if you are the sort of weirdo that thinks men can get pregnant, spend most of your day worrying about climate change, have blue hair and a ring through your nose this is the place for you!
This bunch of woke hypocrites and career race hustlers represent everything that is bad about the world today, they’ll cheer when a CEO of a Health care company gets shot in the back then riot when a black career criminal forces police officers to restrain him because he’s high on drugs, out on the steal, and resisting arrest.
I noticed an article on there where they try to justify the shooting of Ashli Babbit at the capital building on January the 6th, blown away while unarmed for trying to climb through a window someone else had broken. This officer just open fired with no warning to get back. Makes me so angry. She didn’t deserve that. The officer didn’t even get fired.
I’m hoping to see some pay back now Trump is returning to the White House. I’d like to bathe in liberal tears.
Nominated by Al.
Cretins.Full immediate oven.
What is this fucking shite ?
Me neither.
That makes three of us.
It looks like it makes Twitter users appear sane.
Reddit, is that what a socialist frog says.
There are some strange fuckers out there.
My brother in law is one such bell end who would use Reddit.
Hates Trump, Brexit etc and is always on about the far right (whoever and wherever they are)
His latest bogeyman is Elon Musk (naturally)
Thinks Kweer Free Gear Stalin is doing a good job and is just the victim of the right wing press.(seriously)
Axel Rudakaduba is a legit UK citizen and is no worse than British born white blokes who do similar things (seriously)
Wants to rejoin the EU, supports Zelenskyy wholeheartedly.
Yes the guy is a complete cunt but then again so is my sister.
Good Morning
It sounds like your brother-in-law should be sectioned, Herman.
It sounds like his brother in law needs a nom on here
Good Morning,
We all have relatives like Herman’s brother-in-law, my sister’s husband is exactly the same. I was commenting about the lack of business experience amongst Labour politicians saying none of them had sat at a desk on Friday afternoon wondering how they are they going to pay the wages , when the customers have bounced cheques on you and the only things in the post are brown envelopes. all he could say was that no-one gets paid weekly now (they do around here) as though that justified everything. Complete cunt but the other 5 all agreed with him.?
I was outnumbered 6-1 over Christmas by bloody lefties. Mrs Wanksock wanted to cancell me in my own house. Even the Labs are Fox Red. Fucking hell , roll on death.
Morning Wanksock – my mother claims to be a staunch feminist and advocate for women’s and girls’ rights, whilst at the same time refusing to bend on her conviction that Labour = good and pure, Tories = ev*l.
I can’t even be bothered to get her to square the circle of being a so called champion of female rights whilst staunchly defending a government that wants to ensure Pakistani grooming gangs are given full licence to rape and sodomise young white girls with impunity (indeed, with the blessing of the left). Facts are not something she deals with – in fact, facts are the enemy of the socialist. The day the vile old bitch draws her last breath the world will become an appreciably cleaner place.
For more unusual/bespoke enquiries, Reddit is actually pretty good.
For example, I was trying to acquire some PDF’s of Viz magazine, couldn’t find the fuckers anywhere.
Quick look on a subReddit, got a link and downloaded the file.
If you go into subReddits regarding poọfery, tran§bumderism, climate change and other leftie nonsense, it’s inevitable that most of the contributors will be darkıe-lovers or nọnces.
Good nom though and good morning to one and all.
Having to feed them biscuits, Thomas. Like most things I’m not willing to do so.
Why not they say what they mean. I’ve looked through it and I don’t like what I see.
although the cunts try to force the avid viewer to download their app I’m sure you get my drift..
It’s rammed full of every type of deviance Thomas could daydream about for decades..
I like it,fuck politics.
Good morning.
There won’t be anything on there for me, UT.
The dark web, that’s where it’s at.
The strangest, most pernicious pọrn, any movie or video game or strange file of any type, research chemicals galore, it’s like my adult playground!
Think I may have mentioned before, Thomas. I get my dark perversions from karma.
Reddit is quite good for porn. Just saying. Not that I know anything about it.
I might post some pictures of Dame Emily then, in performance at the Steaming Pussycat Striptease Club, Soho, brandishing her whip and wearing just heavy duty nipple tassels, black directoire knickers and sensible shoes, in mid performance. Is there a category for “extreme obese sex”?
My usual 2 copies please WC. Cheque’s in the post.
Do you have anything with Lisa Nandy? She was on R4 this morning, thick as 2 short planks, trying to blame Liz Truss for the economic mess we are in, but the possessor of an absolutely smashing pair of norks.
Reddit, subreddit, far too complicated for me.
I will stick with only truth out there, yes the BBC 😂
Only joking, ISAC has facts, comedy and even a removal service 😉
So, I’m not clear.
Was she just climbing through the window to drop of a petition to get Government funding for a sanctuary for abandoned baby possum, or summat?
From what I recall, she got trapped between a bunch of the more violent protestors and a door with glass panes, was getting pinned up against it and couldn’t get through them, so she tried to crawl through an already-smashed window/door pane and was shot by a copper on the other side.
I must admit I was astonished when one of the British tabloids seemed to excuse the murder of that CEO because the killer was “hot”.
Totally the wrong idea to give about violent crime and law and order. It would mean handsome rugged men like me would be allowed to get away with murder, and that must never be allowed.
I often find that Redditors reach the right conclusion but for the wrong reason.
For example, my argument for Steven Crowder being a cunt:
Premise 1:
– Being a dishonest, bullying, wife-abuser makes a man a cunt
Premise 2:
– Steven Crowder is a dishonest, bullying, wife-abuser (allegedly)
– Therefore, Steven Crowder is a cunt.
A leftie Redditor’s room-temperature IQ version of a syllogism would be:
Premise 1:
– Saying things I don’t like, or that I disagree with makes a person a cunt
Premise 2:
– Steven Crowder says things I don’t like, or that I disagree with
– Therefore, Steven Crowder is a cunt.
I think the difference between the posting community on Reddit and the posting community on Quora is that people who post on Quora enjoy the smell of their own farts, whereas people who post on Reddit like the smell of other posters’ farts just as long as they smell the same as their own.
My farts smell nice.
Quora Poster confirmed.
Reddit – safe space for man babies to cosplay Marvel characters, swap childish Jap anime of wide eyed schoolgirls (preverted incels) and fixate on ‘fascism’.
It’s for the most part a seedy little sewer of soy infused neckbeard losers.
Create an account, log into a chat group and troll the fuck out of them before your inevitable ban.
If you can be arsed to interact with these cretins that is.
I’m missing so much on tinternet these days…!
Downloaded Reddit to check it out.
Spent 4 hours looking through it, not my cup of tea. Uninstalled it….
They make it up as they go along.
She wasn’t violating any laws trying to force her way into the Capitol building. No she was just a tourist who jumped the queue.
How else can we re-write history?
Trump didn’t encourage an insurrection, he merely invited interested onlookers to witness the certification of the presidential election results.
He didn’t steal secret documents, he merely took them home for safekeeping.
He didn’t try to coerce election officials to award him non-existent votes, that phone call was faked by actors.
He didn’t break any laws even though he was convicted of thirty four felonies. It was all a left wing plot.
The only reason the ‘supreme court justices’ allowed his sentencing to take place earlier today was because they already knew the judge was going to let him off with an unconditional discharge. For thirty four felonies! Just imagine the outcry if it had been Joe Biden in the dock.
There used to be the rule of law in America and no-one was above it. All that has changed. Their legal system is now just a fucking joke.
Agreed Allan. Trump is woefully ignorant, solipstistic to the nth degree and crooked as a dog’s hind leg. It’s in his genes, go read up on his ancestors. At least he now has a richly deserved criminal record. A shame though what’s happened to the American legal system. To think that the American Bar Association paid for the Magna Carta memorial at Runnymede.
Reddit beats Pornhub of you are in a hurry.
The NSFW subreddit “rate my milf asshole” or whatever it’s called has some really slutty ladies displaying their wares.
Absolutely disgusting.