Will Self [3]


Will Self needs a cunting for going on some shite radio 4 show and slagging off George Orwell. Now I have to admit, Orwell isn’t one of my favourite writers. I prefer Science Fiction and Horror. However, Orwell made some interest points that are more true today than they were when he wrote those points down.

Self, seemed to think he was superior to Orwell. Though from what I’ve heard of Self over the years, I’m confident in claiming that Self isn’t even fit to lick dog shit from the soles of Orwell’s shoes. I haven’t actually read any of his written works, I just assume it’s a load of ultra left wing bollocks written by a self important, pseudo intellectual, former smack head. He has a face perfectly suited for sneering, and appears to look down on anyone who isn’t Will Self.

Come to think of it, he also has a face that you’d be happy to suffer a fractured hand after repeatedly punching.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

Will ‘Death Him” Self is a total cunt. And the day Self is better than Orwell is the day I show my arse on top of the CIS Building…

Nominated by: Norman