9 thoughts on “Tony Blair [3]

  1. It must be time again…..

    Andrew”Axel Strong”Gatward is a lying, UAF, shit-stirring, libelling, nazi-obsessed, threat-making, slandering, steroid-abusing, fucking fuckety fuckpig of a brain-fucked cunting nutcase of a cunt, cunt!

    Please feel free to add to the list, folks.

    Is there any chance you could wait to post this one until Gotty’s had a chance to work on a nice little piccy I sent him? 😉

  2. No problem, I’ll leave Twatward for Gotty to post when he’s ready.

    Yes, anyone please add extras to his Cunting in the Comments in the meantime 🙂

  3. Well cunted Captain.

    He represents a level of cuntitudinousness against which others may be judged.

  4. Indeed .. a sort of International “Bench-mark” .. or should that be “Skid-mark” ? …

  5. I completely agree. He is a duplicitous, lying, selfish murdering self righteous but slippy money grabbing grade A CUNT.

    Meanwhile, a visit to the Anna Raccon blog and elsewhere site will reveal Sandwell Council to be a Nazis style pensioner bullying jobsworth employing cunt.

    Randy Hack

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