
I’m just fed up of Syria.

I’m fed up of seeing today’s wide eyed war-zone infants (tomorrow’s radicalised bomb makers in Germany, Sweden, or worse, here) being thrust upon us in a vain attempt for us to sympathise with our “peaceful” brethren.

The reason why Syria is a basket case is because – while a cunt – Asad lead a secular and – compared to most “peaceful” states – progressive state giving the same credence to absolute Islam as the Shah of Iran did in the 1970’s.

Corrupt? More than likely. Radical Islamic? Not a chance.

So like Iran became a basket case of radical Shariah fuckwittery, so the backwards radical Shariah cunts would like to make Syria the same.

I know people, good people, stranded here when the Shah was overthrown in Iran and they’re as likely to commit a terrorist act, or act against this country in any shape or form as I am to go to the nearest LGBTQXYZ meeting. I mean I went to one’s wedding in a CofE church for fuck’s sake (and yes he is a Muslim)! And yet he’s no better thought of or considered as that cunt Abu Hamsa was in the (UK) state’s eyes!

Asad is a cunt. Putin in is a cunt. But the alternative is 25yrs of a glorified terrorist cell merely pretending to be a government!

The reason for my cunting is that I am fed up of the AL-BB-CERA ramming humanist stories down my throat when – truth be told – most were happy with the Asad regime and those that weren’t are basically the types who’d like nothing more than to take our aid/support now and then lop off our heads once our backs are turned!


Nominated by Rebel without a Cunt!