Guy Opperman MP

A Cunting for Guy Opperman MP.

I’ve followed this devious little spunk-bubble’s career since the start. He managed to get himself wormed in to a safe Tory seat,and obviously is destined for big things in the Conservative party. He has been made a minister in the DWP, where he announced that he understood about zero hours contracts because he’d once worked as a £250 per hour barrister,where work couldn’t be guaranteed every day. Oh,the hardship…don’t know how he managed to survive.

The prick’s latest announcement trumps his thoughts on zero hours contracts. He has suggested that women in their 50s and 60s who have had their pensions put back should consider taking up an apprenticeship and retrain for a new career! I wonder who he thinks is going to train a bunch of middle aged women in a new trade? Perhaps he imagines a whole new battalion of blue-rinse brickies and chippies taking on the task of building new luxury pads for the “poor refugees” that his party continues to let flood in.

Mark my words, Opperman is destined for the top. He has Cuntitude in abundance to really make a top politician. He also recently married his “girlfriend”,which stopped the totally unfounded rumours regarding his preferences. This was particularly important in this rural constituency which still complains about a previous Tory MP, Alan Amos,who had to stand down after a particularly distasteful episode at somewhere on Hampstead Heath known as “The Gobbler’s Gulch.”

I want to get the first Cunting in at Opperman but I reckon,over the years to come, it certainly won’t be the last….. Oh,and the cunt also reports every abusive e-mail to the local police…

Nominated by Dick Fiddler.