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Charging Football Clubs For the Conduct of Their Fans
This is not a new phenomenon, but I always thought it utterly absurd to punish a football club for the “unacceptable” conduct of their fans. Link below, but I’ll copy/paste a section just to also highlight the illiteracy of the cunts who work in so-called journalism these days (just in case they edit it later):
West Ham have been charged by the Football Association over alleged homophobic chanting by their fans during last month’s 2-1 loss at Chelsea.
It alleged “the club failed to ensure its spectactors2” and “did not behave in an improper, offensive, abusive, indecent or insulting way with… reference to sexual orientation”.
With stewards, plod, CCTV and other fans being encouraged to text the seat number of offenders to the authorities, why should the club itself shoulder (financial) responsibility for what people do, just because they were let into the stadium? If a Wet Spam fan chanted "Chelsea rent boys" to a Chelski fan in a pub, it wouldn't make sense to charge and fine the owners of the pub for such an atrocious, heinous and hurty-word crime such as that. If it happened in the street, would the local council be held responsible, charged and fined?
The football authorities just can't get it right. Glasgow Rangers were recently fined by UEFA for their fans holding up banners which a judge deemed, “racist and/or discriminatory behaviour”. Want to know what the banners said?
Keep Woke Foreign Ideologies Out Defend Europe
What is racist or discriminatory about that? I honestly don't get it.
Funny how when the football authorities want to peddle a discriminatory message like taking the knee or flying LBGQRST+ flags, the fans are just expected to go along with it. But if the fans want to send a "discriminatory" message, it's not tolerated. Double standard much?
Fill yer boots.
Ugly pop stars are cunts.
Back in the 60s and 70s, the UK had some great pop and rock stars.
Not only that, they also looked the part.
The likes of David Bowie, Marc Bolan, David Essex and others looked the part. And were veritble fanny magnets for young birds of the era. I once saw a gang of girls wet themselves , when David Essex turned up for an appearnce at Granada TV in Manchester. Others had the same effect in the 80s. Wham! Duran Duran and those three Norwegian lads (‘Take On Me’, that lot). To be fair, I used to resent some of them with jealousy. When the girlfriend I had at the time gushed over David Soul or Leif Garret.
But now, in the year 2025, it seems to be de rigeur for Britains popster’s to be ugly fat bastards, Ed Sheercunt, Fatty Capaldi, to name two.
But, I’ve got uglier and more horrible cunts even worse than those two.
I give you The Lottery Winners.
The fact that they are up the arse of Robbie Willlmas hows their cunt credentiald.
But, just look at the fucking state of them. Not rights and woke mongs incorporated.
Hard to imagine these fuckers on the cover of Look-In or Smash Hits back in the day….
Celebrity labour supporters..
Cast your mind back to the heady days of the fall of the useless tories.
Labour celebrities were all over social media casting buckets of bile all over the conservatives “and quite right to, fucking cunts”.
Time for change, for the workers, the grown-ups are back in charge, etc,etc.
Now after a mere 9 months..”fuck me it feels like eternity” the Labour Party are going down quicker than lammy on a dropped chip.
But where is the celebrity outrage to policy’s on pensioners and the disabled being targeted..
That plastic hag vorderman must of melted on a radiator.
Fat reg must be spending his time holding his cavernous arsehole in place.
And who can forget Tony Robinson dancing to the polling station like a window licker..
Maybe he has a cunning plan?
Nope just the sound of crickets..
Oh please wise ones stick your heads above the parapet and anoint us with your wisdom.. or better still keep your bovine opinions to yourselves.
Here is baldrick the dancing fool.