9 thoughts on “Amanda Knox

  1. …..is a cunt has been a busy cunt over the weekend with all these postings. About time you cunt.

  2. I’m a busy cunt and so is the GOT. So fuck off. You are a fucking 18 carat moaning cunt. I like that.

    Hmmm, that actually makes you an ideal Cunter Admin here. Drop us a mail and apply for a job. Why not?

    Job Spec: Cuntitude

  3. From HurlingDervish

    Ha, don’t employ that workshy shirking cunt. Nah, actually DO employ him. I could do with a fucking laugh round here seeming as no other cunt seems to post but me. Fucks sake.

    • I agree with the first part. Don’t know if she’s guilty but she’s worth a wank.

      • This bitch is plain at best. Her cunt ass bragging about how hot and jealous everyone was of her cunt face is disgusting. This cum toliet bitch is creepy as hell

  4. Amanda’s a cunt with a K. She tried to mop up her cunt juices off the floor after the murder, but left her cunty lamp under the victims bed. Knox’s DNA from her cunt was found all over the apartment. Amanda Knox is a lying cunt.

  5. Murdering, manipulative cunt! A snake with tits (a bit unfair to snakes actually)….

    Foxy Knoxy? She’s about as foxy as a fresh dog turd in a heatwave!

  6. Amanda Dog Shit Cunt.. An illiterate bottom wiper who deserves to have her ugly stupid smug head cut off by some filthy raghead. Waiting To Be Heard – More like
    stepping on a turd – Dumb gutter snipe cunt.. Some mad cunt will get to her sooner or later – Die Bitch.

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