Victoria Derbyshire [2]

Victoria Derbyshire is a cunt for the following, verbatim:

“It was on the 19th of June last year that 51yr old Makram Ali died after being struck by a van, driven by a far right extremist. The driver – Darren Osborne – was jailed for a minimum of 43yrs.”

Darren fucking Osborne is the absolute, 100% definition of a “lone wolf” attacker who was a pissed up cunt nothing like the well organised and drilled terrorists that do the likes of Manchester Arena but who are then branded “lone wolf” and nothing to do with the religion of “peace”.

This AL-BB-CERA propaganda is sickening. Corbyn and Khan wringing their hands as the anniversary of this “…heinous terror attack…” is remembered in the full virtue-signalling pomp it deserves.

Darren fucking Osborne is a cunt, and it’s a disgrace that his piss-fuelled actions caused someone to have a heart attack after being struck by his vehicle but to even consider/intimate that this is anywhere near in the same league as the horrific actual terror attack by “peaceful” cunts is absolutely fucking disgusting!

Fuck you ABBC! Hold your heads in bastard shame! ?

Nominated by Rebel without a Cunt!

29 thoughts on “Victoria Derbyshire [2]

  1. Clearly I am missing something.

    We’re having a minutes silence because one Muslim got killed outside a Mosque by a white guy. At the risk of sounding racist, why not for Lee Rigby? Why not Yvonne Fletcher? Why not Keith Blakelock?

    Surely it’s not because they’re white? And my understanding is that this guy was a ‘loan wolf’ with a van. Hardly a nail bomb or an AK 47 or a machete was it? So in what way was it a ‘heinous terror attack’? We need some perspective here.

    • Hear hear Pedantic, great shout. Its not surprising though, this was Islington – home of the swivel eyed lunatic. I remember last year the day of celebrations to mark our respect for our Armed forces was NOT attended by said lunatic (although there was an event quite close by) – Did he attend? Did he fuck. He went to Glastonbury and fawned over his sycophantic libtard so called working class supporters who were paying £200 + for a 4 day ticket. He could walk through a veterans cemetery and not bat a fucking eyelid or shed a tear. ANY ex forces who votes for that cunt should remember – in his hands the Army would consist of a home guard, The RAF would be flying gliders and the Navy would consist of canoes and a couple of fucked inshore minesweepers. As for the peaceful cunt who was topped – there were more MP’s and government attendees there than a free cheese and wine party. Derbyshire was announcing the event as some kind of parallel to the sinking of HMS Hood. We, my cunting friend, as a nation, a people with an identity, shortly to be rubbed out and replaced by mud coloured half chats, are FUCKED.

  2. Always loathed Derbyshire when she was on radio fivelibtards,same as that other bland pc slag Sheila lard arse Fogerty,bland bland with a double dose of bland

  3. National Days to “remember” can Get Fucked.

    Obviously I don’t mean Remembrance/Armistice Day. Indeed,I think that far more should be done on that Day to remind people of the debt that we owe to The Fallen,and that our politicians so glibly betray.

    I mean the likes of Windrush Day(22nd June), the latest in a line of “Remember and give thanks Days” that seem to be so common. Stephen Lawrence Day (22 April) is another.
    Just more chances to push the idea of White Guilt. I really dont understand why our “leaders” constantly feel the need to feed the ill-founded sense of grievance that so many immigrants have towards this country. Mrs.May crawling along to some mosque to kiss a load of Sand Stabbers’ arses and say what a positive influence they are in a “modern” Britain….tell the truth,you lying bag..they are far better known for bombings,acid-chucking,benefit fraud,child abuse and general disregard for anyone bar their own,than they are for anything positive.
    Then there’s the blacks..not all of them,I grant you,but mainly they’re known as muggers,feckless fathers,unemployable lazy,drug-dealing scroungers (although I understand the latest generation to be awash with architects,teachers,scientists etc.)
    There should only be one Day of Remembrance,and it shouldn’t be cheapened by constantly adding more “Days of Remembrance” in order to appease a bunch of chippy .tarry-toots.

    Fuck them.

    • Totally agree DF
      All those fake PC remembrance days can get fucked!!
      We are rapidly turning into the mourning capital of the world , we’re gonna run out of days if this shit continues……..

  4. Yep it’s why I stopped listening to five live. Anodyne, in their desperate attempts to be ‘even handed’ they end up being a wishy washy bore.its why I listen to LBC, their presenters are at least allowed to have and express their own views even if you don’t agree with them. Just mute those fucking hideous ads.

  5. This is blatant indoctrination. Can’t believe the average man /woman in the street actually goes along with all this shit. Or can I…?

    Can’t say George Orwell didn’t warn us.

  6. These people do realise that the number of actual far right people in Britain is minuscule right? There’s less actual far right people in Britain than there are reasons to have VAR in football. Hell, even the BNP don’t go around killing people.

  7. Meanwhile, national hero Thomas Mair should have a bank holiday named after him for his services to the country.

  8. Yes just look at what happened to Tommy Robinson for simply covering what the AL-BB-CERA refused to during the hush-hush court case involving a “peaceful” grooming gang involving children as young as 11 for their elicit habits!

    No, let’s crack down on the *real* criminals like Robinson because the “peaceful” grooming gang – well – that’s just cultural isn’t it!

    The disparity of justice between what’s metered out to our hallowed “peaceful” friends for their abhorrent crimes and *real* criminals like Robinson is simply disgusting.

    Robinson is now banged up in a Leicester prison which – as we know – isn’t “peaceful” at all is it!?!

    The Home Secretary must be really concerned for Robinson’s safety/welfare…oh, hang on a minute…isn’t he a…


  9. I never listen to the woman, however I will say that Osborne probably wouldn’t have taken such extreme measures if he didn’t feel betrayed,ignored and belittled by the authorities who treat their own people as idiots and second-cless citizens in their own country.
    Osborne was a drunken idiot,but I can sympathise with his sense of grievance,and would be more critical of the execution of his attack than his intentions.

    * Of course I would never condone such actions and believe that any such perpetrator should be severely punished…unless they happen to be Peaceful People,of course. They are just misunderstood…. Allahu Akbar. (Run,Hide and Tell)

  10. I notice this crusty old dildo sitter never went into virtue signaling overdrive over the first anniversary off the innocent British people (including kids) murdered at the Manchester Arena by the that heap of peaceful human filth…. But there we have it… If they are of human filth of a peaceful persuasion thenthey have carte blanche as far as Derbyshire and her BBC scum are concerned…. They are basically saying that Osbourne comes from Satan’s arse, because he’s white and English and hurt one of their precious peaceful pets… If Osbourne had hit an old lady, a kid, or anyone else British, Dildo Derbyshire wouldn’t give a flying fuck… But apparently rape and murder by those lovable peaceful chappies is perfectly acceptable…. The BBC are fucking cunts of the highest order…

    And as for our esteemed PM? Sending out ‘Happy Eid’ goodwill messages to the cunts?! There was no ‘Happy St George’s Day’ message to her own people, was there?… Theresa the Appeaser, eh? Fucking cunt….

  11. I’d put Dildo Derbyshire in a tent full of her precious peacefuls…. A tent full of IS cunts in Parking Stan, that is… Mind you, I think even those rabid cunts would turn her down…

  12. This takes the piss. One raghead was killed by a fucking cunt. They kill and rape whites in Europe on what seems like a weekly basis. Shows that we favour these savages.

  13. Picked up this ‘anniversary’ on Today, R4 this morning. One dead woman abuser, killed by a fucking inadequate idiot and they all rally round as if the Nazi Party had been re-incarnated. Same with the moron who killed Jo Cox. Talk of how they suffer Islamophobia. The peaceful society in this country harbours 1000s of murderous animals. They abuse and subjugate women. They groom and rape children. They don’t belong in civilised society, yet any act against them is blown out of all proportion by liberal right-on cunts. Any opposition to this is ‘hate speech’

  14. Derbyshire is babbling virtue signaling crap about some unknown peaceful knocked down by some pisspot on hos own agenda… Yet Lee Rigby, a member of Her Majesty’s armed forces, butchered by two peaceful savages and he is virtually forgotten…. She is a fucking witch who is an apologist for murderers… The right type and shade of murderers, that is….

  15. Fuck this fucking posh bitch, fuck the British Broadcasting Caliphate and they can stick their minutes silence up their collective fucking arses.
    Fuck them all to hell.

  16. Daddy issues.

    Rather than acknowledge the peaceful problem and act to put it right there is a compulsive need to try and tip the scales a bit by overblowing the opposite. Despite it being ridiculous to balance the peacefuls barbarism vs a couple of nuts. Mental gymnastics.

    Total weakness of character.

  17. “To mark the hundredth birthday of Nelson Mandela, Trevor MacDonut travels to South Africa to see how it’s going.”

    Well Trevor since Nelson popped his clogs it’s being going steadily down the shitter – just like it’s Northern neighbour!

    No need for the flight now Trev mate. No, no, you’re welcome!

    • Did he visit any of the white farmsteads where families have been slaughtered?

  18. South Africa have decided to kill white farmers. The stupid cave apes won’t have anyone to grow food then. Zimbabwe was once called the bread basket of Africa until they killed off the only people who could farm.

    • It’s nature’s way. Fuck them. The rock apes groidies will have no idea how to farm and there will be another famine.

      Cue Sirs Jerkoff and Boner to launch another appeal to swell their bloated bank balances. Cunt.

  19. Today from The President: ‘Democrats are the problem. They don’t care about crime and want illegal immigrants, no matter how bad they may be, to pour into and infest our Country, like MS-13. They can’t win on their terrible policies, so they view them as potential voters!’

    We call the cunts the Labour Party here in Blighty….
    Viva Big Don!

    • The Don seems to be the only one with cojones who tells it like it is.

      Just sit back and await the backlash from Barry O’Bummer and Lickery Clitton.

  20. Didn’t hear about this anniversary until reading it on here so have unfortunately missed my chance to pour out sympathy for some old sand blambo with a heart condition.

  21. As the great “Half man half biscuit” sang “It must be national shite day” Fuck them and the bikes they rode in on.

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