Miranda Larbi

Yet another operative spouting delusions about white people being over 300 years old and knowing them all personally, including their thoughts. Received lots of criticism for her views in the past, for which she doesn’t seem at all interested in addressing (her racial affront had hundreds of critical comments all of which were wiped).


^ That’s right. Targeting anyone and everyone on the planet who’s white. Now if the tables were turned, how soon do you think it would be before she lost her job and had the police knocking on her door? How soon before her social media accounts were all deleted? Where is the accountability?

Nominated by: WEB

53 thoughts on “Miranda Larbi

  1. Regarding the demise of Phil Spector.
    Yes, he was a cunt, he was as mad as a box of baboons, and he did kill his girlfriend. But he was also a genius at what he did, which was producing records.

    Very little has been said about his actual ability and gift for production by the MSM in the wake of his death. But if Spector was black, he would be eulogised to the hilt by the BBC, The Grauniad and the like.

    Meanwhile, both continue to venerate that paragon of virtue, Saint Chicken Floyd George.

  2. Is all this anti white sentiment making you feel guilty about your colour and sympathetic to black equality (supremacy more like) or is it making you more racist? I suspect outside the ‘metropolitan socialist bubble’ it is doing the latter.
    If you substitute black for white you would be arrested for writing that article.
    She should be arrested and the Metro closed for a period of time. It should be pointed out that race baiting will not be allowed. It’s no different whichever colour is doing the accusing.
    Of course it won’t.
    Baiting honky has become acceptable and even encouraged.

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