
AirBNB is due a cunting for no longer listing accomodation in Judea and Samaria, whilst continuing to list accomodation in Chinese occupied Tibet, Turkish occupied northern Cyprus AND terrorist dominated Gaza (who’d want to go to that cunthole anyway?) So fuck airbnb, you cunts, I won’t be using you again, not that I ever have done. I’ve advised everyone I know to boycott these cunts.

Nominated by Mystic Maven

27 thoughts on “Airbnb

  1. Is Fiddler Towers listed?
    No efficks.
    No Gays.
    No Transbenders.
    No old people.
    No tee totalers.
    No children.

    Welcome and fuck off.

    • Well written riposte there LL – more like a Dick Fiddler retort. I like the cut of your jib.You ok with pikeys and students though? 😉

      • It could well be a very long list Cunto, I missed vegans, vegetarians and religious zealots too.

  2. What’s Airbnb? Never heard of it.

    In other news, Judas May has a no confidence vote today. Exciting times. Can’t wait to see that smug useless bitch get fucked by her own. Will be glued to news outlets all day (not the ABBC obvious because that’s not a news outlet) for any tidbits of gossip.

    Good morning. (it’s a little after 6AM here).

    • Let’s hope somebody’s got the balls to take on this woefully-incompetent failure otherwise we’re stuck with the useless apologist for a further year.

      Roll on the World Trade Brexit.

    • I wonder if Mahmoud Abbas’s grand villa in Ramallah is listed, the one which cost millions to build. Yes that’s where the foreign aid went. The same foreign aid to which UK tax payers unwillingly donate.

  3. Corbyn at PMQs just now, demanding May categorically rule out No Deal. Fair play to the hunchback, she did not.

    Now uppity SNP shit Ian Blackcunt’s on his feet wasting Parliamentary time “respectfully” asking the Prime Minister to resign, yawn…

    • Both the Tory party and the Labour Party have clearly demonstrated that they are a bunch of cunts, as have all other British political parties, and unfortunately as someone who voted to Leave that includes UKIP.

      Don’t give a toss anymore.

      Today in PMQ’s May was talking about less people now having to use food banks. Why in a relatively rich country do ANY people need to use food bank? Strange this coincides with the huge influx of immigrants infesting these shores and ruining this once great country.

      Corbyn trying to rule out a no deal? Thereby telling the EU we want a deal and please at any cost. The EU have repeatedly told May to fuck off regarding further negotiations and that their deal (agreed by May before offering it to MP’s to vote on) is their final offer, Corbyn you fucking cunt, what is it about that you don’t understand? Or do you want to Remain tomorrow m the single market with unlimited immigration? Yes, that must be it.

      No deal must now be the only option.

      Fuck the lot of them, useless load of pathetic wankers.

      • Man of principle Corbyn, as with leaving the EU, had always made pro unlimited immigration noises, up until he got to be ‘leader’ and was confronted with the inconvenient truth that most Labour voters wanted curbs on the foreign hordes overwhelming their towns and cities.

        As for food banks – if they were replaced with tab banks, mooching cunts would then be awash with cash to spend on food instead of having to shell out £20 squids a day on 40 B&H. Unless they decided to piss it down the shitter on lottery tickets, of course.

        This country is finished.

    • That annoying fat Scottish prick is without question one of the most annoying cunts in parliament!! A loud mouthed brash cunt who should “ respectfully “
      Fuck off……..

      • I think he was a car park attendant prior to landing this cushy number. Fuck knows what his dad did…


      • … I think he worked for McKwikfit’s repairing burst bagpipes …!

        I hear every fucking ‘tow the line’ Tories pumping out the same shit, ‘pre-confidence vote’ .. ‘I’ve had many letters from my constituents telling me to back our Prime Minister’ ..
        Hee-fucking-Haw you have … spineless Cunts.

  4. There was a lack off accommodation in Judea 2000 years ago. The Woman at the Well was from Samaria. ‘Give me a drink’ Jesus says to her. ‘But you Jews have no dealings with us’ she says. ‘Give me a drink’. In that one gesture, if the Jews had truly understood it, all the suffering of the past two thousand years could have been avoided. Including the Holocaust.

    • Ah, so that’s the cause of 2000 years of anti semitism. Thanks for educating us – and there was I thinking it was down to ignorance and jealousy….

  5. I’m currently sobbing into my tea.

    I was so looking forward to going to Judea and Samaria. Who needs the Canaries when you can have the deep joy of an Uzi pointed up your asshole or a scud missile aimed at your 0 star accommodation. You’ll certainly get your third bedroom if that hits its target……a LARGE one, called ‘the street’.

    It’ll take a while for me to get over this.

  6. Note to the unwary: ‘Judea and Samaria’ is the term preferred by Israel for the illegally occupied territories of the West Bank, in which ethnic cleansing continues to take place. Its use on social media often indicates that the user is either Israeli or an influencer encouraged by Israel to promote a very public propaganda campaign. Which denies just treatment to the original legal inhabitants of the area in question, whatever you may -and on ISAC, often do – think to the detriment of their religion.

    I cannot, of course, cunt the cunter. But I think I know where it’s coming from.

    • Komodo conveniently forgets that the West Bank was occupied by Jordan for nearly twenty years prior to ’67 and in all that time made no attempt to offer a state to the palestinians with east Jerusalem as its capital, whilst that territory was under arab occupation. No one cared, not the jordanian occupiers, not the arab league, not the UN….

  7. Just watching GOVE on sky
    Possibly the most slippery cunt in Westminster, apparently he’s backing may all the way?
    Watch your back Mavis!!!

  8. I have said it before, the fucking jews (Israel) and the fucking Arabs deserve each other , the are all hard faced lying cheating cunts.
    Airbnb who gives a shit!!

    Off topic, another fucking peacful attack this time in Strasbourg, same old quote “the cunt was known to the authorities”


      • No bets RTCp, I think the only odds on bet in the polical shere would be that it is fairly certain that anything can happen.
        The gunman has been named, French born of Algerian heritage, the report I read claimed he chanted the usual,
        Allahu Akbar., my guess he is most likely Muslim (but not a real one)

      • None of them are real Mr Sick. The fundamentalists /extremists say the moderates aren’t real, and the moderates say the fundamentalists /extremists aren’t real… ergo Muslims don’t exist.

      • Naturally with “mental problems”, a “lone wolf” who was “desperate” because of a) lack of opportunities b) the “occupation”, c) Trump d) Those Jooozzz, e) “Islamophobia” Yadda, fucking, cunting, Yadda, ficking Yadda and ALL lapped up by the cunts at the BBC, ITV, SKY and the shit spreading anti-anything-western fucking Guardian and their pet wankstain Owen snotty Jones.

  9. That old cunt and new Fuhrer to the Momentum Brownshirts and New Postal Vote Hansharr SS Divisions, ol’ Jezzbollah Worzel Corbyn would be delighted to take up an Airbnb from his his “good friends” Hamas in Gaza

    • There are enough luxury apartments and villas on the gaza seafront for jezbollah to choose. Built with the billions of foreign aid stolen from their own people, and lived in by the top brass hamas cunts who stole it.

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