The English People

As a loyal Englishman, it’s utterly depressing that when the Hunchback is forced from office and the new Tory leader may be forced to call a general election, 90% of spinless English cunts will re-vote LibLabCon.

There is, of course, no-one to vote for if you’re a working or middle class person; all the three main parties utterly despise us and with good reason.

We are the people that saw off Hitler and numerous other threats to our sovereignty. Yet for the past forty years, we’ve been getting softer and wussier, culminating in the current state of snowflakiness.

Our country is under threat from corporations, politicians, darkies of all stripe, the council-estate dwelling, jobless indigenous scum and general left-wing cuntiness. They all seek to undo our traditions, our heritage and everything that it means to be English.

And what do we do?
Fuck all; as long as we have our cars, our phones, our Starbucks, regular employment and an overly-expensive roof over our heads; we’re content to be worthless, spineless, lazy chicken-shit cunts, forever grumping and grumbling but never standing up. Of course, most cunters on here are guilty of this, at least in terms of (in)action, if not thought, myself included.

What recently happened to Tommy Robinson was a good indication of the “elite’s” opinion of us – I have it on good authority (brother-in-law being a DI in the Met) that this will happen to anyone who sticks their head too far above the parapet, no surprise there. It was heartening to see many white blokes out demonstrating in London and, surprisingly, no-one being arrested and charged with trumped up bullshit.

In this cunter’s personal opinion (and feel free to say that I’m wrong), I believe that not a damn thing will change until Catweazle Corbyn gets the keys to #10 (inevitable) and really starts fucking us, leading to quite literal desperation amongst the white working/middle class, with industry decimated and an astronomical tax burden imposed.

Then, and only then, will there be riots and hopefully a revolution, after which, all enemies of the country will be executed or deported and we can return this green and pleasant land to how it was 50 years ago.

Nominated by Thomas the Cunt Engine

42 thoughts on “The English People

  1. What we are having to suffer now is due to years and years of very subtle cultural marxism, each strand of it being almost undetectable, which as a people we have slowly allowed to wrap us up in it’s tentacles – now we are struggling to breathe.

  2. ‘ stands the clock at ten to three?
    And is there honey still for tea? In Grassington , in Grassington’.

    It’s gone, all gone. Never to return.

  3. Although not English, (Brit first, Welsh second) I am with you on this Thomas. There is a groundswell in all the parties to dilute heritage and history, replacing them with right-on trendy bullshit. All cultures are not equal whatever these fuckers say.
    As an aside I see that the lad that won the Tour de France is draped in a Welsh flag. No problem with that but why would an English flag look out of place in this context? That cant be right.

    • Plenty of people would love to see the English flag outlawed as a racist hate symbol while these are the same cunts happily fly Hezbollah flags in their marches supporting terrorists. It’s frankly treasonous.

  4. Bit of a delusion there, I think. The impetus of Corbyn’s anti-establishment appeal has slowed drastically, he has a bunch of Blairites sabotaging any attempt to restore it, he refuses to make common cause with other disbelievers in the EU and instead makes emollient noises about remaining. Labour’s funding base has run dry since the rats Levy, Mendelsohn and Sainsbury jumped ship (and see ), and the campaign to impose the will of the Holocaust Memorial Trust on the party’s internal policy continues unabated, supported by all media, even the Mirror. (Clever one, this, rather equivalent to making the public believe Labour causes cancer, and given the loving connection between Israel, Jewish former fundraisers and Blair, not hard to explain its longevity, insistence and absence of hard evidence.)

    At best, Corbyn will form an ineffectual partner of a coalition next time. If he looks like having a clear win, the establishment will combine to destroy him. He caught them by surprise once, but he won’t do it twice. Which is a shame, because 7 out of 10 Labour constituencies voted Leave, and if it were down to the members rather than the MP’s he’d win at a gallop and probably get out on better terms than May is indicating. Which might be rather a good idea, right?

    • Sorry K, but a Marxist party pulling Corbyn’s strings does not sound like a good idea to me. Venezuela beckons. The constituency parties are being taken over by Momentum/Militant which does not take any account of voter preference re the EU. Besides which Labour MPs by and large aspire to the EU gravy train.

      • Yes, I agree about the MP’s. But if you want out of the EU, and you’re only in favour of half the people who agree with you on that, I think you’re inadvertently surrendering. As to Marxism, that’s an old, old bogeyman. It would be easier to respond to that if I had a clearer idea of what you meant by the term, as Marx was mostly concerned with description and prediction rather than prescribing a system to mitigate what he described and predicted. He was an economist, not a soldier.
        And better that the means of production distribution and exchange are in the hands of the workers than in the hands of a Cayman Islands conglomerate, IMO.

      • He’s a Commie, IRA supporting, unilateral nuclear disarming, West hating, Peaceful loving, anti-semitic, EU cock sucking cunt.


      • Strangely it now seems to be conveniently forgotten that both Corbyn and McDonnell have been railing against the EU for decades.

        Add two faced to your description I think?

      • Yes, or simply unprincipled.

        The list is just the tip of a very ugly iceberg.

      • Show me a politician who isn’t. Even the sacred JR-M has EU interests he is careful not to shout about.

        The problem for Corbyn is that he has to keep the parliamentary party together and deliver a retreat from Blairist globalism, while maintaining an essentially populist mood in the membership. Of course he’s in a false position. Like May, for similar reasons.

        And he personally is not, and cannot be shown to be, antisemitic. The ad hominem attacks demonstrate only that the attacker hasn’t thought the position through.

      • Not sure what your point is K re J R-M. Is there something unprincipled about having business interests /investments abroad? Has J R-M ever suggested there was?

        Corbyn on the other hand spent 30 years campaigning to leave the EU… yet when it came to the crunch in 2016 he caved in and campaigned for Remain instead! Or maybe he’s been secretly pro EU all along? Corbyn and May both equally despicable imo.

        At least J R-M had the courage of his convictions to act in accordance with his stated beliefs.

      • How about you name one single example of marxist socialism Corbyn’s such a fan of ever working around the world? Oh right, you can’t, because socialism has failed every single time it’s been implemented and it’s a right bitch to remove thanks to how it puts total power in the hands of the government rather than the people. Venezuela is the most recent example, totally and completely fucked, so the people protest and the government responds by sending the police to crack their skulls open. But your precious Corbyn is still defending those actions because how dare the people even consider of challenging glorious socialism.

        Socialism doesn’t work and there are no free rides in life, except for commies in Pinochet’s helicopters.

      • (Post inviting those successfully persuaded by The Establishment to direct the Five Minutes Hate against Corbyn to consider that they aren’t going to get Brexit if they alienate its many supporters on the Left…disappeared without trace. WTF?)

      • Alienating left wing Brexit supporters? Yeah I’m certain that Corbyn’s current purge of all leave supporting Labour MPs won’t do that…

      • You think a display of spleen is going to attract them?

        It’s two specific MP’s, for perceived disloyalty, not a purge. Yes, it’s fucking stupid. But Brexit is a cross-party issue, and defeating the present government isn’t. As the Aberdeen Nine also demonstrated.

        But I’m glad it disturbs you. Something’s working…

  5. Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
    The time is gone, the song is over,
    Thought I’d something more to say…

    (Pink Floyd 1973)

    Nicely cunted Mr Cunt Engine!

  6. By contrast just look at the way in which the Sweaties, Taffs and Paddies are vehemently defensive of their own traditions.

    Even if/when Steptoe grabs the keys to No.10, you won’t see any civil unrest when the cunt winds up top rate tax to 95% or something similarly nasty.

    • Back in the day Labour had tax rates at a top slice of 90% and then they introduced the Investment Income Surcharge at 15% on top. This mean you could pay £1.05 in the £1 if you were a top rate tax payer with investments.

      No civil unrest then because the rich and famous just fucked off to America and left us to wallow in our own shit. I can see the same thing happening again.

      The people of this country will stand for anything while moaning in their beer and doing fuck all about it.

      • The only time people riot and rise up is when they have lost everything or about to. The only cunts that do riot in Blighty are twats at University who can fall back on mummy and Daddy’s money. The rest of us will just carry on moaning because we have to much to loose.

  7. If you think our cultural traditions are under threat the Los Angeles Rams have just recruited two blokes to their cheerleading team. When I say “blokes” they look like a pair of obvious gay lords to me. If that doesn’t surprise you it won’t shock you to learn that they both have diverse characteristics. Naturally the snowflake twitterati are jumping for joy at this bold progressive step. Whether they wear the little skirts and the skimpy knickers remains to be seen.

  8. We may call the French all we like. But at least they had the balls for a revolution!

    • The French have nothing on us when it comes to revolutions. We’ve had many civil wars and coups to overthrow bad rulers and limit their powers for many centuries while the rest of Europe still fully believed in the untouchable divine right of kings. Plus look at what the French did after their revolution for freedom from tyranny, they only went and got a new dictator with Napoleon.

    • The Frogs were no slouches when it came to revolution – suckers for cunts like Robespierre.

      You can’t beat a spot of rule by terror and mass execution.

  9. English people are on the whole are polite, well mannered, fair, reasonable and reserved. Not really wanting to cause a fuss and prepared to wait in line. Optimistic and wanting to see the best in everyone. Believers in fair play.

    Well, I am afraid what we are up against are people who not share our values of decency and fair play and put simply, want whatever we have and will do whatever it takes to get it.

    I have learned with experience with my own family that you have to be firm at all times and prepare them for life outside of the family. The word can be a shit place for most and the sooner my family learnt that and that the world does not owe them a living the better.

    I fear that too many young people have been spoiled, protected from the outside world and are of the opinion they can all have a great life. The reality unfortunately is very different.

    As un-British as it sounds the government and citizens of this country need to wise up and stand up to the fucking invasion that is happening here or we are all finished.

    The world elite are inflicting this shit on us and our own government are in on it (supported by half of the electorate who are too fucking stupid to see what is happening.

  10. BBC- A man acquitted of rape has lost his Supreme Court appeal to remove any reference to the case from his enhanced criminal records check.

    How can this be a fair and just judgement? A man proven innocent of all charges against him in a court of law is not considered or deemed totally innocent when it comes to job application which requires a CRB check?

    Having said that when has the law had anything to do with justice or fairness.

    Supreme Court, bunch of elite, out of touch cunts.

  11. I’d love to do something to convince the shits of Cuntminster that ordinary (i.e. the non-fringe or “culturally enriched”) folk are fed up of their uselessness.

    Thing is, if they did what they did Tommy Robinson – given all his followers, whether you agree with his politics or not – then someone like me would be in chalky asap without the surface even rippling. I intimate as much in the previous EU Parliament cunting.

    So yes we are slaves to “the dollar” but it’s a tough call to make: “Oh yes I’m homeless now, living in my own filth because I can’t get any work and – as a hated middle-aged white born and bred British citizen – I don’t qualify for any benefits, even though I worked non-stop for 25yrs as those monies need to go to the more deserving wet-backs from some Africunt shithole via Calais. Even so, I told them outside of parliament for that 20 seconds before plod tazered me, arrested me as a terrorist and broke my arm. Yeah showed those cunts didn’t I!”

    We need mobilisation but we need a filthy rich (and therefore untouchable cunt) to rally behind otherwise we’ll just be like individual snowflakes drifting to close to the fire and evaporating before anyone even notices.

    Like I say, I’m a EuroMillions win away from doing exactly this!

  12. For a brief period when things were on the up was when we had strong moral values founded on the Christian faith. Niceness and politeness doesn’t mean nothing, unless you are actually congruent – any cunt can put on a nice mask.

    Everyone is atheist now, so unlike the peacefuls no one is prepared to sacrifice their life or pleasure. We’re absolutely possessed by pleasure.

    Our way of life will smash into a wall within 50 years. Not enough resources for a global middleclass. After the dust settles we might be able to start something better. There’s no going back though.

      • We wouldn’t have what we have without it though. Our psychology has to be based around something – morals don’t spontaneously grow out of jungle matter.

        Sages, mystics, guys like Jesus, they informed our psychology. As they do in other successful cultures. I’ve yet to encounter an enlightened athiest..

      • In my (atheist) view, morals are nothing more than a consensus based, mutually beneficial, set of rules. In our case, the set of rules has developed in parallel with Christian culture, but it all comes down to treating others in the manner you would wish to be treated.

        Regrettably, a significant part of the population are no longer part of the consensus, as they are either feckless cunts who haven’t been brought up to have any respect for others or for rules of any kind, or are from a different culture in the first place..

      • I’m interested to know exactly how you define “enlightened”? I’ve just looked it up and found …..”informed, aware, educated, knowledgeable, learned, wise, literate, intellectual, tutored, illuminated, apprised” or “spiritually aware”. If we rule out “spiritually aware” because that apparently means to become aware of our “real” self,which I’m sure can be achieved without believing in God, that leaves the “informed,aware,educated etc.”. I’ve certainly met people who would qualify as such despite being atheists who would certainly be convinced that they were aware of their “real” self.

      • The hindus have a concept termed Sahaja Samadhi – we have nothing in our language to describe the state. It exists in other cultures too but that’s the literary definition I refer too.

        Religion or belief isn’t a prerequisite for it and any man is open to it by virtue of his existence alone. In a sense athiests are less burdened by dogma, however not many athiests I’ve ever met are dynamically pursuing a spiritual objective.

      • Let me try a little sophistry here. Atheists have no need to believe in facts, because they are facts. But facts aren’t the whole of existence, much as we seek to explain everything. No, I’m not going the ‘more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of…’ route. The fact is, it is extremely difficult to know whether some facts are facts, and that’s where the belief has to come in.

        TBCC has met samadhi and as he says, other cultures have something similar. It’s absent from Christianity, but the c14 Persian Sufis seem to got there, as did the Chinese and Japanese Chan (Jap: Zen, from Hindi dhiyana) Buddhists. So it’s completely independent of your choice of eyes in the sky…or none. In its purest form, you get absolutely nothing from it! Worth a look.

    • As an atheist myself I put my life on the line serving my country for 6 years. Religion has bugger all to do with it. Atheists I am friends with hate what has happened to this country as much as anyone else

    • Christians aren’t doing any more to protect our way of life than the atheists. Though if the Pope decides to start the 10th Crusade then that would change things. Deus Vult!

    • The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity. Communism practices a lie of the same sort when it claims to bring liberty to mankind, whereas it only seeks to enslave them.

      In the ancient world the relations between men and gods were founded on mutual respect. It was a world enlightened by the idea of tolerance. Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate its adversaries in the name of love. Its crusades, Inquisitions, religious wars, drowned witches, oppressive morals and hostility to sex – it is not long in historical terms since Christian priests were burning people at the stake if they did not believe that wine turns to blood when a priest prays over it, and that the earth sits immovably at the universe’s centre… whipping people and slitting their noses for having sex outside marriage, or preaching that masturbation is worse than rape because at least the latter can result in pregnancy… It is a religion that rebels against all the joys of the senses.

      Here endeth the lesson.

  13. Can you imagine, on future versions of “All our yesterdays” after the revolution?
    They will shows hordes of people lining up outside of Starbucks , crying because they can’t get their lattes.
    Sombre music will play as they show fat tattooed chavs with their gormless kids staring through the windows of shuttered McDonalds. Harrowing youtubes of mothers with torn yoga pants crying ‘cos they can’t get gas or a car wash for their SUVs. Oh the humanity!

    We’ll be able to watch the new Muslim leaders carving up the spoils in Potsdam

    And the best part? The footage will come from Al-Jazeera and it will be in Arabic.

  14. The British have over the years invaded 90% of the country’s on the planet, they should all be on their knees in gratitude for the chance of betterment it gave them. To think the wankers that rule us think we cant survive outside the eu thats because the British as a race has been diluted like chip shop vinegar.

  15. I despise how the UK has become a nation of grasses… All that ‘Run! Hide! Tell’! shite (that would have done a lot of good against Napoleon, Hitler, the IRA, and the Argies)… But it’s worse than that… Cunts have no problem now with being social media narks and grassing someone to authorities for telling a joke or saying something they don’t agree with (all that ‘hate crime’ bollocks… Orwell was right)… It’s no longer ‘We agree to disagree, so let’s have it out’… It’s now ‘I don’t like what you’ve said so I’m going to tell Big Brother!’… Actual adults still acting like schoolkids and still grassing to teacher?! It’s disgusting, and those that don’t grass block anyone who dares to differ with them (see that odious human oil slick, Lineker and Lily the Ultramong)…. I loathe tit for tat and ‘offended’ grasses and anyone who does it should be gassed…

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