7 thoughts on “Frenchmen

  1. Ah..thank heaven for zee leetle cunts
    For leetle cunts..zey grow smellier each day

    Memories of yesteryear, rites of passage donchaknow. How the callow youth became a man in Paris between the wars. Packed orf on the boat train by the pater to learn a thing or two in the seedier parts of the grand pissoir that is the capital of Frogoland.

    Spent many a fragrant night with me nose and tongue up the cunt of a French filly. Taught by their dear mamas never to wash their privates you see. Acquired taste I grant you but for the connoisseur of cunt an aroma to be savoured and inhaled like a fine cigar – and like taking one’s first smokes, the stomach must acquire the strength not to vomit like a dog. Mark of a man donchaknow alongside his first bill from the pox doctor.

  2. Try as I might, and I have tried mightily, I’ve not been able to distinguish between the male and female variants of La Francophonie. The vile basilectal, Joual-speaking Quebecers one finds ’round my neck-of-the-woods are utterly androgynous. I figger their ancestors are no different.

    • I nominate Canada for a good cunting simply because they have allowed the practices, customs and language of the vile degenerate dago French to infiltrate and pervert their country.

    • Ahhhhh Les Quebequois!!!

      Bunch of non Canadian, non French, not sure who the fuck they are smelly cunts!!!

      As a born and bred Englishman with dual citizenship to Canada I can confirm that the rest of Canada hates the cunts from Quebec!!! It is bred into them from a very early age……much like the English and their distaste for the smelly Scottish cunts!

      Hated even more when the smelly, ignorant cunts tried some years ago to get independence from the rest of Canada!!

      Can’t speak English properly, can’t speak French properly. Deserved of a good old fashioned cunting.

      However don’t tarnish the rest of Canada with the cunt brush that those from Quebec fully deserve!!!

      • Alright then. I nominate any part of Canada that has connections with the French for a severe cunting

  3. Especially that Froggie ponce who is engaged to Scarlett Johansson. And Platini is a miserable, anti-English football pillock too (he was a top player, mind!).

    Eric Cantona was the top bollocks though… The King!

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