Modern parenting [2]


Modern kids and modern parents are cunts….

I was in town today on my dinner hour and I saw this little fucker basically acting up and being a pain in the arse like a complete cunt… His mother just said casually, ‘Curtis, stop!’ (what sort of cunt calls a boy Curtis anyway?)… No hint of authority or discipline about it… Little sod kept acting up, so she nodded to his father… Daddy also was far from commanding and threatening, and he also said casually,’Curtis, not good!’ That’s really going to make him behave, isn’t it? What the little turd needed was a great big fucking slap…

Kids are uncontrollable because parents can’t (or won’t) control them… And these unpleasant little cunts will become unpleasant big adult cunts… Another reason why future society is fucked…

Nominated by: Norman

33 thoughts on “Modern parenting [2]

  1. Yep, i’m with you on this one. Me and the wife once managed to get cheap first class upgrade for a flight back from Malaysia. I, (along with everyone else) was woken from a blissful deep sleep by some little cunt screaming his fuckin head off and his stupid thick cunting parents didn’t do a fucking thing about it. Someone sooner or later had to say something and that someone happened to be me. All i said was ‘come on, do something, this isn’t fair’ only for the little shits father to get up and say ‘whats your problem’ to which i replied ‘you mean you don’t know’. Thats where it ended but i swear if i could have got away with it i’d have decked the cunt there and then. Him and his thick fucking cunt of a wife had no respect for the people in that compartment, many of whom had paid the full price of a first class seat. In my day i’d have been threatened with the line ‘if you don’t stop crying i’ll give you something to cry about’ and i knew if i didn’t obey then my mum or dad would have been true to their word. Yeh, the modern parents, what a load of arrogant, ignorant selfish fucking cunts !!!

    • this sort of explains why passingers sometimes attempt to open escape hatches on planes, allegidly irational behaviour but in some cases rather rational, either to escape said child, or better still eject it!

    • I’m so sorry this happened to you.

      If you’re the parent(s) of a young child/baby you should have to guarantee the good behaviour of your offspring or else be denied boarding. It’s not like there are no alternatives to getting some place. If your child misbehaves on a plane, then you should be fined – heavily – and those funds distributed to the people your revolting child has adversely affected. This would make these cunts think twice about getting on a plane with their bastard kids.

      If I sat in my seat and screamed my lungs out I’m pretty sure a big, burly flight attendant would swing by and tell me to STFU or else I’d be removed from the plane. Yet kids get a free pass when they do it. Double standards and hypocrisy should not be tolerated in any situation. Make them behave or rent a fucking car instead.

  2. I went for a coffee and unwittingly chose to sit in the unofficial ‘naughty corner’… I realised this when somebody’s screaming little brat was dumped next to me as punishment (for who?!).

    Telling somebody else’s kid to shut the fuck up (or words to tgat effect) has become one of society’s biggest taboos – primarily because parents see it as you judging them and doing thier job for them.

    Well if little Olly is allowed to ‘express himself’ then why can’t I? Possibly with the back of my hand…

  3. Having had a 25 year stint as a teacher I’ve seen it all go tits down. One of the reasons I quit early was the proliferation of liberal parents looking for answers to age old problems of plain old defiance and misbehaviour.
    My default line was always the same – ‘teach them the words yes, no, right and wrong and fucking mean it’. That fell on deaf ears to most, they were looking for some magic bullet psychobabble super nanny bullshit which will and never has worked. It seems that simplicity is far too difficult a concept for these lobotomised twats to grasp.
    I often feel that many unfortunate kids these days are trophies (brown baby syndrome) and that once they show a bit of basic human nature they become a bloody inconvenience.
    The psychologists and lunatic modern parenting ‘experts’ should be taken back to the fucking asylum where they belong.
    Challenging a feral kid in front of their own parents these days is like chucking a bacon sandwich into a synagogue, but it doesn’t stop me trying. I blame Viz, these modern parents probably thought it was reality.

    • Funnily enough, the “Modern Parents” strip disappeared from the pages of Viz a couple of years ago along with John Fardell’s other creation “The Critics”. Almost certainly due to their accurate mocking and dismantling of the New Age Liberal Metropolitan Middle Class Hippy mindset. Poor old Millie Tant has faded away too, “Equal rights for fat ugly wimmin” etc. Viz is now a PC shadow of it’s former self sadly. Welcome to the future…

      • Schade, scheisse und fück! It’s yonks since I read it, thanks for saving me money. Fuck the modern world, I’m off to play in front of a high speed train……

      • There’s still good stuff to read in Viz, but like most other entertainment nowadays the once subtle and clever social commentary is overdone with less finesse and more lecturing. Shame on them…

      • Viz is pretty shite these days. The original artists have been replaced several times, it tends to feature stuff that the guardian gets moist over (Drunken Bakers etc) but isn’t fucking funny. The best stuff is that which the readers send in…

    • When I’m subjected to the disgraceful behaviour of some little shit kid and the parent(s) are obviously not trying to do anything about it, my standard retort is, “Yep, that’s why god invented paedophiles”. Said loudly enough for the ignorant trash parent(s) to hear. Sometimes gets a rise out of them, but when it does they’re usually too thick to engage in meaningful dialogue. Equally, when a child has been well behaved or the parents have actually parented a situation, I’ll sometimes thank the parents. It’s odd though because sometimes when I’ve done that, I’ve got lip from the parents – like they’re offended in some way when all I’ve done is compliment them on their public parenting skills. Jeez!

  4. The reason there are so many ‘free-range’ children around is because everyone is encouraged to breed, whether they would make suitable parents or not. We are conditioned to think there’s only one thing to do in life, and that’s to find a partner and raise a family. There are so many people who haven’t the first idea of how to bring up their kids and it results in these little bastards inflicting themselves on society and adversely affecting everyone around them.
    It isn’t as though we need more kids, last time I looked there was a housing shortage, a job shortage, an overstretched NHS and overcrowded classrooms. If I had my way, prospective parents would have to undergo psychological tests, and failing them would result in them being refused child benefits.

    • It’s also a way for benefit cunts to move up the property ladder, the more little cunts you have, the bigger the free house you get. I saw it for myself whilst working for the local authority housing services. The last people who should be breeding doing it for the rewards. Burdens from conception, hospital-school-hospital-prison-hospital-care to eventual free funeral. Oh and I forgot infamy through a tv series on dole dregs and proud on channel 4 or 5. Cunts.

      • As Dirty Harry said ‘Nothing wrong with shooting…as along as the right people get shot’

        Short of a Walking Dead style apocalypse, I don’t see anyway its going to change, with out some form of Eugenics. Or Genocide.

        Having kids is a lifestyle choice, and what the fuck gives any cunt the right to take that choice if they themselves can’t pay for it? I could probably piss in my own mouth but its not something Im really interested in trying at al, so just because you can do something, does not necessarily mean you should.

        There is no greater birth control than aspiration after all.

  5. Dr Collis Browne’s Compound. Sure fire way orf dealing with little cunts in me day.
    Nothing like it for squalling fuckers. Teething, croup, dose orf the shites, early morning murder (as we called demands for feed at 4am), whatever cause the bastards paddies, the stuff dealt with it. Like a dream.
    Magic ingredients? Laudanum and morphine and traces orf similar opiates. Worked a treat to calm a blubbing wet nurse when her darling charge tried its new teeth oit on her tits as well. Indeed only way entire families could get nestle doin under Morpheus’s wing.
    Was on sale pretty unadulterated until a sudden spike in sales in the mid sixties warranted the attention orf the rozzers. Hippy cunts had taken to buying the stuff for an instant over the counter fix. Quite a blow in certain quarters when it was made prescription only. Me old butler used to use it orn his missis and the late mother in law.
    Reformulated version available for some time after that but a great disappointment to all. If still alvailable now just a pale shadow orf its former glory alas. Seem to remember it being discontinued completely a few years back due to lack orf sales (ie lack orf popular ingredients). Don’t know how young mothers cope withoit it. Anyway reminds me time to water the hybrid genetically modified cannibis in me loft. Where’s me breathing gear? Serious shit.
    And if any orf you cunts think that yours truly is just a fucked old hippy (second thoughts might give you that one) still trying to make out the secret words in “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” check this out Popper Pickers:

      • When I became a parent I had this cool groovy idea I was going to be their mate, a super cool dad. The kind of of dad all their friends would envy.
        The kind of of dad that didn’t mind picking up their £15 Calvin Klein underpants from the landing floor day after day because the laundry basket was an unreasonable distance from their bedroom.
        The kind of dad who searched tirelessly every morning for the missing P.E. kit, maths text book, school tie or trainers. If only I’d reminded them a dozen times to sort this shit out the night before.
        What a stupid cunt I was for thinking eleven times was adequate.
        On so many occasions I cunted myself for not getting them an iPhone 6.
        How the fuck were they to contact me regarding there whereabouts with an out of date iPhone 5s.
        Sometimes my selfishness leads me despair, expecting them to wear Armani jeans their friends have seen before.
        A meagre 32 inch tv in their bedroom when they need a 60 inch plasma.
        A wanky Acer laptop when only a Apple Mac pro will suffice.
        Modern parenting isn’t cuntish.
        Modern kids and the consumer society are cunts.

      • Frottom is right – excellent stuff. We were lucky as the mobile phone explosion came after ours were old enough to fleece us. Having said that I would moan like fuck at parents at school indulging their foul brood with smart phones ‘well he needs it in case the bus doesn’t come ‘ – fucking walk then you lazy fat oik!
        And then came Photoshopping, a fucking rampage of sheer spite (which we adults enjoy on this corner of the sane universe), I quite enjoyed their artistic endeavours but the phone enabled new levels of depravity for all kids, mostly emanating from Rotherham

  6. Modern day parenting or a lack thereof, is a direct result of the emergence of the ‘entitlement generation’. The attitude of these cunts appears to be – we’ve got a kid and you’re just going to have to deal with it. Scum. That’s what they are. I must confess I fucking HATE kids. I cannot adequately express how much because there are no words strong enough to express my loathing. One of the things I value most in life is peace and quiet and fucking kids are the absolute antithesis of that. They contribute nothing of any value to society and are just spongers, just like their fucking parents. Think about it, having a kid in this day and age is one long gravy train that everyone else has to pay for. Child benefits, paid maternity leave, you name it. Who’s fucking paying for that? Everyone else!

    Over here in Yankland, you’re forced to pay property tax and a huge proportion of that goes to the local school district to help pay to educate other people’s children. WHY? Why should I be forced to pay to educate other people’s fucking kids? Using the same logic, if I buy a car I should be able to go over to my neighbour’s house (who has kids) and ask them to pay for the insurance. I’m sure they’d say, “You deciding to buy a car has nothing to do with us. You should pay for your own insurance”. Fair enough. The retort then is, “You deciding to fuck your wife and produce a kid had nothing to do with me, so pay to educate it yourself you sponging, gravy train, welfare abusing cunt”.

    These fucking reptiles with their high pitched whiny voices and total lack of respect and consideration for their surroundings are a fucking virus. If I’d behaved the way these shits do when I was their age, I’d probably not have survived to see my teens. Manners, politeness, consideration and respect were drilled into me from a young age. Seems those qualities are practically non-existent now. And where can you go these days to get away from the bastards? Practically nowhere. Planes? Nope. Supermarket? Nope. Pub? Nope. Restaurants, even high end expensive ones? Nope. There’s always some fucking little arsewipe ruining it for the rest of us. Even at work we’re subjected to other people’s fucking kids. I can’t tell you the number of times some dumbass has brought their revolting offspring into a professional place of business because of a school holiday or some other dipshit reason. THIS IS AN OFFICE FOR FUCK’S SAKE!!! It’s not your temporary day care. And if you say anything about it, who’s the anti-social, uncaring, unsympathetic arsehole? That’s right, you are!!!! WTF?????

    Speaking of the work place abuse by these cunts, how many of my fellow cunters have had to listen to why some cunt can’t come in today because little Suzie is sick? Or little Johnny has a sports day? Or I’ll be late in because I’ve been up all night with a crying newborn? Babies cry dumbass – did you not do any research on this before you decided to procreate? So don’t come in/skip work then, fuck the deadlines, customer meetings, reports management wanted and told you about weeks ago and all because you decided to have a kid! The rest of us will pick up the slack for you, you fucking piece of lazy rotting horseshit.

    If modern parenting were any good, then my blood pressure wouldn’t be so high. Cunts!

    • Excellent, sir, couldn’t agree more. I hate kids too. I hate the very sight of them. And my god do I hate the sound of them. If the nearest kid was a hundred miles away, it would be too damn close.

  7. So right, working in a Secondary School I have encountered too many of the little twats, including the one that nearly took my eye. Parent’s evenings where I spent the evening playing solitaire because not one single chav scum sperm/egg donor could be arsed to turn up. P J O’Rourke had perhaps the best idea, an exam at age 18 and if you’re a bum… BANG! People should not have children without passing the written test as well as the practical one! Given evolution allows the survival of the “fittest”, we are allowing chavs to reach breeding age ( about 11?)and the intelligence of Humans is actually decreasing!

    • I’d go even further than getting them to pass a written and practical test. Every male and female should have a reversible sterilisation op at early teens. This should only be reversed if they successfully pass such a test. I’ve seen so many scumbags who aren’t fit to look after a cat or dog never mind breed and be a good parent. It’s no wonder that there are so many little teenage cunts about who then grow into adult cunts and have no respect for anyone other than themselves and their degenerate clan. No discipline at home, no discipline in schools, liberal twats who cry murder if a parent does actually slap a misbehaving child, plod shit scared to do anything, young kids about 10 or 11 years old allowed to roam the streets at 9pm their parents not giving a fuck where they are or what they’re doing. And these scrounging chavs who make a living banging out kids, don’t work and scroung off the taxpayer, if ever there’s a case for compulsory sterilisation then these cunts come top of the list.

  8. compulsory and permanent contraception springs to mind; retrospective abortions (up to foetal age of, say, six hundred months)…

  9. This is why me & Mrs Boaby do not have kids, it’s fucking bliss not having kids, I can highly recommend it, it’s how we afford to have a couple of holidays a year whenever we like, never have to indulge in other peoples kids and birthday parties, parent evenings, moody teenagers siphoning money etc.

    The Boaby secret to not having kids…. Always use her arse and if you do use the cunt always pull-out & deliver the money shot to her face/tits/feet/nose/eyes, in the mouth,on the bed sheets or aim it at the cat.

    • Class!! Reminds me of Derek & Clive “Having a Wank”… Does your cat by any chance have a part-time job selling pins??!

  10. Look I will share with you a secret technique that I have used on nephews and god children alike,
    For some reason water no longer comes from taps, it comes from squirty water bottles. This is very handy, aim the bottle at their crutch, squeeze and then say “look everyone! (He or she) has wet themselves!
    They retreat crying and stear clear of you, especially if you refer to them as wee pants for the rest of the day.

    • Good one… I’d try this on my niece (apparently she had a bit of a long-term prob in the inco dept.), but she’s about 28 now, and she might not even recognise me as her wicked uncle!!

  11. Talking with a very pleasant bar lady the other night. She was about to work away from home for a couple of weeks and asked me how much she should budget for food and ‘stuff’.
    Anyhow, the conversation moved on a bit and I eventually got around to utilities and bills. This lass is very pleasant but she thought that water was free and the broadband galactically unlimited. I was flabbergasted at her lack of basic home budgeting and, decent and honest though she is, wondered what the fuck her parents had actually taught her. I know she is not alone and when they get out into the big bad world they are easy prey to all sorts of nutters, scammers and generally unpleasant felons.
    Having had three gels missen, triple self-cunt there I know, we made sure they knew the value of everything. Schools won’t teach this shit, they’d much prefer to hammer home trendy history about evil fascists and gloss over the nutter Zionists, anything practical is if no ‘edukashional value’ or would be a ‘enrichment poor learning experience’. Fuck that, they need to know the bloody basics and learn the meaning of ‘deference’. It might be handy if they also knew that Vatican Roulette doesn’t work either. We aren’t Catholics but gave it a spin and out popped number three filly. Talk about hypocrisy, I should fucking know by now….

  12. Actually water is free, it’s a human right, the fact you get charged for it is a joke. the same as electric & gas, our tax money paid for the national grid, but the tory bullshit privitisation was a con, they can only put a meter on your connection to the national grid, and if you pay the bill, they are happy.
    There is no reason for you to pay that bill, ask them for a TRUE bill, not an estimated bill, they will never supply it, that’s why they NEVER read your meter, they are conning you in to paying them.
    My sister is a cunt, and has never paid a water bill in her life, they will never cut her off, because they can’t, and she knows this.
    they may take her to court for non-payment, but all that achieves is an order to pay, they come round, cut-off the water, then reconnect it, because they CANNOT cut it off.
    Try it yourselves…

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