Giuliano Amato

amato mio

Giuliano Amato is another masive cunt in this already over-infested season (“Shut the door, they’re coming through the window”).

The man that wrote Article 50 has now told a conference in Rome that it was NEVER supposed to be used. Why the fuck write it, then??!

It seems that he had specifically “inserted the Article” (just wait til Auntie Belinda gets you!! You’ll be begging for mercy…) to “prevent the British government complaining that there was no way for them to leave the bloc

Fackin’ CUNT.

Proof again, if we needed it, that the EU is just a reincarnation of the Turd Reich. Juncker hated the Nazis, and now he’s effectively become one – a classic case of the abused becoming the abuser. Or, in his case, self-abuser.

All in all, the makings/continuings of a tragically awful joke…

There was a Luxemburger, a German and an Italian, who walked into a Brussels bar; they got blown up by a DAESH operative…”

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke