

I’d like to cunt Skrillex, the fucking phoney cunt, for infecting people with his robotic diarrhea music devoid of any real talent. It’s a good thing all his fan fags are too high on ecstasy or on methamphetmine to realize how shitte his music is.

I dislike Skrillex for multiple reasons but mostly for why his fabled “drops” sound like a down syndrome android taking a dump through a vocoder. How that is genius I will never know! I don’t hate all EDM but most of it is shite. No dubstep or brostep song that was made will be remembered or of serious quality in 20 years. Especially from this skrillex cunt. It will be a fad that will die, hopefully sooner than later.

Ultimately it will be remembered as a particularly embarrassing fad that testifies to the fail of cunts who are failed musicians. I’m also pretty sure this bellend gets fake views on youtube because I have no clue how 200,000,000 people think this is good music. Also to note is how he has plaguarised most of the founders of dubstep, brostep, EDM and other shite masquerading as music.

Nominated by: Titslapper