5 thoughts on “Mo Farah

  1. The only thing I know about Somalians is that they be pirates. He has too many legs to be Long John Silver. He’s also extremely dark. My wise old dad told me never to trust a darkie who could run fast. Wise words Mr Saxon Senior.

  2. Denise Lewis is a cunt.
    What sort of bird, gorgeous and hot as she was, ruins herself by getting a fucking haircut that makes her look like Grace fucking Jones on a bad day?
    Even that yank runner whose name I can’t remember is more than likely setting his sights on poking someone else.
    Jesus fuck, it’s appalling. Her stylist is a cunt too.
    I can’t look at her anymore.
    How dare she?

  3. Flaxen,

    They can all run fast. Something to do with having to regularly run away from the Police. And tigers.

  4. Mo Farrah, he reminds me of a kipper the boney cunt. This slaphead cunt does something we can all do (run) and makes a fucking fortune from it, talentless mong faced cunt. Would love to see him fall and break his fucking legs the kipper cunt.

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