12 thoughts on “Tom Cruise

  1. Alexei Sayle is a cunt.
    He’s an unfunny militant socialist scouse cunt. A fucking fat one as well.

  2. Hey Ansel…did you see the two midgets were having a baby and the doctor asked whether they prefer a boy or girl, he said he couldn’t give a fuck as long the cunt fit in a canon.

  3. I’m in two minds about Tom Cruise.

    Half of me despises him for being a short arsed cunt, the other half despises him for being a raving mad cunt.

  4. This cunt was at the Etihad Stadium for the Manchester Derby (his luvvie pal, Beckham got him in!). There are reds and blues up for it as ever: baying for each other’s blood, and it was a cracking game.Yet I saw this cunt on the telly when I got home: With that luminous tombstone teeth grin. Going on about it being his first “Soccer” game, expecting a penalty shoot-out (in a league fixture?! I fucking ask you!), and calling both teams “Manchester” and… err… “Manchester” (ie: the thick yank hubbarder fuckwit didn’t know which was which!). A 100% copper bottomed Hollywood twatteratii cunt!

  5. Only one post and a handful of (excellent) replies about one of hollywood’s biggest (HAHAHAHA) cunts? Jeezussing L. Ron Christ, the mental midget deserves more cuntognition than that, surely. He has been doing his best for years and proving his cuntaciousness without a moment’s lapse. Maybe we don’t notice because he makes it look so effortless. Perhaps Cunt is in his genes.

  6. Isn’t this the desperately sad fucker that sent out silver-plated replicas of his baby’s first turd?? Gee, just what I always wanted…

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