Internet Porn


Internet Porn deserves a damn cunting, I am old enough to remember the days when finding Porn on the Internet took all evening, 3 hours spent finding and downloading a video for free which looked half wank-worthy.

Even just browsing pictures took forever, waiting for the picture to display pixel by pixel!
Fast forward to today, fucking porn everywhere, petabytes of it in every deranged form you can imagine.

There’s a niche for everyone:

Looking for hairy Latina girls in glasses being bummed by Mexican immigrants? – You got it! sign-up today

Enjoy watching a woman crap honey out of her arse whilst dressed as Lois from Family Guy? – You got it! sign-up today

Can you only get off to lesbians masturbating for money whilst complaining about womens rights? – You got it! sign-up today

Fucking Internet Porn, it all blends in to one sea of shit and thus, deserves a cunting

Nominated by : Boaby

Royal Mail [2]


The Royal Mail are cunts.

My cousin, Mark has applied for some night work over the Xmas period to get a few extra quid on top of his day job. He applied and they sent him an email telling him he’s been invited to something called a ‘registration event…’ But instead of giving him a date, time and place the cunts just sent a link: which leads to a fucking great big error page. He also tells me his application won’t even show up or print out either.

Anyway, he’s complained (and others too, no doubt), but the twats don’t seem arsed. It’s been three days since he got the message and their site is still fucked and riddled with problems. I’ve told him, if they can’t even provide a decent service and treat people properly then he shouldn’t even bother with them.

I hope TNT put them out of business eventually, the useless, clueless cunts…

Nominated by: Norman