Project Fear [3]

Another cunting for the continuing saga of Project Fear.

This time, supermarket bosses are warning of price increases and ‘civil unrest’ resulting from no-deal.

Civil unrest. Makes you think doesn’t it? Of course supermarkets have no vested interest and their overpaid bosses are experts on civil disorder.

And again queues at the port of Dover are threatened. They use Dover as an example because I suppose people in the Home Counties and London know where it is. They wont know where Immingham is, which takes 4 times the commercial traffic. Irrelevant I suppose because it is north of Islington.

Surprisingly government and Civil Service sources agree with these fears.
So, once again. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

71 thoughts on “Project Fear [3]

  1. Top cunting Cuntstable, I read about this earlier and am literally quaking in my fucking boots at the thought of this civil unrest although I’m puzzled as to what a fucking supermarket boss knows about the matter. Maybe they’re expecting duels in the aisles. “Cauliflowers at dawn sir”. Fucking idiots.

  2. Breaking Brexit News!!!!!!

    Independent think tank has concluded that if Teresa May’s government opts for a no deal brexit, Godzilla will rise up out of the English Channel and turn Britain into a wasteland.

    True story.

  3. This latest incarnation of Project Fear is founded on the basis that tariffs on imports from the EU could include cheese, up by 44%, beef, up by 40%, and chicken, up 22%.

    There are a couple of assumptions made here:

    1. The UK consumer will meet the ‘cost’ of these tariffs, not the country of origin. These are not ‘costs’ – merely just punitive surcharges designed for the UK to swallow. This is all about supply and demand. If the demand from the UK falls for EU produced cheese, chicken and beef due to swingeing tariffs applied then it will be putting many EU producers out of business. The UK would be free to source its own trade deals for beef, chicken and cheese from elsewhere at far better value. How much foreign cheese does this country really consume?

    2. If similar tariffs are placed on German and French automobiles entering the UK then consumers will instead switch to other (non EU) automobiles instead. The pointy-headed Germans and stinking frogs will lose out on millions of UK sales at a masterstroke. This won’t happen as it would be commercial suicide for them.

    What is it with this limp-dicked country and limp-dicked ‘captains of industry’? How far do they want us to bend over for a EU-reacharound from Barnier, Juncker and Verminhofstadt?

    • My view is that we need to walk away and say ‘no deal’. Let the consequences sink in to the elected EU politicians rather than the gnomes of Brussels.
      This giving and giving, crawling round Europe licking arses and stoking up fear at home is a fucking disgrace.

      • We should have done that from the moment Article 50 was invoked, as a matter of elementary haggling.
        What we did was:

        ‘You want cheap watch, Johnny? Only 25 brexits?”
        ” Looks really valuable. Hey, I’ll give you 30!”


    • Re foreign cheese, we used to manage on New Zealand and Canadian -even English – Cheddar before we sold the Commonwealth’s farmers out by joining the EEC. And we still produce Stilton, Cheshire, Caerphilly etc, with potential for increasing the scale of this – incidentally giving our own oppressed dairy farmers a bit of a leg-up. All for it, and damn the cost, within reason. You know where to put the Camembert (clue- the smell is similar), Johnny Froggo.

      Chicken – two things. Deport illegal chiggun-eaters if it really is an issue. Is it an issue? Think not. Just about every uncultivable square inch of farmland is now hosting a chicken/turkey/duck shed – we’re probably net exporters of dinosaur products.

      And, hey, we used to have a native car industry…before we decided money-laundering was a better basis for our economy…

      • Bird I dated for a while was an accountant for a chicken processing operation. Apparently we export tons of chicken feet (yes for human consumption) to the far east. My son brought me back a pack from Vietnam; once, in my cups, I sampled them… spat most into the bin. But hey, some folks like them!

    • I am a veggie, so the imported meat price increase selfishly does not bother me in the slightest. Cheese eaten strong cheddar (which last time I looks was in the UK).

      Why the fuck do we import so much meat anyway- why not produce more here, locally if possible? Surely if we can monitor and maintain the standards applying to the meat industry more closely and dispense with the costs of importing, transit, juggernauts on the roads, diesel emissions etc., everyone’s a winner.

      Cannot see the continued emphasis on the increased costs of food. Just make more of it here then. If we need to import the raw ingredients that we are unable to grow here (because of the climate etc) to make the stuff then just do that.

      • All Komodo’s talk of cheese is making my mouth water. We produce some cracking cheeses in the UK. Lincolnshire Poacher and Cornish Yarg are two of my favourites. Our Cheddars are the best IMHO – try Wookey Hole Cave Aged Cheddar and you won’t ever go near a piece of stinking frog cheese ever again.

        Also, how come our Cornish Brie knocks the stuffing out of the sour froggie shit?

        French cheese smells like it has been pulled from under the foreskin of a Parisian tramp.

  4. It’s been a bleak week for the purveyors of Project Fear. The news that unemployment was at the lowest since 1975 must’ve stuck in their jaws and sent them incandescent with fury as they lose further ammunition to fire at Sovereignty. Even if the figures are massaged, as they have been since the 1980s, this must’ve boiled the urine of Remainiac cowards up and down the UK.

    My favourite Project Fear “predictions”:

    # 3, down due to inaccuracy ◾ “£4300 further payments per family” – Osborne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Wildly inaccurate and derided st the time.

    #2, it’s back up this week◾ “Possible World War III” – Cameron. It’s hard to believe this was said by the actual, and presumably desperate, Prime Minister.

    #1, two years on the charts but maintaining its place◾ “Global Brexit Recession (the day AFTER the vote to leave)” – Osborne, again. Astonishingly inaccurate, even at the time.

    Expect this to accelerate a thousandfold in the next eight months. Will Osborn be usurped? Can anything beat this Project Fear classic?

  5. I’d say the chances of something kicking off if we get BRINO are a little more than if we get a proper exit. About (51.9% versus 48.1%) X (the likelihood of something kicking off in general), to be exact.


    Another story of a Peaceful expecting (and receiving) special treatment, this time in the much troubled Sweden.

    She has the backing of a Swedish judge.

    About time the European judges uphold the same values that apply to the indigenous population of that country.

    Peacefuls should try to fit in or FUCK OFF.

    • What really annoyed me about this story is that it’s fine for these cunts to totally ignore and show utter contempt for our customs and beliefs. Ignoring someone’s handshake is deeply insulting and the height of bad manners but hey, that’s fine because she’s a fucking raghead.

      • Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…………

        Quite simply should not have any non Christians (or at the very least anti Christians) in positions of power.

        Can you imagine the reversal of this situation being allowed to happen in a Muslim country?

        My Japanese wife always used to tell me that kindness is a weakness. I suppose that she would know. I used to disagree.

        But not any more. Because people the world over are taking advantage of kindness.

      • In my opinion only to civilised people. To others it is very much considered a weakness that can be exploited.

        Just look at what has happened to the surge of immigrants, and how the British kindness and hospitality has been taken advantage of.

        Perhaps you could argue that successive British Governments have been “mugs”, and I would certainly not disagree with you.

      • Kindness doesn’t get a look in – Governments act solely in their own interests, or occasionally if we’re lucky, the country’s interests. Not much of that though recently… what with no opposition to speak of.

      • Asians mistake generosity for weakness and use one concession to exact another. ‘Twas ever thus.

  7. I note the libtard snowflakes scoff that we can buy chlorinated chicken from America and they see this as some kind of Frankenstein ingredient.

    Really, I’ve been drinking chlorinated water for 47 years and it done fuck all harm to me, I think, except for my Tourette’s, cunts fuck cunts.

    • This bollocks about chlorinated chicken is pure fucking ignorance. We consume chlorinated salad leaves – they are chlorinated and spun at sandwich factories etc. The chlorine is to reduce the bacteria count on the carcass which is sky high.

  8. This doomsday apocalyptica campaign courtesy Project Fear™ mk II reminds me of the whole Y2K debacle and the associated media-driven panic.

    Recall, those of us old enough, that most of the world was conditioned into believing, come 0:00 hours on January 1st 2000, all kinds of social and economic breakdowns would lead to the global population wandering around in rags, scavenging the concrete rubble of our major cities for a few precious drops of irradiated water to drink, before either dying of complete organ failure or a Mad-Max style tolchoking at the hands of a former telesales operative turned feral raider.

    The two situations aren’t directly comparable of course, but I do believe that the same frenzy of ‘experts’ foretelling us of post-Brexit plagues and pestilence are from very similar schools of hyperbole and worst-case assumption modelling as the whole embarassing Y2K scenario.

    I personally believe that the UK is likely to suffer a fiscal level of hardship post-Brexit; but nothing close to the fatalistic peddling currently ongoing. Those of us who did try to learn more about trade and the regulatory implications of leaving the EU always expected for things to be tough-going somewhere along the way, so the Remoaners can fuck right off – they would be happy to see the country fail and be detroyed (it won’t) if it merely allowed them to say “told you so”.

    What many Remoaning scumcunts forget is that not everyone measures the reasoning for leaving the EU on purely economic grounds. That simply doesn’t compute with many of them.

    • I remember the lead up to the Y2K doom mongering very well. I work in IT and was amused no end by the ads in Computing and Computer Weekly. The ones where companies would claim expert knowledge and experience in Y2K conversions and migrations. Really? It had never happened before so where exactly did they acquire their alleged expert knowledge and experience?

      Could it be IT marketing bullshit? Surely not! Which reminds me, I need to write up a nom for ‘Cloud’. That is a steaming cesspool of hyped up, crack infused dog shit. It never ceases to amaze me what my industry will dream up, throw a ton of marketing at, then claim it’s new and if you don’t have it you’re fucked. Absolute cunts.

    • “…they would be happy to see the country fail and be destroyed (it won’t) if it merely allowed them to say “told you so”….”
      You never uttered truer words, TECB!

    • Someone should repeatedly German Suplex Jess until her fucking neck breaks.

      What an absolutely stupid cunt. Are these arseholes even thinking about what they are saying?

      (Mind you, cancellation of TV cancer like Love Island would be the ultimate win-win)

      • That Jess Phillips is not only as thick as dewatered pig shit, but she has the face of a Macedonian bricklayer and easily pass as a body double for Lady Nougatine.

  9. “tired of this nonsense by now”? If Thatch had been in charge there wouldn’t have been any nonsense to get tired of – she’d have triggered article 50 immediately and given the 4th Reich 6 months to agree a sensible trade deal, otherwise we’d be OUT on WTO the next day – no fucking around!

    Instead we’ve got Brino – the worst of all possible worlds.

    Mind you, this is basket case Britain in 2018, what else would you expect?

  10. You’ve been busy recently Cuntbubble. Mind you, the elites are only doing this project fear crap because they’re terrified that they’re losing their stranglehold on the population. Thanks to citizen journalism and the alt media (Tommy Robinson, Sargon of Akkad, Paul Joseph Watson etc) we’re able to see through their bullshit now more than ever.

    • OP,
      It’s just the way the cuntings are dealt. By the way, you can call me Cuntstable, or Cunt for short. Everbody else does.

  11. These scaremongering cunts have missed a trick. How about Brexit will reduce cod and haddock stocks to an all time low? This will decrease the means to supply to fish and chip shops up and down the UK and therefore the UK’s favourite fish and chip supper will increase to an average of £25.99 for a small cod and chips and £41.99 for a small haddock and chips. Pensioner concessions (Wednesday lunchtime specials) will no longer be offered due to the risk of a black market in discounted fish and chips developing.

    Wally gherkins will experience a modest hike as the demand would have dropped slightly, so instead of 75p a gherkin, we could be looking at £5.99. Mushy peas will suffer also, given that EU workers will be sent back to their country of origin, our favourite mushy peas will see an increase to £3.99 for a small styrofoam pot.

    This kind of news will send a shiver down the backbone of all fish and chip scoffing folk up and down the country.

    • As opposed, of course, to our being able to have our own fishing limits from which French, Spanish, etc, trawlers are excluded…

    • Only increasing to £25.99 and £41.99?

      Sure the figure should be well over £100 just to be absolutely sure.

      And logically with fish quotas presumably increasing the cost should come down instead of increasing? But when has logic and common sense got anything to do with it when it relates to the current government?

  12. Why worry we did very well for our self’s for 100s of years without the EU we basically ran the world
    Gone downhill rapidly since joining but why do all the snowflakes think it’s the land of milk and honey now
    Fuck em all I say

  13. This Phillips bitch is dreaming. The kind of people who watch Slag Island aren’t even registered to vote. They are too lazy and thick to fill in the form.

    There are hours of comedy material in Project Fear but you won’t see it on the telly……or anywhere south of Watford.

  14. On a sad note. The wonderful Aretha Franklyn has died. Anyone have her in the Dead Pool?

  15. Tangent alert: Top story on Sly News – “A-level pass rate falls to lowest level in eight years”. Hahahahaha.

    Diddy-diddums. So the snowflakes aren’t studying hard enough because they’re too busy updating their FaecesBook status or downloading their course assignments from the internet. So to make up for the fact they’re not going on to higher education, they’re claiming university is less appealing/relevant these days. To help their bruised egos, Sly news run stories about how university isn’t for everyone (no kidding, really?) and stories about celebs who flunked at school but still made it. Here’s their list:Jeremy Clarkson (cunt), Jo Malone (never heard of her), Russell Brand (cunt), Richard Branson (cunt), Jon Snow (meh), Alan Sugar (cunt), Chris Evans (cunt). So 5 of the 7 are absolute cunts.

    Then, just to add to the hilarity, The Times runs a lead front page story with the tag line, “Universities scramble to fill places as applications hit record low” while the i newspaper goes with a front page headline, “Unis offer £1,000 bribes to smart students”. Classic! I seem to recall the outcry in recent years that A Levels were getting too easy and too many snows were passing them with too higher grades. Now this. You couldn’t make it up.

    • Thing is, they don’t need good grades to get offered a place in UK universities nowadays IY. Most universities here are just big businesses – they get their £9,000+ regardless of the quality of the applicant.

      As ever it’s the taxpayer who will end up footing the debt bill when the ‘students’ come out 3 years later and go into minimum wage jobs or benefits.

      “There has been a huge rise in the number of unconditional offers being made to students for university places, admissions service Ucas says.
      The total made to 18-year-olds from England, Northern Ireland, and Wales has risen by 65,930 over the past five years – from 2,985 in 2013 to 67,915 in 2018.
      This means nearly a quarter (23%) of applicants received such an offer.
      The government said the figures pointed to a “bums on seats” mentality.
      And unions said the situation risked encouraging teenagers not to strive for the best A-level results possible.”

      • WOW! I did not know that, RTC. I am genuinely amazed. When I was slaving away at school I remember visiting a few unis and polys and going through the offer process. Of course, it was grades back then. I think it’s a points system now. Point is, back then everyone (who wanted to) had to work to earn the right to take a place in higher education. Some made it, some didn’t. But there was an academic standard you had to reach if you wanted to make that step up.

        That said, even back then there was a multi-tier system. Being schooled in the South East and attending a grammar school meant my school used the London and Oxford examination board exams. Read, higher standard and hard. My girlfriend at the time went to school in the North West and her school used the Joint Matriculation Board (JMB) exams. Read, lower standard and easier to pass. An A grade from a JMB exam was simply not equivalent to an A grade from a London or Oxford board exam. We knew it, our teachers knew it, but the system was slanted so relatively ‘under privileged’ and ‘poorer’ A Level students from ‘ooop north’ had a better than fighting chance of getting the grades for uni/poly places. I call that blatant discrimination and not in my favour. Cunts!

        Giving away uni places unconditionally just defeats the whole point of aspiring to get there. I don’t doubt your word RTC, but I am simply gobsmacked by your post. Ta for the knowledge share. Cheers – IY.

    • She was drumming at about 8th speed of old Moon the Loon.

      Old Mooney did love to roll those toms!

      • Think she is a very talented drummer and highly technical.

        Fortunate to see the Who three times, in the 1970’s, every time with Keith Moon.

        Remember him at Wembley being lowered from the ceiling into position. He was wearing a bright red shell suit.

        Spinning the drumsticks into the audience.

        Fucking awesome (as the Americans would say).

    • Hey Willie: Did you catch our Pinocchio claiming a lack of summer signings was down to Brexit? What a massive, non-trophy winning, Levy-yes-man cunt he is. Oh yes, he also blamed the stadium delay on Brexit too. Apparently, according to him, it’s made it more expensive than it otherwise would have been.

      Hoping for a shit season so that cunt gets his marching orders. Levy is bound to bring in another top class winning manager/coach though. He’s got such a great track record of doing that. Oh wait…

      • Open season for absolutely everyone to blame absolutely everything on Brexit. And everyone believes them! Incredible.

        Reckon we have our best chance of doing well if Pinocchio stays but can’t see us winning anything. Again.

        Really hope that Arsenal and Mourinho at Man U do badly this season.

      • We’re 1 maybe 2 injuries away from imploding due to a lack of depth. Then we’ll find out how good Pinocchio is when he doesn’t have Kane and Son/Eriksen to hide behind. Oh well.

        I think the Woolwich Nomads will struggle. Manure will limp along. Chelski won’t do much I think. Shitty will thrash most teams. I just hope the entire Scouse Murderers squad catches the plague, then spontaneously combusts. That would be a result!

      • Now now, IY, don’t bring the hatred from 3000 miles away. Let’s just hope for some decent football.

        Incidentally, I hear the Tottenham stadium is to be featured on an episode of Cowboy Builders:

        Dom: Yeah, it’s massively over production budget and ‘e is STILL asking fer MORE money! What a cowboy!

  16. I literally dont believe a single word any establishment shills say anymore on literally anything they are that fucking bent !!!!!

  17. Quad bike. Check
    Cross bow. Check
    Mohican haircut. Check
    Biker leathers. Check

    Fucking sorted.

  18. Jeremy Cunt on the ITV news touring Europe and telling everyone that a no deal would be disastrous.

    Talk about show your hand to the opposition. Jeremy Hunt the boggle-eyed cunt.

    • The whole aim from the EU side has always been to make sure we get a bad deal. They’ve never had the slightest intention of giving us a good deal – couldn’t risk the remaining 27 saying “we’ll have some of that too” could they? No doubt they’re delighted with what they’ve got now, including that £39 billion golden goodbye.

      The real disaster would be accepting whatever deal Appeaser May has ‘negotiated’.

      Project Fear, bullshit, smoke and mirrors. Best we can hope for now is to go out on WTO rules, whilst chucking a grenade or two over our shoulders for good measure.

    • Hunt: We would regret no-deal Brexit for generations

      I regret Jeremy Cunt as a person.

  19. Civil unrest because Tesco have run out of easy peelers and cambazola? My arse.
    Civil unrest because the biggest wankathon in recorded history happen to be running this shitfest more likely scenario. How many of you fair readers realise that post Brexit Weasels will have to be registered with the DVLA? We are doomed according to project bollocks.

  20. The collapse of the bridge in Italy, whilst tragic, is an example of why Europe doesn’t work. The EU pretends that all member countries are equal, but some are considerably backward – Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Spain, Romania. Our money has gone to the EU to fund infrastructure projects like this bridge; the going to mafia-run companies who use inferior concrete, etc.

  21. It’ll be like Mad Max once Brexit gets here.

    Then the cunts can run, but they can’t hide.

  22. We are leaving the EU get used to the idea the sooner the better Yep be afraid be very afraid bring it on

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