2 thoughts on “Leon Britten

  1. Ze Fuhrer ist back. Be afraid. Be ver afraid.

    Zo. You think you hear ze last of Ze Fuhrer. But nein. Ok zo I bin ein guest of ze Nazional Health Partie fur ein longer time. Ze say Ze Fuhrer he ist crazy ja und ze pump him full of shitzer NHS drugs up ze arshh but he shows zem.

    Early int ze morning Ze Fuhrer is up putting his towels out on ze bedzs. Now zeze cuntz ze think zey have a bedz crizis in zer krankenhausen (hozspitals to you cuntz). No room for slav degenerates ect ect (ok no room for ze elderly unt pregnant mothers also ja ja but grow up vankers ziss ist war). Unt ziss ist ze meister plan. Ze Fuhrer has reserved all ze beds. No room fur you cuntz.

    Unt vhile he ist on ze vards he collects all ze Zuperbugs. Fiendish ja? Now ve threaten ze vorld! Ze Fuhrer he is in disguise now – he gives his tache to Frau Merkel to cover her minge and he gives you fair warning jentlemen – keep well clear of her gass chamber, one whiff and you’re stiff.

    But you englisch cuntz ve show you some mercy ja. Togezzer we rule ze vorld. Ok ve are ze dominant partie but better up ze German arshh than ze yanks ja. Ve give you cheap polish beer unt discount baked beans at Liddle. The yanks ze just give you friendly fire. Oh on Sundays ve let you polish our fine German cars ze Bentley unt ze Rolls Royce. Cuntz. Sick Heil! Sick Heil!

    • Mein Fuhrer.

      Whilst I admire your excellent diatribe, I find it difficult to ascertain precisely who the cunt is? I should be honoured to publish all or part of rant if I could just figure out what the fuck you are on about?

      Heil Merkel!

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