Mick Jagger [2]

The Glastonbury Festival 2013

‘Sir’ Mick Jagger is a cunt…

Any other 72 year old who got a 29 year old woman up the duff would be called a dirty old cunt…. And that’s what he is… The old knobhead is pathetic… He’s so vain and full of that ‘Peter Pan’ bollocks that he can’t go out with a woman of his own age group, as he probably thinks he’s the man and that it’s beneath him…

That other wrinkled old prune, Rod Stewart is similar: a lecherous old cunt who shags birds young enough to be his daughter… And Hugh Hefner, with his harem of peroxide, plastic titted prozzies… Dirty old cunts….

Nominated by: Norman

11 thoughts on “Mick Jagger [2]

  1. Sorry, Norman but you can’t cunt a bloke for tapping top class totty. Jagger has 25 years on me but I still have zero interest in women my own age. 25 to 30 is the optimum age, not young silly girls but not past it old hags either.

    Sorry, ladies but once you pass 30 you are on borrowed time. You ride the cock carousel in your 20’s having a good time but then you hit 30 and decide it’s time to find “the one” and start breeding. But then you can’t find “the one”, in fact you can’t find anyone and you start bitching to your mates about there not being any “good men” left and how men don’t appreciate a “real woman” and all the time your sexual market value is trending towards zero. And then you hit “the wall” and from then on no self respecting man will look twice at you. There are no exceptions; sure there may be ladies in there late 30s or even 40s who look kinda OK but its all smoke and mirrors, plastic surgery, make up, expensive clothes, you name it they will do it in their desperate attempts to snag a man. These type of women need cunting, not perfectly sensible men who prefer filet mignon to spam.

  2. A mate of mine shagged a lass that looked like Mick Jagger,she must have been dry as he ripped his foreskin trya shag it and had to be circumcised( true story)

  3. I think Mick is finally coming close to transforming into a frog and keef could pass off as a zombie. This is their final form!

  4. That cunt the archbishop of Canterbury is now urging us to house Syrian refugees,however it must be self-contained and available for at least 12 months. I asked Granny Fiddler if she fancied moving out of the granny-flat to make way for some peace-loving immigrants. Damn near finished the old trout off..started screaming about kiddie-fiddling sand niggers invading our green and pleasant land,and kicked my Afgan hound right up the arse. I rang the good Archbishop to ask advice and he said to” choke the racist old bag with a packet of Werther Originals”What a iobbie-jabbing,god-bothering true cunt.

    • I’m sure the Church of England was many spare properties, inclding archbishops palaces knocking about, why dont they set an example ?

      Like the fuck they will !

  5. Amazing what fame and a massive bank account will do for a wrinkly old cunt. Mick has always had a massive ego and probably thinks it’s his personality and looks they go for.

    Jerry gash for cash Hall being a prime example, now married to Murdoch and his wig. Rupert who is knowing for his youthful good looks and his sparkling funster personality.

    Mick you cunt.

  6. No problem with jagger swytheing a younger bint, he’s a cunt for entirely different reasons:-

    1) “Moves like jagger”, my dribbling stump, he minces about like a ponce with a concrete pineapple lodged up his chocolate aster. Why the minge-mopped crumbly can’t dance in time to his own songs is a bigger mystery than his Viagra bill. Cunt.

    2) Art school educated cock jockey can’t draw, can’t paint, can’t sculpt, all he can do is phuck about recycling music played by jig slaves over a century ago. Even then he sounds like a Middle class southern poof gry to copy an authentic black accent with a mouthful of Bowies arsehairs

    Jagger, you’re a fraud, has-been, second-hand, port-pissing nobrot cunt

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