us. But from what I can see this is just sabre-rattling. One corrupt government messing with another corrupt government. We just get the spazzy version of events in that part of the world, the BBC version, the Daily Mail version – the Russian Today version is also a mongoloid’s version of reality.
If Russia was land-grabbing, then they would grab Kazakhstan and the other -stans (“that’s another fine mess you’ve gotten me into!”) not a USA-ally like Ukraine. It’s another diversion from what’s going on in Britain, Canada, USA. Oz, etc. A wee bit of token coverage of those MEGA-protests, then back to the gibberish that doesn’t concern us. And fuck me, I just had a look at last night’s rantings on here – fucking STRAWS? Straws anger you guy?! Pffft! Aye, okay.
Straws are the symptom of everything thats wrong with this world Gordon.
Tools of mass destruction.
True evil,
Hitler used straws, as did Mussolini.
Kill more people than firearms do every year.
Think on this,
When you suck on a straw,
Are you. Using it,
Or is it using you?
Taking a little sip of your soul everytime.
Bible says Satan used a straw made from the hollowed out wing bone of a cherub.
If you don’t see the danger you need a Labrador dude!
Down in Hell, Hitler and Goering regularly fight over who gets use the drinking straw with their milk shakes. For it is written:
And it came to pass that Hitler and Goering were once again fighting over that same ole straw. Goering says he needs it cos he sucks more than Hitler. Hitler says he needs it cos he has a higher metabolism than Goering, or some such pataphysical claptrap or other. They go and see the Devil to find out which of them can enjoy the straw in the privacy of his own Hell.
Devil says: “yeah?” Hitler says: “what?” Goering says: “I’ve got a question to put to you, Devil.”
Devil says: “what?” Hitler says: “yea.” Goering says: “I wanna have that drinking straw, Hitler won’t let me have it, boo-hoo!”
Devil says to Hitler: “is this your straw, Hitler?” Hitler says: “yea, this is my straw and I say I’m entitled to enjoy, get me?” Goering starts hitting Hitler with the butt of his air rifle. Hitler gets annoyed and executes Goering.
The Devil says: “you can’t execute people in my presence!”
Hitler says: “I can because I’m bigger than you, get me?”
The Devil rocks back on his rocking chair at this profanity, gives Hitler a nasty stare. Hitler gives the Devil a nasty stare back. The Devil rocks on his chair a bit more and plays on his accordion TWICE! Hitler, he’s still got that straw, he can’t wait to give it a suck. Goering comes round after his execution and grabs the straw right out of Hitler’s hand! The Devil gets off his rocking chair and runs after Goering with a piece of pineal gland. Goering sees the Devil coming and takes evasive action. Devil drops the organ and picks up an old bag full of rudiments of elementary mathematics, chasing Goering around the room with it.
Hitler’s watching all this time, the drinking straw no longer in his possession. He runs at the two men. Just then the Devil catches up with Goering, throws him to the floor and gives him a kicking with one of his cloven hooves. Hitler kicks the devil in the rectum with his jackboot foot. Devil turns round and says: “wah!” to Hitler, but Hitler’s not amused and puts spots on the Devil’s face and says he has measles, heh-heh-heh-heh!
The Devil, cool as a cucumber, sets fire to the straw. God didn’t get any, cos he weren’t worthy, ha-ha!
And the moral of this this story? Don’t put the fire out just cos it’s burning.
Because Hitler was a bit frigid and german hed only use plain, white, straight utilitarian straws,
No frippery.
The devil being a man of the world and having sampled the delights of heaven and hell was more extravagant,
Had more flair, more style.
He preferred one of those massive curly intricate straws.
This clash of styles is what led to a rift in a friendship that had lasted years,
They never reconciled.
Like Lennon and McCartney
Morrissey and Marr
Perhaps the presence of the Black Sea fleet in Sebastepol had something to do with it GJ?
I suppose he could have just left it there as pea dough Joe did with the military kit in Afghanistan?
But let us concentrate on his supposed sexuality instead, how very Freudian.
Fucking hell, that’s mental. Can you imagine that in the UK? In America, those mega-corp pharmaceutical pimps bombard the people with their advertising, it’s insane. It’s like they are more than just a health company, have a socio-political agenda to dominate the minds of people, not just their bodies. Nuke these cunts and start a new healthcare paradigm.
Fuckin’ February at last! less than 50 days to Spring! Fuckin’ braw!
Still no official word on where the puppet, err… leader of Canada is. Word on the street is that he is on Vancouver island, which is about four times smaller than England, big island. But I like this wee video…
Yeah, what amazing “leaders” we have these days. They are like Greek Titans, aren’t they, bestriding the Earth and shooting thunder from their arses! LOL!
Hopefully this will make people pipe down and see that the bad guys are not the celebrities, it’s the fucking government and mainstream news media and powerful psychopaths that are the bad guys. I get pissed off at Rogan from time to time, ie. his NASA ass-licking, but on the whole, he’s an honest guy who just wants to hear people’s take on things. No one forces anyone to watch his show or ANY show.
Freedom of choice.
1983 they came out? I just remember them being fucking EVERYWHERE in 1987-88, it was so annoying, every advert was Cabbage Patch Dolls, every toy store had a battalion of them. Now they are in landfill. Funny how our culture works, innit, bruv? LOL!
But seriously – it’s Monday, must be SERIOUS now! – the Trudeau saga is EPIC and there’s hardly any coverage of it. Imagine if that was Britain and Boris. Convoys of pissed off truckers heading for London, Boris insults them then flees to Jersey and the USA/Canadian media didn’t really report on it with rolling live news, helicopters over Jersey, journalists descending on Jersey, chaos, Twitter blowing up, etc.
I’ve heard Trudeau referred to as, “a Disney Prince that no one listens to.” LOL! That’s so perfectly succinct! He has the air of cartoonish regality. I saw a picture of him, it must be from when he was in his late-20s and he has the ph@ggiest pencil-moustache-soul-patch look, like he is trying to look like Emilio Zappata! What a douche-nozzle of EPIC proportions.
Here’s a Tweet from Trudeau imploring Canadians to, “Thank a Trucker” in April 2020…
“While many of us are working from home, there are others who aren’t able to do that – like the truck drivers who are working day and night to make sure our shelves are stocked. So when you can, please #ThankATrucker for everything they’re doing and help them however you can.”
1:01 AM · Apr 1, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
It shows what colossal cunts and hypocrites people can be. They build up a nice little slice of pie for themselves under the banner of ‘anti-establishment’, then flip on a dime when something personally offends them.
Noam Chomsky did the same recently too.
It shows they see it as an intellectual position and not a moral one. Moral conviction doesn’t change, even in old age. Things like freedom of speech and freedom of choice are not intellectual positions, they are moral ones and never change.
Neil Young has permanently destroyed his reputation lol. Fucking idiot.
I used to admire Chomsky, he had balls back in the 80s and 90s but after 9/11 he shut up on BIG critiques of the government and media. He basically parrots the official BS comic book version of 9/11. What has been saying recently?
As a Neil Young fan (used to have all the great bootlegs!) it saddens me to see Neil act like this, but it’s his choice, It would be great to hear his thoughts on all this. I think he just wants to get back touring this year without any hassles, restrictions, he isn’t pro-government, pro- anything other than music and people, he hates all this division – and so does Joe Rogan, he fucking HATES division among people. Has Neil damaged himself? A bit. But it’s Spotify who stand to be damaged of this horseshit goes on and there is an exodus of artists from Spotify. I always knew it was a flaky organisation, just like all the others from Napster onward, they always shit the bed after a while, but the beat goes on, people will find the music they want to hear. Neil will be fine, Joe Rogan will be fine, music fans will be fine, but Spotify might not be fine!
Apparently the PM has received “a report” from Sue Gray.
Note: this is “a report” not “the report”. ?
A Cabinet Office spokesman said: “We can confirm that Sue Gray has provided an update on her investigations to the prime minister.”
Oh, now it’s “an update” ?
The PM’s spokesman said the report will be published in the full form “as received from the inquiry”, but added he “can’t confirm at this point” if what has been removed from the Gray report because of the Met’s investigation will ever be published. ? ?
So the report is a version of the report that complies with Cressida Strap-On’s request that it make only “minimal reference” to events that are being looked at as part of its criminal probe, rather than the full details of all events examined during the investigation. ?
Johnson says he “sticks absolutely to what I’ve said in the past” about alleged breaches of COVID rules in Downing Street… ?
Well that’s alright then. The full report will not now be published as promised.
It’s misdirection, as per usual. Whether they broke the law having a little shindig is absolutely insignificant to the fact that they clearly didn’t believe their own propaganda back in May 2020.They’re trying to reframe the focus away from that.
They’re also trying to replace Bojo with someone who is more restriction friendly, like that little trilateral wank puppet Kweer Starmer.
All part of the script RTC. And you can tell it’s a script because the stupid cunt can’t remember his lines and needs his copy on hand to help him. If not, he just keeps saying ‘level up’ or something.
I wonder who is booked to lead the next season of the 20s? Ah well, we are only one rigged election from finding out.
Some say that Trump and Brexit weren’t supposed to happen, but that was all part of the plan too. Two polarising issues that would divide nations and set neighbour upon neighbour, ready for the pandemic, which served to see if this disharmony was working enough for those neighbours to inform on each other. And it worked.
I can’t see Boris de Pfeffel-Fridge lasting out this year. He’s a spaz, but also his heart is not in this draconian stuff, this is not the Churchillian storybook escapade that he dreamed of all his life, he’s a sad panda. Tories need a better puppet. Tony Blair would be perfect at this point, but he’s a Labour man, folks! Dyed in the wool Man of the People! Would be funny of Blair crossed the floor, though as a 5D chess move to fuck with us on Machiavellian levels.
What a bizarre comment. How would Blair be perfect? Not only is he an arch-Remoaner, he’s also a vaccine mandate advocate, vaccine passports – in fact everything genuine Conservatives detest. I’m guessing you’re a millennial.
I don’t know if I’m a Millennial, that’s one of those labels that lazy-minded people throw out. Your dad and grandfathers probably thought you were a whining little lightweight back in the 60s! But you were just young, naive, optimistic.
As for the Blair comment, I was obviously taking the piss. You’re really out to snag me, aren’t you, brother? LOL!
RTC, I hope I didn’t worry you with my comment above, I just wanted to see how it felt to spout absolute bollocks.
I didn’t feel the superiority I thought it would give.
Just a bit stupid. ?
Ruffy’s getting nasty! Deary me, take a joke. Are you Gutstick’s support worker, btw? You are always diving to his digital defence! You two two are ADORABLE. You seem to see me as a nemesis on here. Why? Because I make long posts hammering the government and media and not the meaningless shite you get angry? Take a chill pill, guys, I’m just trying to make this site fun and not a circle-jerk in an echo-chamber.
No doubt you’ll now fire back with something semi-tough now. But like I say, I’M JUST HAVING FUN. Scary that I need to spell that out on a site that is a bulwark against hate speech, snowflakery, all that pish. Once again: I’M NAE YER ENEMY! See ye tomorrow.
p.s. that was in response to RTC’s summation of ‘the update’, at 1.36pm.
Btw did anyone catch the Scottish Pie Eating Blowhard at PMQs today? And what’s with these twats in the Commons still wearing masks? Rishi had one on and various others.
I heard the fat pointless cunt on radio four earlier, he really wanted to get chucked out like he was dome kind of martyr. Some people are loving him for it!
They can fuck off with the masks too, all sides of the house.
Strap-On has been covering for Johnson and staff at Downing Street ever since the first lockdown. The police were aware from the outset that there were regular parties being held in Downing Street because they were there themselves, 24/7, in and around the building, turning a blind eye and a deaf ear. They’re in this up to their thick necks.
Add to that the fact that Johnson extended Strap-On’s contract last year for a further two years, obviously not on merit, she must rank as the worst Commissioner of the Met since time began. No, she’s in Johnson’s pocket and now she’s pulling out all the stops to prevent full publication of the Gray report – the whole thing stinks from arsehole to breakfast time.
– Trudeau has now tested positive for Covid!
– USA-Canada border is effectively closed
– Trudeau to hold press conference soon
Trudeau Twitter: This morning, I tested positive for COVID-19. I’m feeling fine – and I’ll continue to work remotely this week while following public health guidelines. Everyone, please get vaccinated and get boosted.
2:48 PM · Jan 31, 2022
Oh, man! It wasn’t a press conference that Turd-D’oh! had, it was a, “media availability” whatever the fuck that is. I’m guessing it was a behind closed doors brainwashing along the lines of, “this is how you report this situation from now on, or you’ll be working in a car wash by Christmas.”
Expect demonization of truckers and anyone helping them this week and until this ends. I can’t see either side backing down on this, a lot of those truckers are badasses, this isn’t Extinction Rebellion or LGBT fannies, these are hardcore, Hell’s Angels mentality swinging dicks! Popcorn at the ready…
I love how the government, media and other gangsters ruined the lives of millions of people and it’s he government and media who are upset! They are fine (or are they?) but everyone else is in debt, untreated for illness, families are breaking up, kids are behind in reading, life experience, lacking in enjoyment, vitality, but yeah, let’s think about how our slave masters and tormentors are doing! Yeah, poor old world leaders and media mavens, having to deal with us rebels! Fucking pussyfart clowns.
Wherever he is (probably under mummy’s bed) Justine Castreau has irrevocably smeared his reputation with high grade nappy fodder.
Did anyone else see him and Macron nuzzling each other at the G20 or WTF in Cornwall last year?
Yeah,lead us harder daddy.
I’ve been hearing that truckers in Britain have been honking their horns and the conformist dipshits have been getting angry! Hahaha! The tide might be turning…
Read the YouTube comments, too. People are SHITTING on this robot-clown-creepazoid.
Wow. He’s turning it around on the people, dropping in “Nazi symbolism, racist, stealing food from the homeless,” etc? WTF? People were happy, partying, have fun, mocking Trudeau the little shit-bag pussyfart puppet.
This gimp thinks that 90% of Canada is with him? Pffft! Yeah, dude, that’s why you RAN AND HID like a pussyfart in a bolt-hole and you are now doubling-down with insults to Canadians’ intelligence and moral dignity? It’s over, Justin, resign and live in obscurity. Shocking to see this from a “leader” of a major country in the 21st century. And he dropped in, “tinfoil hats” like he just HAD TO say that? What an ass-cunt.
So, what’s this gimp’s next move? Bring in the army? Oh wait, he TRIED THAT and the army simply said, “no.” Why would they come out? To do what? Bully the people they swore oaths to PROTECT? Yeah, that includes to protect them from tyranny, Justin, from pseudo-Ceaușescus like YOU, fuck-stick!
Well what a cunt. What an absolute fucking cunt. He really has misread the mood of the people. How many times did he use the word ‘hate’? All truckers are full of hate and of course racists. These are the people you serve you fucking cunt. What world are you living in? Your own fucking shit elitist fucking nonsense world.
The total lack of respect. The total disregard for their plight. Nothing about their economic hardship. No ‘we are listening to you’ or any ‘olive branch’…just dishes them as racists full of hate.
What a cunt.
I hope he’s toppled.
A few larping spastics showed up with Nazi flags, acted like dicks. Could easily be agent provocateurs like we’ve seen for decades at protests. There were ultra-super-obvious agents/actors at the “storming” of the Capitol Building in Washington DC. But the way Trudeau and the media are painting it, you’d think that the KKK march of September 13, 1926 had shown up with all chapters of the Hell’s Angels on crystal meth in tow, with Ride of the Valkyries on the boomboxes.
Seeing as the world’s governments have been treading water for eternity and getting highly paid, It’s not that hard for them to spin whatever Bullshit they want and again get more money for doing fuck all apart from singing from the same hymn sheet. The major problem is they are all pissing in the same pot. Never before in history has there been all sides of our politicians wanking each other off, oh no, but every fucking politician in every country in the world agreeing with each other. This is the third world war against the people of every single country. The only hope is these fucking elite egotistical sociopaths will revert back to their normal back-stabbing, smearing, mud slinging ways.
The division of the little people has now been tried and seems to be taken up in society. I saw some cunt today wearing a mask and gloves on a country lane for fucks sake, I was in two minds to run the cunt over.
The fact that all the major countries and major media are in lockstep with each other for the first time in the epic human saga should make folk wake up to the way the world really works.
Just a little on the Kary Mullis PCR issue.
Hehe, one last effort GJ, but you will never convince the blinkered.
I have thrown in the towel ?
As I’ve said Sicky, it’s not for them, it’s for the undecided.
I’d have more joy teaching my cat to play guitar!?
One the subject of Cats
Something interesting about how quickly molecules move or are detected, if I open a tin of Tuna and my cat is asleep upstairs he is down to the kitchen within about 10 seconds.
How the fuck does he smell it so fast ?
First of all,
Fauci is full of shit, he and the eco health alliance which was originally an animal charity started by Gerald Durrell in the early ’70’s before morphing into an animal human viral transmission study outfit whose boss hog, Peter Daczic, was hanging out in wuhan.
Drink your kool aid folks, nothing to see here.
Celebrate, have a piece of cake! Have a beer, have a party
Today is freedom day, no requirement to wear a mask (unless you are travelling on one of Suckdicks busses)
No passport needed to go for a bop.
Go to work (you lazy homeworking bastards)
We are free!!
Covid is on the run, it was so scared it tried to mutate but couldn’t hack it!
Forget Mullis, Malone, Fauci and the rest.
Still have to wear a mask in Scotland, brother. “Mammy” Sturgeon (she actually calls herself, “Mammy” as she sees herself as the mother of Scotland, despite not having kids herself, wtf?) is still pretty much on board with the bullshit. She has wrecked Scotland in her pursuit of power and fantasy of a sovereign nation in league with Europe. Another mentalist that is trusted by 70% of the people for some unknown reason.
And the SNP are pushing for working from home to become more prevalent, normal. We Scots need as much Sun and fresh air as we can get!
We’ll see how this year plays out.
She must be gagging for a referendum, with Boris digging deeper and deeper there probably won’t be a better time for Nicola to become Queen of Scotland
Masks still required in jobcentres I believe, and maybe police stations/hospitals.
Boil them all in horse piss
Looks like Neil Young has had his wish granted to him by streaming service Spotify.
He claims he didn’t wish to share a platform with the likes of Joe Rogan any longer due to Joe’s choice of guests and their opinions it would seem.
Don’t mind a bit of Neil Young’s music personally but can’t help thinking he’s just being a petulant old cunt here.
Anyways, I’m off to have a listen to the great man himself singing “Needle and the Damage Done”
Imagine being that offended by a podcast that is essentially just a casual conversation, and then thinking anyone gives a shit ?
He should turn in his man card immediately. You’re out!
Neils a fuckin hippy name and hes a Cunuck ,
So bound to be a bedwetter.
Think hed be happy he gets to eat werthers original out of Darryl Hannah’s fish taco,
But no.
His music was ace but what a fuckin pearl fondler.
Seems you’ve changed your tune chunky, as you posted the link to the Rogan/Malone Spotify podcast a couple of weeks ago, saying it was of some consequence. It was the one where Malone overplayed his involvement in mRNA research.
Rogan is a likeable fellah, his stand ups are great, and his shows can have some great candid moments with some very interesting people. The show he did with the guy from Metabunk about debunking conspiracy theories was great.
As long as people remember that Rogan isn’t an investigative journalist, but a good interviewer who does tend to take what he’s being told as correct, there isn’t a problem.
Neil Young has fucked himself up the dungbox for doing this, but he didn’t like Spotify before, over the piss poor amount of dues they pay to artists who submit their music to the platform, but it seems more like self interest to a man who recently sold half of his catalogue for $150 million.
His acoustic stuff is ok, but his electric stuff is fucking terrible. The solos for rocking in the free world(how apt!) and like a hurricane are torturous drivel.
That’s my tuppence worth.
He also didn’t like Spotify before for it’s piss poor sound quality (compression). Can’t be arsed with acoustic stuff, much prefer his electric outings turned up to 11. That’s my tuppence licking worth.
Evening RTC. Horses for courses eh?
I get most if not all my music from Spotify these days. I like the convenience, and the access to stuff I’m unfamiliar with. I also don’t have much of a problem with the quality or compression issue, and I record and master my own music so I know a little bit about it, but I also know my 55 year old ears don’t have the ability to hear certain frequencies, so super duper equipment is wasted on me, and probably my mixes are shit these days!
Neil won’t give a fuck, he’s never given a fuck, not when he left Buffalo Springfield, not when he walked away from millions of dollars with the CSN circus, not when David Geffen tried to sue him in the 80s, not when… anything. Nothing stops him. Nothing. He’s like Frank Zappa, Prince, he just writes, records, gigs and buys old cars and he co-created Farm Aid to help struggling farmers, the Bridge School to help handicapped children (he has two kids with cerebral palsy) and loads of other stuff. He hated Nixon but he said positive things about President Reagan in the 80s and got slaughtered for it and he has said all kinds of forthright stuff, but he rolls with it all. I wish he would shut the fuck up and just enjoy his life – and he is! But he just derped-out in public something he should have kept quiet. Cautionary tale, folks!
Evening Gutstick. Quite so. I am blessed with a vast collection of CDs and vintage vinyl, so lucky no to have any need of Spotify or any other online music outlets. That said, my hearing is pretty much shot to bits, but glad to say I’ve enjoyed 60 years of the most sublime listening experiences in the history of the world ever!
Yeah, I’ve been a massive fan of Neil’s music for over 20 years, but he has been making an ass of himself in the past few years with his statements. I think he is very frustrated at not being able to tour with Crazy Horse and play his new songs. He hates the highly-compressed Spotify audio anyway, as do I, so he won’t give a fuck. He is worth $300 million, has a great life and family, so he won’t be weeping into his spliffs.
Very good HJ, both song and choice.
Justin Trudeau, puppet leader of the great land of Canada, has went into isolation after being in contact with someone with Covid. Yeah, right, Boris tried that trick after Partygate. Trudeau asked the military to stop the truck convoy protest heading him, but the army told him no! People are saying that he has fled to Costa Rica, there’s this…
That guy is a fucking snivelling wee coward dipshit. Rock on, Canada!
Fidel Trudeau Jr is nothing but a smarmy, pandering cunt.
If he isn’t blacking up then he’s busy wanting to appear as an uber liberal, super tolerant, diversity championing wokey cock sucker.
If he’s not busy doing that, then he’s naturally of course, helping his country to “Build Back Better” just like a lot of his wokey comrade WEF leaders from around the western world are.
The man is basically a complete cunt who probably doesn’t even know what day it is unless his paymasters actually tell him what day it should be.
For the love of “people-kind”
A lamppost and a rope please for this tosser.
True-dolt reeks of puppetry. There’s a story from 1972 of his parents at some political shindig and he is there as a baby and this President Richard Nixon (puppet) says, “we have with us the future leader of Canada!” and he’s referring to Trudeau.
Not sure how legit this is, but have a look…
They groom the leaders of the major countries for a long time. Blair? Who was he? A lonely loser who wanted to be a rock star and twenty years later he was leader of Labour then a 43.2% winning Prime Minister! WTF? Then he was told to help Bush sell the murder of Iraqi kids. The game is rigged and is ran will evil schlubby little shitbags.
If he has actually fled the country that would be amazing ?
Forced to live in a jungle hut in the middle of a tropical rainforest. I’m sure the high humidity will make using his jumbo butt plug collection a bit easier than in the artic climate of Canuck.
TBCC@ – 45 mile long (world record) convoy headed into Ottawa, City currently blockaded and the truckers are saying they will stay until Trudeau meets their demands.
Short, funny video on the Truckers v Trudeau showdown….
This pussyfart is toast!
…and another piece of reportage you WON’T see on the msm…
Now that’s a fuck load o’ trucks!
I went to Lidl and Tesco today and noticed 50% of people still wearing masks. I’m guessing these people have had at least two jabs so why are they still in the dark when all restrictions have been fucked off ? A genuine question from me to the vaccinated on here is are they mental or just so used to the routine ? Is it possible that they are still scared of death from an absolute pile of bollocks ? Do they watch the BBC ? I feel a slight amount of pity for these poor misled drones, but not much.
As a double vaccinated cunt, not triple, they can keep the rest and shove them up their arseholes, I think anyone wearing a mask who doesn’t have to by law is crackers. There are quite a few folk that are going to need psychiatric treatment to deal with the real world in the near future. It might give them a false sense of security at the moment, but it’s not doing them any good in the long run.
Those masks do fuck all to stop a virus molecule getting in to your body, it says so on the packaging. You’d need a Hazmat suit to block a virus and even then…
The masks were purely a tool of compliance and maintaining the fear narrative.
L. Dodsworth has it in her book, ‘State of Fear’. She interviewed some insiders, one on SPI-B and the other in whitehall if I remember correctly, both admitting it had no basis in science what so ever.
Hence why real world data shows masks have made fuck all difference e.g. Scotland vs England.
Yeah I’ve seen a few folk around today who are still wearing them.
Vulnerability and a genuine fear? Respect for others? Victims of a 2 year media gaslighting campaign?
Lord knows.
I think we’ve been dug into an almighty hole and nobody is sure now how to get back out of it.
As long as the restrictions are dropped though, personally I couldn’t give a toss what people wear or how they choose to look after themselves.
If someone chooses to wear a mask then as long as it’s a free choice then that’ll do for me.
HJ, I completely agree with any person’s free will to do what they want. I also agree with the absolute Bullshit the cunts have created without any sensible way out. I also believe the fucking wankers in power have only done this dropping of restrictions as a political stand. There’s some highly suspicious gaslighting that’s been pushed globally using every possible means with sinister undertones ( or overtones?) of shutting any debate down by controlling all media.
I would say 90% of customers and staff in Sainsbury’s today were wearing masks.
As a triple jabbed cunter I have not worn a mask anywhere since last June, with the exception of doctors and dentists surgeries.
Why do people continue to wear them? We live in an increasingly infantilised society and the desire for conformity appears to be a very powerful one.
Just read point 3 if you can be arsed. These cunts are openly admitting the Vax does absolutely fuck all against what it was intended for. So it goes back to the question of what is the vaccines intended purpose ?
Yup. It does nothing. They were mostly just water, I reckon. The pharma corporations got MEGA MEGA profits. Was there something more sinister afoot? Maybe. Time will tell. This year will be mental.
Maybe it was a bit of demonic homeopathy, where they got Blair to piss in a swimming pool and then used that as the jab base.
‘So it goes back to the question of what is the vaccines intended purpose ?’
An increased level of protection against serious health issues resulting from coronavirus infection. That’s all it ever was.
Precisely Miles. 70 – 95% protection against serious illness or death for the elderly and those otherwise vulnerable.
” They were mostly just water, I reckon.”
Most of them probably were. To give the killer jab to every recipient would immediately blow the plan but if you have 90% reporting no side effects then what you then have is a caucus of ready made advocates saying “Of course it’s safe you tinfoiler twat, I had it and nothing happened so you should too!” Then another 10% get hit from the 2nd round… then the booster… and before you know it you’ve boiled yer frogs. Simples…
The problem of course is that saline/placebo shots wouldn’t fell 500 hyper-fit profesional and semi-pro athletes in the last 10 months.
There an interesting piece of work that a statistician undertook which clearly correlates the batch numbers with wildly varying degrees of lethality.
The microscopy and blood serology analyses on spiked patients is fucking shocking stuff.
I wonder how the statistician that you talk about was able to get the batch numbers that correlated to any death that was even remotely connected with a vaccine? Or did he make it up for a bitchute video?
I saw a quote the other day and it went,
People used to base their opinions on fact.
Now they base facts on their opinions.
The first thing that came to mind was this thread….
And they then carry on to say you should get vaccinated. Now please explain to me which one is it ? Hopefully people will start to notice double speak.
I’m not a fan of Elon Musk, I think he’s controlled to some degree, he’s a partial phoney, but he just Tweeted: “Canadian truckers rule!”
Oh boy, that will cause a shit-storm in many, many places! OOOOF!
I think when you’re a grifter like that fucking odd faced cunt, you say what you want to sell shit to fucking fools. I don’t trust that cunt Russell bland for the exact same reason.
Yeah, he says a lot of odd-as-fuck things for a man who runs billion $ companies and is himself worth $150 billion himself yet live in a $50,000 house at present. There are great videos on YT that expose him as a fraud. His space mission are so fake. He thinks we will be on Mars in twenty years?! LOL! How? How the fuck is that possible? Mars is 34 million miles away. How much fuel would that? In tonnes. The “planets” used to be called “wandering stars” and they aren’t rocky spheres. Who the fuck knows what they are, NASA don’t, they brainwashed us with stupid images since 1976. I know people here trust NA$$SA, some love it, so sorry to enrage you. I love the Cosmos, but not that fake as fuck Cosmos that NA$$$A has sold us for 60 years. Peace!
We all want to be a spaceman mate. It just depends on how expensive the drugs are.
You should look into plasma cosmology. There’s a lot to be gained by not acknowledging the role electricity plays in space. It would challenge a lot, to say the least!
The thing that fucks me off with the masks is the psychological damage we’ve now done to infants and small kids – I’d be more annoyed if we had the mentalist enforcement of say France or Spain though
The government used masks as a deliberate political tool without giving a single fuck about the collateral damage. The psychologists said fuck all either.
But also the adults who allowed it, consenting to it, which includes the vast majority of the public. They are culpable too, for not bothering to challenge the absurdity of it.
Everyone sold out.
I’m really glad I don’t have kids. What a fucking mess.
“…The thing that fucks me off with the masks is the psychological damage we’ve now done to infants and small kids”
You said it Chunks ? – don’t know if I’ve posted this one yet but fuck me when I saw this poor little child’s dilema I nearly fucking wept and I’m a hard hearted cunt at the best of times and it takes a lot to raise a tear… this did it…
… and then you hear the parents (a gross misappropriation of the word and the very concept in their case) …laughing… at their own baby girl…!!! I just wanted to make two hammers meet in the middle of their vacant skulls!
Soooo all you fucking masktards whaddaya think… yeah YOU did this to her… great innit … happy now?
Quick question, are crash helmets still not allowed in banks or did that one get hidden under the invite cunts in agenda to protect the downtrodden refugees.
A thing not often discussed on here is ‘Long Covid’. Just read this-
“Long Covid: Hidden lung damage spotted on scans – BBC News”
I have the feeling it is the most serious effect/consequence of the Pandemic.
I’d say death is the probably the most serious consequence. Either by Covid or suicide.
Then there’s the untold damage done to the economy, plus that done to a whole generation of children deprived of their education and the ability to learn through natural socialisation.
PS: my comment was not meant to belittle the seriousness of long Covid for many individual sufferers.
Haha. You joker.
Long covid is another fear phantom. It’s not across the board – if it were just caused by this virus you’d expect everyone to have damage.
These people are likely suffering from another known cause of lung damage and being falsely ascribed a covid diagnosis based on these shitty tests.
The article leads you to assume they were in perfect health before. Were they? Or are they old? 600lbs? Smoking two lighters a day?
The study hasn’t been peer reviewed and al-Beeb is promoting it. At the least thats bias, at worst it’s propaganda.
Yes death is very serious RT, often fatal. ?
I wont put put links up but I have watched a lot of people interviewed who say they have Long Covid.
It interests me this because as you know my sister has what a lot of people (including family members, friends) a ‘made up’ disease called Fibromyalgia. And I can state unequivocally that it is not made up at all. From witnessing her in severe pain and her deterioration.
You simply cannot fake it.
The same with Long Covid. You can hear it in their weary voices they are very sick. See it in their tired eyes.
Once again you’re thrown back on Conspiracy if it is not a real thing. And have to believe there are many many thousands (I dont know the figures) of people pretending to be ill. Is that plausable?
I didn’t say people were pretending. Some could be of course.
It’s all about definitions. This label has been created and applied to all these people, and the proof of it is they have lung issues. That is a circular argument.
It is quite possible they are suffering because of other conditions, but because they tested positive it goes down as long covid.
The same thing happened with HIV/AIDS. They created a label and a test, and people get lumped into it. It’s an umbrella that covers existing known conditions e.g. PCP.
This long covid bullshit came out before even a year elapsed. It is clearly there to terrify people. Like the BBC article, it is very loose but they report it anyway.
Conspiracy? Quite possibly, spur of the moment deal. Or it could easily be the result of panic leading to more panic. But given the known abuse of ‘nudge’ and psychological manipulation, I would not be surprised if it was intentional.
@ Miles – am assuming the bulk of your reply is for Chunky, because I am in no doubt that long Covid is real.
I think this woman is convincing–
‘These people are likely suffering from another known cause of lung damage and being falsely ascribed a covid diagnosis based on these shitty tests.’
It says ‘doctors’ have looked at this evidence but I am sure they mean ‘Specialists’ in the field of respiratory diseases have looked at these new findings.
You are really saying that the Specialists, the experts in this field cannot properly identify what the respiratory problem is.; be it acute bronchitis or emphysema or any other respiratory disease.
So you are saying they are either incompetent or complicit in a conspiracy?
(once again this sounds more aggressive than I intend)
These sick people talk of ‘there was nothing wrong with me until I got Covid’. So it cant be that they had previous respiratory problems.
Or maybe we are to believe that they had but it had been missed. Is that plausible?
‘falsely ascribed a covid diagnosis based on these shitty tests.’
I mean that is a serious charge Chunky to the integrity of the medical profession. Not only are the doctors so incompetent they are guilty of mass misdiagnosis.
But you hang out in the middle if I may say so. Is it incompetence or deliberate conspiracy?
Human physiology is complicated, Miles. Conditions can have more than one cause, small issues can overlap to cause a bigger issue, plus individual variation, and the fact we don’t understand it all anyway.
Someone puts the seed out there, intentionally or otherwise, and quickly doctors gravitate to it as a probable explanation. It seems to fit, it stays, it grows, and a dogma may even form around it. That doesn’t make the doctors incompetent necessarily, it just betrays how much we humans blag and wing shit. Especially in times of fear and panic.
We’re talking about pneumonia here, inflammation of the lungs. There are so many possible causes for it.
I’ve mentioned it before about Wuhan and Lombardy in Italy, the two epicentres. Both have some of the highest air pollution levels of their respective regions. Look it up. High air pollution can cause pneumonia.
I do wonder how many people who reported Long Covid were actually hoping for a government hand out? Considering the government were spending money like water e.g. 37 billion on Track and Trick, eat out to help out, Nightingale elephants etc, it would be tempting wouldn’t it.
Whilst there are probably genuine cases, there are also just as likely fraudulent ones and hypochondriacs to boot. We know that some companies falsely claimed furlough money and certain slebs, like Steve Coogan, had enough money to bank roll their staff anyway, cunts.
I’m not writing off Long Covid as entirely false, just making a small point about it. Plus the ONS data I just glanced at on this subject looked to me like most Long Covid victims were ok after 12 weeks.
Cuntologist@ – I wonder how many people have worked out that the symptoms of “long covid” are very similar to fibromyalgia?
They have put a lot of thought and planning into this evil.
That is very true Vernon. They ard very similiar. Apart from the breathlessness.
Apart from a whole skipload of symptoms, in fact.
Yes, fibromyalgia has fucked my sisters life up. She was no wallflower, worked in Germany, Iraq and Afghanistan for the army, until that shit hit her hard. Most days she wishes she doesn’t wake up the next.
And no, it’s fuck all like long covid.
“As well as widespread pain, people with fibromyalgia may also have:
increased sensitivity to pain
extreme tiredness (fatigue)
muscle stiffness
difficulty sleeping
problems with mental processes (known as “fibro-fog”), such as problems with memory and concentration”.
Dr Janet Diaz
“So, some of the most common symptoms of post COVID-19 condition or as you said, long COVID, include shortness of breath, cognitive dysfunction, which people call brain fog, as well as fatigue. Those are the three most common”.
I think I may have fibromyalgia based on that list of symptoms. Developed all sorts of problems following aggressive treatment for a medical complaint 25 years ago. Post viral fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, glandular fever, Lymes disease and even gulf war syndrome can have similar profiles. Things that fuck with your immune system can have long lasting consequences. Had booster a few months ago and associate that with a significant deterioration in my condition which is now slowly improving again. Several medical interventions over the years have also instigated marked relapses. Gave up trying to get help from the NHS many years ago as only suggestions were see a shrink and mindfulness, which are both a pile of wank. One doctor wondered aloud if homeopathy might be useful, but told her that was my last resort if the voodoo didn’t help. As usual not sure what my point is, but if you ever get a chronic debillitating illness don’t expect much help from anyone. Luckily I can self medicate with large volumes of beer which keeps me going through the show.
The headline story in the a Daily Mail. Notice how they don’t call them antivaxxers in the headline or the header of the article, usually where the agenda for the given outlet is placed, as they know people rarely read an article to the end, where they put a fact or two. They refer to them as truckers against vaccine passport mandate.
For all those that say this isn’t reported.
You stayed up to 1am to post that? I was fucking sober and asleep at 11pm, man!
Yeah, it’s getting token coverage, like many things get these days. The Epstein-Maxwell horror got near-token coverage for something of that magnitude.
It’s the WAY events and people are presented in media that I detest. It’s the effect that media has on the mind that is troubling. People’s minds get shaped by media too much now. So, posting links to media websites isn’t a good thing to start with. I prefer to go to the people and I’m 100% with the truckers of Canada and of the world, they the veins of the world and I’d never piss of them off! But Trudeau now the little gimp is covering in a basement of a igloo, the snivelling wee shit-bag.
Stayed up to post that? No, I was up late enjoying my Saturday evening as some of us lesser orders are allowed to do, sorry if you find this unusual.
I thought it being the headline article, and it being reasonably covered, with pictures of normal people protesting instead of lingering on the scruffy tattoed crusties that are usually dominant at events like this. There was no criticism of the protestors, or the reason they are protesting, and I thought (wrongly as usual) that people might see some encouragement that the media they hate so much was actually reporting, and giving headline space for a cause they feel deeply for.
As usual, confirmation bias has either stopped some reading it, or on reading it, they have decided it’s not vitriolic enough in its condemnation so it’s proof of their paranoia.
As for posting links, perhaps you ought to reconsider that yourself, as you are quite prolific in posting links, but mostly to bullshit conspiracy crap.
Never mind, you lot carry on posting lies, unverifiable lies, unconvincing lies, whatever.
@ CG – Are you not allowed to stay up after 11pm?
I get tired after being awake for 16 hours, weird that, isn’t it? Fuck knows why I would up at 1am on this site posting mainstream media links. Maybe the “I HATE STRAWS!!!” thread got you guys fired up!
I just it weird on this site that you guys fucking HATE the BBC, but I see links of the BBC all the time! Eh? And yeah, I have a bias against news media, it’s well-founded. No fucking way I’d lean into that shit now. Let’s just sit back and see what happens in Canada this week.
Oh aye, Gutstick, there you go with the “conspiracy theorist” label, You’re getting braver, buster, eh? Don’t like my posts? Then don’t read them like you are now! 95% of time I scroll past you, pal, find you boring, a conformist, a fence-sitter. Not sure why you come here to be honest, you don’t seem to “get” the point of this site! It’s for ranting, it isn’t the Oxford Union Debates with both sides going tit-for-tat on who can defend the status quo the best. Whoever owns this site clearly doesn’t give a fuck and must piss themselves at the bitchy mother’s meetings we have!
Hope you see the humour in this!
Are you alright, CG, you seem a bit upset about something?
Never mind, only 5 hours 48 minutes till your bedtime. ?
I fucking LOVE my sleep, best aspect of reality, an 8-hour break from the shit-show! But then it’s back into it, seeing how what’s the next act in the freakshow.
I’m not angry at Gutstick, just sticking up for myself, pal. If he’s going to through out, “conspiracy theory” like it’s an insult then I’ll take it as a throw-down. I did the same with that snivelling wee ambulance driver who used to come here and he’s been absent for ages. What a thrilling spectacle he was! I hope that Gutstick doesn’t do the same, he’s alright, he’s a good guy, he just sides with the status quo and I find that bizarre these days, especially on a site like this! No hard feelings to Gutstick or anyone else here, we are all just cunts cunting the cuntitude of cunts.
Ottawa currently surrounded and blockaded by trucks, Adolf Trudeau nowhere to be seen, Canadian MSM using old footage of Ottawa after turning the cameras off.
When Trudeau is brought down they are heading to DC.
Truck convoys rolling all over the world now, not a word from the MSM.
Momentum finally building.
It’s time.
No one knows where Trudeau is. He is in a “secret location” initially thought to be Cost Rica but that may have been a red herring. He’s the fucking LEADER (!) of Canada. What a shitshow.
Probably got his XL buttplug in, to stop him shitting himself.
What a fucking pussy. If you’re that scared the public might flip then it’s time to resign.
So who’s in charge of things in Canada right now? The ghost of Ron Ford, the crack-smoking Major of Toronto? Send the Mounties to find Turd-D’oh! They, “always get their man,” right? What a shit-show! The media are trying to paint an image of anarchy and potential violence as usual when “certain” protests take place, unlike Ex-stink-shun Plebellion or LGBT stuff. Boycott the mainstream media, they insult your intelligence and worse, they are humourless killjoy kunts.
Whether the MSM is covering it or not the news that Trudeau has fled fills me with absolute delight. Oh the shock, the humiliation of it. And it couldn’t happen to a more nauseating privileged sanctimonious Liberal than Justin Trudeau. He’s had it all his own way his whole lifetime. (The Trudeaus are like the Kennedys) He has bestrid the world stage with the most insane Woke agenda. And now he has been literally driven out of town
I hope its a learning moment for him but I doubt it.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Say no fucking more. ?
I wasn’t following what was going on in Canada years ago, then the name Trudeau kept coming up and I looked him up to see who he was and it was one of those moments of, “oh no! Oh no no no! THIS is leader of Canada? Oh fuck me, Canada is FUCKED.” And lo and behold, Covid comes along and this Cabbage Patch doll dipped in lavender oil went balls deep on the draconian rules, laws and media mind-moulding. He gave a scripted speech last year and I sweat he had a gun pointing at him in what looked like a broom cupboard with flag in the background. I was so bizarre.
And I just saw a video of Trump pushing the “vaccine” HARD, I mean he was spunking all over himself about how, “very, very good,” it was his own micro-brew beer:
What a freakshow. So that’s the fake hero, Trump now hated, right? No! His fans are making all kinds of excuses, derping away. Can’t people see that there are no more POWERFUL good guys in government-media-showbiz? It’s just us “minority” now. Oh, wait, we are 7.8 BILLION v their 50,000 tops! Bring it on, “elites”!
‘Cabbage Patch doll’
He does look like one a bit in the face CG. ?
Forgot to add the adjective ‘comfortable’
Well, you shouldn’t judge people by appearance, but by how many kids they have raped and whether they killed the kids afterwards! No, Trudeau, all those rich families who run all the major countries of the world are the same. I mean, it’s not a hard conspiracy theory to say that south America countries like say, Peru are ran by 30 (I am told) families and in Peru they were ahead of Covid, as they had and still have enforced abortions, sterilisation of women. Now, you’ll say, “Peru? Pffft!” but Peru is a fucking WEALTHY country, folks. SUPER WEALTHY, but 99.9% of the people are poor, so poor that Posh Becks had to go and have photos with them years back.
It’s the same all over, even in Britain. Wealthy families, bloodlines going back centuries, some say to ancient Egyptian pharaohs, that’s a rabbit hole! Not so sure how legit that is, but Prince Charles seemed happy when he was told (he probably already knew) that he was a direct descendant of Vlad the Impaler. Our family trees go back to around the 1700s, the stuff that’s on record, anyway, some people’s ancestry is traced to the Domesday Book, opened the first Greggs.
But the powerful living families of Italy especially go back to Charlemagne, and probably further. The French familes, too and thats’ where the Trudeaus came from. But they picked a weak-ass snivelling wee shit-bag Cabbage Patch Doll dipped in lavender oil and now he’s soiled his scants. I feel sorry for Canadians though, they hate conflict the Canucks, mellow people. But this is what happens when you tolerate the psychopaths. I sincerely hope it ends well for out cousins.
And yes, where is the rolling live video of this? Next to nothing. Imagine of this was England? BBC covering a gnome being stolen while a Birnam Wood of trucks come to Dunsinane to face a Macbeth-like leader? Fuck. This is a huge as fuck event. Being the Canadian leader is one of the easier gigs in western world politics, but it looks like this shit-dick Just-us Turd-oh will be the first western world leader to be ousted by a pissed-off public since…? Nicolae Ceaușescu in Christmas 1989? Franco in 1975? Crazy times, but the governments and media are frantically trying to present a facade of, “ALL IS WELL! ALL IS WELL!” Pffft, fuck me.
Russia-Ukraine is the new fear being pushed. “Russia is going to invade Ukraine,” was actually just said on BBC News, I have it one right now. Er, no, Russia aren’t, “invading” Ukraine. Just turned the sound off BBC News, it’s fucking ear/mind-rape with that thudding music they play followed by the screechy, whiny voices taking utter pish and shite. National Insurance rise, fuck me, have these cunts got it so utterly fucking wrong. People are going to get very, very pissed off this year.
About fucking time. Something has got to give. The world certainly isn’t getting any cheaper or more interesting to live in.
Time for some real drama, not more fake and gäy bullshit.
“What’s that? Public hatred for us is at an all-time high? Fuck ’em, raise National Insurance! What about banning crisps and leather goods as well? Oxygen tax?”
The ideas that flow out of these spastics is astounding. New central heating systems are to be banned in 2035. Jesus Fucking Christ. They’ll ban petrol and diesel and only upper-middle-income folk will be able to afford a electric car, that’s why it’s barely being invested in, no plans for the infrastructure of the charge-up points. The 2030s will be like a shit version of Logan’s Run, just watch.
It’s obvious Russia’s not going to invade Ukraine. Putin is a smashing bloke, buys his mother flowers and that, wouldn’t dream of invading anywhere.
Like he didn’t take over the Crimea. All the thousands of troops so close to the border is them just enjoying a holiday with heavy artillery.
Useful idiots and that.
They are putting pressure on Ukraine. Not saying Russia are in the right, or are good guys all of a sudden, I hate all governments, they brainwash us, scam us and dis-empower us. But from what I can see this is just sabre-rattling. One corrupt government messing with another corrupt government. We just get the spazzy version of events in that part of the world, the BBC version, the Daily Mail version – the Russian Today version is also a mongoloid’s version of reality.
If Russia was land-grabbing, then they would grab Kazakhstan and the other -stans (“that’s another fine mess you’ve gotten me into!”) not a USA-ally like Ukraine. It’s another diversion from what’s going on in Britain, Canada, USA. Oz, etc. A wee bit of token coverage of those MEGA-protests, then back to the gibberish that doesn’t concern us. And fuck me, I just had a look at last night’s rantings on here – fucking STRAWS? Straws anger you guy?! Pffft! Aye, okay.
Straws are the symptom of everything thats wrong with this world Gordon.
Tools of mass destruction.
True evil,
Hitler used straws, as did Mussolini.
Kill more people than firearms do every year.
Think on this,
When you suck on a straw,
Are you. Using it,
Or is it using you?
Taking a little sip of your soul everytime.
Bible says Satan used a straw made from the hollowed out wing bone of a cherub.
If you don’t see the danger you need a Labrador dude!
Evening Miserable.
Down in Hell, Hitler and Goering regularly fight over who gets use the drinking straw with their milk shakes. For it is written:
And it came to pass that Hitler and Goering were once again fighting over that same ole straw. Goering says he needs it cos he sucks more than Hitler. Hitler says he needs it cos he has a higher metabolism than Goering, or some such pataphysical claptrap or other. They go and see the Devil to find out which of them can enjoy the straw in the privacy of his own Hell.
Devil says: “yeah?” Hitler says: “what?” Goering says: “I’ve got a question to put to you, Devil.”
Devil says: “what?” Hitler says: “yea.” Goering says: “I wanna have that drinking straw, Hitler won’t let me have it, boo-hoo!”
Devil says to Hitler: “is this your straw, Hitler?” Hitler says: “yea, this is my straw and I say I’m entitled to enjoy, get me?” Goering starts hitting Hitler with the butt of his air rifle. Hitler gets annoyed and executes Goering.
The Devil says: “you can’t execute people in my presence!”
Hitler says: “I can because I’m bigger than you, get me?”
The Devil rocks back on his rocking chair at this profanity, gives Hitler a nasty stare. Hitler gives the Devil a nasty stare back. The Devil rocks on his chair a bit more and plays on his accordion TWICE! Hitler, he’s still got that straw, he can’t wait to give it a suck. Goering comes round after his execution and grabs the straw right out of Hitler’s hand! The Devil gets off his rocking chair and runs after Goering with a piece of pineal gland. Goering sees the Devil coming and takes evasive action. Devil drops the organ and picks up an old bag full of rudiments of elementary mathematics, chasing Goering around the room with it.
Hitler’s watching all this time, the drinking straw no longer in his possession. He runs at the two men. Just then the Devil catches up with Goering, throws him to the floor and gives him a kicking with one of his cloven hooves. Hitler kicks the devil in the rectum with his jackboot foot. Devil turns round and says: “wah!” to Hitler, but Hitler’s not amused and puts spots on the Devil’s face and says he has measles, heh-heh-heh-heh!
The Devil, cool as a cucumber, sets fire to the straw. God didn’t get any, cos he weren’t worthy, ha-ha!
And the moral of this this story? Don’t put the fire out just cos it’s burning.
Because Hitler was a bit frigid and german hed only use plain, white, straight utilitarian straws,
No frippery.
The devil being a man of the world and having sampled the delights of heaven and hell was more extravagant,
Had more flair, more style.
He preferred one of those massive curly intricate straws.
This clash of styles is what led to a rift in a friendship that had lasted years,
They never reconciled.
Like Lennon and McCartney
Morrissey and Marr
It was the final straw
Comment in moderation? Never mind the length, just feel the width!
@ Gutstick – it seems CG was a bit upset last night that you didn’t post on the STRAWS nom. Let’s hope he’s feeling better this morning. ?
It would appear so RTC. Never mind, I’ve been accused of far worse!
Perhaps the presence of the Black Sea fleet in Sebastepol had something to do with it GJ?
I suppose he could have just left it there as pea dough Joe did with the military kit in Afghanistan?
But let us concentrate on his supposed sexuality instead, how very Freudian.
Here’s a link for you all
How on earth is biased reporting supposed to take place when your sponsor is Pfizer
Fucking hell, that’s mental. Can you imagine that in the UK? In America, those mega-corp pharmaceutical pimps bombard the people with their advertising, it’s insane. It’s like they are more than just a health company, have a socio-political agenda to dominate the minds of people, not just their bodies. Nuke these cunts and start a new healthcare paradigm.
Fuckin’ February at last! less than 50 days to Spring! Fuckin’ braw!
Still no official word on where the puppet, err… leader of Canada is. Word on the street is that he is on Vancouver island, which is about four times smaller than England, big island. But I like this wee video…
Yeah, what amazing “leaders” we have these days. They are like Greek Titans, aren’t they, bestriding the Earth and shooting thunder from their arses! LOL!
Wrong link, though Joe Rogan posted an Instagram video on the Neil young/Spotify spaz-fest. Here’s the Trudeau video…
Joe Rogan on what his show is and his love of Neil Young…
Hopefully this will make people pipe down and see that the bad guys are not the celebrities, it’s the fucking government and mainstream news media and powerful psychopaths that are the bad guys. I get pissed off at Rogan from time to time, ie. his NASA ass-licking, but on the whole, he’s an honest guy who just wants to hear people’s take on things. No one forces anyone to watch his show or ANY show.
Freedom of choice.
Trudeau might have to resort to putting on blackface as a disguise to escape the fury of the truckers CG?
Maybe like this-
1983 they came out? I just remember them being fucking EVERYWHERE in 1987-88, it was so annoying, every advert was Cabbage Patch Dolls, every toy store had a battalion of them. Now they are in landfill. Funny how our culture works, innit, bruv? LOL!
But seriously – it’s Monday, must be SERIOUS now! – the Trudeau saga is EPIC and there’s hardly any coverage of it. Imagine if that was Britain and Boris. Convoys of pissed off truckers heading for London, Boris insults them then flees to Jersey and the USA/Canadian media didn’t really report on it with rolling live news, helicopters over Jersey, journalists descending on Jersey, chaos, Twitter blowing up, etc.
I’ve heard Trudeau referred to as, “a Disney Prince that no one listens to.” LOL! That’s so perfectly succinct! He has the air of cartoonish regality. I saw a picture of him, it must be from when he was in his late-20s and he has the ph@ggiest pencil-moustache-soul-patch look, like he is trying to look like Emilio Zappata! What a douche-nozzle of EPIC proportions.
Here’s a Tweet from Trudeau imploring Canadians to, “Thank a Trucker” in April 2020…
“While many of us are working from home, there are others who aren’t able to do that – like the truck drivers who are working day and night to make sure our shelves are stocked. So when you can, please #ThankATrucker for everything they’re doing and help them however you can.”
1:01 AM · Apr 1, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Changed his tune now, though, eh?! Bellend.
It shows what colossal cunts and hypocrites people can be. They build up a nice little slice of pie for themselves under the banner of ‘anti-establishment’, then flip on a dime when something personally offends them.
Noam Chomsky did the same recently too.
It shows they see it as an intellectual position and not a moral one. Moral conviction doesn’t change, even in old age. Things like freedom of speech and freedom of choice are not intellectual positions, they are moral ones and never change.
Neil Young has permanently destroyed his reputation lol. Fucking idiot.
I used to admire Chomsky, he had balls back in the 80s and 90s but after 9/11 he shut up on BIG critiques of the government and media. He basically parrots the official BS comic book version of 9/11. What has been saying recently?
As a Neil Young fan (used to have all the great bootlegs!) it saddens me to see Neil act like this, but it’s his choice, It would be great to hear his thoughts on all this. I think he just wants to get back touring this year without any hassles, restrictions, he isn’t pro-government, pro- anything other than music and people, he hates all this division – and so does Joe Rogan, he fucking HATES division among people. Has Neil damaged himself? A bit. But it’s Spotify who stand to be damaged of this horseshit goes on and there is an exodus of artists from Spotify. I always knew it was a flaky organisation, just like all the others from Napster onward, they always shit the bed after a while, but the beat goes on, people will find the music they want to hear. Neil will be fine, Joe Rogan will be fine, music fans will be fine, but Spotify might not be fine!
TBCC@ – I wonder if Neil Youngs massive pharma investments swayed his decision at all?
Apparently the PM has received “a report” from Sue Gray.
Note: this is “a report” not “the report”. ?
A Cabinet Office spokesman said: “We can confirm that Sue Gray has provided an update on her investigations to the prime minister.”
Oh, now it’s “an update” ?
The PM’s spokesman said the report will be published in the full form “as received from the inquiry”, but added he “can’t confirm at this point” if what has been removed from the Gray report because of the Met’s investigation will ever be published. ? ?
So the report is a version of the report that complies with Cressida Strap-On’s request that it make only “minimal reference” to events that are being looked at as part of its criminal probe, rather than the full details of all events examined during the investigation. ?
Johnson says he “sticks absolutely to what I’ve said in the past” about alleged breaches of COVID rules in Downing Street… ?
Well that’s alright then. The full report will not now be published as promised.
Nothing to see here, move on.
It’s misdirection, as per usual. Whether they broke the law having a little shindig is absolutely insignificant to the fact that they clearly didn’t believe their own propaganda back in May 2020.They’re trying to reframe the focus away from that.
They’re also trying to replace Bojo with someone who is more restriction friendly, like that little trilateral wank puppet Kweer Starmer.
It’s all a load of bullshit.
The last thing Labour want is to see Johnson go. Johnson remaining PM is Labour’s only chance of winning the next election.
All part of the script RTC. And you can tell it’s a script because the stupid cunt can’t remember his lines and needs his copy on hand to help him. If not, he just keeps saying ‘level up’ or something.
I wonder who is booked to lead the next season of the 20s? Ah well, we are only one rigged election from finding out.
Some say that Trump and Brexit weren’t supposed to happen, but that was all part of the plan too. Two polarising issues that would divide nations and set neighbour upon neighbour, ready for the pandemic, which served to see if this disharmony was working enough for those neighbours to inform on each other. And it worked.
I can’t see Boris de Pfeffel-Fridge lasting out this year. He’s a spaz, but also his heart is not in this draconian stuff, this is not the Churchillian storybook escapade that he dreamed of all his life, he’s a sad panda. Tories need a better puppet. Tony Blair would be perfect at this point, but he’s a Labour man, folks! Dyed in the wool Man of the People! Would be funny of Blair crossed the floor, though as a 5D chess move to fuck with us on Machiavellian levels.
What a bizarre comment. How would Blair be perfect? Not only is he an arch-Remoaner, he’s also a vaccine mandate advocate, vaccine passports – in fact everything genuine Conservatives detest. I’m guessing you’re a millennial.
I don’t know if I’m a Millennial, that’s one of those labels that lazy-minded people throw out. Your dad and grandfathers probably thought you were a whining little lightweight back in the 60s! But you were just young, naive, optimistic.
As for the Blair comment, I was obviously taking the piss. You’re really out to snag me, aren’t you, brother? LOL!
Haha – you don’t like it up you. Btw, I’m not your fucking brother.
RTC, I hope I didn’t worry you with my comment above, I just wanted to see how it felt to spout absolute bollocks.
I didn’t feel the superiority I thought it would give.
Just a bit stupid. ?
Ruffy’s getting nasty! Deary me, take a joke. Are you Gutstick’s support worker, btw? You are always diving to his digital defence! You two two are ADORABLE. You seem to see me as a nemesis on here. Why? Because I make long posts hammering the government and media and not the meaningless shite you get angry? Take a chill pill, guys, I’m just trying to make this site fun and not a circle-jerk in an echo-chamber.
No doubt you’ll now fire back with something semi-tough now. But like I say, I’M JUST HAVING FUN. Scary that I need to spell that out on a site that is a bulwark against hate speech, snowflakery, all that pish. Once again: I’M NAE YER ENEMY! See ye tomorrow.
Reads like an episode of Yes Minister.
p.s. that was in response to RTC’s summation of ‘the update’, at 1.36pm.
Btw did anyone catch the Scottish Pie Eating Blowhard at PMQs today? And what’s with these twats in the Commons still wearing masks? Rishi had one on and various others.
I heard the fat pointless cunt on radio four earlier, he really wanted to get chucked out like he was dome kind of martyr. Some people are loving him for it!
They can fuck off with the masks too, all sides of the house.
RTC@ – I fail to see why Dickless Dick is getting involved when no laws were broken.
Morning Vern.
Strap-On has been covering for Johnson and staff at Downing Street ever since the first lockdown. The police were aware from the outset that there were regular parties being held in Downing Street because they were there themselves, 24/7, in and around the building, turning a blind eye and a deaf ear. They’re in this up to their thick necks.
Add to that the fact that Johnson extended Strap-On’s contract last year for a further two years, obviously not on merit, she must rank as the worst Commissioner of the Met since time began. No, she’s in Johnson’s pocket and now she’s pulling out all the stops to prevent full publication of the Gray report – the whole thing stinks from arsehole to breakfast time.
Swept under the carpet.Weak spineless shit gibbons “Government”.These lot can’t run a bath.Hand grenade and a locked room.
Okay, dig this:
– Trudeau has now tested positive for Covid!
– USA-Canada border is effectively closed
– Trudeau to hold press conference soon
Trudeau Twitter: This morning, I tested positive for COVID-19. I’m feeling fine – and I’ll continue to work remotely this week while following public health guidelines. Everyone, please get vaccinated and get boosted.
2:48 PM · Jan 31, 2022
What a gimp.
Haha. Gutless faģğot.
Probably jerking off in his bunker watching his wife getting gangbanged by his security team.
Oh, man! It wasn’t a press conference that Turd-D’oh! had, it was a, “media availability” whatever the fuck that is. I’m guessing it was a behind closed doors brainwashing along the lines of, “this is how you report this situation from now on, or you’ll be working in a car wash by Christmas.”
Expect demonization of truckers and anyone helping them this week and until this ends. I can’t see either side backing down on this, a lot of those truckers are badasses, this isn’t Extinction Rebellion or LGBT fannies, these are hardcore, Hell’s Angels mentality swinging dicks! Popcorn at the ready…
Ottawa Mayor said today: “You’ve had your protest, please move on. Our city has to get back in normal stead.”
Pffft! LOL! Another gimp.
Canada protests look fun…
Party time!
I love how the government, media and other gangsters ruined the lives of millions of people and it’s he government and media who are upset! They are fine (or are they?) but everyone else is in debt, untreated for illness, families are breaking up, kids are behind in reading, life experience, lacking in enjoyment, vitality, but yeah, let’s think about how our slave masters and tormentors are doing! Yeah, poor old world leaders and media mavens, having to deal with us rebels! Fucking pussyfart clowns.
Wherever he is (probably under mummy’s bed) Justine Castreau has irrevocably smeared his reputation with high grade nappy fodder.
Did anyone else see him and Macron nuzzling each other at the G20 or WTF in Cornwall last year?
Yeah,lead us harder daddy.
I’ve been hearing that truckers in Britain have been honking their horns and the conformist dipshits have been getting angry! Hahaha! The tide might be turning…
CG@ – UK freedom convoy arranged for February 5th.
Another fun wee video…
Go Canada!
Okay, here’s Trudeau speaking – In French and English (yeah) – from his wee bolt-hole, from a script. Please watch this, this is horse’s mouth
(36 mins)
Read the YouTube comments, too. People are SHITTING on this robot-clown-creepazoid.
Wow. He’s turning it around on the people, dropping in “Nazi symbolism, racist, stealing food from the homeless,” etc? WTF? People were happy, partying, have fun, mocking Trudeau the little shit-bag pussyfart puppet.
This gimp thinks that 90% of Canada is with him? Pffft! Yeah, dude, that’s why you RAN AND HID like a pussyfart in a bolt-hole and you are now doubling-down with insults to Canadians’ intelligence and moral dignity? It’s over, Justin, resign and live in obscurity. Shocking to see this from a “leader” of a major country in the 21st century. And he dropped in, “tinfoil hats” like he just HAD TO say that? What an ass-cunt.
So, what’s this gimp’s next move? Bring in the army? Oh wait, he TRIED THAT and the army simply said, “no.” Why would they come out? To do what? Bully the people they swore oaths to PROTECT? Yeah, that includes to protect them from tyranny, Justin, from pseudo-Ceaușescus like YOU, fuck-stick!
Let’s see how this plays out.
Well what a cunt. What an absolute fucking cunt. He really has misread the mood of the people. How many times did he use the word ‘hate’? All truckers are full of hate and of course racists. These are the people you serve you fucking cunt. What world are you living in? Your own fucking shit elitist fucking nonsense world.
The total lack of respect. The total disregard for their plight. Nothing about their economic hardship. No ‘we are listening to you’ or any ‘olive branch’…just dishes them as racists full of hate.
What a cunt.
I hope he’s toppled.
A few larping spastics showed up with Nazi flags, acted like dicks. Could easily be agent provocateurs like we’ve seen for decades at protests. There were ultra-super-obvious agents/actors at the “storming” of the Capitol Building in Washington DC. But the way Trudeau and the media are painting it, you’d think that the KKK march of September 13, 1926 had shown up with all chapters of the Hell’s Angels on crystal meth in tow, with Ride of the Valkyries on the boomboxes.
They’ve seen that and run with it. That’ll be our reaction. Slur them.
Seeing as the world’s governments have been treading water for eternity and getting highly paid, It’s not that hard for them to spin whatever Bullshit they want and again get more money for doing fuck all apart from singing from the same hymn sheet. The major problem is they are all pissing in the same pot. Never before in history has there been all sides of our politicians wanking each other off, oh no, but every fucking politician in every country in the world agreeing with each other. This is the third world war against the people of every single country. The only hope is these fucking elite egotistical sociopaths will revert back to their normal back-stabbing, smearing, mud slinging ways.
The division of the little people has now been tried and seems to be taken up in society. I saw some cunt today wearing a mask and gloves on a country lane for fucks sake, I was in two minds to run the cunt over.
The fact that all the major countries and major media are in lockstep with each other for the first time in the epic human saga should make folk wake up to the way the world really works.