

Journalists deserve a good cunting. They claim to be reporting the News when they are merely parroting what the organisation they work for tells them to report. Years ago you had true investigative journalists, people like Jon Pilger, Roger Cook and the like.

Nowadays you have cunts who are essentially news prostitutes, you only have to look at the BBC, Sky or ITV to see all the females are ‘good looking’ girls who got the jobs because of their looks & cock-sucking skills, not their journalistic merit.

Case in point: Channel 4’s Cathy Newman, this peroxide blazoned, 1980’s permed cunt caused a shit storm on Twitter some months ago because the stupid cunt turned up at the wrong Mosque in London, (she was going to do a report on an open day at a Mosque regarding women).

She was told she was at the wrong Mosque and was escorted out, that should of been the end of it, but no, she took to Twitter to tell the World she had been ushered out of the Mosque for being a woman (cleverly omitting she had gone to the wrong Mosque!) and her Tweet caused her to get a huge backlash of abuse (which she fully deserved).

She quickly told Twitter she was ‘taking a break’ but yet she is back Tweeting propaganda and also back on Channel News like nothing happened. What a fucking diabolical cunt both she is, and Channel 4 are for employing this fucking whore.

Now if I had posted that to Twitter the old bill would have been kicking in my door and hauling me off to court, but because she is a ‘journalist’ she received no punishment and continues to keep her very well paid job.
A journalist is supposed to report the facts, not fabricate a story to push an agenda!

Now I hate terrorists and Muslim fundamentalists as much as Nick Griffin, but come on, this is fucking bullshit.

Nominated by: Boaby

20 thoughts on “Journalists

  1. c4 are sooooooooooo PC is embarrassing. race means nothing to them , no sirree! ! thats why they employ so many blacks and asians. right or wrong i can’t help asking myself did they get the job on merit or just to fill some quota c4 seem to think they have to fulfill.

  2. Adam Curtis has been carrying the flag flown by John Pilger in the past and he is doing a pretty good job of it. The latest documentary he did, “Bitter lake”, is only available on iPlayer with an edited version on YouTube that has half an hour missing.
    As for the rest of them, yes, a cunting is in order for the brigade of autocue readers masquerading as ‘journalists’ on our tvs. Possible exceptions can be found on RT and Al-Jezzera if you look hard enough, the former makes good use of ‘bought in’ material made by independents from around the globe. As far as Sky, BBC, ITV, CNN and the rest it is pretty much just a bunch of cunts reading corporate releases 24 hours a day with a disturbing fixation on the irrelevant, particularly our own home-grown MiniTru, the BBC …….. Maybe we should re-brand the BBC as OCD.

  3. excellent cunting boaby may she be spit roasted by Romanian beggars for being a talentless treble cunt

  4. Roger Cook got famous for being punched and otherwise assaulted on camera by his subjects. Main reason yours truly would tune in.

    Never recall his crew helping him oit. Just kept on filming while Rodge got used as a punch bag. New Zealand cunt if memory serves.

  5. One of the worst has got to be that BBC freak Will Gompertz,he looks like an alien off a kids tv programme or a mad proffesor on the run from Yewtree…what a total cuntwhiffle

  6. Nomination: Middle Lane Hoggers

    It probably comes as no suprise to most that some middle-lane hogging cunt has been quite literally shunted out of it by a lorry on the M1, the driver of which was probably fed up with these fucking muggles who clog up the motorways on a daily basis. Lorry driver will obviously be demonised in the Daily Fail, lose his job, etc…

    Predictably, the middle-lane moron had dashcams fitted and the whole thing is on camera.
    Okay, so perhaps the lorry driver could have just carried on up the inside and undertook him whilst extending the universally accepted wanker gesture. But judging by the overtake seen on the footage – the dickhead in the car was pootling along at about 50mph in the middle lane so no wonder at least one person has lost thier cool. He says the lorry flashed him and drove to close and was ‘intimidating’ him – well that’s probably just a strong indication that you’re in the wrong fucking lane at the wrong fucking speed so move the fuck over! Instead, he obviously felt so ‘intimidated’ that he though the best thing to do was stay right there… cunt.

    It’s these fucking imbeciles who cause most of the congestion on the roads, make everybody late, piss evrybody right off and make me wish that the Mad Max world is real.

    Lorries can sometimes piss me off a bit with the old 5 mile uphill overtake manouvre (but in fairness everybody on the road pisses me off at some point), not but half as much as the brain-dead fuckwits that struggle with the mental challenge of breathing in and out, let alone negotiating a busy motorway, plus I always try to remember that lorry drivers are people physically ‘at work’ trying to do their jobs and stick to delivery deadlines.

    So I have no sympathy whatsoever for this dashcam douchebag, and I also have no doubt that he’ll soon be coining it in from some solicitor weasel for all the ‘sleepless nights’ he’s about to have. It wasn’t ‘your life’ that flashed before you mate – it was the headlights of the pissed off driver in your rearview mirror (that thing top-centre of your windscreen). And you can bet he’ll be back in that fucking middle lane in no time. (ps – since he recorded it on his twat-cam, shouldn’t the old bill be tapping him up for wee middle-lane hogging fine…?)

    Middle-lane hoggers are cunts.

    • Looking at the video you can see the cunt in the car has his hazards on and is slowing down deliberately. Why the BBC is painting the f’kr as a victim is beyond me, the cunt should have been exposed as a menace to other road users at least.
      Well cunted Mr Nickleby.

      • Cheers Barnaby. To go even further, I think it’s suspiciously convenient that a bloke who runs a dashcam business manages to capture this ‘lorry attack’ on his dashcam. Surely after the first impact he would have pulled off onto the hard shoulder? How did he manage to get shunted three times by the same lorry? I would usually stay away from such apparent maniacs – but he follows the lorry to the depot? Plus judging by the ‘damage’ (a scrape) to his car, the lorry driver probably didn’t even register the impact, given the relative forces involved? How did he suffer shoulder and back pain from a minor clip to the side of his car? The whole thing wreaks of bullshit to me…

    • Ok, a bit of sanity/insanity here depending on your bent;
      Forget ABS, HRT and CDM as standard equipment on all vehicles let’s test a drivers confidence in his ability (or hers) by having them as optional extras only. The only standard fit acronym we need is NMM or if you want it in full, 9mm.
      Along with a big tick on your driving test report at the age of seventeen you get voucher for a Glock G19 to be fitted to your first car with a sealed clip containing just five rounds. That’s it for life and you get a free go at anyone you think is worthy of your vengance on the roads of Britain from now until you don your wooden jacket.
      Sure, to begin with you will fire off at anyone in the first few years but it soon becomes apparent that these five have to last your entire life and the way your driving standards have lapsed over the years it seems prudent to brush up on them and seek instruction on accuracy for the remaining two rounds left after you wasted three with no effect already.
      Add another little incentive to the mix in the form of full airbags on every car but with a twist, that being that one in 500 is filled with poison darts from the Amazon (the real one with trees in South America) that carry hideously disfiguring diseases, and no one can tell which is which.
      At some point late in our lives the situation may arise where after driving like a cunt we find ourselves stood on the brakes in a cloud of tyre smoke hurtling towards the inevitable result of our actions with the last round left in the chamber. ………. Hmm.

      The roads would certainly be thinned of traffic and those that remained would be able to maintain the gaps and extend the courtesy to others.

      • Before you ask, No. I would have run out of ammunition in five minutes and luck before the petrol tank ran out.

      • Bizarrely enough I was in a bar the other night espousing a similar idea in that if you were indeed allowed to legally kill any 5 persons of your choice, there would be less cunts in the world and much better manners all round!

        The middle lane nomination actually fits quite well into this journalism thread, since the press clearly haven’t bothered to look objectively at the incident and simply sided with the ‘victim’. Another example of their wanton cuntitude.

      • … Spooky.

        It fits well indeed. Pretty much anything on the BBC website is up for a slapping but the story is prime candidate as an example of their interpretation of “unbiased reporting”.
        Did you read about the security scare yesterday? …. It seems one of the dickhead journos couldn’t park a car. Says it all really.

      • The SatNav is, even if you haven’t told it where you’re going it still nags you every half mile. :/

    • I shall add it to the queue – although I admit to be guilty of this myself. Slow moving cunts in the inside lane annoy me more. Also if you are doing 70 then any cunt passing is speeding – mainly cunts in Audi, BMW, Merc.

      I refer to the outside lane as ‘the German lane’

      To be fair, if the inside lane is empty then I use it but not if it involves bobbing in and out

  7. Excellent cunting, boaby.

    But the very worst kind of journalists BY FAR are those who lie, invent, hack and sensationalise…and then when anyone dares to suggest that the press cannot be trusted to regulate itself, they point to important stories such as the MPs expenses scandal, as though all journalists are permanently engaged on equally important investigative work undertaken with the utmost seriousness and integrity.

    If anything goes wrong in any other walk of public life, journalists are the first to call for “heads to roll” and “a tough new independent regulator” to be set up. But what happens when decades of endemic criminality within the press is discovered? These same journalists whine that “the press is being victimised” and “the press should be allowed to continue to regulate itself”.

    Fucking hypocritical cunts. I have more respect for estate agents than for these despicable cunts.

  8. Let’s not forget Martin Brunt who doorstepped sweepyface, who dared to voice her concerns about the McCanns and missing Maddie in the name of really important journalism, the cunt.

  9. Show me an unbiased, honest journalist with the ability to free think and I’ll introduce Mr Dioclese to Santa.

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