Project Fear


Project fear is crawling right up my piss pipe.

Knowing that most mongs will read a headline and form an opinion without checking any facts is grist to the mill for the politicunt. Watching all these cunts clubbing together to try and keep us in their superannuated post parliament scam is fucking soul destroying.

Shit at politics in your own country? Well come on down to the EU parliament, where you can be shit without the threat of deselection.

What cunts.

Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye

13 thoughts on “Project Fear

  1. Very good use of the titles from “The Thing” by the way. An alien presence that assimilates any living organism into it’s enforced collective. Sums it up perfectly. Local elections today, our Indian neighbour has Vote Labour signs up all over her garden, yet she doesn’t speak a word of English. The little commissars from the local party must have got her kids to translate for her, the chance to indoctrinate the little ones being too good to miss. Four of the Labour twats were patrolling the area last week in Hi Viz jackets, as if they were doing something important. When they had finished handing out as many flags and leaflets as they could shift they all got into a big Range Rover and fucked off. Would Mr Corbyn approve?

    • The main reason the grubby cunts are clinging like limpets to the EU gravy train is that they are addicted to the gravy. Vastly paid jobs and perks and allowances that they and their families can spend a lifetime gorging upon. That is the meaning orf “Project Fear” ie their fear orf losing their place at the trough.

    • and don’t forget PROJECT BURY THE NEWS
      i saw a streamer on RT that cunt camoron has said (in answer to a PMQ from tory david amess yesterday) that the chilcot report won’t be published until after the brexit ref. i switched to cunt beeb teletext (yes i’m a fucking luddite) and there was nothing there on the news or the politics sections. so i had at look on-line at the MSM home pages and again saw fuck-all. when i did a google search

      “chilcot report delayed until after eu referendum”
      and got loads of hits including from MSM sites

      (time-out to cunt michael fallon again, he’s a more irritating cunt than barry scott)

      now, once you choose an MSM link and can read the article, try opening another window and see if you can get the same story by drilling down from the home page – can’t be done

      now, there’s no way this news can be suppressed until june 24th, but some cynical cunts might think this news is being “held over” until after the local and regional elections today, since further chilcot delays would result in labour, tories and lib-dems losing votes to the greens and UKIP

      more lies and false promises from call me pigfucker

      • Same with the BBC not reporting slimy Sadiq Khan and his Uncle Tom comments. A politician who is a Muslim is one thing but a Muslim who is a politician is not going to be a good move. I suppose a cunt is a cunt either way……

  2. We note that the Clarkson cunt is at it promoting his version orf Top Gear orn Amazon with the old “we can’t think of a name for the show” gag. Suggest “Cunts on Wheels”, “Cunt Car” or “Dosser Drive” among others.

    • Clarkson is undoubtedly a stuck up cunt but he was why the show was enjoyable he also has a great narration voice. I’d take his voice anyday of the week over morgan freeman but apparently he wants to shag a horse or maybe be shagged by one. Sick cunt!

      He also recently said that EU should be run by germany proving what a deluded bellend he is. Then again germany more or less already runs the EU, running quite horribly too I hope merkel the traitor hangs.

      • I’ll try to find the new show, when it inevitably ends up on some pirate website for free. fuck paying for Amazon or the Beeb, not a chance. To be fair to Fatty Clarkson, “Inventions That Changed The World” and his Victoria Cross war documentaries were fairly respectful because he drops the (mostly) exaggerated Top Gear Bigmouth persona…

      • Top Cunts? Seems the obvious choice, however the BBC might have an eye on that one for the ginger cunts revamp show…..

    • “Cunts in Cars” has a nice ring to it.
      or maybe “Tres Hombres”
      or maybe “Car wanking”
      or maybe “Petrol heading for dummies” – could be a book in that…

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