

Scrabble is a shit game played by nerdy cunts.

Who gives a flying fuck about being great at spelling anyway? Oooh! Look at me! I know a word nobody uses or gives a flying fuck about! It’s not like being great at spelling has got these cunts anywhere in life.

Nominated by : Wordstar

2 thoughts on “Scrabble

  1. i would like to nominate any fucker who likes monopoly. I have never been so bored out of my fucking wits as when i played this for the first time with an ex. (she liked it therefore i fucking horsed her straight out the front door.) the most upjumped right winged, i got loads and you got fuck all game i’ve ever seen. This game is for conservative greedy cunts who have nothing better to do with there time. in summary; MONOPOLY IS A GAME FOR RICH IDLE CUNTS WHO DESERVE FUCK ALL BUT A LIFE OF MISERY….. CUNTS.

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