Political ‘Victims’

Political ‘Victims’ are cunts.

Let’s single out all those professional victims who infest the lower ranks of politics. All right, Trump’s gone off on one telling 4 of them to ‘go back’ to somewhere else, another country, but there is a deeper point to all this.

It’s about whether you’re on the team or not and whether you generally support what you claim is your own country. If not then it is quite fair that you should be robustly asked whether you ought to be there.

That’s true for anyone. If someone really doesn’t seem to like living within the freest system in the world, is constantly carping about how badly done to they are and are even openly supporting enemies of the state (thinking supporters of ISIS and Shamima Begum here) then it’s right at some point someone should tell them to think about fucking off elsewhere.

It’s tedious to then see them fall to the ground clutching their face in fake-agony after they’ve only been given a slight brush on the arm. It’s not mass internment without trial, rape or torture, something which is routinely given to dissenters of other regimes elsewhere. It is a simple question: ‘In a world full of dangerous enemies whose side are you really on?’

The anti-racists here are the first to scream like stuck pigs and overdramatise Trump’s comments. The hysterical response is now predictably well-worn. It has become laughable how overused and meaningless the term ‘fascist’ has become from their mouths. They should really learn a little history.

Trump is actually a gobshite who should have more gravitas as president than to pick petty squabbles with nobodies and grievance makers. He’d be better off leaving the argument to someone far more articulate, such as Brigitte Gabriel:

I love her clarity and sense. Imagine a BBC Question Time panel like this. I fucking wish…

Nominated by Zippy

55 thoughts on “Political ‘Victims’

  1. This is an account by Brigitte Gabriel, a Lebanese Christian, of her experience of Israelis during the Lebanese war. Read this carefully Catweazle.

    I was amazed that the Israelis were providing medical treatment to Palestinian and Muslim gunmen…These Palestinians and Muslims were sworn, mortal enemies, dedicated to the destruction of Israel and the slaughter of Jews. Yet, Israeli doctors and nurses worked feverishly to save their lives. Each patient was treated solely according to the nature of his or her injury. The doctor treated my mother before he treated an Israeli soldier lying next to her because her injury was more severe than his. The Israelis did not see religion, political affiliation, or nationality. They saw only people in need, and they helped.[10][18][19]

      • I didn’t know nurses subscribed to the Hippocratic oath.
        You’re wrong. It’s called the oath of humanity.

      • Bad things happen when you’re a lone democracy surrounded by Islamic dictatorships committed to wiping your country off the face of the earth.

      • I like your reply RTC, predictable as it is. But let’s consider why (some of, not all) its neighbours are hostile. Stealing land, war crimes, apartheid? Bulldozing Palestinian homes ( legally owned) because they’re too near to The Wall? Surely not. Israel is a fine example of democracy if you’re the right religion and it champions (some) human rights. Watch out for it supporting The Gayness as a diversion from its ongoing policy of ethnic cleansing…

        Jordan, Saudi and most of the Gulf states are in fact quite friendly to Israel. Despite lofty undertakings of support to their Palestinian brothers, very little aid has actually arrived. They talk a great alliance, but it’s actually nonexistent, apart from Jordan, whose purely humanitarian contribution has been exceptional. Any threat from Iraq has been neutralised, and even Syria, before it tore itself apart with our help and Israel’s, tended to mind its own business. Egypt is safely back under Western control, and co-operates closely with Israel on the Gaza issue. What you really mean is Iran, isn’t it? Which isn’t a neighbour, and has as much right to be a regional influence as anyone else. In which, incidentally, Jews are specifically protected by law. And whose leaders have sometimes issued bloodcurdling threats for their domestic market, just like Trump.
        Whether you prefer the ayatollahs or the POTUS is of course a matter of personal choice. If it suits your agenda to take one and not the other completely literally, bearing firmly in mind the actual balance of military power involved, is entirely up to you.

      • I must apologise for being so predictable K, something you never are when discussing these matters.

        That’s English irony btw, in case you didn’t get it.

        At least I escaped being accused of “The Five Minutes Hate” this time.

  2. Trump is exactly right to out these insidious cunts, he said what he said after Nancy Pelosi distanced herself from “The squad” her term not Trumps.

    Trump went in hard because he didn’t want the DNC distance itself from these congresswomen, he forced the Democrats to either back him and severe connection with these enemies of the west or out themselves as backing these women and their socialist politics. Trump wanted to expose the democrat party as the socialist party it has become. This is campaign strategy as he seeks re-election in 2020. Smart move by the orange one.

  3. I’ve been listening to victims on LBC all afternoon. Yes, it looks like the libtards are raising the white flag. Remoaner after remoaner has been on doing what they do best……..crying like girls and remoaning.
    They are losing their beloved EU and they are into the blame game in a big way. Woe is me, it’s all somebody’s fault. It’s all down to Boris or Sir Nigel or Rees Mogg or Corbyn or Trump or Putin or next doors fucking cat. We are all victims of evil.
    No cunts. We had a vote , you lost. No blame, no victims. It’s called democracy.
    Now wipe your tears away, shut your moaning gob and fuck off while you’re doing it.

  4. One of these eejits is currently playing up in Georgia. A local Democrat councilwoman, or some such, whose name I can’t be bothered to remember recently livestreamed her very tearful account of her being racially abused and told to, yes, “go back where you came from”. Apparently, the ignorant cow had gone to the 10 items or fewer checkout with more than ten items. This seems to have offended the man behind her in the queue, and an argument ensued. So, she did the aforementioned livestream, garnering much attention and sympathy from her fellow lefties.

    The story doesn’t end there though, because she then held a press conference to push her victimhood. It didn’t go quite according to plan though, because the man she accused of telling her to go back where she came from, actually turned up to defend his corner. Naturally, they both squared up and stood their ground, until the man pointed out that, 1) he happens to be Cuban and 2) the supermarket where the incident occurred has CCTV footage of the incident. After that, she appeared to backtrack somewhat and told the assembled reporters and left wing loons, “I don’t want to say that he told me to go back where I came from”. Not an admission that she lied, but it certainly casts doubt on the truth of her story. And apparently, at least one person has now come forward to claim that it was, in fact, she who uttered those infamous words to him. This story is still playing out, and it has excellent popcorn value.

    • I wonder if she will do the honourable thing and resign, I doubt it…. just like that fucker from Peterborough.

      What a CUNT

  5. I see hypocrite Democrat millionaire Nancy Pelosi has called Trump – guess what – a racist because he said some “African American” Democrat Congressman should spend more time looking after the “rodent-infested” area he represents in Baltimore. I would suggest Pelosi do the same about her electoral district, San Francisco, which has also become an absolute shithole.

    • I heard that cunt making a speech about how he was brought up there and how he knew so many people who lived there. (shades of Lammy)
      Then the wanker burst into tears. Oh puurleeeease, give us a break. Just do your fucking job and spare us your fucking victim hood you cunt.

    • Literally a shithole, since they now allow the homeless and druggies to shit in the street.

  6. I watched a clip of a guy called Tom Homan, former head of ICE, giving the Cortez bitch a dose of reality over the border crisis with mexico.
    She went down there for a tour and then thinks she is an expert and also accused some of the border officals of being aggressive, they claimed it was her who was aggressive
    Without going into the bullshit, this guy told her the facts about what was happening not the crazy headlines that she was pushing.
    She is a cunt along with the rest of the squad, and Trump is right, if they dont like the USA they should fuck off, maybe try some central American country.

    • That Cortez bitch has too much form for playing the victim and even has the audacity to call US border detention centres for illegal immigrants trying to get into Uncle Sam’s southern border as ‘concentration camps’.

      That’s until the real 90 year old victims from the Nazi death camps did a video calling out the disgusting little cunt for what she said:


      Sadly the ‘real victims’ don’t get airtime as the YouTube wankers can’t have egg on the face of their new left wing champion Ocasio Cortez and they have gone off the scale to censor or limit this video’s main stream distribution.

  7. Hmm, 9 Down, ever-whining political victim who always plays the race card. Five letters. Ends in “Y”.


    • 9 down? That rhymes with “clown”. Which is almost the same as c**n.


      • That’s quite a leap of causation you’ve jumped there, Freddie. Leaping is cultural appropriation as it was invented by a tribe of Ooga-Doogas in Masai. I read it on Google.co.af for Black History Year.

      • Come off it Captain .af is not a country domain. You’re spreading fake news.

  8. Don’t dare put Trump down for this. He told them to go back to where they came from, NOT countries. He knows full well that they (apart from Imam Oman) were spawned in ‘shithole’ parts of the US.

    These four cunts deserve the nastiest, most publically humiliating tumble-down. Alright, Occasional Cuntflaps’ biggest crime is being thick, but the Omar creature is the equivalent of having one of the 9/11 hijackers in congress. She really needs to be hung drawn and quartered in the most public and satisfyingly visceral way possible. She is anti-Western worm beyond description. Sad Dick Khunt is a pussy compared to her. I’d love to watch her pissflaps being branded off with a red hot poker by the Sharia-ites that she so loves.

    • Yeah 9/11, how quickly the Yanks have forgotten about that. Who the fuck voted for that Omar slag?
      Mind you, our libtards are no better when it comes to blind stupidity.

      • We’ll be coming up to the 18th anniversary of 9/11 soon.
        It’s not difficult to see where the phrase “The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.” comes from. (Friedrich Hegel)

  9. I still think he’s a total dick but I like the way Trumpty Dumpty winds the * right * people up. I read something yesterday that he is thinking of proscribing Antifa as a terrorist organisation. That could get interesting.

    Obviously Antifa are not terrorists, they’re just clueless middle class cunts. If you put their biggest and hardest guns against a Millwall crowd at chucking out time at the Den, I imagine you’d find a lot of very hastily dropped and discarded facemasks and rucksacks all over the place.

    • No, they ARE terrorists. Just recently they beat up a gay conservative journalist in Seattle… and the Police watched and did nothing, in the snowflake-libtard Mayor run city. Any and all members of Antifa deserve to have their windpipes crushed by a jackboot whilst pointing and laughing at their asphyxiating faces. The epitome of ‘we use violence because we’re right’ terrorism.

      Watch the clip of Tucker Carlson talking to the one with the inhumanly elongated neck, it’s pretty infamous. Then look at his ‘phef life’ profile, where he clearly evidences that he supports the ‘P’ in LGBTQXYZ.

      Edit – this attempted posting upset ‘WordFence’, ie the detection of dissidence against fascism algorithm.

  10. The muhamadins are trying to accuse the Tory party if being islamaphobic.
    Fuck off.
    Smokescreen tactic.
    Marxist party led by comrade Corbinski is rotten to the core with Jew hating scum. Oh, and that Jared O’Mara is a ugly cunt.

    • Coronation Streets Chesney’s foray into politics was short-lived indeed.

      • Ah well, he can still make a living out of being an Ed Sheercunt tribute cact…

    • There is NO SUCH THING as a ‘moderate’ moo slime. They either believe it lock, stock and chattel, sorry barrel, or else they are not a moo slime. And what they believe is FILTH, MURDER, PAEDOPHILIA.

      I’m sorry for shouting but I don’t know how else to get across to people resting on their laurels over this lot. ONE in this country is TOO MUCH. They are snakes in the grass waiting to TAKE OVER and impose SHARIA SHIT on us all. For God’s sakes wake up you indolents!!!

      Eye Slime is the single most dangerous force in the world today. Their SOLE intent and DRIVE is to take us over simply by having enough babies to do so. Their male babies are indoctrinated from BIRTH that the males of them are the single respectable type of human on the planet, and that anything other than a Moo Slime MALE is worth NOTHING and is a ‘kaffir’. Jesus Christ, we’re in the 21st century and the Mayor of London is one of these worms. How the fuck did intelligent Western civilisation get dumbed down enough and so quickly to allow this self-destruction to happen.

    • Oh, that is fucking brilliant!! She had a right fucking go didn’t she? Wearing the letterbox gear so can’t be identified.
      I fucking love it.

    • The ‘moderate’ lot will be moaning, saying she doesn’t represent them, and all that bollocks. The only time you’ll hear from them is as victims, or champions of good causes, until they have the numbers, then it’s bye bye tolerance, hello seventh century.

    • How the fuck is old bill gonna catch an alan snack bar worshipper dressed in full peaceful regalia in a town dominated by identically dressed snack bar worshippers who are all gonna close ranks and hide her hate crimes from the gay protection force (police)?

      You’d have more luck finding Dianne Flabbott amongst a million strong hippopotamus herd all stampeding towards KFC at dinner time.

      This country is most definitely fucked when we have snack bar letter boxes and rampant militant arse bandits locking horns on our city streets.

      Why the fuck have we let all these religious wacko’s, deviants and anti-British scum hijack and ruin our once tranquil, safe, free way of life?

      It really upsets me.

    • That’s fucking genius… ‘Right Madam… You’re nicked!’
      ‘But… But I’m a pillarbox muslamist!’
      ‘Alright… Move along then, Madam…’

      Maybe we should all do it…

    • Cunt. Walthamstow used to mean dog racing until it got closed to make way for ‘social housing ‘
      Fuck right off.

    • Yeh, but fuck all would be done if this letterbox had been sounding off against a male, pale straight guy.( say it was a fuckin’ rant about him carrying a St. George’s Cross flag.) A fuckin’ plague on both their houses. They deserve each other.

    • Love the way the independent describes it as a person wearing clothes associated with Muslims (or similar). That is let’s not blame them. Undoubtedly soon it will be a right wing extremist dressed up as a muslim.

      • if the police go to arrest her for ‘hate crime’ and she doesn’t open the door what will happen? they will have to to speak to her through the letter box. Then once inside speak to her through her private letterbox.

        I agreed with everything she said.

  11. If the the rainbow starfish want to declare pride in assfoolery then they may hear what they dinnae like. Mind you sounds like Brian’s mother.

  12. The left will always support the carpet kissers 1st. More virtue signalling points than supporting shirt lifters.
    Enoch Powell was right

    • They’re coming to get you Krav. A gay Jew? You’re in fucking trouble mate.

    • Thanks to untrammelled ‘migration’ (aka deliberate. calculated importation) of Eye Slime into the country, the homosexual likes of me and thee are now never more than the proverbial six or so feet away from a cockroach that wants to hang me from a crane or throw me off a roof. The gays that side with this lot make me physically sick and I’ll quite happily see them culled even if it means that the population of sensible gays goes down to about 0.00%.

  13. There are a couple of young bellends in work who worship Putin. The cunt can’t do wrong in their eyes, and hold Russia as a shining example of a proper country, and everything here is shit. Not just politics or social attitudes, but everything. I regularly tell them, if they don’t like it here, fuck off to Russia, and see how long your love affair with them lasts when reality doesn’t quite match up to the bullshit propaganda they have filled their empty heads with. They tell me that they hear the truth on RT and Press TV, and have no problem with the fact that both are state run, and anti western. All conspiracies are real as long as they are anti West, because they have done their research, which is basically one or two retarded YouTube videos. And while I’m on the subject of YouTube videos, why is it the same people who are convinced that we have never been to space, let alone the moon, believe that ufos are real, and come here all the time? Mongs.

    • Oh thats great. Who are the most victimised now? The LGBTMGBGTV8 Communi’ee or the peaceful religion or our Alien guests.
      I’ll let our wonderful fairminded impartial BBC decide that one.

      • Who will be the most vicitimised?
        Oh, it’ll be the wimmin… Guraranteed, sure as eggs is eggs…
        To blame for nothing… Offended by everything…
        Me Too to you, you cunts…

  14. The Pelosi reaction was exactly what Trump wanted. To call his comments racist is a stretch at best. Elijah Cummings has instigated numerous investigations into Trump so he had a crack back. This left wing imagination only leads to boost the right wing radicals, of which there are many in the U.S.
    His recent comments are a cleverly orchestrated campaign to run for President again.
    In the USA, democrat tends to mean people who have considered working for a living, then thought “fuck that for a game of soldiers”

  15. A pity that steward got involved. Some cunt might have ripped her mask off and then all hell would have been let loose.
    Boris should use that clip to support his letterbox remark.

  16. A great cunting. The time for fence-sitting is over. We have a lot of dangerous apologists for degeneracy and terrorism in this country and western europe.

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