

Bez is a thick as shit northerner. He was allowed about five minutes of airtime on Shaun Keaveny’s radio show (I’m tempted to cunt Keaveny and Everett for allowing it) to spout his sixth form common room drivel about fracking, GM crops and free renewable energy for all.

Grow up, you stupid cunt.

And what kind of name is ‘Bez’ anyway? Another word for cunt I reckon.

Nominated by : Harry Axwound

( For those of you who are thinking ‘Who the fuck is Bez?‘ he’s a dancer, percussionist, author and media personality. He is best known as a member of the bands Happy Mondays and Black Grape. He’s proposing to stand as an MP FFS! )

11 thoughts on “Bez

  1. His body is 89% arsenic from all the drugs he’s eaten. Notice his head is turning into a rat head.

    I nominate David Cameron as a cunt. Cameron is a Russian doll of cunts — Every new layer of shellac that falls off this slimy sack of excrement in the shape of a human, reveals is yet another cunt inside the Cunt Cameron.

    His latest fuckmupery is supporting the dead-eyed sack of filth, Maria Miller, for thieving, bullying, lying, and other Tory core values.

    David Cameron is loathsome cunt shit. He says his foreign aid budget is his proudest achievement (giving our money away – £620 per household in Britain in the fiscal year 2013-2014). David Cameron is a lying corrupt cunt. The truth is most the £11.3 billion a year set aside for overseas aid goes to thieving Tory cunts acting as consultants, and what is left over is thieved by dictators and foreign politicians who are pals of the filth in parliament (and give them nice holidays and presents + cash in brown envelopes).

    Cunt Cameron is extremely proud of selling off the post office cheap to his pals (thereby thieving a £billion from taxpayers). He has no shame or remorse. His time in office is all about how much he can thieve to enrich himself and other Tory filth at the expense of the poor.

    Every single thing Cunt Cameron does is dishonest and corrupt. This High Speed 2 railway is bollox. £75billion to a £100billion for a journey that will be 15 minutes faster. You can smell stinking corruption of Cunt Cameron on this project. Tory filth will be thieving 1,000s of £millions of taxpayers money (just like the Olympic horse-shit).

    David Cameron is a filthy evil cunt. He is a thief, liar, pervert, beast, without a shred of honour, humanity or decency.

    The motto of criminal Tory filth, under this diabolical malignant cunt, Cunt Cameron, is, “never tell the truth, never resign, thieve as much as you can from the poor to give to the rich and for yourself, and worship the Tory Jesus, Jimmy Savile.”

  2. By Jeeves, the cunt looks like the younger version of ex-president Mahmoud Ahmedinejad of Iran. Now any cunt that looks like that needs a jolly good cunting.

  3. Bez as an MP? can’t do any worse than the fuckers we already have, go for it I say

  4. The posh twat Cameron just does what conservatives always do. Labour gets in and fucks up the economy, and then the tories get in and sell off whatever we have left to clear the debt, and claim they are fiscally responsible. Meanwhile we have to pay more money for everything to line the pockets of the newly privatised industry stock holders. So guess what, we still get fucked

  5. And as for HS2, HS1 was sold for a loss, didn’t make a profit ever. HS2 will be an even more ridiculous proposition. London to Birmingham 20 minutes faster? Who makes that trip everyday? And how will that narrow the north/south divide. I am seriously at a loss on that one. What is worse, both the tories and labour want it, but labour are trying to appear like they are neutral, now they aren’t in power, but still not opposing it, despite reports from government bodies saying it is a waste of money

  6. And that is your money, taxpayers are paying for it, because it is not commercially viable for a private company to invest in it. What does that say?

  7. I’ll tell you now who is the biggest cunt on the planet….Chris Ashton.
    He of the swallow dive when he scores a try.
    Never kind that Ulster were ripped off by a cunt of a French ref tonight, to see that smug hateful cunt of all cunts Ashton with his theatrics crossing the try line….fucking cunt.
    I sincerely hope he lands on his fucking neck one day.

    Angry, moi?

  8. Even as an England fan, that one annoys me too. Stick the ball on the ground you muppet and stop show boating. One day he will momentarily lose the grip and the try will not be allowed, due to his frippery.

  9. Bez is a fucking retard, he makes Shane McGowen look attractive!
    He was obviously the “special needs” kid at his school, which is why he ended up playing the tambourine and maracas.
    He was once allowed to play the triangle but he kept hitting the top where you hold it.

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