Charity Ads on the Telly


I don’t want to save cats, kittens, dogs, donkeys, horses, birds, or fucking snow leopards.

Not to mention if Oxfam can supply a village with water for 3 quid a month I’m fucking changing suppliers…. I pay £140 plus a fucking year to the money grabbing fuckers that supply mine. For those who need a well in their village I would first suggest you start fucking digging….. lazy cunts.

I have to mention that although I do have a heart, charity begins at home … my cunting home! Get me another beer from the fridge you fat arsed cow! Change the fucking channel on the telly while your up, for fuck sake it’s another charity cunting advert!

Nominated by: Cripplecock

3 thoughts on “Charity Ads on the Telly

  1. I totally agree. It doesn’t take especial skill to dig holes in the ground. Every time you see these cunts on the tele the young bucks are sitting around doing fuck all. Surely, these cunts could be placed in a big pot and boiled up to make a nutritious soup which would feed millions of endangered animal species.

  2. We have old people being told to only heat one room and dying from the cold in their tens of thousands. Over 80,000 kids homeless and yet we are saturated with adverts tryna get our cash for africans. I remember watching similar ads as a kid in the 80’s and despite the ridiculous amounts of money that have been poured into it nothing has changed. The real issues contraception, witchcraft, distorted religious practice and lack of education do not get addressed for fear of the racism card. Be assured, africans do not give a fuck about british ppl and until they start using condoms i couldnt give a shit about ppl who watch their babies die due to starvation and just breed again, cos thats gona help! Btw im mixed race so for u p.c pusseys who dare not voice an opinion in your OWN country, you are allowed to not feel guilty when oxfam ads come on. You are allowed to get annoyed at their backward, frustrating, baby starving bullshit. That is all.

  3. “Give this man a turkey and he can feed his family for a day…. Send this man to Bernard Matthews and he can be eaten by turkeys and once fattened up be sent back to his family which will feed his family for a whole week”

    Fuck off Charidee ads. I do my bit, I send my bogies to drug addicts in need, freepost Nigella… No.666 Titwank garden, Tee-vee land, Laaaandaaannn. I hope she gets them the sexy/repulsive cunt!

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