The Armchair Ulema


The armchair ulema deserve a severe cunting.

For those folks who don’t know (although the number of folks who are unaware of the violence in the Koran is shrinking after every Islamist attack, much to the chagrin of BBC and Guardianazi “progressive” types), the ulema are the body of “scholars” entitled to opine on all things Islamic. One must be recognised as a member by other greasy beard wearing paedophiles to qualify; needless to say, no women need apply. However, this doesn’t stop various “progressive” fucktards claiming that ISIS is not Islamic, based on their reading of a Wikipedia page and a couple of op-ed pieces in the Guardian written by odious cunts like Mehdi Hasan. That stupid bitch in the audience of Question Time on Thursday night whining about the straw man of “Islamophobia” is a prime example of this type of cunt.

The leader of ISIS (the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) has a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from the Islamic University of Baghdad. He is so confident of his Islamic credentials that he has declared himself Caliph, second on Earth only to the semi-historical desert bandit who allegedly started all this nonsense. May I respectfully suggest to these cocksuckers that Al-Baghdadi knows more about his religion than you do.

Interestingly, it is considered poor form in Guardianazi circles to question someone’s self-identification. Thus, Germaine Greer was hounded by “progressive” twats for saying that injecting yourself with female hormones, putting on a dress and sitting down to piss doesn’t make you a woman. But it’s apparently ok to say these self-identifying Muslims are not Muslims because … eh, because I said so, you racist bastard. How dare you invade my safe space?

A lot of wankstains tweeted (twatted?) a tidied-up, Toytown version of Koran 5:32 after the recent events in Paris in order to prove that Islam is a “religion of peace” (copyright, every “progressive” cunt who has ever touched a keyboard). Now, if this is the best they can do to prove Islam is peaceful, then they are in big trouble. I invite fellow cunters, to read the whole verse and the one after it to get a true sense of what it means. The armchair ulema accuse ISIS of quoting the Koran out of context and then proceed to do exactly the same thing.

Nominated by: Cunt’s Mate Cunt

23 thoughts on “The Armchair Ulema

  1. A very eloquent and thoughtful cunting , way above the usual standard. This cunting should be on the National curriculum and taught in schools up and down the The SNP are CUNTS.

    • It goes without saying that the Scottish Nazi Party are cunts. They prove that every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day. Loved that story a couple of days ago about Salmond missing a debate on bombing ISIS in Syria, to attend an unveiling of a portrait…of HIMSELF. What an arrogant, vain, smug little jocksucker he is.

  2. for a so called peaceful religion the Quran sure contains a lot of violence. just google violence in the Quran. if you put this to Muslims the standard reply is the passages have been taken ‘out of context’ or have been ‘mistranslated’ or if there is any violence its only in response to violence against them. if you read up on Mohammed it becomes apparent he was a thoroughly unpleasant piece of shit.
    in passing if the Quaran or indeed the Bible is ‘the Word of God’ why is there no mention of kangaroos in either of them. serious question

  3. When these cunts say ISIS is ‘un-Islamic’ you have wonder which Moslem countries are Islamic.
    Saudi – repression, religious police, public killings and maiming, subjugation of women, slave economy.
    Likewise the Gulf states.
    Iran not much better.
    Looks just like ISIS to me.
    The rest of the Moslem countries are repressive, corrupt shitholes to one extent or another. Is that Islamic then?
    I think that needs clearing up. Good cunting.

  4. Happy to report to regular cunters here that Anjem Choudary (previously cunted) who was on bail awaiting trial for recruiting for a banned terrorist group (in this case, ISIS), is now banged up having broken his bail conditions.

    I am at a complete fucking loss to understand why they don’t just hang this evil cunt and save all the public money wasted on locking him up and prosecuting him.

    • Hanging is too good for that piece of shit. He should be publicly beheaded. If I remember correctly, the reason that muzzies have such a fondness for decapitation, is because it’s considered a grave insult in islam. If I am remembering correctly, then off with the motherfucker’s head.

  5. Just to prove my contempt for religious twats is non-denominational and non-Islamophobic (see my previous cunting of this word – I would like to nominate Arch-Druid Justin Welby for a cunting.

    There are so many reasons one could choose to call this cunt a cunt. However I am NOT calling him a cunt because he:
    1/ walks around in a dress;
    2/ thinks we should base our morality on a book of Bronze Age myths where animals talk, “god” kills you for wanking, the sun can stop in the sky without the Earth falling out of its orbit and virgins give birth to godmen who can come back to life;

    3/ presumes to lecture the government about poverty whilst living in a palace.

    And NOT because:
    4/ he is fucking brain-dead Islamophile who wants to fill up an already overcrowded island with people fleeing a sectarian civil war caused by people like him arguing about who has the best imaginary friend.

    No, the reason I am nominating the Arch-Druid is because of his opposition to euthanasia. My late grandmother suffered an unnecessarily prolonged death ten years ago and now my wife’s grandfather is suffering the same. And why? Because cunts like Welby say their imaginary fucking friend says euthanasia is a sin.

    Putting an animal down when it is suffering is considered an act of compassion. But allowing a person to suffer an agonising death is fine because … (cue grasshoppers).

    Fuck you Welby. Fuck you and all your brain-dead, retarded, holier-than-thou followers. And fuck your imaginary friend too. And fuck all the imaginary friends whose followers have caused nothing but misery for fucking centuries.

  6. Excellent cunting there CMC, and very true. I’m sick of being told by people who know fuck all about the subject that islam is a peaceful religion. Yeah, and Kenneth Williams was famous for his sexual exploits with women. Despite what the BBC and Grauniad want us to believe, there isn’t a believe system in the entire universe that comes close to advocating the level of violence that the Koran condones. As ‘holy’ books go, it’s about as holy as the graphic novel version of Debbie does Dallas.

    • It’s the “Race” card, Mr QDM. Race trumps gender and sexuality in the game of victimhood. It’s fine for followers of the delightful religion of peace and universal brotherhood to hate gaylords and women because of the colour of their skins. Apparently.

      The only card that trumps race is “Islamophobia.” In fact, “Islamophobia’ doesn’t just trump the other cards, it boots over the table and refuses to play because playing cards is a form of gambling and gambling upsets the sky fairy so much he’ll send you to the Fire (capital fucking F ya infidel cunt) for enjoying a game of Old Maid when you were six years old.

    • I signed that yesterday. These cunts need killing, plain and simple. They will never contribute anything of any worth to anybody or anything. The animal welfare laws in this country are a fucking joke. Cunts. Cunts. Cunts.

      • I agree with you GH, but I play my mind game and imagine sighting down a barrel at the bastards forehead and think: could I pull the trigger and the scary thing is I could; so does that make me better or worse than them.

    • I’ve signed that one too. just don’t get cruelty.

      As far as Islamophobia is concerned, the term ‘phobia’ denotes an irrational fear of something, but there’s nothing irrational about being afraid of this religion. Anyone who just draws an image of Mohammed is in fear of their life and many regressives on the left will think that if they get killed then they it’s somehow their fault! – look at the number of people who vilified Charlie Hebdo even after they were slaughtered by the Islamic tossers, they should be totally ashamed of themselves. Thank goodness for people like Pat Condell, Douglas Murray, Sam Harris and Maajid Nawaz (a truly moderate Muslim) who are heroes in my opinion putting their necks on the line.

      It infuriates me that when we finally have a relatively stable, tolerant society that they start letting in these whining Muslim fucktards who want their own (Sharia) law in addition to ours.

  7. With the growing fear of a muslim terrorist attack in this country and the piss-weak government looking to appease Muslims to the point of putting our national security at risk.

    As a sensible preventative measure, would someone like to open up a line of dialogue with ISIS and ask them if they can leave us the fuck alone if we hand over the war criminal Tony Blair?

    Has to be worth a try.

  8. whats never mentioned about the immigration figures is this. 600,000 entered the country but 300,000 left. now its probably a safe bet that most of those who left are indigenous British while those coming in are not. this is accelerating the change in the make up of the population. did we get any say in this? no we fuckin didnt, we are simply told to ‘ celebrate diversity’. when does Britain cease to be Britain?

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