Tom Russo

Woke up this morning in a perfectly chipper mood, until I stupidly opened the Sky News app and saw an article about the (thankfully) defunct Lehman Brothers. The turd in question is some ex-MD of said bank, Tom Russo.

This unimaginably detached from reality cunt has been giving an interview about how Lehman were a victim of the 2008 crash, blaming the US government for not bailing them out and justifying their despicable actions because every other bank was getting leveraged up to their eyeballs with every other cunt’s money.

There are lots of terrible events that have gone on since 2008 that have had a lasting effect on society, but I don’t think that the majority of people quite appreciate the damage that the 2008 recession did, especially to the working man.

So to see this vile cunt (who undoubtedly tootled off to hide under some rock with his ill-gotten gains intact as soon as the shit hit the fan) stick his head above the parapet and start playing the victim card is galling and sickening to the nth degree.

This cunt, and all the others like him deserve no sympathy whatsoever, and in a truly righteous world would have to answer for their crimes to all the people whose livelihoods they shat on to satisfy their own vulgar desire for wealth. The only tragedy about this article is that more banks didn’t go to the wall with Lehman.

Nominated by The Ghost of Glauber Berti