16 thoughts on “Fiona Phillips

  1. Fiona Phillips is pretty f’in hot in my book! She’s into her late 40’s now and to look the way she does, extensive make-up or not, is impressive.

    I’d seriously give her a good seeing to, and with a big smile on my face too!!

  2. Doc by that I take it you mean you stick 2 fingers in an pull out some rabbits, a chain of hankies and assorted other rubbish that magicians have stashed up their sleeves?…

    Which makes a change from the usual woman trick of firing out ping pong balls.

  3. I’m flabbergasted at how much lust this old hag inspires, why, she’s nearly as old as me!!! I just can’t stand being fucking chastised by her for not sponsoring an African child…..ok Phillips, so you sponsor one, but that’s your choice and I’m sure you are considerably richer than me. So just get off my back: even if I’d been toying with the idea of sponsoring an African child (which I haven’t), I certainly wouldn’t now, not after being spoken to in that tone……and while we’re about it, why don’t we deliver all chuggers unto cuntitude – the odd charity donation is no longer good enough, oh no, they want all our personal details so they can milk ‘£3 a month’ from our already malnourished bank accounts. Well, they can fuck off, I haven’t got two pennies left to rub together at the end of the month, not after I’ve fed all the snow leopards, giant pandas, mountain lions etc I’ve adopted. And my cat’s well pissed off: not only is he territorial, but some of those buggers see him as prey so he spends most of the day on the shed roof. Oh, and if £3 a month will feed a family of 17 Kenyans all I can say is somebugger somewhere is ripping us off – Morrisons, perchance? It’s a good job my husband is regularly left thousands of US dollars by deceased Nigerian relatives he didn’t know he had. All he has to do is give his bank account details. So the answer is no, Phillips, no – not now, not ever. Cunt.

  4. I bet she has pissflaps like John Waynes saddlebags and a fanny like a Welly Top.

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